HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-03-23, Page 8`YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO - AT'T. EN12 OF OUR NEWLY DESIGNED READY-TO-WEAR AND MILLINERY DEPARTMENTS Saturday, Mar. 25 FROM 9 O'CLOCK TO 6 O'CLOCK We invite our visitors on Opening day to take part in a drawing for a number of prizes Here you will find displayed in the most modern manner a complete new stock of Easter Millinery . . . Easter Dresses .. . Coats and Easter Sportswear. You will enjoy shopping in this New Department, especially designed for your convenience �1�v �, STEWART BROS. SEAFORTH — ONTARIO li yi 11r/Al Jlr A Y^'y K yrw COMING EVENT Bake sale on Sat., March 25th, in the Dublin Produce store. Doors open at 3 p,m. Sponsored by Seaforth W.I. FOR SALE 22 ,pigs 11 weeks old, Pat Ryan, phone 56r16 Dublin FOR SALE A quantity of baled hay, also some Climax timothy seed. Will - /are T. Dodds, Seaforth RR 1 FOR SALE 14 chunks. Apply C. V. Dale, Clinton R R 1. Phone 860115 SEED FOR SALE Gary oats, alfalfa Canada No. 1. Timothy Canada No. 1 and 'No. .2 All from our own fields. Art Bolton, phone 8501041 FOR SALE Baled straw. A. R, Dodds, phone 861r14 FOR SALE Two girls shortie coats, size 14 and size 7. In good condition, 54 each. Phone 135.3 DRESSMAKING And alterations, Mrs. C. Haney, Egnrondville, Phone 645w2 McK1 LLOP The W, A, of McKillop HUB Church held their April meeting at the home of Mrs. Alvin Heuer - man, Mrs. E. Koehler and Mrs, L. Hoegy were in charge of the de- votional period. Hymns were sung and readings by Mrs, Koehler and Mrs. Hoegy were given, Mrs, Fred Rose conducted the business meeting in the absence of Mrs. A. Nichols. It was decided to send $10 to Red Cross and 510 to the Crippled Children Fund. The roll call was answered. to, where the word courage was in the bible. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Nichols with Mrs. Orville and Mrs. Alvin Beu- ermann in charge, Flowers were placed in BUB Church in memory of Mr, Chalice Eggert who passed away 3 years ago on the 16th of March, by his wife and family. Rev. E. Hallman of Kitchener was guest speaker at the Sunday Services after which a quarterly conference meeting was held. Mrs, Harry Regele rendered a solo. IN MEMORIAM In memory of our mother, Mrs. Jos- eph Story, who Dossed away on ,March 27, 1960. A wonderful mother, woman and aid, One who was better, God never made. A wonderful worker, so loyal and tine. One in a million, that mother was you. Just in your iudgment, always right, Honest and liberal, ever upright. Loved by your friends and all whom you kneW, Our wonderful mother, that mother was you. —Sadly missed by daughter Edna, son-in-law Cee and granddaughter San- dra. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late John F. Shan- non wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for the many sets of kindness during our sad bereavement, everything was deeply appreciated by myself and family. IN MEMORIAM In memory of our dear mother, Mra. Joseph A. Storey who passed away one year ago March 27. 