HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-05-04, Page 7ll'assiol Reveals BafitLnj Sect'ets Stan Musial was sitting in the shade Of the Cardinal dugout, Rad naturally it wasp't long be - Pere the conversation get around to hitting, "The only time I ever had soy real trouble was in the spring," began the great St. Louis vet- eran, whose 3,294 base hits are World only to Rogers Hornsby in the National League. "I'd feel strong and think about hitting home runs and I'd get fouled up. "I'd be thinking my body gen- erated the power and Pd start lunging. But you get your pourer With your wrists, If your bat is still back when you take your step, you'll seep wood into any pitch." A fellow suggested that the Cardinal star Was seldom fouled on a curve ball. "Well," be continued, "when I first came up I really could hit The fast ball. I mean, nobody could throw it by me, So they started curving me. Then, when I learned to hit the curve, those pitcherswere in trouble." Muscat's listeners laughed with him for a moment, but then the veteran suddenly got serious again. "However, it isn't as easy as that," he went on, "It used to be you'd see the fast ball, the ,curve, and the change of pace. Now they have the pesky slider. If you don't watch out, it can get you all fouled up. It's an optical illusion. You swing and it isn't there; and it's always hitting you on the fists. "If I was a young hitter just starting out, I'll tell you what I'd do. I'd get a big bat with a thick handle and I'd choke it, and maybe I'd handle a few of those sliders." But they all want home runs; they all swing for the long ball, dcwn around the end of the bat. "Sure," Musial said. "Well, I had to change. When I first got started inthis league, duridg the ,• early years, I just tried for base bits. I used to talk to myself up there at the plate. I'd say to my- self, over and over again: 'Get the fat of the bat on the ball and bit the Iine drive.' I figured that if I got good wood on the bail, • it would drop in there some- where." Stan laughed again. "But then everybody started going for the home runs and I had to change, too. That's where the money was." Toe Gasagiola, the one -tune Cardinal catcher turned radio 'sportscaster, broke in with: "Af- ter I'd been traded to Pittsburgh and would catch behind Stan, I got so I could telt when he was going to give the ball a ride. I'd see the ball coming, right down his groove and I'd almost want to turn my head sway, so I couldn't see what he was going to do to it," "I trained myself early," Mu- sial continued. "I developed a scone of vision about eight feet out in front of the plate arid I knew just how hard every pit- cher could throw. So I'd follow the ball until it reached that sone. Then, if it kept coming, I got 't'he fast ball flash. It it hesitated, I'd say to myself: 'Curve.' "But' as I said before, now they're throwing that slider and it isn't as easy as it used to be." am - REEL SOLDIER -- Jacques Cher - Hee, former husband, of actress Brigitte B'ardot, fudged out of the French army, but he's in uniform again — for the movie cameras. He's 'shown on loco= tion in Milan, Italy, where he plays o memher of a fascist unit during World. War II in • the film "Pigeon Shooting." Was it true that he could see , the ball eoniilvg off the bat? asked Ed Rtunili •of the Chris- tian Science Monitor. "Oh, yes," replied the man whose 5,596 total' bases and 675 doubles, are NL records, "The outside pitch, which I hit into left field, is right in my line of vision and I can see it come off • the bat. Picking up other pit,:he's is tougher, because they're not in the line of vision," "But getting back to the home run, I think a young player has to make up his mind in the. be- -ginning. If he isn'tbuilt for pow- er — if he doesn't have the leverage and the strength to reach the fences — if he doesn't have