The Seaforth News, 1961-07-06, Page 4ELECTRICITY all around the clock... In order to assess future requirements accurately so that we can serve you better, we ask your co-operation in compiling certain basic facts on the local use of electricity in the home. The information we receive from our customers will be valu- able in developing future facilities. Please return the pre -addressed and postage -paid form mailed to you by July 15th, You will then get a chance on a free draw for an electric blanket. Seaforth Public Utility Commission Seaforth Public School Report GRADE 8 TO GRADE 0 Award of Merit in Grade 8, Jim Scott. honours-- Powell, Pamela; Scott, Jim; Turnbull, Janet. Pees Bemiewiee, fearrY (les.); Britton, David; Camp- bell, Kerry; Carter, Leslie; Con- nell, Ellen; Cosford, Robert Dobeon, Christie; Eaton, Glen ul ne; Gail Rec.) Hal. Jre Ford,( ), kirk, Brian; Hemberger, Marian; Kruse, George; Kruse, Richard (Ree.); Lane, Lynda; MacLen- nen, Wm.; Matheson, Faye; Mo. Lean, Mary . Senn; McElwain,. James; Moore Cheryl; Moore, Wendy; Sills, Darlene; Wallace, Judy; Wilbee, Peter; Willmnsen, June; Wright, Douglas; Wylie, Rod, J. W, Talbot, Principal. GRADE '7 TO GRADE 8 Honours _ Chesney, Barbara; Longstaff, Barbara; MacLennan, Susan; Spittal, Paul; Stewart Bryan. Pass — Adams, Yvonne; Beat- tie, Paul; Bennewies, JoAnne; Boshart, Bill; Boshart, Jane; Brady, Bruce; Broome, Brian; Coleman, Joan; Cosford, Sally; Dinsmore, Shirley; Drage'', Har- vey; Elliott, Marie; Garrett, Gor- don; Gorwin, Ruth; Holland,. John; Hoover,Joan; Hugill San- dra; Jessome, Bernie; Kelland, Joyce; Knetsch, Fred; Lamont, Mary; MacLean, Murdo; Mueg• ge, Judy; Nixon, Lynn; Oke, El- aine; Smith, Madelyne; Watson, Bob; Wright, Blaine, Mr. Morton, Teacher. GRADE 6 TO GRADE 7' Honours — Brady, Stephen; Dalrymple, Doug; Gorwill, Jean; Hoggarth, Mary; Malkus, Vida; Nicholson, Gary. Pass — Bowering, Correne; Brugger, Frank; Carnochan, Bill; Coleman, John; Fry, Wendy; Gray, Gary; (Hildebrand, Paul; Hulley, Don; Kling, Peter; La- mont, arnont, Sandy; Little, Clarence; McLean, Alan; McLlwain, Larry; Montgomery, Jim; Moore, Kerry; Moore, Mary Ellen; Muegge, Lin- da; Powell, Robbie; Rivers, Ann; Rowat, Sheila; Scott, Cheryl; Westerveld, Jane Mrs. Boussey, Teacher. GRADE 5 TO GRADE 6 Honours — Cornish, Jane; Flood, Sheila; Hodgert, Bryan; Lauritsen, Ulla, Pass — Ball, Joe; Barker, Pat- sy; Beattie, Janet; Bettger, Da- vid; Beuttenmiller, Gordon; Bey- non, Rosemary; Bray, Douglas; Fischer, Brian; Govenlock, Neil; Kruse, Gene; Malcolm, Moira; Miller, Debbie; Moore, Penny; McLean, John; Nixon, Jim; Price, Myles; Reeves, George (Rec.); Scott, Wayne; Smith, Ann; Southgate, Bill; Talbot, Sharon; Taylor, Bedford; West- erveld, Blaine; Wilbee, Ted; Wright, Lynn. Miss Turnbull, Teacher. GRADE 4 TO GRADE 5 Honours — Box, Barbara; Cor- nish, Peggy; Hoover, Linda; Matzold, Melannie; Turnbull, Christine; Wilbee, Bruce; Wil- son, Muriel; Wilson, Ruth Ann. Pass — Adair, Doris; Bell, Carol; Bennewies, Roger; Brady, David; Carnochan, Grant; Car- ter, Stewart; Dalrymple, Jim; Dennis, Brenda; Eaton, Brenda; Eisler, Cindy; Gray, Keith; Har- vey, Ian; Henderson, Karen; Hu- ber, Wayne; Matheson, Glenda; McKellar, Garry; McLean, Gord- on; Munroe, Faye; Smith, Char- lie; Watterworth, Jeanette. Mrs Kay, Teacher. GRADE 4 TO GRADE 5 Pass - Beuereuum, Heather; Bennewlee, Danny; Borden, Den- ny; Elliott, Mary; Lament, Bruce; Loney, Wayne; Mont- gomery, Gary; Muegge, Leonard;. Rowat, Jisu; Smith, Stephen; Southgate, Paul; Townsend, Bonnie, GRA12E s TO GRADE 4 Honours --- Boshart, Eleanor; Doig, Carol