HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-04-13, Page 4NO MATCHES --- Harry McLeod is seen here light-
ing a fire by using the old Indian method of a bow,
when the Cubs were on a hike to the scout camp in
McLeod's bush on Friday. :A few strokes of the bow
produces smoke as a wooden peg spins in its socket
in a block of wood. It is a fine art to produce fire thus,
and you must have the right materials. Often read
about, one seldom sees fire successfully made in this
fashion. In fact this was the first time we ever saw
it done. Cub Bruce Lamont looks on.
rid Hackw.ell of Stratford spent
Easter week with relatives ie
Mr. John Reid and daughter Edmonton, Alta.
Averil Reid have returned to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid and
Peace River, Alberta after spend- Mrs. John Shannon spent a few
ing the winter months with Mr, days with friends in Sarnia.
Hugh Campbell. While there Mrs, Reid attended
Mr. and Mrs. Ray. Huether who as a delegate to the W.A. Annual
have been residing at Holmes- of the United Church.
vine have moved to the MaArth- Miss Corrie
DeRuijter ter of
ur Farm west of Walton, which Stratford spent the weekend with
they purchased last year. `Mr. and Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyd Easter Thankoffering
have returned home after spend- The WMS of Duff's United
ing the past three mouths in , Church,
rch, ri Walton, heldon their
E stev-
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lawless and ening, Apr. 10. Guests were pre-
family of Burlington spent a few I sent from Bethel, Winthrop,
days last week with Mr. and Mrs, i Duff's McKillop. Constance and
Wilbur Turnbull. Moncrief. Mrs. H. Brown and
Mrs. Pete McDonald • visited Mrs. J. Bryans furnished prelude
Mr • music. Mrs. D. Watson opened
with friends in Stratford through the meeting with a Worship Ser.
Easter week. vice with Mrs. G. McGavin and
Master Gary Bennett visited, Mrs. M. Schade responding in un -
with his grandparents Mr. and ison. Hymn 115 "Crown Him with
Mrs. K. Bennett of Clinton ' many Crowns" was sung. Misses
through the holiday. ( Margaret and Jean Hillen of
Mrs. Belle Boyd of McKillop Bethel favoured with a piano duet
spent a few days with Mrs, Maud and a vocal trio by Ruth Anne
Leeming. I and Shirley Smith and Geraldine
A number of ladies from Duff's McTaggart, Moncrief, accompan-
United Church attended the Pres- I led by Mrs. Joseph Smith. Mrs.
bytery meeting held in Wingham I Frank Riley, Constance gave
last Thursday. I a reading. Mrs. Bob McMichael
I introduced the guest speaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Habkirk and
Mrs. Wm. McVittie of Blyth. Mrs.
McVittie told us it gives a person
a wonderful lift to be in Presby-
tery work and in fellowship with
one another and it helps to keep
up that spark of enthusiasm. She
in Toronto. chose as her theme "The Lifted
Mrs. Ruby Dundas, Caroline Christ". The coming of Easter
and Eleanor of Glencoe visited heralds the coming of new life.
with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Dundas. There is new life in the air and
Mrs, Fred Kerly of Toronto! our whole outlook on life seems
spent the weekend with Mr. and changed. We do not like to dwell
Mrs. Walter Broadfoot. on unpleasant things but want
Mr. Glen Oliver of Victoria I
only the joyous things of life. We
must have sorrow before we can
have the true meaning of joy.
Some are afraid of public opinion
and will not step out for them -
family of Ingersoll spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wil
bur Turnbull.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted McCreath
spent the weekend with friends
Hospital, London, spent the week,
end with Mr. and Mrs. Les. Oli-
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shannon
and Kathy of Sarnia visited with selves. There is a need for us to
Mrs. John Shannon for a few days fulfill our duties. We need teach -
last week. ers for Sunday School and lead -
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dundee of
Toronto visited last Tuesday with
Mr. and Mrs. T. Dundas.
