HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-03-30, Page 20r
StAFORTH LEGION PEEWEES --- This team will
play in Young Canada Week at Goderich on Thurs-
day, April 6th, against Port Perry at 2.45 p.m.
Front row, Colin Haney, George Vardy, Stephen
Brady, Allan Carter, Ferg. Quinn, Jim Phillips.
Second row; Gordon Moylan, Ray Devereaux, Brian.
13roome, Murdo MacLean, Doug Dalrymple, Brian
Melady, Dennis Hodgert.
Back row, Jack Eisler, coach and manager, Keith
Finnigan, Murray Henderson, Craig Haney, Allan.
Nicholson, Legion president
Miss Ruth Ann Ennis of Kitch-
ener -Waterloo Hospital spent a
few days at the home of her par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ennis,
Mr. Don Achilles left Tuesday
for Red Lake where he has accem
ted a position with the Ontario
Department of Highways.
A large crowd attended the re-
ception held in the Community
Hall last Friday evening in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kirkby,
newly-weds. The evening was
spent in dancing to Ian Wilbee's
orchestra. During hutch the brid-
al couple were called to the
front and an address was read
by Barry Marshall and a purse
of money was presented to them
Easter Dance
Brodhagen Corn. Centre
Monday, April 3
Desjardines. Admission 75c
Dance Friday, April 7. Elgin
Fisher & the Rhythmaires
Euchre - Dance
C.O.F. Hall, Constance
Wednesday, Apr. 5
Lucky draw will be held
Scott Pawson Mid the Riders
of the Santa Fe
Easter Dance.
Legion Hall, Seaforth
Music by Scott Pawson and
Riders of the Santa. .Fe
Everyone welconie Adm. 760
Jones, IVIacNaughton Seeds
have been doing business in
Western Ontario for many
years. Customers know they
can be depended upon to
provide quality seed that's
true to variety at a reason-
able price Since seeds are
Jones, MacNaughton Seeds
only business they are ex-
perts in buying, cleaning and
merchandising seed. Because
they know where to buy
and when to buy they can
sell to you at worthwhile
savings. Always ask for
Jones, MacNaughton seeds
for service ... satisfaction
... savings.
From your local Dealer, or
From your local Dealer, or
by Mac. Sholdice.
Mr. and Mrs, Win. Taylor, of
Staffa spent Sunday with the lat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Mr, Herb Kirkby, Paris, spent
the weekend with his rather Mr.
Frank Kirkby,
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Kirkby
of Port Credit attended the Kirk-
by reception Friday evening'.
The Walton W. I. was held
last Thursday evening in the
Community Hall with a good at-
tendance answering the roll call,
"A famous person born on a
farm", Mrs. James Nolan, presi-
dent opened the meeting with
Inslitue Ode, Mary Stewart Col-
lect and 0 Canada followed with
the secretary's report by Mrs. E.
McCreath. The treasurer's report
was given by hire T. Dundas,
Seaforth Fair Board list was pas-
sed around. A report was filled
out on the best programs on TV
and radio and sent in. It was de-
cided to sponsor the 4-H Girls'
Club at the Brussels Fair and
give a donation of $10 to the
Board. Arrangements were made
for a Pot Luck supper at the next
meeting,. and gifts will be exchan-
ged. Supper to be served at 7 o'-
clock sharp and each member
please bring their own plate. The
hostesses in charge will be Mrs.
E. Watson, Mrs. G. Watson, Mrs.
Wm. Thamer, Mrs. W. Shortreed,
Mrs. D. Buchanan. The' District
President, Mrs. Orval Harrison
will be present to install the new
officers and will give an address
on citizenship.
Mrs. A. McDonald and Mrs. D.
Buchanan were the citizenship
conveners. Current Events were
given by Mrs. A. McDonald and
Mrs. Buchanan gave a detailed
outline of Canadian Indians. Very
interesting slides were shown by
Mr. Carl Hemingway, on the
same subject. A gift was present-
ed Mr. Hemingway, Hostesses for
the evening were Mrs. H. Travis,
Mrs. Stewart Humphries, Mrs. D
Ennis, Mrs. T. Dundas, Mrs. Mar-
garet Humphries.
