HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-04-13, Page 3Persuading Ducks
TO Come Home
The ducks cheer us up. 11 is a
comical sight to see them return
M the evening, trundling rapidly
down the trail, bobbling along
single file like toy ducks on an
invisible string, They invariably
atop at a pertain place above the
falls for duckish deliberations -
trying to make uptheir collec-
tive mind, They hesitate, stretch
their necks this way and that,
make false starts, and run back
again. Suddenly, seized by an en-
thusiastic group impulse, they
come runneling down the steep
bank and into the water; bob- '
bing and ducking like corks,
showering crystal skeins of wa-
ter over their backs and drinking
and clipping as if they have not
had a drink for a week.
On winter nights the ducks
used to return voluntarily, but
only at a particular time- just
as twilight merged into the pro
per degree of darkness, We used
to call it "cluck -dark," or as Rd -
win said, somewhere around
half -past -fox -time. Balmy spring
evenings are quite a different
story. Now it is our last duty
after the day's work to hunt up
and down the creek for our de-
I go after the "up -ducks,' a
drake with two wives who is
smart enough to keep them ee-
questerecl, while Edwin pur. ues
the "clown -due's" usually far-
ther away and among more
briers. We endeavour by any
means we can think of to inuuce
the ducks to. return home My
phony fox -bark was very effec-
tive until the novelty wore oft.
Then I tried using my flash-
light as a "witch light," switch-
ing it after the ducks and .herd-
ing them along, mush to their.
My flashlight did very well
indeed until last night, when its
feeble light had to compete with
a great golden moon shining out
from behind dark clouds. The
air was warmly mysterious and,'
the ducks remained moored in
a 1 a r g e pool. I waved them
homewards. I apoke bland words
calculated to make them think
'returning thoughts. They' moved'
about uneasily, making nongorn-
mlttal sounds in their. throats. I
, shied a. ienv pebbles aft, but they
only -moved farther away. Ducks
are master geopoliticians. They
force you to clamber, up', and
down snaky, weedy banks,'stri.g
gle through brier patch add
detour around waterfalls: In des-
peration I step into the swiiilen
creek, 'floundering up over ,my
knees in the cold eddying water,
while they fly, down across the
falls, or take to secret duck tr.-ills
through the woods to avoid too.
much water. A mountain stream
can be top tempestuous even for
a duck.
These forays are apt to be
strenuous, but we keep after
them until the whole mutinous
crew is back at the home port,
following its leader single file
into the duck house, We are be-
draggled, our shirts torn and
boots squishing with water, but
we are usually laughing and feel
ten years younger, - From "Tr;
the Arms of the Mountain." by
Elizabeth Seeman.
Government officials are those
people who take 35 acres cf land
and shape it into a mile of pack.
ed earth for your benefit. They
call it a superhighway.
WIRED FOR SPACE - it's not
ribbon for milady's spring out-
fit that Shirley Gray is exam-
ining. Pretty spirals are an im-
portaht part of the guidance
system of a missile, The ribbons
- "contour cables' - are plas-
tic with flat metal strips em-
bedded in them and save near-
ly half the weight of conven-
tional wiring,,
Pool Hustlers
Getting Scarce
They were shooting "Sin of
Angels" in New York, producer-
director Robert Rossen explain-
ed, "because I like to work in
New York," and they had picked
the Ames Billiard Academy, just
off Times Square, "because of
the size, and the feeling of age
-of having been lived in by
pool players," The movie, de-
rived from Walter Tevis' short,
dramatic novel, "The Hustler,"
is all about a man who plays
p001 for money.
For two weeks, crews had been
making the old poolroom look
even older, installing beat -up
leather chairs, seedy looking cur-
taine. During the same two
weeks, 'Paul Newman, who plays
"Fast Eddie" Pelson, the young
pool -hustling hero, was taking
lessons from ten -time world -
champion pocket 'billiards player
Willie Mosconi. Jackie Gleason,
who at his currentweight, of
255 pounds plays "Minnesota
Fats," 'tile big man whom Fast
Eddie has come to town to -beat,
needed no lessons, having spent
much of his youth hanging,
around pool in Brooklyn,
where he dnea made a string of
90 bang" Gleason practiced fol -
the filen' at home, on his own
At the Ames Billiard Academy,
director Rossen, gray-haired, and
sporting a maroon knit shirt,
squinted through a viewer and
• Charlie Maguire, the assistant
director, yelled out: "All right,
cut the chatter!" Newman took
his place beside character actor
Myron McCormick, and the scene
rehearsal started.