Ann; Malkus, Beata; McLean, Mary Ann; Patterson, Dianne; Roberton,, Elaine; Wal. tens, Judy; Williams, Arlene. Pass-Boussey, .Billy; Broome, David; Bryans, Barbara;. Corn- ish, Danny; Knetsch, Margaret; McLean, Margie;' Moore, Billy; Snowdon, Jisn, Mfrs, Ells, Teacher. GRADE 2 TO GRADE 3 Honours -- Mary Ball; Mark Ranson; Lorraine Townsend. Pass Larry Broome; Ruth Dunlop; Leif Lauritsen; Cindy MacDonald; Lois Muegge; Dan- ny Muir; Wilma Westerveld, GRADE 3 TO GRADE 4 Honours—Dianne Dalton. Pass --Ray Dennis, Charlynn Fry, Ronnie Hopper, Judy Hul- ley, Nancy Hulley, David Long - staff, Paul Muir, Janice Powell, Brian Price, Helen S allows, Charlie Scott, Robert Taylor, Al- lan Wilbee. (Rea) Bobby Wal- lace. Miss McLlwain, Teacher. ' GRADE 2 TO GRADE 8 Honours—Doig, Gail; Gorwill, John; Harvey, David; Hodgert, Brenda, Pass — Bell, Laurie; Bettger, Donnie; Bray, Sheila; Carno- chan, Bob; Dalrymple, Ronnie; Dalton, Roy; Henderson, Ron- nie; Hildebrand, Douglas; Hol- land, Jim; Huber, Barry; Kruse, Laurie; McKellar, Paul; Mac- Lean, Lynn; McLean. Stewart; Malcolm, Bruce; Mennell, Ray; Munro, Mac; Onbelet, Ralph; Park, Larry; Rivers, Jim; Swan, Nancy; Wallace, Bonnie; Wet- terworth, Mao; Wilson, Anita; Wylie, Valerie, Miss Elder, Teacher, GRADE 1 TO GRADE 2 Honours — Bowerigg, Elva; Crawford, Tommy; Hoover, Doug; Malkus, Monica. — Ball, Akker, Tony; Elizabeth; Beattie, Peter; Boyes, Janet; B r i g h t r al l Cathy; Broome, Kevan; Dalton, New- ton; Dalton, Ronnie; Dodds, Su- san; Doig, Ken; Dolmage, Beth; Glanville, Doug; Holland, Cam; Hopper, Joan; MacMillan, David; l oClinchey, Dianne; McLean, Kathie; McNaughton, . Patsy; Miller, Vicki; Montgomery, Bob: Moore, John; Muir, Barbara; Oke, Mary; Scott, Valerie; Turn- bull, Marlene; Wilbee, Anne; Wood, Ralph; Wood, Randy. Mrs. Mason, Teacher. KINDERGARTEN TO GRADE 1 Andersen, Cheryl; Bell, Lee; Bowie, Lynn; Beynon, Cather- ine; Bowering, Patricia; Butt, Glenda; Campbell, Dennis; Corn- ochan, Alan; Cornish, Dean; Dale, Terry; De Groot, Joanne; Dungey, Brenda; Dupee, Larry; Eisler, Gary; Fry, Donna; Glen- ville, Brian; Hammond, Donna; Henderson, Kevin; Hildebrand, brand Joan;' Hulley, Penny; Huber, Jack; Iszacovics, Barbara; Jes- some, Silby; Kruse, Heather; Little, Barbara; Loney, Debbie; Malkus, Donna; McClinchey, Randy; McConney, Denise; Mc- Kaig, Jean; MacMillan, Brian; Munroe, Gayle; Munroe, Gary; Noble, Mary; Salisbury, Bill; Swan, Kenneth; Wilbee, Joan; Wright, John; Whitelaw, Bill; Smith, Gerald; Smith, Bill; Schnook, Janice; Stewart, Ca- thie. Mrs. Boswell, Teacher, Report of St. James' 1 ST, COt~UMBAN Miss Marlon McIver, Detroit, with Mr, and Mrs: William Mc - Ivor; Miss. Rets Kennedy in St, Augustine, with Mr, end Mrs, Bill Kinnahun. Mr. end Mrs. Bea Flanagan and Greg, Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. V, J. Lane, Joe Downey, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eckert, Joe Sloan, Detroit; Gerald Sloan, Cobourg; and Toni Sloan, Napanee; with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doyle and baby, Misses Anne and Helen Maloney, London, with Mr. aed Mrs, Frank Maloney. Mrs, Van Doornik, Holland is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Vogels, Mrs. Grant Bailey and family, Detroit; Mr, end Mrs. Ken Bat- son, and. Carol, Forest; Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Connor and chil- dren, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John Fawcett, London, with Mr. and Mrs. J..1, Holland. Lou Murray, Misses Mary Ruth and Betty Ackroyd, Toron- to,. with Mr, and Mrs, Michael Murray, Miss Mary Malone, Windsor, with