HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-04-27, Page 7Trial SX -Police Gets A Setback XII 1953, Harold D, Rogers was E9Teste4 on suspicion of commit- ting a murder during a New 'raven kiquar store robbery. For same six hours after his arrest Ile Was questioned by police of- 1licers but would say nothing *bout his supposed crime. But then the officers worked a ruse, They pretended to issue an order than hisife be brought in for questioning. And at that point Rogers agreed to confess, The next day, -still incommuni- cado and without counsel, Ro- gers repeated his confession to a coroner. He was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death, the trial Mudge holding that the police trick "had no tendency to pro- duce a confession that was not • iii accord with the truth." But now the United States Supreme Court has overturned she Connecticut courts, invali- dating Rogers' confession and ordering his retrial without it. Justice Felix Frankfurter, de- livering the court's main opin- ion, made it plain that truth alone is not sufficient to justify the admission of a confession in evicler.re. It must also be tiuly voluntary. "Convictions following the ad- mission into evidence of conies- sions which are involuntary, i.e., the product of coercion, either physical or psychological, cannot stand," he wrote. This is not so much because such confessions are unlikely to be true but because the methods used to extract them offend an underlying principle in the en- forcement of our criminal law; that ours is an accusatorial and. not an inquisitorial system — a system in which the state must establish guilt by evidence in- dependently and freely secured and may not by coercion prove its charge against the accused out .of his own mouth." The court has said substanti- ally the same thing many times before. But it cannot be said too frequently. Secret detention for the purpose of inducing a sus- pectto incriminate himself is intlerentiy coercive. It is, indeed, a substitution of trial by police ilei • trial by a court of law. O. John Roges, a former as- sistant United States attorney general has noted that criminal trials in our democracy do not abound in confessions, as those in Communist countries do. This is no accident. It is be- cause the Communistcountries regularly employ trial by police. It is because theirs is an inqui- sitorial, not an accusatorial, sys- tem. — Boston Herald. Intuition is something that tells a woman she's right when she isn't. MISSILE MAID — Peggy Hart - lel of '.Great Falls, Mont., stands beside a model of the 6,000 -mile - range Minuteman Missile in a local' hank The 12- foot model (one-fifth actual, size) advertised the start of construc-.-- tion on a launching complex in the Great Falls arca. The $62 million project is to be com' plated' in 1963. MOUSE CHARMER — Striking the pose of an Oriental snake charmer, 1 1 -year-old Heather Wilding plays a concert on her recorder. Her pet mouse, "Moz- art," ,,just loves the tune. She's from England. A Face -Lift For A • British Queen Skilled workmen recently gave a former British queen a good scrub down and some beauty treatment. S h e is Boadicea, whose statue in her great chariot on London's Thames Embank- ment was specially groomed in preparation for being floodlit to commemorate the nineteenth centenary of liar victory over the Roman invaders in A.D. 61. Boadicea, who could not read or write, became queen of a powerful tribe of Britons' known . as the Ieeni by marrying their king. The tribe occupied the area we now call Norfolk and Suf- folk and one of their principal - occupations apart from fighting was horse breeding, The horses they bred were probably used to draw this war- rior queen's chariot. Legend says that all Boadecia's soldiers' chariots had -scythes attached to their wheels, but some historians have denied that this is true. What they are agreed about is that in the battles the Britons far outnumbered the Romans but were poorly armed and not nearly so well trained. It was suggested, some-., years ago, that a skeleton found brick- ed into the wall of a North Wales parish church was that' of Boa- dicea. Some experts