HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-05-04, Page 8► ' GREAT CLEARANCE SPRING COATS 19 only — this' season's new spring coats featuring all wool clouts in plain shades, tweeds andnew checks. Greatly reduc- ed t0 clear out fast. Size range from 8 to 20 in shades of beige, green, gold, red, blue and novelties. Don't miss this big clearance at Rep. 29.95 & 35.00 Coats Reg. 39.95 & 45.00 Coats Reg. 49.95 & 59.95 Coats 21.00 31.00 36.00 Exceptional Value! ALL WOOL Heather Blankets by . KENWOOD 60"x84" (whipped ends) Once in a year special. 60 x 84 Heather shade all wool .Kenwood Blankets. Special 8.95 72" x 84" size, in the same quality as above. Excel- lent multi-purpose blanket you can't afford to miss. Special 10.95 STEWART BROS. FEDERATION NEWS At the first meeting of the Board of Directors of Allied Meat Enterprises Co -Operative which was held in Toronto April 17th. Mr. Chas. McInnis was elected Pres., Mr. Clayton Frey, lst Vice Pres., and Mr. Mel Becker, 2nd Vice Pres. The executive con- sists of the three presidents and Mr. Leonard Laventure, Mr. Har- old Baker, and Mr, Wm. Ander- son, At the Folk Scbool Annual meeting on April 18 it was made apparent to us that there is great need for adult education. We are too prone to think of our educa- tion coining to an end when we leave school to be able to solve our present day problems. Exper- ience gained through Folk - Schools can broaden our Qptleek fie that we pan recognize our dif- ficulties' and help us overcome Ij our prejudices. The introduction pi the Folk -School on "Engels" last year gave the participants a wonderful opportunity to see conditions and meet people over a wide area, Mr. Arthur Piggott, Director of the Canadian Assoc, of Adult Ed- ucation, pointed out the need for specialized training for our young people and also for many of our older labor force. The introduc- tion of machinery has not reduc- ed the need for labour nearly so much as it has changed the type of labour needed. While the need for labour to Produce food has been greatly reduced, the need for labour to manufacture and service the tools of production has been vastly increased. In industry, office work was done by many clerks and secre- taries. Now it has progressed through the typewriter and adding machine to the electronic compu- ter. It requires skilled labour to manufacture these machines and trained technicians to service them. Job opportunities are quite plentiful in these fields. This I suppose leads directly to the need for a source of techni- cal training in our own county. We as farmere eau easily recog- nize the folly of producing only cattle or )rags 01' sheep. We need. a proper balance of all three, to the past we have been directing our energies to producing only academic soholers lint now V find burselves faced with unem- ployment on one hand and a ser- ious shortage of skilled technic- ians on the other. The farm organizations and Women's Institutes in the coun- ty have been sueeessfui in bring- ing it to the attention of our High School Boards and they along with the Ontario Dept, of Educa- tion are giving active considera- tion to the ways and means, by which this can be brought about, Let us give them all the support We can in their endeavour. Mr. Penny Sale Hospital Auxiliary r APRIL 29 -MAY 6 WHITNEY'S FURNITURE STORE DRAW SAT., MAY 6tli COMMENCING 8 P.M. Proceeds for New Hospital Piggott assured us that this tme pi school le,praetieal as has betel proven in Western Canada, Also at least two areas In Ontario have. applied for the financial Wield - twee offered by the Federal and Provincial Gevernineuts, CROMARTY Robert A, Sadler, a life-IP/1g resident of Stara,' died at liis. home Monday morniug 'April 24, at the age of 93 years, He had been in ailing health for several years and seriously ill the past 'Week, He WAS born in Staffs, on Opt. 15th 1887, son of the late Mr, COMING EVENT and Mrs, John Sadler (Isabella Annual' Spring Hereford Sale Barbour), On January 4th, 1893 at Clinton, Tuesday, May 9th, 12 he married Rebecba Siliery, He bulls", 10 females. Government was a member of Staffa United premium on mot bulls. Church, Besides his wife he ispOR SALE survived by one '00n John ofdMit. Hand lawn mower (Taylor - Forbes) in good condition. Phone Dublin 6r19 Mitchell; oneF' grandson, Robert 13 HerefordOR and SALEAngus steers Sadler, Staffa. He was prede- 500 to 600' lbs. John Shea, Dublin ceased by one brother and one phone 64824 sister. The funot'al