HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-03-16, Page 5TRADE-IN
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THS SEAPORT I NEWS (Phone 84) — Thursday, March 19, 19
Free Bermuda Holiday
Contest ends_Monday, Mar. 20th
Baldwin Hardware
Treasurer's Sale of
Land for Taxes
Town of Seaforth
County of Huron
To Wit:
By virtue of a warrant is-
sued by the Mayor of the
Town of Seaforth under his
hand and the seal -of the said
Corporation bearing date of the
17th, day of Sept:, 1960, sale of
lands in arrears of taxes in
the Town of Seaforth will be
held at the Town Hall, Sea -
forth, at the hour of 3 o'clock
in the afternoon on the 10th
day of April 1961 unless the
taxes and costs are sooner
paid. Notice is hereby given
that the list of lands for sale
for arrears of taxes was pub-
- ,nr lished in the. Ontario Gazette
on the Seventh day of January
1981 and that copies of the said
list may be had at my oRloe,
Treasurer's Office this 17th
day of January. 1961.
There will be a meeting of the
Winthrop CGIT on Saturday,
March 18 at 1.30 p.m, at the home
of Mrs. John Boyd.
1955 BUICK 4 -DOOR HDTP, A.T. & R.
1955 BUICK ;SEDAN, Radio
Seaforth Motors
Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service
Phone G. IPawm 186 Phone 541
W. E. Southgato and ltolaert
Archibald- attended aa Mandl -Me
eouventiou at Toronto this week.
Raymond Richard Borden, Sea -
forth, died in Stratford General
Hospital on Thursday morning
where he had been a patient for
the past month, He had been in
ill health for some time, He -was
born in Stratford, Feb; 1a,..1901, a
son .of ; bfl'0 S&i1Uexn Borden, 25
Bay St„ and the'late Mr, Borden,
Fox' the past six years he was
connected with an insurance
company in Seaforth. He mar-
ried the former Dorothy Cahill in,
Kitchener on April 29, 1950. Be-
sides his wife and mother he is
survived by a son. Danny, 10, a
daughter, Deborah, five; four
brothers, Harold, Truro, N,S.;
James, Ottawa; Glenn, 208 Nile
St.; Ralph, 26 Bay St.; two sist-
ers, Shirley and Edna, 25 Bay
St. He was a member of St,
John's United Church at Strat-
ford. The funeral was held from
the,Heinbuck funeral home, at
Stratford, on Saturday at 1.30
p.m. Burial was in Avondale cem-
The monthly meeting of Far-
mers' Union was held Wednes-
day night in town hall, Seaforth,
with a good attendance. Letters
from head office were read and
discussed, Mrs, May Govenlock
brought the members up to date
on the brief that was presented
to Minister of Education Mr. Ro-
berts, Dr. Rendle and Mr. Chas,
MacNatighton, MPP for Hu-
ron on March 1 on technical
school in Huron. Mrs, Carl Dal-
ton gave a report on agricultural
brief presented to the agric, corn,
of the Frost government in the
parliament buildings. Later the
same day they were joined by
Mr. Tebbutt, Ont. Pres, of Farm-
ers Unions, Mrs. Muriel Hopkins,
lady president of Ontario and a
few members from other locals,
George Campbell gave report
on hog meetings and hog vote,
of which he was elected a mem-
ber. A committee was appointed
to look after the variety show
numbers which will be held in
Clinton Ontario st, hall on April
5th, Walton local and Auburn lo-
cal are being invited to next Sea -
forth local meeting for a social
evening in April. •
Mrs. Ross Savauge opened -her
home for the March meeting of
group 2 W.A. Northside United
Church, 23 members answered
the roll call with an Irish joke.
Mrs, J. Kellar opened the meeting
with hymn 523. Mrs. F. Storey
chose as the scripture Psalm 33
after which she led in prayer.
Mrs. J. M. Scott, president took
charge of the business. Minutes
were read. Further plans were
discussed for the annual spring
tea. Mrs. J. Kellar very capably
spoke on Irish bits and pieces.
The meeting was closed by sing-
ing hymn 99 and the -benedic-
tion, A delicious lunch was serv-
ed by Misses Ethel and Flor-
ence Beattie after which Mrs.
Laura Workman moved a vote
of thanks to the hostess, leader
and lunch committee.
Miss Wanda McLaren spent the
weekend in Windsor with Mr. and
Mrs. Stephen Kerndrick.