Mrs. John Watson is at present
in Clinton Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dinsmore of
Kitchener spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc
Mr. Kenneth Ryan has accept-
ed a position with the Beaver
Lumber Company of Merlin last
Mrs. Wm. Dennis and Mrs, Dar
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ers in our different groups and
have true loving service rendered
to God. I will lift up my eyes un-
to the hill from whence cometh
my help. We must seek God in
the morning if you want Him.
Christ is alive, He has risen. Let
us open our hearts and let God
come in. Will we as Christian
women serve Him?
Mrs. C. Martin thanked the
speaker and Mrs. D. Watson read
a very fitting Easter poem. The
offering was received by Mrs,
Wilbur Turnbull and Mrs. T.
Dundas, Mrs. John Kerr of Duff's
gave a reading. Margaret Hillen
and Eileen Smith accompanied
by Jean Hilien of Winthrop, sang
a duet and Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Jr.
accompanied by Mrs. H. Brown
renderd a solo.
The CGIT Girls consisting of
Nellie Bean, Mary Helen Buchan.
an, Catherine Murray, Alexine
Williamson, Bonnie Uhler, Irene
Johnston rendered a double trio
accompanied by Mrs. Ed Mc-
The meeting closed with hymn
46 "All hail the power of Jesus
Name" and prayer by Mrs. Wet -
son. All retired to the school-
room where lunch was served
and a social half hour spent.
The Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper was observed in Duff's
United Church last Sunday morn-
ing when the following were re-
ceived into the membership of
the Church: Audrey McMichael,
Bonnie Uhler, Mary Helen Bu-
chanan, Irene Johnston, Alexine
Williamson, Graeme Craig, Alex-
ander Gulutzen, Larry Johnston,
Kenneth Williamson, Gerald
Smith, Wayne Williamson, Gerald
Williamson, Brian Traviss,
By certificate, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Anderson and Nora and Mrs. D,
Mr. and Mrs, Hartley Merkley
of Cornwall visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Ronnie 'Bennett one day
last week,
and Mrs, Norman Bennewiee re
eently. Their family Mr, and Mrs
Wilfred Drager and family of
Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Willard
Bennew lee and boys, McKillop,
Mr, and Mrs, Earl Bennewies and
family Of 'Logan and Ray Ben-
newies of London, at the -same
The monthly meeting of the
IDuited Lutheran Church Women
was held with Mrs, Edwin Scher -
berth, Mrs. Harold, Elligsen and
Mrs. Geo. Rock in charge of de-
votions, along with Mrn. H. Rock,
Mrs. R. /Muck, Mrs. Oscar Young,
Mrs, Lloyd Pr•ueter, Mrs. Lloyd
Pfeifer and Mrs. Fred Young tak-
ing part as the different Marys Sr. of Wroxeter and Mrs,
of the Bible. Title of their topic Gibson Haneyof Wingham.
was Mary Magdeline. A poem.
"Great was the Faith" was read' Miss Berva Switzer of Clinton
by Mrs. Geo, Rock. A duet "The spent the weekend with her
Old Rugged Cross" was sung by friend Joyce Hood,
Mrs. Edwin Scherbarth and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert
Harold Elligsen accompanied by visited friends in Clifford 'on
Mrs. Geo. Rock. The devotions Sunday.
closed with a hymn and Lord's Mr. Norman Long and Mr. Ed -
Prayer and Common Doxology, gar McBride attended the funer-
Roll all was answered by a far- al of the late Herb Curran of
orite Easter hymn. Treasurer's re- Lucknow on Wed. of last week.
port was read by Mrs. N. Dietz Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Priestap
in the absence of Mrs, R. Shoid- of near Mitchell visited Sunday
ice, Mrs, Geo, Rock read the sec- with Mr. Robert Thomson.
retary's report. Business was con-, Mr. Fred of otr of
Porter's lintll n and
ducted by the president, Mrs. M
Manuel Beuerman, An invitation Mrtm day Mrs, Elston Dowson on
was accepted to Duff's United
Ch t•, Ma K'tllot 1 on April 19.
