HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-07-13, Page 7Four Years OW — Smokes Cigars Brenda Gail Phillipa Is only four but her favourite occupation is not playing with dolls but smoking strong cigars, When her father caught Brenda smoking a cigar he bought re- Gently, he sent for a doctor, ex- pecting the little girl would be terribly sick, Everyone was amazed when Brenda finished off the cigar, and then smilingly asked for an - ether! Doctors say thaat Brenda ap- parently lacks something in her system. They advise that she should be allowed tobacco once in a while, Her father didn't like the idea • of Brenda puffing away at cigars, however. To try to break her of the habit he gave her three strong cigars in succession. But she smoked them all — and then asked for morel Neighbours, a t Spart«mburg, South Carolina, often drop in to marvel at Brenda happily puffing away in her own small chair while watching television, Oysters Have Foes Over And Under Some people think the world is their oyster, but the starfish know that the oyster is their world, The conflicting philoso- phies have led to ferocious com- petition for oysters, with the starfish, in recent years, win- ning out, The starfish have two advantages: They are closer to the supply, and they don't ob- serve the "r" -less month rule, An average starfish can eat 10. to 20 bushels of oysters a year. One week, last month, on Long Island Sound, people struck back. Skindivers, 400 - strong, fetched up an estimated 25,000 starfish, saved an estimated 375,- 000'bu'shels of oysters for people to eat. • MERRY MENAGERIE meat 4: ` Well, it's'about time WE got a little consideration!" THE FACE OF WAR — A wounded Laotian soldier is carried to a vehicle for the trip to an aid station at Vientiane, Laos. He was among those wounded when the village of Padang fell to pro-Communist rebels recently, Where Every Kid Makes. The Team Baseball's dad, Abner Double- day, would probably thrill to the new mood that has come over his game on a number of dia- monds in Fort Wayne, Ind, A now league has just been. laundched in town, They call it the Wildcat League. It not only has teams, coaches, scrappy young players, bats, balls, sacks, plates • and mounds, distinctive T-shirts and caps, but it also has a significant philosophy. It ,appears to be such a sturdy and "pioneering ,philosophy, in fact, that other communities may ' want to try it out. Thw philosophy is simply this: everybody who comes out for 'a Wildcat League, team makes the team and gets in the game. That's it. Not so new? Perhaps not in essence; new, Certainly, on this scale It ,is a hopeful departure for the 81/2 -to -14 -year-old baseball set which, in recent years, has been caught in a flurry of highly organized leagues Which set out to build sportsmanship and ath, letic skill but which, somehow, seem frequently to have brought about as many tear -stained fre- ckles as jack -rabbit shortstops. Haw Babe Ruth Set That Record Every year, about this time, there is talk about this or that ball- player fracturing Babe Ruth's record of sixty homers in a single season. So here, just in case you like to keep tabs, is when, where and who -against, the Babe did it, The year, in case you've forgot- ten, was 1927. Homer Date Against 1 April 15 Ehmke, Philadelphia 2 23 Walberg, Philadelphia 3 24 Thurston, Washington 4 29 Harriss, Boston 5 May 1 Quinn, Philadelphia 6 1 Walberg, Philadelphia 7 10 Gaston, St. Louis 8 11 Nevers, St. Louis 9 17 Collins, Detroit 10 22 Karr, Cleveland 11 23 Thurston,Washington 12 28 Thurston, Washington 13 29 MacFayden, Boston 1.4 30 Walberg, Philadelphia 15 31 Ehmke, Philadelphia 16 31 Quinn, Philadelphia 17 June 5 Whitehill, Detroit 7:8 7 Thomas, Chicago 39 11 Buckeye„ Cleveland 20 11 Buckeye, Cleveland 21 12 Uhle, Cleveland 22 16 Zachary, St. Louis 23 22 Wiltse, Boston 24 22. Wiltse, Boston 25 30 Harriss, Boston 26 July 3 Lisenbee, Washington 27 8 Whitehill, Detroit 28 9 Holloway, Detroit 29 9 Holloway, Detroit 30 12 Shaute, Cleveland 31 24 Thomas, Chicago 32 26 Gaston, St. Louis 38 26. Gaston, St. Louis 34 28 Stewart, St. Louis 35 Aug. 5 G. Smith, Detroit City Made N. Y. Phila. Wash. Boston 36. 