HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-05-11, Page 5TIII7 Sl1)AP'QRTII MOWS (Phone 34)- 1'hursda
, May 11, 196
11, 411,111)111 , 11
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Food Market
T Tender Leaf Orange Pekoe
TEA BAGS 60s 67c
KRISPIE•S 91/Z oz pkg
CORN 2 20 -oz tins 35c
CAKE MIXES 20 -oz pkgs 69
2 c
(Chocolate. Mint -- Lemon -- Double Dutch)
BUTTER 2 ib. jar only 69C
Extra Special
stuffed 12 oz jar only i C
bag 39c
48 oz tin f
au444,m4muunu4u4unm44444414,4444114,114444 unp,uu4, 44uu 44,1111,1,4,44444444444.
I have taken over Ron Riley's Barber Shop
on Main street next to the Poolroom.
I will do my best to try and serve you. Your
patronage will be appreciated.
Thank You
I wish to thank all my customers for
their patronage, and ask them to extend
their goodwill to my successor, Dave
1 I•u1,14444.................
. ,. _
Main Street, Hensall
Open For Business
Tuesday, May l6th
We solicit your patronage
_=RAY- MacKINNON9 Prop.
,, IGE
1959 FORD COACH, A.T. and R.
1959 wail 'r + ROLET SEDAN ..
1958 FORD SEDAN, Radio, A.T.
• rr fit'' DY JVRqu • S,T TION WAGON
z,,,' RSEDAN ; ,
Seaforth Motors
Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service
linTrierrrrr r
Phone G. Fawm 186
Phone 541
Those attending Baccalaureate
exereises of. the Ursuline College
of Arts, University of Western
Ontario at St. Peter's Cathedral
last Sunday when M1ss Ruth Sills
was one of the candidates for
graduation were Mrs.0, P. Sills,
Mr, George Sills, Miss Pat Sera -
ton, Mr. and Mrs, F. 5, Sills,' Mr,
D'Orlean Sills. Mr, and Mrs, P.
C. 3, Sills, Miss Anne Sills, Mr.
and Mrs. J, M. Eckert, Mr, and
Mrs, W. S. Manley, Mr. Jerome
Manley, Mr, and Mrd, C. M. Eck-
ert, Miss Cathy Eckert, Mr. and
Mrs, Art Devereaux; Miss Connie
Wright, Mr, and Mrs. L. P. Plum -
steel, Mr. and Mrs, 3, L. Slattery,
Mr: and Mrs. 3, J. Cleary, Miss,
M,' Dunn, Miss Peg Case and M.
and Mrs, Don' Morton.
Mrs, Ed Fischer ,has returned
home after being confined to
Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea -
forth, .
High School students presented
part of the variety show program
at the Huron County Home Mon-
day night,
R. J. Doig of McKillop has pur-
chased the 28 -acre farm of Leslie
McClure, North Main St. Mr. and
Mrs. Doig do not intend to move
to Seaforth at present.
Mrs, Margaret Govenlock is a
patient in Scott Memorial Hos-
Mrs. Harry Buttery of San
Francisco, was the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. R. H. Sproat last week.
Miss Sharon Hotham of Strat-
ford Teacher's College has been
successful in securing a school
at Brantford to commence in
September, and Miss Betty Mue-
ge will teach at Galt.
Arthur McGavin, an insurance
man and one-time general mana-
ger of the old Reading Tribune,
died aged 74,
Born in Seaforth, Ont., McGav-
in went to Reading in 1918 as gen-
eral manager of the Reading Stan-
dard Motorcycle Company, He
later ran the newspaper, for the
three years it published 1923-26,
He is survived, by his wife,
three sons, and a brother, Dr. Ed-
win,. of Windsor, Ont.
Funeral services will be held
Miss Ruth Ennis R.N. of K. W.
Hospital, Kitchener, spent a few
days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Doug Ennis.
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. George
Hibbert, a son, in Scott Memor-
ial Hospital, Seaforth, May 6th.
Mr, and Mrs, Frank Dundas
and family of Toronto spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs,, Geo.
Miss Pauline Thamer visited
over the weekend with Miss Di
anne Engel of Cranbrook.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Anderson and
Nora visited last Saturday with
their son and daughter-in-law Mr:
and errs, James Anderson and
Miss Bessie Davidsen has re-
turned hone from Victoria Hos..
pital, London, after undergoing
an operation.
Mrs. Hilda Sellers of Lucan
spent .a few days with her daugh-
ter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs.
Herb Travis.
Mr, Ronald 17unis has complet-
ed his four-year course in Honor
Mathematics at Western Univer-
sity, London. He has accepted a
position at the University for
May and June.
