HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-03-02, Page 8r -••••13e • HENSALL Pollock - Reit White plumb, sualtdregons and red carnations formed the setting for the wedding of Patrteia Mar - le Bell and Kenneth Vernon lock is ial P P01- r e reek terian Cs Church, U01100.14 OR Saturday, Feb, 25th, The bride is the, dao, &hater of Mr. and Mrs, Harold 0. Bell, Honeall, and the groom is. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mtitpn Pollock, Varna, Rev, George Vale of Galt, Oat„ performed the ceremony. Tradi- tional wedding music was played by Mrs..,Mu.loolm Dougall and sol- oist was Mr, James Dougall of Exeter, who sangOPelf0 t Love." The bride, given in mar- riage bitier father, wore e a floor length gown of ,chantilly lace and nylon tulle, fitted bodice, sabring neckline embroidered in iridesc- ent sequins, lily point sleeves and bouffant skirt of alternate pan- els of lace and nylon tulle. A crown of seed pearls, held her fingertip veil and she carried a bouquet of Better Times roses. Maid of honer was Miss Betty Bell, Hensall, sister of the bride, who wore a fushia, street length organza areas. She carried a bou- quet of white and green carna• Hons. Her headdress was a ban- deaux of rhinestones and flowers in a matching shade. Po11oGk Varna,was g'William roomaman for his brother and usher was Donald E. Bell, of Ex- eter, xeter, brother of the bride. A reception was held in the Dominion hotel, Zurich, with the bride's mother receiving in a blue crepe sheath. The groom's mother assisted in a pink brocad- ed crepe dress. For a honeymoon to points north, the bride chose a mauve sheath dress with mat- ching accessories and a corsage of white and mauve carnations. TUCKERSMITH The Turner's Church W. A. met at the home of Mrs. F. Falconer. on Tues., Feb. 14 at 2 p.m. with 10 members and two visitors pre- sent. The roll call was answers$ with a verse from the Bible start- ing with the letter F. The scrip- ture was read by Mrs. Stanley. Johns, the prayer. by Mrs. Wm. Rogerson,devotions by Mrs. W. P, Roberts, and the topic was ta- ken by Mrs. L. Lawson, During the business session plans were started for the Turner's Church 100th anniversary to be held in 1962, The remainder of the after- noon was spent at quilting, A' lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. L. Lawson. BRUCEFIELD Master Ronald Scott and Lawr- ence Elliott attended the Detroit - Stratford Hockey match Tuesday evening at Stratford. Mrs. Simon McKenzie returned toafter t. Thomas on S Monday spending ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moffatt. Mrs, Howard Allan had the misfortune to fall off a ladder, at her home fracturing her ankle. -Mrs. Gus Voth, Detroit, spent the weekend with her father, Mr. C. D. Simpson and her aunt Mrs. M. Vaire. Mrs. A. Ings visited with her brother Mr. Albert Horner and Mrs. Horner over the weekend. The attendance at the United Church was very small owing to the slippery roads. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Squire re- turned home from a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses at Han- over this past weekend. Mr. Squire said both he and his wife enjoyed the Christian fellowship that they had with the rest of the 668 persons that attended from Wiarton, Collingwood and other localities. "It is good to know that the troubles besetting man- kind today will soon be disolved by God's Kingdom ruling a New World. These things we learned at Hanover", said Mr. Squire, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News March 1936 Edwin Chesney was named as treasurer of Tuckersmith town- ship. Chiselhurst store was burned with stock and the home furnish- ings of the Lippert family, who escaped in their night clothes. A giant zeppelin is being read- ied in Germany td start air ser Vice across the Atlantic. Angus McCallum of California. is visiting his mother at Walton and brother Gilbert. Clete Medd of Constance won first prize at Londesboro skating carnival. Mrs. Bert Horton and Shirley have returned to Tudor, Alta., af- ter spending the winter here. Hugh Oke of Guelph visited at his home here. Auction sale: Thomas Broome, Jr. 2 miles west of Winthrop. A concert was given by the young ladies Bible Class of Eg- mondville Church, directed by their teacher, Miss R. MacKenzie. The committee was composed of Misses A, Thompson, Jean Smith, Vera Hudson and Violet Tyndall. FORTY YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News March 1921 William Hopper has purchased a residence on North Main Street. Mrs. C. H. Broadfoot of Moose Jaw is visiting her mother, Mrs, James Weir, Mrs. J. D. Hinohley has return- ed from a visit to St. Thomas. Mr. Geo. Jackson of Walton is on a business trip to the West. Louis Wolff