HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-04-27, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 82
Seaforth, Ontario, Thursday,April 27, 1961
J. E. Hugills„ WALTON
KiPPEN EAST W. I.—The newly elected officers of Kippen East Worn-
n's Institute are pictured following their annual meeting last Wednes-
day evening at the home of Mrs. Cecil Pullman. Above, from left: Front,
Mrs. James Drummond, President; -Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse, Treasur-
er. Second row, Mrs. Rena Caldwell, second Vice President; Mrs. Ste-
wart Pepper, Secretary; Mrs. Wm. Bell, first Vice President; Mrs. Arth-
ur Finlayson, third Vice President
GROUP LEADERS— Group Leaders of Kippen
East W. I., from left, front, Mrs. Verne Alderdice,
Mrs. Robert Gemmell; second 'row, Mrs. William
Kyle, Mrs. Ken MacKay, and Mrs. John Sinclair,
District Director.
Clinton Man
Heads `Legion Zone
Douglas Andrews, Clinton, was
elected commander of Zone 1,
Royal Canadian Legion, at the
annual zone rally at Goderich on
Sunday. He succeeds Harvey Paff,
Other officers: Deputy zone.
commander, Eric Johnstone, God-
erich; treasurer, Harold Turner,
Goderich; secretary, Wm. Cham,
bars, Clinton; committee chair-
men, membership, Cyril Robin-
son, Wingham; public relations,
Clarence MacDonald, Goderich;
sports, Donald Havens, Hensall;
poppy day, Lloyd Reynolds, Ex-
eter; public speaking, Douglas
'. �.horndike, Clinton.
More than 160 Legionnaires
turned out for the rally, which
,opened with a parade to Court
House Park where wreaths were
placed at the Cenotaph by.1VIr..
Paif, and Frank Reid, president
of Branch 109, Goderich.
During the -parade, led by pipe
bands from Goderich branch and
Exeter branch, No. 167, the sal-
ute was taken by Group ,Capt,. J.
G. Mathieson, officer command-
ing RCAF Station Clinton, and;,
Rev, K. E. Taylor, of St. George's
Anglican Church, Goderich, padre
of Branch 109.
The WMS of the First Presby-
terian Church held their regular
monthly meeting on Tuesday.
Miss Fraser opened with a short
reading and a hymn. Miss Camp-
' —Tell led in responsive reading of
Psalm 33. Mrs. W. J. Thompson
gave the prayer followed by a
reading. A hymn was Sung. The
minutes of the February and the
March meetings were read by
Mrs. J. B. Russell. Roll call was
answered by 17 ladies. Offering
was received by Mrs. McGregor
and dedicated by Miss Fraser.,
Mrs. J. W. Thompson was spe-
cial speaker, Her subject was,
The Dramatic story of Newfound-
land's Best' Loved Christian , Sol-
dier, Dr. Wilfred Grenfell, Hymn
was sung and Miss Fraser closed,
the Meeting with ,prayer,.
Continuous cool' wet weather
has curtailed seeding operations
and it will be a .few days before
the fanners can get back on: the
land, Growth of pastures and fall
wheat is slow although they are
greening up. considerably. The re-
cent rains will have helped gen-
eral moisture conditions;
J. C. McTaggart Is
Summer Assistant
It has been announced by Mr.
K. E. Lantz, Director of Exten-
sion for the Province of Ontario,
that Mr. John C. McTaggart of
Aurora, has been appointed as
Summer Assistant Agricultural
Representative in the County of
Mr. McTaggart has completed
his third year at the Ontario Ag-
ricultural College and will com-
mence his duties in Huron on
May 1st.
Mr. McTaggart has been raised
on a livestock farm in York Coun-
ty where Aberdeen Angus have
reigned supreme. John's father is
a graduate of the O.A.C. and is
well known in livestock circles
throughout the Province of On-
tario and is usually found in at-
tendance at all events connected
with Aberdeen Angus, John has
had a wide experience in 4-H
activities in York County and has
been a contender for the Queen's
Guineas at the Royal Winter Fair
on several occasions. He has re-
presented York County in the.
inter -county competitions at
Guelph. He was champion beef
showman at the College Royal at
the Agricultural College in 1960
and reserve dairy showman in
Mr. McTaggart will be associat-
ed with Mr. D. G. Grieve in parry-
ing out the 4-H and Junior Farm-
er program during the summer.