service was TO RENT bald at his late residence in Stat. Metal ' clad building 33'x35' fa on Wednesday afternoon with 'with attached office. (Former Re.' Rev. A, H, Daynard in charge and liance warehouse). Suitable for Rev, Edgar Roulston assisting. warehouse, storehouse, workshop The pallbearers were Gerald Ag or small factory.' William 88. ar, Lloyd Elliott, Lyle Worden, Hart, Seaforth Clifford Miller, Gordon Hoggarth FOR SALE and William Eizerman. Burial, Special prices for day-old and took place in Staffa cemetery. started chicks for May and June, Friends and relatives attended delivered. Phone Auburn 7555. from Hamilton, Toronto, Water. Charles Scott loo, Stratford, Exeter, Clinton, FOR SALE Seaforth, Sinicoe, Merritton, Win- A steel boiler suitable for deer, Dublin, Fullerton, Mitchell bridge. Ron Beuermann, phone And surrounding community. 23r3 Dublin FOR SALE WALTON M, H. 2 -furrow plow No. MA An election for a new five -man P°lied Angus bull, one year of Morris Township School area eligible, for registration. Don Bit CARD OF THANKS: The fatuity of the late ,Mrs. Newman Garrett wish to express: their sineer'e appreciation. to all their rolativee and MOWS 'for all their kindness in our repent sad bereavement, also ter flowers and cards of synipatlty, Speptal thanks to Rev, Vardy, Dr, Brady, the staff of Thinner Nursing Hosie and Box Funeral Chapel NT The Ladiesl,Aid•oEf First Presby - torten Church are planning a runlniage sale in the church base, meat on June 3rd chell; one daughter, Mrs, Ruby Reid of State; one sister, Mrs, David (Annabelle) Eizetman of THS SIMFOltTII N WS ( hone 84)---Thurs44y, May 4, 1901, ii: • / s Drive -I Theatre LTD„ Clrnton WED.-THURS. & FRIDAY, May 3, 4 and 5 "Hole in the Head" (Color) (CinemaScope) (One Cartoon) Frank Sinatra -• Edw. G Robinson, Thelma Ritter, Eleanor. Parker SATURDAY & MONDAY, May 6 - 8 -Double Feature "The Last Days of .tom p.. e" (color) (CinemaSoope) Stele Reeves "Gun Fighters of Abilene" Buster Crabb, -• Bart MacLean -* ONE CARTOON • TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, May 9 and 10 "Five Branded' Women" Van Heflin -- Barbara Bei. Geddes and Vera Miles (Adult Entertainment) (2 Cartoons) Coming—Van Johnson in "THE ENEMY GENERAL" and "BATTLE IN OUTER SPACE" CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere d, thanks to friends and neighbors for all the kindness and thought- fulness shown us at the time of our sad bereavement. Mrs. Gord. on Dick and Suzanne. board will be held May 6. Follow- ing Friday night's nomination meeting when 14 persons were nominated, nine qualified by the Saturday night deadline. The former board resigned when ratepayers presented peti- tions at a specal meeting oppos- ing the board's proposed plan to build two new rooms at the Wal- ton School, providing two school sections in Grey Twp, would join the plan, All five former: board mem- bers have qualified. They are George Michie, Wilfred Short - reed, Emerson Mitchells James Elston and Carman Haines. Others who qualified are: Cle- ment McClellan, Ross Turvey, Gordon Nicholson, and Bert El- liott, . LADIES' AID Miss Jean Scott presided at the May meeting e g of the Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian Church on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. W. Cole- man opened the meeting by read- ing a poem entitled "My Mother's Hands". The hymn "For the Beauty of the Earth" was sung, followed by the reading of the minutes. The treasurer's report read by Mrs. J. McGregor showed a most encouraging balance on hand. Mrs. R, K. McFarlane sang a beautiful solo "An Evening Prayer". Miss Belle Campbell was the speaker, and brought an in. spiring message entitled '1Life'e Second Best", reminding us that God's ways are not always our ways, but He has a purpose for each life, and He never ,closes one door without opening another. "As Thy Day, so shall thy strength be". Mr's, Messenger thanked Miss Campbell and Mrs. McFar- lane, and the meeting closed by singing "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" followed by the. Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. W. Coleman and Mrs. Mes- senger group, who conducted a contest and served a lovely lunch. It was decided to hold a rummage sale on Saturday, June 3rd. Hullett Awards Bridge Contract Regular monthly meeting of Hullett township council was held May lot, in the community hall at Lonclesboro at 9 p.m. The Reeve and all councillors were present Tenders called by Burns M. Ross, professional engineer of Goderich, for the construction of a bridge in Hullett, were present- ed by Mr. Ross for opening and consideration by council. There were live tenders re- ceived in price from $9,990 to $7,000. The successful tender of $7,000 was given to G. A. Gibson and Sons of Wroxeter subject to the approval of the D.H.O. Dis- trict Engineer. The bridge to be constructed is located on the 12th Concession of Hullett at lots 10 and 11 and is known locally as the Middegal bridge. It will replace an old structure now standing. A court of revision was held on the Jenkins municipal drain, a shared project Goderich Tp. and Clinton. There were no ap- peals. A notion was made giving a grant to the Federation of Ag- riculture of $750, the same am- ount as previous years. The mo- tion was amended to lead $800. George Radford Construction Ltd. started work on Van Baaren drain, an open chain on Con. 10 & 11, Work started May 1st. The next meeting will be held June 5at0PM TEACHERS' MEETING Delegates representing 124 we- men teachers' associations at- tended a provincial workshop on Professional Development„on April 29 In the Reception itoom of the Park Plaza Hotel, Toron- to, convened by the Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario, Miss Donaida Adams of the J. A, D, McCurdy School, RCAF Station, Centralia, attend- ed the one -day session as repre- sentative of South Huron Wom- en Teachers' Association. In recent years the Federation. hits encouraged its members to "grow” professionally and has chanan, Phone 757 J 4, Seaforth, Small farniiR(28Aa 8es more or less) in Seaforth, 6 room white brick house with furnace and bathroom, Large barn, good building lots. North Main st Les- lie McClure, phone 566.3 Sebago FOR SALE, g potatoes, suitable for seed. Price 41,75 per 75 lb. bag. Phone 842x23 Seaforth, Ivan Shan- non, Walton FOR SALE 17 choice York pigs, 8 weeks old. George Blake, 65441 Sea- forth FOR SALE 1946 Ford coach, in perfect running order, new tires last fall, will sell cheap for quick sale. John Flannery, R R 1 Dublin Heated apar inOentsTin Seaforth Apts., available immediately. Ap- ply to Jos, Mcdonnell or E. A. McMaster FUNK'S SEED CORN In 1961, to be sure you have a High yield of either grain or en- silage corn, order a Funk's G -Hy- brid variety now. In the 1960 On- tario Hybrid Corn Performance Trials conducted by THE ONT- ARIO CORN COMMITTED for Zone 3, FUNK'S G -11A outyielded its nearest competitor by 2.8 bu per acre in either the early or late maturity groups (42 hybrid varieties tested). See us also for better "buys" of manure loaders and spr'eaders,wagons, hay con ditioners, elevators, cultivators, discs and packers; tractor chains, weatherbrakes, and umbrellas, self unloading wagon boxes, grain augers, steel granaries and shel- ters; hog, poultry and ventilation equipment. Special price on slightly used 5 ton auto steer wagon. Milton J. Dietz, Seaforth, phone 600x21; Haugh Bros., Brucefteld, phone 658023 Seaforth Township of McKillop APPLICATIONS Applications, clearly marked, will be received for the position of Road Superintendent and to be in the Clerk's hands by May 15, 196i. ` J. M. Eckert, Clerk McKillop Twp., R R 1 Seaforth, Out, carried out a province -wide pro- gram of assistance to groups of its members who have taken the lead in ,convening "in-service" training courses of all kinds. Miss Lotta McNeill, inspector for public schools, Uxbridge, spoke on the subject of "The Pro- fessional Teacher". A round -table discussion with Miss Margaret Ferguson, Toronto, executive as - Blatant of the Federation as mod- erator, discussed the various as- pects of Professional Develop- ment. The participants outlined the procedure for making avail. able to. teachers an "in-service" training coarse suitable to their needs and explained the benefits derived from these courses. POLICE REPORT Statistics of No. 6 District con. slating of Huron, Bruce, Grey, Wellington, Waterloo and Perth Counties. First total for No. 6 District; 2nd total for whole Province. Motor Vehicle Accidents 160, 1,792; fatal accidents 1, 36; per. sons killed 1, 42; persons injured 36, 530; vehicles checked 4357, 56,237; warnings issued 1867, 27,- 772; charges preferred 647, 7,516; Registration and permits 18, 297; grAPIIIIVIROWWWWWWWWWWVII IBUTTERMILK BISCUITS •WE MAi4E'EM– VDU BAKE'EM' ma Cleary's IGA SEAFORTH CARD OF THANKS I Wish to express my sincere thanks to all who Visited me sent cards and treats