HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-06-22, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 82
The Seafarth News
11.80 s
Snowdon lime. Publishers .
Phone 84 Seatorth, Ontario, Thursday, June 22, 1961
•,•1.41ii. it 46 701., ; d OPise Mait
Prot moo Dept., Ottawa
• —0A
Wild geese have begun to use
a lovely fat -in pond on Scott's
Poultry Farms as a resting place
during their migratory flights.
At Easter 15 geese stopped over
there. Three weeks ago nine
other geese arrived and began
to nest. Unfortunately rising wa-
ter at the time of the big rain
flooded them out and they went
away. On Saturday morning five
more came and rested all day,
taking off Sunday morning. ,It
is unusual for wild geese to be
migrating so late in the season.
When the above picture was
taken on Saturday afternoon the
visiting geese were quietly rest-
ing on the island in the pond
situated beside the road be-
tween farms 2 and 3. They were
unconcerned about the occasion-
al car or truck passing on the
road and a man was working
close by. The farm ducks and
white geese came and scolded
the photographer, but the wild
geese never looked up.
The pond was dug three or
four years ago and is about 12
feet deep.
C. W. L. Marks
40th Anniversary
The Catholic Women's League
of St. James Parish were hostes-
ses for the tea in the Rectory on
June 14, Guests were welcomed
by the president, Mrs. Gordon
Reynolds, and Miss Mae Parget-
er. Lovely floral arrangements,
adding to the pleasure, had been
-Made by Paris. Art Devereaux and
Mrs. Sam Bates. The convenors
for the tea were Yfrs. John Ma-
loney and Mrs. Jas. Devereaux,
Mrs. James Slattery showed
the guests to the room where
they enjoyed their visit and re-
The tea was poured by Miss
Marguerite Dunn, Mrs. W. J.
Duncan, Mrs. Joseph McMillan,
and Mrs. Richard Box. The lady
visitors were served by Mrs.
Clarence Malone, Mrs. Alvin
Hoff, Mrs. John Flannery, and
Mrs. Mervin Lane. The colour-
ful dainty dishes and the tea
were arranged by Mrs. John Dev-
ereaux, Mrs. John Nigh, Mrs.
Harry Hak, Mrs. Joe Lane, Mrs.
Clarence McNichol,- and Mrs.
John Ruston.
In addition to the tea itself
the ladies of the parish brought
their home baking to a sale con-
vened by Mrs. Michael Williams
and Mrs. Jas. Kelly. Mrs. John
Lansink, Mrs. Art Devereaux and
Miss Rita Duncan helped to
serve and wrap the cooking.
A very special feature was the
anniversary cake marking the
40th year of the Catholic Wo-
men's League in Seaforth. Mrs.
Alfred Halpin and Mrs. Joe Dev-
ereaux sold tickets) and the lady
who won the cake to take home
was Mrs. W. J. Brady.
Mr, and Mrs. John Pryce, Jar.
vis St., Seaforth, wish to an-
nounce the engagement of their
youngest daughter, Helen Marie,
to RoVert Jacob Parson, only
son of Mr. and Mrs. William It.
Parsons, RR 1, Cromarty. The
,-..B..arriage to take place the latter
Part of July.
• The Manson property in nig-
mondVille has been sold to
Charles Geddes, possession about
July 1st, through the office of
• Joseph McConnell.
Mrs. Anna Etue, wife of the
late John B. Etue, a life-long re-
sident of Stanley Twp., died on
/ Saturday evening, June 17th in
Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea.
forth where she had been a pa-
tient for the past two months.