Mrs. David Gardiner has re-
turned home from Seaforth Hos-
pital where she was a patient for
several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace,
Margaret Annand Debbie and
Mrs. -Laverne Wallace visited
during the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Elliott and family of
Windsor. They also attended the
Ice Capades in Detroit on Satur-
day. •
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hoste
and little daughter returned on
Saturday from a three month's
visit with their parents in Hol-
land and Belgium.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker and
Alice visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. H. R. Currie at Dorch-
Mr. Billy Ramsey spent the
week end at Listowel with Mr.
and Mrs, Jim ,Ramsey and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Lamond
of London and Mr. and Mrs. Lio-
nel Kendrick of Lucan were Sun-
day visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs.. M. Lamond.
Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs. R. Laing
and Mrs. M. -Lomond attended
the spring executive meeting of
Stratford Presbyterial in St. An-
drew's Presbyterian Church at
Stratford on Thursday.
Mrs. K. McKellar visited a few
days in Mitchell at the home of
her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. N,
Renovations to Cromarty Pres-
byterian Church began on Mon-
day with contractors from Beav-
er Lumber Company, Exeter, in
charge of the work.
Friday, March 17
AT 8.30 P.M,
Adm. 50c Lunch provided
Brodhagen Corn.
Friday, March 17
Desjardines Adm. 75c
Walton ton Farm t ! Vickery, Calgary, It was an-
tL I ncunced the thankoffering serve
Movie to :Seaforth , tee will be held April 10th at 8,16
{ pm. An invitation to Seaforth on
Neighbors and friends including March 28th was accepted, also
the 9th concession of Morris and the Walton group bazaar on Mals
boundary gathered at the borne of 29th at 2 o'clock. A review of
Mr, and Mrs. George McArthur the Book of Mark will be held at
Wednesday evening for a farewell the next meeting, Anyone having
party prior to Mr. and Mrs. M. bandages should have them in to
Arthur moving to Seaforth, Pro- be peeked this month, Used ny-
gressive euchre was played with Ions are to be saved for bale, 'Us -
nine tables at play, Prizes were ed cards to be handed in this
won by Mrs. Allan Searle, high mouth to be packed. A nriseellan-
lady; Mrs. Walter Shortreed, low eons sato is to be held at the Ap-
lady; Mrs. Harvey McClure, ril meeting, A delicious lunch was
gents high; Mr. Nelson Reid, served by the hostess and Mrs.
gents low. The presentation of a Gordon McGavin, Mrs, W, Leem-
table lamp and magazine rack ing, Mrs. D. Watson and Mrs.
was made by Mr. Allan McCall Campbell Way,.
and Mrs. Allan Searle to Mr, and CON.STANCE
Mrs. McArthur and Brenda Bew-
ley presented Cathie Somers, a The Easter meeting of the W.
granddaughter, with a locket, Mr. A. and WMS of Constance United
Walter Shortreed read the fol- Church was held in the basement
lowing address: of the Church March 8, After 'op -
To the McArthur Family,— ening the meeting with an Easter
Much water indeed has passed hymn,. Mrs, 'W. L. Whyte presid-
ttnder the McArthur and McCall ing had Psalm 740 read, Scripture
creek bridges since Peter MCAs- lesson was read by Mrs. Reg.
thur, a merchant from Argyle-. Lawson from Rev. 3; 15-22. Hymn
shire, Scotland, purchased the 277 was read as a prayer. Letters
Crown Deed for lot south half 22, of thanks were read and a letter
concession 9, in March, 1802, Here from Toronto acknowledging
just about 100 years ago he es- blankets. Everyone to keep in.
tablished a home for the McAr- mind the annual bale to be pack-
thur family which has remained ed at a later date. Mrs. Whyte
in that name ever since, then called.on Mrs. C. Montgom-
Therefore it is with deep regret ery who spoke to all of us about
that we gather tonight to recog- "The Cross", She asked the cues-
nize that this long association of tion Why? and taking different
the McArthur name with Morris scriptures beginning from the
township is to be broken. But Book of Genesis where Adam and
whether it is altogether to our Eve sinned against God, on to the
liking or not we must submit to time when God was grieved
the changes which time and fail- again at the time of Noah, and a
Mg health bring to us all, sooner burnt offering to the New Testa -
or later, ment when God gave, His only
In a diary which records the Son as an offering for us. Lead -
life of this community 85 years
ago we find several references
to the men of the McArthur fain-
ily. One of these reads:
",John McArthur is building a
new house of pine boards. It has
very fine doors and windows."
This tradition of good work-
manship has endured through
the years. Not only on the farm
where well -tilled acres and good
livestock were a result of many
hours of toil but in the church
organizations and choir as well
as other coninrunity affairs, You.
have both been active and val-
ued workers and will be greatly
We are glad however that you
are not going too far away and
are quite sure that your good
black Ford will often. be back
over the familiar road. Along
with our very best wishes for
your health and happiness in
Seaforth we ask you --to accept
these gifts. Signed do 'behalf of
your neighbors and friends;
A. social time was spent and
lunch was served by rthe ladies.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Huether who
have purchased the farm also at-
ing to the trial of Jesus Mrs,
Montgomery asked, What does
Calvary mean to each one of us?