while,I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to Rev Father Durand, Dr. Stapleton and staff of the hospital. Everything was deeply appreciated. Mrs Dan Costello. IN MEMORIAM Golding—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Wil- liam I3. Golding, who passed away two- years ago May 6, 1959. Dear mother you are not forgot- ten, Though on earth you are no more, Still in memory you are with us As you always were before. —Ever remembered by husband Senator Golding ld ng and the family. IN MEMORIAM Diels—In loving memory of Ar- thur Watson Dick who .passed away May 3, 1952. The deafest dad this world could hold, With cheery smile and heart of gold; To those who knew hint all will know How much we lost nine years ago. —Always remembered by, his wife and family. Tuckersmith School Area No. 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT 1960 Receipts Bal. on hand Dec. 31/59 $ 2,824.56 Prov. Govt.,Grants ..,, 22,992.48 Tax Levy 20,971.65 Interest 270.14 Sale of cupboard 2.00 Bank Loans 10,000.00 Superannuation deducted 1,853.25 Total $58,914,08 I]xpenditures Instruction, Salaries . $30,887.50 Instruction Supplies , 2,975.33 Administration 1,352.28 k'lant operation 5,834.90 Plant maintenance1,674.41 Auxiliary Services 592:87 Fees to other Boards , 225.00 Capital Outlay 594:00 Sch. Tax Refund, Ex. E. 219.54 Repayment bank loan 10,000.00 Bank Interest 367:82 Bal. on hand, Dec. 31/60 4,190.43 Total $58,914.08 Ross J. Forrest, Chairman W. P. Roberts, Sec.-Treas. Real Estate WILFRED McINTEE BROKER 100 acres on Highway 3 miles( north of Clinton. 80 acres in Goderich Twp. 4 miles from Goderich modern house, large barn, new stabling, silo. 50 acres in Tuckersmith TWO. all workable, good buildings. 125 acres 4 miles north of Clin- ton, instil -brick house furnace, bath, 2 large barns, silo, 1% miles to school. 140 acre dairy farm in Goderich Twp. 100 acres in Tuckersmith. Twp. ail workable, good 8 -room house, 2 large barns, 160 acres in Hay Twp. 1% stor- ey brick house, real modern, large barn, well fenced. Hardware store in a busy Hur- on County town doing a large volumeof business, priced to sell. For a good general store, he sure to see us. Beauty Shop, with full line of equipment, this is a very busy shop. (Low down payment will handle). Listings wanted on fame, homes, businesses and summer properties. Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 M Local representative for WiLFRED MoiNTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. 8 offices and 28 salesmen 80 serve 706. TO RENT Insulated, upper 2 bedroom a pertinent, private entrance, 3 piece bathroom and ,cupboards, Available now. P.O. Box 435 FOR SALE 5 -room modern bungalow, new gas furnace, full basement, on West William Street, freshly painted inside and out, $10,000. Apply to Box E. The Seaforth News, FOR SALE Alfalfa Canada No. 1 Timothy; Canada No. 1 and No. 2, A. S. Bolton. Phone 850 r 41 Seaforth. FOR SALE 18" rotary lawnmower with a Clinton motor, reconditioned; 1940 Dodge Sedan, whole or parts, Front end: Master brake cylind- er; door locks, all nearly new. Door panels and arm rests reup- holstered recently; parts fit many models up to 1856; also some parts for 1949 Dodge % ton. Phone 850 r 41, Seaforth. CATTLE OILER McIntyre's Cattle Oilers - greatest advance in cattle oilers in 50 years. The only oiler with spiral curry comb teeth that groom the cattle. ORVILLE STO• REY, RR 1, Seaforth. See the oil• er at our farm. HELP WANTED Help wanted, female. Apply Highland Shoes, Seaforth, HELP WANTED .- MALE Do you wrist a permanent car- eer with a steady year round in- come ? If you'd like to get ahead, investigate the opportuni- ties offered by a Watkins dealer- ship selling top quality, national- ly advertised products in nearby .lural locality. No investment re- quired. For information without obligation write Watkins Pro- ducts, Inc., 350 St. Rocli St., Montreal FOR RENT 1 bedroom apartment on Main St. Apply Smith's Grocery. Phone 12. FOR SALE Red clover seed, John W. Thompson. Phone 861 r 23, Sea - forth. 