Mr, and Mrs. Glen Fraser and
family of Stratford visited on
Sunday with Mr. Malcolm Fraser.
A number of ladies from Duff's
United Church' attended the W,A.
Presbytery at Winthrop last Wed-
About 15 ladies from the Wal-
ton W. I. were guests of the
Oranbrook Institute last Tues-
day evening. Interesting slides on.
Mexico were shown by Mr. Lyle
Miss Marion Turnbull of Lon-
don spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Turn-
Music Festival
The pupils of S. S. 11, Morris
Township (Walton School) who
received high marks at the Mus-
ic Festival held at Belgrave last
Thursday and Friday were as
follows; Girls 11 yrs, and under:
Mary Bewley, 3rd prize; Sherrill
Craig, 4th, Girls. 7 yrs. and und-
er: Gail Traviss, 2nd. Open duet:
Sherrill Craig, Carol Wilbee, 3rd;
Mary Bewley, Carol Shortreed,
5th, Girls 9 yrs. and under: Bev-
erley McCall, 3rd; Karen McDon-
ald, 4th; Brenda Bewley, 5th.
Changed voices, boys, Gerald
Blake, 2nd; Bill Graham, Gth.
Rhythm Band (over 25), Walton
1st, Girls 14 yrs. and under: Car -
.01 Wilbee, 4th; Linda Bryans, 5th,
Unison Chorus (over 25), Walton,
4th. 2 -part chorus,(over 25), Wal-
ton, 5th. Double Trio, Walton, 3rd
Family Day will be observed in
Duff's United Church next Sun-
day morning, also Sacrament of
Baptism with Rev. W. M. Thom-
as in charge.
Winners of
Penny Sale Draw
Planter, Sharon Talbot; lamp,
Mrs, J. L. Kerr; $3' Shoe Certifi-
cate, Mrs. A. McLean; Thermos,
Ina Seoins;:hot water bottle, Mrs.
Stanley Hillen, Walton; ham,
Harvey Leslie; lotions, Bob Mont-
gomery; razor, Harold Kendrick;
-shoes, MargaretMontgomery;
chocolates, Geo. BI 1ke;' shoe pol-
ish and laces, Elq Dinsmore;
lotions, Laurie Stockwell; taffy,
Mrs. Ila Dorrance; •lotions, Joe
Tuyford; heating pad; Mrs. Harry
M. Chesney; 3 dos: eggs, Gerry
Mc0ourt; lotions, Laurie Stock-
well; scratch pad Mrs. Ted
Brown; hot water bottle; Earl R.
Dick, Cromarty; /Aloes, Shirley
Cards, Gifts, Gift
Wrapping, China
Novelties, Glassware
Lingerie, Hosiery
Jewelry, Lamps
English Knit Children's• Wear
Boys Jeans Blouses &•Tee Shiite'
Saturday Night Shopping
,.to 10 P.M.
SEAFORTH 5c to $1.0o STORE
Dinsmore; taffy, Mrs." Myrtle
Krueger; 4 qts, oil, Bart R. Dick,
Cromarty, $10 permanent,, Mrs.
Don Kunder; $3 dry cleaning,
Helen Matthews; lotions, Mrs. T. I
Bettles; Thermos, Ilelen Lane;
teapot, Mrs, Dave Stewart; oil
change, Bill Boussey; Canister.
Set, Lynn McLean; lotions, Elsie
Dinsmore; bridge set, Gladys
Thompson; 5 doz, eggs, waiter J
R, Scott; wallet, Ann B. Downey;
lotions, Mrs, J,5, Keating; scratch
pads, Mrs, Alma Pinkney; 2 tur-
key dinners, Fay Matheson; sta.- I
pier, Larry Lane; lotions, Vera
Hudson; hot water bottle, Ann
Rivers; lotions, Mrs. A, C. Rout-
ledge; Oil change and Aub„ Elva
Iiglth; remnants, Mrs. Vera Du -
pee; taffy, Miss Belle Smith; $5
gift certificate, Larry Dupee;
wash basin, Mrs. Alf Brown; lo-
tions, Helga Dodds, Walton; tier
cake plate, MrsFerg, McKellar;
$3 gift certificale, Frank Sills Jr,,
blanket, Bruce Lamont; 3 doz
eggs, Frank Smale; lotions, Jack
Scott; oil change and lub., Hilda
Austin; case of pork and beans,
Ed Waller, Mitchell; Instant
Powdered Milk, Frank Smale;
case of peas, Mrs. A. Foster, Hen -
sell; Veg. Bin, Elinor Teall; pol-
ish, Elgin Sehade, Walton; shoes,
0, V. Weston; 2 T Bone Steak
dinners, Mrs. Alex Muir; case to-
mato juice, Evelyn Cardno;
door grill, Robt. Hubert; blanket,
Miss Joan Bach; lotions, Mrs. B.