37 38 39 40 41. 42 43 N. Y. N. Y. St. L. St. L. Detroit Cleve. Wash. N. Y. N. Y. Phila, Phila. Phila. N. Y. N. Y. N, Y. N. Y. N. Y. N. Y. Boston Boston N. Y. Wash. Detroit Detroit Detroit Cleve, Chicago N. Y. N. Y. N. Y. N.Y. 10 Zachary, Washington 1Vash, 16 Thomas, Chicago Chicago 17 Connally,Chicago Chicago 20 Miller, Cleveland Cleve, 22 Shaute, Cleveland Clove. 27 Nevers, St. Louis St. L. 28, Wingard, St: Louis ., St. L. 31 Welzer, Boston N. Y. 44 Sept, 2 Walberg, Philadelphia Phila, 45 li Welzer, Boston _ Boston 46 6 Weiner, Boston .• ,,......•••.•'•"•,'•••'••Boston 47 6 Russell Boston Boston 48 7 MacFayden, Boston Boston 49 7 Harriss, Boston Boston 50 , 11 Gaston, 'St. Louis N. Y. 51 13 Eludlin, Cleveland .............••..,.,.,,,N. Y. 52 13 Shaute, Cleveland • N. Y. 53 16 Blankenship, Chicago 54 181.1'ybns, Chicago 55 21 Gibson, Detroit 56 22 Holloway, Detroit 57 27 Grove, Philadelphia 58 29 Lisenbee, Washington ............... . N. Y. 59 21) Hopkins, .Washington ............ ... N. Y. 60 30 Zachary, Washington N. Y. N. Y N. V. N. V. N. V. N. V. m Boys with hearts set .00 posi- tions on many of these well- known leagues across the coun- try have, in countless cases, dragged home hopelessly after tryouts to report that "they said I wasn't good enough to make the team," In some instances parents themselves have pulled off- spring out of games or off teams when competitive zeal among sideline adults got out of 'hand. A variety of unfortunate fric- tions have overshadowed set- tings originally conceived as training fields for wholesome ' teamwork and competition for young boys. It is against this somewhat unsettled background of organ- ized baseball for youngsters that Ford Wayne's Wildcat, League ap- pears so promising. - Dale W. MoMillen, Sr., one of the city's pioneer industrialists and,, inrecent years, one of its. most ardent boosters, has provid- ed financial support for the leagues. And he has set the guidelines for it too. He has reminded the people of Fort Wayne that the future of the community "rests in the hands of its youth and that ade- quate recreational opportunities arevital to their development as good citizens." "Because of our interest in youth," he continues, "we are sponsoring the 'Wildcat Baseball Leagues' which will offer an opportunity to play baseball for ALL boys of ages 83/4 -to -14 re- gardless of race, religion, or fin- ancial means. "Through these additional re- creational opportunities, a n d without interfering with any league now in existence, it is our desire to teach, train, and coach any youngster who cannot qual- ify for play in any league now organized. "This investment in youth is an investment in the future of our community. We know of no better way to help ensure its growth, prosperity and enrich- ment." White-haired 'and hard -driv- ing at. 81, Mr. McMillen consi- ders these leagues "the most im- portant thing I have ever done." Ten of Fort Wayne's best pub- lic and private school coaches have been hired to direct the teams; 10 carefully screened col- lege athletes and 10 of the city's top high school seniors will work as paid assistants, They have been instructed that the mission of the leagues is "the creation of a wholesome atmosphere for the players so that correct atti- tudes, habits, language ' usage, :and sportsmanship may be a di- rect outcome of their . partici- . potion in this program." The boys 'must tiny Wildcat caps and 'T-shirts but if . they cannot afford them they may do assigned chores to earn them, writes Robert Colby Nelson in the Christian Science Monitor: The league manual