Officers for W. I. for 1961-1962:
Past Pres., Mrs. Frank Walters;
Pres., Mrs, James Nolan; First
Vice Pres.; Mrs. Kenneth McDon-
ald; Second Vice Pres., Mrs. Glen
Corlett; Sec., Mrs. Harvey Craig;
Assistant Sec., Mrs. Nelson Reid;
Trees,, Mrs. W. Humphries; Dis-
trict Director, Mrs. F. Walters;
Assistant District Director, Mrs.
Ronald Bennett; Branch Direct.
ors,' Mrs. P. McDonald, Mrs. S.
Humphries, Mrs. A. McDonald,
Mrs. R. Bennett; Pianist, Mrs. 3.
Bryans; Assistant Pianist, Mrs.
H. Traviss; Press reporter, Mrs,
I), Ennis; Auditors, Mrs. W. E.
Turnbull, Mrs. L. Oliver. Conven-
ers of Standing Committees: Ag-
riculture and Canadian Indus-
tries, Mrs. Geo. Williamson, Mrs.
R. Williamson; Citizenship and
Education, Mrs. A, McDonald,
Mrs. N. Marks; Historical Re.
search and Current Events, Mrs.
J. Van Vliet Jr, Mrs. Wm. Turn-
bull; Home Economics and
Health, Mrs. Joe Ryan, Mrs R.
Barrows; Resolutions, Mrs. R,
McCall, Mrs. Gerald Watson;
Public Relations, Mrs. A. Coutts,
Mrs. Wm. Dennis, Mrs, G, Ryan,
Mrs. Geo. Love; Sunshine Com-
mittee, Mrs. D. Ennis; Brussels
-Fall Fair Board directors, Mrs.
Jas. McDonald, Mrs. R. Traviss,
Willing Workers
The fifth meeting of the Wal-
ton Willing Workers was held at
the home of Nora Anderson, Mar.
21 at 7 p.m. We opened the meet-
-ing by singing "Plat on your East-
er Bonnet". Mrs, M. Humphries
showed us how to put our stay
stitching samples on paper, The
next meeting is at Anne Blakes
on Mar, 28 at 7 p.m.
Seven members repeated the
ti -H pledge and answered the roll
call which was "A finish I am us-
ing for my dress'. We all had our
dresses fitted on us and were gi-
ven some pointers. Mrs. Miller,
the Horne Economist commented
on the meeting and our dreases.
Our home assignment was giv-
en to us which was followed by
a delicious lunch served by Mrs,.
A. Anderson and Nora,
Members of the Walton Group
Were reminded of their several
duties at the annual bazaar to be
held Wednesday March 29 at 2
p.m. with Mrs. 0. Struthers guest
speaker during the regular meet-
ing. Mrs. Emerson Mitchell pre-
sided due to the absence of the
president, Mrs, Win, Thamer,
Hymns 99 "Sweet the Moments
rich in blessing", and 485 "Jesus
Exeter 664 Crediton
London GE 2-2258
used. Mrs. F. Walters led in
prayer and Mrs. Allen McCall
read the scripture telling the
story of the Crucifixion, In her
topic the 'Women of the church,
Mrs, Nelson Reid emphasized
Woman were the first Evangel-
ists being the first to spread the
news of the risen Christ. Mrs. A.
Anderson rendered a solo with
Mrs, H. BroWn aeconipanying.
The Secretary gave her report
and read thankyou notes. The
group is invited to the April
tussling of the 17th and Boundary
group on April 12th at 2 p.m. to
be held at the home of Mrs. Jan
Van Vliet, also to Seaforth United
Church Mar. 28 at 2.30 p.m. and
to Moncrief Thankoffering April
2. Our own Easter Thankoffering
;fleeting will be held April 10th,
The Presbyterial will be held at
Wingham on April 6. •
Mrs. Geo. McArthur who has
moved to Seaforth was presented
with a gift and thanked the lad-
ies inviting them to her home for
the July meeting.
Roll call was responded to by
naming a disciple. Mrs. W. Broad -
foot led an oral discussion on the
life and travels of Paul and his
letter to the- Phillipians. The
meeting closed by all repeating
the Benediction. Lunch hostesses
were Mrs. Ronald Bennett, Mrs.