Hildebrand; Elizabeth Arden cos-
metios, Mrs. G. Hildebrand; tof-
fee, Bill Austin; oil change and
Aub„ Gerry McOourt; lotions, Mrs.
B. Hildebrand; sport shirt, Peter
McCowan Jr,; lotions, Mrs, John
Hillebrecht; towels, Mrs. A, Boy -
es; 40 gal. fuel oil, Kendra
Moore; 1 gal, paint, Mrs, Peter
McCowan; writing paper, Lettie
MacDonald; doll, Ina Scoins;
shoes, Mrs. Peter Malcolm; fish-
ing kit, Sandy Lamont; lotions,
Helen Boyes; lace table cloth,
Mrs. May Habkirk; tea pot, Geo.
Kruse; towels, Kenneth Scott;
shampoo, Jack Lemon; casserole,
A. Kling; carafe, E. Southgate; -
Nylon slip, Mrs. N. Riehl; $7.50
permanent, Mrs. H. Leslie; elec-
tric egg cooker, Mrs. John Mc-
Gregor; lotions, Mrs. John Hille-
brecht; 2 hair cuts, K. McLean;
mat, Hilda Austin; lotions, Mrs.
M. E. Clarke; Tweed Cosmetics,
Mrs, Ray Nott; electric iron, Gor-
don Beutenmiller; lotions, Hazel
Scott; chair, Mrs. Geo. Kruse;
ham, Mrs. Shirley Prosser, Strat-
ford; chocolates, Florence Beat-
tie; tricycle, Mrs. Alice Buchan-
an, Londesboro; table, Mrs. H.
Stewart; lotions, Mrs. John Mc-
Gregor chair, Mrs, Art Dever-
eaux; lotions, Mrs. W. E. Butt;
writing paper, Robt. Watson Sr.,
set of bowls, Larry Lane; chair,
Mrs. J. Oldfield; $5 meat order,
Dr. J. C. MacLennan; toy tractor,
Mrs. Ruth Knight; 1 suit and 1
topcoat dry cleaned, Janet Cluff;
$2 merchandise, Mrs. Marg. Som-
ers; lotions, Genevieve Lovette;
cigarettes, Mary Menell; relish
tray, Joan McLlwain.
Goods donations from—Irvin's
Hardware, Box Furniture, Willis
Shoes, Keating Drugs, John Pull-
man, Highland Shoes, Elliot's Re-
staurant, Hugh;, Thompson, Scott's
Poultry, News, Expositor, Don
Brightrall, Robert's House of
Beauty, Flannery's, Crown Hard-
ware, Larone's, Rowcliffe Mot-
ors, Steffen's, Dublin Creamery,
Dr. Stapleton, Queen's Grill, Mc-
Kindsey's Drugs, L. Scott, Simp-
son- Sears, T. Eaton Co., Savan-
ges, Cleave Coombs, Smith's Gro-
cery, Co -Op, Eickmier's, Sill's
ware, John Bach, Norm's Lunch,
Cleary's LG,A„ Jackson's Alumin-
um, Stewart Bros., Geo. Miller,
Shinen's, Canadian Tire, Willis
Dundee, Grave's Wall Paper, J.
Thompson, W. M. Hart, Textile
Products Co„ Sid Pullman, Mrs.
Taylor, Frank Kling, Ron's Bar-
ber Shop, Mrs. Raymond Nott,
Doris' Beauty Shop, John Cardno,
Hachborn's, Huron Wholesale.
G. A. Whitney, Bosharts, Metal
]Fabricators, H. Whyte and Son,
Johnnie Blue, Scotus', Baker's
Greenhouse, Supertest, Westcott's
For Mr. and Mrs. J. McGregor
(Mary Charters), and Mr. and
Mrs. D. McGregor (Ann Charters)
At Zurich Community Centre
Desjardine Orchestra
Everybody welcome. Ladies
please bring lunch
Westcott'; Jewellery
Store Closes May 20
for remodelling
Weather Permitting
Friday, May 12th,19d1„
FROM 5.45 A.M. TO " 0'45 A.M. DST
All of Municipal Town of Seaforth
This interruption is necessary to do
emergency work on Substation
Wednesday, May 17th, 1961
FROM 1.30 P.M. TO 3.30 P.M. DST
Areas affected — North side of Goderich
street west from Main to westerly limits
of town; Church st„ James st-, Centre st.,
westerly from Goderich to James st.;
North Main from Goderich to James st.,;
West st., Wilson st., Ann st
This interruption is necessary to change
primary lines
Your co-operation is requested
Chairman ' Manager
Cash donations from — Weld-
er's Service, McGonigle's Grocery
Store, W. E. Southgate, McCon-
nell and Stewart, Dr. Turnbull,
Topnotch Feeds, Scott Habkirk,
forth Motors, Seaforth Beauty Sa-
lon, Red and White Store, Sted-
man's, Smyth's Shoe Store, Reg,.
