HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-04-13, Page 8• Fy • • DUBLIN NEILMAN--GIVLIN A very pretty Wedding took Plage at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, on Saturday morning Ap- ril 8 at 10,30 o'eloek,when Marie Genevieve Glynn, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Ambrose Givlin of RR 1, Dublin exchanged vows With John Peter Neilman, Strat- ford, son of Mr, and Mrs, Jacob Neilman, Listowel, Rev, Father R, Durand officiated at the Nup- tial Mass, the organist Mrs. Lane was accompanied by the school choir.. Spring flowers decorated the altars. Given fir Marriage by her Fath, er, the bride Was gowned in White taffeta and lace, portrait neckline and lily -point sleeves. A matching headdress with seed pearls held her shoulder -length Veil of French Il union and she carried a bouquet of red roses and white carnations. She was at- tended by her sister Miss Viola Givlin, Kitchener and Mrs, Syl- vester Moser of Macton who wore identical dresses of embroidered mauve nylon over taffeta, match- ing headdresses, and carried bouquets of yellow carnations. Joe Givlin, brother of the bride was best man, and ushering was "be11111,ua1111„11111111mu,a1111i„1111,1111111111 ea111,1111 1111 1101111111111111111111111 lllllllllllllll 1 luu11111111111,1111,. Canadian I,IBRARY WEEK 1 APRIL 16-22 VISIT YOUR LIBRARY ! 11m1111u11111111u1111n11uu111111111111u1111lu l,.11111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111,,,111111 111n11 u11u11uulllll RUSTMASTER Metal Paint Stops rust. -- Protects Metal - Metal Sash Fire Escapes Gutter—Downspouts Bikes and Toys Mail boxes Garden Furniture Auto and Truck Metal Railings Metal Fences Air Conditioners Radiators * SPECIAL BARN PAINT 1 Gallon - $2.95 Available in 1 gallon and 5 gallon lots SEE OUR NEW 1961 COLOR CHIPS IRVIN'S Hardware (formerly Baldwin) Your Glidden Paint Centre THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND The Annual Meeting of Scott Memorial Hospital TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY, APRIL 21st AT 8.30 P.M. In the Nurses' Residence The meeting will provide an opportunity for a discussion of hospital problems and plans, so that the needs of the district may be provided for. • Refreshments will he served following the meeting I A. Y. McLEAN LLOYD HOGGARTH 1 Chairman Secretary 1 Neil Neilman, Listowel, brother of the bridegroom, A wedding breakfast and re- ception Was held at the bride's home. The bride's matter receiv- ed wearing a blue late dress With pink accessorlea and a corsage of Pink and white carnations. She was assisted by the bridegroom's mother who chose blue with pink accessories and corsage of pink carnations, Por travelling the bride' chose a pale green suit with rosewood accessories and rose corsage. On their return they will reside in Kitchener. Guests were present front Kitchener, Waterloo, Strat ford and Macton. BAYFIELD Bill Norris returned to 11 home in Detroit after spendin a week at his another's cottage Master Jimmie Elliott, Wate loo, is spending a few days wit his grandparents, Mr, and Mr Wm, Elliott. Mr, and Mrs. Evans Cantero and family, Toronto, and M Hugh MacPherson, Simcoe, seen the week end with their parent Mr, and Mrs. James Cameron, Trinity Club The April meeting of Trinit Club was held at the home o Mrs. Helen Cluff, Fourteen mem bers answered roll call, Mrs. Wm Reid read the Scripture lesson followed by prayer. Plans wer discussed for a spring tea to b held in "May. Mr. W, Fairbairn electronic instructor of RCAF Clinton, gave a very interestin talk and showed a film on astron omy. The meeting closed with prayer followed by a lunch. The May meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Hulls, Mr, and Mrs. Ford Steadman and fancily, London, spent last week at their cottage. Mrs, I. Robinson returned to her home on Friday after spend- ing the winter at Florida and Niagara Falls. Mrs. E. Martin and family and her brother, Eric Plater, Detroit, spent last week at their cottage. Kim and Debbie Flowers, Tor- onto, are visiting their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Flowers, Miss Jessie Metcalf, Detroit, is at her home for a few days. A meeting of the Bayfield Trustee Board was held on Thursday evening and a resolu- tion was passed that the village go on Daylight Saving time on April 29th at midnight. Miss Berthena Sturgeon at- tended a birthday party at Holm- esville on Friday in honor of her niece, Miss Berthena Cruick- shank, who was 14. George and Rosemarie Tel- ford of London were with their parents over the week end. George Weston returned home on Saturday after spending the winter at Ferndale, Mich. His son Harold spent the week end with him. Mr, and Mrs, Robt, Matthews spent week end at Port Dover. Agricultural Society held their annual euchre and. dance in the town hall Wednes- day evening with a