W. C. Hackwell, Mrs. R. Achilles.
Mrs. Ferne Patterson of Sea -
forth is visiting with Miss Bessie
Group 3 of the W. A. of St. An-
drews 'United Church held a suc-
cessful bake sale Saturday at
Crest Hardware store, Hensall,
realizing the sum of $22. Those in
charge of the project included
the leader, Mrs, Ross Love, as-
sisting leader, Mrs. Harold Jones,
Miss Jean Ivison, Mrs. Allan
Johnston and Mrs. H. Hendrick.
Mr, Robert Thomson received
word on Saturday from his neph-
ew, Mr. Wm. Thomson of Neelin,
Man., and native of Hay twp.,
that his son Duncan Alexander
Thompson, 23 years, youngest son
was killed in a tractor accident-.
RCMP said Mr. Thomson was op-
erating the tractor on a farm in
the district when it overturned
and pinned him beneath it caus-
ing internal injuries. Coroner Dr.
D.G. Irving of Crystal City has
ordered a post mortem. Surviving
are the parents, 7 brothers and
On Tuesday evening March 21
a miscellaneous shower' was given
Miss Pat Lovell, bride -elect of
April 1st by the ladies of St. An-
drew's United Church. The show-
er was arranged by Mrs. Wm.
Bell, Mrs. John Sinclair and Mrs.
Robert MacGregor. Mrs. Wm.
Bell in the chair opened the pro-
gram with everyone singing "0
Canada", Diane Faber favored
with a piano solo, The Jones'
boys, a duet with their own ac-
companiment on the ukulele and
the guitar, singing "The Jones'
Boy" and "The Mocking Bird
Hill". Two readings by Mrs. How-
ard Finkbeiner, A. contest by
Phyllis and Donelda Lostell. Pi-
ano solo, Marjorie. Turner, Ac-
cordion solo, Gwen Hay. solo, by
Joan Sinclair, her mother accom-
panying her at the piano. Piano
solo, Nancy Consitt, Reading, by
Margie Elgie. Piano solo, Wendy
Jones. Contest, Dorothy and Mar-
lon Turner. Contest, Sharon Mc-
Bride. "The Queen".
Pat was then invited to come
forward and sit in a prettily dec-
orated chair in pink and white,
and an umbrella in same shade
overhead. The .address was read
by Bonnie Kyle, and those assist-
ing In bringing in the gifts were
Phyllis and Donelda Lostell, Shir-
ley and Sandra Reid and Bonny
Kyle, Pat's mother assisted her
in opening the gifts which were
many and lovely too, Pat thanked
everyone for their kindness in
making this presentation. Her
mother invited all the ladies to
the trousseau tea, A delicious
lunch was served in the school
room of the church,
On March 10th Miss Carol Civ-
ilier and her mother of Chatham,
Out,, were hostesses to a linen
and towel shower for Pat. A plea-
sant evening was enjoyed in
games and a dainty lunch was
served by the hostesses assisted
by Mrs, Leonard Lovell,
Thrifty Klppenettes
The sixth meeting of the Thrif,
ty Kippenettes was held at the
hoine of Gail and Diane Finlay-
son on March 18 at 1 p.m. Mrs.
keep me near the Cross" were Miller, the Home Economist was
Misiies Jackie, Violtle, and JtulY
and liobert Cluff, London, spent
the weekend with their mother,
Mrs. Helen Cluff.
George Aitken, London, was
the village over the weehend.
Donald -Stirling, Ottawa, is vie,
icing his annts Misses Maude and
Josephine Stirling.
Mr. and Mrs, G. Sturgeon and
daughter Nancy, Preston, are
days withS tialirsgepoair;
encs Mn
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Oddleifson,
London, spent from Friday to
Sunday at their home on Main
StAretuchre and,
dance was held
in the town hal), on Friday even-
ing for Mr. and Mrs, Robert Orr
who lost,their trailer home when
burned out. Prizes for euchre
wen to ladies, Mix. L, W, Scotch -
Mer (high), Mrs. Bert Dunn'
(low). Men, A, Warner (high)
Bert Dunn (low), Pawson's arch.
estra, Clinton, played for the
dancing, Lunch and coffee was
ProVided by the ladies.