The late Mrs. Etue was in her
81st year and before her mar-
riage was Anna Denomme, daug-
hter of the late Joseph Denomme
and Olive Ducharme, her hus-
band predeceased her in Dirdem-
1951. Surviving are three
so.ss: Levi of Detroit; Maurice
of Tuckersmith Twp., Leonard of
Tecumseh,' and one daughter,
Mrs. (Edna) A. Porkies Of De-
troit; also surviving are 14
grandchildren and 8 great grand-
The remains rested at the
.Westlake funeral chapel, Zurich,
until 10 a.m, Tuesday when Re-
quiem High Mats was sung at
St. Peter's It. C. Church, St Jo-
seph, by Rev, Fr. Poisson,
The pallbearers were 6 grand-
sons, Earl Etue, Wilfred Etue,
John Etue, Carl Rue, Louis Ma-
loney and Ronald Krajinke. In-
terment took place in adjoining
cemetery with Rev. Fr. Poisson
• The W. A. and W.M.S. will
held their July meeting in the
• Church oh Friday afternoon,
Juno 23 at 2,30 p.m. This is a
special meeting with Mrs. Wil-
Chureh, out Christian Citi-
zenehip ..Secretary, in charge.
To Replace Boiler
At Hospital
The May meeting of Scott
Memorial Hospital board was
held on Friday evening.
Mr. Scott, submitted the pro-
perty report, stated that Mr.
Meeuwisse was moving out of
the Horner house as of June 30.
Mr. 'lesson's% the new ' tenant,
will be moving in July 1, There
was no further word regarding
the moving of the barn by Mr.
Jansen but it was believed work
on this project would start in
Tune. The T. Elevator Co. had
advised that work would start
on the elevator Monday, June 20.
Mr. Kling and Mr. Scott had
made a survey on the installa-
tion of a new boiler. A second
hand boiler will be installed, to-
tal cost $2100. This work will
start in the very near future.
The old stoker is to be used.
Mr. Keating reported on re-
pair of the residence roof. Said
he had contacted Mr. Lamont
and, as soon as slates were found
the job would be started. '
Miss Drops presented the Sup-
erintendent's report. Admissions
for May 1961 were 119; May
1960, 96. Total admissons for
1961, 477; 1960, 508. Occupancy,
M and S. 94.7%, maternity 65.-
8%, pediatrics 61.2%, new born,
60.3%. Average number of pa-
tients for May, adults and child-
ren 31.7, newborn 4.2.
Miss Monteith, nursing consult-
ant from OHSC visited the hos-
pital in May and has recommend-
ed a library for nurses' use, and
also that another registered
nurse should be employed.
A representative of Dr. Gib -
bard's staff was here regarding
the setting up of a laboratory
and made a survey of the hospit-
al. A motion was passed to pur-
chase a Wappler cold cautery at
a cost of $190.00. It was -budget-
ed for in the .1960 budget.
The fire chief from the radar
school in Clinton to visit the
hospital on Tuesday, June 20 at
4 p.m. to discuss rules and regu-
lations. It had been suggested
that it might be advisable to use
a private room for installation of
the dishwasher,
Mr. McLean stated that the
executive committee from the
county of Huron had made a
tour of the hospital. It seemed to
be the consensus of opinion that
a new hospital as suggested by
the OHSC was the only solution.
The grant for this purpose is be-
ing increased to $2000.00 a bed
by the county.
M. and Mrs. Joseph McLaugh-
lin wish to announce the engage-
ment of their eldest daughter,
Joan Marie to Mr. Jerome P.
Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John E. Murray, The wedding
will take place in St. Patrick's
Roman Catholic Church, Dublin,
Ont., on July 1st at 1.0:30 a.m.
Miss Linda Oesch of Zurich,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ed-
mund Oesch spent Friday even-
ing With Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oesch
and family of Blake,
Miss Emma Dinsmore of Lon-
don is visiting with Mr. and Mrs,
Thomas Dinsmore and Mr. and
Mrs. Jamee Dinsmore.
Mr, • Httglile McBride Of Lon-
don spent Wednesday With Mr,
and Mrs. Roy McBride,
Mist Mary Ann Johnston of
NeW Liskeard it visiting with
friends and relatives of this •vi-
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beichert
Spent Sunday evening with Mr,
and Mrs. Xeith McBride and
family of Zurich.
Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Stokes of
Ailsa, Craig spent Sunday after-
noon with Mr. Harold Finlay and
family of Zurich.
Seek to Avoid
Rate Increases
The Maitland Bank Cemetery
Board met on Monday evening.
The following statement was is-
The Maitland Bank Cemetery
is a large old beautiful cemetery,
maintained as nicely as most
cemeteries, One we can be justly
proud of.