We need a rededication of one-
self to Christ in the keeping of
Mrs. MacGregor spoke in a few
words. the \appreciation of the So-
ciety to Mrs. Montgomery for her
heart to heart talk.
The Constance WMS have ac-
cepted invitations to the follow-
ing Societies: April 4 to Auburn
United Church at 8.15, with Mrs.
Tiffin as speaker; April 10 to
Walton at 8.15 with Mrs. McVit-
tie, as speaker; April 11 to Ont-
ario St. Church, Clinton at 2.30,
Mrs, Tiffin, speaker; April 6 is
the Presbyterial to be held at
Wingham beginning' at 9.36 a.m.
All members to please remember
these dates.
The W,A. was presided over by
the President, Mrs, Lorne Law-
son and the meeting was opened
by singing hymn 103 with Mrs,
Whyte as pianist, followed with
prayer by Mrs. Lawson. Roll call
was answered with a verse of
scripture pertaining to Easter.
tended. They are at' present re- Minutes were read by Mrs.
siding hi
in villa, bur Jewitt in absence of the Sec.,
The March meeting of the WI and Vice Sec. Business matters
will be in charge 'of the citizen -,were dealt with and a bake sale
is to take place on April 1 in. Sea -
forth. All members to have their
baking in before or by 2 o'clock
and marked. A motion to send
$15 to the Red Cross was passed.
ship conveners, Mrs. D: Buchanan
and Mrs, Alvin McDonald, Thurs-
day evening; March' 23. Hostesses
will be Mrs. H. Travis, Mrs. S.
Humphries, Mrs. H.'tHumphries, ,Also to have a bazaar at. the
Mrs. D. Ennis, Mrs. ;T, Dundas. June Thankoffering meeting, and
Mr. ,John Shannon was taken to an item for the bazaar to be
Clinton Hospital Monday morn-
ing. brought in at the next meeting.
Hymn 115 closed the programme
add Benediction was given. Lunch
WALTON was served by Mrs. Whyte. "Hap-
py Birthday" was sung in honour
of one of the member's birthday
on that day,
Miss Helen Mcllwain R.N. of
Clinton has beep holidaying with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mr. Bill Millson of Wyoming
spent the weekend with his mo-
ther, Mrs. Millson and brother
Mr. Ross Millson.
Mrs. Lorne Lawson, Mrs. Geo,
Leitch, and Mrs. Reg. Lawson at-
tended the Institute Banquet at
Auburn on Tuesday evening,
The March meeting of the Mis-
sion Band of Duff's United Church
was held Sunday evening with
Eric Williamson, president, open-
ing it. Mary Helen Buchanan was
at the piano. The leader, Mrs. W.
Bewley, introduced the scripture,
explaining that we must. be doers,
not bearers, and Mary Leeming
read the passage from Matt. 7:
24.27,Caroline Fraser' offered
prayer and the offering was pre-
sented by Bruce Clark and Neil
McDonald. Minutes of last meet-
ing were read by Jack McCall.
Thankoffering envelopes were gi-
ven out and the leader. explained
thatthe money would help fath-
ers, mothers, girls and boys in
other countries learn to read the
Bible. Next month ,the following
will take part: piano, Audrey
McMichael; scripture, Tom Leem-
ing; prayer, Doug Way. Class tea-
chers were . Mrs. N. Marks, Mrs.
R. McMichael, Mrs. G. McGavin,
Mrs. A. Clark. During the meet-
ing a new song was taught, God.
Loves All His Children.
The Women's Institute held 'a:
very successful progressive each -
re in the community hall on Fri- standing boys of the various
day night with 15 tables at play.'teams. Now, anybody who wit-
Prizes were won by: High ladies, nessed last year's program will
Mrs. C. Ritchie; gent's high, Har- agree what a thrill it was for the
old Bolger; 2nd high, Mrs. Nelson wee ones and how proud the win -
Reid and Mr. R. Achilles. Birth- ners were, so parents and friends
day nearest date of party, James let's really turn out this year
McDonald; lucky cup, Mrs. R. and by the way tickets are now
Achilles: Committee in charge of
evening were Mrs. Ken McDon-
ald, Mrs. Gerald Watson, Mrs.
Roy Bennett.
The regular monthlymeeting
of the 17th and boundary, group
of Duff's United Church, Walton,
was' held at the home of Mrs.
Martin Baan with 19 members
present, Mrs: Roy Williamson
presided. Scripture 'reading was
by Mrs. Harvey Craig, Mrs. R.