Mr, and Mrs. Joe Malone, Mr, and Mr's. Jerry Eckert, and daughter, Owen Sound, with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dalton, The July meeting of the local council of the C.W.L. was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Thomas Kale with 3 members present, The President, Mrs, A, Cronin, presided and op- ened the meeting with the league prayer, Minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Toni Kale. The 1st Vice. Pres., Mrs. Nora Maloney reported 96 paidup members. Mrs, Jack Lane gave the treasurer's report. It was an- nounced that silverware has been purchased and stamped, Mrs. J. McIver and Mrs. J. Murphy vol- unteered to care for the altars during the month of August. The plans for the supper to be held July 19 were discussed, and final d Rev.Fa- ther made. arrangements ther Coughlin gave an interest- ing talk, and congratulated the ladies on their work and co-op- eration. A mystery prize donat- ed by Mrs. Emmett Malone was won by Mrs. Clarence Ryan. Mrs. Frank Bowman moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Kale for the use of her home. The meet- ing adjourned and closed with a prayer, Lunch was served by the corinnittee'in charge. Separate School GRADE 1 TO GRADE 2 John Arts, Herbert Broome, Peter De Groot, Jean Devereaux, Donald Etue, Timothy Hoff,, Dan- iel Hough, Peter Huyben, Kenny Jasimaat, John Jansen, John Lansink, Michael McNichol, Gary Nash, Ann Nobel, Steven Coster- bosch, TOM Swinkles, Rosemary VendenHenget; Josephine Wil. lesns, TO GRADE 3 Arts, Joanne; Aubin, Mary; Devereaux, Neil; Devereaux, Ter- esa; Devereaux, 'Phomas; Groo- thiiis, Henk; Heynebergen, Jack; Janmaet, Luke; Ieunz, William; Malone, Patrick; Mero, Vernon; Nigh, Cathy; Segerens, Mary A.; Sills, Jane; Van Loon, Mary; Van Miltenberg,, Corrine; Ver- berne, Hendrina; Bannon, Jas.; FIeynshergen, Marla; Huyben, Mary Anne; Jansen, Rudy; Jim - some, Carol; Travaglione, Lea- na; Zilor, Patricia; Phillips, Nancy. TO GRADE 4 Bannon, Michael; Bedard, Lynda; Devereaux, Anne M,; Eckert, John; Eckert, Robert; Flannery, Joseph; Fleming, Di- ana; Grootiiuis, Sohn; Hagen, Flora; FIalpin, Diane; Huyben, Annie; Johnson, Bonnie; Kuns, Teresa; McConnell, John; Mc- Curdy, Wine McGrath, Jas.; Mc- Grath, Mary A.; Nigh, Patricia; Ran, Mary J,; Swinkels, Nellie; Vanderzon, Elizabeth; Van Mil- tenberg, John. GRADE 4 TO GRADE 5 Maureen Bannon;' Rosemary Bedard; Angela Devereaux; Bri- an Leonhardt; Patricia Nigh; Douglas Phillips; Billie Price; Dawna Reynolds; Paul Reyn olds; Mary Swinkles; Mary. Claire Trach; Anthony Van Loon; Arnold Van Miltonburg. GRADE 5 TO GRADE 6 Patricia Etue; Yvonne Feeney; Patrick Flannery; Rosemary Fleming; Mary Hagan; Paul Hoff; Sharon Johnson; Joyce Kehn; Louise Kenny; Maryanne Runs; Jane McConnell; . David Nigh; Robin Phillips; Joanne Van Miltonburg; Maria Van Loon; Maria Willems GRADE 6 TO GRADE 7 Gary Bannon; Patricia Ban- non; Rose Brady; Ray Dever- eaux; Phyllis Feeney; Paul Ha- gan; Dianne Lansink, Susan Leonhardt; Thomas Malone; Monica McCurdy; William Mc- Grath, Harry Mero; Patrick Mur- ray; James Phillips; Mary Ann Phillips; Fergus Quinn; Gregory Rau; John Ran; Julianne. Rau; Mary Sills; John VandenHengel; Joanne Van Vught; Gerda Wil- lem; John Willem. GRADE 7 TO GRADE 8 Alice Bannon; Dianne Burns; Mary Eckert; James Etue; Bren- da Flannery; Mary McCurdy; Dolores Maloney; Bill Morris; Dianne Salisbury; Patricia Stiles; Michael Stinnissen; An- thony VandenHengel; Garry Van Loon; Barbara Aubin; Robert Johnson; Mary Lansink; Paul Nigh; John Price; Paul Pringle; Maria Travaglione; Joan Wil- liams. GRADE 