claimed to identify her bones through a deduction, saying that her final battle with the Romans took place not far from. where the skeleton was found. Boadicea is said to have died.) from poison, " self-administered, after her final battle with - the Romans. Before every encounter she had declared that she ,would conquer or die. - When a pitfull of unique Ro- man pottery was fottnd on a farm site at Colchester, Essex, in 1938, .experts said that the pit was probably filled up ' with debris after the then Roman city had been destroyed by Boadicea. He Liked To Test Kis Coffin In Advance The recent news story about a man who slept in his coffin every night is not without 'pre- cedent, A niost unusual caseis found . in an interesting book,' "A Rus- sian Childhood," by E. N. Vodo- vosova. When he was fifty, a Russian landowner dreamed livid he'd suddenly died and a carpenter, one of .his serfs, had taken his measurements for a coffin, then got drunk and lost them. From memory he made one that turned out to, be too, short, Ile had to be pushed into it by brute force and, although he was ;dead, the pain, was excruciating! He was so impressed by the dream that he decided to have a suitable coffin made ready for him while he was still alive. He sent his carpenter to *cis - tow to be trained, When the man had mastered the craft and returned, he built coffins by the dozen. But none Was suitable, and the rich man kept them line barn. Some developed cracks, some fell to pieces. Others which didn't come up to his requirements were presented to serfs in whose families there had been a death, Dry straw was : kept in each coffin, and he would lie in each in turn to test them even though they did not come tip to the re- quired standard. 116 CLASSIFIED AGENTS WANTED FGEN'1'S1 Soli Amaiing flhemlcal "Scope. enter" for Quick Prefit, Stills .roots 11 drains, sewers, send $2,80 for satiN sample and literature, Loomis Enter. Dirges, Washington 14, D.C. STEADY PROFITS SELLING made to measure clothes di• reef to wearer. Firm established .1933, Attractive cloths easily sold, Generous Commtsslens, low prices, tree suit bonuses. Full or part time, Experience not necessary. Tremendous opportunity. Write ., Dept . X1,samples. Rodney Montreal Ing BABY CHICKS BRAY helps you get ready for your markets. Order from .good assortment breeds, in' started pullets, praupt ship - anent Dayolds, including Antes In. Cross, some for prompt delivery, and hatehed to order. Book June -July broilers now. See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamil- ton, Ont. BATTERIES BATTERIES REPAIRED BROR,EN cases, pests, covers, cells re• placed, etc. Free pick-up and delivery Stratfo d, Phone radius. E, IIR. 8. 1, BERRY & ROOT PLANTS ONTARIO'S LARGEST STRAWBERRY GROWERS ALL COMMERCIAL VARIETIES 12 MILLION PLANTS Returns of up to $2,600 per acre tinder our new growing system. For complete information and price list, write: B,B.F. BOSTON BERRY FARMS (REG.) R.R. No, 1, WILSONVILLE, ONTARIO PHONE: WATERFORD HICKORY 3.5007 aooics MAGAZINES 100, $3.00 orders prepaid. Western, romance, detective, w a r, mechanics, humor, sport, educational, movie, French, medical, men's: home, science. State wants. Freemans, Corn- wall, Ont. - - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MOTELS MOTELS MOTELS INQUIRIES invited from operators -in- forested in Chain Operation Motel 25 Units with Gasoline Bar, and Coffee Bar. Locetlons available Ontario and Quebec on 25 years net lease basis. Capital to furnish required. Lease se. entity, excellent banking references. A goad opportunity for security of oper- ation in All Canadian Motel Chain. Write: Bonsquet Construction Inc. 2 Gouin Blvd, East, Montreal, P Q, Tel. DU, 7.8835. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE ELECTRICAL Appliance Store building and modern apartment. -Equipment to service refrigerators, washers, stoves, freezers, radios, television and small appliances, no competition. Apply box number 234, 123 -10th Street, Now To- ronto, Ont. TWO•storey building 22 x 109 situated in the heart of Waterloo, presently used as stationery store, suitable for almost any type of business, excellent terms, contact Lester Brox, Realtor, 87 Fred. erkk St., Kitchener. IDEAL FAMILY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GENERAL store,post office, snack bar, pumps and four bedroom home, On main highway between. North Bay and Quebec border. $23,090 Con- tact EC.Alpeir,Fena, On CHRISTMAS TREES CHRISTMAS tree seedlings. Austrian and Scotch pines. Best possible stock, $16 per 1,000. D. A. Tiffin, Cookstown, Ont. EAVESTROUGHING ATTENTION TINSMITHS YOU ought to know that half round eavestrough in 28 gauge can be bought at less than current prices. .Write Enos S Martin, R. 3 Wallenstein,-Ont FEMALE HELP WANTED STENOGRAPHER, shorthand: 'at ones. Also -good.plaie.'esok exclusive yacht club. North Channel, -'Lake Tiuron, Ap- lily . in writing with fullbackground and photograph. Highest wages. Car boar Island Yacht and Fishing Club, Kagawong, Manitoulin Island, Ontario. How Can 1? . By Roberta Lee Q, What is the "trick" in iron- ing bias -cut garments? A. To iron them with the "grain" of, the fabric, rather than from 'neck to hem, 'This will prevent their. sagging. ' ' Q. How. can I make a good job of, cleaning patent -leather shoes and other such articles? A. Mix up a solution of • two- thirds vinegar and one-third wa ter. Apply -thisto the leather with a soft cloth, and polish,with a .dry cloth. Petroleum jelly, applied in • the same way, will do the trick, too. ISSUE 16 — 1961. t FARMS FOR SALE. ADVERTISING 100 ACRE FarM for sale, LargebrIelt house with hydro and water. arn by 65; straw shed 30 by 4$' drive shed 49 by 60, 4 acres of hardwood bush, Apply Mr. John A. Hird, ILII, No, gg Atwood, Ontario, This advertisement It published free as one of the many benefits of:- THE f:- T15Lnd (CANADA) P.O. ;px 1029, on; O4 FARM EQUIPMENT" 1000 LANGEMAN asparagus harvester, used less than 30 hence. Reasonable. Lot Smith, 3285 Watkins Rd., Columbus, Ohio, BElmont 5.0749. - DEXTRA 2 00.00Holland diesel, 100 baler, eslightlyhused, $1100.00. Spring tooth drag 3 point hitch, new. $153 00. Bay Sider, 30 Elisya- both St., Welland, Ont. Phone Bit. •2.5502. POULTRY Equlkmant and Farin Sup- plies Write now for your free cats. Logue, Rideau Specialty Co., Box 277. Smiths Falls, Ontario. HERE they are! Be an early bird! Heavy duty wagons with 15 -inch tires. $125. A. Vanderkooi, General Repair Shop, Beachville. FARMALL MD,new condition, high clearance adjusable front axle, also narrow front end, belly pump, two. way remote control valve, Model 257• I•H•C, cultivators, good tires. 400 lire. since complete rebuild. $1995.00. Con. alder trade and deliver in 300 mile talus. EARL DEAMUDE R.R. No, 6 DUNNVILLE, PHONE 777M1 FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE MINNEAPOLIS Moline 445 tractor, 3-4 plow size, with torque amplifier, line power take off, 3 pt. hitch,•power steer• lag and belt pulley. Like new with only 600 hrs. Real bargain.. Walter Swaneion, 11.50; 3, Rockwood, Ont. UL. 6.9713. WD9 DIESEL INTERNATIONAL tractor, top condi. lion. Good cash ' buy. Ernie Duckett, concession 3, Leamington. Phone FA 6.6425. FOR SALE — MISCELLANEOUS 37 COMIC Books $2.00. Hard Cover Book disposals, 4 different $1.00. State wants. e. sone coloured d$2.00kddozen,1osampleh3500, Cash Postpaid.0. remans, Cornwall. Ont HUNTERS I FISHERMEN I CAMPERS I THE sportsman's best friend safe, economical. Don't be caught.in the wet or cold' with nothing to start a camp fire. Carry oneof our resinous wood blocks in your jacket or tackle box, Will light and burn instantly, even when wet! Four (4) blocks — 10 ounces, eraResults ouiteed psmonyfunded. CariboPchChi Box 071, Williams Lake, British Co. lumbia. WATER HEATERS ELECTRIC Water Beater! Immersion type 110 Volts, 1320 Watts, $5,96 post. Paid. . Year Guarantee. Larson Televi- sion, 10132 East Warren, Detroit 14, Michigan, U.S.A. PHONOGRAPH . RECORDS YOUR record requirements are as close us your own mailbox! Safe delivery guaranteed. Send 25 cents in coin or stamps today for our up-to-date Bata. logue listing everything recorded In Popular lilts, Country and Western, Latin American, Polkas, Classical. Folk and Foreign Language Music. Bob DesP 0LrBox 7471 Montreal, W L.10, P.Q. HEALTH CATALOGUE free familyt Healt