Miss Jean Watson R. N, of Tor-
onto was a weekend visitor with
her mother Mrs. J S. Watson.
We are pleased to see that Mr.
Stanley Gray, who has been a pa-
tient in `Scott Memorial Hospital,
is able to return to .his home.
Mr. G. H. Vardy, who has been
visiting with. his eon, Rev, 3, H.
and Mrs, Verdi at the manse, has
returned -to his home at Corner
Brook, Newfoundland.
The Misses Betty and Faye
Blue are spending a few days at
Palrnerston"'With their sister, Mrs.
Lester Nicolle and Mr, Nicolle.
Mr, and Mrs, Grant Houston
and family of Ayton were recent
vititors with Mr. and Wire. And-
rew Houston. and Miss Frances
William T. Laing
Gets Education Post
William T. Laing of Wallace -
burg, son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
John Laing of. Seaforth and a
graduate of Seaforth Collegiate,
has been appointed Assistant' Su
perintendent of Secondary Edu-
cation, with headquarters at Lon-
don, according to announcement
this week.
Mr. Laing has been a district
high school inspector at Wallace
burg for the past ten years.
The post is a new one, supervis-
ing additional departmental in-
spectors, specialists in various
subjects, who will work out of
London, to give assistance to lo-
cal teaching staffs.
It is explained that an inspect-
or's function is becoming more
and more in the nature of advice
and help rather than the old idea
of criticizing a teacher's work and
will be particularly valuable to
new teachers.
Mark Golden
On Sunday 53 members of the
Hugill family gathered at the
home of Mr. and 'Mrs, Jonathan
E. Hugill, Highway No. 8, in hon-
or of Mr, and Mrs. Hugill's gold-
en wedding'anniverasry,
A buffet turkey supper Was
served, with their four daughters
as waitresses. The house was
decorated with : daffodils and tul-
ips. The flowers were. the gift of
the grandchildren and Mr. and
Mrs. Hugill were presented with
a lazy -boy chair by their family,
Mrs. Hugill has not been en-
joying the best of health but was
able to be up and around for the
occasion. Besides their six sons
and four daughters, there were
also present for the occasion their
25 grandchildrenand two great
Mr. and Mrs. Hugill-were mar-
ried in Clinton Methodist Church
on April 26, 1911, by Rev. 3. E.
Ford, and have since resided on
the homestead farm which is ov-
er 120 years old. Mrs. Hugill is
the former Gertrude Crich, the
daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs.
Lewis Crich.
Their family are Clarence and
Elmer Hugill, Clinton; Harold
Hugill, Seaforth RR 2; Wesley
Hugill, Zurich; Arnold and Clif-
ford Hugill, Goderich; Pearl,
Mrs. F. Cummings, Clinton; Ver-
na, Mrs, Arnold Ratlrwell, Kitch-
ener; Mary, Mrs. Gordon Horner,
Kitchener; Miss Iona, at home.
The great grandchildren are
Andrea Daer, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Deer, Goderich; and
Debbie Hugill, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ronnie Hugill, Kitchen-
Gordon E. Dick
Died on Tuesday
Gordon Earl Dick was ' found,
dead in his grocery store on Tues-
day morning. Mr. Dick's body
was found about 8 o'clock by Art
Powell while delivering milk to
the store,, Police Chief Elmer
Hutchison and Dr. John Gorwill
were called. Dr. Gorwill called in
Dr. F. G. Thompson of Clinton,
coroner, who said that no inquest
would be held.
Born in Seaforth, youngest son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. James
Dick, Gordon was in ` his 60th
He received his education
The April meeting of the WMS
of Northside United Church was
held in the church school Tues-
day evening, April 25th with 31
ladies and two visitors .present.:
Mrs. Britton, 2nd vice-president
opened meeting with a suitable
poem. The hymn "Hark my soul
It is the Lord" was sung and Mrs.
Britton led in prayer.
Miss Gladys Thompson, 1st vice
president conducted the meeting.
She read a poem entitled, "A
Good Recipe". The minutes of the
previdhs meeting were read and
adopted and reports given. Mrs.
Workman read the scripture from
St. John 21: 16.19. The offering
was received and dedicated. The
hymn "Christ for the World" was
sung followed by prayer by Mrs.