has sold the Huron Hotel property at Dublin to Pgt' rick Lunney of Logan for a good price. Thomas Hicknell has bought James Johnson's farm near Man ley. George Dickson is the porch ager of the farm of Mrs. Pride who is returning to Walton, James Scott has been appoint ed livestock shipper for the TJ,F 0, at Cfomasty, CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my Sincere Menke to all my Woods and, net ghbors who called on ice while was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital and sent me cards and treats. Special thanks to Dr. Gorwill, my special nurses 'and. the hospital staff. -Thos. Appleby CARD OF THANKS Joe aid Mary Eckert wish to thank their ninny friends and neighbors for their 25th anniv- ersary sunrise party and the lovely gifts; We wish to thank espeoially those who were re - It was i for the rt re- sponsibleparty. greatly appreciated THANKS OF My sincere tilanl d to my mans Moeda, relatives and neighbors who remembered me with cards, flowers, visite, treats; while a pat- ient ill at-ient'ill Scott Memorial Hospital,- and after I came bone, a special thanks to Dr, Gorwill, Dr. Oakes and Dr, . Malkua, Rev. Amacher and Rev. Britton and the kind MUT of nurses -it was greatly appreciated. Mrs. Ella, Hoegy IN MEMORIAM Eider - In loving memory of David Leslie, ! only son of the Rev.. and Mrs. D. Leslie Elder, Seaforth, who fell asleep March e 6th, 1968, aged G years. He has gone to be an angel, Secure in our Father's care, And his dear little feet now patter along The beautiful streets up there, --'Ever remembered . by his Mammy and Daddy EXTENSIVE CLEARING Auction Sale Of 125 head of cattle, power implements, hay & grain, on lot 35, con. 4, Logan, 2 miles north of Dublin on March 16th, at 10 A.M. sharp. 35 cows, 47 heifers, steers and calves, 43 Western yearling steers. A full line of new and nearly new power farm equip- ment including 2 tractors, self Propelled combine, baler, etc. A full list will appear in next week's paper. Due to other business interests the proprietor is giving up farm- ing. If farm is not sold, it will be rented. Lunch on grounds. No reserve, Terms cash, W. E. 'Nairn & Son, Aucts. W. J. Ferguson, Prop, Auction Sale Auction sale of Durham and Hereford cattle, at Lot 3, Con. 9, Tuckersmith Twp., 5 miles south and 2 miles east of Seaforth on county road, Tuesday, March 7, at 1..30 p.m. 2 Durham cows; fresh -with calves at foot. '1 Dur- ham cow due in March. 2 Dur- ham cows due u in April. 1. Durham. cow due in May. 3 Durham cows due in July. 1 Durham steer 2 years old, fat. 2 Durham heifers ready for market. 2 fat calves 600 lbs. 2 steers rising 2 years old. 7 Durham and Hereford cal- ves rising 1 year old.. Terms cash, Prop., Robt. 3. Elgie 'Aust., Harold Jackson FOR SALE Two calves. Apply to Gordon Reynolds FOR SALE 500 bales hay. Apply to Alex. D. McGregor, Kippen R R 2 or phone 657r11 Seaforth 52 Ford e dan, motor overhaul- ed. $145. Take trade, Phone 277 31Hensall WEED CONTROL PROGRAM TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE UNDERSIGNED UNTIL APRIL 7, 1961, FOR THE SUP- PLY OF THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL: Approximately 75 gallons 2.4.D Ester (128 oz. acid) Approximately 100 gallons 2.4. D e 2.45 T, Brush Kill (128 oz. acid) (in low volatile and regu- lar) Delivered in 5 -gallon lots as re- quired, to Mr. Alex Chesney, Hu- ron County Weed Inspector, R.R. #3 Seaforth. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted, Tender must be submitted on forms supplied by undersigned. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ontario PROPERTIES FOR SALE FARMS 100 ACRE FARM, Hay Town- ship. On county road. Large bank barn, house completely modern. Clay loam land well drained 75 ACRES, McKillop Twp on County road, One mile from vill- age, church and school. Bank barn, Silo, drilled well and mod- ern house . 100 ACRES --- 2% miles from Seaforth, Bank barn, 1% story house, Clay loam land, well drained; A number of good dwellings in Town of •Seaforth priced reason- able, Terms arranged: JOHN CARDNO Auction. Sale On Saturday, Mar. 18, oonejst- lug of 1% story red brick house consisting of six rooms, hot Bi cold water, hydro, 3 piece .bath, and 14 acre of land in the vill- age Bra @ age of4 hag si. To close estate of John Pi'netel`. a Anyone wishing to see this property see the, administrators, Wilfred Ahrens or Lloyd Prueter. Clerk, John E. Stemma; Auct, J, L, Ryan Pull list later . LAND WANTED Wanted to rent land for beansI s by the Gore, Phone Clinton -MU 2-72$1 FORS ALE Coleman oil space a ' ho t r Also ce a e.. 45 gallon drum. Win, •Bradshaw, phonee5Seaforth 1 n OW HELP WANTED Clerk for grocery wanted, Ap- ply to Box 127, The Seaforth News FOR SALE Maple syrup equipment, evap- orator and equipment for 1000 trees, Also Diatoms 9 hp. two-man chain saw, nearly new. Char-lynn hydraulic pump. Apply C. J. Wal- ker, phone 12r13, Dublin. FOR SALE 300 bales of second' cut alfalfa hay; also an 8 -hole pig feedsr practically new. JAMES BOUT- ER, Phone 658 r 14. FOR SALE Stoker hard coal, stove and nut. We deliver. KRAUSKOPF BROS. Phone 36 r 13 Dublin. WANTED Wanted to buy gelid used kit' when range, medium size with reservoir. prefer white. Apply Box H, The Seaforth News. HELP WANTED Available at once -good Raw- leigh Business. Selling experience helpful but not required. 