njCat Life! Naturarl Vitamins, Foods, Herbs, Appliances. aWagoner, 3225 South 6th. hast, Salt La HOUSE PLANTS AFRICAN Violets. Write 'for list offer- ing all the finest varietiesand colours. Aiken Nursery, Chute Panet, Quo. • HORTICULTURE DAYLILI€S NEW WONDER FLOWER BLOOM all summer, subzero hardy — last a lifetime Rush name and address for coloured catalogue of these amaz- ing flowers. Floridel Gardens, Port Stanley, Ontario. INSTRUCTION EARN Morel Bookkeeping, Salesman. ship Sl'FBrthand, Typewriting, eta Les. sons 500 Ask for free circular No 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street Toronto. LANDSCAPING TREES den WVrite ori phone for infree catalogue gar- den, or visit Wlgdover Nurseries, Petr a, Ontario, Ph. 6. MAPLE SYRUP FOR SALE I,IAPLE. syrup,. guaranteed Pure, 6 gal. Ion case $29.50,4gallons $20.00 smaller quantity 95.20 gallon. Howard Hasler, Fllntoni Ont. MEDICAL IT'S PROVEN -- EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 333 ELGIN OTTAWA ;1:25 Express Collect MEDICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE 13ANSSH ..the torment of dry eczema rashes anti weeping skin troubles. Post's Reaema Selye will not disappoint you. itching scalding and burning ecce- nia, acne, ngworre, pimpted end foot ecaema respond readily to the ofahow sssthopeless they seeem. Sent POO Free en Receipt of Price PRICE 99.50 PIP JAR POST'S REMEDIES. 1145 St. can Avenue Clot, TORONTO NURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSE ONTARIO Homes For Mentally Retard- ed Infants Inc., Plainfield, Ontario, (7 miles north of Belleville) requires im- mediately, additional trained staff. 8 hold duty, Night or Day, Salary $3,600 to $4,500 with ear allowance and fringe benefits. Apply in writing with refer- ences to Mr's, Leonora Velleman, P.O. Box 100, Plainfield, Ontario. THREE REGISTERED OR GRADUATE NURSES Required For 13 bed hospital, situated on the beau. tiful ARROW LAKES, B,C. Standard salaries, holidays and semi-annual In- creases, 40 hour week and living in accommodations at low cost, HARRPPLY OW TLAKESI INISHOSPITALR NAKUSP, B.C. NUTRIA ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA When purchasing Nutria consider the following points which this organize• Don offers: 1. The best available stock, no cross. bred Standard types recommended. hh is proving itself substantiated by Hies of satisfied ranchers. 3.—Full Insurance against replace. meat, should they not live or in the event of sterility (all fully explained in our certificate of merit,) 4. We give you only mutations which are In demand for fur garments. eereti" a guaranteedplt m this 6. Membership in O u r exclusive breeders' association, whereby only purchasers of this stock may Partici. pate In the benefits so offered. 7. Prices for Breeding Stock start at $200. a pair. Special offer to those who qualify: earn your Nutrria on our cooperative Rasis.R. No. 2, StoiffV Ile, OCanadian ntario.a o. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages. avelardbcaessfulMGauate America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Moor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 72 Rideauet�StreHamilton. Ottawa PERSONAL GET 8 hours sleep. Nervous tension may cause 75% of .sickness. Partial. 1arlY sleeplessness, jitteryness and Ir. "1N ppsv. Sleep $1;n50 your nerywith es Drugs, Dept. 20. 471 Danforth. Toronto. HYGIENIC RUBBER GOODS TESTED, guaranteed mailed in plain parcel, including catalogue and sex book free with trial assortment. 18 for $1.00 (Finest 24•TPF, ReginWestern a Soak.sirlbu• PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31. GALT. ONT. Films developed and 8 Inagua prints 400 12 n 606 prtna nted prints0 eah. KODACOLOR Developing roll -900 (not Including prints Color prints 300 each extra. Ansco and Ektachrome 95m,m. 20 ex. posures mounted in slides $1.20 Color funded from full for unprinted Snegatives. POULTRY AND PIGEONS FOR SALE GOLDEN Pheasant males, full plum- age — Bantams Mffllfleurs; Duckwings; Japanese; Seabright; Silkies — Pigeons, acrobat Rollers' Lahores; Modenas; Archangels; t;RtssSwante,biokeersgiant un_d, Jacobin male. Stamped addressed en. velope. Simons, 282 Nelson