the tools, he's writing his release by swinging down at the end of the bat. "A young hitter should first concentrate on getting one hit every four times up. Then he should think about two for four and three for four. "In 1947 I'd hit 19 home runs," Stan said. "The next year :-I jumped to 39. So in the spring of '49 I couldn't wait to swing that bat for the fence.. I was going to break Babe Ruth's re- cord. But about the first of July, when I had only a dozed homers, I got smart and went back to hitting straight-away =- and fin- ished with 36 homers. • "I've changed my stance a lit- tle from time to time." "flow could anyone tell?' put in Garagiola. "You always .lock ail wrong with that coil spring stance of yours." Stan smiled. 'Yes," he said, "I opened up lily stance one year and nobody even noticed it." "I don't know," the Wise- cracking Garagiola went on. "I don't think Stan ever • got much furl out of playing. My big thrill was to walk 'over to the -lineup card on a dugout post and see my name was written in. There was nothing quite like it,, But Stan: well, he: never had to look. He knew it was there, He doesn't know it, but he missed a lot" i IDE STORY '-- Sure enough, as suspected, those scary apes vWhidh appear on TV xhows Ore usually only human after all. One of them It George Barrows, shown above on a Hollywood tet of the Jim Backus show. George, on actor -sauna mon, made yhe mutt hlmeelf of yak fur and plastic, Boy Scouting Greenland Style Boy Scouting isn't, what It w, used to be, Two Scouts have just come back from Greenland, 800 reties from. the •North Pole, where foe ,five monthe they helped the United States:'eArmy in explor- ing the Arctic, What did they do? Build fires, pitch tents, blaze trails, find water? We's it rough? Reporters, weather ex - Boy Scouts or not, held ballnoints ready for a tale of the wild, The two youthful e:•;plorers, Kent L. Goering, 18, et Heade- she, Kan., and Siren Oregeroen, also 18, of !Corsor, Denmark, a citizen of the• nation v,Mcb plays host to the Army in Greenland, displayed the smiles of men who have been ached one primitive question tco many about a com- plex subject. In their capacity as guest jun- tor scientific aides to the United States Army Corps of Engineers research city, Camp Centuey, Greenland, they reported they learned how to: Find water — by boring into the thick ice with huge steam drills. The water being melted in subterranean caves that way was found purer than distilled water; the ice, from which it is made has laid one::posed for centuries. Blaze trails across the ice — with parallel wires, buried in the snow, which brcadcast si':rais thate keep surface vehicles on course even when Arctic fog or wind -driven snow cuts visibility to zero. Build "fifes" — by learning how to operate the master con- trol of a portable atomic reactor which saves the need for hauling in huge quantities of diesel fuel for heat end= power. Build shelters — by excavat- ing huge",trenches (with special tractors) similar to the way run- dern coal mines are dug. Inside the trenches complete barracks are erected and afterward the trenches are covered with corru- gated metal toots and the snow is blown back on with machines. Find ways to store gasoline,. machinery, and other suzettes in unlined ice reservoirs. Gas can be pumped into " the ice caverns without losing its qual- ity. Tools' can be stored without rusting. There was at least one touch of the old Scout life, though. The boys built an igloo, cut- ting the ice slabs "with mach- etes" They slept in it one night when the temperature was 64 'below zero outside, 30 inside, writes Frederick W..Roevekan'ap in the Ohristian,Science Monitor. "We took off our Arctic wear and went into double .sleeping bags, in our underwear," said -Kent. "We slept all right." Nor was this all just a Scout experience, however modern, Both