HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-03-23, Page 4HIS 94th BIRTHDAY
Mr. John Kenny celebrated his
94th birthday on Wed„ March 22,
Although hot out, he keeps very
well and is able to be up and
around every day. He remains
interested in everything and is
enjoying life,
Mr. Kenny was born in Dublin,
Communion Service at St. An.
drew's United Church will be oh-
served Sunday" March 26 at 3.0
a.m. Special innate will be Yarn,
ished by the Junier Choir,
Mrs. Anson Coleman and Mrs.
Emerson Kyle were hostesseafor
a telephone euchre of Exeter
Chapter Order of. the Eastern
Star on Wed. afternoon March 15
at the home of Mrs, Kyle, 22
members attended, proceeds ant-
ounted to $12,50. '
Messrs Wm. Coleman, Alex
McGregor, . Ross Love, and Bob
Allen. of Brucefield attended the
Hog Producers' meeting in Tor-
onto on March 21 and 22nd.
Mrs, Sohn Sinclair is a patient
in Scott 'Memorial.. Hospital, Sea -
Mrs. Gerald Fisher and children
of Kitchener who have spent the
past month with her parents Mr.
and Mi's. Rost, J, Elgie returned
home recently.
Mr, Wilfred Tremeer has sold
his farm to Hank Binnendyk and
lis having a sale on Wed„ March
Mrs. N. Dickert, Mrs. Ken Mc-
Lellan and Jill visited on Monday
with relatives in Kitchener.
Mrs. Stewart Baird and Dianne
of Brucefield visited Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Edgar
McBride and Sharon.
Mr. and Mrs.' Eldin Kerr of
Ontario, son of William KennyWinthrop visited a day last week
and Bridget Carlin. He and his with Mr. and Mrs, Elston Dow -
sister, Mt s. I so Fortune with'
Hills -
whom he lives are the last sur- Miss Renap Stephensonurchased Mr,, James
ving members of a faintly of green has purchased
six, which included Mrs, James A, Patterson's residence in Hen -
Jordan, Dublin; Mrs. Thos. May- sail and takes possession June 1.
Ian, St, Columban; Joseph Kenny Mr. and .Mrs, Ivison Torrence
of Dublin and Mrs. John Red- and family visited Sunday with
their mother Mrs, Torrence Reid,
and Mr, and Mrs. Edgar McBride.
March 12 when she received Fl/Sgt, and Mrs, Robert Per -
many and varied gifts. l kins, Danny and Jimmie of RCAF.
Mr. and Mrs, Jerome Nicholson Clinton were Sunday visitors with
and Mrs. Mary Krauskopf, Lou- i Mr. and Mrs. N. Long,
don with Mr. and Mrs, James P,
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Maloney,
Kitchener, with Mrs, Mary Feen.
Mr. and Mrs, John Robinson,
Dundas with Mr. and Mrs. Clay-
layton Looby and relatives.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Ryan, Mary
Margaret Ryan, Kitchener with
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan.
Miss Eckstein, Hamilton, with
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dean.-
ean:Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Stapleton
in St, Petersburg, Florida,
Mr. and Mrs. Wells, Milton,
with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wells.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary and
children of London with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Evans.
Miss Shirley Horan, Beatrice
Murray, Brantford, at their homes
Miss Kathleen Stapleton is va-
cationing in Arizona.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Connors of
Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. Don
Mr. Clarence Looby at St. Pet-
ersburg, Florida.
Mrs, Tom Butters and Mrs. C.
Friend are starting a 4-H Club
in Dublin for girls over 12. At
the inaugural meeting the fol-
lowing officers were chosen.
Pres., Susan Friend; Vice Pres.,
Betty Lou'Pethick; Sec., Gayle
Lannin; Treas., Maureen Looby;
Press Reporter, Pauline Staple-
ton; Lunch Convener, Karen Dill;
Phone Convener, Patricia Ben-
ninger, Joan Roney; cleanup con-
vener, Betty Ann Butters. The
4-H project "Featuring Fruit".
Mrs. Friend showed us how to
set up an attractive fruit basket.
Lunch was served. Next meeting
will be held at Mrs. Friend's.
mond, Calgary, Alta.