If you agree—then the Ceme-
tery Board has information for
you. Simply this—that the re-
ceipts at the present time are in-
sufficient to meet the expenses
as they develop, and unless there
are sufficient numbers of inter-
ested people who will -purchase
their Lots now, it will be neces-
sary to raise the prices in the
very near future.
We are asking you to help us
maintain the prices as they are
now by contacting Wm. Brad-
shaw at the cemetery or Mrs. E.
H. Close, Sec,-Treas., and make
the purchase of your lots, when
not under the strain of sorrow.
Huron Football
Senior Schedule
Goderich at Clinton, June 29th
Wingham at Winthrop, June 30th
Goderich at Winthrop, July 3rd
Brussels at Clinton, July 4th
Clinton at Goderieh, July 10th
Winthrop at Brussels, 'July 11th
Clinton at Winthrop, July 17th
Goderich at Brussels, July 21st
Winthrop at Wingham, July 25th
Brussels at Goderich, July 28th
Winthrop at Clinton, Aug. 1st
Goderich at _Wingham, Aug, 3rd
Brussels at Winthrop, Aug. 4th
Clinton at Wingham Aug, 7th
Wingham at Brussels Aug. 9th
Winthrop at Goderich, Aug. 11th
Wingham at Clinton, Aug. 15th
Clinton at Brussels, Aug. 18th
Wingham at Goderich Aug. 18th
Brussels at Wingham, Aug. 21st
Team Representative:
Goderich—Walter Gottschalk
Clinton—Wally Hacking
Brussels—Allan Nichol
Wingham—Clarence Machan
Winthrop—Jack Crozier
The Ladies' Guild of St. Thom-
as' Anglican Church met in the
Parish Hall for the June meet-
ing. Nine members and one visit-
or were present. Mrs. C. Row-
cliffe opened the meeting with
the -Gospel for the second Sun-
day after Trinity followed by the
,prayer for the parish and the
Lord's Prayer. The May minutes
and roll call were read by the
secretary, Mrs. G. Stockwell and
Mrs. E. Dinsmore gave treasur-
er's report. Mrs. G. McGavin re-
ported for the Rectory Commit-
tee. Current business was discus-
sed. Material from Eaton's and
Simpson -Sears was shown and
distributed. Four pairs of mitts
for the knitting booth at the
Fall Bazaar were received. There
are to be two future brides in
the Parish and as is the custom,
a cup and saucer is to be sent
to each.
The collection was received
and dedicated and the president
closed the meeting with the Ben-
ediction. The next meeting is to
be held on September 12th.
The 'funeral service for Elton
B. Gottdie of Seaforth was con-
ducted Friday afternoon by Rev,
J. C. Britton of Northside United
Honorary pallbearers: Ross
Savauge, Duncan Aikenhead, Dr.
F. Harburn, Ed. Pryce, Homer
Hunt, and William Sparks. Ac-
tive pallbearers were Clifford
Broadfoot, Sam Scott, Harold
Connell, Robert Joynt, L. Fletre
ing and George Addison. Flower
beaters were Austin Matheson,
Gordon Papple, Dale Nixon, and
Alex BOyee,
Cars Collide at
Winthrop Corner
Two cars were in collision at
the Winthrop cross roads on
Tuesday evening about 8 o'-
clock and passengers were tak-
en to hospital for a check-up.
Mrs. Olive Little of Winthrop
and her daughter were driving
West on the side road and Gus
Johnson and his sister Mrs. Fee-
ney and children were coming
south on the North Road. Both
cars were seriously damaged.
Mr. Johnson was removed to
hospital in Seaforth and was
still there on Wednesday as was
one of the New children. Dr.
Malkus brought in the others,
who were then released,
Provincial Constable Al Bow-
ering still had the accident un-
der investigation on Wednes-
Mrs. James Aitchesou acted as
hostess for the 1VIcKillop WMS
of the First Presbyterian Church
on June 11th. Mrs. Robert McMil-
lan, our president, welcomed the
ladies with a poem, followed, by
hymn 438. The secretary read
the minutes of the last meeting.