counsels them in the tenets of physical and mental fitness., "Don't clutter your mind with unclean, uncouth thoughts and ideas, Use it for worthwhile thoughts. "Learn the rules of the game and play according to them. A good sportsman never cheats. "Teamwork is' very important to every team. Bickering, argu- ing, fighting with teammates will help your team lose, "Never blame.. an umpire or a teammate or an opponent for your mistake or error. Admit your mistake or error — but don't repeat it," And tucked into a corner of the . Wildcat Baseball League'd handbook is Mr. McMillen's per- sonal, most cherished guidance: "Improve yourself every day, Beat your own record." CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING - goys' AND GIRLS' CAMPS BOYS AND GIRLS 8 to 15 can hays a wonderful one-week holiday at our Braeside Camp (near Paris, Ont.) under experienced. Christian supervision. The tow fee of $14 covers registration, rodXI, and board swimming and other sports, classes with handbooks, evening meet - children's ,'friend, Phyllis" ts, handcrafts Insurance and ether items. BOYS' week July 17 to 23. Girls' week July 24 to 30. For folders write the Camp Director, Ave. E. Hamilton, folders, Phot e FUlton 3.8681 or FUlton 3.8795. These Skin -Divers Got Well Skinned Working is only one way of earning a living, Far more at- tractive is that practised by a man called Tom Crichton, who erpises the Mediterranean in a 394on ketch, the Jack London, When funds are lbw he takes passengers, and that's where the fun Starts. At Palma, Majorca, on one occasion, a German calling himself a professor of archaeol- ogy hired the Jack London to take groups of amateur archae- ologists skin-diving. A week before the first were due to arrive, he turned up with s donkey cartfilled with, what looked like bomb rubb'e, but turned out to be earthen pots and bowls, broken or faulty rejects from a local pottery. "It is necessary to seed the ground," he explained, and pro- ceeded to "seed" various under- water sites around Palma Bay and elsewhere by chucking the stuff overboard. The first party of young Ger- man amateurs arrived with their frogmen's kits, and the ketch immediately set sail. 'The "professor" stood near the bow with a folio of centuries-old charts, calculating the best place to look for archaeological treas- ures, then got Crichton to anchor - at one of the seeded sites. In went the divers. Up came the first with a whoop, proudly waving a piece of cooking pot which the professor studied min- utely before ascribing a name and date to it. And so it went on. "What happens if these things are examined by experts when they're taken back to Germany?" Crichton asked. ' "Nothing happens because they don't get back to Germany," the professor explained. "Ancient rel- ics can't be taken out of Spain. We just gather them all together and present them to the curator 01 the local museum. As he is a special friend of mine he gives each of the boys a nice letter of appreciation." That is one of the strange and hilarious incidents recounted by Crichton in his recently publish- ed book: "Salt Water Vagabond." How Can I? By Roberta Lee Q. 310w can I insure the In- stant lighting of candles on a birthday cake? A. Prepare them ahead of time by applying a drop or two of fingernail polish to each wick, Q. How can I make the appli- cation of enamel easier and smoother? A. By placing your can of enamel in a pan of hot water for awhile before beginning our paint job. REGISTERED NURSES For 20 -bed, fully equipped, private hos. pital located in progressive town in Northwestern Ontario. Starting salary $275.00per month minimum to $325.00 maximum for three years' experience. Board and room in modern nurses' real. dance is supplied at no charge. Excel. lent employee benefits. Year-round rec. reational facilities.. Further particular. on request, Apply to Superintendent WILSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MARATHON, ONTARIO with details et experience, age, availability, and references, BABY CHICKS BRAY has many varieties started chicks available, prompt shipment. DaYolds to. order, Broiler chicks, order now, see ideal agent, or write Bray HetcherY, 100 John North, Hamilton, Ont, BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE FEED business, mill, bides., office, ex- tra storage sheds, double garage, pri- vate railroad siding $20,000 down. Hawkins Bros„ 16 Wakefield, Parry Sound. RI. 6.5233. BOAT marina, boat and motor rentals, bait le boats, 3 canoes, 5 motors new boathouse, 20'x36'; older boathouse 18'x40'; modern G -room house, large lot. See. fiord, Wilson, owner, Wasliago. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITY, for an active person with office or construction experience to participate In a year-round resort business, Minimum $3,001 requited for an unlimited future. Box 298, 123 -10th Street, New Toronto, Ont. COINS CASH for. your Coins. Giant 126 page. book, listing prices I' pay. Send 01,00,. refundable first purchase. Stanley &ap- kin, 1359 Coney Island Avenue, Brook- lyn 30, New York. WANTED, wanted coins, we're buying, no need to write, just send your coins insured. Enclose 250 stamps, Money order sent same day or your coins re- turned, Honest appraising. William Feyer, Coin Exchange, 161 Wyandotte Street East, Windsor, Ontario, CL. 2.8427. FISHING TACKLE GOING FISHING ? S -PIECE split bamboo all-purpose rod packaged with many extras. Packed in strong light -weight wooden box that merit dry, Complete and 7 95 keeps equip. . son Sales Reg'd., Box 1826. Place d'Armes, Montreal, FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE MOUNT Forest 28.45 thresher on rub- ber with Watson cutter 120 ft. drive belt and 18 ft. elevator, Also 30 Massey - Harris standard tractor. Both in ex- cellent condition. Arnold Rife, Rose - vole Road, Galt. FOR SALE -• MISCELLANEOUS CHAISE Lounge Cots $11,95. Camp. Stools — $1,90. Portable Water Soften- ers and Purifiers — $29.00. Barbecues— $9.95, Tape Recorders — $39.95. Other lines. Express Prepaid. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Cata- logue. TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING CO. FERGUS 18, ONTARIO HOUSE PLANTS AFRICAN VIOLETS LEAVES, Plants. Newest varieties. FREE list. Louise Johnson, Box 107W Hudson Heights, Que. MEDICAL READ THIS — EVERY SUFFERER OP, RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching scalding and burning ecze- ma, acne; ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.30 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1065 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO MONEY TO LOAN OPEN Mortgage Loans on . farms, homes commercial, etc. Fast service. Phone, write, or drop in. United County Investments Ltd., 3695 Bathurst St., Toronto. RU. 9-2125 MISCELLANEOUS AMAZING! Watch colorful Olin e r al Aquarium Gardens grow like Magic lEst $1.). Marino, 415 West 4411s, New York 36, New York. (100% Delight Guaranteed!) NUTRIA ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA When purchasing Nutria consider the followingpoints which this organize. Lion offers: 1. The best available stock, no cross• bred or standard types recommended. 2. The reputation of a plan which is proving dItself tisubstantiated by files of satisfied s f 3. Full insurance against replace. ment, should they not live or in the event of sterility (all fully explained in our certificate of merit.) 4 We give you only mutations which are In demand for fur garments, 5. You receive from this organization a guaranteed pelt market in writing. 6. Membership in our exclusive breeders' association, whereby only purchasers of this stock may partici. pate In the benefits so offered. 