1060. God saw you getting weary He did what He thought was beat He put his arms around you And took you home to rest. The Golden gates stood open One year ago today With good-bye left unspoken You quietly slept away. --Ever remembered and sadly missed by daughters Jeanne, Ruby, Edna and families. TEACHER WANTED Applications will be received until April 16th for the Doaition of teacher at S.S, 7, Hullett, approximately 16 pupils, duties to commence in Sept. Apply stab, Ins qualification and salary expected and name of last Inspector to Mrs. Leonard Shobbrook, Sec. Ito 1, Myth, Ontario, FOR SALE A quantity of grain suitable for seed, James E. Cronin, 40r4 Dublin FOR SALE Registered Gary seed oats, cleaned, treated, bagged and gov't sealed. Spencer Jeffery, St.affa FOR SALE Ducklings one week old 30c; clay old 25e, until June 1st, After that 30c and 35e. Phone 231035. Lavern 10Toegy, Dublin #'.1 FOR SALE 7 chunks of pigs 10 weeks old. Box suitable for trailer, 9 ft, long, 44 in wide, 18 in. deep. Earl 1301. ton, lot 8, con. 14, McKillop. No phone FOR SALE Electric washing machine $25. Gordon Hammond, Leadbury cor- ner, McKillop FARM STOCK FOR SALE Choice heavy grade Durham cows, unit bred, clean test. Due March 15 to April 5, Apply lot 21, Con, 11 Logan, Ed Wurdell FOR SALE Platform rocker, walnut bed, double, 1711 -riser springs and mat- tress, at tress, good condition. Mrs. C. Hawley, phone 487-R, Seaforth FOR SALE Girls spring coat, size 14, like new condition, Phone 388 J FOR SALE A • quantity of_ choice Timothy and alfalfa hay, loose, George Blake, 654131 FOR SALE A quantity of baled hay, Leslie Piyce, R R1 Dublin. Phone 850 R14 Seaforth FOR SALE Dining room extension table; double white enamel sink. Mrs, Arthur Varley, phone 650r2 Timothy FOR d,Se a ned at the Loudesboro cleaning plant. Phone 662x21. John Oldfield FORSALEAbout 400 bales of mixed hay, timothy and alfalfa, Russell Millet•, phone 662r25 FOR SALE Two men's Harris tweed sport coats, size 36.38 and 38.40. Good condition and reasonable priced, Mrs. George Reeves, ph. 8114 Hardwood by tri cord, deliver- ed in town 55. Wallace Ross. Three sections sofLInternational spring tooth harrows, used one season, E. S. MOBrien, 845108 HELP WANTED Available at once nearby -- Raw- leigh Business, Good opportunity. Tracie well established. Experi- ence helpful but not necessary. Write at once to Rawleigh, Dept, C-364.102, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- real HELP WANTED Men for part time work to as- sist superintendent of Maitland Ban.1C Cemetery, Apply to Box M, The Seaforth News for sale,. Pareol 11 401,ere farm, part lot 6, con, 1, Hullett two. on No, Highway, practically new bank barn with excellent stabling, ce- ment silo 13 x 40, drive shed, hen house, frame house with bath, geed water supply. Parcel 2: 50 -acre farm east half of lot 19, con, 3, Hullett twp., newly seeded. Parcel 3; Part of lot 19, con. 2, Hullett twp„ consisting of 80 acres elay loan),. 70 acres worka- ble, 10 acres 'hush, frame barn: Terms—Chattels Cash Property 10% down, balance ie 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. Prop,, Estate 01 late Charles Mann, And., Harold Jackson Clerk, Geo. Powell Auction Sale Of Cattle, Hogs, Implements, hay and grain on lot 7, con, 4, of McKillop twp„ 2% miles north, 1/ miles west of Dublin, or one mile east of Beechwood on Sat., March 25 at 12 o'clock sharp. High grade Durham and Here - lord cattle consisting of 1 Due, ham cow, 8 years old, fresh with calf at foot; 1 roan Hereford cow aged, due in June; 1 red Hereford cow 7 years old, calf at foot; 1 Durham cow 5 years old, calf at foot; 1 Hereford cow 6 years old, calf at foot; red cow 4 years old, due March 26; 1 roan cow 8 yrs. old, due March 26; 1 red cow due April 16, 4 years old; 1 roan Hereford cow 6 years old, due April 16; 1 roan Hereford cow 5 years old, due April 17th. 1 roan heifer due April 16, 6 years old; 1 roan heifer due April 16, 3 years old; 1 Durham cow 4 years old, due in June; 1 Jersey cow aged, due