R. Savauge.
The program consisted of re-
ports from the delegates who at-
tended the 36th annual meeting
of the Huron Presbyterial WMS
held in Wingham April 6th. The
report of the morning session
was given by Mrs. W. Ball, and
the afternoon session by Mrs. J.
Scott. During the afternoon there
were departmental'conferences
attended by our ladies, These
were reported on by the follow-
ing: Presidents' Conference by
Mrs. H. Connell, Secretaries' by
Mrs. N. Knight, Treasurer's and
Christian Stewardship by Mrs.
Workman, Missions by Mrs. R.
Savauge, Literature by Mrs. J.
Scott, Christian Education Coun-
cil, by Mrs. W. Ball, Supply by
Mrs. C. Walden. They were • all
very splendid reports and greatly
During the evening we were
favored by a lovely piano solo by
Miss Nancy Berger. The meeting
closed by singing hymn "0 Spirit
of The Living God", and prayer
by Mrs. Close.
Mrs. Newman Garett died in a
nursing home at Seaforth on
Wednesday, April 26th in her
75th year. Born in Hallett tWp•,
daughter of the late William
Vodden and Timeline Modeland,
She was married to Mr. Garrett
in 1914. They farmed in Hallett
for over 26 years. For two years
they lived in London and then
in Tuckersmith until moving to
Egmondville in 1968. Surviving
besides her husband are two
daughters and two eons, Irene,
Mrs. Warren Whitmore, and Ir-
ma, Mrs. Alden Crich,. Tucker -
smith; Wilbert of Clinton and
Frank of Chesley. Also two sist-
ers and four brothers, Grace,
Mrs, Herman Crich, Clinton;
Mary, Mrs. William Daer, Goder-
ich; Bert Vodden, Clinton; Wes-
ley, John and Charles Vodden, of
Resting at the Box funeral
home, High Street,' Seaforth, for
service in the chapel on Satur-
day, April 29th at 2 p.m, Rev. 3.
The Helping Hand Mission II, Vardy of Egmondville United
Band will meet on Saturday, Apr, Churoh will officiate, Burial Will
29th at 2 p.m, be in Clinton cemetery.
in Seaforth Schools, and for a
number of years was a member
of the staff of local banks. He
had conducted a grocery store on
South Main Street for about 21
years, since July 1940. The late
Mr. Dick took a keen interest in
hunting and fishing, was an ex-
pert tennis player and curler for
many years
Surviving are his wife, the for-
mer Emily Downey, and one
daughter, Suzanne, at home, and
one brother, Joseph, of Phoenix,
Arizona. Two brothers predeceas-
ed him, A. W. and Thomas.
The funeral service will be held
on Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Box
funeral home, High Street. Rev.
C. E. Sullivan will officiate, Bur-
ial will be in Maitlan,dbank cem-
The pallbearers will be John
Flannery, Willis Dundas, Elmer
Stephenson, William Ball, John
Crier, Enos •Boshart,
Tomas Telfer McDonald
orrlaTeller sMcDonald, 70,
Muirland district farmer died re-
cently after a brief illness,
Funeral service conducted by
the Rev, 13. Summers was held
in Muirland United Church and
burial made in a Saskatoon cem-
etery with Clements Funeral
Home in charge of arrangements.
Mr, McDonald was born at
Brussels' and came west to Muir -
land district near Zealandia with
his father in 1907, In 1917 he
married Miss Bethesda J'reethy
and with the exception of from
1937 to 1942 when they lived at
Sovereign have resided on the
farm in the Muirland district.
Mr. McDonald was active in
church and community affairs. He
was a member of Muirland Unit-
ed Church which he helped to
organize and was an,elder at the
time of his deatif. He also served
on the Marriott Council and on
the Dolly Bre Schoolboard, Mr.
McDonald is survived by his wid-
ow, three daughters, Beatrice,
Mrs. Sinclair Milden, and Doro-
thy, Mrs. R. Linklater, both of
Sovereign, two brothers, John
and James, Brussels, and one
sister, Mrs. Grace McCuaig, of
Seaforth, Ont,
Walton Group
27 ladies of the Walton group
met at Mrs. Walter Bewley's
home Wednesday evening Apr. 19
for their monthly meeting with
assistant leader Mrs, Emerson
Mitchell presiding. Hymn 681
"Unto the hills around do I lift
up" and 471 "Art Thou Weary,
heavy laden" were used. Mrs.
Earl Watson read the scripture
from (John's message to the
churches) Revala, 3: 1. Mrs. E.
