The Seaforth News, 1961-06-15, Page 7Remember The Yo -Yoh' It's Coming Back ! After checking first to the left and thenthe right, the New York shopkeeper reached quick- ly under the counter, slipped out a box with just one item left in It, and passed that surreptitious- ly to the "special" customer for - whom he had saved it, "It's just like old times, like the black market," he said the other day. "For this batch, I had to, pay 1235 per cent 'over the regular Wholesale price, Now I can't get any more at any price." His fa- vored customer forked over a dollar and pocketed his eagerly sought prize: A Duncan Yo -Yo. Spinning across, the country like a pleasant plague from the past, the reborn Yo -Yo craze had finally hit New York—just as it had previously whirled through Salt Lake City, Wichita, Kansas City, Memphis, Nashville, and Birmingham, Donald F. Duncan, Inc., which controls 90 per cent of the market, had, for example, sold more Yo-Yos in Nashville in two months (350,000) than there are people (322,000), In New York, for thousands of "un - special" customers and their brainwashed youngsters ("If it isn't a Duncan, it isn't a Yo -Yo," advisee all the firm's advertis- ing), there just weren't enough Yo -Yes to go around. In a desperate effort to meet the demand, the Duncan firm, with headquarters in. Evanston, Iii, and a one-story cement - block plant in Luck, Wis., step- ped up production to 24 hours a day in April, and turned out more than a million Yo-Yos for the month—double the, year-ago output. (Automatic lathes turn 4 -foot -long blocks of maple into Yo-Yos at the rate of more than 1,200 an hour.) Duncan had television to thank for its new affluence. ' In the old days, the firm employed troops of Filipino demonstrators to tour playgrounds and neighborhood centers, exhibiting an amazing repertoire of tricks possible with the Yo -Yo, coaching youngsters• in their. efforts at "walking -the - dog" and "rocking -the -baby". While this . type of advertising was good enough for dear old dad, it couldn't match the hard sell of newer, competing toys. Now Concentrating on first one city and then the next (the up- coming target is Chicago), Dun- can has transferred its demon- strations to television via such kiddie shows as "Popeye" and "Laurel and Hardy." Duncan sponsors contests, and top prizes this year will be trips to Disney- land. "It's contagious," explains 34 - year -old Duncan president Don- ald F. Duncan Jr., whose father founded the firm and gave the Yo -Yo its name in 1929. "Kids want to get their own and start playing. And anyone can do it —young, old, short, tall, weak, or strong." Retail prices, after a 50 per cent markup, range from 25 cents to $1. While the technique may be unique, the city -by -city sales campaign is just what Duncan ordered. "We don't want this to become a mad fad like the Hula Hoop," he says. "We want to keep it going." MERRY MENAGERIE "roe the last time, Feteo please ahead In the middle!' FORWARD! — Dave Burks, 4, tries his skill on a slow motion steed a giant sea tortoise at the Marseille Park Zoo. w•n Hard -Luck Gems Back In Favor Opals, tike' lovely gem stones which were believed by the an- cients to possess magical' powers, are in growing demand in: many parts of the world. Girls and women of to -day, who admire the variety of their colour, no longer' believe, 'as did those of a century ago, that opals" are unlucky. In feet, in some cases .opals are proving more popular' than diamonds 'as "a girl's best friend," In an old treatise translated in 1750• the author scornsany belief that opals are•unlucky and says: "They are stones wonder- ful to behold, being composed of so many and divers colours of shining gems, as of the carbun- cle, amethyst, emerald and many others." The opal is.. found in certain volcanic rocks and it's a curious fact that the colours of opals are always more effective and bril- liant in' warm weather 'or in a warm place. The finest speci- mens are found to -day in South America, Australia, Mexico and the U.S. The largest opal ever discov- ered was one of 143 oz. troy named Olympic Australia. It was found near Coober Pedy, South Australia; in August, 1956, and valued at $150,000, Years ago a rich merchant presented the largest opal then