3 ROOMS TO RENT 1 large dining room and two bedrooms. Ground floor apart- ment. Is located on fairly quiet street. Hot and eold water and bathroom is shared. Apply at The News Office. ESTATE AUCTION SALE Of farm and machinery at lot 3 and 4, con. 2, Colborne twp., 8 miles North East of Goderich on Tuesday, May 9th at 1 p.m. Machinery: Case D 64 tractor; Case Vac 14 tractor with adjust• able front end (like new); Case vac tractor with manure loader and half tracks; Case 2 -furrow plow on steel; 2 Case 3 -furrow plows on steel; Case 28 , plate disk; 10 -ft Bisset Packer; Case mounted tractor mower; Case 15 -ft, mounted harrows; 3 -section spring tooth harrows: Case side delivery rake; Case 1 way disk; Case 2 -furrow mounted plow; Case 2 -row mounted acuffler; New Idea tractor spreader. (used 1 year); Dion Forage Harvester with cutter• bar and corn nose (nearly new)' Vermont lime spreader; Case forage Harvester with hay pickup; Case forage blower and pipes; Wetmore Glut. ton hammer mill and belt; Case baler; Titan one-man chain saw; Seaman Roto -tiller with 75 H. P. Waukesha motor; New Idea. rub- ber tired wagon; set sleighs; feed cart; tools; Dodge 3 -ton, stake truck with 16 -foot body;,In-.. ter•national 2 -ton with 12' body and hoist, Property: At the seine place 3 p.m, 'lot' 3 and 4, con. 2, Colborne twp„ will be offered for sale sub- ject to reserve bid, 200 acres of choice clay loam land, well drained, approx. 160 acres work- able and 40 acres of hardwood bush land, 40 acres of spring seeding; 16 acres plowed for corn, remainder in permanent pasture and hay, Excellent water supply, 8 -room brick and stucco house with modern conveniences and attached garage, large steel implement shed, large bank barn 84 x 70 with cement upright silo and large trench silo. Terms --Chattels Cash Property 10% down day of sale, Mortgage Can be arranged by'. seeing executors in Goderich, Prom, Estate of late Reg McGee. .Aust., Harold Jackson Clerk,Geo. Powell BOX .Funeral. Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bpd., Flowers for ail occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 695W MARTIN W. STAPI.ETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.0 Pbyslclan and Surgeon Phone 6-W - Seatorth SEAFORTH CLINIC P, L, Brady, 21,0., Surgeon Pr. E. lsialkua Office Flours, 1 p.m, to 9 p.m. daily except Wednesday and Sunday, Evenings: Tuesday & Thurs. 7-9 p.m. Appointments mode in advance ant deslre'ale TURNSULL d. BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J, O, TURNB'ULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S, W. G. DRENNAN, D.V,M„ V,S, phone 105 Seaforth John E. Longstaff - Optometrist Goderich St. W., Seaforth Phone 791 Sours—Seaforth dally except Mon., 9 to 8.80 ; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur, emu by appointment only, Clinton 1111-2-7010. ahoy, Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 9.90 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident ' j,i- • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 i AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Res.' 2166 We Write a1T lines of INSURANCE Pire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. READ OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers — •president, John L. Malone. Seaforth ; Vice Pres., John It McEwing, Blyth ; Sec. -Trews., W. E. Southgate. Seaforth, Directors, Norman Trewartha, Clinton, J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt. Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McEwing, Blyth; Wm. S. Alex- ander, Walton ; Harvey Fuller, Goderich ; Wm, R. Pepper, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents Landes - J. Lane, RSeafot6; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clin- ton ; James 8eys, Seaforth. PROBLEMS ? Money to Loan on any property Anywhere. Don't Delay — Write Delray The secret 01 our -mean — is Service DELRAYINVESTMENTS d8O-A Wilson Ave., Downvlew, QM MPI. 34858 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE DUNDAB & LONEY Phone 573 or 392-R NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ- ators an d VikingMilking n g Mach- ines, Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefteld. DRESSMAKING And alterations, Mrs. C. Haney,. Egmondville, Phone 645w2 Arnold Stinnissen R R 5 SEAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 852-R-12 NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith_ Tuckersmith Municipal Dump will be open until further notice on Wednesday & Saturday after- noons from 1-5.30 P•28. Cora Chesney Clerk CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE In all nines, approximately 860 with Byh to 7 inch top, Mao braces,' anchor posts, barb wire, steel poste, etc. Kin - burn Store, Borden Brown, phone 841r2. NOTICE Does any of your furniture need REUPHOLSTERING, refinishing or repairing, It so, please call Kitchener Uphoistery at Gunge- rich's Sales and Service, Seaforth 585,