The roll call was answered by 25
members. Mrs. Wilfred Scott of-
fered her home for the July meet-
ing. Hymn 289 was sung. Mrs.
Sam Storey read the scripture
and Mrs. James F. Scott led in
prayer. A solo by Mrs. ha Dor-
mance was enjoyed by everyone.
Our president took charge of this
meeting. Topic "Together we
provide Christian Literature".
Her talk about different countries
proved interesting. Mrs. Ila Dor-
ranee received the offering. The
hymn 299 was sung followed by
the Lord's Prayer in unison. A
lunch was served by Mrs. McMil-
lan's group and the hostess.
Local 284 Seaforth district
O.F.U. held its monthly meeting
in Town Hall Wednesday night.
The President opened the
meeting and secretary read the
previous minutes and correspon-
deuce. Joint Board meeting with
Western Provinces will be held
in Winnipeg in July. A delegate
from Seaforth Local will attend,
Milk Marketing plan was dis-
cussed, and told to watch for
dates of meeting coining up.
Two resolutions were drafted as
(1) Whereas it is evident the
senior citizens in our province
are being discriminated against
under the present Hospitaliza-
tion plan because the general
Hospitals do not care to accept
chronic patients. Therefore be it
resolved if the commission ac-
cepts premiums from these citi-
zens, that nursing homes be in-
cluded under the Hospitalization
(2) Whereas we the members
of Seaforth Local 284 of the
Farmers Union, feel a license
fee on farm tractors would not
help in the control of highway
accidents. We recommend that
the government take no action
at this time. We favor the pro.
posed Education program of the
Ontario Government be given a
fair trial.
We also recommend that the
shoulders on highways be made
available for slow moving vehi-
cles. This resolution will be sent
to Minister of Highways.
CKNX barn dance will be held
Aug. 19 in Zurich, Huron County
Farmers' Union are holding the
picnic in Lions' Park, Seaforth,
July 24th.
'Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Gould, of
Scotland, wish to announce the
engagement of their daughtpr
Dorothy Ann to Mr. William
Hunt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Hunt, Seaforth. The wedding is
to take place July 15th, Wilson-
ville United Church,
Annual Reunion
Of Riley Family
The Riley Reunion was held
June 17th at the home of Mrs.
Bert Riley with over 90 attend -
Mg. A Program of sports was
=fried out as follows:
Races—Boys under 5, Doug
Harburn; girls 5 and under, Mar-
ilyn Riley; girls 6.7, Joanne Ri-
ley; boys 0-7, Keith Harburn;
girls 8-9, Linda Farr; boys 8-9,
Murray Kellington; boys 10-11,
Bobby Kellington; girls 12-13,
Susan Stinson; boys 12-13, Paul
Farr; girls 14-16, Bonnie Neil;
boys 14-16, Scott Harburn; the
young married ladies, Mrs. Rosie
Near; young married men, Ron
Cuthill; married ladies over 21,
Mrs. Ernie Harburn; married
men over 21, Frank Harburn;
guessing candies in jar, Bobby
Kellington; throwing ball into
basket, Mrs. Bert Riley; putting
cup on plate, Mrs. Ross Riley;
carrying egg on spoon, Mrs. Geo.
Shells; breaking balloon, Billy
Rayburn; banana loam Mrs,
Shiels and Ivan Boa; oldest lady,
Mrs, John Riley; oldest man, Mr,
'Wm, Riley, Staffa; longest mar-
ried couple, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Ri-
ley; latest married couple, Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Riley; youngest
child, Dennis Near; girl with the
longest finger nails, Beta Flynn;
boy with the longest finger nails,
Wayne Riley. A peanut scramble
for the little ones and a ball
game followed. All enjoyed a pic-
nic lunch and ice cream.
It was decided to hold the pic-
nic at the same home next year
on 3rd Saturday in June,. with
Win. Riley Jr., as president,
Lloyd Riley, vice president, Mrs.
