HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-07-13, Page 4LAST CROP--l'aul Doig was cutting the last crop of bay on the west half of his farm cast of .Lgmonclville when this picture was taken the other day. As soon as the hay is off the land will be plowed and seeded in suitable grass. This was the second year for this catch of hay and it was an excellent crop this year. CONSTANCE The W, A. and WAIS, of Con- stance U. C. held their regular meeting Tuesday evening in the basement of the church, Mrs. L. Lawson opened the IV A. meeting with hymn 152 followed with the Lord's Prayer, Rev. H, Funge was present •and helped form the Provisional Committee visited Sunday with Mr. and for United Church Women with George Leitch, two members from W. A. being Mrs. George Cole and Doris of Mrs, Reg. Lawson and Mrs, Ross Flint, Mich,, are visiting with MacGregor and from the WMS., Mrs, D. Milison, Mrs. Don Buchanan and Mrs. Miss Margie. Whyte visited Wm. Jewitt. Minutes were read last week with her friend Miss by the Sec., Mrs. Frank Riley, Jean Watson of Stratford. and who also expessed greetings Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Dale and from Mrs. Nottingham of Lad- family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ner, B.C., whom she had recently Jewitt attended the County Coun- visited. Mrs. Riley also thanked cil picnic last Wednesday at the the ladies for looking after the Harbour Park, Goderich, church during her absence. Card Holiday visitors at the home of thanks was read from Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator John Crozier (nee Helen Men- and family are Dwight and Rich - wain), $25 was moved to be sent and Jennison of Grand Bend; to Christian Homes. Darlene Webb of Dashwood and Mrs. W. L. Whyte presided ov- Billie Jennison of Grand Bend. er the VMS and opened with Last week Miss Linda Press - hymn 101, Minutes were read cator spent holidays with her and correspondence. A letter of cousin Miss Julie Ann Elliott of thanks from Fred Victor Mission Staffs.. for bale sent from WMS. Roll Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vander Call for Aug. will be a special Molan and Paul spent the week - collection for the "Mrs. Hansauld end at the W. L. Whyte home Memorial" Treas. report was gi- and also visited the latter's fa- xen and the next meeting will ther, Mr, W. L. Whyte, who is a be held on the regular date Aug. patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon - 9th, Mrs Whyte thanked the com- don. mittees and all who helped at the open meeting, The worship part of the meeting was taken on "Unity" with Mrs. Whyte giving comments and words regarding Mission Work at home. Mrs. Mil- lson read scripture from John 17: 20-26 followed with prayer by Mrs. L, Lawson, Hymn 113 was sung and the meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt and family visited with relatives on Sunday at Forest, James Medd and family upon the Mr. Borden Brown, Joyce and passing of Mr. Medd. Elaine and Miss Glenyce Jewitt attended the L.O.L. celebration at Milverton on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Woods and Debbie of Ajax and Miss Norma MacDonald of Allenford are holi- daying with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Livingston and Mrs. B. Medd of Seaforth rs. Fred Buchanan and the boys and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Buchanan of North Surrey B.C.,' visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John MacDougal of RR 5, Strat- ford. Holiday visitors at the W. L. Whyte home this week are Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Woodruff of St. David's, Miss Jean Watson of Stratford and Master Ted bee of of Seaforth. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. KIPPEN Mr, Aut. Russell and daughter Nancy of Sault St. Marie visited last week With Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGregor and family, Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs, Norman Dickert included; Mr, and, Mrs, Edgar Wald of List- owel; Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Dick - ort, "Garth and Bruce, Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Jacques, of Clifford and last week Mr, and Mrs. Em- erson Dickert, Clifford. The Cooper family held a fam- ily reunion Sunday at Lions Park Seaforth, About 3.0 were in at- tendance. Supper was served and everyone had. a pleasant after - Mr, and Mrs. John C, Doig of Grand Rapids, Mieh„ Mrs. Lydia. Doig and Janet of Clinton visit- ed Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. N. Long, The Baby Band and Mission Band picnic of St, Andrew's Un- lied Church was held at Lions Park, Seaforth, on Thursday af- ternoon, July 6 with a good at- tendance, Hostesses were Miss Dorothy Turner and Mrs. Rosa Broadfoot, In charge of sports were Mrs. Harold Jones and Mrs, Laird Finlayson. Winners were as follows: 5 years and Hader, David Lovell, Billy Cpnsitt; 6 to 8 years, Ka- thy Hendrick, Karen Hendrick; girls 9 to 11 