Thursday, April H, 1901
slides of the Island and her .
work with the people. She Mod-
elled a dr;ess and hat worn by
the natives of St. Lucia, Mre,
Emerson Kyle thanked Miss Cas*
tie and presented her with a gift
in appreciation of a very inter-
esting evening. Mrs, John Cooper
thanked all taking part in the
William Caldwell of Erueefield,
on Saturday evening.
Mr, Lindsay Mci:feilar, Bob and
Laurie and Mrs, Sadie Scott were
guests at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Bruce Armstrong, Staffa on
Monday evening celebrating Lind-
say's 73rd birthday.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Laing,
Loraine and David visited on
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Don
Riehl of Sebringville.
meeting and Mrs. Jones closed
the m eeting with prayer, A tasty
lunch was served in the Sunday
School rooms.
Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs.
Wilfred Mellia included Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Bourke and Mrs. John
Two layettes made by members
were ready to be packed along
with other clothing. This group
will cater to two weddings in the
near future. Mrs. August Bauer
became an honoury member of
this group and was presented
with a membership pin by Mrs,
M. Beuerman. Thankyou cards
were read and birthdays were re-
C M.
r d
poto by Mrs.
and Mrs. Aug Bauer, a hymn was
sung in their honour. Lunch was
served by Mrs. C. W. Leonhardt,
Mrs. Irvin Miller, Mrs, L. Pfeifer,
Mrs. H. Mogk, Mrs. L. Prueter,
Mrs. Geo. Mogk.
Visitors with Mrs. Rosina Mil-
ler on Sunday were: Mrs. Almira
Chambers of Preston, Mr. and
Mrs. Rudy Hehn and Perry of
Rostock, Mrs. Alma Puschelberg
and Ross of Listowel, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Fischer and boys of Sea -
Mrs, Dick Watson and boys vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Ferguson, Exeter.
Mrs. Wayne Turvey and Danny
and Beth of Hensall at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe on
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibb and
girls of Glencoe with Mr. and
Mrs. Ford Dickison and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Smyth. Miss Glenda
Dickison returned home after
spending the Easter holidays with
Kathy Leonhardt, Beverley
Sholdice and Phyllis Hinz took
part in the Mitchell Figure Skat-
ing Carnival on Saturday even-
ing. Rodney Hinz, Sherry and
Sheila Mogk, near Bornholm, also
took part. Mrs. Ronald Hinz, RR
1, Bornholm was the winner of
the hostess chair drawn at the
Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy had been
confined to Seaforth Hospital
last week.
Miss Beverley Sholdice enter
tamed a few girls to a party last
Wednesday afternoon on the oc-
casion of her 10th birthday,
Mr. Robert French had a very
successful sale of farm stock and
implements last week. His farm
has been sold.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scherbarth
of Trenton with Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Scherbarth and Mr. and Mrs.
Aug. Scherbarth and other rela-
Master Robert McGill of Mitch-
ell spent the Easter holidays with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Eickmeir.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Ray Hart of
London with her mother Mrs L.
G. Rock.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brinkman
and Barry of Brampton with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton
Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens,
Robert and Kenneth visited Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton Carlton at Wil-
( son, N.Y. and Mr. and Mrs, Don-
ald Ahrens, Hamilton, recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe,
Mrs. Dick Watson and boys spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Wolfe, Kitchener. Marcel Wolfe
returned to his home with them.
A wedding dinner and recep-
tion was held in the community
hall here on Saturday for Mr. and
Mrs. John Reitman (Givlin).
A farewell party was held in
the club room of the community
hall on Saturday evening for Mr.
and Mrs. James Horan an family
who moved from McKillop to a
farm in Logan Township near
Kennecott They were presented
with chairs
Mrs. W. L. Querengesser spent
the weekend at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Querengesser,
Mr. and Mrs, Russell Sholdice
and Beverley visited Mr. and Mrs.
