HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-03-30, Page 244 • r r ► p. p, r F ► •: Just arrived Spring Coats , , . , , 29.95 up New Walking Suits 29.95 to '39,96 Easter Suits 3995 to 59.50 New Car Coats , ....... , . 18,95 New Wash 'n Wear Cotton Frocks ,,. 10,96 New Jacket Dresses, Coat dresses • 19.95 to 29.,95 Easter 2 piece Dresses Sheaths or full skirts , , 16.95 up Easter Millinery in a wide showing , , 4,95 to 10,95 New Easter Nylons smart spring shades , 98c to 1.50 Lovely gloves to complement your new outfit ..., 1,95 to 2.96 Dainty Nylon Scarfs .. , , 1.00 to 1.95 Handbags, newest shapes and colors Special 5,00 Dainty new Aprons Special 1.00 each You'll love shopping at Stewart Bros. new, modern Ready -To -Wear Dept. Easter Fashions FOR MEN & BOYS Men's New Easter Suits, many with extra pants ..$55 to 175 Sport Jackets .... , , 24.50 to '29,50 Dress Slacks 5,95 to 1$.95 Tweed Topcoats .... 35,00 to 49.50 New All -Weather Quad Coats Continental length 22,95 to 29.50 • New Easter Sox 1 00 up - Easter Ties ...... 1.00 to 2.00 New Sport Shirts , , . , 3,95 up - ,No - Iron White Shirts 3.95 to 5.95 Boys •Sport Coat , .. 12.95 up Boys Slacks 450 to 5.95 No -Iron Shirts 2.95 . Sport Shirts .,.. 1.95 to 2.98 Il+ IT'S NEW -- 'IT'S SHOWN AT STEWART BROS. THE LEGION CORNER By Jack Holland Well comrades and friends the big hockey night for the young - eters of the community is over and was an outstanding success in every way. Its truly amazing how those kids have come along and there are many fine pros- pects, thanks to our sports offi- cer Jack Eisler and his helpers. The announcements were ably looked after by Allan Nicholson our Branch President and there were many proud kids going home with the various trophies. On behalf of the Legion I wish to thank one. and all for the splendid turnout, its just all the difference in the world for kids when there is a crowd on hand, so thanks again for your support. George Hays our entertainment chairman has everything lined up for a so. tial on Thursday night for mem- bers and guests so I hope to see you there, and there will be the weekly bingo on Saturday night. There is a Service Bureau Of- ficer coming to the Branch on Apr. 3 so any veteran with a pro- blem to get advice on contact Jake Cornish the welfare officer so that an appointment can be made for you. I think that this about covers the news for this week except for one more item and that is a hockey match being planned among the Legion members themselves, the Navy and Air Force against the Army veterans so our local drug emporiums bet- ter be well stocked with liniment to look after the creaky joints the next day, the datefor this will be announced later, so with a thought for our fallen com- rades I'll say adieu for now, At the going down of the sun and in the morning we shall remember them. ST. COLUMBAN High School students of St f":iillilaRAI i 8 3 ?s,' »n Columban parish presented the farce -comedy "Here comes Char- lie" on Friday evening, March 24 to a very large crowd of people from the surrounding area. The play was under the direction of Mrs. Joseph Melady and Mrs. M. Murray. ' Many comments have been received regarding its per- formance) the parts being very well done by all the cast. The characters were as follows; Mary Lou Coyne, Jerry Cronin, Jean Moylan, Stephen Cronin, Bill Mur- phy, Mary Ellen Doyle, Don Coyne, Jean Malady, Jean Malon- ey and Jack Doyle, Between the acts, numbers were given by the prize winning Junior Farmers' Quartette: Lar- ry Wheatley, Ken Campbell, Geo. Turner and Bill Campbell. Solos by Miss Mary Walsh and Mrs. Thomas Kale, accompanied by Mrs. Vincent Lane, all of St. Co- lumban, were very much enjoyed by all attending. The whole ,per- formance was repeated March 26. Thanks We wish to sincerely thank stir customers and sit the general Public. who were