good atten- dance. Dancing was enjoyed to Carruthers orchestra, Lunch was served in the basement. Captain and Mrs, Moore His- lop returned to London Monday after spending a few days at her father's cottage. is g r - h s. n 1.s. t s, y f e e g CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Lawson vis- ited last Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Elmer McKenzie of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacGregor spent a day with Mr. and Mrs, Percy Huth of Clifford, Miss Joan Preszcator returned home after visiting Mr. and Mrs, Les Parker of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Kingswell and family of Clinton visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mc- llwain and family. Miss Linda Preszcator returned home after spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs, Bob Jennison of Grand Bend. Mr, and Mrs. Ken Preszcator spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Webb of Dashwood. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Jewitt and family were Mr, and Mrs, John Jewitt and Carol Ann, Londesboro; Miss Lillian Adams, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Dowson, Varna; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jewitt, Goder- "�''� D t Brodhagen Com, Centre Friday,, April 14 Desjardines Orchestra Admission 750 L. O. B. A. EUCHRE In Orange Hall Monday, April 17 Lunch Served.. Prizes everybody Welcome. Adm, 40c ich. The COF held their series of euchres last Wed. April 5 with 13 tables. Prizes: Ladies, Mrs. S. McClure, lone hands, Mrs. Ken Gibbings, low, Miss Margaret McGregor; Man's, Ward Knox; lone hands, Seoord McBrien, low, Ross Jewitt„The lucky hold• er of the draw for the season was Mr. J. Henderson, Sreaforth, Lunch was served and dancing to music by the Santa Fe Rid- ers, who will play this Friday night "at the Gingham cancer dance sponsored by ladies COF. HOSPITAL CONSULTANTS PRESENT PLAN Continued from ,Page 1 A breakdown of the proposed beds in the hospital was 8 medic - cal and surgery; 6 obstetrical; 4 children; 8 chronically ill. The consultants said they thought 6 maternity beds was enough, one less than at present. One reason given was low occupancy of 40%. The other reason was that moth- ers are leaving hospital more quickly now. With two nursing homes in. the town, if they can get approval by the Commission, the number of beds in the new hospital might be reduced to 42, by cutting down the chronically ill beds. Dr, P. L. Brady said the 2 -stor- ey construction as proposed ag- reed with the idea of the local doctors. The outline was very ac- ceptable. Dr. John Gorwill said the plan followed the same general out- line which had, been discussed two months ago. Mrs. Joseph McConnell inquired about fund raising. The answer was that government grants might be added to in the future, besides county grants and public subscription, Dr. Agnew said that an organized fund raising camp- aign conducted by professionals often netted more than a local campaign. The next stage of procedure will be to receive Commission ap- proval of the'outlined plan. Then the board and the architects can work towards preliminary draw- ings. This would take about five months. Next before calling for tenders ability to finance must be proved to the Commission, Dr, Agnew said a hospital was a community's most valuable asset. There was informal discussion about the chances of a hospital being started in Mitchell. Board members and consultants agreed that it was unlikely at present, Dr. Brady said he understood that Mitchell doctors are not in favor of a hospital there. H ENSALL Mrs. Harry Gibson and Robert of Sudbury and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McNaughton, Jack, Douglas and Karen of Listowel spent Easter with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton. Miss Sharon Skidmore is holi- daying with relatives in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs,_ Jack Duncan and Barbara of Toronto visited over the holidays with Mrs, Duncan's parents Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mc. Naughton, Northside United Church Worship 11 a,m. Jr. Church School during wor- ship period. Sr, Church School 10 a.m. Organist, Mrs. J. A. Stewart; Choirmaster, Mr. J. A. Stewart; Minister, Rev J. C. Britton, B.A. IN MO M RIA. In loving memory of our par- ents and grandparents. who de, parted this life; Thomas William- son April 9, 1960; his wife Ger- trude Forbes, July 19, 1960. They say they're gone but we Still hear their laughter, Like bells that echo on a frosty night, And we will know their courage ever after. The pain they bore and smiled to make it bright. They never showed a qualm when life ceased giving The gift of health that to them was so dear They say they're gone but their strength and valour Remain with us who keep their memory dear, -Sadly missed, but fondly re- membered by all of us, • DRAINAGE TENDER TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP For the repair and improve- ment of the McCallum -Winthrop Municipal Drains, according to engineer's specifications, will be received' until April 29th. 37,200 lineal feet of open work excavating and levelling mater- ial, also filling in part of old drain.