boys are interested in natural science and technology. Kent "probably" wants to be- come •an engineer, Soren, a tat - clear physicist, "I was pretty ,Sure of that be- fore I left for Greenland," he said. "Now I .am sure." This, summer, Kent .plans to return to Greenland to work as a scientific assistant. Was it be- cause he liked to so much? "Yeas, and because of the money, 'you )know," Kent said. Assistants get $650, practically all of- which they can save. "I' like the money, too," said Soren. "I am trying to get back there, myself." ' On their return to New" York, the two Scouts. were each pre- sented with a specially engraved Boy Scout 50th Anniversary 'Ma: dalto show the fellows back home at the campfire, Great Discovery By High -School Boys Embedded in the slab of black shale were the Upper Triassic age (178 million years ago) fos- sil remains of a gliding reptile, perhaps nature's first experi- mentalattempt at aerial locomo- tion, It was one of those rare triumphs of paleontology — a skeleton that was ancient, per- fectly preserved, representative of a' key moment on the evolu- tionary clock, and so unexpected no one had a name for it. Under any circumstances, the discovery announced last week by the American Museum of Na- tural History in New York would have been exciting. But" what gave, this finding its parti- cular charm was the fact that the discoverers were not pith - helmeted paleontologists on sa- fari but three high-school sopho- mores named Alfred Sleeker, Mi- chael Bandrowski, and Joseph Geller. And their dig Wag not in Tanganyika or in the Shanidar caves, but in a northern New Jersey quarry being excavated to malte way for a suburban shopping center, - "The construction company did most of the heavy digging," said the 17 -year-old Siefker, who, like the others, is studying bi- ology, and hopes •to become a CL AGENTS WANTED IFIED ADVERTISING tee STEADY PROFITS Meanie made to measure clothes et. leer; to wearer. Firm established -1943. Attractive elotbs sadly sold. Generous Conlmtcsionc loMem, free slit bonuses, Full or pari time. experionee not necea0arY. Tremendous oppertuntty. Write for samples. Rodney Tottering Cp.,' Dept. X10, Box. 3018, Montreal. BABY CHICKS. BRAY has good assortment' breeds, fn started pellets, -prom t shipment. Day Incoynes nolloorrppromptdetvand hted toe June•Suly broilers, a"der now. See Meal agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont.. BATTERIES, BATTERIES REPAIRED B1105E15 cap's, posts, covers, cells re• ptaeod, etc. Free pick-up and delivery within 78 mile radius. E Licht'. R.R. L Stratrord. Phone Shakespeare 2 R III. BERRY & ROOT PLANTS ONTARIO'S LARGEST STRAWBERRY GROWERS ALL COMMERCIAL VARIETIES 12 MILLION PLANTS Returns of up to $2,500 per acre under our new growing system. _ For complete information and price list, write; Bar. BOSTON BERRY FARMS (REO,) 51,R. No, 1, WILSONVILLE, ONTARIO PHONE: WATERFORD,HICICORY 3.6507 BOOKS MAGAZINES JOC, $3 00 orders Prepaid. Western, romance, detective, w a r, mechanics, humor, sport, educational, movie, French, medical, men's, home, solemn,. State wants. Freemans, Corn. wall, Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE TEXACO station, tobaccos, contcctiens, groceries, meats, novelties; fully 'equip- ped modern building, 4 -room apart- ment with S piece bath. 2 acres, picnic tables, main highway a at 25. ill health. prlvato, J. Church, sok, No. 1, Pal. merston, IDEAL FAMILY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GENERAL store, post office; snack bee; pumps and four bedroom home. On main highway between North Bay add Quebec border. $23,000 plus stock. Chm' tact S. C. Altpeter, Petunia, Ont. FARM EQUIPMENT DEXTRA Ford diesel, used 166 hours, , 62100.00 Holland 68 baler,.slightly used $1100.00. Spring tooth • drag 3 point hitch, new. $16000, trey Sider, 26 Miza. beth St., Welland, Ont. Phone H.E. 2.5582. POULTRY Equipment and Farm Sup - .plies. Write now for your free cats- logup. Rideau Specialty Co., Box 277. Smiths Falls, Ontario. 