so patient through our busy License Issuing season, and for the understanding and thoughtfulness of all when it was. necessary to Diose the stere on Verona of Rinses, Speolal thanks to O,P,P, 'towering and Chief of Police Hutchinson and stall ARNOLD & .ALVA WESTOOTT CARD OF,THANKS n S I I would like to take this opportunity rememb- eredthank all my friends who memb- ered me with cards, fiowera andtreats during my recent illness. Speeia1 thanks. to Stewart Bros.. end staff ad Dr. Corwin.. Mrs, Tlteobald, Dgmond iue I wish to thank Rev. C, E. ullivan, Dr, Gorwill, the nurses of Scott Merrier, Lal Hospital, the teachers and pupils of St. James Separate School and . friends for their kindness to me while wasin the Hospital. Mary Hagan I wish to express my sincere thanks to everyone who sent me cards and gifts and who visited one while T was a pat- ient in Stott Memorial Hospital. I wish to thank especially Dr. Gorwill Fnthe Sullivan and. the nurses and staff of tip hospital Fergus. Itchy Auction Sale Clearing Auction Sale. of tract- or machinery, east end of George. Street, town of Seaforth on Silt' urdaY, April 8th at 1 p.m, Ford tractor fully equipped, M. Ferguson manure loader with pump; Ford 2 -furrow plow; snow blade; tractor ,elinins; 1953 GMO 2 -ton truck with hoist; 1952 obey, ton truck, stock:rack; 1952 Ford sedan in good condition; 2- wheel trailer; 3 -section harrows; steel barrels; Distort chain saw; 4 -ft. Jack; logging chains; white- wash equipment; tractor manure spreader on rubber; seed drill; hay fork rope; 20 rod woven wire poultry fence; 14 plate tractor disk; log tongues; electric drill; tools, shovels, Other articles too numerous to mention, Cattle -1 Brindle cow fresh 1 month; 1 Hereford heifer 1 year old. Terms—Cash Prop„ Mrs. J. R. Burns Auct„ Harold Jackson ,. Auction. Sale Of household effects at the re- sidence of Mrs. Thos, Grasby 6 miles north of Seaforth, on Court- ty rroad,Wednesday, April 5th at 1 p.m. 3 bedroom suites, pillows, ward, robe, blanket box, carpet 13 x 6, 2 sideboards, cupboard, China !cabinet, , 2 couches, occasional. chairs, rocking chairs, $ dining room chairs, extension table, small tables, kitchen chairs, coal I heater, 2 lawn chairs, small Wing - ham wood stove, range •for wood or coal, electric toaster, iron, 1 heavy duty hot plate, mats, step ladder, washing machine, crocks, sealers, lamps, pails, small tools, lawn mower, scoop shovel, gard- en tools, cross -cut saw, hand saw,. hand sleigh, barn jack, clippers, hedge trimmer, Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash Prop„ Mrs. Thos. Grasby Asset., Harold Jackson I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to those who visited me; my mother for preparing Ole din- ners for •my family and the•W.A. of Northside United Church for the hex of treats they sent me while I' was in the hospital ; special thanks to Dr. Malkus and the nurses of the maternity wand; it was all greatly appreciated. Mrs Gordon M'ueggo A. sincere thank you to the staff and nurses of the Seaforth Memorial Hospi- tal, to all who visited me, sent cards, treats and flowers while I wasa patient there. Thanks also to Dr. Gorwill and Rev, W. Summerell, and to the ones who ,helped at home, Everything was deeply appreciated. Mrs. Charles Dolman Have • grass for anumOEbe Tof' steers. Plenty spring water, Phone IN 2-7681 Clinton. Earl Lawson WANTED First Mortgage of 21,000.00 on 100. sore property in Hallett Township—in- terest to suit lender. Apply McConnell & Stewart, Seaforth, Ontario, phone 650 Garry seedFoat LE alfalfa seed, Fred Herbert. Dublin phone 76r11 FOR SALE 11 young cattle suitable for grass. Spencer Jeffery, Staffa FOR SALE Alfalfa seed, cleaned by Middlesex Co. Lorne Mueller, RR 4 Mitchell. FOR SALE A quantity of loose straw. Phone 90 R 23 Dublin FOR SALE A quantity of Timothy seed, cleaned and graded at Londesboro seed mill. Manuel Beuernia n, Brodhagen. Phone Dublin 6882 A girl's bike OlaRig ossiize; also a spring coat in good condition, size 12, blue. Tel, Clinton HU 2-9245. Wm, Rogerson, RR 2 Seaforth FOR SALE 300 bus. Gary oats, first generation.' 