7. Prices for Breeding Stock start at $200 a pair. Special offer to those who qualify: earn your Nutria on our cooperative se2ufflLfd.,R.RN, Svie, Ontario. ISSUE 27 — 1961 oP INTRRRST SO AI,L PORTRAIT MINIATURES from negative or print. PPersonalize your tem, foamless with "Photostatne$ • 100 for .,2.00, 1Sortnoczy, 3116 Dose, Seattle 44, Washington, U.S.A. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN LADIES who like surprises.. A grab beg of costume jewelry, only $2.001 All new, Jewelry Grab Bag P.O. Box 387, Inde- pendenco, Missouri, U.S.A. OPPORTUNITIES ME NRAN DI WOMB FOR BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of snec050fIl Marvel Graduates, America's Greatest System IAtlstrated. Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 .Moor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St IV., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL UNWANTED HAIR VANISHED away with Saca•Pcio, Seca. Febo Is differentit does not dissolve or remove hair from the surface, but penetrates and retards growth of un- wanted hair, Lor -Beer Lab. Ltd. 5 670 Granville. Vancouver 2, B.C. PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. Films developed and 8 magna prints 400 12 mains prints 611e Reprints 5c each. KODACOLOR Developing roll 90c not including nso1ar3extra. and Color 5 each ex- posures mounted in slides 01.20 Color Prints from slides 35e each. Money re- funded in full for unprinted negatives. PROPERTIES FOR SALE FRANKFORD, Ont.; 6 rooms, all Iowa conveniences, large lot near Trent River; terms. Contact J ,IV. Summers, Colborne Ont. or call Colborne 66, evgs ALBERTA 640 ACRES West of Edmonton an Jasper Highway, Ideal for two families or one large family. Year round work. Pulpwood Pulpmill nearby, Good demand for pulpwood at good prices. Start to make money first day. Land price from $25 to $90 per acre. Terms cash or ex- change for property nearby. For in- formation write Mr, Frank Bosse, 43 Regent St. Toronto 2, Ont. or phone EM 8.3000 REMAILING SERVICE LAS VEGAS Color Post Cards! Four for $1. Ten for $2. You address, we remelt Free! Western Ways, Box 2109, Las Vegas, Nevada. STAMPS _ 100 MIXED Australian stamps for 254 - We supply stamps to fill your Domin- ion store's stamp albums. Write Sutton, 1927T Upper James, Hamilton. SUMMER RESORTS HOLIDAY IN Ronnechere Valley heart of Ren- frew County Good fishing, beaches, sight-seeing Write EGANVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EGANVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA SEE THE WONDERFUL SUNSETS New Hotel Belvedere SITUATED on wind-swept bluffs, over- looking 30 000 Islands. Georgian Bay. Golf. tennis, fishing, bathing. Rooms with private bath; rooms with private toilet. All rooms with hot and cold running water. Beautyrest mattresses. Meals. tops. BOOKLET—A. G. PEEBLES, MGR. PARRY SOUND, ONTARIO PHONE RIVERSIDE 0.5581 AND RIVERSIDE 6.9990 TEACHERS WANTED REQUIRED for R.C.S.S. No. 1. Tisdale, South Porcupine, TWO TEACHERS AND ONE PRINCIPAL For 0 -classroom Separate School. J. V. GERVAIS, SEC.-TREAS. BOX 367 SOUTH PORCUPINE, ONT TEACHERS WANTED BY SIOUX LOOKOUT Separate School Board Far Grades 4, 5, and 7. ,STARTING salary for first-class certi- ficate $3,400 with yearly increment of slot. WITH application please state qualifi- cations, experience r.nd the name and address of your last ln,pcetor APPLY to: MR. L. C. BOWER, SEC: TREAS. R. C. SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD BOX 330, SIOUX LOOKOUT, ONT. TRADE SCHOOLS LEARN I.B.M. OPERATION WIRING ALSO KEY PUNCH TYPING NOT ESSENTIAL INTERNATIONAL DATA PROCESSING INSTITUTE 135 KING ST. E., HAMILTON PHONE JA, .01100 UP -SEE -DAISY Able to lift a loaded truck trailer off a freight car like a child playing with a model train, this newly developed machine was shown in a preview at freight terminal this month. The 3d -ton capacity fork=lift Is the latest development in the new field crf piggy- backing. Cars are new loaded from ramps.