'Car ne- cessary. Write at once for par- ticulars. Rawieigh, Dept. C -364 - TT, 4006 Richelieu, Montreal TEACHER WANTED SS #6 McKillop Township, Huron County, requires a teacher with duties to commence on Sep tember 5, 1961, for approximately, 30 pupils. Apply stating qualifica- tions, salaryexpected refer - and refer- ences, to Leslie J. Pryce, Sec.- Treas., ec:Treas., R R1 Dublin. Phone 850 r 14 Seaforth Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for the crushing and hauling of approxi- mately oxi- mately 12,000 cu. yds, of gravel to township roads in 1961: at" screen to be used, centred tor to supply all requirements except gravel which will be sup- plied by the township at three locations; work to be completed by July 1st, 1961, under supervi- sion of the Road Superintendent, and subject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways of Ont- ario. Tenders' to be clearly marked Tender - Gravel", must be in the clerk's hands by G p.m., Monday, March 6th, 1961, and will be op- ened -and considered on March 7, 1961, at 3 p.m. Tender to be ac- companied by marked cheque for $300.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, - Cora Chesney, Clerk HR. 4, Seaforth Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS FOR WARBICIDE Tenders are invitedby the Township of Tuckersmith for the supplying of approximately 600 lbs. of warbicide for Warble Fly Spraying in 1961. Tender to state price per 15 - lb. bag, delivered to - township shed in hamlet of Egmondville, Ont. Tender to be clearly marked; "Tender • Warbicide" and in the clerk's hands by 5 p.m., Monday, March 6, 1961, and will be opened and considered on March 7, 1961, at 3.15 p.m. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Cora Chesney, Clerk, R.R. 4, Seaforth THE SEAP'ORTH NEWS (Phone 84)-Thureday,. March 2, owl A 2 MoisteinPOR Helf@ersLE due Mar. 5, NORalso RbatedISSILayERhatY, 40c. Ap3ply, to LZtlt, Sea, forth, Phone HU -2.3398, Clearing Auction Sale ,farma,t lot 22, con, s, farm stock 17a, er- nGod ma ich twp., 2 miles North of Clin- ton on Doe Line, Wed. March 8 at Ofchicory l p.m. Cattle --13 Holstein heifers due to freshen from time of sale to April 1st. 3. Ayrshire Netter due time of sale; 6 Holstein heifers recently bred, 1 Hereford bull 2 years old. , P1 s-$ York chunks. Machipery - 7 -ft. Case binder, McCormick Deering side rake, 3- section springtooth drag:.hat- 1 rows, Litzs corn and grain grind. or (like new), 5 -section diamond harrows, 2 unit Surge milking ma- chine, 12 8 -gal. milk cans, set of scales, wheel barrow, cement mix- er, Other articles too numerous to mention. Farms: At the same place at 3 p.m. the farm' will be offered for sale. Parcel 1, 80 acres all workable land except 6 acres of hardwood bush, clay loam land, well drained, bank barn 36 x 90, dement silo, steel stabling. Frame house with asphalt shingles,. bath, furnace, :garage. Parcel 2: 80 acres of land, 15 acres of bush, balance workable,. clay loam, never failing farm pond adjoining other farm. 10% down, balance 30 days, sold sub- ject to reserve bid, immediate possession. Chattels -Cash Prop., Wes Hoggart Auct„ Harold Jackson, Clerk, Geo, Powell Clearing Auction Sale A clearing auction sale for Chas. R. Cooper. Lot 40, Con. 9, Goder- ich Twp„ 5 miles west of Clinton, on the Bayfield Road, north of Middleton's Church. To be held on Wednesday, March 8th, at 1 p.m. Cattle: 4 yr. old Holstein and Hereford cow due by sale day; 11 -yr: old Hereford cow due by sale day; 7 -yr: old cow due March 14; 11 -yr. -old Hereford cow due March 15; 11 -yr, -old pow with month-old bull calf at foot' 8 -Yr. old Hereford cow with month-old, Charlois heifer calf at foot; 7 -yr.