years, Gwen Hen- drick, Joan Sinclair; boys 9 to 11, Kenneth Jones, Douglas McKay; girls 14 years and under, Marjor- ie Turner, Gwen Hendrick; re- lay race, 'Mrs, Hugh Hendrick's team; youngest baby, Jeffrey McKay; youngest grandmother, Mrs. John Sinclair; lady with most buttons on dress, Mrs. Bob Elgie, A candy scramble ended the sports. A delicious picnic supper followed, Table commit- tee were as follows: Mrs. John Anderson and Mrs. John Sinclair, It was decided to hold the Sun- day School picnic on July 24th. The congregation of St. And- rew's United Church and rela- tives and friends of Miss Eileen McLean, popular bride -elect of Saturday, July 15, honoured her at a miscellaneons shower Mon- day evening at the church. The church was tastefully decorated with yellow mums, delphiniums, and pink roses, Mrs. Hugh Hen- drick acted as chairman for the evening and Mrs, Ross Broad- foot, pianist. After a short program which was opened by "0 Canada", a piano solo by Gwen Hendrick and a reading by Mrs. Alex Mc - Beath. A contest was conducted by Mrs. Lloyd Cooper and Mrs. Tom Penhale. The following par- aded and displayed comic hats worn by. Mrs, John Anderson, Debby Anderson, Mrs. Wilmer Jones, Marion Turner, Mrs. L. Cooper, Mrs. T. Penhale, Mrs. Bert Faber, Dianne Faber, Gwyn Jones, and Wendy Jones. Piano solo, Joan Sinclair; reading, Mrs. Alex MCBeath, "The Queen". Mrs. Hendrick invited Eileen to come forward and sit in a pret- tily decorated chair with pink umbrella overhead, An address was read by Mrs. Lloyd Cooper and gifts presented ' �} a - One rev •:: y to avoid a traffic accident this weekend is to stay home on the porchW But if you are planning to get out in the family car and go somewhs;a you con help prevent accident, by travelling at a safe speed by obeying traffic signs and signers by leaving a safe distance between your car and the one ahead by signalling your intentions well in cdvanco by core and courtesy if you do stay home, make sure the rocking chair is is gond repair!!! Co-operators his irsa¢e Assinl it 3 Wmc .'S� -� •-z..�':�_.'B*tea .-.�.w-..�'^ �., +.. .µ ,^t,�a�. _-. �G...s =Fur'-.- •,. FREEZERS FOR SALE Used Equipment ONE WALK IN BOX 6 foot x 8 foot x 6 foot Blower coil and unit installed $475 One eight -foot Frozen Food Case One ten -foot Meat Case One six-foot Meat Case Tyler Store Equipment Check-out Counters Scotsman Ice Cube Machines . ...... •.s. ' ,;r.. ,., ,,:. � cam- . � :.. Bruce Rerig eration PHONE 224 GRAND BEND by Kathy and Karen, Hendrick, Dianne Faber and Wendy Jones. Eileen thanked everyone for be-; ing so very hind and generous, inviting all to visit her in her new home in Seaforth. Her nto.' tiler, Mrs. Allan Johnson invited the. ladies to a trousseau tea on Wednesday. A delicious lunch Was served. The affair was ar- ranged by. Mrs, Wilmer Jones, Mrs, John Anderson, Mrs. Bert Faber, lrfrs. H. Hendrick, Mrs. L. Cooper and Mrs. T. Penhale, Miss Mae Somerville of Winni- peg is visiting the month of July with her friends, Mr: and Mrs. Nelson Hood and Joyce, STAFFA Mrs, Douglas Hutchinson was honored at several presentations prior to her wedding in Chisel - burst United Church on July 8. She is the former June Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Ross, RR 1, Staffs., ' The women of Chiselhurst Church arranged a miscellaneous shower at the bride's home. An address was, read by Miss Mary Kinsman, and gifts, were pre- sented by Joanne Ross and Di- anne Sararas. Displaying the bride's trousseau and wedding gifts were Miss Elaine Ross, Mrs. Alfred Ross Jr. and Mrs. William Dawson, Arranging the shower were Mrs. Roy MacDonald, Mrs. Earl Kinsman and Mrs..Claren,ce Coleman: Friends and neighbors of the 'community numbering about .70 held a miscellaneous shower at the bride's home with Miss Eliz- abeth Smale presenting the gifts. Mrs. William Batson, Mrs. Bruce Armstrong and Mrs, Alex Miller arranging the shower. Displaying the trousseau and the wedding gifts were Miss Beth Christie and Mrs. Donald Dodds. Mrs. Ann McDonald was host- ess at a surprise shower at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. John Mark, Oxford St., London, where. the bride-to-be was presented with a coffee percolator and a steam iron. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Whitcroft of London entertained at a party in honor of the bride and bride- groom, when a set of ovenware was presented to them. Mrs. Donald Dodds, Seaforth, arranged a pantry shower for the bride, The presentation address was read by Mrs. Donald Horton. The teachers at Northview School, Byron, where Mrs. Hutch- inson was on the staff, presented her with a gift at a barbecue held at Springbank Park. Mrs, Lloyd Miller, Ronnie and Dianne, Mrs. Lorne Elliott, Glen and Larry, Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Miller and Paul and Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman and fam- ily attended the Chalmers' Reun ion in Riverside Park, Exeter, on Sunday afternoon. Miss Linda