Williamson offered prayer, fol-
lowed by 'a poem, The Average
Man. Business was discussed and
an invitation is to be extended
to Walton group td- attend the
next regular meeting. Lunch was
served by the hostess, Mrs, Wm.
Coutts, Mrs. Glen Corlett, Mrs.
A. Clark and Mra. "Jim Clark,
The March meeting of the Mc-
Killop group was held Wednes-
day evening at the home of Mrs.
Norman Schade with 10 -members
and two guests present, Mrs. J.
Bosman presided. Prayer was gi-
ven by Mrs. Geo. Love, Scripture
passage was read by Mrs, Stew-
art McCall, Mrs. Merton Hack -
well gave the topic oh "An East-
er Message" and read the poem,
Easter Is Coming. Mrs, Andrew
Coutts gave highlights from the
Missionary Monthly, also told of
the nice letter received from our.
missionary for prayer, Miss Joy
(Jack Holland)
Well comrades, back again with
bits of news. First of all the Le-
gion expresses their thanks to
the Ladies Auxiliary for their ef-
forts in feeding dozens of young-
sters last Saturday morning.
These young lads are the hockey
players sponsored annually by the
Legion. And speaking of hockey,
remember this, Saturday night
March 25 will be Hockey Night in
Seaforth with the presentation of
trophies and awards to the out -
on sale.
The various team captains of
the bowling teams inform me that
on Legion Night (every Friday)
the competition is getting keener
each week and it won't be long
before the play-offs, This has
been a real source of enjoyable
entertainment over the winter
As customary our monthly so-
cial is held on the last Friday of
each month, but George Hays our
entertainment. chairman tells me
that on account of Good Friday
the social will be held on the pre-
vious night (Thursday) instead,
so keep the change of date in
mind, The membership dues have
been extended to the end of the
month so all who have not got
them paid let this be a gentle re-
minder. I believe this is all for
now comrades, so will close with
this thought, At the going down
of the sun and hi the morning we
shall remember theta.
Arnold Stinnissen
Sun Life Assurance Company
of Canada
Telephone 852-R-12
Easter Candy Novelties
Easter Candies and Eggs
Homemade Line of Cheoros'
Easter Chocolate Novelties
(Eggs, Chickens, Bunnies, etc.)
Made up 'Easter baskets
and Novelties
Mrs, Harold King, Sarnia is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Feather-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson
and family of Science Hill spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs,
E, J, Sturgeon.
Mrs. M McClure arrived home
on Friday ;after spending the win-
ter alAtefifezth.
Hr. 4.14' Mrs. Fred Fraser left
last weelf tis visit their daughter
'at Riverside.
The March meeting of Trinity
was held on Tuesday evening at
the Parish Hall. The meeting op-
ened with a hymn followed by
prayer and a reading by Mrs,
Wm. Parker, 14 members answer-
ed the roll call. Each member
brought a guest and Mrs. Fair-
bairn of the RCAF., Clinton, gave
a very interesting talk and dis-
play* on making millinery, She
showed a few of the beautiful
hats she had made for herself
and daughter. A vote of thanks
was extended to her by Mrs. F.
Arkell and a smallgift was pre-
sented to her in appreciation of
her kindness. Lunch was served
by the hostess Mrs. M. F. Corrie
assisted by Mrs. Geo. Bellcham-
Mrs. C. Haney
Egniondville 645w2
THURS., MAR. 16 --
Atwood vs. Winthrop
9 P.M. 25c & 50c
Friday Skating 840.
ADM. 35c & 25c
2 - 3.30 10c and 25c
Sat. Night Hockey—
Dearborn, Mich., Midgets vs
Seaforth Midgets 7.30
Teen Town — Hall 9 P.M.
Skating Carnival
Social &
Tues., Mar. 21
AT 8.30 P.M.
Recent trip to Holy Land.
Pictures and commentary by
Dr. E. A. McMaster, Grand Bend
New & Old Time Dancing
Lunch. Ladies please bring sand-
wiches. Adm.: Students 50c,
Adults 75c. Everybody welcome
Sponsored by McKillop Feder-
ation of Agriculture
J. Keyes, Pres. A. R. Dodds, sec.
St. Patrick's Dance
Music by Ian Wilbee Dancing 10. 1
Sponsored by St. James' C. W. L.
Admission 75c
Saturday, March 18, 1961
Township of McKillop
All car owners in the Township of Mc-
Killop are requested not to park their
cars on the roads of the Township during
the winter.
Cars that are left on the roads are
contrary to the Highway Traffic Act, and
are a detriment to operation of ,,snow
Please note that Provincial Police will
take the necessary action to see that
cars are not ,left•.;on roads, .,and prosec-
tions may follow.
