HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-06-29, Page 5THE SEAFORTH NEWS — Thursday, Juno 29, 1901
JUNE 28-29-30
CARNATION MILK 7 large tins ns LQD
Aylmer Choice Peach Halves 5 -15 -oz tins 1.00
Cheery Morn Pure Instant Coffee..,,,,,, large 10 oz jar 1.00
Van Camp's Beans with pork 7 -15 -oz tins 1.00
Ballet Toilet Tissue, white or colored , , 5 -2 -roll pkgs. 1.00
Kleenex Tissues, regular -or chubby 6 pkgs 1.00
Mitchell's Apple Juice 6 -20 -oz tins 1.00
Nature's Best Tender Peas 10—.10.oz tins 1.00
Minittes Choice Tomatoes 5 -28 -oz tins 1.00
'Mount Royal Cream Corn 6 -20 -oz tins 1.00
Tempt Dog Food 12-15.oz tins 1.00
Clark's Fancy Tomato Juice 8-20.oz tins 1.00
Stokeley's Pineapple Grapefruit Juice .. , , 3 -48 -oz tins 1.00
St. Williams Assorted Jams 5-9.oz jars 1.00
Henleya Fruit Cocktail 4-15 oz tins 1.00
Ellmarr Peanut Butter 3 -16 -oz Jars 1.00
Golden Dew Margarine 4 -1 -lb. pkgs 1.00
Cigarettes, pkg of 20's 3 for 1.00
Christles Ass'ted Cookies, 4 varieties 4 pkgs. 1.00
Gordon Puilume Is racing his
horse, Estelle Chips at Strathroy
on Saturday.
Miss Katie Lynch and Miss
Sarah Melvee spent the weekend
in Kltehener.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Harri;
gen of C`ooksvife visited with
Mrs, John Cairns over the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Dale, Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Dunlop and Ruth,
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Stewart,
Amy, Bonnie and Anne were
guests at the Oliver -Blair wed-
ding in Alma College Chapel, St.
Thomas, last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bebee
and son Scott and Miss Kathleen
Scott of Montreal are spending
their holidays with Mrs, James
T. Scott and Mrs, Elliot Walters.
Rien Vanderhoek, of Wingham
has taken over the Supertest
station, corner of Main and God.
erich Streets, He intends to
move here with his wife, two
daughters and one son, soon. The
former lessee, Mr. Brock, will re.
main in Seaforth for the present.
David C. Cornish, Goderich St„
has purchased the residence of,
Dr. M. W. Stapleton, Helen St.
Dr. and Mrs. Stapleton and
family intend to move to the
home on their farm in Tucker -
I smith, later in the summer.
Mrs. Darlene O'Reilly, Strat-
ford, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Coyne and
family in Montreal and St. Anne
de Beaupre.
Mrs. Jack Lane in London at-
tending the reunion of her gradu-
ation classmates.
Miss Clara Krauskopf, Detroit,
with Mrs. Elizabeth Nolan. She
attended the Stokey-Nolan wed-
ding in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ducharme,
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Aug-
uste Duoharme.
First Holy Communion was ad-
ministered on Sunday morning
by Rev. Father Coughlin to nine
children: Gail Nolan, Rosemary
Poland, Mary Klaver, Mary Lou
Lane, Patricia Murray, Trudy
Van Drunen, Tommy Ryan and
Joseph McQuaid.
Those attending the Stokey.
Nolan wedding in Kitchener on.
Saturday from here were: Mrs.
Elizabeth Nolan, Frank and Lou-
is Nolan, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent
Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis No-
lan, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nolan, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Ryan, Jim
Flanagan, Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Ted Doyle in Toronto with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Doyle.
Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pohl, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Haldecker, all of
Detroit, spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMillan and
attended their 25th wedding an-
niversary on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams of
Florida; Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Dan
'Williams, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. Williams and Mrs. Margaret
McMillan of Flint; Mr. and Mrs.l
Al Heeney, of Niagara Falls; Mr.
and Mrs. Al Riches, of Brantford,
visited Mrs. Mary Williams and
attended the 25th anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. William McMillan.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moylan and
family in New York for the cere-
mony in which their daughter,
Sister Donald Marie of the Mary -
knoll sisters, received her tem-
porary vows.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lyall, Toron-
to, visited recently with Mrs,
Lyall's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Norris.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller
and children attended Thames
Road United Church Anniversary
on Sunday and visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Duncan and the
Staffa W. I. members and,
friends enjoyed a bus trip to
Hamilton, Burlington and Nia-
gara Falls on Thursday, June 15.
All reported having a good time.
Mrs. Anthony Breit and Rich-
ard of Port Credit visited with
lrer parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Norris recently.