in June; 10 steers, 2 yrs. old, Durham and Hereford; 6 Durham and Hereford heifers, 2 years old; 3 Durham and Hereford steers, 1 yr. old; 5 Durham and Hereford heifers, 1 yr. old; 1 Durham bull, 10 months old. Hogs -1 York sow carrying sec- ond, litter, due May 14th; 24 York chunks 70 to 80 lbs; 1 York hog 18 months old; 5 geese and one gander; 100 hens 1 year old. Implements—John Deere tree - tor A. R. in A 1 running condi- tion; I H C 3 -furrow tractor plow on rubber; 9 -ft. Fleury-Bissel tractor cultivator; 1 Fleury -Bis- set double disk; John Deere 95 - bushel tractor manure spreader on rubber, used one season; 10 - inch Papec hammermill; M. H. 6 -ft. binder; Deering mower 6 -ft. out; - IHC fertilizer drill, 11 -run; 8 -ft. M. H. steel land roller; 3 - section diamond harrows; 1VI 'H. 4 -bar side rake nearly new; IHC drophead bay loader; John Deere 6 -ft. one way disk; sleigh and flat rack; IHC walking plow; IHC horse scuffler; rubber tire wagon; flat hay rack with slid- ing car; 50 feet endless belt; Clinton fanning mill; aluminum wheel barrow; 1 wheel barrow; 1 Jack -all jack; 14 -ft. extension blower pipe; 11 -ft, grain auger with motor; set of 2000 lb, scales; 28 -ft. extension ladder, new M.H, power Dream separat- or; 150 -ft hay fork rope; 165 -ft, hay fork rope; set of sling ropes and sling lock, hay car, hay fork and pulleys, post hole digger; set of double harness and collars; set single harness; galvanized water trough; 2 colony houses; chicken feeders and fountains; Jarnesway electric brooder, 500 capacity; 1�, h.p. electric mot- ors; feed boxes; barrels etc, 1951 Ford sedan for wrecking. Quanti- ty of used lumber. Number of windows and doors, Hay and grain—Several tons of Ire mixed hay, a quantity of straw; ek 300 bushels of buckwheat; quan- tity of mixed grain; 2 bushels of Timothy seed; few cords of dry stove wood. Household Effects— Coal and wood annex heating stove; Sing - ESTATE Auction Sale er sewing machine; forks, shov A Clearing Auction Sale of els, hoes, pails, chains etc„ and a Farms, livestock, machinery and host of other articles too numer- household effects at lot 6, con. 1, nus to mention. Hullett 3g miles west of Sea - f orth on No 8 Highway on Mon- day, April 8 at 12 o'clock sharp. Machinery -1953 Dodge sedan car; Minneapolis Z tractor fully equipped; 3 -furrow M. H, plow; tractor cultivator; harrows; trac- tor disk; 6 -ft... mower; scuffler; New Hollandhay baler with mot- or; M.H. side rake on rubber like new; 10 -ft. culti packer; John Deere wagon (like new) ; 1 rub- ber -tired wagon; 2 16 -ft. hay racks; 2 -wheel trailer and stock rack; 32 -ft. extension ladder; rip saw and emery with motor; gra- vel box; 6 bags of insulation; Blacksmith equipment; anvil; forge; leg vise; tools; 3 electric motors; large tarpaulin; barn jack; steel frame circular saw; feed cart; hag truck; quantity of lumber; 2000 lb scales; 2 colony houses; tattooing equipment. Cattle — 4 -year-old Registered Poll Hereford bull bred by George Southworth, Michigan, U.S.A. 2 pure bred Poll Hereford bulls 1 year old; 15 registered Hereford cows all supposed to be in calf to Bard Sire; 2 2 -yr. -old heifers in calf; 2 Jersey cows milking, re - bred; 1 Ayrshire cow in calf, Horse -1 Belgian aged mare, Pigs -7 York and Landrace sows bred; 5 young sows, bred York; 1 York hog, 1 year old. Hay and Grain -1500 bales of mixed hay; 1000 bales of straw; 6 feet of ensilage; 500 bus, oats. Household Effects -16 -ft Gil- son deep freeze (new); 10 eu. ft. frigidaire; washing machine; Moffat 4 