A capacity crowd attended both
performances of St, Patrick's
concert put on by the grades of
St. Patrick's Separate School on
Friday night March 17 and Sun-
day afternoon in the Parish Hall.
Mr. E. C, Harley, Mitchell, was
the accompanist for Friday night
and Mrs. E, J. Dean Sunday after-
The concert opened with a
welcome message by Patricia
McLaughlin followed by greetings
by Lou Anne Rosalind and Tom-
my Goettler. Two choruses by
the pupils "Come to the Fair"
and "Where the River Shannon
Flows" preceded a dance of the
Leprochane by the girls of Grades
1 and 2, this was followed by a
Choral reading "Old Southern
Street Calls", A piano solo was
given by Debbie Dean "Hungar-
ian Rhapsody". The Senior Girls
then sang a chorus of "Some-
where a Child is Singing", "Sweet
Potatoes", "My Love an Arbut-
us". A monologue was given by
Helen Looby; Irish two-step by
the junior room, The Play "Miss
Molly" with Gordon Butters as
Reggie Peters; Debbie Dean, An-
nie Peters; Maureen Looby, Mol-
ly Peters; Rosalie Ducharme,
Cissie Saunders, Don Krauskopf;
Julion Hewitt, Michael McCrae,
Joe, Catherine Lomans, Pearl
White. The closing feature was
a Swedish polka by Mary Helen.
Ducharme, Mary B. Nagle, Nora
Ann McRae and Dashing White
Sergeant by the Junior and Sen-
ior girls,
A miscellaneous shower in hon-
or of Miss Marie Givlin, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Givlin
whose marriage will be an event
in April, was held at her home
and sponsored by Miss Beatrice
Murray and Catherine Ryan. An
address was read and the guest
of honour was assisted in open-
ing numerous and useful gifts of
linen and china. A social hour
was spent in playing various
games and Ithich was served by
the sponsors and their assistants.
Miss Givlin was also honored
at a shower at the home of Mrs.
Sylvester Moser at Monkton, on
On Your
Have you ever compared the
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your local dealer and from a
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be surprised how much you
can save by buying locally.
In addition, you can always
be assured of prompt service
and satisfaction.
Jones, MadNaughton Seeds
have been specializing in
farm seeds 'in this area for
many years. They know
your needs and they provide
quality seeds to meet these
needs. For service , satin-
faction... savings , . , It's
Jones, MacNaughton Seeds !
From your local Dealer, or
John Fulton Shannon passed
away Tuesday evening March 14
in his 81st year, In failing health
for the past three years, he was
removed to Clinton Public Hos-
pital on Monday where he died
the following evening. He was
born in Grey Township but spent
most of his life in McKillop twp-
where he farmed until retiring to
Walton in 1950. He attended the
Walton Public School. In 1947 he
married Mary Amelia Rogerson
of Airdnec, Alberta, at Calgary
who survives, Also surviving are
two sons, Wallace of Sarnia and
Ivan on the homestead, McKillop.
twp, One son Melville was report-
ed missing in 1942 while serving
with the Air Force in Europe and
later was reported killed, Four
grandsons and one granddaughter,
one brother, Saul Shannon, of
Blyth; two sisters, Mrs. Jean
Harrison, London, Mrs. Lizzie
Habkirk, London. He was a mem
bar of Duff's 'United Church, Wal-
ton, where he served as secretary
and treasurer in the Sunday
School for many years. The body
rested at the D. A. Rana funeral, Warren Zurbrigg presiding.
home, Brussels, until Thursday The President and Secretary,
when the funeral service was
held with Rev W. M. Thomas of
Duff's United Church in charge.
Pallbearers were Nelson Reid,
Russell Marks, Douglas Ennis,
Charles McGavin, Russel Bar-
rows and Archie Somerville. Bur-
ial was made in Brussels Ceme-
Willing Workers
The sympathy of the communi-
ty is extended to Mr. and Mrs.
Irvin Miller and Mrs. Louise Jar-
mnth and families in the death of
their mother and grandmother,
Mrs. Caroline Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Scherbarth
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elligsen
with Rev, and Mrs. Calvin Glick
of Desboro recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Aitche-
son and son Rock of Niagara
Falls with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Rock for the week-
Mr. Chris. W, Leonhardt attend-
ed the Underwriters Fire Insur-
ance Association Convention in
Toronto last week.