- old Holstein cow in milk; 5 2-yr,- old -yr;old Hereford x Holstein steers; 1 yearling Hereford x Holstein heifer; 4 steer calves. Implements: McKee Harvester and 20 -ft. wagon box; Case 6 -ft. combine engine' driven, with pick- up attachments, and clover con caves; VA Case Rowerop tractor, with mounted 2 -furrow plough, and scuffler; Coekshutt, power lift, 15 -run fertilizer drill with grass seeder; M. H. double disk; -M,H, 3 -section spring tooth har- rows; 4 -section drag harrows; Ot- aco rubber tired wagon; 100 bus. grain box; manure spreader; cir- cular saw; McCormick Deering 6 ft; mower; Marvel grain grinder; 3 -horse power motor; Chatham stock scales; fanning mill; ala- minuln wheelbarrow; 8 -ft. steel trailer; electric brooder stove; cattle dehorner; cream separat- or; and other articles too numer ous to mention, Grain: Quantity of Rodney. oats; 25 bushels of Garry seed oats; a quantity of wheat; a quantity of timothy seed. Household effects: 2 -element Graham heavy duty electric stove; Quebec he ate r; high chair; child's rocker; 4 wooden kitchen chairs; fruit jars; 22 Cooey rifle; 16 -gauge Stevens shotgun; and numerous other ar- ticles, Terms -Cash ' No reserve, as farm- has been sold. Charles R. Cooper, P,rop. Bert Pepper, Auctioneer. Frank Falconer, Clerk. TOWN OF SEAFORTH TENDER WANTED. Tenders will be received by the undersigned until March 3, 1961, for the following equipment: i One heavy duty front end load- er with hydraulic bucket. Loader suitable for mounting on a Massey model 60 tractor NEIL C. BELL Chairman Property Committee Town of Seaforth..:_ Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS FOR WARBLE FLY SPRAYING Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for spraying cattle for Warble Fly in 1961. Tender to state price per head per spray; work to be done under the direction of the Inspector in accordance with the regulations of the Warble Fly Act. Tender to be clearly marked "Tender - Warble Fly Spraying", to be in the clerk's hands by 6 p.m., Monday, March 6th, 1961, to be opened and considered on March 7, 1981, at 3,30 p.m. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted, Cora Chesney, Clerk, R.R. 4, Seaforth Township of McKillop Applications Applications wanted for War- ble Fly Inspector for the Town- ship of McKillop, for the year 1961. Applications to be marked and in the Clerk's office by March 4, 1961. J. M. Plekert, Clerk R Ii 1 Seaforth, Ont, NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH PARKING To facilitate snow plowing and snow removal operations, park- ing on the streets of this munici- pality is . prohibited between the *hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. This order will be strictly en- forced in accordance with the Highway Traffic act, Section 43, Subsection 9. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, the Municipality will not be responsible for any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow plowing or snow removal operations. BOX Funeral i'al Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Carefgl Attention Hospital Had Elowece for ell occasions phones: Day 43 Night 696W MARTIN' W. STAPLETON Phyllloian and. Surgeon Phone 90 • Seaforth. 4OHN A. GORWILL, B.A,, M.D. Physician Dion ¢a s d Bur Don y 'Phone 9-W Seaforth wwwwwewwww SEAFORTH CLINIC P. L. Brady, M.D.,Surgeon Dr, 5, Bellies 0ifice Hours,. 1 p.m. to G -p.m. chair except Wednesday and •Sunday. Evenings: '1iesday, There.' "Mo Appointments made in advance eve desirable . TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M,, V.S. W. G. DRENNAN,, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth John E. Lopgstaff •.Optometrist Goderich •St. W., Seaforth • Phone' 7911 - Hoere-Seaforth daily except Moir.. C to 6.80; Wed, 0 AM to 12.80 PM. Then •e• by apilelutmsht only, Clinton 11U -2.701L above Nankin' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 15.1O '"•' INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident ' • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate • Phone 334 Rear' 640 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDA6• CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE „ $$oil, PhU(l oi oA678 'or 832 -St - AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M1 HART Office Phone 784 _- Res. 284 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Anth Wind Liability & Life - JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth Hudson Sterling -Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. READ OFFICE-SEA•'OIYTN, ONT. Officers - President, John L. Malone.' Seaforth ; Vice Pres.. John H. NeEwig„ Myth ; Sec, -Trete., W. E. Southante. Seaforth, Directors, Norman Trewartha, Cliat.n. J. Ln.. Melon*, Seaforth i Chris Leonhiiit,. BJohne 81 Meaning. Myth: W . S��t ander, Walton: Narver Fuller, Gododah J. E. Pepper,- Brueeddd ; Allleter- Bead- foot, Seaforth. Agenta - William Laver. Jr.. Locales- lore"-' ; V. J. Lane, RES 5.aiorth ; Adorn Baker. Eraeeele; Harold llmnires. Olio.. ton; James leers, ,SesSoati. '. NOTICE Does any of your furniture need REUPHOLSTERING, refinishing or repairing. If so, please call Kitchener Upholstery, Seaforth 585 for prompt service NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Township of Tuckersmith are requested by the council, to not park cars on township roads and streets during the Winter months. in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. Council will not be responsible for damages to any vehicles park- ed on roads or streets. Cora Chesney, Clerk PROBLEMS ? Money to Loan on any property Don't Delay Anywhere. Delray The secret of sir ease.... - i. Seavlea DELRAY INVESTMENTS Oso -A Wilsonova}� yiew. out Real Estate WILFRED McINTF•F. BROKER Listings wanted on farms, homes, businesses and summer properties, Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth ' Phone 698 M Local representative for ' WILFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. 8 elm and 2s seleanou 90 KIM .70i4 A. only ., Mea . :.a --t :oWear MOSTLY ONE FROM OUR REGULAR THAT SOLD aw on minis. rat, ea -a, R aR FOR tl. e�,�` 4 a l „$35.00 i:t >� ` EXTRA PANTS AVAILABLE AT -i .. i Last week's sale a:: ,• �x�r so successful that cided to offer this ,• 11 $ of suit at 35.00 only. These i,$: Hall and Hyde \; t suits, from our e I a come in tells, shorts. All a ',r £. cloths andlatest i..topsuit 36to Pick 44 1; '+ + , nqw at this crazy while they last TO CLEAR \ tit ,_35,00 EXTRA PANTS l GREAT SALE OF MEN'S DRESS PANTS 60 pair of brand new dress slacks in plain shades of char- coal, grey, blue and brown. elts,- Many have matching belts,- son @are ofwash & wear qual- some i 4 ity and include regular and ity continental styles, Sizes 30 to 42 waist only. Who would be ,�: without a pair of extra slacks at this low price. Note -We must charge 50c for alteration at this low price $4.95 CUFFING CHARGE 50c STEWART BROS. ualit . Suitse OF A KIND STOOK AT 69.50 to' 65.00 sale SAT. ONLY WHERE $10.00 PIXTRA oPsui suits was we have de- better grade for three days are ail Towne Park, top grade fall range and regulars and are top grade styles1@a in sizes06 a grade ' low price, 10.00 3 alt mac.. 9 aa HULLETT Fl RESIDE FARM FORUM On Feb. 27 Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan entertained the Fire- side Farm Forum. 16 adults were present. The topic for broadcast and discussion was the two -price system. This is not a new idea. For years different countries have used this system of market- ing in farm or manufacture prod - ucts. As much as possible of the products are sold at home, usu- ally at a fairly high set price. The remainder is then exported to other countries or even put on the home market at a much lower price Frequently this product is of an inferior quality. Selling at the low price has a tendency to curtail overproduction and to get rid of surpluses. Milk is one commodity which can be sold by this method. The fluid milk is sold on the local markets. The rest is condensed as dry milk or sold as cheese. Some countries call this the dumping system and greatly re - sent it as it lowers the price of own products of the same qual- ity, They retaliate by high tar - iffs• Mrs, Alex Riley invited the group for next Monday, Winners at the euchre were: most games, Mrs. Jim Howatt, Mrs. Alex Ri• ley. Lone hands, Mrs. R. Dalton, Geo, Carter. Con„ Mrs. Hugh Flynn, Oliver Anderson. FINAL Public • SP e, �'jyq liOr M 1 CONTEST to be held at Seaforth District High School Thursday, Mar. 2 at 8.30 P.M. 1ST, twill be awardedRIZES Silver Collection Sponsored by McKillop Feder- ation of Agriculture James Keyes A. R. Dodds Pres. Sec, HENSALL Miss Bernice Diliing of West- ern University, London, spent the past week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert billing, Rev. Geo. C. Vais and Mrs. Vais of Galt visited with friends here on Saturday. ;Sr; by the Clerk -Sten- Home, Clin- 1, 1961. from in envel- in accord- 1961, at 6,00 -Tress., a; r*�ktyti M4Ao . Sealed applications will be received undersigned for the position of ographer at the Huron County ton; duties to commence April Application forms must be secured the undersigned and submitted opes supplied. Salary based 'on experience and ance with County salary schedule. Applications -to close March 16, p.m. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ontario • HENSALL Pollock - Reit White plumb, sualtdregons and red carnations formed the setting for the wedding of Patrteia Mar - le Bell and Kenneth Vernon lock is ial P P01- r e reek terian Cs Church, U01100.14 OR Saturday, Feb, 25th, The bride is the, dao, &hater of Mr. and Mrs, Harold 0. Bell, Honeall, and the groom is. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mtitpn Pollock, Varna, Rev, George Vale of Galt, Oat„ performed the ceremony. Tradi- tional wedding music was played by Mrs..,Mu.loolm Dougall and sol- oist was Mr, James Dougall of Exeter, who sangOPelf0 t Love." The bride, given in mar- riage bitier father, wore e a floor length gown of ,chantilly lace and nylon tulle, fitted bodice, sabring neckline embroidered in iridesc- ent sequins, lily point sleeves and bouffant skirt of alternate pan- els of lace and nylon tulle. A crown of seed pearls, held her fingertip veil and she carried a bouquet of Better Times roses. Maid of honer was Miss Betty Bell, Hensall, sister of the bride, who wore a fushia, street length organza areas. She carried a bou- quet of white and green carna• Hons. Her headdress was a ban- deaux of rhinestones and flowers in a matching shade. Po11oGk Varna,was g'William roomaman for his brother and usher was Donald E. Bell, of Ex- eter, xeter, brother of the bride. A reception was held in the Dominion hotel, Zurich, with the bride's mother receiving in a blue crepe sheath. The groom's mother assisted in a pink brocad- ed crepe dress. For a honeymoon to points north, the bride chose a mauve sheath dress with mat- ching accessories and a corsage of white and mauve carnations. TUCKERSMITH The Turner's Church W. A. met at the home of Mrs. F. Falconer. on Tues., Feb. 14 at 2 p.m. with 10 members and two visitors pre- sent. The roll call was answers$ with a verse from the Bible start- ing with the letter F. The scrip- ture was read by Mrs. Stanley. Johns, the prayer. by Mrs. Wm. Rogerson,devotions by Mrs. W. P, Roberts, and the topic was ta- ken by Mrs. L. Lawson, During the business session plans were started for the Turner's Church 100th anniversary to be held in 1962, The remainder of the after- noon was spent at quilting, A' lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. L. Lawson. BRUCEFIELD Master Ronald Scott and Lawr- ence Elliott attended the Detroit - Stratford Hockey match Tuesday evening at Stratford. Mrs. Simon McKenzie returned toafter t. Thomas on S Monday spending ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moffatt. Mrs, Howard Allan had the misfortune to fall off a ladder, at her home fracturing her ankle. -Mrs. Gus Voth, Detroit, spent the weekend with her father, Mr. C. D. Simpson and her aunt Mrs. M. Vaire. Mrs. A. Ings visited with her brother Mr. Albert Horner and Mrs. Horner over the weekend. The attendance at the United Church was very small owing to the slippery roads. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Squire re- turned home from a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses at Han- over this past weekend. Mr. Squire said both he and his wife enjoyed the Christian fellowship that they had with the rest of the 668 persons that attended from Wiarton, Collingwood and other localities. "It is good to know that the troubles besetting man- kind today will soon be disolved by God's Kingdom ruling a New World. These things we learned at Hanover", said Mr. Squire, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News March 1936 Edwin Chesney was named as treasurer of Tuckersmith town- ship. Chiselhurst store was burned with stock and the home furnish- ings of the Lippert family, who escaped in their night clothes. A giant zeppelin is being read- ied in Germany td start air ser Vice across the Atlantic. Angus McCallum of California. is visiting his mother at Walton and brother Gilbert. Clete Medd of Constance won first prize at Londesboro skating carnival. Mrs. Bert Horton and Shirley have returned to Tudor, Alta., af- ter spending the winter here. Hugh Oke of Guelph visited at his home here. Auction sale: Thomas Broome, Jr. 2 miles west of Winthrop. A concert was given by the young ladies Bible Class of Eg- mondville Church, directed by their teacher, Miss R. MacKenzie. The committee was composed of Misses A, Thompson, Jean Smith, Vera Hudson and Violet Tyndall. FORTY YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News March 1921 William Hopper has purchased a residence on North Main Street. Mrs. C. H. Broadfoot of Moose Jaw is visiting her mother, Mrs, James Weir, Mrs. J. D. Hinohley has return- ed from a visit to St. Thomas. Mr. Geo. Jackson of Walton is on a business trip to the West. Louis Wolff has sold the Huron Hotel property at Dublin to Pgt' rick Lunney of Logan for a good price. Thomas Hicknell has bought James Johnson's farm near Man ley. George Dickson is the porch ager of the farm of Mrs. Pride who is returning to Walton, James Scott has been appoint ed livestock shipper for the TJ,F 0, at Cfomasty, CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my Sincere Menke to all my Woods and, net ghbors who called on ice while was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital and sent me cards and treats. Special thanks to Dr. Gorwill, my special nurses 'and. the hospital staff. -Thos. Appleby CARD OF THANKS Joe aid Mary Eckert wish to thank their ninny friends