burner electric stove; kitchen table and ,chairs; 2 stu- dio couches, occasional chairs to mateh; oil space heater; 200 -gal. oil tank; 3 furnished bedroome; floor covering- rocking chairs; mirrors; small tables; electric lamps; other -electrical applian- ces; dishes; kitchen 'deteils; heat lamp; Vacuum cleaner; 22 automatic rifle, Farms --At the same place at 3 pati, the farms Will be offered' Terms—All sums of $100 and under, cash, over that amount 10 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes at 6% per annum, Purchaser must supply written reference from bank manager. No reserve as farm is sold. Prop„ Wilfred Maloney Clerk, James McQuaid and J. L. Malone Auctioneers, J. L, Ryan and Kelly and Stock. Auction Sale Complete Dispersal Sale Of Registered Holstein cows, vaccinated, accredited and Fed- erally Listed, at lot 13, con. 13, McKillop twp., 7% miles north of Seaforth and 3 miles east on Monday, March 27, at 1 p.m. Sale will be held under cover. 18 young Holstein cows, fresh; 3 Holstein heifers in calf; 5 open Holstein heifers; 8 baby heifer. calves suitable for calf clubs. Pigs,_4 York sows, 2 with lit- ters; 17 York chunks. Milk cooler; Universal milking machine, 2 single units; quantity baled hay; 1000 bus. Gary oats. Catalogues available Terms—Cash Prop„ Leonard Looming Auct., Harold Jackson Clerk, Geo, Powell COMING EVENT Tho annual spring tea sponsor- ed by group 2 W. A. will be held in Northside United Church on May 8rd at 3 p,m., with Mrs, Kate Aiken as guest speaker, FOR SALE Red clover seed cleaned at Londesboro seed cleaning plant. R J, Doig, phone 840811 Seaforth Teacher Wanted S. S.No. 18, McKillop Tp„ I•Iu- ron county, Roxboro, requires a teacher, duties to commence September 1961. Apply stating qualifications and salary expect- ed to W. J. McDowell, Seo,-Treas., R R 2 Seaforth THE SHAFORTH NkiWS (Phone 84)--PPllursda)',• 5 area 28, I061 HONEY FOR SALE Clover honey, 8 Ib, hails, 52,00, Wallace Ross Apiaries, Seaforth. Evergreens shsube Mee and small fruits. Apply Cedar Gard- ens, R'1 2, Brussels, Ph, 46635. FOR SALE John Deere Model 60 tractor, used only four seasons. Excellent condition. Phone Seaforth 580W. John Carnoehan. FOR SALE Peeled cedar poles 16', 17' and 20' long, 5" tops and over. Apply, 1393, Seaforth. Clearing Auction Sale. Of Farm stock and machinery at Lot 9, Con. 8: Tuckersmith twp„ 6 miles south and / mile east of Seaforth, Wed, March 29 at 12 o'clock sharp. Cattle -12 Durham and Here- ford cows due in March and AP - ell; 5' Durham and Holstein cows due in March and April; 1 Regis- tered Hereford Bull 3 yrs, old; 20 Hereford yr. old heifers and steers; 5 Hereford steers rising 2 yrs. old approx, 950 lbs. Pigs -6 York sows bred to farrow in April; 10 York chunks. Machinery—Super A. McCor- mick tractor with mounted plow; Super 4 International tractor; 21A-12 ft. M, H. combine in excel- lent condition; Minneapolis 8- ft tractor disk; 834 -ft. Inter. culti- vator, 8 -ft tractor contrpl;"John Deere spring tooth harrows; a New Holland hay baler used one season, power takeoff; 3 -furrow International ace bottom plow on rubber; International 15 -disk power seed drill; International mounted row corn planter (like new) ; Oliver bean puller; Inter- national 7 -ft. power mower; Case 4 -bar side rake; International bean and corn tractor snuffler; steel roller; 2 -steel rubber -tired wagons; 2 16 -ft. hay racks; Kil Bros, gravity flow grain box (new); 400 feet snow fence; 50 feet new iron fence; 20 rod new woven wire; cedar posts; a quantity of lumber; M. H. 