known to the cathedral at Rhe- ims. The clergy had this wonder- ful gem mounted in the cover of the Bible which lay on the altar. It was so eye-catching that as time went on more and more people spent money on buying opals instead of giving it to the church, so the clergy of Rheims decided to go to the cathedral at dead of night and with a ham- mer break the wonderful—but brittle—opal in the Bible into a thousand fragments. The clergy explained to the congregation later that the opal "had been struck by a thunderbolt" because of the people's wrongdoing in spending their money on these stones. As a result the opal wee labelled, as unlucky. NO WEAR AND TEAR Bernard Brown, 33, who won the title "best dressed man ' in northern England", said 'today he has been unemployed and living on melief funds for 17 years. Brown, who gets $16.00 week- ly from the national assistance (relief) program, said he bought his prize-winning midnight -blue suit for $70.00 on the instalment plan. Those Private Eyes Had To Back Down As, the world's largest detec- tive agency, William J. Buns In- ternational (12,000 employes)' prides itself on its ability to serve up a sleuth for every oc- casion, In the past, ,it has see. Plied private -eye musicians for symphony orchestras, aristocrat- ic -looking gumshoes for fancy balls, a small army of "industrial espionage" operatives, and even ae bandanna - kerchiefed railroad engineer,' The steady expansion of Berns' undercover activities came a cropper last month, though, when the agency ran • up against the American Association of Univer- sity Professors, The controversy started when a letter bearing the agency's letterhead went out from Burns'-, Houston oi','ice in January, addressed to six college presidents in Texas, "Many col- leges and, universitieshave found thatour services can be very beneficial and informative,"- it began. '.'The same system which has saved countless dollars in business can be used .in your in- stitution to give you an inside, on -the -scene report concerning any practices detrimental to the institution's character and repu- tation. "Teaching practices can be viewed, with Information from a 'student' who is trained to re• port objectively on what he or she sees or, hears from the class- room. Almost each department has its controversial faculty member. These departmentsin- variably are: Religion, philoso- phy, psychology, English. (litera- ture), biology, history, govern- ment, journalism, speech, and drama:" "A 'student' trained in his du- ties as a Burns Operative 'can enroll .. ,,obtainhis class sched- ule . , . attend ` class and send daily, confidential reports to the Agency. , ,'. After the necessary body of fact, and information is developed, corrective steps can be 'made quickly, quietly, and . efficiently. • • "Burns operatives' can also be inconspicuouslyplaced in posi- tions of ositions;.of kitchen help, laborers, cashiers, office help, janitors, in any field where a, security prob- lem might exist . , ," When the letter was brought to the attention of the American Association of University Profes- sors, that group vigorously ob- • jected to Burns headquarters in New York. The offer, they fum- ed, was "entirely inconsistent with every concept of academic freedom and academic due pro- cess, which represent the hall- marks and the foundation of the whole system of higher educa- tion." Burns quickly apologized. It was all a . case of "misguided sales enthusiasm to get new busi- ness" by one operative in the Houston office, said Burns. The letter had been retracted and the operative responsible "kicked in the pants." While it has often provided guard services for colleges, said Burns, "it has never been called upon to investigate any activity of college professors." From now on, the agency'promised, such ac- tivity would go on its taboo list along with divorce and anti -labor investigation. Though the. agency repudiated its letter, the very . concept of academic espionage left educat- ors outraged. Their feeling could be summed up in the one -word reaction of president Virgil Hen - cher of the State University of Iowa: "Despicable." From• NEWSWEEK Lou Gehrig hit 23 lifetime homers with the bases • full, but Ernie Banks holds the single - season mark'at five. ROAD, STOP - Maximum security is the watch Word as the "Freedom Riders" bus %top•ped on On Alabama highway during thetrip to Jackson, Miss. T'h'is photo was taken as Thomas- Lawson, homasLawson, spokesman for the group, held an impromptu press conference on highway and said the riders resented protection forced on`, them. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING, AGENTS STOREKEEPERS DEALERS W.iito for free' copy Summer Specialty Cet;ilogae featuring large assortment seasonable merchandise. Toys Dry. goods, 'ifousewures, eta. llonafl'Ue deal. ers only, PhliliPps. Sales Company, 939 ,Busby St., Montreal, AGENTS WANTED NIGH PROFITS, selling imports every. one needs. Juicers, Noodle Machines Msgeetic Soap Holder $1.00. Special( 9ant'ale 506y. Importers 153 • 11 St N.E. Medicine slat, Alberta. BABY CHICKS NEW Bray summer B11taLS Parkst ship- ment Ames Series 505, 424, 434. Dayoids and started, Order ,summer Broiler chicks now, See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery; 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ATTENTION I Garage and service sta. Lion owners. Limited number of ass0- elate store dealerships available. Only Small capital required. Be competitive. Automart Assoelate Stores, 195 St. Paul. St W., St. Catharines, Ont. AUTOMOTIVE accessories - Only1; 000 puts you into the highly Lucrative year-round Automotive Parts wholesale business. Mt service stations, garage, car dealers, cigar and drug stores, etc., your customers. Details available on request. All replies confidential, guar. anteed exclusive territory. All Parts Autotnotive, Limited, 1084 Kipling North Rexdale, Toronto. DRILLING Contractor holding 2000 acres in block immediately adjacent new Princeton gas and oil area necking Partners or Investors in development, Apply Box 148 Hiilsburgh, Ontario. "EXTRA Dollars front Your Garden". New ('olio, 00 plans tells how, $1.00, Other homemakers' "how-to" books. Write Lucerne, Box 133, Stoney Creek, Ont. lemmTE) number of active and part. time distributorships are availablewith a progressive established Ontario lim- ited company now expanding. Experi- ence not essential. Company will or- ganize. Minimum $2,000 capital required. Excellent prospects, Appointment only. Box 235, 123 • 18th Street, New Toronto. Ont. PARTNERSHIP - CONCRETE AND CULVERT c0NSTRUCTION BUSINESS In operation over four years within a ' 75 mile radius of London. Interested in, experienced concrete Ire. ian to buy part interest ndor in good condition ant Is 130X 9, NEWBURY, ONT. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR RENT WASAGA Beach, Main St. empty stores and equipped restaurant for rent Phone 374W 'or write Sox 72- Wasage Beach, Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE TORONTO CENTRAL location, 42 rooms total, 9 suite apartment building built from pre-war materials; this extra large building will outlast and outproduce most of recent structures, excellent street, yearly rentals close to 510 000. No problems with these rentals, $9,500 cash required and the price is low, be- cause the vendor left for USA and has to sell it, Call Mr. T. Warawa, RO. 3.3553, E, Kurdydyk, Realtor, 514 An. nette Street, Toronto. DOGS FOR SALE COACH Dogs. Dalmations, entire ken- nel stock, nine puppies, three adults, beautiful purebreds, moving. Mohawk ranch, RRI, Lowbanks. Phone Dunn- ville 4818. FARM EQUIPMENT ASK your offer on 160 x 25 henhouse, Aluminum outside and automatic feeder — new. Massellnk Poultry Farms, Elgin. Mills, Ont. TU. 4.2255. SEE us before you deal—for Farm and Industrial, tractors, loaders, backhoes, Combines and Balers. New and used. Reconditioned, guaranteed and as -is. Convenient terms and highest trade-in allowances The Hamilton area's largest dealer, Hanson Supply Limited, 124 King St. W.. Stoney Creek. 'Phone LI. 9.5917. FOR SALE — MISCELLANEOUS "DESTROYER" for use in outdoor toilets, Eats down to the earth, saves clusers,ncoastt to coast. ons. rThousands$1.0 pefr can, postpaid. LOG CABIN PRODUCTS. 822 York Road, Guelph, Ont. FOR SALE. Dragline - Double drum, portable mounted, A -i condition cont. pletely equipped- with lines, bucket and Chrysler powered. Apply: Ald• borough and Gas Company. Wards. vile. Ontario. S OAS Brooders 600 chick capacity each. Allnost new, $20.08 each. J. Torok, RAI. 3, Oshawa. PORTABLE Water Softeners and Puri- fiers — $29.00, No installation charges, fits all. taps. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Also, Chaise Lounge Cots - $11.95. Barbecues $9.95. Carousel Clothes Dryers — $11,95, Therm's Portable Heaters $21.95. Many other lines. Express Paid. Cata- logue, TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING CO. FERGUS-18, ONTARIO WELL drilling machine.- Armstrong No. 45 semi -trailer mounted on F.W.D. truck. Also two complete sets of tools. Of. Comfort, 137 Corman Ave.. Stoney Creek. "HAIR GOODS!" W I gs, '70 U p e e s, Transformations, Switches made from finest quality hair Write for Illustrated catalogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Company 628-F Bathurst Street, Toronto. How Can I? By Roberta Lee Q. clow .can I blacken some tan leather? A,' Try rubbing this leather thoroughly with the inside of a raw potato. Let dry, then polish. Q. Ilow can I keep flies and other insects out of my freshly - applied paint jobs outside? A, If you'll add one or two teaspoonfuls of oil of citronella or oil of wintergreen to each .gallon of your paint, the odor of these oils will usually make the 'insects keep their distance. Q. flow can I produce a dur- able, climate -proof, antique fin- ish on walnut and other hard- woods? A. By pouring boiling -hot lin- seed oil over the unfinished Wood, ',The surface is then sand- ed or rubbed. to a smooth' finish,, and the process, repented until the woad is as dark as desired. Then polish with wax. HELP WANTED IMMEDIATE Dig Pay Jobs( All phases construction, United States, Canada, Alaska, Greenland. Complete ]nforme. tion $2.00, Airmailed 52,50..$3.00 Paek- aged Deal job hints. Information Clear- ing House, P.O. Box 006, Zanesville, Ohio, HELP WANTED—MALE Young Men WE require young men, free te travel Canada;.neatness essential, This position offers an unusual opportunity for ambitiousyoung men, 17.20, to learn salesmanship. 'Starting salary $200 per month. Apply Circulatioir Dept, L. E. Wilson, 5th Floor, 210 Dundas St. W., Toronto. 0 a.m. • 6 p.m. HAWAIIN EARRINGS BEAUTIFUL Sea Shell or Coral Ear- rings from FIatvaiil 52.50 per set. Send to; MA,M„ P.O. Box 0213, Waikiki Beach, Hawaii, HAY FOR SALE 2000 BALES mixed hay, 206 per bale. (. Torok, R.R.3, Oshawa, OL. S -44i0.. HORSES SADDLE Horses — Palominos, chest- nuts, blacks, yearlings and two year olds, also mares heavy in -foal and mare with colt also other horses. Phone 1390M4, George Rodwell, Inger- soll. MEDICAL HIGHLY RECOMMENDED — EVERY SUF- FERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S' DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect ' POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scalding and burning ecze- ma, acne; ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free. on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1855 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO MONEY TO LOAN OPEN Mortgage Loans on farms, homescommercial, etc. Fast service. Phone, write, or drop in. United County Investments Ltd., 3645 Bathurst St., Toronto. RU. 9-2125, NURSERY PLANTS 20 HOUSE PLANT SLIPS $2.00. Blue Hydrangea $1.98. Tropical, 4820' Frances, North Burnaby, British Columbia. NUTRIA ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA When purchasing Nutria consider the following points which this organize. tion Offers: 1. The best available stock, no cross. bred or standard types recommended. 2, The reputation of a plan which is proving itself substantiated by files of s3. Full insurance against replace- ment, should they not live or in the event of sterility (all fully explained in our certificateof merit.) 4. We give you only mutations which are in demand for fur garments. 5. You receive from this organization ■ guaranteed pelt market In writing. 6, Membership in our exclusive breeders' association, whereby only pate In the of stock offered, partici- 7. Prices for Breeding Stock start at $200, a pair, Special offer to those who qualify; earn your Nutria on our cooperative basis. Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd., R.R. No. 2, Stouffville, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND. WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN. CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL' HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Moor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St, W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL HYGIENIC RUBBER GOODS TESTED, guaranteed, mailed in plain parcel including catalogue and sex book freewith trial assortment. 18 for $L00. (Finest quality) Western Disfribu• ors, Box 24 -TPF, Regina, Sask. FREE! How To Win At The Races! For Free Information write to: H.J.G. Com- pany, Box 215, Station 'T", Buffalo 12, New York. ISSUE 23 — 1961 PERSONAL, MX PADAY -• IfverytleyI simple.plen brlrrgs "extra Income" steadily. 'Na song. Men, women, want this exciting Plan', Just write: Jrephagen'e, 1050-W Cermali, Chicago 8, 'Iii. PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 21, GAIT; QNT. Films developed and 6. maggna prints 480,1 1 Reprints. 80 each t KODACOLOR Developing roll 9Sf mot Including Prints).Color prints $55 each extra. Ansco and Ektaehrome 35 ni.m. 20 ex- posures mounted in sl1deS 61.20 Color prints from slides 326 each. Money re- funded in full for imprinted negatives. PONIES FOR SALE SHETLAND Ponies far sale, grade and registered stares and stallions and child's Ponies, Bridgewood Farms, Woodbridge, R.R. No, 1. ATlas 8.0713. PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE New Modern Home over- looking beautiful river; and real estate business. One hundred mile territory separate office, 527,000, terms. Write to; Metter's, Chapeau, Que. 16 ACRES mixed fruit and nuts, on Main Highway between Vineland and Hamilton. Large House. Levi Housser, Beamsville, Ontario, RUBBER STAMPS YOUR Name — address, cite, zone, Province, on your own Rubber Stamp, Boz 0550 Seattle 11, Washington,o Co., STAMPS FREE, 60 different stamps, Includes Br, Col., U,S.A., foreign, to collectors re- questing approvals, "Robins." 1322 Bloor W., Toronto 4, 'Ontario. FREE 100 STAMPS AP- PROVTH ALS 60% GE OFF SCOTT. PASTASTAMP MP CO., P.O. BOX 1205, POMPANO BEACH, FLA.,U.S.A. SPARE TIME PROFITS BIG Profits selling Hand. Painted Por- traits in Ohs on Canvas, from Photo- graphs! Write for details. Harte's Stu- dio, 27 Santa Barbara Street, Spring- field 4, Massachusettes, USA. SPORT COPTERS SPORT-COPTER Enthusiasts! 21 page Catalogue complete 1961 Bensen Gyro Line. Send $1. Pioneer Copter Sales, P.O. Box 1552, Dept. C., Roelaord, Il- linois, U.S.A. SUMMER RESORTS REMOTE, private camp on Tomiko Lake, 36 miles from North Bay: excel- lent fishing or family vacation cabins and meals, housekeeping cottage s, boats, motors, etc., at lowest rates. For further information write Moose Point Lodge, Crystal Falls, Ont. HOLIDAY IN Ronnechere Valley heart of Ren- frew County. Good fishing, beaches, sight-seeing. Write EGANVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EGANVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA TEACHERS WANTED KINGSVILLE Separate School requires 2 teachers, modern 5 -room school, situ- ated inthe heart of the town. Duties — commence Sept. 6, 1961. Apply stating qualifications and experience to Fred DeSantis, Secretary-Treasurer..Box 130, Kingsville, QUALIFIED teacher for rural school, ectda ppsasalaryenrolment qualifications stating last np for to Mrs. Herb. Smith, Sea -Tress., R.R. 1, Grafton, Ont. TRAVEL TRAILERS SHASTA TRAILERS, more people buy SHASTA than any other Travel Trailer. WERNER TRAILER SALES, SELKIRK, ONT., RR 2. PHONE 776.2373 SET.KIRK. UNITED STATES RESORTS PARK VIEW HOTEL N J 5TH and Ashbury, Ocean City, week up 1st everything, double floor, rooms,24 apartments, $45.970 week. Free parking. Bathing. Phone 899.7414. WELL-TO-DO LONDON OFFERS YOU The best investment opportuni- ties in selected apartment and commercial buildings and first and second mortgages. For free brochure and information, call, visit or write: RICHARDS NEILANDS LTD. Realtors GE. 4-2169 360 KING STREET, LONDON Specializing in investment• Income • Real Estate since 1955, WHO IS THIS GUY? — Bearded Bert Rucker grins as his disap- proving wife turns away from him in Seattle, Wash, •Rucker grew the beard on a seven-month expedition to the Antarctic with a 'Navy icsb'. c -(ter, His wifely greeting at the end of the trip is loss than enthusiastic.