1980 LANGEMAN asparagus harvester, .used less than 30 hours. Reasonable. Lot Smith, 3206 Watkins Rd., Columbus, Ohio, BEhnont 5.0740. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE MINNEAPOLIS Moline 445 tractor, 3.4 plow size, with torque amplifier, line power take off, 3 pt. hitch, power steer- ing and belt pulley. Like new with , only 600 hrs. Real bargain. Walter Sw nston, R.R. 3, Rockwood, Ont. UL. 612. WD9 DIESEL INTERNATIONAL tractor, top condi. tion. Good cash buy. Ernie Duckett, ' concession 3, Leamington,Phone FA 6-6425. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS FOR Sale - One bag concrete Mixer with hydraulic bucket with or without Wisconsin motor. One bag tilting con- crete mixer, both in excellent cendi. tion. One concrete block machine in new condition. Write: Enos S. Martin, R.3, Wallenstein, Ont. HUNTERS 1 FISHERMEN CAMPERS I THE sportsman's best friend - safe economical. Don't be caught in the wet or cold, with nothing to start a camp fire.., Carry one of our resinous wood blocks in your jacket Or tackle Sox. Will light and burn instantly, even when wet) Four (4) blocks - 10 ounces. $1.00 postpaid, Results guaranteed or money refunded. Cariboo Pitch Chips, Box 672, Williams Lake, British Co, tumble. PHONOGRAPH PERMS YOUR record requirements are as close es your own mailbox! Safe delivery guaranteed. Send 25 cents in coin or stamps today for our up-to-date cats- logue listing everything recorded in Popular Hits, Country and Western, Latin American, Polkas, Classical. Folk and Foreign Language Music. Bob Destry's Music Centre, Dept. W L.10. P C. Box 747, Montreal, P.Q. paleontologist. "We did the usual —dug ' down about 2142 feet through some shale. Then found this rock, split it open—and there it was." The find will go on display at the museum. "Actually it's still theirs," explained the museum's 'Dr. Edwin H. Colbert. "They have lent it to us, but I hope they will give it to us." How .Can 1? By Roberta Lee Q. How can I avoid the disagree- able odor from rendering fat? A. By placing the kettle con- taining the fat in your oven. Start the tat on the tap of the stove, and when heated through, place in a moderate oven until it is finished. MERRY MENAGERIE 'You have to be tall and slim to Wear checker' HORSES. Fon Sale: Happy Peter,mule toured ulie J 1954, dam Goodwill Sundre, sire Hapy keener, ele Is broke and very quiet.i. Price $$00, Flying Herbert, at. male, fouled May 1950, dam Goodwill Sandra, sire Danny B. Herbert. She Is Very quiet, been hooked e few times, Price $400. tallest Bernhardt, Hawke - stone, . Ontario. SATURDAY, APRIL 29 A E1 P.M. OVER 100 HEAD HORSES, ponies and equipment. CIRCLE M RancCh. HIGHWAY 27, Islelnberg, Ont, HORTICULTURE DAYLILIES NEW WONDER FLOWER BLOOM all summer, subzero hardy — last a lifetime Rush name and address for coloured catalogue o£ these atnas- fig ilon•ers, Floridel Gardens, Port Stanley, Ontario. INSTRUCTION EARN Morel Bookkeeping, Ssleanlan. ship. Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les- sons 606. Ask for free circular 'No 33, Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street. Toronto. JAPAN DIRECTORY JAPAN Directory, 145 Japanese mans- - facturing exporters, Japan and Hong Kong trade journal information. Asia opportunities, Send $1.00 today. Nippon Annai, Box 0266.50, Spokane 10, Wash- ington. LANDSCAPING TREES and plants for home and gar. den. Write or phone for free catalogue or visit Wlndover Nurseries, Petrolia, Ontario, Ph. 0. MONEY TO LOAN MORTGAGE Loam. Funds available on suitable farms, 'homes, stores, apart- ments, hotels, motels, Pleasant sour. Mous service. For Information write, phone, or drop in. United County In- vestments Ltd„ 2645 Bathurst St., Tor- onto 19, -Ont. RU. 9.2125. MEDICAL ARTIiRrrIS, • Rheumatism Suffering! I cured myself with simple Stere Rem- - edy. I'll send complete information to you for $1.00. Russell, CWR, 694 Kerr, Columbus, Ohio., SATISFY YOURSELF - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Called POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH tile torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you itching scalding and burning ecze. ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE S3.S0 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1565 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO, NURSES. WANTED REGISTERED NURSE ONTARIO ifomes fior Mentally Retard. ed Infants, Inc., Plainfield; Ontario,q(7 medlatel , additionaltiBelleville) requires 8 hour duty, Night or Day. Salary $3,600 to $4,500 with car allowance and fringe benefits. • Apply in writing with refer- ences to Mrs. Leonora Velleman, P.O. Box 100, Plainfield, Ontario. THREE REGISTERED OR GRADUATE NURSES Required For 15 bed hospital situated on the beau. Mut ARROW LAKES, B.C. Standard. salaries, holidays and semi-annual in- creases, 40 hour week and living in accommodations at low cost. APPLY TO ADMINISTRATOR ARROW LAKES HOSPITAL NAKUSP, B.C. , NUTRIA ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA When purchasing Nutria consider the following points whichthis organize. lion offers: L. The best available stock, no cross. bred or standard types recommended.. 2. The reputation of a plan which Is satisfied itself substantiated by files of 3. -Full insurance against replace. ment should they not live or In the event of sterility (all fully explained in our certificate of merit.) 4. We give you only nutations which are in demand for fur garments. 5 You receive from this organization guaranteed pelt market In writing. '8. Membership in o u r exclusive breeders' association whereby only purchasers of this stock may partici- pate in the benefits se offered. 7, Prices for Breeding Stock start at $200. a Pair. Special offer to those who qualify: earn Your Nutrria on our cooperative basis Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd., R.R. No. 2, Stouffville, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN ANnsnWOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 350 Moor St. W.. Taranto Brancbes: 44 (ting St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa PERSONAL 0E2 8 hours sleep Nervous tension may cause 75% of sickness Particu- larly slceplessneas, litterynesa and ir. rltability Sleep calm your nerves with Napes" 10 fox $.i:'50 for $4 Lyon's Drugs, Dept. 20 471 Danforth 'Iel'onto. HYGIENIC RUBBER GOODS TESY'ED guaranteed,mailed to mule parcel including caalogue end sex book tree with trial assortment Ili for $1.00 (Finest quality) Western DIstribu• tors, Boa 74.TPF, Repine, Sash PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT ONT. Films developer) and 8 magna prints 400 12 magus prints 606 Reprints 55 each. KODACOLOR Developing roll 905 (not maiming prints Color prints 304 each extra. Ansco and Ektaobrome 35 in in 20 ex. posting mounted- In slides $t,20 Color punned fid fullifor Unp lhtsd negatives, PROPERTIES FOR SALE PROPERTIES FOR SALE DELAWARE, corner 51 end 2 erigliwayst 3t/ acres land with 3 bedroom hourps bath, oil heated, also 23 acres, feed lot, runningtesteam.for F. S. Drennan,aPelo. were, Mt, BrJ'dges, 022.8.39. MT, ALBERT PIUSP Ire sold to settle. estate, 4 -bed- room family sized home, plus large barn. Situated on main street, 56,000 or closest offer. Earl V. Stewart, Broker, Aurora, PA. 7.5076, 3 REGISTERED lots, Maple Reach, Lake Simeoe, $1,000. Apply 809 Carnegie Ave., Oshawa, RA. 8.8031. GEORGE W. "N", corBaOtaoPH65, FOR SALE: Perms, ranches, summer cottages, tourist resorts modern homes, lake shore property and honing rights. Hal'iburion Highlands SACRIFICE price lust $4,000 