and neighbors for their 25th anniv- ersary sunrise party and the lovely gifts; We wish to thank espeoially those who were re - It was i for the rt re- sponsibleparty. greatly appreciated THANKS OF My sincere tilanl d to my mans Moeda, relatives and neighbors who remembered me with cards, flowers, visite, treats; while a pat- ient ill at-ient'ill Scott Memorial Hospital,- and after I came bone, a special thanks to Dr, Gorwill, Dr. Oakes and Dr, . Malkua, Rev. Amacher and Rev. Britton and the kind MUT of nurses -it was greatly appreciated. Mrs. Ella, Hoegy IN MEMORIAM Eider - In loving memory of David Leslie, ! only son of the Rev.. and Mrs. D. Leslie Elder, Seaforth, who fell asleep March e 6th, 1968, aged G years. He has gone to be an angel, Secure in our Father's care, And his dear little feet now patter along The beautiful streets up there, --'Ever remembered . by his Mammy and Daddy EXTENSIVE CLEARING Auction Sale Of 125 head of cattle, power implements, hay & grain, on lot 35, con. 4, Logan, 2 miles north of Dublin on March 16th, at 10 A.M. sharp. 35 cows, 47 heifers, steers and calves, 43 Western yearling steers. A full line of new and nearly new power farm equip- ment including 2 tractors, self Propelled combine, baler, etc. A full list will appear in next week's paper. Due to other business interests the proprietor is giving up farm- ing. If farm is not sold, it will be rented. Lunch on grounds. No reserve, Terms cash, W. E. 'Nairn & Son, Aucts. W. J. Ferguson, Prop, Auction Sale Auction sale of Durham and Hereford cattle, at Lot 3, Con. 9, Tuckersmith Twp., 5 miles south and 2 miles east of Seaforth on county road, Tuesday, March 7, at 1..30 p.m. 2 Durham cows; fresh -with calves at foot. '1 Dur- ham cow due in March. 2 Dur- ham cows due u in April. 1. Durham. cow due in May. 3 Durham cows due in July. 1 Durham steer 2 years old, fat. 2 Durham heifers ready for market. 2 fat calves 600 lbs. 2 steers rising 2 years old. 7 Durham and Hereford cal- ves rising 1 year old.. Terms cash, Prop., Robt. 3. Elgie 'Aust., Harold Jackson FOR SALE Two calves. Apply to Gordon Reynolds FOR SALE 500 bales hay. Apply to Alex. D. McGregor, Kippen R R 2 or phone 657r11 Seaforth 52 Ford e dan, motor overhaul- ed. $145. Take trade, Phone 277 31Hensall WEED CONTROL PROGRAM TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE UNDERSIGNED UNTIL APRIL 7, 1961, FOR THE SUP- PLY OF THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL: Approximately 75 gallons 2.4.D Ester (128 oz. acid) Approximately 100 gallons 2.4. D e 2.45 T, Brush Kill (128 oz. acid) (in low volatile and regu- lar) Delivered in 5 -gallon lots as re- quired, to Mr. Alex Chesney, Hu- ron County Weed Inspector, R.R. #3 Seaforth. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted, Tender must be submitted on forms supplied by undersigned. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ontario PROPERTIES FOR SALE FARMS 100 ACRE FARM, Hay Town- ship. On county road. Large bank barn, house completely modern. Clay loam land well drained 75 ACRES, McKillop Twp on County road, One mile from vill- age, church and school. Bank barn, Silo, drilled well and mod- ern house . 100 ACRES --- 2% miles from Seaforth, Bank barn, 1% story house, Clay loam land, well drained; A number of good dwellings in Town of •Seaforth priced reason- able, Terms arranged: JOHN CARDNO Auction. Sale On Saturday, Mar. 18, oonejst- lug of 1% story red brick house consisting of six rooms, hot Bi cold water, hydro, 3 piece .bath, and 14 acre of land in the vill- age Bra @ age of4 hag si. To close estate of John Pi'netel`. a Anyone wishing to see this property see the, administrators, Wilfred Ahrens or Lloyd Prueter. Clerk, John E. Stemma; Auct, J, L, Ryan Pull list later . LAND WANTED Wanted to rent land for beansI s by the Gore, Phone Clinton -MU 2-72$1 FORS ALE Coleman oil space a ' ho t r Also ce a e.. 45 gallon drum. Win, •Bradshaw, phonee5Seaforth 1 n OW HELP WANTED Clerk for grocery wanted, Ap- ply to Box 127, The Seaforth News FOR SALE Maple syrup equipment, evap- orator and equipment for 1000 trees, Also Diatoms 9 hp. two-man chain saw, nearly new. Char-lynn hydraulic pump. Apply C. J. Wal- ker, phone 12r13, Dublin. FOR SALE 300 bales of second' cut alfalfa hay; also an 8 -hole pig feedsr practically new. JAMES BOUT- ER, Phone 658 r 14. FOR SALE Stoker hard coal, stove and nut. We deliver. KRAUSKOPF BROS. Phone 36 r 13 Dublin. WANTED Wanted to buy gelid used kit' when range, medium size with reservoir. prefer white. Apply Box H, The Seaforth News. HELP WANTED Available at once -good Raw- leigh Business. Selling experience helpful but not required. 