Mitchell gave comments on this
scripture. Mrs. D. Ennis led in
prayer. Mrs. Jim Clark's topic
was from the story of Fred Slo-
man's school in a railway coach,
The secretary, Mrs. Herb Travis
gave a report of the March meet-
ing and read thankyou notes. The
topic for the May meeting is in
charge of Mrs, Geo, Hibbert, The
roll call was answered with an
Easter verse. The WMS and W.A.
reports were given, The vice
president thanked the ladies for
making the March bazaar a suc-
cess and told of the W.A. Presby-
tery annual at Winthrop, May 3
when Mrs, Joiner, vice president
of conference will be the speaker,
she also reminded members of
the Church's Capital Fund dona-
tion for year ending April 30 to
be in by that date, also of the
bale to be packed first week in
May, Articles for this are to be
left at the church prior to that
date Usable material cut with
The annual meeting of Kippen
East W. I. was held on April 19
at the home of Mrs. Cecil Pull -
pinking shears from worn garm-
ents are acceptable, these to be
accompanied by sewing cotton,
also good used clothing or any
new material.
Mrs. P. McDonald and Mrs. W.
Broadfoot are to buy 10 yds. flan-
nelette, also' spools and needles
for bale. The proceeds of the ba-
zaar are to be given to the W. A.
treasurer, a small balance to be
retained. Several articles left over
from the bazaar were sold at this
meeting. A butterfly quilt is still
to be sold.
Mrs. Doug Ennis conducted a
Bible Study and the meeting
closed with the Benediction. A
lunch was served by Mrs. W.
Bewley, Mrs. H. Travis, and Mrs.
A. Searle.
McKillop Group
The April meeting of the Mc-
Killop Group -was held at the
home of Mrs. Gordon McGavin on
Wednesday evening April 19 with
12 members and one visitor pre-
sent. Mrs. Jack Bosnian presided
opening with hymn 112 ".Rejoice
the Lord is King" with Mrs. C.
Wey as pianist. Prayer was offer -
man, when reports were given ed by Mrs. M. Hackwell. Psalm
and the following officers were 1145 was the scripture passage
read by Mrs. David Watson. Mrs.
elected: I Stewart McCall chose as her topic
Pres., Mrs, James Drummond; "Obedience of the Cross, not as I
1st Vice, Mrs. W. Bell; 2nd Vice, will, but as Thou wilt", Mrs. N.
Mrs. Rena Caldwell; 3rd Vice, Schade gave a review of the book
Mrs. Arthur Finlayson; Sec., of Mark and conducted a quiz,
Mrs. Grace Pepper; Treasurer, r Following the business session
NIrs. Ernest Whitehouse; District a successful miscellaneous sale
Dir„ Mrs, Jack Sinclair; alterna-
tive Dist. Dir„ Mrs. Wm. Kyle;
Branch Dir., Mrs. Ross Chapman;
Auditors, Mrs. Bruce McGregor,
Mrs. Verne Alderdice. Standing
Committees: Agri. and Can. In-
dustry, Mrs. C. Eyre, Mrs. Robert
Bell; Citizenship and Education,
Mrs. Chas. Eyre, Mrs. Grant Mc-
Lean; Historical Research and
Corr., Mrs. V. Alderdice, Mrs. A,
McGregor; Home Economies: and
Health, Mrs. Ken MacKay, Mrs.
Robert Gemmell; Sewing Conven-
er, Mrs. A. McGregor; Press Re-
porter, Margaret MacKay; Public
Relations, Margaret MacKay; Pi-
anist, Mrs. R. Broadfoot, Mrs. J.
The 4th Group—Mrs. Robert
Gemmell; 10th Group—Mrs. Ken
MacKay; 12th Group—Mrs. Verne
Alderdice; Kippen Group—Mrs.
Ross Broadfoot.
It was planned to have a bus
trip in June,
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hymn "There is a Green Hill far ed on Sunday with Mrs. Bert Ri-
ley, Cromarty.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan
and sons visited Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hart,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dodds, Lon- ,
don, visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator
and family of Centralia visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Preszcator and family.
Mr. Lawrence Taylor, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor ar-
rived home Monday after com-
pleting his second year course at
O,A.C., Guelph. He will be spend-
ing the summer months at his
Mr. and -Mrs. Elmer Hart of
Brussels visited Tuesday with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan.
