HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-03-23, Page 5T. lEAFORTH TOWS Tllursriay, March 23, 7:901 SM -I., "THE TEA" , that dares SUPERIOR Food Market 73c. 60s ____, BLUE BONNET YELLOW QUICK • MARGARINE 1 lb. 30 • BICK'S SWEET MIXED �SC PICKLES 15 oz jar PUREX TOILET TISSUE white or colored 2 rolls JC FIRESIDE SALTINE 25, CRACKERS 1 lb. box GARDEN PATCH TENDER On, PEAS 2 15 -oz tins MINETTES CANNED TOMATOES PHONE 12 W.O.A.A. Group 1 3rd Game best 4 out of 7 series Atwood vs Winthrop FRIDAY •NITE, MARCH 24th in Seaforth arena, game time 8.30 28 oz tins �� 2 WE DELIVER LADIES' GUILD The March meeting of the La- dies' Guild Guild of St. Thomas' Angli- can Church was opened with prayer by the vice-president, Mrs. L. F. Ford, followed by the Lord's prayer and a passage from the Book of St. Matthew. After the roll call and the February minutes were read by the secre- tary, Mrs. J. R. Spittal gave the BE r .. / .. a,^; . }" ?,.®klir 3 dillt • , .:, WHEN WRAP Wrapping delivery -is rules ensure arrival. * Use corrugated strong carton. - Wlrap with paper. * Tie securely * Print the dress, in the parcel. t Put your dress in corner of ofyouraddressinsidetheparcel. * For correct parcel weighed See the yellow telephone complete Be right it speeds „•A1itpAa 4 rPO w .. RIGHT ` • • ,, iiii .. h "" > J ""'?ed �� "�/ , .. 4C' �� postal simple timely or cord. ad- front of ad-. hand a copy the Office. most for P0•60 -6C treasurer's report. The collections were received and dedicated. A note was read from Mrs. A. Reid thanking the Guild for the gift that was sent to her in honour of the 26 years that she has serv- ed� as treasurer. The Guild was reminded of the forthcoming meeting of the Cancer Society. The menus were discussed for two future dinners. Several ap- rons were displayed. Mrs. Case was appointed to the rectory committee to take the place of Mrs. K. Chambers who has mov- from the parish. April 29th was set as the date for the Spring Rummage sale. Mrs. Ford closed the meeting with the benediction. parcels for easy. A few safe, cardboard heavy wrapping with strong complete postal init on the - complete return the upper left the parcel. Put postage have atthe Post pages of directories postal information when you wrap— delivery. "with His stripes we are healed" Holy Week Services MAR. 28-31, 1961 Tuesday, Mar. 28th Egmondville United Church Rev. R.C. Winlaw, B.A.,B.D., Hen- sail U.C. as Guest Minister Wednesday, Mar. 29th First Presbyterian Church Rev. W.J.S. McClure, B.A., Moles- worth, as Guest Minister Thursday, Mar. 30th. Northside United Church Rev. A. Harold Johnston, Bruce- field U.O. as Guest Minister Friday, Mar. 31st St. Thomas Anglican Church Rev. T. A. Rooke, L.Th.; Clarkson as Guest Minister All services will begin at 7.30 pm. An offering will be received at each service. Services under aus- pices of Seaforth Ministerial. Rev. B. L. Elder, Chairman Rev. J. C. Britton, B.A., Secretary-Treasurer ami �y I OEf l E a°'h �».'�L• 1957 r,' 1957 1957 1955 1955 1954 FORD 1950 NO RITA Sealorth Chevrolet MITCHELL Phone G. ICE 0 '! • CHEVROLET SEDAN VAUXHALL SEDAN CHEVROLET PICKUP / ton BUICK 4 -DOOR HDTP, A.T, & R. BUICK SEDAN, Radio COACH Ci-IEVROLET SEDAN ti. SONARLE "Ob'r'i1R REFUSED Motors - Oldsmobile Sales & Service SEAFORTH Fawm 186 Phone 541 TOWN TOPICS 1Farro Juniors faire. 5, A. Westcott is in Tom. to where Mr Westcort underwent faire. surgery Wednesday morning. Mr. William G, Campbell left by air from Nialton on Saturday on the curlers' trip to Scotland, Mr, James A. Stewart has re- turned from hospital in London and is able to be around, on crutches. He will return to the city next week for further treat - Ment of his heel which was in- jured in a fall, Mr, Bill Muir returned home on Saturday from Greensboro, N.C„ where he baa spent the past two months with his brother Ron, 5T„ COLUMBAN The farce comedy, "Here Comes Charlie" will be presented in St. Columban parish hall on Friday, March 24th at 8.30 pm, The cast are high school students. of St, Columban parish and the play is directed by Mrs. Joseph Melady and Mrs. Michael Mur- ray, teachers of St. Columban parish. Between acts, numbers will be given by the prize winning Jun- ior Farmers quartette, Messrs. Larry Wheatley, George Turner, Ken Campbell and Bill Camp- bell. The characters are as follows; Nora Malone, cook at the Elliott home, Mary Lou Coyne; Officer Tim