Mr. and Mrs. James Scott,
Gerald and Ronnie returned
Ironie Saturday night from a trip
to the Western Provinces.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Worden
have moved into their home in
the village and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Taylor•. and Ricky have moved
to their farm recently purchased
from Mr. Lyle Worden.
45 pupils from S.S. 3, and S.S.
2, Hibbert, and their teachers,
Mrs. Kemp and Mr. McDonald
enjoyed a bus trip to Midland on
Tuesday, June 20th.
A large crowd attended the
Staffs United Church's Straw-
eri supper y e on Mondayeven.
PP n
ng, June 19.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan
of Exeter visited recently with
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and
amliy, and Mr. and Mrs. John
Templeman and family,
Mrs, Annie Thompson and
Mre, Bill Lamport from the boun-
dary visited recently with Miss
Margaret and Mr.. las. Miller.
S.S. 4, Hibbert held their
chool picnic on the school
grounds on. Wednesday evening
with a good crowd in attendance.
Mr. Geo. Miller and Mr. add
Mrs. Eldred MoNicol, London,
isited on Wednesday with Miss
Margaret and Mr. Jas. Miller
nd Mrs. Ernest Templeman.
Miss Joan Annis, Mitchell,
Pent the weekend with her
randmother, Mrs. Ernest Tem-
leman, -.
Miller • McDougall
Reunion Saturday
The 15th annual Miller -Mc
Dougall picnic was held in Mit
obeli Park on Saturday, June 17
with 55 in attendance. It was a
beautiful day and everyone had
a good time, Races and sports
were conducted by Mr, and Mrs
Raymond Miller and family and
were as follows:
Six and under, Calvin Annie;
7 and under—Carol Ann McLach-
lan; birthday closest: to the day
10 to 13—Joan Annie; young la.
dies—Georgene McCartney;' la-
dies kick-the•sltpper Audrey
Minis; 3 -legged race—Jack Mc-
Lachlan and Don Ups h a 11;
throwing rings around bottles—
Murray Park; youngest child —
Don McLachlan; relay races --�
oven mitts and sweater, Andrew
Park's team; Oven mitts and.
stocking — Art Rohde's team;
passing trinkets and. 6 -qt. basket,.
Art Rohde's team; passing the
stick — Andrew Park's team;
guessing beans in jar—Mrs. An-
nie Thompson; the family com-
ing the farthest—Bob McLach-
lan. Birthday closest to the day
of the picnic, Andrew Park, who
was celebrating it that day.
There was a bountiful supper
served by Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Lamport. The business was con-
ducted by the President, Alvin
Cole and the officers are as fol-
lows: Pres., Alvin Cole; Vice Pre-
sident, Bob McLachlan; Sec.-
Treas., Hazel McCartney; Sports
Committee, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Park; lunch committee, Mr. and
Mrs, Wilfred Annie,
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Hogg of
Collingwood were the weekend
guests at the home of Mr. and.
Mrs. Andrew Coutts.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rogerson
and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Crich
and family of Clinton were the
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Stevens on Sunday.
Miss Donna Smith has accept-
ed a position at Kincardine for
the summer months.
Mr. and Mrs. John McGavin
and family of Owen Sound and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dinsmore of
Kitchener were weekend visit.
ors at the home of,Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon ¥cGavin.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McClure
and- family attended a reunion
of the McClure Clan at Bramp-
ton on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fox at-
tended the Dolmage reunion at
Goderich on Sunday.
Miss Muriel Sohade R. N. of
Wingham visited with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Schade on
Mr. and Mrs. W, Stutz of Kit
chener spent the weekend with
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. Dundas.
Mr. Mack Sholdice and Mr.
Neil MoGavin attended the Oily-
er-Blair wedding at Alma Col-
lege Chapel, St. Thomas, on
Mrs. ,, Alfred Anderson and
Nora are spending this week in
Ottawa at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doucett
of Saskatchewan were guests at
the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Harvey
Craig on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull
left on Tuesday for Brandon,
Manitoba where they will remain
for two weeks.
Master Tom Crawford of Sea -
forth is visiting this week with
his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs.
Robert McMichael.
Mrs. Joe Bewley of` Clinton
spent the weekend at .the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Bewley.
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Hibbert on Sunday
were Mrs. Hibbert's parents Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Nelson of
Mount Forest, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Abbott, Rickie and Deb.
bie of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.
John Butt, Mount Forest.
Buchanan -Johnston Reunion
A Buchanan -Johnston reunion
was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Reid on Sunday
afternoon, ,the occasion being
the 80th birthday of Mrs. Thos.