235116 Dublin, Alvin. Beuermann. FOR SALE 600 Red Rock chicks and 300 Rock Leghorn, 8 weeks old, price 75c. Phone 831r6. Roy Wildfong FOR SALE Red clover seed and Brome grass seed. Cleaned at Londesboro. Clarence Mont- gomory. Phone 855r31 Seaforth FOR SALE Girls little nugget spring coat & hat set, size 6, color blue. Also a blue nylon dress & slip, size 5 & a white nylon blouse, size 5. Alt in good condition. Phone 703-J Seaforth FOR SALE 10 pigs S weeks old. Ted van Dyk, Mill Road, R11.3 .'Seaforth FOR SALE Canada No. 1 Timothy seed. Apply Lorne Fell, Staffs. Phone 48111 Dublin O 1000 bales o h yS Marrttin van Babel, phone 87E2 Dublin FOR SALE A quantity of Timothy seed, alfalfa seed and Rodney oats. Apply to Theron Bottles, phone 837r32 Seaforth CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE In all sizes, approximately 600 with 5% to 7 inch top. Also braces, anchor posts, barb wire, steel posts, etc. Kin - burn Store, Borden. Brown, phone 841r2 FOR SALE Pure bred Hereford bull, serviceable age, W. E. Haney, phone 8821133 FOR SALE Rodney and Gary oats red clover and timothy seed. John W. Thompson, phone 861128 Seaforth FOR SALE A combination . gas range in good con- dition, also an electric washing machine. B. Westerveld, phone 852124 Seaforth. FOR SALE Girls pink formal dress, size 11, per- fect condition. Phone 47OJ, Seaforth FOR SALE A pure bred York hog. A very rugged Dig and a guaranteed worker. A. R. Dodds, phone 861r14 Seater& TEACHER WANTED For S.S. $1;4 McKillop. Duties to commence. in September. Apply stating qualifications, salary expected and refer- ences to Mrs. Gordon MacKenzie, Sec.- Treas.. Seaforth B R 1 TEACHER WANTED Applications will be received until April 15th for the position of teacher at S.S. 7, Mullett, approximately 16 pupils, duties to commence in Sept. Apply stat- ing qualificationand salary expected and name of last inspector to Mrs. Leonard Shobbrook, Sec. RR 1, Blyth, Ontario. jersey SALE , 3 young rsey cows. Do OU h, 11128 HU Seaforth. Phone Clinton 2-5252 FOR SALE ' Registered Gary seed oats, cleaned, , treated, bagged and gov't sealed, Spencer Jeffery, Staffa DRESSMAKING And alterations. Mrs. C. Haney, Egmondville, Phone 645w2 Peeled ceda1r R SALE poles 16', 17' and 20' long, 5" tops and over. Apply 139J. Seaforth. Teacher Wanted S. S.No. 19; McKillop Tp„ Hu- ron county, Roxboro, requires a teacher, duties to commence September 1961. Apply stating qualifications and salary expect- ed to W. J. McDowell, _Sec.-Treas., R R 2 Seaforth • Real Estate WILFRED McINTEE BROKER Listings wanted on farms, homes, businesses and summer properties. FOR SALE 100 acres, clay loam 'with good buildings and fences, and a 2 storey brick house with bath and furnace, 134 miles to village and school. 2 storey brick building in Brodhagen, store 50x80 and mod- ern 6 room apt, above, priced for quick sale. 200 acre stock farm in McKil- lop twp. This one of the best farms in the district. 50 acres in Tuckersmith with good buildings, low down paym't. 100 acres in Tuckersmith on bus route, all level and workable, 2 good barnsand a comfortable 8 room ,house, only four miles to town. Apartment building in Grand Bend all rented. Good terms on this property, WANTED We have a'cash buyer for a 2 or 3 bedroom house, modern, with a 1/4 acre or more land. We also have 2 cash buyers for summer cottages near Bay- field. Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 698 M Local representative for WILFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. i offices and 25 salesmen to serve you; do yours at THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE SEAFORTH Nb7WS Thursday, Margit' 30, 198 FARM STOCK FOR SALE Choice Heavy grade Durham cows, unit bind, clean test, Du March 15 to April .6, Apply lot 21 Con. 11 Logan, Ed WardellDucklings Oone Aweelf old 30c day old 25c, until June 1st, Atte that 30o and 35o, Phone 231125 Lavern Hoegy, Dublin # 1 Clearing Auction Sale A Clearing Auction Sale will be held' for Walter R. Pepper, lot 33, Con, 2, 'I.R.S., Tuckersmith twp, tA mile east of the Clinton RCAF houses, on Thursday, April 6 at 12.80 p.m. Horses; Matched team of chest- nut Belgian mares rising 4 years, in foal,. and well broke; brass mounted breeching harness, and 2 new 25 -inch collars, Cattle; 8 Ayrshire cows,. and 1 Holstein cow due by sale day; 1 black cow due by sale day; 2 Holstein heifers due in May; 3 Holstein cows with month old calves at foot; 1 Ayrshire cow with month old calf at foot; 1 Hereford x Holstein cow with month old calf at foot; 3 Hereford cows due by sale day; 3 Hereford cows with. calves at foot; 1 Polled Hereford bull calf 10 months old; 18 yearling steel's; 6 yearling, ,.heifers; 6 butcher hei- fers about 700 lbs.; 1 Holstein x Hereford calf, Pigs: 1 York x Landrace sow with S pigs, 3 weeks old; 1 York x Landrace sow bred 5 weeks; 1 Tamworth hog; 9 Yorkshire x Landrace pigs, abput 160 lbs,; 9 pigs, just weaned. Implements: Case model S tractor, 6 yrs, old; McCormick Deering Farman A tractor, with bean scuffler; S yr. old 22-38 Dion thresher, with shredder and grain thrower, `drive' belt; New Idea 4 bar side rake; McCormick Deer- ing 13 -run fertilizer seed drill; rubber tire wagon; 15 ft. hay rack; Fleury Bissell, menu r e spreader; Cockshutt 8 ft. binder; McCormick Deering 2 -furrow ;plough; 9 -ft M. H. cultivator; McCormick 'Deering 3 -section spring tooth harrows; 3 -section drag harrows; M. H. 10 -inch grain grinder;' Case 10 -inch hammer mill; land roller; fanning mill; 2,000 lb. stock scales;, rubber tired aluminum wheelbarrow; 15- ft. drive belt; 25 -ft. drive belt; 24 -ft: extension ladder; a quan- tity of lumber and cedar posts; 200 ft. of 1 -inch water pipe; Surge, 2'unit, milking machine, 2 yrs. old; 6 milk cans; and many other articles., Hay and Grain: Approximately 400 bushels of mixed grain; ap- proximately 1,200 bales of hay, Terms: Cash No reserve as the farm is sold, Prop.; Walter R. Pepper Asset:, "Bert Pepper Clerk,' Frank Falconer ' e Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention i• Hospital Bed - • Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 596W Auction Sale A Clearing.. Auction Sale of Farms, livestock, machinery and household effects at lot 6, con. 1, Hullett 334 miles west of Sea - forth on No 8 Highway on Mon- day, April 3 at ' 12 o'clock sharp. Machinery -1959 Dodge sedan car;' Minneapolis Z tractor fully equipped; 3 -furrow M. H. plow; tractor cultivator; harrows; trac- tor disk; 6 -ft. mower; scuffler; New Holland hay baler with mot- or; M.H. side rake on rubber like new; 10 -ft. culti packer; John Deere wagon (like new) ; 1 rub- ber -tired wagon; 2 16 -ft, hay racks; 2 -wheel trailer and stock rack; 32 -ft. extension ladder; rip saw and emery with motor; gra- vel box; 6 bags of insulation; Blacksmith equipment; . anvil; 'forge; leg vise; tools; 3 electric motors; large tarpaulin; barn jack; steel,frame circular. saw feed cart; bag truck; quantity of lumber; 2000 lb scales; 2 colony houses; tattooing equipment. Cattle — 4 -year-old Registered Poll Hereford bull bred by George' Southworth, Michigan, U.S.A. 2 pure bred Poll. Hereford bulls 1 year old; 15 registered Hereford cows all supposed -to be in calf to Herd Sire; 2 2 -yr. -old heifers in calf; 2 Jersey cows milking, re - bred; 1 Ayrshire cow in calf. Horse -1 Belgian aged mare. Pigs -7 York and Landrace sows bred; 5 young sows, bred York; 1 York hog, 1 year old. Hay and Grain -1500 bales of