McGrili, Nora's sweetheart, Jerry Cronin; Mrs, Fanny Farn- ham, Larry's aunt by marriage, Jean Moylan; Larry Elliott, a young business man, Stephen Cro- nin; Ted Hartley, his old time colleague's pal, Billy Murphy; Vi- vian Smythe -Kersey, Larry's fian- cee, Mary Ellen Doyle; Uncle Alex Twines, in charge of Charlie, Don Coyne; Charlie Hopps, Lar- ry's Ward, Jean Melady; Mrs. Caroline Smythe -Kersey, Vivian's mother, Jean Maloney; Mortimer Smyth -Kersey, Vivian's brother, Jack Doyle. Act 1—Takes place in living- room of Larry Elliott's suburban home at St. Louis, Missouri, about 3 o'clock of an afternoon in late summer, Act 11—Same as in Act 1, Two weeks later at 4.30 p,m. Act III --Same as in previous Acts. Late afternoon, 11 months later. The play will be repeated en the evening of March 26th. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Woods and Debbie of Ajax; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Corrigan and Blaine of Tor- onto; Mr, Douglas Riley and friend, Miss Norma McDonald of Scarboro, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. and. Mrs. Ken Preszcator and girls visited Saturday' with Tile March meeting of Seaforth Junior Farmers was On March 14 at the Seakorth District High School, The meeting opened with the minutes of the last meeting, The roll call was answered by 17 members by answering the ques- tion "Is there any future in farm- ing?" All the members said there was for the efficient fernier, Mac Stewart gave a report on the Leadership Training Convention, held in Harriston. Also Francis Hunt gave a good report on the Junior Farmer Convention in Guelph, it was decided to get soil sample boxes and distribute them to the members and anyone else who desires to take soil samples. The joint meeting was conduct- ed by Eleanor Keys, After the meeting was adjourned it was turned over to Ken Papple and Mervyn Pepper for recreation. The joint meeting was conduct - ea by Eleanor Keys. We discuss- ed the financial position of the joint account. Also we discussed whether we would disband the joint account or keep it. It was decided to donate money from each of the separate accounts in the ratio of the amount of money each has on hand. Recreation followed in charge of Ken Papple and Mervyn Pep- per. After recreation lunch was enjoyed by all, CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Gilfillan of Auburn were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Riley of St. Thomas were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Dodds. Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Carey spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. L. E. Abbiss of Georgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Honking of Belmore visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Eggert and family of Rostock visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner, , Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coleman, Seaforth, and Mr. W. N. Binning, Richard and Jane, Mitchell. ' Miss Laura Chappel spent the weekend with Miss Shirley Gar- diner, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGhee and daughter Connie have taken up residence in the home owned by Mr. Otto Walker. We welcome them to our village - A'car load of ladies•from•Crom- arty attended the fashidn'show in Mitchell on -Wednesday evening.. Members of the 'Gardiner rant- Mr. antMr. and Mrs. Bob Jennison of ily visited on Saturday with their Grand Bend, mother, Mrs. David . Gardiner, Mr, Lawrence Taylor of the who had suffered a heart attack OAC, Guelph, spent the weekend earlier in the' week.' with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, I' Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar visit - Harvey Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCutcheon of Brussels. the home of Mr. andr'Mrs. T. L. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Huth and Scott and family. Mr. John Ferguson of Clifford ' Miss Margaret Jean 'Russell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. Hugh Scott, were among the number of Mitchell High School students ' who attended the showing of "The Heiress" at the Crest Theatre in Toronto on Fri- day night. The Ladies' Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. T. L. Scott for their March meeting:' Mrs. Will Miller presided and opened the meeting with a poem which was followed with an Easter hymn. Mrs. Scott led• in the worship ser- vice using the Indicia translation of the 23rd Psalm as scripture lesson and leading in prayer. Re- ports were given by the secretary and the treasurer. A thankyou note from Mrs. Walker was read. Business included final arrange- ments for the St. Patrick's sup- per, and an exchange of ideas for raising money. Program and lunch committees were appointed and the meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer in unison. Lunch was served by the hostess and the committee in charge, Mrs. T. Laing and Mrs. James Miller. A successful St. Patrick's sup- per, sponsored by the Ladies' Aid Society was held in the school room of the church on Friday evening. The decorations were in -a St. Patrick's Day • theme. Following the supper crokinole was enjoyed with ten tables in play, The high scoring lady was Alice Walker and • Eldon Allen won the high for men. Low for ladies, Carol Ann Dow, and low for men, John McDougall. Gordon Hoggarth was winner of trav- elling twenty. ed on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. E. Allen, Mitchell. Mrs. R. Rogers of Moosejaw visited Sunday and Monday at Ross McGregor. Mr. Ron Jewitt of Teachers' College, Stratford, is this week practice teaching at Egmondville while Mr. Jim Jamieson is teach- ing at a McKillop school. Miss Marilyn Taylor of Wier ton and Mr. John Crawford of Preston, also of Teachers' Col- lege, are practice teaching at our school, No. 3 School, under su- pervision of our teacher, Mrs. W. Livingston. THE LEGION CORNER (Jack Holland) Well comrades and friends an- other week has: gone by and each day brings us closer to the good old summer time. Our big news of course is the presentation of hockey trophies this Saturday night to the outstanding young- sters in the community. Now those lads have been playing hockey to no crowds at all so it 'will give them quite a lift if there is a good crowd on Saturday night .so I hope to see you there. There is a social and dance for our members and guests Thurs- day night and for those who can't go to the hockey there will be. the weekly bingo at the Legion auditorium so all told its going to be a fairly busy week. For those who might, through misfortune, require a hospital bed, 'wheel chair or crutches just contact the Legion through Jake Cornish and you will be looked after. This is part Of the gom- munity service sponsored by the Legion, so with that I'll sign off for now with a thought for our fallen comrades: At .the going down of the sun and in the morn- ing we shall remember them. See you at the arena Saturday night. BORN Melady At Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Godericii, on March 10 to Dr. and Mrs, T. Melady, a daughter. DIED Taylor - In Oakland, Calif., on March 13, 1961, Helena, wife of Will R. Taylor, sister-in-law of Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale, of Mullett Tp., and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Law- son of Clinton Dancin Brodhagen Corn, Centre FRIDAY, MARCH 24 Desjardinos. Admission 75e Please note: No dance on Good Friday, March 31 Please reserve Aug. 2 for the Brodhagen Barbecue, Program, Dance Sc Draw JUST ARRIVED The New Bible The Ideal Easter Gift Priced 1.79 and 4.50 FINE SELECTION OF CHILDREN'S DRESSES Sizes 2 to 6X and 7 to 14 LADIES' HOSIERY BLOUSES AND LINGERIE SCARVES AND FLOWERS Children's Hosiery Wearing Apparel Large Selection of Easter Cards Baskets Egg Dyes Chocolate Figures Chocolate Novelties by Smiles 'n Cbuokles Cheoros' Homemade Lines Smiles 'n' Chuckles Chocolates Imported Chocolate Novelties Eggs -- Jelly, Cream, Marshmallow Marshmallow Figures For newest in RECORDS check our record bar LARONE'S SEAFORTH 5c to $1.00 STORE STATIOIVERY • GIFTS i Guelph spent the weekend at his home here; Miss Laura Balkwill, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Norris and Patti at- tended the funeral of a cousin Mr. Cecil Marlatt at Tillsonburg on Saturday. They spent the re- mainder of the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. Bradt, Port Credit, Miss Ethel Norris, Toron- to, and Mr. and Mrs, James Nor- ris, Brampton, Mrs. Margaret Kemp has been rehired as teacher for another term at S.S. No. 3, Hibbert Mrs. Ernest Templeman and Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman visited on Sunday evening with Mn. and Mrs. Alvin Cole, Crom- arty. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Mr, and Mrs, Ross Hoggarth at- tended a private party in Brod- hagen Community Centre on'.Sat- urday evening, Hibbert Little Lassies held their first meeting on "Featuring Fruits" on Saturday at the home of Mrs. Leslie Miller with nine girls present. The officers were elected with Edna Miller as Pres- ident, Shirley Gardiner as Vice President, Sec. -Treasurer, Anna Scott, Telephone Girls, Barbara Gardiner and Rose Doyle, Press Reporter, Mary Ellen Doyle and the head of the clean-up commit- tee, Patsy Coyne. The next meet- ing wilt. be held at Mrs. Leslie Miller's on Saturday, April 1. HULLETT FIRESIDE FARM FORUM On March 20th 12 adults of the Fireside Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ander- son. The topic for broadcast and discussion was: Life and Death: How can we insure purity in food? We think Canadians are not concerned enough about ad- ditives in food. We haven't suf- ficient scientific knowledge to lodge a complaint about the addi- tives which might have poisoned the food. If chemical fertilizers, insecticides, weed killers, antibi- otics, antiseptics, preservatives, feed additives, fumigants, fungi- cides, are essential for efficient production of foods. However, they contain poison, abandoning their use would result in immedi- ate decline in the quantity and quality of our food supplies and would cause a rapid rise in food prices. Rules and regulations on the label should be carefully read and obeyed. Sprays have killed many birds which would have cleared off insects. Some scientists claim that con- tinual use of food subject to these chemicals will cause many di- seases and they are a form of poisoning. Can we say that the food eaten. in Canada and U.S.A. is the safest, most treated and most wholesome in the whole world. All foods and vegetables should be washed before being used. Mrs. Jim Howatt invited the group for next week when the question will be answered and new officers elected. The euchre results were most games—Mrs. Geo. Carter and Ol- iver Anderson; lone hands—Mrs. Don Buchanan and Jim Howatt; Con., Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tay- lor. Reception For Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kirkby in Walton Community Hall FRIDAY, MARCH 24 Ian Wilbee's Orchestra. Every- body welcome. Ladies please bring lunch MciNTYRE'S Arnold Stinnissen RR 5 SEAFORTH Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone 853-R-12 SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE SEAFORTH — PHONE 182 Wall Washing FIoor Maintenance Brick and Plastering Repairing SUPERIOR Our Name SERVICE Our .&fss RAY SQUIRE BOX 335 SEIAFORTH Tax Returns H. G. MSIR N. Main St., Seaforth CATTLE OILERS Greatest advance in Cattle Oilers in 50 years. The. only Oiler with spiral curry comb teeth that curry and groom the cattle like Show -Ring animals. YOUR CATTLE WILL LOVE THEM ORVILLE STOREY PHONE 856r11 SEAFORTH R R 1 See the Oiler at our farm STAFFA The pupils of S.S. No, 3 Rib- bert held their Red Cross meet- ing on Friday afternoon. A par- ade of Easter Bonnets was a highlight of the programme. Dur- ing the meeting Connie McGee was presented with a gift. Connie is moving to Cromarty with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGee. Following the meeting the teacher and pupils enjoyed an hour of skating at Mitchell Ar- ena. The ladies who took the lamp shade course sponsored by the Staffs W. I. held their final meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Gerald Agar. Thursday evening. They displayed their completed shades and also prepared a skit to be presented on Summary Day in. Stratford on March 22. During the evening the two leaders, Mrs. Gerald Agar and Mrs. Ross Smale Were each presented with a small gift in appreciation of their time and Work in connection with the course. Mrs. Kemp and the pupils of 5, S. No, 3 have two strident teachers with them .this week. Mr, Patterson and Mr. Lealess from Munroe. Mr Eric Norris of the O,A.O., wooushowwwwWwWwwwwwwwwWww FLOORCOVERINGS J EW DESIGNS IN YOUR FAVORITE C L'bRS'-AND:TEXTURE EFFECTS . YOU CAN SAVE ON HARD SURFACE FLOORING FOR EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE NEW CONGOLEUM ARRIVING Looking for color? Looking for interesting designs? Looking for long wear? Here is the answer to all of your questions! Easy to in - 8611 and keep clean. FURNITURE PHONE 43 SE/WORTH 4 4 y 4 r 4 a a 1 4 4 a 4 A