Mrs. Toledo Beuerman of Wat-
erloo attended the funeral of Mrs.
Caroline Miller on Saturday and
visited with Mrs. Rosina Miller.
1 household
An auction sale of hou
contents and car of the late J. F.
Prueter was held on Saturday af-
ternoon, The house was not sold,
The 1vlcKillop Federation of
Agriculture held a social and
dance in the Community Hall
here on Tuesday evening with
Dr. E. A. McMaster showing pic-
tures and commentary on his re-
cent trip to the Holy Land. Danc-
ing followed with Norris Orches-
tra and lunch,
On Saturday evening the Dub-
lin Bowling Club held a chicken
barbecue and social evening at
the Community Hall here. Mervin
Dietz being in charge of the bar-
Mrs, Dick Watson, Douglas and
Donald in Centralia on Sunday
visiting Mr, and Mrs. Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith,
Sandra and Arthur of Blenheim
visited his father, Ed Smith and
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Smith re-
Mrs, Gordon Bach of London
and Mrs, Marvin Winhold, Strat•
ford attended the auction sale at
the Prueter home and called on
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens on
Baskets of flowers Were in the
chancel of St. Peter's Lutheran
Church on Sunday from the fun-
eral of Mrs. Caroline Miller,
Mr. Gerald Dittmar, Bradley
and Jerrilyn. of Kitchener with
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens and
Mr. and Mrs, Jonas Dittmer on
Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Gibb and
girls of Glencoe with Mr, and Mrs.
Harold Smyth.
Exeter 664 Orediton 3-W
London GJ] 2-2258
Rev, W. J. 'Maines, called on
Mrs. Staokhonse recently,
Mn Robert Mustard and friend
spent the weekend at the home
of Mr, and 'Mrs, Alex Mustard,
Master Danny Griffith, Stint-
ford, spent the weekend with his
cousin, Lawrence Elliott,
Mrs, Gus Votlk, Detroit, return,
ed home on Wednesday of last
week after spending two weeks
with friends and relatives in the
Rev, and Mrs. H, Johnston vis-
ited with friends at Meaford ,on
Tuesday and Wednesday of last
Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Neale of
London were guests of Mrs,
Neale's mother, Mire. Stackhouse
and 'Mr. and Mrs, Mac Wilson
over the weekend,
Dr. McMaster of Grand Bend
will show pictures and give a
talk of his trip to. The Holy Land
at Brucefield United Church.
Mrs, J.' W, Jowett returned
home on Monday, after a two-
month vacation at Hawaii and
Mrs, Harold King returned to
her home at Sarnia after visiting
her sister Mrs, E. A.. Featherston
for the past two weeks, . -
The Ladies' Guild of Trinity
Anglican Church met on Tuesday
evening at the hpme of Mrs. 131..A.
Rev, B, Harrison opened the
meeting with a prayer and 14
members answered the roll call.
Plans were discussed to make
aprons for a summer bazaar. The
meeting closed with a prayer
followed by lunch.
Mr. and Mrs, S. H. Bryant
spent a few days last week at
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh MacLaren
and Christine, Port Elgin, spent
the weekend with Misses Mande
and Josephine Stirling.
The Turner's Church W. A. met
at the home of Mrs. L. Lawson
on Wednesday, March 15 at 2.30
p.m. with nine members and one
visitor present. Tire roll call was
answered with a verse from the
Bible starting with the letter M.
The scripture was read by -Mrs.
W. P. Roberts, the devotions by
Mrs. H. Johns, the prayer by
Mrs. Lawson, and the topic was
taken by Mrs, E. Townsend.Invi-
tations were accepted from the
ladies of Airmen United Church
to their thankoffering meeting on
April 4th at .8 p.m., and also from
the Clinton' Ontario St. WMS to
their service at 2.30 p.m,,. April
11th. After• the business meeting
the remainder of the afternoon
was spent at quilting. Lunch was
served by the. hostess, Mrs. John
(3. Carl Hemingway)
The Huron County Federation.
of Agri. held their regular month-
ly meeting March 14th. with pres.
The fourth meeting of the
Walton Willing 'Workers was held
on March 16th at the home of
Mrs. Harvey Craig. We opened
the meeting with a verse of "My
Wild Irish Rose" played by the
president, Mary Helen Buchanan
followed by the secretary's report
read by Anne Blake. We decided
to have lunch at the meetings.