Gleason, in a conservative
overcoat with a huge red flower
in the lapel, came in the front
door, went over to check his
coat, revealingan identical, huge
red flower in his jacket lapel,
lit a cigarette, came over to
watch Newman shoot; and ex-
changed ten lines of dialogue
making the match (at a $200 -a -
game bet).
Then a take.
' Newman missed three balls in
a row. "Cut," called Rossen.
"At this rate, we'll be doing
four minutes a day," said Rossen,
"We're pretty much on time."
At another table off camera,
BULL'S-EYE - Remarkable accuracy of the air-to-air Falcon mis-
sile is demonstrated by the hole in this 36 -inch aluminum target.
Standing beside one of the missiles and looking through the
hole is James J, O'Reilly, test pilot for Hughes Aircraft Co.,
maker of the missile.' The disc was hit dead center from more
than a mile away. In tests at Holloman AFB, KM., such discs'
were suspended from tower and headed to simulate a jet's
exhaust. Heat -seeking Falcons were then fired at them from
Willie Mosconi was showing a
peel shot to McCorinick, McCor-
snick tried it, sank the ball twine,
and beamed.
Mosconi, the biggest stick in
the pool game (he once ran 526
balls without missing), was
wearing a sport ;jacket with a
Brunswick emblem op it, It is
his job to sell Brunswick pool.
tables and the idea oaf pool -play-
ing to the public, "The old
green -paint -on -the -window joints
are going," he said, "They're not
economical any more. And the
hustlers have gone with them,
Of course, I won't say they won't
come back. He admitted, how-
ever, that pool players looking
for action could still find it.
"Well, yes, there's Bicycle Char-
lie here in, New York, and Ko-
komo Jae in Miami, In Chicago
there's Big Time . Charlie and
State Street Willie, and then
there's Cheeky Nose - he's a
roamer, But this movie shows
what pool was, say, twenty years
ago. Not what it is today."
Newman, Marconi said, was an
apt pupil. "He looks like a pro-
fessional. Of course, he's liable
to make a shot three times, and
then miss it six time in a row.
But he looks good. You know,
he used to rack balls at Kenyon
College [at the Student Union)
for 75 cents an hour,"
The next scene was ready.
Newman and Gleason lagged the
balls, to determine the break,
Newman won.
"Cut," said Rossen, because
Gleason was supposed to win,
They did it again. Gleason
wen. Newman broke, As the
camera moved in, Mosconi raced
in to change a few balls to make
easier shots for Gleason. Gleason
walked around the table.
"Cut," said Rossen.
"Ridiculous," said Gleason, "If
the balls broke that way I'd pray
the eight!"
Everything stopped for a con-
ference. •
"I'll practice that break to-
night," Newman promised. In
his new nine -room Park Avenue
apartment, Newman now has a
pool table in the dining room.
"We eat in the living room," he
said, "or in the dining roam
right on the pool table."
"Cut. the chatter," Maguire
hollered. "Places. One more
time." From NEWSWEEK.
Should Atomic ,.
Wastes Be .Dumped?
• Will radioactive waste stay
harmless' indefinitely once it's
been dumped into the sea? This
problem is vexing America's
As ever -greater quantities of
so-called low-level atomic waste
aa'e disposed of in American wa-
ters, some fear a leakage, which
could be very dangerous for
people living along the neigh-
bouring coastline.
Fish, too, could become con-
taminated and to handle or eat
them would cause blistering
To prevent such dangers, a
"hot" waste study project is now
operating in the Santa Cruz
basin off the Californian coast.
There, radioactive material, in-
cluding debris from atomic fac-
tories and laboratories, is being
dumped in containers of experi-
mental sizes and shapes, includ-
ing fifty -five -gallon steel drums
and reinforced concrete cylin-
Lowered by cable, the contain-
ers are, photographed during
their immersion to depths of
1,000 fathoms. After some
months, specimens will be photo-
graphed again, and others haul-
ed back to the surface for in-
spection. Sometimes, the pres-
sure of water cracks a drum.