mixed hay; 1000 bales of straw; 6 feet of ensilage; 500 bus, oats. Household Effects—l5-ft Gil- son deep freeze (new); 10 cu. ft. frigidaire; washing machine; Moffat 4 burner electric stove; kitchen table and ,chairs; 2 stu- dio couches, tudio-couches, occasional chairs to match; oil space heater; 200 -gal, oil tank; 3 furnished bedrooms; floor covering; rocking chairs; mirrors; small tables; electric lamps; other electrical applian- ces; dishes; kitchen utensils; heat lamp; Vacuum cleaner; 22 automatic rifle. Farms -At the same place at 3 p.m. the farms will be offered for sale. Parcel 1: 40 -acre farm, part lot 6, con, 1, Hallett tw,p. on No. 8 Highway, practically new bank barn with excellent stabling, ce- ment silo 13 x 40, drive shed, hen house, frame house with bath, good water supply. Parcel 2; 50 -acre farm east half of lot 19, con, 3, Hullett twp,, newly seeded. Parcel 3: Part of lot 19, con, 2, Hullett two., consisting of 80 acres clay loam, 70 acres worka- ble, 10 acres bush, frame. barn. Terms—Chattels. Cash Property' 10% down, balance lit 30 days. Sold subject to reserve Prop„ Estate of late Charles Mann, Anat„ Harold Jackson Clerk, Geo, Powell NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of -Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking °ream Separ• ators and Viking Milking Mach- ines, Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brumfield. MARTIN W.STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seatortb JOHN A. GORWILL, id.A,, M.D Physician and Surgeon Phone 6-W Seatorth •appo SEAFORTH CLINIC P. L. Brady, M,D;, Surgeon Dr. E. Malkin Office Hours,' 1 pm. to 5 p.m. daily except Wednesday and Sunday. Evenings: Tuesday & Thurs. 7-9 pan. Appointments made in advance aro desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY' CLINIC J,O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W.11. BRYANS, D'.V,M., V.S. W. G. DRENNAN, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth John E. Longataff '. Optometrist Goderich St, W., Seaforth Phone 791 Moura—Seaforth daily except Mon., 8 to 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12,80 PM. Thur. eva by appointment only, Clinton 'HU -2-7010. above Hawkins' Hdwe..Mon. 9 to 6.85 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M•' HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 23181 We write all lilies of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaford Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers. — President, John L. Malone,, Seaforth ; Vice Pres., John H. MoEwing- Birth ; Sec. -Tress., W. E. Southgate. Seaforth. Directors, Norman Trewartha, Clinton, J. L. Malone, Seaforth • Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. oEwing, Birth ; Win. S. Alex- ander, Walton ; Harvey Fuller, Goderich-; We,. R. Pepper, Seaforth ; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents — William Leiper Jr., Londes- boro ; V. J. Lane, RR 6 Seaforth ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clin- ton ; James - Keys, Seaforth. PROBLEMS? Money to Loan Aon aae Property n Don't Delay — Write Delray The secret of our asseesa — is Service DELRAY INVESTMENTS 450-A Wilson Ave, Downsview, Ont ME. 8-2868 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL • - DUNDAS 678 r 832-R NOTICE Does any of your furniture need REUPHOLSTERING, refinishing or repairing. If so, please call Kitchener Upholstery, Seaforth 685 for prompt service HELP WANTED WANTED: Reliable man as dealer in part of Huron County. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profit- able business where Rayleigh Prdducts have been sold for years. Big profits. Products fur- nished on credit, Write Rawl- eigh's, Dept. C-364.163,' 4005 Rich- elieu, Montreal Arnold ` Stinnissen • R R 5 SEAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 862-R-12 Tax Returns H. G. MEIR N. Main St., Seaforth