The.,ladies of St. Andrew's Un-
ited Church held a successful
pot luck supper on Thursday
evening. Proceeds are for expen-
ses of the installing of a furnace
at the parsonage.
Roy Poth and F. E, McFadden
returned home on Thursday after
an enjoyable trip to Florida.
While visiting there they met Mr.
and Mrs. R. Roddick, and Mrs,
Helen Cobb also of Hayfield who
are visiting at St, Petersburg,
Pat, Llpe"Weeereeeatc1 tdffeelilig•
tage on Satiirdar.
,Mr. and Mrs, A, L. Brisson, De-
troit are spending a few days at
their cottage,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Flowers left on
Sunday to spend a few days at
Mr. and Mrs, Claire Merner, of
Detroit, were at their home over
the weekend,
present at this meeting. The
meeting 'opened by repeating the
4.30 p.ledge. After the minutes of
the last meeting were read, Susie
Mae Lostell was elected secre-
tary for the next meeting. The
roll call was answered by all the
members, The roll call and home
assignments were then 'given out,
The next meeting is to be held
at the home of Mrs. Charles
Dyre on March 26 at 1:60 p.m.
The girls then decided on the de-
sign they would put on their rec-
ord book covers. Some of the
girls modelled their dresses and
then they, went over their skits
fpr achievement day. Julie Chap-
ple thanked Gail and Diane Fin-
layson. The meeting closed by
singing the Nation Anthem
The seventh meeting of the
Thrifty Kippenettes was held at
the home of Mrs. Charles Eyre
on March 26 at 1,30 p.m. The
meeting opened by repeating the
4-H Pledge. After the minutes of
the last,meeting were read, Pa-
tricia Harris was elected secre-
tary for the next meeting. The
roll call was answered by some
of the members. The roll call and
home assignment Were given out.
Mrs. McGregor told the girls what
their reedit books should contain.
Mrs. Eyre demonstrated how to
make a buttonhole and how to do
the underarm reinforcement.
Some of the girls modelled their
dresses and then they went over
their skit for achievement day.
The meeting closed by singing
the National Anthem,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Storey of
near Seaforth visited Sunday at
the home'of their daughter and
eon-ln-lawr Mr. and , Mrs. Bert
Thomsone.and family,
Mrs. Tom Slavin is a patient
in Victoria Hospital, London. It is
hoped she has a speedy recovery.
The monthly meeting of South
Huron Gideons was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Eizar
Mousseau on Monday evening
with 24 in attendance. Cecil Ro-
berts, Field Sec., from Kitchener,
also Rus. Piggott, zone leader of
London attending.
Flowers on the Altar and Chan-
cel of .-?St, Peter's Lutheran
Church on Sunday were from the
Confirmation class. Two Eifster
Lily plants were also in the chan-
cel purchased by the United
Lutheran Church women, A don-
ation was made by the family to
the new grgan of the church in
memory of their mother Mrs.
Idora Diegel who passed away
one year ago March 27th.
Rev. L. Eberhardt of Milverton
was in charge of the Confirma-
tion Service on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rolph and
Kathy of . Mitchell with Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Sholdice on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hinz of
St. Catherines and Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Green of Exeter with
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz.
Mr. and Mrs. George Young of
Stratford with Mr. and 1VIrs, Wm.
Diegel on Sunday. Mrs. Diegel is
confined to Stratford Hospital
since Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe,
Mrs. Dick Watson and boys with
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hinz, Searing-
ville and attended the confirma-
tion at Seebach's Hill Church of
Sharon Hinz.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
ber Hoegy on Sunday were; Mr.
and Sirs. Gordon Kleber, Ruth,
Roy and Paul of Kitchener. Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Beuerman, Lar-
ry, Diane and Susan and Mrs. F.
Hoegy of Seaforth. Mrs, Louie
Hillebrecht and Edgar and Mrs.
Rosina Miller,
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Mervin Leonhardt on Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. Chris Leon-
hardt, Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer of
Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Hill, Judy and Gary of Monkton;
Mr. Toni Clark and Mr. and Mrs,
Brian Clark of Mitchell.