St., Brant- ford, Ontario. p PROPERTIES FOR SALE $7,500; LOW taxes, new 6 -room bunga- lows, treed lot, 15 mins. Peter'boro; also garden land, terms. RR. 11raservlle Phone 214721 Millbrook. PROFITABLE OCCUPATIONS ail circulars for nESS ational advetttiisers. E advertisers. pleasant work at-home for extra income. Com - 5374, Sts Louis 15, Missouri, U.S.A. Box SALESMEN WANTED ". FULL time and part-time salesmen re- quired at once to sell exclusive forma rations of the well known Agricide Insecticides, Challenger Sprayers, Die• Infectants, etc., direct to Dairy Farms. Exclusive territory arranged. Liberal commission on first and repeat orders Must be known in area and have a good record. Apply by letter to Mr. K. Feldkamp, B. Se., Provincial Manager. Red Line Chemicals of Canada. Ltd. Mimico, lorcnto 18, Ontario. *PARR TIMI OPPORTUHITiEIR lf$ 4 Women, make money, big stoatsqtowing 89% Protein, Mexican wrlotst Purses Bongo Drums, etc. Free oat* log. Drank $toren a, B240 Torrance, California 11 STAMPS >rl f baantiful Koroa stamps, catnloguf, value Bid — only 100 to new approval pplicants. Maurice Moore, Box 573, sort Bragg, California. 200 CANADA stamps; all different, used $1. Interesting set, 1 each, $1. Pott .CWi t n, 12'69 Canterbury Rd., I SUMMER COTTAGES FOR RENT VELLA - VILLA COTTAGES 1 or 3 bedroom housekeeping cottages, city convenience, open April 15 to Oct, 15 Reasonable, Phone •Wasaga 456 ar Beachwrite , RoOnt.bert Brown, R.R. 1, Wasaga TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT teacher wanted for S.S. No. 2 Mara, with aboltt 18 students. A nice school near No. 12 Highway on Lake Shncoe, Inspector reference and salary expected. SeeretaryTreasurer H. F. Newman, Gamebri'dge, Ont. SOUTH BRIGHTON T10p. School area requires a Protestant teacher for Sept. 1981. For four grades, Salary schedule In effect. Apply, stating qualifications, salary expected and lest inspectorate, to hfr. Cecil Alexander, Sec. -Trees., R.R, 1, Brighton, Ont. TEACHER required for newly -decorated one room school, S.S. No. 2, Dawn, four miles from Dresden, on paved road. Protestant -lady, good references, with or without experience, wanted, to begin September. Apply, stating salary expect- ed by A1ay 5th, to Kenneth McFadden,. Sec.-Treas., R.R. 2, Dresden, Ontario, TSA KennedyBrewer, Fox and Pyne requires qualified teacher. Duties to commence September, 1961. Enrolment approximately 33. Grades 1 to 6. New fully modern school situated on all- weather road 12 miles east of Cochrane, Ont. Dally bus service to and from Cochrane or boarding place in immedi. ate vicinity of school. Salary schedule in effect. Apply stating q9ualifications experience and name and address ofl last inspector to Jack Mann, Secretary - Treasurer, Box 1441, Cochrane, Ontario. QUALIFIED Catholic teacher for Graf- ton separate school, to start Sept., 1061. Eight grades, about 36 to 39 pupils. Salary $3,200 plus qualification extras er state salary required. Reply to Fred Carnal, Sec. -Treasurer, Grafton, Ont, PARENTS AND WANTED DOMESTICSTER EMPLOYMENT WANTED UNDERSTANDING Foster Parents, Cap- able of Supervising Girls of School Age. These girls have personality problems and will be under boarding care, Do; mestio employment also required for girls 16 to. 18 in a good family setting. Reasonable Wages, Apply Superintend- ent, P.O. Box 307, Gait, Ont.. WRITER'S SERVICE WRITER'S Service typing, Revising, Re. search, Ghost -Writing. Stories, Books, Television, Radio. Reasonable rates. Blue Pencil, 6011 8th Avenue, Los An- geles 43, California. SHIPSHAPE — The Mayflower II, replica of the original Pil- grim ship, undergoes spring cleaning and painting at the -Simpson Shipyard in East Bos- ton. Viewed from astern, the ship displays a tear -drop rife houette as she is readied tail take up her summer station oe Plymouth. MORE LEISURE... MORE PLEASURE... MORE MECORO TO TREASURE that's Europe in Spring!() Cunard First Sailings from Montreal & Quebec SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT — NO ONE CAN SERVE YOU BETTER SAXONIA April 22, May 12 IVERNIA May 5, 26 CARI.NTHIA May 19 Corner bay' Ei Wellington Toronto, Ont. Tel: EMpire 2491 II W IJ -gyp CUNAFD