W. J. Manley
Road Superintendent
Food Marko
oz tins ileIV
TOMATO JUICE 8 oz tin tlIC
10%2 oz pkg. 25C
2 pkgs
chicken noodle OR tomato vegetable
Mason Jar each c
INSTANT COFFEE 6 oz jar d se
Free Bermuda Holiday
Contest ends_Monday, Mar. 20th
Baldwin Hardware
Treasurer's Sale of
Land for Taxes
Town of Seaforth
County of Huron
To Wit:
By virtue of a warrant is-
sued by the Mayor of the
Town of Seaforth under his
hand and the seal -of the said
Corporation bearing date of the
17th, day of Sept:, 1960, sale of
lands in arrears of taxes in
the Town of Seaforth will be
held at the Town Hall, Sea -
forth, at the hour of 3 o'clock
in the afternoon on the 10th
day of April 1961 unless the
taxes and costs are sooner
paid. Notice is hereby given
that the list of lands for sale
for arrears of taxes was pub-
- ,nr lished in the. Ontario Gazette
on the Seventh day of January
1981 and that copies of the said
list may be had at my oRloe,
Treasurer's Office this 17th
day of January. 1961.
There will be a meeting of the
Winthrop CGIT on Saturday,
March 18 at 1.30 p.m, at the home
of Mrs. John Boyd.
1955 BUICK 4 -DOOR HDTP, A.T. & R.
1955 BUICK ;SEDAN, Radio
Seaforth Motors
Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service
Phone G. IPawm 186 Phone 541
W. E. Southgato and ltolaert
Archibald- attended aa Mandl -Me
eouventiou at Toronto this week.
Raymond Richard Borden, Sea -
forth, died in Stratford General
Hospital on Thursday morning
where he had been a patient for
the past month, He had been in
ill health for some time, He -was
born in Stratford, Feb; 1a,..1901, a
son .of ; bfl'0 S&i1Uexn Borden, 25
Bay St„ and the'late Mr, Borden,
Fox' the past six years he was
connected with an insurance
company in Seaforth. He mar-
ried the former Dorothy Cahill in,
Kitchener on April 29, 1950. Be-
sides his wife and mother he is
survived by a son. Danny, 10, a
daughter, Deborah, five; four
brothers, Harold, Truro, N,S.;
James, Ottawa; Glenn, 208 Nile
St.; Ralph, 26 Bay St.; two sist-
ers, Shirley and Edna, 25 Bay
St. He was a member of St,
John's United Church at Strat-
ford. The funeral was held from
the,Heinbuck funeral home, at
Stratford, on Saturday at 1.30
p.m. Burial was in Avondale cem-
The monthly meeting of Far-
mers' Union was held Wednes-
day night in town hall, Seaforth,
with a good attendance. Letters
from head office were read and
discussed, Mrs, May Govenlock
brought the members up to date
on the brief that was presented
to Minister of Education Mr. Ro-
berts, Dr. Rendle and Mr. Chas,
MacNatighton, MPP for Hu-
ron on March 1 on technical
school in Huron. Mrs, Carl Dal-
ton gave a report on agricultural
brief presented to the agric, corn,
of the Frost government in the
parliament buildings. Later the
same day they were joined by
Mr. Tebbutt, Ont. Pres, of Farm-
ers Unions, Mrs. Muriel Hopkins,
lady president of Ontario and a
few members from other locals,
George Campbell gave report
on hog meetings and hog vote,
of which he was elected a mem-
ber. A committee was appointed
to look after the variety show
numbers which will be held in
Clinton Ontario st, hall on April
5th, Walton local and Auburn lo-
cal are being invited to next Sea -
forth local meeting for a social
evening in April. •
Mrs. Ross Savauge opened -her
home for the March meeting of
group 2 W.A. Northside United
Church, 23 members answered
the roll call with an Irish joke.
Mrs, J. Kellar opened the meeting
with hymn 523. Mrs. F. Storey
chose as the scripture Psalm 33
after which she led in prayer.
Mrs. J. M. Scott, president took
charge of the business. Minutes
were read. Further plans were
discussed for the annual spring
tea. Mrs. J. Kellar very capably
spoke on Irish bits and pieces.
The meeting was closed by sing-
ing hymn 99 and the -benedic-
tion, A delicious lunch was serv-
ed by Misses Ethel and Flor-
ence Beattie after which Mrs.
Laura Workman moved a vote
of thanks to the hostess, leader
and lunch committee.
Miss Wanda McLaren spent the
weekend in Windsor with Mr. and
Mrs. Stephen Kerndrick.