Then, however competently seal-
ed, all its "hot" waste escapes,
Latest Thing - The
Round, Hot Dogl
The hot dog, said the Ameri-
can Kosher Provision Co. last
month in tones normally. reserv-
ed 0ot''the fall of governments,
is on the way out. In its place,
AKP said it was offering a cir-
cular frankfurter with a hole
in the center, like a doughnut,
designed to be eaten on a ham-
burger bun, AICP claims its
sound dog, now being test -mar-
keted in New York and Miami,
will cost no more than the tra-
ditional lohgie;
The credit (or blame, depend-
ing on the point of view)' for the
drastic alteration (the first,
sausage historians claim, in 3,000
years) lay squarely with the
New Frontier, "We 'feel the Ken-
nedy Adsninietretion signals the
beginning of a more modern
era," said an AKP spokesman
confidently. "People are more
readily adaptable to. change,
Give us one season at the beach-
front and we'll Win over the
Metanwhile, the hot-dog tra-
• ditionalists were howling. "Blas-
phemy , . Irreverence,' splut-
tered a counterman at Nathan's,
a'popular Coney Island hotdog
emporium, "One bite and what
have you got left? Mustard on
your $3 sport shirt and a hunk
Of meat in the gutter. This is
1'EAIL ,season a proaeldnai pray has
good essortnient breeds for prompt
shipment, In started pullets, Melding
Ames tn•Cross. Dayolds, emp de-
livery and hatehed,to order. hook may -
Awe broilers now. See local agent, or
write BrsY' Hatcl:ary,, 120 John North,
Hamilton, Ont. _
ONTARIO'S largest growers, All corn.
merciul varieties. 12 million. plants,
-• Redcoatvariety 50 () $2.50 100 ,,G
04.00 -'560 R,1 $12.00 - 1,000 Ca 020,00-
, 5,00po s3 $90.00 - for complete infer -
!nation end price list, on outer- van
lades and also a new growing system
write: le B. F'. Boston Berry1'. Flame
(Reg,) R,R. 1 Wilsonville, Duarte.
BROIKEN rase.. posts covers, cells re-
placed etc, 1 ire pick -;p and delivery
within 70 Mlle radius, E Licht!, R.R. 1,
:;Stratford. Phone Shakespeare. 2.11 18.
INQUIRIES invited from operators in-
terested in Chain Operation Motel, 25
Units with Gasoline Bar, and Coffee
Bar, Locations available Ontario and
Quebec on 25 years net lease basis.
Capital to furnish required. Lease se.
eurity, excellent banking references, A
good opportunity for security of oper-
ation in All Canadian Motel Chain.
Write: Bousquet Construction Inc„ 2
Dot nBlv . East, Montreal, P.Q. Tel.
COMPLETE cement block manufuctur•
Ing plant for vibrated steam cured
blocks, Close to new hydro atomic en•
ergy project, full price 010,000. Apply
Willlmn K. Itooa, Pt. Elgin, Ont Phone
RESTAURANT•service station; tllghway
11, south of Gravenhurst, both fully
equipped, doing good business. Low
down payment, balance open mortgage,
Apply Walby Motors, Kilwerthy, Mime
FOR lease with option to buy, thriving
m o d e r n restaurant, terrazzo floors,
paved entrance, lunch counter, banquet
hall. Highway 4 and 83, Exeter, Busi-
ness known es Armstrong's, established
1949. Main highway from Detroit to
Northern Ontario,. from Kitchener to
Grand Bend, .Provincial Park. Special•
izing in weddings, clubs, banquets.
Terrific location, Business can be sub-
stantially increased., Unlimited oppor-
tunities for motel, lounge, drive -In res.
taurant. Available May lst, time for
rush season Contact owner, write Ward
Fritz, Exeter, Ont.
CHRISTMAS tree seedlings, Austrian
and Scotch pines. Best possible stock,
615. per 1,000.'0. A. Tiffin, Cookstown,
YOU ought to know that half rotund
eavestrougtl In 28' gauge cot be bought'
at less than current; prices. Write Enos
S Martin, R.3 Wallenatein, Ont.
FRUIT farm, 100 acre. Beautifully situ-
ated on county road, sixty miles west
of Toronto at Paris, 5,700.. Six miles
from Brantford, 65,000. Sixty acres
apples, 20 acres pears, 4 acres red
cherries,y7 acres peaches, etc. All-;bear-
iog. Two modern oil heated homes.
Complete equipment. Excellent retail
sales, Immediate possession, Schuyler
Orchards, Paris, Ont.
How Can 1?
By Roberta Lee
Q. Row can I make putty?
A. By mixing linseed oil with
sifted whiting to the proper con-
Q. Is there any way to re-
move small scratches on glass
table tops or on the glass screen
of a TV set?
A. These are often very ef-
fectively obliterated with tooth-
paste, rubbed on with a soft
cloth, and then polished off with
• another.
Q. How can I clean and, re-
new oil paintings?