Kerslake, Phillip's Fruit Store,
Letha's Beauty Shop, Seaforth
Dr, Gorwill, Don, Woods, Sea- Clinic, John Longstaff,
During the month of April the following
properties were sold by
Mclntee Real Estate
Owner: Fraser Long, house, Walkerton
Sold to: Robert Long, of Brant Twp,
Owner: John McArthur farm, Durham
Sold to: Gerhart Pilz, of Durham
Owner: Austin Allan, house, Owen Sound
Sold to: Gerald Playford, Owen Sound
Owner: Henry Wilhelm, farm, Carrick Twp.
Sold to: Lenus Weber, Formosa
Owner: 'Fred Fursman, house, Walkerton
Sold to: John Hussey, of Luck -now
Owner: Clifford Speers, duplex, Hanover
Sold to: Robert Hunsberger, of Hanover
Owner Glen Hatten, farm, Chatsworth
Sold to: Peggy Driessen, of Owen Sound
Owner: Ernest Haffner, house, Walkerton
Sold to Arthur Metcalfe, Walkerton
Owner: Logie Bros., new NHA home to be built in Hanover
Sold to: John Cold, of Listowel
Owner: Bruce McLeod, house, Owen Sound
Sold to: Benedict Goetz, of Owen Sound
Owner: Ethel Elliott, house, Annan
Sold to: Mrs. G. McDonald, Owen Sound
Owner: Christine Campbell, farm, Durham
Sold to: William Holley, Durham
Owner: James Wells, house, Hanover
Sold to: Herman Hearst, Hanover
Owner: George Gowan, farm, Allenford
Sold to: Jaroslaw Kondrackyj, Toronto
Owner: Manly Steer, apartment house, Owen Sound
Sold to: Rodney Keeling, Owen Sound
Owner: James Wells Estate acreage, Hanover
Sold to: George Klemmer, Elmwood
Owner: Mary. McKinney, service station, Bluevale
Sold to: Ross Mann, Wingham
Owner; Arthur Metcalfe, house, Walkerton
Sold to: Robert Siefried, Walkerton
Owner: Logie Bros., new NHA home to be built in Hanover
Sold to: Robert Roth, Hanover
Owner: John Blake, Blyth
Sold to: Frank Bainton, Blyth
Owner: George Stroke Estate, house, Clifford
Sold to: Clifford Jarvis, Clifford
Owner: Rose Holm, house, Walkerton
Sold to: Edgar Ellis, Walkerton
Owner: Herb Rahn, store, Neustadt
Sold to: Cecil Monk, Walkerton
Owner: Victor Hillis, house, Owen Sound
Sold to: Stanley Kingston, Owen Sound
Owner: James Farrell, farm, Holstein
Sold to: Elmer Ellis, of Holstein
Owner: Clifford Jai -vis, farm, Clifford
Sold to: Alvin Litt, Walkerton
Owner: John Blake, house, Blyth
Sold to: Glen Baden, Blyth
Owner: Vera Netzke, house, Walkerton
Sold to: Leander Meyer, Mildmay
Owner: Dear Holley Farm, Durham.
Sold to: E. V. Hagedorn, Kitchener
Owner: Allan Billings, farm, Auburn
Sold to: Clair Longhurst, St. Thomas
Owner: Janes Pringle, farm, Chatsworth
Sold to: Harry Bierman, Chesley
Owner: Logie Bros., new NHA home, to be built in Hanover
Sold to: Stanley McClement, Hanover
Owner: Reg. Bitten, house, Bluevale
Sold to: James Falconer, Wingham
Owner: Sarah Stevenson, house, Owen Sound
Sold to: Mrs. Esther Gibson, Wiarton
Owner: John Rouw, house, Walkerton
Sold to: Mrs. Ellen Schnurr, Walkerton.,
Owner: Jake R.ouw, house, Walkerton
Sold to: Fraser Clark, of Walkerton
.Owner: Paul Wight, farm, Durham
Sold to: Iwan Shepel, of Hamilton
No Charge or Obligation to Discuss the
Selling9f YourProperty
Local Representative AMOS CORBY
Wilfred Mclntee, Realtor
Offices In Walkerton, Durham, Owen Sound, Kitchener