Mrs. David Gardiner has re-
turned home from Seaforth Hos-
pital where she was a patient for
several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace,
Margaret Annand Debbie and
Mrs. -Laverne Wallace visited
during the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Elliott and family of
Windsor. They also attended the
Ice Capades in Detroit on Satur-
day. •
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hoste
and little daughter returned on
Saturday from a three month's
visit with their parents in Hol-
land and Belgium.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker and
Alice visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. H. R. Currie at Dorch-
Mr. Billy Ramsey spent the
week end at Listowel with Mr.
and Mrs, Jim ,Ramsey and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Lamond
of London and Mr. and Mrs. Lio-
nel Kendrick of Lucan were Sun-
day visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs.. M. Lamond.
Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs. R. Laing
and Mrs. M. -Lomond attended
the spring executive meeting of
Stratford Presbyterial in St. An-
drew's Presbyterian Church at
Stratford on Thursday.
Mrs. K. McKellar visited a few
days in Mitchell at the home of
her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. N,
Renovations to Cromarty Pres-
byterian Church began on Mon-
day with contractors from Beav-
er Lumber Company, Exeter, in
charge of the work.
Friday, March 17
AT 8.30 P.M,
Adm. 50c Lunch provided
Brodhagen Corn.
Friday, March 17
Desjardines Adm. 75c
Walton ton Farm t ! Vickery, Calgary, It was an-
tL I ncunced the thankoffering serve
Movie to :Seaforth , tee will be held April 10th at 8,16
{ pm. An invitation to Seaforth on
Neighbors and friends including March 28th was accepted, also
the 9th concession of Morris and the Walton group bazaar on Mals
boundary gathered at the borne of 29th at 2 o'clock. A review of
Mr, and Mrs. George McArthur the Book of Mark will be held at
Wednesday evening for a farewell the next meeting, Anyone having
party prior to Mr. and Mrs. M. bandages should have them in to
Arthur moving to Seaforth, Pro- be peeked this month, Used ny-
gressive euchre was played with Ions are to be saved for bale, 'Us -
nine tables at play, Prizes were ed cards to be handed in this
won by Mrs. Allan Searle, high mouth to be packed. A nriseellan-
lady; Mrs. Walter Shortreed, low eons sato is to be held at the Ap-
lady; Mrs. Harvey McClure, ril meeting, A delicious lunch was
gents high; Mr. Nelson Reid, served by the hostess and Mrs.
gents low. The presentation of a Gordon McGavin, Mrs, W, Leem-
table lamp and magazine rack ing, Mrs. D. Watson and Mrs.
was made by Mr. Allan McCall Campbell Way,.
and Mrs. Allan Searle to Mr, and CON.STANCE
Mrs. McArthur and Brenda Bew-
ley presented Cathie Somers, a The Easter meeting of the W.
granddaughter, with a locket, Mr. A. and WMS of Constance United
Walter Shortreed read the fol- Church was held in the basement
lowing address: of the Church March 8, After 'op -
To the McArthur Family,— ening the meeting with an Easter
Much water indeed has passed hymn,. Mrs, 'W. L. Whyte presid-
ttnder the McArthur and McCall ing had Psalm 740 read, Scripture
creek bridges since Peter MCAs- lesson was read by Mrs. Reg.
thur, a merchant from Argyle-. Lawson from Rev. 3; 15-22. Hymn
shire, Scotland, purchased the 277 was read as a prayer. Letters
Crown Deed for lot south half 22, of thanks were read and a letter
concession 9, in March, 1802, Here from Toronto acknowledging
just about 100 years ago he es- blankets. Everyone to keep in.
tablished a home for the McAr- mind the annual bale to be pack-
thur family which has remained ed at a later date. Mrs. Whyte
in that name ever since, then called.on Mrs. C. Montgom-
Therefore it is with deep regret ery who spoke to all of us about
that we gather tonight to recog- "The Cross", She asked the cues-
nize that this long association of tion Why? and taking different
the McArthur name with Morris scriptures beginning from the
township is to be broken. But Book of Genesis where Adam and
whether it is altogether to our Eve sinned against God, on to the
liking or not we must submit to time when God was grieved
the changes which time and fail- again at the time of Noah, and a
Mg health bring to us all, sooner burnt offering to the New Testa -
or later, ment when God gave, His only
In a diary which records the Son as an offering for us. Lead -
life of this community 85 years
ago we find several references
to the men of the McArthur fain-
ily. One of these reads:
",John McArthur is building a
new house of pine boards. It has
very fine doors and windows."
This tradition of good work-
manship has endured through
the years. Not only on the farm
where well -tilled acres and good
livestock were a result of many
hours of toil but in the church
organizations and choir as well
as other coninrunity affairs, You.
have both been active and val-
ued workers and will be greatly
We are glad however that you
are not going too far away and
are quite sure that your good
black Ford will often. be back
over the familiar road. Along
with our very best wishes for
your health and happiness in
Seaforth we ask you --to accept
these gifts. Signed do 'behalf of
your neighbors and friends;
A. social time was spent and
lunch was served by rthe ladies.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Huether who
have purchased the farm also at-
ing to the trial of Jesus Mrs,
Montgomery asked, What does
Calvary mean to each one of us?