A. Best, of course, is to have
this done professionally. If you
try it yourself, go over the paint-
ings with a wad of cotton dip-
ped in turpentine, rubbing very
lightly and carefully. Then ap-
ply a coat of special varnish
sold in all artists' supply stores.
Q. Can you suggest all easy
method of , removing yellow
stains in a sink or telb, caused
by dripping faucets?
A. Here's what might be call-
ed a "common cents" method:
Even old stains give way if rub-
bed with a copper penny! Fol-
low this treatment withyour
usual cleanser.
20 CAN Woods bulk cooler, chore.
boy Milking machine, John Gibson. Felt 2
Caledonia, R0, 5.2172.
HERE they area Bean early bird!
heavy duty Wagons wit, 15•inch tires.
$105, A. Vanderkoot, General Repair
Shop, Beaehvllle.
WE have developed a farm wagon that
has proven to bo reliable for forage
racks and bale hauling. Its main feat -
tires are a very good steering for short
turning and high speed no sway trail.
ing. For illustrated folder write Herat
Welding, RR No. 3, Elmira, Ontario,
FARMALL M,p, new condition, high:
clearance adittetable front axle, also
narrow front end, belly pump, two.
way remote control valve, Model 267•
I.01.0, Cultivatots, good tires. 400 hrs.
sine° complete rebeild, $1995.00, Com
aider trade and deliver in 300 mile
'NEW Holland Crop -Chopper, Model 33,
used one season, John Deere Cultivator!
Model CC -147, used one season. 28'
I.11. Thresher, completely equipped.
Used four seasons, Contact G. Ferguson,
1208 Tepper Road, Burlington, Ontario.
NE, 4.0712.
CANADIAN exclusive available, patent
ed wave and curl comb, wanted by
every woman, A proven $1 mall order
Item in U.S, Write Royal Soot Water.
bury, Conn.
37 COMIC Books $2.00, Hard Cover Book
disposals, 4 different $1.00. State wants.
Gold coloured necklet crosses, rhine-
stone centre $2.00 dozen, - sample 350.
Cash Postpaid.. Off-price merchandise
bulletins 10e. Freeman, Cornwall, Ont.
ASSORTED Broadcloth plaid and print.
ed, 3 lbs. $1.80. Special, smaller pieces,
4 lbs. $1.98, Assorted Flannelette, 3 lbs.
51.49. Quilt Designs - set of 16 500
Drapery:- Better quality assorted mil
ends, 1.3 yards lengths, 44 Inches wide
- 5 Lbs. $7.98; pieces for cushions 2
lbs, $1.98. Postage paid, refund. Gordon
Pullen, 48 Abell St., Toronto 3,
AFRICAN Violets. Write for list offer-
ing all the finest varieties and colours,
Aiken Nursery, Chute Panet, Que.
EARN Morel Bookkeeping, Salesman.
ship. Shorthand, Typewriting, eta Les.
sons 50e. Ask for free circular No. 93.
Canadian Correspondence Courses. 1290
Bay Street, Toronto.
$1.25 Express Collect.
BANISH the torment of dry eczema
rashes and weeping skin troubles,
Post's. Eczema Salve will not disappoint
you Itching scalding and burning ecze-
ma, none, ringworm, pimples and foot
eczema will respond. readily to the
stainless, odorless ointment, regardless
of'how stubborn or hopeless they seem.
Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
1863 5t. COROAvenue East.
110RTGAGE Loans. Funds available of
suitable farms,: homes, stores, apart-
ments, hotels, motels. Pleasant, cour-
teous service, For information write,
phone, or drop in, United County he
vestments Ltd„ 3845 Bathurst St. Tor.
onto 19, Ont. RU. 9.2125..
Loans -Mortgages
FIRST and second long and short term
loans and mortgages from $6,000 up on
business stock, machinery, light or
heavy equipment, contracts, and ac.
counts receivable factoring or pur.
chaser. Capital for new businesses or
recapitalize present. Complete financ-
ing of motels, hotels, hospitals, medi-
cal clinics factories, office buildings,
commercial buildings a n d develop-
ments. Bank loans on time deposits or
compensating balance, Interim funds
on all projects and construction lease
back on all types commercial buildings
and motels. For financing let us assist
you, For appointment call Commmer•
dial Loan Department Investment Dis-
count Corporation, 10906 Gratlot Ave.,
Detroit 13, Mich. Phone DR. 1-11415 or
DR. 1..4660.
Public School Board
Salary schedule in effect
Minimum $3000. $200 per year for
two years experience, annual Incre.
ment of $200.