David Sholdice, Mr. and Mrs.
Sholdice, Walton, and Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Knight near
Cranbrook on Sunday.
Misses Donna and Elaine Pus-
chelberg spent the Easter holi-
days With their grandmother Mrs,
Chas, Puschelberg, Listowel,
Mr. and Mrs. George Jacob of
Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Chris, Leonhardt.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eickmeir
and family of Mitchell and Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Nowack and family
of Brunner at the home of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker at-
tended the Shell gas banquet at
Hotel London on Tuesday even
ing in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott and
infant son of Windsor spent the
week end with their .parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Norval Elliott and Mr.
and Mrs, John Wallace. Susan
home with
Ronald returned o
their parents after visiting here
with their grandparents:
Miss Karen Adams of Mitchell
spent the holidays with Mr. and
Mrs, Alex, Gardiner.
Mr. and Mrs. William Priest
and family of London spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. Mer-
vin Dow and family.
Week end visitors with Mr.
♦ ere Mr.
Roy cGhee
and Mrs. v M
and Mrs. Fred Watcher, Richard
and Bradley of Strathroy.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Flynn and
family of Londesboro visited on
Sunday with; Mrs, Flynn's father,
Mr. Harry Norris and her broth-
er, Mr. Robert Norris. .
Mr. W. 'Crawford is a patient
in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea -
forth. We .wish him a speedy
recovery. '• .
Mr, and Mrs. ' H. It: Currie,
Linda and Joanne of Dorchester,
'accompanied by Mrs. Ethel Cur-
rie and Miss Barbara Norris of
Winnipeg were Sunday visitors
of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker.
Miss Norris and •Mrs. "Currie are
enroute from' Florida where they
spent the winter months.
Many people from this district
attended the Frosty Frolics of
Mitchell Figure Skating Club at
Mitchell rink on Saturday. Misses
Margaret Ann and Debbie Wal-
lace were among the .performers.
' At the 41i organization meet-
ing for Mitchell 4H clubs which
was held bat • Mitchell District
High School on Wednesday,
Hugh Scott was elected presi-
dent of the Mitchell 4-H Grain
Club and David Scott was elected
Mr. and Mrs, Darrell Parker of
Staffa were Sunday evening
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc-
Mrs. Horton McDougall' visited
on Mondaywith her sister Mrs.
Sadie Scott.
Miss Neva Cockwell of Dash-
wood visited on Sunday with her
cousin, Miss Alice Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing and Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Coleman at-
tended the 25th wedding anniver-
sary celebration of Mr, and Mrs.
The April thankoffering meet-
ing was held in Kippen United
Church on. April 4th with ladies
from Brucefield, Turners, Eg-
mondville and Chiselhurst Auxil-
iaries as guests for the evening.
Mrs. Robert Elgie in charge of
the worship, opened the meeting
with an Easter theme. Hymn 486
was sung and Mrs. Elgie closed
the worship period with prayer,
Mra, Harold Jones then took
charge of the remainder of the
meeting and welcomed all .pre-
sent. Mrs. Allan Johnston moved
that .the minutes be approved
without reading, seconded by
Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs. Eldon
Jarrott gave the sunshine report.
A quartette, Marjorie 'Turner,
Joan Sinclair, Grant and Kenneth
Jones, sang "Love Divine so
great and Wondrous". Mrs, Edgar
McBride introduced the guest
speaker for the evening, Miss.
Iris Castle, Missionary on fur-
lough from Si, Lucia, She gave a
very inspiring talk and showed
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Henderson
returned home on Thursday af-
ter spending the winter in Flor-
Mrs, R. Mason of Oakville
spent, Saturday with Miss Marie
Elliott and Mrs. T. A. Dutton,
Quite a number of ladies at-
tended the Easter thankoffering
at Wesley Willis United Church,
Clinton, on Monday,
Miss Gaye Elliott spent the
Easter holidays with her cousin,
Miss Beckie Griffith at Stratford.