We need a rededication of one-
self to Christ in the keeping of
Mrs. MacGregor spoke in a few
words. the \appreciation of the So-
ciety to Mrs. Montgomery for her
heart to heart talk.
The Constance WMS have ac-
cepted invitations to the follow-
ing Societies: April 4 to Auburn
United Church at 8.15, with Mrs.
Tiffin as speaker; April 10 to
Walton at 8.15 with Mrs. McVit-
tie, as speaker; April 11 to Ont-
ario St. Church, Clinton at 2.30,
Mrs, Tiffin, speaker; April 6 is
the Presbyterial to be held at
Wingham beginning' at 9.36 a.m.
All members to please remember
these dates.
The W,A. was presided over by
the President, Mrs, Lorne Law-
son and the meeting was opened
by singing hymn 103 with Mrs,
Whyte as pianist, followed with
prayer by Mrs. Lawson. Roll call
was answered with a verse of
scripture pertaining to Easter.
tended. They are at' present re- Minutes were read by Mrs.
siding hi
in villa, bur Jewitt in absence of the Sec.,
The March meeting of the WI and Vice Sec. Business matters
will be in charge 'of the citizen -,were dealt with and a bake sale
is to take place on April 1 in. Sea -
forth. All members to have their
baking in before or by 2 o'clock
and marked. A motion to send
$15 to the Red Cross was passed.
ship conveners, Mrs. D: Buchanan
and Mrs, Alvin McDonald, Thurs-
day evening; March' 23. Hostesses
will be Mrs. H. Travis, Mrs. S.
Humphries, Mrs. H.'tHumphries, ,Also to have a bazaar at. the
Mrs. D. Ennis, Mrs. ;T, Dundas. June Thankoffering meeting, and
Mr. ,John Shannon was taken to an item for the bazaar to be
Clinton Hospital Monday morn-
ing. brought in at the next meeting.
Hymn 115 closed the programme
add Benediction was given. Lunch
WALTON was served by Mrs. Whyte. "Hap-
py Birthday" was sung in honour
of one of the member's birthday
on that day,
Miss Helen Mcllwain R.N. of
Clinton has beep holidaying with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mr. Bill Millson of Wyoming
spent the weekend with his mo-
ther, Mrs. Millson and brother
Mr. Ross Millson.
Mrs. Lorne Lawson, Mrs. Geo,
Leitch, and Mrs. Reg. Lawson at-
tended the Institute Banquet at
Auburn on Tuesday evening,
The March meeting of the Mis-
sion Band of Duff's United Church
was held Sunday evening with
Eric Williamson, president, open-
ing it. Mary Helen Buchanan was
at the piano. The leader, Mrs. W.
Bewley, introduced the scripture,
explaining that we must. be doers,
not bearers, and Mary Leeming
read the passage from Matt. 7:
24.27,Caroline Fraser' offered
prayer and the offering was pre-
sented by Bruce Clark and Neil
McDonald. Minutes of last meet-
ing were read by Jack McCall.
Thankoffering envelopes were gi-
ven out and the leader. explained
thatthe money would help fath-
ers, mothers, girls and boys in
other countries learn to read the
Bible. Next month ,the following
will take part: piano, Audrey
McMichael; scripture, Tom Leem-
ing; prayer, Doug Way. Class tea-
chers were . Mrs. N. Marks, Mrs.
R. McMichael, Mrs. G. McGavin,
Mrs. A. Clark. During the meet-
ing a new song was taught, God.
Loves All His Children.
The Women's Institute held 'a:
very successful progressive each -
re in the community hall on Fri- standing boys of the various
day night with 15 tables at play.'teams. Now, anybody who wit-
Prizes were won by: High ladies, nessed last year's program will
Mrs. C. Ritchie; gent's high, Har- agree what a thrill it was for the
old Bolger; 2nd high, Mrs. Nelson wee ones and how proud the win -
Reid and Mr. R. Achilles. Birth- ners were, so parents and friends
day nearest date of party, James let's really turn out this year
McDonald; lucky cup, Mrs. R. and by the way tickets are now
Achilles: Committee in charge of
evening were Mrs. Ken McDon-
ald, Mrs. Gerald Watson, Mrs.
Roy Bennett.
The regular monthlymeeting
of the 17th and boundary, group
of Duff's United Church, Walton,
was' held at the home of Mrs.
Martin Baan with 19 members
present, Mrs: Roy Williamson
presided. Scripture 'reading was
by Mrs. Harvey Craig, Mrs. R.