Wm. Kellington,Sec., Mrs. Bert
Riley, 'Treas., ports Committee,
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harburn and
Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Harburn.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Wall
and the latter's sister, Miss Anne
Grant of Windsor spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Thompson and family.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte vis-
ited over the weekend with their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Van der Milan,
Guelph, and on Sunday attended
the Baptismal Service of their
baby son, Paul Francis, at the
Norfolk United Church.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Cecil Farnham
of Kitchener visited Saturday
with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Mac-
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns of
Tuckersmith visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lawson,
Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown
and girls, on Sunday, attended a
"Fathers' Day" gathering to hon-
our the latter's father, Mr. Thos.
Brigham at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Brigham and family,
Mrs. Leo Stephenson of Sea -
forth visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Lawson.
Mr. Charles MacGregor, Mark -
dale, spent the weekend with his
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mac-
W.A. and W.M.S.
Constance United Church W.
A. and WMS. held their regular
meeting on Wed. June 14. The
President, Mrs. Whyte opened
the meeting with hymn 113. The
minutes were read by Mrs. Don
Buchanan in absence of 1VIrs. Ri-
ley, Mrs. Reg, Lawson presided
at the piano throughout the even-
ing. Roll call was answered with
"Great men of the Bible". Busi-
ness matters were dealt with
and Wilma Dale appointed to go
to Alma College, if she can. The
meetings to be held in July and
August. Special collection to be
taken up in July for an "In Mem-
orial for Mrs. Hansauld". Next
meeting to be held July 4 and
Rev. Funge to be guest speaker.
Copper contest leaders are to be
Mrs. Reg. Lawson and Mrs. B.
Brown. Scripture lesson was ta-
ken by Mrs. Ken Preszcator fol-
lowed by prayer by Mrs. Whyte.
Mrs. Reg Lawson gave the study
book on Home for the Homeless,
in regard to work done by the
World Council of Churches for
The W.A. was presided over by
the President, Mrs. Lorne Law-
son and was opened by all sing-
ing hymn 181 followed by the
Lord's Prayer, The roll call was
well answered with articles for
the bazaar. The minutes were
read and the treasurer's report
given. Business matters and the
plans for the bazaar for the op-
en meeting on June 21 were dis-
cussed. Hymn 43 was sung and
closed with the Benediction.
Court Constantine L1842 C.O.F.
Celebrate Birthday
At the regular meeting of the
Court Constantine last Thurs-
day evening, a pot luck supper
was served to celebrate their 3rd
anniversary with members of
"Court Fascination" of Benmil-
ler. Sister D. Dalton welcomed
the guests. After a sumptuous
meal all attended the regular
meeting of the Court after which
everyone enjoyed two games
sponsored by the ladies of "Court
Fascination" and the remainder
of the evening spent in Court
Whist sponsored by Court Con-
stantine with prizes going to
high lady, Sister Marjory Ander-
son; low lady, sister P. Barri-
son. Closest birthday to date,
Sister H. McCabe; Anniversary
on the date, Sister A. Buchanan;
lucky chair, Sister E. Nott.
After votes of thanks and an
enjoyable evening everyone left
with ideas of meeting again next Bend,
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Bride-to-be Honoured
Miss Helen Mcllwain R.N.,
bride-to-be of this week was hon-
ored at a shower at home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt last Friday
evening with Mrs. Win, Dowson
of Varna as hostess. About 18
girls assembled to help entertain
the bride-to-be. After two con-
tests Helen was asked to take a
chair while Mrs. Wm. Newman,
Clinton, read a suitable address
and Misses Glenyce and Janice
Jewitt and Mrs. Wm, Dowson
presented gifts to the bride-to-be.
Mrs. Geo. Mcllwain Jr. Seaforth
assisted her sister-in-law to open
the gifts. Helen thanked the 'girls
for their lovely gifts and also the
hostess for her work and thought.
Monday evening in the base-
ment of the Church Miss Helen
Mcllwain R.N. was again show-
ered by neighbours and, friends.
The basement of the Church was
beautifully decorated in pink and
white streamers, umbrellas,
sprinkling can and balloons con-
taining verses that were read by
the bride-to-be. Three chairs were
also decorated in which Mrs.