Miss Marion Triebner was
in Florida for a few days.
Mr. and Mi's. Alden Smith, .of.
Bluevale, Miss Eleanor Smith
and Mr, Geo. McCulla, Kitchener,
spent Sunday with Mrs. H. ,Berry.
Mrs. A. Ings returned home on
Sunday after spending a week"
with her niece at Trenton.
Mr. Ken Stewart has returned
home from Florida where he
anent the winter.
Miss Janet Watson returned
to her school at Aylmer on Sun-
Mrs. Louis Dillon and Miss
Dorothy Dillon in St. Thomas
with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dillon,
Miss Mary Sullivan,
lv i S
with Miss Margaret Flanagan.
Mrs. Joe Dill in Simcoe with
Mr. and Mrs. Haynes,
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Stapleton
have returned from St, Peters-
burg, Florida.
Mrs. Lorne Cronin and child-
ren, Stratford, Mrs. G. Denomme,
Mr. and Mrs. Pat O'Rourke, Dun-
das with Mr. Bill and Jack O'-
Mi'. and Mrs. Joe Carpenter,
Mrs• Theresa Carpenter, Chat-
hatham with Monica Byrne.
Mr. Visser has returned home
from a trip to Holland.
Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Stewart of
Kitchener called on friends in
the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kramers in
Mr. and Mrs, Louis Kramers
have moved into their new home
on Ann Street. Mr. Russel Kramp
and family have rented the home
vacated by Louis Kramers.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Landsbergen
and family RR 1, Dublin, on No
8 Highway have purchased a
farm at RR 8, Zurich, and moved
there the past week.
Mr. Louis Brosens of near
Toronto has rented the home of
the late Fred Eckert,
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mayman
and children have returned to
Deep River after spending Easter
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank •Evans
Mr. Wilfred Maloney moved in-
to the home he purchased from
Mrs. Norma Aslin, after making
extensive alterations.
Mr. John Morley Glenn, 75,
passed away April 8th in South
Huron Hospital, Exeter. He had
been in poor health for four years
and had been in hospital for two
A life-long resident of Usborne.
Township, he was married in
1919 to Mabel McTaggart who
survives, along with two sons,
Gerald of Exeter; Bruce of West-
on, and one daughter Margaret,
Mrs. Mervyn Hayter of Varna.
A sister Jane Maude of London,
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and five grandchildren also sur-
vive. A brother George prede-
ceased him in May 1956. He was
a member of Chiselhurst United
Church, Hensall Masonic Lodge
and Hensall I.O.O-F. 223. He re-
ceived his 50th year membership
jewel in 1959 from the I.O.O.8'.
and they conducted a service on
Sunday evening.
The funeral on Monday was
held from the Bonthron Funeral
Home,Hensall, Rev. Currie Win -
law officiating. Members of 'Chis.
elhurst United Church choirsang
a favorite hymn "The Homeland
The pallbearers were William
Brintnell, Gordon Hamilton, Jack
Faber, Harry Snell, William
Glenn and William Finch: The
flowerbearers were W. K. Doug-
all, Stewart McQueen, W.
Goodwin and William Shepherd.
Interment was in McTaggart
First Presbyterian Church
Rev. D. Leslie Elder, Minister
11 A.M.
7 P.M.
Monday to Wednesday, April 17 -19
The Eighty-seventh Meeting of the Hamilton and
London Synod in First Church
Opening Service, Monday 17th 'at 8 p.m.
The Service will be conducted by the Moderator, Rev. Dr.
N. G. MacDonald, assisted by the Rev. D. Leslie Elder, and
the Rev. D. Neil McCombie, Moderator of the Presbytery of
Huron -Maitland.
The Synod will be officially constituted at this meeting and
greetings will be extended, including those of the Town of
Seaforth by His Worship Mayor E. Daly.
Members of all denominations are invited to this public
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