Williamson offered prayer, fol-
lowed by 'a poem, The Average
Man. Business was discussed and
an invitation is to be extended
to Walton group td- attend the
next regular meeting. Lunch was
served by the hostess, Mrs, Wm.
Coutts, Mrs. Glen Corlett, Mrs.
A. Clark and Mra. "Jim Clark,
The March meeting of the Mc-
Killop group was held Wednes-
day evening at the home of Mrs.
Norman Schade with 10 -members
and two guests present, Mrs. J.
Bosman presided. Prayer was gi-
ven by Mrs. Geo. Love, Scripture
passage was read by Mrs, Stew-
art McCall, Mrs. Merton Hack -
well gave the topic oh "An East-
er Message" and read the poem,
Easter Is Coming. Mrs, Andrew
Coutts gave highlights from the
Missionary Monthly, also told of
the nice letter received from our.
missionary for prayer, Miss Joy
(Jack Holland)
Well comrades, back again with
bits of news. First of all the Le-
gion expresses their thanks to
the Ladies Auxiliary for their ef-
forts in feeding dozens of young-
sters last Saturday morning.
These young lads are the hockey
players sponsored annually by the
Legion. And speaking of hockey,
remember this, Saturday night
March 25 will be Hockey Night in
Seaforth with the presentation of
trophies and awards to the out -
on sale.
The various team captains of
the bowling teams inform me that
on Legion Night (every Friday)
the competition is getting keener
each week and it won't be long
before the play-offs, This has
been a real source of enjoyable
entertainment over the winter
As customary our monthly so-
cial is held on the last Friday of
each month, but George Hays our
entertainment. chairman tells me
that on account of Good Friday
the social will be held on the pre-
vious night (Thursday) instead,
so keep the change of date in
mind, The membership dues have
been extended to the end of the
month so all who have not got
them paid let this be a gentle re-
minder. I believe this is all for
now comrades, so will close with
this thought, At the going down
of the sun and hi the morning we
shall remember theta.
Arnold Stinnissen
Sun Life Assurance Company
of Canada
Telephone 852-R-12
Easter Candy Novelties
Easter Candies and Eggs
Homemade Line of Cheoros'
Easter Chocolate Novelties
(Eggs, Chickens, Bunnies, etc.)
Made up 'Easter baskets
and Novelties
Mrs, Harold King, Sarnia is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Feather-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson
and family of Science Hill spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs,
E, J, Sturgeon.
Mrs. M McClure arrived home
on Friday ;after spending the win-
ter alAtefifezth.
Hr. 4.14' Mrs. Fred Fraser left
last weelf tis visit their daughter
'at Riverside.
The March meeting of Trinity
was held on Tuesday evening at
the Parish Hall. The meeting op-
ened with a hymn followed by
prayer and a reading by Mrs,
Wm. Parker, 14 members answer-
ed the roll call. Each member
brought a guest and Mrs. Fair-
bairn of the RCAF., Clinton, gave
a very interesting talk and dis-
play* on making millinery, She
showed a few of the beautiful
hats she had made for herself
and daughter. A vote of thanks
was extended to her by Mrs. F.
Arkell and a smallgift was pre-
sented to her in appreciation of
her kindness. Lunch was served
by the hostess Mrs. M. F. Corrie
assisted by Mrs. Geo. Bellcham-
Mrs. C. Haney
Egniondville 645w2
THURS., MAR. 16 --
Atwood vs. Winthrop
9 P.M. 25c & 50c
Friday Skating 840.
ADM. 35c & 25c
2 - 3.30 10c and 25c
Sat. Night Hockey—
Dearborn, Mich., Midgets vs
Seaforth Midgets 7.30
Teen Town — Hall 9 P.M.
Skating Carnival
Social &
Tues., Mar. 21
AT 8.30 P.M.
Recent trip to Holy Land.
Pictures and commentary by
Dr. E. A. McMaster, Grand Bend
New & Old Time Dancing
Lunch. Ladies please bring sand-
wiches. Adm.: Students 50c,
Adults 75c. Everybody welcome
Sponsored by McKillop Feder-
ation of Agriculture
J. Keyes, Pres. A. R. Dodds, sec.
St. Patrick's Dance
Music by Ian Wilbee Dancing 10. 1
Sponsored by St. James' C. W. L.
Admission 75c
Saturday, March 18, 1961
Township of McKillop
All car owners in the Township of Mc-
Killop are requested not to park their
cars on the roads of the Township during
the winter.
Cars that are left on the roads are
contrary to the Highway Traffic Act, and
are a detriment to operation of ,,snow
Please note that Provincial Police will
take the necessary action to see that
cars are not ,left•.;on roads, .,and prosec-
tions may follow.
W. J. Manley
Road Superintendent