Johnston. Friends and relatives
numbering about 60 were present
from Blyth, Londes'fioro, and sur-
rounding district also the follow-
ing from. a distance: Mr. and
Mrs. Lockart Johnston and Miss
Doris Lear of Hamilton, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Crawford and sons
Mark and Steven of Toronto;
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moon of
Niagara Falls; Mrs. Mabel Moon
of Streetsville; Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Underwood and family of
Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Roe and family, St. Paula;
Mrs. Margaret McCormick and
son Paul, London; Mrs. Harold
Guggesburg and son Jamie and
friend Gaylord, Michigan.
Rev, and Mrs. W. M. Thomas
left on Wednesday from Melton
Airport for Ottawa where they
will retire near their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Ian Thomas.
Induction Service
David Archer, Ottawa, is visit.
g his grandparents, Mr. and
re, A. W. Hayman,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Brisson, De -
oft, are at their cottage for a
ew days.
The Induction Service for Rev.
Arthur Higginbotham, who ar-
rives on Thursday from Oak-
ville will be held in the church
auditorium Friday evening at
8 p,m. Rev, I. C. Britton of Sea -
forth and Rev. IL A. Funge of
Londeeboro will conduct the
service. Following the Induction
a reception will be held in the
lower auditorium when mem-
bers of the Moncrief and Walton
Charges will meet their new
minister and his family.
A lunch of sandwiches and
tarts will be served.
Social Evening
The members of the congrega-
tion of Duff's United Church,
Walton assembled in the church
parlours Friday evening to bid
farewell to their minister and his
wife, Rev, and Mrs. W, M.
Thomas. After serving the Wal -
Sister Donald Marie (Moylan),
London diocese, pronounced her
first vows as a Marykuoll Sister
at the missionary community's
Motherhouse, Ossining, N. Y., on
June 24, 1901..Maryknoll Bishop
John W. Comber presided at the
ceremony in which 33 Sisters
pronounced vows and 62 young
women received the habit and re-
ligious names.
The former Mary Catherine
Moylan, St, Columban diocese,
Seaforth, Sister is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Moylan,
R.R. 5, Seaforth. She graduated
from SS 1, McKillop township
and Dublin High School.
Sister is now eligible for as-
signment to any of the 117 Mary -
knoll convents around the world,
Canada has given Maryknoll 27
professed Sisters,
'ton and Moncrief Charges for the
past ten years, Rev. Thomas
is retiring to Ottawa.
The chairman for the evening
was Douglas Fraser, who wel-
comed the large audience and
opened with a devotional period
with Mrs. Harvey Brown at the
piano. Prayer was offered by
William Turnbull. ` Rev. Thomas.
was the recipient of a well-filled
purse and Mrs. Thomas was .pre-
sented with a dozen red roses.
The address was read by Clar-
ence Martin and the presentation
made by John Leeming. Mr.
Thomas expressed their thanks
for the gifts, for the co-opera-
tion they had received and the
many kindnesses shown them
during their stay in this charge.
Mrs. Thomas also replied in a
very able manner.
The Y. P. U. presented Rev.
Thomas with a Sheaffer Pen and
Pencil set with Bill Uhler read-
ing the address and Barbara
Turnbull making the presenta-
Numbers on the program in -
eluded reading, Mrs. G. McGavin;
recitation, Joan Bennett; solo,
Gail Traviss; Cornet solo, Mrs.
Jack Mclllwain accompanied by
Mrs. David Hackwell; duet by
Brenda Bewley and Barbara
Bryans; piano instrumental, by�.
Brenda Houston; mouth organ
selection, Mr. John Leeming; a
song by four girls: Carol Wilbee,
Carol Shortreed, Mary Bewley
and Sherrill Craig; solo by Mrs.
Alfred Anderson; violin solo by
Mrs. Emerson Mitchell with Mrs.
Herb Traviss accompanying.
The hymn "Blest he the tie
that binds" was sung and the
Benediction was pronounced by
Rev, Thomas.
A. very enjoyable social period
followed as many former church
members had returned for the
occasion. Lunch was served by
the ladies with the committee of
Stewards assisting.
Duff's United Church was
filled to capacity Sunday morn-
ing when Rev. W. M. Thomas
preached his farewell sermon
which was taken from the book
of Jude, verse 24 "Now unto Him
that is able to keep you from
falling and to present you fault-
less before the presence of his
glory with exceeding joy".
Two infants were baptized:
Douglas Glen, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Hibbert, and John
Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
McGavin. During the service an
anthem was rendered by the
choir and Donald McDonald was
soloist. Special music was furn-
ished by Mrs. Harvey Brown at
the organ and Mrs. Jack Bryans
at the piano. '
Rev. R. Durand is attending
the annual Diocesan Retreat at
St. Peter's Seminary, during this
Harold Guilfoyle, Denfield,
Mr. and Mrs, Carmen Guest, of
Belleville, with Mrs. A. M. Loo-
Mrs. Dick Cunningham and son
Brian, Toronto, with Mrs. Kath-
leen Feeney,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary and
children, London, with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Evans.