8 TO GRADE 9 Bernadette Aubin; Joan Ban- non; Therese Bannon; Kenny Burns, Frank Kehr,; Ann Jes- some; Doris King; Rosemary Lansink; Mary Maloney; Anne McConnell; Catherine, Danny Murray; Michael Phillips, Wayne Rau; Anne Sills, Peter . Stinnis- sen; Mary Van Vugt. • STAFFA Eight Schools from Hibbert Twp., enjoyed a successful Field Day held at S.S. No. 6, Hibbert on Tuesday, June 27th. S.S. No. 6 School came first with S.S. No. 2 in second place and S.S. No. 3 In third place. The top athletes were, Linda Grovier, S.S. No. 2, and Dennese Kerslake, S.S. No.7 School Section No, 3, Hibbert held their school picnic icnic on Mon- day evening at 6 p.m. on the school grounds. Nearly 100 ad- ults and children attended. Looking after the sports for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Worden, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Elliott. A picnic supper was enjoyed with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, Vivian and Mr, and Mrs. George Moore in charge. The Bowman family held a gathering and picnic supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowmanie Theoccasion was the 35th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowman. Bonnie Miller, Brenda Kers- lake, Joanne and Fay Temple- man are all holidaying at the Presbyterian Church Camp at Kintail, Ontario. Jane Parsons was thrown by a horse recently and now has her leg in a cast. Mrs. Ernest Templeman visit- ed over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Cole and family, Cromarty, Miss Muriel Scott, London, spent the 'weekend at her home here, Mr, George Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Eldred McNicol, London, at- tended Cromarty strawberry sup- per and later visited with Mrs. Ernest Templeman and Miss Margaret and Mr. James Miller. CROMARTY Miss Ina Scott of London spent the holiday weekend " with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carey vis- ited over the weekend with their daughter at Georgetown, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker and Alice, accompanied by Mrs. Mar- garet Tuffin of Port Credit visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Currie, Dorchester, and with their daughter, Mrs. Jack McGhee, who is a patient in Victoria Hospital, with a new baby daughter. Mrs. Margaret Tuffin of Port Credit visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Calder Mc- Kaig and other friends. Miss Alice Walker spent a few days last week at Dash- wood with her cousin Miss Neva Cockwell, Several from this district at - First Presbyterian and Northside United Churches Joint Summer Services IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - 10 A.M. Sunday School in respective churches, Nursery school will meet during morning Worship 11 A,M. Rev. J. 0, Britton Everyone Welcome THE S10AFQRTH NEWS (Phone 84) --Thursday, July 6, 19 61 tended the Caledonian GRlnes at Embro on Saturday, Mrs: 115. McDonald of Mitchell spent the weekend with her sist- er, Miss Olive. Spears, Mn Paul Scott, who 15' a stud- ent at 'Waterloo College, ,eon ducted the service in Cromarty Church on Sunday, He . was en- tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mr, and Mrs,W. N. Binning, Richard, Robert and Jane, Mitch- ell were Sunday visitors at the"' home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, K. McKellar, Mr. Eugene Hoste of Ridge' town is a guest at the home of his brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hoste. Mrs. Stella Martin who has been a patient in Seaforth Hos- pital, returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Remit - ton on Monday. Mr, and Mrs, H, R. Currie, Linda and Joanne of Dorchester visited on Saturday at the home of her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Otto Walker. The annual picnic of S.S. No. 5, Ribbert, was held on the play- ground on June 29th. About 05 guests sat down to a bounteous supper at 7 o'clock despite the threat of an impending thunder storm. Sports got underway shortly after. When darkness fell those present gathered in the school building where they were entertained by a musical program. The presentation of yearly awards followed: for pro- gress, Henry Neevel; for perfect attendance, Margaret Kernick; for spelling, Margaret Kernick and Diane Neevel; for average, Diane Neevel, Verna Christie and Valerie McPhail; for music, Verna Christie. The highlight of the program was the presenta- tion of a Grade 8 graduation cer- tificate to Anna Scott who will attend Mitchell District High School next term, A celleotion of. schoolwork and ,crafts completed during the year, was displayed, Promotion list, 5.5, 8, Hibbert, To Grade 2—Valerie McPhail, Ronnie Gardiner, Linda Hack- ney, To Grade 4—Alvin Dow, Heather McPhail, Teddy Her - nick. To Grade 0—Diane Neevel, Frances Scott. To Grade 0—Ver- na Christie, Joanne Dow, Beth Christie, Joyce Norris. To 'Grade 7—Henry Neevel, Margaret Her- nia, Dennis Hackney, Agnes Scott. To Grade 8, Ronald Chris- tie, Barbara Gardiner, . Stuart Dow. To Grade 9=Anne:Scott, The annual picnic of S,S, No, 0 was held at Lions Park, Mitch- ell on Friday with a good at- tendance of parents and pupils. Bible School, will be held in Cromarty Church from July 10 to 14. VARNA The Vacation Bible School oii. ened on Monday morning in the United Church with a large at- tendance of children from Gosh- en and Varna Sunday Schools. The members of L,O.L: 1035 are celebrating the 12th in Mile ton on Saturday of this week, They have engaged the Bannock- burn Band to lead the lodge in the parade,. Mr, and Mrs. Watson of De- troit are visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lee McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. Don .Barker .and family of King' City are visiting this week at the home of Mr, and. Mrs. ler'edeetenGlys»ont. The ' United •,Q}rureh Sunday. School Anniversary will be held next Sunday at 10,15 a,m• Mr. Anson McKinley of. Zurich will give the address. Mr Brian McAsh has returned home from. Clinton Hospital aft- er treatment for an injured hand, St. Colutnban DRESSED HAM SUPPER AND SUMMER CARNIVAL WED. JULY 19th i DRAW FOR $1,000.00 CASH Holder of Last Ticket wins $500;00, 1st Ticket and every 50th Ticket $50,00, — only 500 Tickets to be sold. PROGRAMME — 7 TO 8 P.M. Games Wheels Bingo SUPPER — 5,30 – 8 PM. Admission: Adults $1.00 Children 50 cents EVERYONE WELCOME YOU ARE IWITED to OUR GLIDDEN ALL DAY Saturday, July 8th Here is shown a section of the well stocked shelves at Irvins Hardware of Glidden Paint Products _ In the foreground you will notice our new. GLIDDEN COLORANT DISPENSER which enables us to mix and match any shade. Glidden Paint. Products Miss Sheehy, head of the Glid- den Color Studio in Toronto, will be here, so pack up all your decorating problems and bring them to her. A Glidden representative will also be present to give you an opportunity to discuss your painting problems with experts Free chance on a 1961 Ford Falcon Station Wagon No gimmicks. Just fill in your name and address Home made cookies and refreshments for all. SEE DEMONSTRATION ,OF. GLIDDEN 'SPRED HOUSE PAINT and all their other popular lines Irvin's Hardware formerly Baldwins