The monthly meeting of the
Stewards of the Christian Home
was held in the church basement
with Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Heuer -
man, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Beur-
man, Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Buuck
and Mr, and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe
in charge of deVotions, recreation
and lunch, Mrs. Orville Struthers
of Mitchell was the guest speak-
er. This group is making plans to
put a cement floor in the church
sheds to make a good surface for
ice skating next winter, It was
also decided to charge a member-
ship fee of $1 a couple instead of
the usual $3 and take a collection
at each meeting.
Mi'. and Mrs, Russell King and
family and Mr. Herb Beaver, Ex-
eter, visited' Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and
family. '
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Jewitt and
family, Mr. and Wilbur Jewitt
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer
Glousher and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson McClure and faintly,
Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt and
Carol Ann of Londesboro, along
with other relatives and friends
attended a shower Saturday ev-
ening in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Dennis Jewitt, newlyweds at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill How-
son, Varna,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nel-
son Reid, Walton,
Mr. Bill Medd, Toronto, visited
Sunday with his grandparents Mr.
and 'Mrs. James Medd and on
Tuesday Mr. and MrsArnold Mil-
ler of Goderich twp., also visited
Mr. and Mrs. Medd,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Preszca-
tor and family visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Glanville
of Crediton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator
and family visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hill,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Phillips and
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vincent and
Mark of Blyth and Dr. Anne Mc-
Creary of Ithaca, N.Y. visited on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Jack
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brigham
and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Bailey
of Hanover with Mr. and Mrs.
Borden Brown and family on
Monday evening.
The W. A. of Constance United
Church are holding their bake
sale in Seaforth on Saturday aft-
ernoon and all the ladies are' ask-
ed to have their baking in by 2
THE SEAFORTH NEWS (Phone 84)—Thursday, March 30, 1961
orthside United
Easter Sunday Service
11.00 a.m. only . .
Special Dieter AntheMS by both Junior and..
Senior Choirs
"Christ is risen" (Emerson)
"Joy dawned again on Outer Day" (Matin)
by Junior Choir
"In Joseph's Lovely Garden" (C. Dickenson)
Ladies' Chorus
"This Joyous Dastertide" (Harris)
"The Easter Triumph and its meaning"
Jr. Church School during the worship period
Sr. Church School 10 a,m.
t •
A cordial invitation is extended to' all who would
worship with us
Organist - Mrs. Jas. A. Stewart
Choirmaster, Mr. Jas, A. Stewart
Minister - Rev. J, Cliff Britton, B.A.
Stephen Bailey, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gary Queue°.
The March meeting of the
Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary
was held at the home of Mrs. J.
Miller in the form of a quilting.
The meeting opened with singing
an Easter hymn and Mrs. Lloyd
Miller who presided led in pray-
er. Mrs. Wesley Russell read the
scripture lesson. The roll call was
answered with a proverb by 10
members. The minuteS of the last
meeting were read and the treas-
urer's report was given. During
the business period plans were
made for entertaining at the Ap-
ril meeting and committees were
appointed, Mrs, Carter Kerslake
reviewed a chapter from the
study book which told of organiz-
ation of World Refugee Year
and the Church a part in it, Mrs.
Gerald Carey gave a reading, and
the meeting closed with the
Lord's Prayer in unison.. Lunch
was served at the close of the
Miss Ruth Campbell of Fuller.
ton spent the weekend with her
cousin Miss Margaret Jean Rus-
Mrs. Verna 'McKellar of Strat-
ford visited on Saturday with
Mrs. Si. Houghton.
Miss Norma Parkhouse of
Hamilton was a weekend visitor
with Miss Wanda McLaren.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee and
little daughter Jackie spent the
weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy McGhee.
Mr. E. Luxton who spent the
winter with relatives in the West
has returned and is visiting with
his niece Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl.
Mrs. John Wallace accompanied
by Mrs. Donald Wallace of Car-
lingford, visited in Windsor last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Elliott. Susan and Ronald Elliott
returned with them for a visit
with their grandparents.
Mrs. M. Houghton visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Houghton, Stratford.
Miss Connie McGhee spent the
weekend in Mitchell with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas, Rhode.