Mrs. Alex Sutherland and Jean
of Hamilton, called on friends
Win, Cook, Long Branch, with
Mr. and Mrs. George Coyne.
Frank Burns and Joe at Parry
Sound. with Mr. and Mrs. Dal-
ton Burns.
Mrs. B. McGovern, Montreal,
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stapleton.
Mr, and Mrs. Pat Feeney, Til-
sonburg, with Mrs, Mary Peen
Mr, and Mrs. P. Groseck, Lon-
don and Mr, and Mrs. Danny
Costello, Kitchener, with Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Costello.
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Butters, St. Thomas, a son, on
June 23rd, a brother for Marlene.
and Brian.
A very successful turkey and
ham supper and lawn social was
held at St. Patrick's Church
Parish Hall on Wednesday. Ap-
proximately 700 were served for
supper which Was followed by an
interesting and varied program
on the spacious grounds.
Several carnival games and
oilier attractions were well pat-
ronized. The draw for the 1000
ticket project was held during
the evening with the following
winners; Wilfred 0' R o u r k e,
$100.00; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Staples, St. Columban, $150.00;
Patricia O'Rourke, Dublin, $150;
Con. Eckert, Seaforth, $150; F.
C. J. Sills, Seaforth, $160; Mon.
ice Byrne, Dublin, $150; Yvonne
Ducharme, $150; Douglas Moser,
Waterloo, $150; Jerry Dantzer, of
Dublin, $150; Jerry Dantzer, of
London, $1000; Billie Dantzer,
Dublin, $50.00.
The following are tile results
of Dublin Continuation School:
Recommended for a Secondary
School Graduation Diploma —
Jack • Costello, Stephen Cronin,
Ann Dalton, Rita Kennedy, Jas.
Melady, Harry Ryan. Successful
in Grade XII subjects, Luella
Moylan. Recommended for an In-
termediate certificate — Helen
Bruxer, Elizabeth Ann Butters,
Donald Coyne, James Cronin;
Dorothy Dalton, Mary Ellen
Doyle, Yvonne Ducharme, J. D.
MacRae, Jean Maloney, Ken-
neth McLaughlin, Martha Schoon-
derwerd, Irene Shea, Joanne Sta-
pleton, John Van Bakel, An-
thony Visser.
Going into Grade X — Mary
Lou Coyne, Jerry Cronin, Jack
Doyle, Adrian Lansbergen, Ann
Malady, Rose Mary Murray, Wil-
liam Murray, Michael Russell,
Joyce Ryan, Pauline Stapleton.
Going into Grade XI — Marie
Going into Grade XII — Jean-
nie Malady, Jean Moylan, Rose
Mary Ryan, Jean Maloney.
Miss Nell Doyle and Ted Doyle
in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Doyle.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Reilly and
family with Dr. and Mrs. Frank
Stapleton, Galt.
Mrs. Van Doornick Sr. of Hans-
berger, Holland, with Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Vogels.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coyne of Sim-
coe with Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Feeney with
friends in Vanessa.
Lodges Plan
July Picnic
The annual family picnic for
members of Edelweiss Rebekah
Lodge and Fidelity Lodge I001',
has been set for July 9 at Sea-
forth Lions park at 3 p.m. Those
attending are asked to supply a
picnic lunch and their comp dish-
es, the Oddfellows to make ar-
rangements for the park, tables
and chocolate milk, while the
Rebekahs are arranging games.
and prizes. These plans were
laid at Monday night's meeting
of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge,
with, Mrs. M. Messenger, N.G,,
First night of nominations Was
held, Mrs, Ed. Andrews gave a
report of last week's district in-
augural meeting held at Clinton
with the newly -appointed district
deputy president, Mrs. Carman
McPherson, presiding, Reports
of recent assembly sessions were
given by Miss Jean Scott and,
Mrs. Keith Sharp,
A potluck supper on Sept. 11
will open the fall session of
meetings at which time Sunshine
Pals will be revealed with the
exchange of gifts,
Rabies continues to be report-
ed in Huron County, says R, M.
Aldis, M.D., D.P.H., Medical Of-
ficer of health. Last case was
a German Shepherd dog in the
Zurich area whose death on
June 19th has been confirmed
as due to rabies, Three humans
suffered exposure from this ani-
mal and are under treatment,
Continued co-operation of all
municipalities and individuals is
Report all suspected cases of
animal rabies to your veterinar-
ian or the Health of Animals Of-
fice, Seaforth.