Apply stating full particulars to
E. S. Barchard, Secretary
Newcastle, Ontario
PINE, •Spruce and Fir seedlings, end
transplants for Windbreaks, woodlota,
and Xmas trees. Hardwood seedling',
Privet, Chinese Elms, Ceder, Bartserry
for hedges and ornamentals. Wfdte fob
Free trion Farm'.
Dept. Price, ontypool,, Ona
When purchasing Nutria consider the
following points which this orgonizel-
tion offers;
L The best available stook, no crows -
bred or standard types recommended.
2. The reputation of a plan which le
Proving Ielaustsntioted by files of
t f
3, -Full Insurance against replace•
meet, should they not live or in the
event of sterility (alt fully. explained
111 our certificate of merit.)
4, We give you only mutations which
are In demand for fur garments
5 You receive from this organization
a guaranteed pelt market In Writing.:
6. Membership in. o u r exclusive
breeders' association whereby oniy
purchasers of this afoek may Partici-
pate In the benefits so offered.
7, .Prices for Breeding Stock start. at
$200. a pair,
Special offer to those who qualify;
earn your Nutrria on our cooperative
basis No. 2, Stte: ouffvjlie Ontario Ltd.,
Great Opportunity
Learn Hairdressing
Pleasant. dignified profession; good
wages Thousolds of successful
Marvel Graduates
America's Greatest System
Illustrated Catalogue Free.
Write or Cal
358 Moor St. W., Toronto
h4 ging St. W., Hamilton
72 Rideau Street. Ottawa
HANDWRITING analyzed; c 0 In Pieta
analysis by experienced graphologist.
Enclose $1.00 and self-addressed en-
velope to Mrs. H. Ingram, 454 Geneva
St., St. Catharines, Ont.
GET 8 hours sleep Nervous tension
may cause 751, of • sickness. Particu•
tarly sleeplessness, jitteryness and ir-
ritability, Sleep calm your nerves with
""Napes" 10 for, 01; 50 for $4. Lyon's
Drugs,. Dept. 20 47.1 Danforth. Toronto.
TESTED. guaranteed, mailed in -plain
parcel, Including catalogue and sex
book free with trial assortment 18 for
ak Istribu•
s, Bo4-TPF Repine, Ss
LANDSCAPED three acre-eotatepyt;ide...
trout stream 'bridges waterfalls' it
trees, woodlot, large .mederhlsed*tilt
house, two' bathrooms, -. oil ,. £usnece,;
double garage, barn, on main highway'
close to Credit Forks. 335,000. Phone
29R12, wrfte-Walkington,'RR 2.-Caledon. •
Films vd d
8, magndeaelopeprints 40fin4.
12 magna prints 60t
Reprints 54 each,
Developing roll 900 (not, Including
pprints Color prints 300 each extra.
Ansco and Ektachrome 35 m m 20 ex-
xposures mounted in slides' 01.20 Color
prints from slides 320 each. Money re-
funded in fill for unprinted neggtives.
Churches, schools, ..homeowners. Have
your slate roof and metalwork checked
and repaired by': expert workmen. All
material and workmanship guaranteed.
Free estimates. Call AX. 4.0205 Norm
Slathers, Parkhill, Ont.
FULL .time and' part-time salesmen re-
;of .the exclusive
Insecticides, Challenger Sprayers, Dis-
infectfets etc., direct to Dairy Farms.
Exclusive territory arranged. Liberal
commission on first and repeat orders.
Must be known in area and have a
good record Apply by letter to Mr. K.
Feldkamp B -Sc., Provincial Manager,
Red Line Cjlemicats of Canada, Ltd.,
Mimic°,' Tdronte W. Ontario.
SIX beautiful Korea stamps, catalogue
value 51e only l0c to new approval
Fort�Bragg,hCalifornialoo+e, Ilex 572,
U.S.S. No. 10. Kinloss (Whiteohnrch)
Bruce County, requires an experiencetd
Protestant teacher for a modern. well.
equipped school. Apply stating quali-
fications, salary expected and name of
last inspector Duties will commence
Sept. 5111. D. J. M. Moore, See, • Treas.,.
RR No. 5, Lueknow, Ont.
ISSUE 14 - 1961
THAT'S THE WAY THE BALL BOUNCES - National League umpire Mel Steiner walks away'
and catcher Hal Smith of the Cardinals looks a4 him as Jake Wood of the Tigers scores
in the first inning of the Detroit -St. Louis game in. St.,'Petersburg, Flo. Maybe Steiner is too
embarrassed to stay on the scene. It appeared that Woad would have been a sure out if
the ball hadn't hit the umpire.