HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-06-15, Page 5T D SDAFORTH NEWS There y, June 1,5, 1.961. SMIT'S rood Market HEINZ 5 -FANCY TOMATO JUICE ONLY 48 OZ TIN 28e SWIFTS PREMIUM CANNED HAMS: MS1. 1.35 SAVE 24c SHTRR-IFFS INSTANT`' MASHED POTATOES 29c 6 OZ Pk. AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP 11_bottles az s>'- PINK LIQUID THRIFT for dishes only 29c 12 OZ PLASTIC CONTAINER , BEAVER BRAND 39c CHARCOAL 5 lb bag St. Williams Assorted 41c JAMS 2 9 -oz Jars WE DELIVER NORTH McKILLOP Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Regele and First Presbyterian Church REV. D. LESLIE ELDER Minister 10 a.m. Church School and Youth Fellowship Class 11 a.m. FATHER'S DAY SERVICE Sermon: THREE M's FOR MEN Praise will be led by a men's chorus composed of men of the congregation. Krista of Woodstock with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thornton and Connie of Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thornton on Sun. day, Miss Norma Looming of Lon- don spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming. Northside United Church Worship 11 a.m. Jr. Church School during wor- ship period. Sr. Church School 10 a.m. Organist, Mrs. J. A. Stewart; Nursery School meets during the Choirmaster, Mr. J. A. Stewart; hour of worship. Minister, Rev. J. C. Britton, B.A.: NOTICE OF POWER INTERRUPTION Weather Permitting Sunday, June 18th,1961 FROM 1 P.M. TO 3 P.M. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME All of Municipal Town of Seaforth affected This Interruption is necessary to do Emergency Work on Substation Your Co-operation is requested PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION SEAFORTH R. J. BOUSSEY Manager. F. KLING Chairman TOWN TOMOS Mr, H, G, Moir spent last week• end at Pinedale Inn, Grayenhurst, wham he addressed the Toronto Conclave of the Crusaders, a ser- vice:club organization, T. Sgt, and Mrs. J. G, Taman and family of Bellefontaine. Ohio, vleited over the weekend at the home of Mr, and Mrs. E. H. Close. Lynn is staying forher summer holidays, Mr. and Mrs. James Hogg, Mrs. Grace Throop, Ted Qgilvle and Dawson Herron, all of Col- lingwood spent the weekend with Mr. and. Mrs. Bedford Dungey and family. Mr. Bob Spooner, who spent the past two weeks here returned home with them and Mrs, Hogg is staying for 'a week. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Rose were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Cunningham of Willow. dale. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jordan and family of Sarnia spent Sun- day with Mrs. Jean Fortune. The.Bantams baseball boys at- tended the Shriners' baseball game in London Monday night. 1959 FORD COACH, A.T. and R. 195'9 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1958 FORD 'SEDAN, Radio, A.T. 1957 CHEVROLET SEDAN, A.T. 1955 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON -19 # -ATTSTI'Nm'SEDAN s' NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet •- Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL SEAFORTH Phone G, Fawm 1$6 . Phone 541 DUBLIN Tne June meeting of Dublin C.W.L. was held in the parish hall with a representative at. tendance, Mrs, Fergus Horan, President, opened the meeting with the regulation prayer and a hymn, In the absence of the sec - rotary, Mrs, Gerald Holland, the, treasurer, Mrs. E. Dean read the minutes of the previous meeting, also a satisfactory financial re- port and the current correspond- ence, Mrs. Dan O'Rourke gave the Spiritual Report. Mrs, Fergus Horan and Mrs, Fergus Stapleton had attended the annual OWL Convention at Chatham and Mrs. Stapleton gave a very informative and in- teresting account of all the acti- vities of the 2 -day Conference. Mrs. James P. Krauskopf read an article 'Challenge to the C. W. L. members on Catholic Act- ion in both Society and family life". Rev. Father Durand addressed the meeting and gave an explan- ation of the Epistle and Gospel for the previous Sunday. Plans were discussed for the turkey supper and garden party to be held at the parish hall, on June 21st. The meeting closed with the singing of "0 Canada", and the National Anthem. Tables were arranged for pro. gressive euchre, the prize for high score being won by Mrs. Jos. F. Ryan. Lunch was served by the committee. A miscellaneous shower hon- oring Miss Joan McLaughlin, whose marriage to Mr. Jerome Murray is an event of July 1st was held at the home of Mrs. Joseph McLaughlin. The spon- sors were Mrs, Raymond Ma- loney, Stratford and Miss Rose Marie Feeney, Kitchener. About 50 friends and neighbors assem- bled to extend felicitations to the prospective bride. A congratula- tory address was read by Mrs. Maloney, and the bride-to-be was assisted in opening numerous gifts of china and linen, The guest of honor graciously ex- pressed her thanks. A social hour was spent playing various games, and a delicious lunch was served by the sponsors and their assistants. Dear Joan,—J is for Joan whose name we will spell in hopes she'll remember this little farewell. 