Preszcator visited for a week with Julie Ann Elliott, Sharon and Michael O'Brien from Flint, Mich„ are' holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan, Exeter, visited on Thursday with Mr. and `Mrs. Lloyd Miller and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller, of Cromarty, visited recently with Miss Margaret and James Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Will Sparks, of Seaforth, visited on Tuesday with Mrs. E. Templeman. CROMARTY Mrs. Donald V. McKellar and sons Donald and Duncan of Phoenix, Arizona, and Mrs. Dan McKellar and. son Russell of Buf- falo visited -last week with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Miller and other relatives, Miss Caroline Kumm, nurse - in -training at Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital, visited on Thursday with Miss Margaret Jean Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Len Houghton, Leonard, Gordon and Peter of Teeswater were Sunday visitors with Mrs. M. Houghton. Miss Jo Anne McKinley of Til- bury is holidaying with Mrs. Cal- vin Hulley. Miss Joan King of Windsor was a weekend visitor with Miss Margaret Ann Wallace. Mrs. Joe Drummond and Mr. Geo. Tuf fin of Wheatley visited on Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace visited recently at' the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace, of Carlingford. Mr. David Scott returned home on Sunday after spending a few weeks with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.. Hugh Moore of near Lindsay. Several of the connection from Cromarty attended the Scott re- union at the Mitchell Recreation- al centre on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner and Miss Karen Scott visited friends at Rostock on Sunday. A gathering of the Russell family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Russell on Sunday, July 2nd, the guest of honor being Miss Florence Rus- sell of Mitchell who is leaving shortly for a tour of the British Isles and Germany, where she will teach at the RCAF base at Zweibruekgr for two years. The guests were from Toronto, Ham- ilton, Mitchell, Russeldale, Full - First Presbyterian and Northside United Churches Joint Summer Services IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10 A.M. Sunday School ms. respective. churches. 'Nursery school will meet during morning worship 11 A.M, Rev, J. C, Britton Everyone Welcome anon and Staffs. Mr. Paul Scott of Hespeler, who had charge of the church service On Sunday was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Car- ter Kerslake. The Vacation Bible School Op- ened in Cromarty Church Mon- day with an attendance of 88, Mester Richard, Binning, Mit- chell spent a few holidays with Craig Kerslake. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Laing, Lorraine and David visited Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs, Floyd Stewart and family of the South Boundary. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton and Mr, and Mrs, Cliff, Miller and Paul attended the Chalmers re- union at Riverside Park, Exeter, on Sunday. The July meeting of the WMS was held at the home of Mrs, Wm. Harper with M's, Grace Scott presiding. She opened the meeting with a poem followed with scripture and prayer. Mrs. K. McKellar had charge of the Study Book, the subject was "Women, of the Bible" with Mrs. Calder McKaig assisting. The topic was given by Mrs. Sadie Scott and Mrs. M, Houghton gave current events. The ,,president, Mrs. McKaig conducted thebusi- ness. The meeting closed with ;the Glad Tidings prayer, by Mrs. T. Laing. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess assisted' by Mrs, M. Lammond and Mrs. T, L. Scott. WALTON Twenty-four ladies answered the roll call at the July meeting of the Walton WMS on July 6 in the church schoolroom. Mrs. D. Watson presided and Mrs. M, Baan was pianist. The singing of hymn- 348 opened the meeting and Mrs, Watson led in prayer. The McKillop group had charge of the devotional period. Mrs. G. McGavin gave the meditation and prayer. Mrs, N. Schade gave the topic, the last chapter of the study book, Mrs, C. Wey and Mrs. E. McCreath sang a duet ac- companied by Mrs. Watson. Mrs. T. Dundas gave the secre- tary's report and Mrs. J. Clark, the Treasurer's report, Members of the Baby Band and their mothers are to be entertain- ed at the August meeting at the home of Mrs. E. Mitchell. The meeting closed with pray- er by Mrs. J. Bosman. Mrs. N. Reid chaired the W.A. meeting and opened by all sing- ing hymn 498 followed by prayer. Mrs. R. Bennett read the min- utes and thank you, cards from Mrs. J. Leeming and the Victor Home in Toronto. Mrs. A. Coutts gave the treasurer's report. A picnic was planned for July 13th St 7 p.m. in the park. Everyone to bring a pass -around lunch and their own cups. Rev. A. Higgins botham and members of YPU to be in charge of sports. Meeting closed with prayer. Mission Band Eric Williamson acted as Pres- ident for the July meeting of the Mission