4l one-way disk (new); power em- ery; 1961 Ohev / ton truck; bench vice; eA h.p, motor; Case tractor; manure spreader; 6 -sec- tion diamond harrows; Bear Cat Hammer Mill; 75 feet hammer mill belt; 2000 lb. scales; fanning mill; 12 new sling ropes; steel wagon 'faith grain box and eleva- tor; bag truck; 32 -ft. extension ladder; 165 feet new hay rope; cream separator; single harness; backbend double harness; boy's bicycle; 3 large hopper pig feed- ers; colony house 10 x 16 (new); electric brooder; Buckeye pro- pane gas brooder; forks, shovels, chains, tools. Note: Combine is self-propelled. Egg washer, set of hog scales. Hay and Grain -500 bus. Gary Oats suitable for seed; 600 bus. Gamy oats and string wheat; 250 bus. of barley; 1000 bales mixed hay; 2000 bales of baled straw. Other articles too numerous to mention, Terms—Cash. No reserve, the farms are sold. Proln., Wilfred Tremeer Auct„ Harold Jackson Clerk Geo. Powell. Clearing Auction Sale For J. Earl Gaunt, Lot 36, Con. 11, Hullett twp, 234 miles west of Londesboro, on Saturday, March 25th at 1 p.m. Machinery -350 Utility Interna- tional tractor with hydraulic and L.PT.V. Freeman manure load- er; International Harvester hy- draulic plow; I. H. hydraulic 7 -ft. mower: I. H. cultivator; I, H. side rake; I. H. 7 -ft. binder; Fluery Bissel i3O-ft, packer; Case 32 -plate disk; 5 -section harrows with stretcher; George White rubber -tired wagon with 15 -ft. rack, I. H. 15 -run powerlift seed drill; I, H. hay loader, power sprayer with motor; 20001b. scales and 240 lb. scales; fanning mill, grain roller with 1 h,p, motor; Cream separator, feed cart, wheelbarrow, cutter, quantity of lumber, colony house 10 x 12, hay fork car and ropes, sling ropes, 200.gal. gas tank. 1000 bales of hay. Cattle — 35 Hereford year- ling steers weighing approximate- ly 700 lbs.. Furniture — Glass cupboard, kitchen cabinet, rocking chairs, kitchen table and chairs, 8 -piece diningroom suite, China cabinet, antique China, 2 rugs 9 x 15 and 7% x 9; 2 bedroom suites, Chest- erfield suite, desk. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash Prop., Earl Gaunt Auct„ Harold Jackson clerk, Geo. Poweil Auction Sale At Thornton Hall Farris 1 mile west of Seaforth, on Highway 8, on Tuesday, March 28 'at 2 p.m. Cattle—Holsteins — Register- ed, vaccinated and blood .tested, 12 cows and several heifers; 8 cows due to freshen in the spring. They are bred from, and to such sires as Milestone, Tradition, Clear Creek Model and Frasea Butter Bay, Pigs -2 bred sows; 8 pigs four months old; 8 pigs 10 weeks old. Machinery—Bell thresher 24-40 with straw cutter and grain ele- vator in new condition; 200 feet cable with block and 100 ft drive belt; M.H. 7 -ft. binder, has out appro)1, 250 acres; 2 -unit Surge milking machine and 750 11Y motor driven McCormick cream separ- ator. , Terms ---Cash Prop., James F, Scott, RIO 2, Seaforth, Auct„ Harold Jackson Catalogues available by con- tacting the proprietor. momoilmosemomprem. NOTIC E See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton fon' Viking Cream Separ• ators and Viking Milking Mach- ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmitb and Welding Shop, Bruce:eld, 130X Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention 'Hospital Bed Flowers for ail occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 596W MARTIN W,STAPLETON. Phy4ielan and Surgeon Phone 00 Seaforth' JOHN' A 3ORWiLL, B.A., M•p Physician and Surgeon' Phone 6-W Seatorlh SEAFORTH CLINIC 10. L. Brady, M,D., Surgeon Dr, E. Malkus Office Hours, 1 p.m., to 6 p.m.. daily except Wednesday and Sunday.. Evenings: Tuesday & Thurs, 7.9e -m. Appointments made in advance, aro desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M,, Y•8, W, R, BRYANS, D,V.M., V.S. ' W. G. DRENNAN, A.V.M., V,S, Phone 105 Seaforth John E. Longstaff Optometrist Goderieh St. W., Seaforth. Phone 791 Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon,. 