cash, Dyne Uranium Mune closure forces quick sale: Two bedrooms, full high base- ment partitioned for recreation room, automatic oil heat, pressure system, automatic hot water, heavy duty WO, Ing, plenty of kitchen cupboards and low, low taxes. Write G. W, Barnes, 604 Bolivar St., Peterborough, Ont. RECIPES 20 DIFFERENT BEER and WINE Recipes, over 100 years old. Complete instructions for easy home production $1.00. Russell, CWB,, 094 Kerr. Colum- bus, Ohio, U,S,A. SALES HELP WANTED 'INTERNATIONAL Housewares Inc. has an opening on the sales Staff far a representative in this area. Eighteen top quality. Brand Name products such as Inelmine Dinnerware, Silver and. Stainless Steel Flatware, Automatic Electric Cooking Utensils, Carving Seta, Famous Kitchen Queen Stainless Steel Cooking Utensils, Sewing Machines and Vacuum Cleaners, plus other fine items. Car necessary, Will consider part-time as well as full-time applicants. For In- terview Write; Vice President, 997' Harrison Ave., London, Ont." SHOW BUSINESS AGENTS. ACTORS, SINGERS, WRITERS - why not get on the show business band wagon by contacting recognized, fran- chised agents. Long lists have been specially prepared for you. Hollywood $2; New York, Chicago, San Francisco $1. each. All four $4. (Currency only please) KONTAK, Box 3301-C, South Station, Austin 4, Texas. STAMPS 200 CANADA stamps; all different, used, '$1, Interesting set, 1 each,. $1, M. J. Wilson, 1209 Canterbury Rd., Port Credit, Ont. SUMMER COTTAGES FOR RENT VELLA - VILLA COTTAGES 2 or 3 bedroom housekeeping cottages. city convenience; open April 15 to Oct. 15 Reasonable. Phone H'asaga 456 or write Robert Brown, R.R. 1, Wasaga Beach, Ont. TEACHERS WANTED CATHOLIC teacher required for girls' private school, chiefly for English and History, in Grades IX and X. Apply to the Principal, stating qualifications and salary expected, Loretto Academy, Hamilton. QUALIFIED Catholic teacher. for Graf- ton separate school, to start Sept.. 1961 Eight grades, about 36 to 39 pupils. Salary $3,200 plus qualification extras, or state salary required. Reply to Fred Cainan, Sec. -Treasurer, Grafton. Ont. PUBLIC SCHOOL SECTION NO. 5, COLCHESTER SOUTH Requires experienced teacher for Sept., 1961, 7 grades, salary according to qualifications, substantial allowance for experience. Address replies to Mrs. Robert Rayner, R.R. 3, Harrow, stating qualifications, experience and last in- spector's name. SOUTH BRIGHTON Twp. School area requires a Protestant teacher for Sept. 1961. For four grades. Salary schedule in effect. Apply, stating quallfleations, salary expected and last inspectorate, to Mr. Cecil Alexander, Sec.-Treas., R.R. 1, Brighton, Ont. Qualified Teacher Wanted For RYDE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA Duties to commence September. 1961. Salary 53,500. Apply stating experience, name sad address or last inspector to MRS. FLORENCE REBMAN R.R. 3, GRAVENHURST MUSKOKA, ONTARIO PRECISION FERTILIZER 1 DISTRIBUTOR AND SEEDER Now available in 3 models -8-point hitob t',T,O. driven as illustrated, Tow type round driven and Tow type P.T.O, drive. , Hopper eapaeity up to 1000 pounds. ref your own "Bulk•Spreading" now and hex these plus features tool • speed spreads up, to 50 feet wide, loos 25 acre' an hour, • Economy.. adlustobia pattern, wind control, no waste, • Yereetility'-one toreador for all year needs te fertilixer,)lme, 1554r, palletlred 240 ate. 4i SLEoundLY. lnvasiment -- yen pat halter crepe for lea due to the rimming actuate), of the Ask your neorsIt dealer for a 00Mo/tarailei or Mita tel $7,500; LOW taxes, now 6 -room buugn, lows, treed lot, is mins, peterboro; also 10 acres garden land, tonna. .T Kins- LTD, man, R,R. 1, Erase: vine. Phone 214121 Ra N, led t MRlbreok` Agrkelfural Mathi9ary P,O. 6ox , ,,s, Onlerie, Canada, ISSUE17 -- i 661.branch and W239atehOOM'4eveq Daley/ t U.s..a