Mr. Charles MacGregor, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacGregor, on
Monday completed his 3rd year
course at O.A.C„ Guelph and is
spending a while with his par-
ents before leaving for Markdale
for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hicks and
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks ac-
companied by Mrs, Kenneth New-
ton of Toronto attended the fun-
eral of the former's uncle, And-
rew Hicks at Exeter last Thurs-
Members of the United Luther-
an Church Women wereguests
of Duff's United Church, McKil-
lop, Women's organization, Spring
Thankoffering meeting last Wed.
Mrs. Dalton Bins with Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Hiegel, Stratford, re-
away" was sung and. the Lord's
Prayer repeated in unison. A deli-
cious lunch was served by the
hostess, Mrs. N. Schade, Mrs, C.
McGavin, Mrs. R. Barrows and
Mrs, Stewart McCall,
OGIT Rally
A COLT Rally was held in the
North Street United Church, God-
erich, Apr. 15. Fifteen members
attended from the Walton Group.
In the evening a graduation ser-
vice was conducted by Mrs. R.
S. Hilts of Exeter. Mrs. Jean
Thurlow of the Stratford Teach-
ers' College was guest speaker.
Mary Lou Kirkby, Anne Achil-
les, and Marion Turnbull were
among those receiving graduat-
ing certificates,
Corporal Fred Walters flew
home from Calgary to attend his
grandfather's funeral, Mr. Geo,
Roper of London, last Monday
and remained till Thursday with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Walters, Fred has just completed
an Electrical Mechanical Engin-
eering Course at Edmonton.
Mrs. Hilda Sellers of Liman
spent the past week with her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Travis.
Miss Norma Hoegy of St.
Mary's Hospital, Kitchener spent
the weekend with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs, C. Hoegy.
Miss Jean and Ruth Walters
have accepted positions at and
near Listowel. •
Mrs. Ed Bryans returned home
last Saturday from the Wingham
Mr. Malcolm Fraser spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Fraser, Stratford, and Mn, and
Mrs. J. Livingstone, Preston,
Mr. Edward Dougan has re-
turned home from Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dalton of
Seaforth were guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smalldon
on Sunday.
NIr. and Mrs. Alvin McDonald
and Lynne attended the Hirt-
Millson wedding in Tillsonburg
was held. Articles for the bale
are to be in by the first of May.
Used Christmas cards, Sunday
School papers, Missionary Mon-
thlies, etc. are being packed.
At the May meeting there will
be a sale of perennial plants,
bulbs, vegetable plants etc.
The W. A. annual to be held
in Winthrop, May 3. The closing
Miss Betty Jane Mitchell, of
London, and Miss June Donald-
son,' Arva, visited Saturday with
Mr, and NIrs. Reg Lawson,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan
attended the funeral on Friday of
the late James Hart at the Ball
and Mutch funeral home, Clinton.
Miss Helen McIlwain R,N, of
Clinton spent the weekend with
her parents Mr, and Mrs. Geo.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Riley visit-
TheoApril meeting of the Staf-
fa W. A. and WMS. was held in
the family room of the Church.
Mrs. L. Batson opened the meet-
ing with devotions. Hymn 261
was sung followed by the Lord's
Prayer in unison. The scripture
lesson was read by Mrs. L. But-
son and was taken from Jonah 3:
1-5 and 4: 1-11. Mrs. R. Reed led
in prayer. Mrs. Butson presented
the topic on Jonah and also gave
a reading. Hymn 500 was sung.
The business was conducted by
Mrs. B. Daynard and a committee
was named to look after the ar-
rangements for the strawberry
supper in June. Hymn 426 was
sung followed by the Mizpah
Benediction. Mrs. J. Drake and
Mrs. W. Glanville were in charge
of the lunch,
Mrs. Ross Smale was hostess
to a tupperware party at her
home on Friday evening and en-
tertained a number of ladies.
Mrs. Dolores Shopton, Exeter,
was the tupperware representa-
Mr. and Mrs. James Lyall of
Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Norris over the weekend.
Misses Joanne and Fay Temple-
man visited on Sunday with Miss
Carol Vivian,
Men from Staffa, Roy's and
Zion United Churches participat-
ed in "Hymn Time"
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hocking
and family, Mitchell, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller and
family Sunday.
GOLDEN WEDDING -- Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Hugill, who cele-
brated their 50th wedding anniversary this week