9 90 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12,80 PM, Thur. evii by appointment only. Clinton HU -2.7010. above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon, 9 to 6.aci INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 MVP AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM MF HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 2150 We Write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARONO Phone 214 Seafortg Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 The McKillop Mutual Fire insurance Co. BEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers — President, John L. Malone„ Seaforth • Vise Pres.. John H. MoEwtngo Blyth ; See.-Treas., W. E. Southgate, Seaforth. Directors, Norman Trewartha, Clinton. J. L. Malone,. Seaforth ; Chris Leonhard*. - Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. McDwing, Blyth ; Wm. S. Alex - ender, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderieh•; Wm. R. Pepper, Seaforth ; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents — William Leiper Jr„ Londes- boro ; V. J. Lane, RR 5 Seaforth ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Ciin- ton; James Keys, Seaforth. PROBLEMS? Money. to Loaanon property Anywhere. Don't Delay — Write Delray The secretof our success — is Service DELRAY INVESTMENTS 460-A Wilson Ave., Downsview,. Ont. 11m, 8.2868 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS° CHAMPION STOVE AND. FURNACE DVNDAS 4 LONEv Phone 578 or 88832-E, oi Clearing Auction Sale On Wed. March 20th at 12.80 sharp.. Perm Stock, -Implements, Poultry equip- ment and hay,' In the twp of McKillop.. Lot 6, Con. 3 11/4 west and 1% miles, north of Dublin. Consisting ofhigh. grade Durham cat, tie, 18 Durham. cows, 5 fresh, balance due time of sale; 4 two-year-old heifers;. 4 two-year-old steers; 6 Hereford and Durham heifers weighing S00 lbs.: 16; Yearlings ; 4 young calves; 1 Hereford burl with papers, Implements -1 W-6 IHC tractor on Rubber, starter and light, in goods shape ; One 1110 Ace bottom tractor plow on rubber, new; 1 7 -ft, Ind power mower No. Vel; 1 John Deere 10 -ft.. cultivator onrubber, power lift • 1 Fair- banks Morse 10 -inch hanimerrnill ; 1 50- ft, endless belt; 1 18 -disk MO fertilizer drill; 1 311+C 7 -ft. binder; 1 new n30 4 - bar side rake on rubber; 1 now M -H hayloader; 1 IH0 tractor spreader on rubber; 1 rubber -tired wagon with flat rade; 1 Finery Bisaol double disk; 0.61, euitlpifaeker; 1 Universal 2 -unit milker, Pipeline for 26 Cows; 1 IHC 8.0 cream separator; set of 8-setc'tion diamond harrows; fanning mill; 14 h,p, electric motor, Poultry egaiptnont; 18' range shelters, 8 Jamesway 'electric brooders 600 capac- ity; feeders and waterers largo and small, Hay -700 bales oh good mixed hay ; a largo -quantity of loosehay, forks, shoe-, oles antod hmontost ionof, other artiolee too snurser- T nu N'o 1eae110Oneli as the proprietor is giving. up. farming duo to ill health,. erms-- Prop,, John J. Walsh Clerk; Jnmea McQuaid Aust., J. L. ]'.Ryan FSALE grown y seed oats for sale, freeGar regioteredOR seed, Apply to Hubert Johnson, `Walton iv 2; phone 46r25, Dhbiin.