0 is for only happiness we hope you will share, may your life together be free from sorrow and care. A is for all the good luck and good cheer that can possibly come in your mar- ried years. N is for near Where you will be making your home and live happily ever after ;with your husband Jerome. The Holy Name Rally for .Dub- lin and adjoining parishes 'took place on Sunday afternoon with a large attendance of members. Rev. -Father Reid Lewis. Clin- ton, was the guest speaker,' who exhorted the members to obey the rules and regulations of the Holy Name Society. The cere- monies were concluded by Sol- emn Benediction. Mrs. Fergus Horan and Mrs. Fergus Stapleton were delegates to the C.W.L. annual onvention in Chatham in May. - Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stapleton in Montreal with Mrs. McGovern. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney and son, Mr. and Mrs. Billie Feeney and daughter, Kitchener, with Mrs. Catharine Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Holland are attending a Great West Life Convention at Murray Bay. Mrs. Kathleen Feeney spent a few days in Seaforth. Mrs. Ursula Drew, Leaming- ton, with Mrs. Wm. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Friend and daughters spent the weekend at their cottage at Lion's Head. Mrs. Louis Dillon and Dorothy, Mrs, Joseph Jordan attended the Retreat at Brescia Hall, London. Tom Feeney, London, with El- mer and Louis Feeney. Mrs. M. Kintner and Diane at Gadshill with Mr. and Mrs. Ban- don, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Maloney of Kitchener, with Mrs. Mary Feeney. Mr. Matt Murray and Frank O'Rourke at Rosetown, Seek. Sloan, Special games were won by Mrs, Wilfred McQuaid, Mrs, Jaek Lane and ,Mrs Jaek Moy Ian. Following the bingo, tea,. sandwiches and cookies were served by the committee In charge and a social hour was spent, Among those receiving their Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto in Con- vocation Hall on May 3l was Gordon Kennedy, Son of Mr, and Mrs, Angus Kennedy. Mr, Ken- nedy is a graduate of St. Colum- ban Separate School, Seaforth District High School and Toron- to Teachers' College, After com- pleting a summer course at the Ontario College of Education, he. will assume a teaching position in association with the Basilian, Fathers of Toronto. re— NORTH McKILLOP The Bethel WMS and W.A. meetings were held on Thursday afternoon June 2nd at the home of Mrs. William Dennis. The President gave the Invocation followed by singing hymn 249. Time scripture lesson from the Book of Matthew was read by Mrs, Roy Wildfong. Mrs, Leon- ard Leeming led in prayer. A reading entitled "Our Blessings" was given by Mrs. Don Dennis, and Fannie Dennis gave a Citi- zenship reading dealing with the alcohol problem. Mrs. C. Boyd and Mrs. R, Wildfong pre ented' a dialogue called "The Vision'. A Bible Quiz was conducted by Ethel Dennis and following this Life Membership Certificates were presented to Mrs. Charles Boyd and Mrs. Norval Stimore in recognition of their faithful service, to the W.M.S. over the' years. Ethel Dennis read the ad- dress and Mrs. L. Leeming pre- sented the certificates. The roll call for the July meeting is to be the name of a child in the Bible. The ladies were reminded of their invitation to Winthrop on Wednesday afternoon, June 7th. Hymn 501 was sung and the Ben- ediction pronounced. The Vice President of W. A., Mrs. Burch, presided for the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopt- ed and 15 members• answered the roll call. The treasurer reported that $19.00 was, realized from the bake sale at. the last meeting. Nothing was decided on the Westminster Organ Fund. Moved by Ethel and seconded by Viola that $5 be sent to. Winthrop for Bible School material. Plans were made fon,a•yreiner;roast to be held soon. The resultsof the Copper Contest,. was $39.73: 'The hymn 259 was sung - and the meet- ing closed with prayer. New Anstett Store To Open On Thursday. Morning When the Anstett Jewellers new Seaforth, store opens Thure. day, it will be in charge of Ray Anstett, a brother of the owner of the throe -store chain, Cotner branches are 10 Clinton and Walkerton. • Ray Anstett comes to Seaforth from Walkerton, where he was manager of the store there. With his wife, Leona, and two child. ren, Kimberley and Douglas, he is now living in Seaforth. A native of Walkerton, Ray Anstett learned the jewellery business' in Clinton, remaining there until' the firm opened the Walkerton store in 1956, when he returned to become manager. While in Clinton and Walker- ton he took an active part in the community. He played hockey with the Clinton Colts, Interme- diate 'B' team and later with the Walkerton. Capitols: He was an active• member of the Walkerton Kinsmen Club. The new store will also have on staff Miss Karen Hugill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T, Hugel; of Seaforth. Miss Hug - ill has been employed