- 4,484 lineal feet of _14, 12, 8, 6, 15 inch tile and pipe, to dig, lay and backfill, also 10 catch basins, e"tc, Township to supply tile and pipe Within approx. one mile of work. Contractor to have Work- men's Compensation Insurance,' A marked cheque for 10 per cent. with a minimum of 9100,00 to ac- company tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Work to be completed by August. 15, 1961. Plans, profile and speci- fications may be seen at the Clerk's office. J. M. Eckert, Clerk, McKillop Twp. RR. 1, Seaforth, Ont. FOR SALE Maple Syrup $6 a gallon, Phone H. U. 2-3214 Fred McClymont, Varna, WANTED A junior girl's bicycle. Phone Seaforth 86434. CATTLE OILER McIntyre's Cattle Oilers — greatest advance in cattle oilers in 50 years. The only oiler with spiral curry comb teeth that groom the cattle. ORVILLE STO- REY, RR 1, Seaforth, See the oil- er at our farm, 51 Mercu OLE two door, custom radio. Phone 831 r 24 Seaforth, 3 ROOMS TO RENT 1 large dining room and two bedrooms, Ground floor apart- ment. Is located on fairly quiet street. Hot and cold water and bathroom is shared, Apply at The News Office. NOTICE Does any of your furniture need REUPHOLSTERING, refinishing or repairing. If so, please call Kitchener Upholstery at Ginge- rich's Sales and Service, Seaforth 585. AN ORGANIZATION MEETING OF In Winthrop School on McKillop School Fair MONDAY, APRIL 17 at 9 p.m. Everybody Welcome Gordon Papple, Pres. Wni. Dennis, Sec.-Treas. Lawns Rolled Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club Phone C. Walden, 686 W or 686 J BORN Kennedy — At St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, on March 23rd to Mr. and Mrs, Lewis J. Ken- nedy, a son, (Paul Joseph), Births at Scott Memorial Hos- pital this week:: To Mr. and Mrs. Ron Drager, Seaforth on April 9th, a son. To Mr, and Mrs. Herman Klaver, R R 4 Seaforth on April 11, a daughter, To Mr. and Mrs. Martin van Loon, R R 8 Seaforth, on April 12, a daughter - To Mr, and Mrs. Bernard Cos- tello, R R 2 Seaforth, on April 12, a daughter do yours at THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE N•41 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, April 13, 1901 CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Hobert McGonigle wish to expi'ess their sincere thanks to relatives, nei- ghbors and friends for the many acts of kindness during his stay in the hospital and at the time of our sail bereavement, special thanks to"the doctors and nurs- ing staff. Everything is gratefully acknowledged and appreciated. CARD OF THANKS I Wish to express my sincere thanks following my month of illness, to the Timmer Nursing Home and stare and also to my another who helped out at my home; to those who sent in bah ing and also friends who remem- bered me with letters and cards, which were so greatly apprec- iated.—Mrs. Wm. Thamer, CARD OF THANKS The Dolmage _ family wish to express our sincere appreciation to all our relatives, friends and, neighbors for kindness shown us in our recent sad bereavement, also for the beautiful floral trib- utes and cards of sympathy. Spe- cial thanks to Rev, Elder, Rev. Firth, Box Funeral Chapel and Needham Memorial Chapel. — Wife, Sons, Brothers and Sisters, COMING EVENT Hospital Auxiliary penny sale to be held at Whitney's store, starts April 29th to . May 6th. FOR SALE Common timothy and Climax seed. Lewis Bolton, Phone 850r22 WANTED TO BUY Wheelbarrow, rubber tired, steel, heavy duty preferred. Sea - forth phone 60231. Wood 95 00RcordLdelivered in town. Wallace Ross, Seaforth. FOR SALE Some alfalfa seed, cleaned by Co-op Mill, Mitchell; also some red clover seed. Charles Dietz, Dublin phone 81r6 FOR SALE Garry, oats, Climax, and com- mon timothy: Priced to sell. Arn- old Jamieson, phone 'Clinton HU 2-9828 FOR SALE #+1 Ranger alfalfa, Govt, certi- ficate 40.8784. $18.50 per bushel. Phone 831r11. E. Beuermann FOR SALE Red Clover seed well cleaned and timothy seed. Henry C. Dieg- el R R 1 Bornholm TEACHER REQUIRED Protestant teacher required for SS No. 10, McKillop Twp„ Huron Co., with duties to commence Sept. 1961. App1 ;' stating qualifications, experience, name of last inspec- tor, and salary expected, to Earl McSpadden, RR 1, Seaforth, Ont., Sec.