If a human should suffer in-
jury by a possibly rabid animal,
promptly wash the wound or
place of exposure with soap and
water. Consult your physician.
Notify Health Unit, Goderich,
Confine animal under veterinary
supervision for at least 14 days.
Avoid shooting or destroying
such an animal if at all possible,
What makes TORONTO -
DOMINION different from
any other Canadian bank?
All banks provide you with the same kind of services. Yoh
name it. The Savings Accounts, the Safety Deposit Boxes, the
Night Depositories or any number of the services we provide
can be found at our competitor's branch, just across the street„
So why should you choose Toronto -Dominion as your bank?
The answer is simple.
TELLERS in banking This is Iris Loney, a
teller, at our busy Bloor and Sherbourn,- branch in Toronto.
Iris has been with "The Bank" 3r/ ,years and has learned her
job well. She likes meeting people too, and: takes a genuine
interest in her customers and their honking problems. Her
friendly, efficient attitude has been reflected many times over
in the number of friends she's won for "The Bonk",
It doesn't matter where you go in Canada, you'll find
people like Iris Loney at every branch of 'The Bank". They
take a great deal of pride in their work and in the kind of
1''jnterested" service they have to offer, We have often
talked about our girls being "the skeet eirle in banking".
Why don't you make it a point to v'i ii your nearest branch
of "The Bank" and see for yourself? You'll be delighted
when you discover how much .. .
W. C. MOORE, Manager Seaforth Branch
Req ures Distributor
To serve Farm Trade in Seaforth, Clinton area.
Financial assistance to right man
Reply in confidence to
In accordance with a resolution passed by
the Municipal Council of the Township of
Tuckersmith and by virtue of the provi-
sions of By -Law No. 13, 1952, I hereby pro-
claim that no dog shall be allowed to run at
large in the hamlets of Egmondville and
Harpurhey, Township of Tuckersmith, dur-
ing the _period ending October 31, 1961.
Note: The by-law provides for the impounding, destroying or
selling of any dog and for, upon conviction, the owner or
harborer of a dog is liable to a fine not exceeding $50.00.
Tuckersmith, June 21, 1961
Effective June 26th
Obtain your copy from your Local Agent
Coomb's Sunoco Service Station
The Western Ontario Motorways Limited
Kitchener Ontario
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541 m
Mrs. Darlene O'Reilly, Strat-
ford, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Coyne and
family in Montreal and St. Anne
de Beaupre.
Mrs. Jack Lane in London at-
tending the reunion of her gradu-
ation classmates.
Miss Clara Krauskopf, Detroit,
with Mrs. Elizabeth Nolan. She
attended the Stokey-Nolan wed-
ding in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ducharme,
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Aug-
uste Duoharme.
First Holy Communion was ad-
ministered on Sunday morning
by Rev. Father Coughlin to nine
children: Gail Nolan, Rosemary
Poland, Mary Klaver, Mary Lou
Lane, Patricia Murray, Trudy
Van Drunen, Tommy Ryan and
Joseph McQuaid.
Those attending the Stokey.
Nolan wedding in Kitchener on.
Saturday from here were: Mrs.
Elizabeth Nolan, Frank and Lou-
is Nolan, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent
Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis No-
lan, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nolan, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Ryan, Jim
Flanagan, Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Ted Doyle in Toronto with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Doyle.
Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pohl, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Haldecker, all of
Detroit, spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMillan and
attended their 25th wedding an-
niversary on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams of
Florida; Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Dan
'Williams, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. Williams and Mrs. Margaret
McMillan of Flint; Mr. and Mrs.l
Al Heeney, of Niagara Falls; Mr.
and Mrs. Al Riches, of Brantford,
visited Mrs. Mary Williams and
attended the 25th anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. William McMillan.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moylan and
family in New York for the cere-
mony in which their daughter,
Sister Donald Marie of the Mary -
knoll sisters, received her tem-
porary vows.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lyall, Toron-
to, visited recently with Mrs,
Lyall's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Norris.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller
and children attended Thames
Road United Church Anniversary
on Sunday and visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Duncan and the
Staffa W. I. members and,
friends enjoyed a bus trip to
Hamilton, Burlington and Nia-
gara Falls on Thursday, June 15.
All reported having a good time.
Mrs. Anthony Breit and Rich-
ard of Port Credit visited with
lrer parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Norris recently.
Mr. and Mrs. James Scott,
Gerald and Ronnie returned
Ironie Saturday night from a trip
to the Western Provinces.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Worden
have moved into their home in
the village and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Taylor•. and Ricky have moved
to their farm recently purchased
from Mr. Lyle Worden.
45 pupils from S.S. 3, and S.S.