Win. Dale acting as chairlady
for the evening invited Helen,
her mother, Mrs. Geo. Mcllwain
Sr. and her sister Mary to come
forward and be seated. After
piano instrumentals by Misses
Joyce Brown and Glenyce Jewitt,
contests were enjoyed, after
which Mrs. Don Buchanan gave
two short readings. 'Advice for
girls' from a Bachelor, and `Ad-
vice to a young bride' which were
enjoyed. At an opportune time
Mrs. Wm. Jewitt read an address
to Helen and a gift was present-
ed by Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt from
the West, East and South lines,
after which the bride-to-be had
to burst the balloons and the
travelling verses to receive the
remaining gifts. The gift from
the West, East and South lines
were two lovely lamps, magazine
rack and vase while the North
line gift was an electric fry pan.
Other gifts were presented front
friends and the Constance W.A.
Mrs. Mcllwain Sr. read the ver-
ses and Mary made up a hat
front the ribbons and later tied
it on her sister. Helen thanked
everyone and invited each one to
visit her. in their home near Sea -
forth; also thanking the commit-
tee Which consisted of Mesdames
Lorne Lawson, 'Win. Dale, Wm,
Jewitt and Verne Dale, for the
evening. '"For She's a Jolly Good
Fellose Was sung and hutch
Visitors on eunday celebrating
"Fathers' Day" at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Xen Preszcator
and family were Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Al-
lan Pfaff and family of Crediton,
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Webb and
family of Dashwood, Mr. and
Mrs. Robt, Jennison and family
and Mrs. Olive Webb of Grand
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Planke and
grandson, Jimmy Mackenzie of
Toronto were weekend visitors
at the home of Mrs. Ethel Ends.
Mrs. Arthur Bell and two
daughters of St. Pauls, Minneso-
ta are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Les Oliver.
Miss Ruth Ennis accompanied
Miss Brenda Bernier to her
home at Iroquois Falls where
they will spend the next two
weeks at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Bernier and family.
A large number from the con-
gregation of Duff's United
Church attended the 50th anni-
versary services at Moncrief Un-
ited Church last Sunday morn-
ing and evening. Rev. W. M.
Thomas conducted the morning
!service and in the evening was
' assisted by Rev. L. Brown of
The congregation of Duff's Un-
ited Church Will 11010 a social in
the basement Friday evening,
June 23 at 8.30 p.m. This will be
a farewell for Rev. and Mrs. W.
iM. Thomas, who leave for their
new home in Ottawa 071 Wednes-
day, June 28th,
The Induction Service for the
I new minister, Rev. Higginbotham
will be held in the Church Friday
' evening, June 30th.
Mrs. George Dundee visited
with her family in Toronto for
a few days last week.
Boundary and 17th
The regular monthly meeting
of the 17th and Boundary Group
of Duff's United Church, Walton,
was held at the home of Mrs.
Geo. Williamson with 16 mem-
bers and one visitor present.
Mrs. D. Buchanan presided over
the meeting which was opened
with hymn 502. Scripture read-
ing taken from Luke 17: by Mrs.
Roy Williamson, and, prayer was
offered by Mrs. Henry Arm-
strong. Comments on the scrip-
ture passage • were given and
business discussed. The lunch
was served by the hostess as-
sisted by Mrs. Roy Williamson,
Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. D. Buch-
anan and 1VIrs, M. Baan and a
social half hour spent,
Mrs, Frank Colby, Toronto,
and Mr. and Mrs. Creighton of
New Westminster called, at the
bouts of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Broadfoot and other friends on
Friday of last week.
Rev. W. M. Thomas will preach
his 'farewell sermon on Sunday
morning, June 25th. The Sacra-
ment of Baptism will be conduct-
ed at this service.
Mr. and Mrs. J, Gordon leave
on Thursday, lune 22 for Sasks,.
toon, Sask., where they will be
guests at a wedding and will re-
main for their holidays.
Miss 'Charlotte Loveridge of
West Hill spent the weekend at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. bong,
Ennis, Mr, Ron Ennis and Miss
Loveridge attended the Scoine-
Ilettermann Wedding at Seaforth,