-Treas. TEACHER WANTED Applications will be received until April 15th for the position ofteacher at S.S. 7, Hullett, approximately 16 pupils, duties to commence in Sept. Apply stat- ing Qualification and salary expected and name of last inspector to Mrs. Leonard Shobbrook, Sec, RR 1, Blyth, Ontario. FOR SALE Red clover seed and Brome grass seed. Cleaned at Londesboro. Clarence Mont- gomery, Phone 350r31 Seaforth FOR SALE 500 Red Rock chicks and 800 Rock Leghorn°, 8 weeks old, price 755. Phone 831r5. Roy Wildfong FOR SALE Alfalfa seed, cleaned by Middlesex Co. Lorne Mueller, RR 4 Mitchell FOR SALE Garry seed oats, also alfalfa seed, Fred Herbert, Dublin phone 76r11 FOR SALE 300 bus. Garyoats, first generation.' 23515 Dublin. Alvin Beuermann SA A Quantity Foff Timoth E seed, alfalfa seed and Rodney oats. Apply to Theron Battles, phone 887r32 Seaforth R Rodney andFG�ary oats red clover and timothy seed. John W. Thompson, phone 8611.23 Seaforth HONEY FOR SALE Offering balance of 1960 crop of clover honey, 8 lb. pails $2.00. Wallace Ross, Seaforth. FOR SALE Girl's "Little Nugget" fitted, beige spring coat, size 8, also hat. Cleaned and in good condition. Phone Mrs. John Nagle, Dublin. FOR SALE 1 good 5 year old Holstein cow, fresh a week, with heifer calf, also 4 section Case lever spring tooth harrows, with 3 and 4 Sec- tion draw bars, in good repair. Russell Coleman, Seaforth, phone 665r41. Seven choice SALE . s pigs,, 8 weeks old. Apply to Douglas Hugili, phone 1172-7548. Seaforth RR 2. CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE' In all sizes, approximately 600 with 0% to 7 inch top. Also braces, anchor posts, barb wire, steel posts, etc. Rin - burn Store, Borden Brown, phone 841r2 Real Estate WILFRED McINTEE BROKER. 200 acres in. Hullett, two large barns, 21 miles to village. Terms to suit purchaser. 100 acres in Tuckersmith on bus route, all level and workable, 2 good barns, comfortable 8 -room house. 100 acres clay loam, 2 -storey brick house, bath and furnace, large barn, 1/ 'miles to village and school., Ideal building lot in -Bayfield overlooking the harbor. Hardware store in small town with 6 -room apartment above. Pricedfor quick sale. A well built 6 -room house on Goderich Street with large lot, and near school. Listings wanted on farms, homes, businesses and summer properties: Apply to Ainos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 M Local representative for WILFRED`McINTEE, Realtor. Walkerton, Ont, 6 offices and 15 salesmen to serve you. BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for ell occasions Phones; Day 48 Night 596W MARTIN, W. STAPLETON Physician and Burgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A,, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W SeatorW SEAFORTH CLINIC P. L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon Dr. E. Malkus Office Hours, Hours, 1 p,m. to 5 pm. daily - except Wednesday and Sunday. Evenings: Tuesday & Thurs. 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance an, desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. TURNBULL,'rI:V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V,S. W. G. DRI]NNAN, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth John E. Langstaff - Optometrist Goderich St. W., Seaforth Phone 791 6 80; Wed. 5 All to�12.80 PM. Thur. e,a by appointment only. Clinton HI -2-7010. above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 5,80 INSURANCE RANGE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 640 AND FUEL OIL . ' WILLIAM M. HART ` Offices Phone 784 - Res. 288.0 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seafortk Hudson. Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers-- President, John L. Malone,- Seaforth; Vice Pres., John H. McEwing,. Blyth ; Sec.—Treas.. W. E. Southgate, Seaforth. J. L15Malone Seafortorman h 1 Chris Leonhardt„ Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth;. John H. McEwing, Blyth; Wm. S. Alex- ander, Walton ; Harvey Fuller, Coderioh•; Win. R. Pepper. Seaforth ; Allister- Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agenta — William Leiper Jr., Londe.- Baker,V Bru eels; HaroldRR 5 s Squires Selwyn Clio • ton ; James Keys, Seaforth. PROBLEMS? Money to Loan on any propery — Don't Delay y — Write, Delray The 'octet of our noises — fe Service, DELRAY INVESTMENTS 450-A. Wilson Ave., Downsview, OM. ME. 8-2858 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEV Phone 573 or 882-R NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Separ- ators and Viking Milking Mach- ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefield. DRESSMAKING And alterations. Mrs. C. Haney. Egmondville, Phone 645w2. Arnold Stinnissen RR 5 SEAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 852-R-12 NOTICE - Township of Tuckersmith Tuckersmith Municipal Dump will be open until further notice on Wednesday & Saturday after- noons from 1-5.30 P,M, Cora Chesney, Clerk SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE - SERVICE SEAFORTH — PHONE 182 Wall Washing Floor Maintenance Brick and Plastering Repairing SUPERIOR Our Name SERVICE Our Atm RAY SQUIRE BOX 335 SEAFOR't'II.