2, Hibbert, and their teachers,
Mrs. Kemp and Mr. McDonald
enjoyed a bus trip to Midland on
Tuesday, June 20th.
A large crowd attended the
Staffs United Church's Straw-
eri supper y e on Mondayeven.
PP n
ng, June 19.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan
of Exeter visited recently with
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and
amliy, and Mr. and Mrs. John
Templeman and family,
Mrs, Annie Thompson and
Mre, Bill Lamport from the boun-
dary visited recently with Miss
Margaret and Mr.. las. Miller.
S.S. 4, Hibbert held their
chool picnic on the school
grounds on. Wednesday evening
with a good crowd in attendance.
Mr. Geo. Miller and Mr. add
Mrs. Eldred MoNicol, London,
isited on Wednesday with Miss
Margaret and Mr. Jas. Miller
nd Mrs. Ernest Templeman.
Miss Joan Annis, Mitchell,
Pent the weekend with her
randmother, Mrs. Ernest Tem-
leman, -.
Miller • McDougall
Reunion Saturday
The 15th annual Miller -Mc
Dougall picnic was held in Mit
obeli Park on Saturday, June 17
with 55 in attendance. It was a
beautiful day and everyone had
a good time, Races and sports
were conducted by Mr, and Mrs
Raymond Miller and family and
were as follows:
Six and under, Calvin Annie;
7 and under—Carol Ann McLach-
lan; birthday closest: to the day
10 to 13—Joan Annie; young la.
dies—Georgene McCartney;' la-
dies kick-the•sltpper Audrey
Minis; 3 -legged race—Jack Mc-
Lachlan and Don Ups h a 11;
throwing rings around bottles—
Murray Park; youngest child —
Don McLachlan; relay races --�
oven mitts and sweater, Andrew
Park's team; Oven mitts and.
stocking — Art Rohde's team;
passing trinkets and. 6 -qt. basket,.
Art Rohde's team; passing the
stick — Andrew Park's team;
guessing beans in jar—Mrs. An-
nie Thompson; the family com-
ing the farthest—Bob McLach-
lan. Birthday closest to the day
of the picnic, Andrew Park, who
was celebrating it that day.
There was a bountiful supper
served by Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Lamport. The business was con-
ducted by the President, Alvin
Cole and the officers are as fol-
lows: Pres., Alvin Cole; Vice Pre-
sident, Bob McLachlan; Sec.-
Treas., Hazel McCartney; Sports
Committee, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Park; lunch committee, Mr. and
Mrs, Wilfred Annie,
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Hogg of
Collingwood were the weekend
guests at the home of Mr. and.
Mrs. Andrew Coutts.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rogerson
and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Crich
and family of Clinton were the
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Stevens on Sunday.
Miss Donna Smith has accept-
ed a position at Kincardine for
the summer months.
Mr. and Mrs. John McGavin
and family of Owen Sound and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dinsmore of
Kitchener were weekend visit.
ors at the home of,Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon ¥cGavin.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McClure
and- family attended a reunion
of the McClure Clan at Bramp-
ton on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fox at-
tended the Dolmage reunion at
Goderich on Sunday.
Miss Muriel Sohade R. N. of
Wingham visited with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Schade on
Mr. and Mrs. W, Stutz of Kit
chener spent the weekend with
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. Dundas.
Mr. Mack Sholdice and Mr.
Neil MoGavin attended the Oily-
er-Blair wedding at Alma Col-
lege Chapel, St. Thomas, on
Mrs. ,, Alfred Anderson and
Nora are spending this week in
Ottawa at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doucett
of Saskatchewan were guests at
the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Harvey
Craig on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull
left on Tuesday for Brandon,
Manitoba where they will remain
for two weeks.
Master Tom Crawford of Sea -
forth is visiting this week with
his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs.
Robert McMichael.
Mrs. Joe Bewley of` Clinton
spent the weekend at .the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Bewley.
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Hibbert on Sunday
were Mrs. Hibbert's parents Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Nelson of
Mount Forest, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Abbott, Rickie and Deb.
bie of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.
John Butt, Mount Forest.
Buchanan -Johnston Reunion
A Buchanan -Johnston reunion
was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Reid on Sunday
afternoon, ,the occasion being
the 80th birthday of Mrs. Thos.
Johnston. Friends and relatives
numbering about 60 were present
from Blyth, Londes'fioro, and sur-
rounding district also the follow-
ing from. a distance: Mr. and
Mrs. Lockart Johnston and Miss
Doris Lear of Hamilton, Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Crawford and sons
Mark and Steven of Toronto;
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moon of
Niagara Falls; Mrs. Mabel Moon
of Streetsville; Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Underwood and family of
Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Roe and family, St. Paula;
Mrs. Margaret McCormick and
son Paul, London; Mrs. Harold
Guggesburg and son Jamie and
friend Gaylord, Michigan.