Band held in the church basement last Sunday morning. Hymn 623 "Jesus Loves Me" was sung with Mary Leeming as pi- anist. The 'primary children sang an extra verse wihch they had learned in Sunday School. Eric read the Call to Worship taken from Psalm 66: 1-2, and hymn 614 "When lie Cometh" was sung. John Muir read the scrip- ture taken from Mat. 25: 14-21. The leader, Mrs. Walter Bewley explained the scripture and ask- ed the children to use their tal- ents wisely. She also reminded the children that our offering this year went to help provide Bibles for people in other coun- tries. Karen Coutts led in pray- er. Bruce Clark and Larry Wal- ters passed the offering plates and Eric Williamson dedicated the offering with prayer. Bru,ce Clark read the treasurer's report and stated that $49 had been sent to the Pres. Treas. so far this year. Jack McCall read the minutes of last meeting. Eric Williamson conducted the busi mess. There will be no meeting in August. The September meet- ing will have Beverley McCall read the scripture, Helen Searle lead in prayer, and Karen Mc- Donald play the piano. Classes were conducted by Miss Mona Clark, Mrs. A, Clark, Mrs. G. McGavin, Mrs. N. Marks. Hymn 588 "God sees the little Sparrow Fall" was sung and the meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction Mrs. Wilfred Shortreed under- went an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, last week. Miss Joan Ryan R. N. of Mon- treal is holidaying with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ry- an. Mr. Carl Coutts returned to London on Monday after spend- ing the past week with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coutts. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rutledge and family of London spent the weekend with Mrs. Margaret Humphries, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett. Miss Jessie McLaughlin of Windsor is spending -a few weeks with her cousin, Mrs. A. McCall and. Mr. McCall. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Watson,' Donna and Davey of Sarnia spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Robert MoMieliael. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in Duff's United Church next Sun- day morning with Rev, A. Hig- ginbotham conducting the ser- vice. The members of Duff's United Church will hold their annual picnic in the Community Park, Thursday evening, July 13. Bring a basket lunch and your own cup. Miss Ruth Ennis R.N. of Kit- chener spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. bong Ennis, THE. SEAPORT H NEWS (Phone $4)—Thursday, July 13, 1961 SUMMER DISCOUNT FARES save you money when two CN SUMMER TRAIN FARES in Canada are the lowest in years. You get a big, friendly discount for the second adult in your party ... and the third ... and the fourth ... and so on ... when travelling beyond a basic minimum. On rail coach, the discountforthose travelling with you is a big 40%. GENEROUS REDUCTIONS also apply on tourist and first class when two or more adults travel together. ASK ABOUT other discounts on CN's all`inclusive travel to Western Canada and the Maritimes. GO CN...together...and save. For Information and reservations contact your nearest C.N. agent. 764; Canadian National, What's so different about T -D Travellers' Cheques? •. 'All Canadian banks sell Travellers' Cheques so that you can avoid the necessity of carrying large amounts of cash with you when you go away on a holiday or a business trip. But when you buy your Travellers' Cheques from your Toronto -Dominion branch, you get not just a convenient banking service, but something extra, too - a genuinely interested and helpful attitude on the part of the people in "The Bank". Our accountants are the MOST HELPFUL you'll find There's nothing complicated about arranging the purchase of Travellers' Cheques'. . , George Czukar, Accountant -at our Yonge and Hayden branch in Toronto has done it hundreds of times. Chances are he'll get just as excited about the trip you're going to take as you are ... and he'll advise you as to the best and most effective way to handle your Travel- lers' Cheques. He'll do this with "a smile and perhaps even a little envy. We can tell you one thing for sure. Your trip to "The Bank" to buy Travellers' Cheques will be a very pleasant experience indeed. • But it doesn't really matter what banking service you need, you'llfind people like George behind the counter of every Toronto -Dominion branch across Canada. They're friendly, helpful and efficient. They take a great deal of pride in the kind of service they have to offer. Meet them soon and discover for yourself how much . PEOPLE MAKE THE DIFFERENCE AT TORONTO"DOMINION :BAN�Cr THE DANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD THE W. C. MOORE, Manager Seaforth Branch -4, Miss Claire Hackwell Of Lon- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull don, visited over the weekend returned home last week from with Mr and Mrs T Hackwell Brandon Manitoba