Mary Helen Buchanan and Ilene
Williamson are to supply the
lunch for the next meeting. The
next meeting is to be at Nora An-
derson's on Tuesday March 21.
Roll call for next meeting "The
Finish I'm using for my dress".
Home assignments are Sew in
the darts and sew up the top on
the dress and overcoat all seams,.
The leaders, Mrs. Margaret Hum-
phries and Mrs. H. Craig served
a lovely lunch and the meeting
was adjourned.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Miller of
Mitchell spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Douglas Ennis.
Miss Ione Watson and friend
of London spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. David Watson.
Miss Muriel Schade R.N. of
Wingham visited over the week-
end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Schade.
Mrs. Lorne Hulley, Seaforth,
d home aftear end•
has returns P
ing the past week with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Howard Hackwell and
Mr, Hackwell,
Mrs. Margaret Humphries has
returned home after spending
several weeks with her daughter,
Mrs. Horace Rutledge, London.
Mrs. Jack McIlwain of Seaforth
spent Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hackwell.
The hall board members spon-
sored a progressive euchre party
in the hall on Friday evening with
13 tables at play. Prize winners,
ladies high, Miss Tennie Dennis;
low, Mrs. Geo. Blake. Gent's high,
Graeme Craig; low, Jim Blake,
Music for dancing was supplied
by Garnet Farrier's orchestra,
Among those from a distance at.
tending the funeral of the late
John Shannon were: Mrs. L. Sin-
k° and son Charles Shannon,
Mrs. S. Cook, Mr. Wm, Carbett,
Mrs. Mary Reid, Mrs. Geo, Watt,
Mr, Albert Ireland, all of Toron-
to; Mrs. Lizzie Habkirk, Mrs.
Jean Harrison and Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Harrison from London,
Mrs. Wm, Walsh and daughter
Sharon of Ilagersville, Ont. Mr,
and Mrs, Wallace Shannon and
Kathy and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
King of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Said
Shannon, Blyth,
Mr, Ed Davidson is at present
a patient in Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, Seaforth,
were appointed to represent the
Federation at the Safety Council.
for the County.
On the recommendation of the
Federation Insurance Committee
Mr. Bob McMillan of Mullett
Township was added to the Com-
Mr. .Bill i Duncan, of Goderich,
Co -Operator's Insurance Super-
visor, reported that there are now
Skating Carnival 8.15
Hockey Atwood vs Winthrop
8.30 25c and50c
Reception in hall for Mr, and
Mrs. John McGowan
Skating: 2 - 3,30
Legion Hockey: 7 P.M.
Teen Town - Hall
Atwood vs Winthrop
(if necessary)
something over 4,800 policies in
force in the County. A little over'.
1,000 new policies were approved
during the past year. The success
of this Co.Opel'ative certainly
proves that farmers are capable
of providing adegtntte ,protection
at a reasonable cost in the Insur-
ance field by working together,
There is no reason to believe that
they would be any less sueeossful
in any other . project they set
their minds to,
For some years now the de -
Mande' being made on the Feder-
ation have been increasing to the
point where finances will not per-
mit further services, Tire meet-
ing felt that participation in TV
and Radio programs provides a
valuable service, Certainly many
farmers have benefited through
improved compensation from Hy-
dro, PIpeline, and Highway ease•
menta as a result of the efforts
of your organization. Many, too,
have found the credit available
through your township council
for tile drainage quite helpful,
Currently the Federation is mak-
ing a study of taxation in order
that a more equitable method
may be achieved for rural pro-'
perty owners.
In order that these projects
may be carried on along with
many more it was recommended.
that either the township units in-
crease their payment to the coun-
ty so that it would equal .4 mill
or approach their Township Coun-
cils with a request that the levy
be increased to the / mill. This
would increase the Federation
levy by 50c on a $5,000,00 assess-
The meeting was turned over
briefly to Bob McGregor, Zone
Director of the Ont. Beef Produc-
ers' Assoc, for the purpose of
electing seven additional voting
'delegates ' from the township
Beef Producers' Directors to at-
tend the Zone meeting.
Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg reported
on the Ont, Rural Leadership
Forum which she attended at Ni-
agara Falls. She pointed out that.
for the past five years there has
been an average attendance of
60. This means that there are
some '300- trained rural leaders
now active in Ontario. As the
years go by these people and
those to follow will make a real
contribution to their communi-
Real Estate
Listings wanted on farms,
homes, businesses and
summer properties,
100 acres, clay Ioam with good
buildings and fences, and a 2
storey brick house with bath and
furnace, i3' miles to village and
2 storey brick building in
Brodhagen, store 50x80 and mod-
ern 6 roost apt, above, priced for
quick sale,
200 acre stock farm in McKli-
lop twp. This one of the best
farms in the district.
50 acres in Tuckeramith with
good buildings, low down paym't,
THE SIOAp'OIITH NEWS (Phone 84)—Thursday, March 23, 1001
13ob McKinley, of Zurich and
Jas, Dunbar, of Wroxeter were
chosen as voting delegates to the.
Grit. Poultry Producers' Annual,
with Bob. ilroadfoot and Geo. Un-
Jnderwood as alternates. The meet-
ing appointed the - Resolutions
Connnittee as a Committee to
bring recommendations for revi-
sion procedure in conducting fu-
ture Commodity 'Group elections
of county Committee men,
From The Seaforth News
March 1936
Jack Rpss, Auburn bank teller
won $80,000 in the Army and
Navy Veterans draw on Grand.
National, England,
The Leghorn hens at the hos.
pital are doing well under the
care of Mr. Henry I-Ioggarth. This
week he got two eggs weighing
314 and 4 ounces respectively.
Mrs, S. Webb hasmoved to
Mitchell having sold her farm at
Staffa to Mr. Hodge of Science
Mr, Louis Devereaux, promin-
ent Huron Road farmer, passed
Mr. Elroy Brownlee has been
appointed branch manager of
Tamblyn Stores, in Toronto,
Eugene . Donnelly returned home
to Dublin after spending the win-
ter in northern. Ontario,
The March meeting of the Mc
Kiliop WMS of the First Presby-
terian Church was held in the
church hall .on March 16, 1961,
The meeting was opened with a
poem and prayer by our presi-
dent, Mrs, R. McMillan, followed
by a hymn. 15 members were in
attendance, Our president was DI
charge of the business. Mr's, 3.
Ifeyee read the scripture, A silent
player was given in remembrance
of the late Mrs, Lane, Mt's, T,
McMillan led in prayer, Hyiuu
212 was sung. The study book on
"Mission in All the World Togetb,-
er" was given by Miss Jean Scott,
assisted by AM's, Sas, Aitcheeen,
Mrs. Jas. 2', Scott and Mrs, Ila.
Dorrance, The • meeting closed
with hymn 570 and repeating of
The Lord's Prayer in unison. A
lunch was served,
Northside United Church
Worship 1.1 am.
Reception Service for new
Jr. Church School during wor-
Sr. Church School 10 a.m.
Organist, Mrs. Jas. A. Stewart;
Choirmaster, Mr. Jas, A. Stewart;
Minister, Rev, 3. C. Britton, B,A.
Presbyterian Church
11 a,m, Sermon:
No, 3, "The Pioneer of Life"
4,30 p.m. Vesper Service
No, 3,. "Jesus, keep me near the
Holy Week Services March 29.
to 31 Inclusive. Service in
Church, Wed. 29th 8 p,ni. Guest
Minister Rev, W.J.S. McClure,
BA., Molesworth
dere Comes Charlie
Admission, Adults 75c Children 50e
Enjoy a full evening of entertainment
100 acres in Tuckersmith on
bus route, all level and workable,
2 good barns and a comfortable 8
mem house, only four miles to
Apartment building in Grand
Bend all rented. Good terms on.
this property,
We have a cash buyer for a 2
or 3 bedroom house, modern, with
a 1/4 acre or more land,
We also have 2 cash buyers
for summer cottages near Bay-
Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth
Phone 598 M
Local representative for
Walkerton, Ont.
6 o:fices and 26 Salesmen to servo Toa,
In Mitchell .
ianinn�miuunio�uu� " - , W1WIIIIuaf'i116IW11 II!11�1I'
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Plan to use Shur -Gain in '61 ... call your
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