Rev, and Mrs. W. M. Thomas
left on Wednesday from Melton
Airport for Ottawa where they
will retire near their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Ian Thomas.
Induction Service
David Archer, Ottawa, is visit.
g his grandparents, Mr. and
re, A. W. Hayman,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Brisson, De -
oft, are at their cottage for a
ew days.
The Induction Service for Rev.
Arthur Higginbotham, who ar-
rives on Thursday from Oak-
ville will be held in the church
auditorium Friday evening at
8 p,m. Rev, I. C. Britton of Sea -
forth and Rev. IL A. Funge of
Londeeboro will conduct the
service. Following the Induction
a reception will be held in the
lower auditorium when mem-
bers of the Moncrief and Walton
Charges will meet their new
minister and his family.
A lunch of sandwiches and
tarts will be served.
Social Evening
The members of the congrega-
tion of Duff's United Church,
Walton assembled in the church
parlours Friday evening to bid
farewell to their minister and his
wife, Rev, and Mrs. W, M.
Thomas. After serving the Wal -
Sister Donald Marie (Moylan),
London diocese, pronounced her
first vows as a Marykuoll Sister
at the missionary community's
Motherhouse, Ossining, N. Y., on
June 24, 1901..Maryknoll Bishop
John W. Comber presided at the
ceremony in which 33 Sisters
pronounced vows and 62 young
women received the habit and re-
ligious names.
The former Mary Catherine
Moylan, St, Columban diocese,
Seaforth, Sister is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Moylan,
R.R. 5, Seaforth. She graduated
from SS 1, McKillop township
and Dublin High School.
Sister is now eligible for as-
signment to any of the 117 Mary -
knoll convents around the world,
Canada has given Maryknoll 27
professed Sisters,
'ton and Moncrief Charges for the
past ten years, Rev. Thomas
is retiring to Ottawa.
The chairman for the evening
was Douglas Fraser, who wel-
comed the large audience and
opened with a devotional period
with Mrs. Harvey Brown at the
piano. Prayer was offered by
William Turnbull. ` Rev. Thomas.
was the recipient of a well-filled
purse and Mrs. Thomas was .pre-
sented with a dozen red roses.
The address was read by Clar-
ence Martin and the presentation
made by John Leeming. Mr.
Thomas expressed their thanks
for the gifts, for the co-opera-
tion they had received and the
many kindnesses shown them
during their stay in this charge.
Mrs. Thomas also replied in a
very able manner.
The Y. P. U. presented Rev.
Thomas with a Sheaffer Pen and
Pencil set with Bill Uhler read-
ing the address and Barbara
Turnbull making the presenta-
Numbers on the program in -
eluded reading, Mrs. G. McGavin;
recitation, Joan Bennett; solo,
Gail Traviss; Cornet solo, Mrs.
Jack Mclllwain accompanied by
Mrs. David Hackwell; duet by
Brenda Bewley and Barbara
Bryans; piano instrumental, by�.
Brenda Houston; mouth organ
selection, Mr. John Leeming; a
song by four girls: Carol Wilbee,
Carol Shortreed, Mary Bewley
and Sherrill Craig; solo by Mrs.
Alfred Anderson; violin solo by
Mrs. Emerson Mitchell with Mrs.
Herb Traviss accompanying.
The hymn "Blest he the tie
that binds" was sung and the
Benediction was pronounced by
Rev, Thomas.
A. very enjoyable social period
followed as many former church
members had returned for the
occasion. Lunch was served by
the ladies with the committee of
Stewards assisting.
Duff's United Church was
filled to capacity Sunday morn-
ing when Rev. W. M. Thomas
preached his farewell sermon
which was taken from the book
of Jude, verse 24 "Now unto Him
that is able to keep you from
falling and to present you fault-
less before the presence of his
glory with exceeding joy".
Two infants were baptized:
Douglas Glen, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Hibbert, and John
Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
McGavin. During the service an
anthem was rendered by the
choir and Donald McDonald was
soloist. Special music was furn-
ished by Mrs. Harvey Brown at
the organ and Mrs. Jack Bryans
at the piano. '
Rev. R. Durand is attending
the annual Diocesan Retreat at
St. Peter's Seminary, during this
Harold Guilfoyle, Denfield,
Mr. and Mrs, Carmen Guest, of
Belleville, with Mrs. A. M. Loo-
Mrs. Dick Cunningham and son
Brian, Toronto, with Mrs. Kath-
leen Feeney,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary and
children, London, with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Evans.
Mrs. Alex Sutherland and Jean
of Hamilton, called on friends
Win, Cook, Long Branch, with
Mr. and Mrs. George Coyne.