The ladies of the village met
at the home of Mrs. E. Moore,
on Monday afternoon and quilted
a quilt for relief work.
The Easter meeting of WMS
will be held in the church on.
Good Friday evening. A film will
be shown by Rev, Mr. Kerr who
will also bring an Easter mes-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dieckert of
Clinton visited on Saturday even-
ing with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon
Many of the farmers arean
making maple syrup. Goods
of. sap are reported,
At the church service on Sun-
day afternoon six babies were
presented for baptism: Nancy
Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.
Templeman; Teresa Lee, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wal-
lace; Andrew Robert, son of Mr.
and Mrs, Robert Laing; Betty
Ann, daughter of Mr, and Mrs,
James Miller; Dennis James, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parsons;
By J. C. Hemingway
On March 17th the Ont. Feder-
ation of Agriculture Co -Operator's
Insurance Conference was held
in King Edward. Hotel, Toron-
to. Since its formation some 12
years ago the progress of this
organization has been amazing.
In the past five years it has
almost doubled its automobile
policies from 56,000 to 101,000 and
its other lines policies from 2,000
to 17,000. Through the years your
Company has endeavoured suc-
cessfully to provide you with bet-
ter and better protection at rea
sonable cost. At the same time it
has been able to pay reasonable
interest on all share capital.
Suggestions for improvement in
providing the coverage you want
are always welcome. It is your
project in self-help. Let's make it
even better.
Co -Operators Life Insurance,
which was launched just over a
year ago, reported outstanding
success. Perhaps for the first
time in history a Life Insurance
Company has 'been able to pay
dividends to policy -holders at the
end. of its first year of operation.
With over 6 million Life Insur
ance in force at the end of 1960,
we hope to make it over 13 mil-
lion by the end of '61.
Since the Press have done a
good job of bringing a report of
the business activities of the re.
cent Hog Producers Annual 1
will not comment on this part of
the meeting. However there were
a couple of items in the program
that were apparently overlooked.
These sidelights developed at
the annual dinner meeting on
March 21st,
Farm Organizations, particular-
ly Hog Producers have at times
been criticized for their laxity in
recognition of political personali•
ties. This over sight of the past
was corrected by the presence of
the Minister of Agriculture, Mr.
Biggs, Mr. Geo. McKague, oppo.
sition Leader Oliver, and C.C.F.
Leader MacDonald at the head
Presbyterian Church
IL A. Kentester, Organist & Ohoirleader
7.30 a.m. Y.P.S. Sunrise Service
Dorothy Ross, Y.P.S. president,
will preside. Solo: "How Great
Thou Art" Pearn McLean: Ad-
dress: Rolling Away the Stone.
10 a.m. Church School & Youth
Fellowship Class
11 a.m. Sermon: "A GLIMPSE
Duet "Calvary" Mrs. Frank Kling
& Mr. Fred Willis
Anthem "This is the Day"
Senior Choir
Address: "The Evening of
Easter Day"
It was surprisingly evident that
the Minister of Agriculture and
the Government he represents
has lost the confidence of the
Hog Producer delegates to an
amazingly high degree. This fact
reflected quite clearly in the
Minister's face from time to time,
Many delegates commented on
this after the dinner and some at
least had hopes that it would
have some effect on Government
Farm Policy.
Treasurer's Sale of
Land for Taxes
Town of Seaforth
County of Huron
To Wit:
By, virtue of a warrant is-
sued by the Mayor of the
Town of Seaforth under his
hand and the seal of the said
Corporation bearing date of the
17th day of Sept., 1960, sale of
lands in arrears of taxes in
the Town of Seaforth will be
held at the Town Hall, Sea -
forth, at the hour of 3 o'clock
in the afternoon on the 10th
day of. April 1961 unless the
taxes and costs are sooner
Paid. Notice is hereby given
that the list of lands for sake
for arrears of taxes was pub-
lished in the Ontario Gazette
on the Seventh day of January
1961 and that copies of the eaid
list may be had at my office.
Treasurer's Office this' 17th
day of January 1961.
EXTENSION PHONES save wear and tear -come
In 9 colours, 3 models. Call the BELL Business
Office -or ask the man In our green truck.