in the An- stett nstett. stare in Clinton prior to the opening of the Seaforth store, Mr. Arnold Westcott from whom the business was purchas- ed, completed fifty years in the jewellery trade in Seatorth this spring. On April' 1, 1911, he start- ed with Savauge and Stollery at the age of 16. In 1916 he and his twin brother Clarence went over- seas with the 161st battalion. Arnold. was wounded' in France on April 29, 1918, and was sent back to England. He was still there when Clarence was killed on September 29, 1918, and was still in hospital till after the arm- istice. In the spring of 1919 he returned to Canada, By this time Mr. Savauge had taken over the business and as his son Ross was now with him, Arnold was em ployed by J. F. Daly who had a jewellery store in the Ford gar- age. About 40 years ago when Mr. Savauge moved to the pre- sent location of' Savauge's, Mr. Daly moved the jewellery busi• ness to the vacated store. In 1925 Arnold Westcott was ill for most of the year from a war disability and Mr. Daly's son ran the business. In 1927 Mr. and Mrs. Westcott purchased the jewellery business from Mr. Daly, thus Arnold be- came proprietor in the store where he had started 16 years before. Arnold Westcott and Miss Alva ST. COLUMBAN About 85 ladies attended +•-the bingo and tea sponsored by, -the C. W. L. and held at the home of Mrs. Frank Bowman on Monday Ovenieg, The following were win- ners at bingo: Vire, Hubert John son, Mrs. Tom Morrie, Mrs. Mich- ael Doyle, Mrs. Frank Hickneli,' Mrs. Emmett Malone, Mrs, Dick Downey, Mrs, Frank Bowman, Mrs. Jim Dueharme (2), Mrs. Joe Feeney, Mrs, Joe Dorsey, Mrs, John Murray, Mrs. Jim Howard of Guelph were married on September 21, 1921. They have a family of three, Clare of Scar- borough; Marguerite, Mrs. Ron Evans, Agincourt; and Blanche, Mrs. G. Weber, London. Mr, Westcott is at present ser- iously ill in Suunybrook Hospit. al, Toronto. BAYFIELD Mrs, L. M. Sprague, Detroit, came on Friday to spend two weeks at her home, Mrs, D, 1. Sturgeon, left op. Sunday to spend three days in London. Mrs. Harold King, Sarnia, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E, A, Featherston. Miss Ethel Blair, London, was With her parents over the week- end, Mr.• and Mrs, Wm. Bennett, and children, London, were at their cottage over the weekend. Sixty-nine members of the loc- al Loyal Orange Lodges paraded to St. Andrew's United Church on Sunday morning. Rev. W. C. Smith, the pastor was in charge of the service and delivered a splendid sermon to the members and the large congregation at- tending, Mrs, Walter Green is spending a few days at London, Mr, and Mr's. Win, Parker Jr. and family, London, were with Mr, and Mrs, J. Fraser over the weekend. Mr.l and, Ma's, Harry Baker and Gwen, London, spent from Friday to Sunday at their home. Mr. ands. • Gordon Pfaff and son Ma, 'Windsor, spent the weekend at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kerr spent Monday at Petr'olia. BRUCEFIELD Mrs, Kruger is visiting with her sister Mrs, A. Ings. lKTxs, A. "Paterson attended the Nurses Graduation in Toronto last week where her niece Miss Linda Cribbon was a graduate. Mrs. Ross Scott returned home from Winnipeg after visiting with her daughter and family for a 'week. We are sorry to report that Mr. Ross Stott suffered a slight heart attack. Mr, and Mrs. Hopkins have moved into Mrs. S. McKenzie's home, we welcome them to the village. Mrs. Lindsay Eyre was a pa- tient in the hospital for a few days, STETT JEWELLERS Cordially Invite You To Attend The it and 5.sizsz=r peisrng OF THEIR NEW EAFORTH STORE Thursday, June 15, 9 a.m. Our Completely Modern Jewellery Store will open on THURSDAY MORNING, June 15th. The store will feature a complete selection of Quality Jewellery, and has been designed for your shopping convenience. FREE GIFT WRAPPING EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS BY CERTIFIED - WATCHMAKERS .. . . . . . GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS DIAMONDS CLEANED FREE OF CHARGE 12 Prizes -FREE DRAW -12 Prizes To mark the official opening of the Seaforth store, Anstett Jewellers offer 12 Free Prizes 1. Transistor Radio, value $67.50 2. Watch, value $45.00 3. Lady's Birthstone. Ring, value $37 4. Bulova Razor, value $34.75 5. Gent's Birthstone Ring, value $29.75 DRAW TAKES PLACE SATURDAY Jewellers new Seaforth Store on or Come as often as you wish 1 6. Pen and Pencil Set, value $25.00 7. Set Jewellery, value $18.00 8. Cuff Links and Tie Bar Set, value $12,00 NIGHT, JUNE 24, AT 9 P.M. There before June 24th and you will receive a 9. Milk Glass, Relish and Celery Dish 10. Cornflower Candleholders 11. Cornflower Vase 12. Cornflower Vase is no obligation. Just visit Anstett Free Draw Ticket on the valuable prizes, y, ,llnn,il "llnnn, .... n,,,,,,1 n,,,,,, 11 n„ , ! !„!"n,1„,,,,n",,,,,,n,,,l11,,n,,,,nn„n, n!„n„n,nn,,n",nn„n,n, ! ,,, g,, n,,, „1, 11,,,,!1,{ 1 1 n 1 n„nni, ,n, nn1,111„ • STETT JEWELLERS. Main, Street (FORMERLY WESTCOTT'S) Se aforth