Frank Burns and Joe at Parry
Sound. with Mr. and Mrs. Dal-
ton Burns.
Mrs. B. McGovern, Montreal,
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stapleton.
Mr, and Mrs. Pat Feeney, Til-
sonburg, with Mrs, Mary Peen
Mr, and Mrs. P. Groseck, Lon-
don and Mr, and Mrs. Danny
Costello, Kitchener, with Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Costello.
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Butters, St. Thomas, a son, on
June 23rd, a brother for Marlene.
and Brian.
A very successful turkey and
ham supper and lawn social was
held at St. Patrick's Church
Parish Hall on Wednesday. Ap-
proximately 700 were served for
supper which Was followed by an
interesting and varied program
on the spacious grounds.
Several carnival games and
oilier attractions were well pat-
ronized. The draw for the 1000
ticket project was held during
the evening with the following
winners; Wilfred 0' R o u r k e,
$100.00; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Staples, St. Columban, $150.00;
Patricia O'Rourke, Dublin, $150;
Con. Eckert, Seaforth, $150; F.
C. J. Sills, Seaforth, $160; Mon.
ice Byrne, Dublin, $150; Yvonne
Ducharme, $150; Douglas Moser,
Waterloo, $150; Jerry Dantzer, of
Dublin, $150; Jerry Dantzer, of
London, $1000; Billie Dantzer,
Dublin, $50.00.
The following are tile results
of Dublin Continuation School:
Recommended for a Secondary
School Graduation Diploma —
Jack • Costello, Stephen Cronin,
Ann Dalton, Rita Kennedy, Jas.
Melady, Harry Ryan. Successful
in Grade XII subjects, Luella
Moylan. Recommended for an In-
termediate certificate — Helen
Bruxer, Elizabeth Ann Butters,
Donald Coyne, James Cronin;
Dorothy Dalton, Mary Ellen
Doyle, Yvonne Ducharme, J. D.
MacRae, Jean Maloney, Ken-
neth McLaughlin, Martha Schoon-
derwerd, Irene Shea, Joanne Sta-
pleton, John Van Bakel, An-
thony Visser.
Going into Grade X — Mary
Lou Coyne, Jerry Cronin, Jack
Doyle, Adrian Lansbergen, Ann
Malady, Rose Mary Murray, Wil-
liam Murray, Michael Russell,
Joyce Ryan, Pauline Stapleton.
Going into Grade XI — Marie
Going into Grade XII — Jean-
nie Malady, Jean Moylan, Rose
Mary Ryan, Jean Maloney.
Miss Nell Doyle and Ted Doyle
in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Doyle.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Reilly and
family with Dr. and Mrs. Frank
Stapleton, Galt.
Mrs. Van Doornick Sr. of Hans-
berger, Holland, with Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Vogels.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coyne of Sim-
coe with Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Feeney with
friends in Vanessa.
Lodges Plan
July Picnic
The annual family picnic for
members of Edelweiss Rebekah
Lodge and Fidelity Lodge I001',
has been set for July 9 at Sea-
forth Lions park at 3 p.m. Those
attending are asked to supply a
picnic lunch and their comp dish-
es, the Oddfellows to make ar-
rangements for the park, tables
and chocolate milk, while the
Rebekahs are arranging games.
and prizes. These plans were
laid at Monday night's meeting
of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge,
with, Mrs. M. Messenger, N.G,,
First night of nominations Was
held, Mrs, Ed. Andrews gave a
report of last week's district in-
augural meeting held at Clinton
with the newly -appointed district
deputy president, Mrs. Carman
McPherson, presiding, Reports
of recent assembly sessions were
given by Miss Jean Scott and,
Mrs. Keith Sharp,
A potluck supper on Sept. 11
will open the fall session of
meetings at which time Sunshine
Pals will be revealed with the
exchange of gifts,
Rabies continues to be report-
ed in Huron County, says R, M.
Aldis, M.D., D.P.H., Medical Of-
ficer of health. Last case was
a German Shepherd dog in the
Zurich area whose death on
June 19th has been confirmed
as due to rabies, Three humans
suffered exposure from this ani-
mal and are under treatment,
Continued co-operation of all
municipalities and individuals is
Report all suspected cases of
animal rabies to your veterinar-
ian or the Health of Animals Of-
fice, Seaforth.
If a human should suffer in-
jury by a possibly rabid animal,
promptly wash the wound or
place of exposure with soap and
water. Consult your physician.
Notify Health Unit, Goderich,
Confine animal under veterinary
supervision for at least 14 days.
Avoid shooting or destroying
such an animal if at all possible,
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Why don't you make it a point to v'i ii your nearest branch
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W. C. MOORE, Manager Seaforth Branch