'Car ne- cessary. Write at once for par- ticulars. Rawieigh, Dept. C -364 - TT, 4006 Richelieu, Montreal TEACHER WANTED SS #6 McKillop Township, Huron County, requires a teacher with duties to commence on Sep tember 5, 1961, for approximately, 30 pupils. Apply stating qualifica- tions, salaryexpected refer - and refer- ences, to Leslie J. Pryce, Sec.- Treas., ec:Treas., R R1 Dublin. Phone 850 r 14 Seaforth Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for the crushing and hauling of approxi- mately oxi- mately 12,000 cu. yds, of gravel to township roads in 1961: at" screen to be used, centred tor to supply all requirements except gravel which will be sup- plied by the township at three locations; work to be completed by July 1st, 1961, under supervi- sion of the Road Superintendent, and subject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways of Ont- ario. Tenders' to be clearly marked Tender - Gravel", must be in the clerk's hands by G p.m., Monday, March 6th, 1961, and will be op- ened -and considered on March 7, 1961, at 3 p.m. Tender to be ac- companied by marked cheque for $300.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, - Cora Chesney, Clerk HR. 4, Seaforth Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS FOR WARBICIDE Tenders are invitedby the Township of Tuckersmith for the supplying of approximately 600 lbs. of warbicide for Warble Fly Spraying in 1961. Tender to state price per 15 - lb. bag, delivered to - township shed in hamlet of Egmondville, Ont. Tender to be clearly marked; "Tender • Warbicide" and in the clerk's hands by 5 p.m., Monday, March 6, 1961, and will be opened and considered on March 7, 1961, at 3.15 p.m. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Cora Chesney, Clerk, R.R. 4, Seaforth THE SEAP'ORTH NEWS (Phone 84)-Thureday,. March 2, owl A 2 MoisteinPOR Helf@ersLE due Mar. 5, NORalso RbatedISSILayERhatY, 40c. Ap3ply, to LZtlt, Sea, forth, Phone HU -2.3398, Clearing Auction Sale ,farma,t lot 22, con, s, farm stock 17a, er- nGod ma ich twp., 2 miles North of Clin- ton on Doe Line, Wed. March 8 at Ofchicory l p.m. Cattle --13 Holstein heifers due to freshen from time of sale to April 1st. 3. Ayrshire Netter due time of sale; 6 Holstein heifers recently bred, 1 Hereford bull 2 years old. , P1 s-$ York chunks. Machipery - 7 -ft. Case binder, McCormick Deering side rake, 3- section springtooth drag:.hat- 1 rows, Litzs corn and grain grind. or (like new), 5 -section diamond harrows, 2 unit Surge milking ma- chine, 12 8 -gal. milk cans, set of scales, wheel barrow, cement mix- er, Other articles too numerous to mention. Farms: At the same place at 3 p.m. the farm' will be offered for sale. Parcel 1, 80 acres all workable land except 6 acres of hardwood bush, clay loam land, well drained, bank barn 36 x 90, dement silo, steel stabling. Frame house with asphalt shingles,. bath, furnace, :garage. Parcel 2: 80 acres of land, 15 acres of bush, balance workable,. clay loam, never failing farm pond adjoining other farm. 10% down, balance 30 days, sold sub- ject to reserve bid, immediate possession. Chattels -Cash Prop., Wes Hoggart Auct„ Harold Jackson, Clerk, Geo, Powell Clearing Auction Sale A clearing auction sale for Chas. R. Cooper. Lot 40, Con. 9, Goder- ich Twp„ 5 miles west of Clinton, on the Bayfield Road, north of Middleton's Church. To be held on Wednesday, March 8th, at 1 p.m. Cattle: 4 yr. old Holstein and Hereford cow due by sale day; 11 -yr: old Hereford cow due by sale day; 7 -yr: old cow due March 14; 11 -yr. -old Hereford cow due March 15; 11 -yr, -old pow with month-old bull calf at foot' 8 -Yr. old Hereford cow with month-old, Charlois heifer calf at foot; 7 -yr.- old Holstein cow in milk; 5 2-yr,- old -yr;old Hereford x Holstein steers; 1 yearling Hereford x Holstein heifer; 4 steer calves. Implements: McKee Harvester and 20 -ft. wagon box; Case 6 -ft. combine engine' driven, with pick- up attachments, and clover con caves; VA Case Rowerop tractor, with mounted 2 -furrow plough, and scuffler; Coekshutt, power lift, 15 -run fertilizer drill with grass seeder; M. H. double disk; -M,H, 3 -section spring tooth har- rows; 4 -section drag harrows; Ot- aco rubber tired wagon; 100 bus. grain box; manure spreader; cir- cular saw; McCormick Deering 6 ft; mower; Marvel grain grinder; 3 -horse power motor; Chatham stock scales; fanning mill; ala- minuln wheelbarrow; 8 -ft. steel trailer; electric brooder stove; cattle dehorner; cream separat- or; and other articles too numer ous to mention, Grain: Quantity of Rodney. oats; 25 bushels of Garry seed oats; a quantity of wheat; a quantity of timothy seed. Household effects: 2 -element Graham heavy duty electric stove; Quebec he ate r; high chair; child's rocker; 4 wooden kitchen chairs; fruit jars; 22 Cooey rifle; 16 -gauge Stevens shotgun; and numerous other ar- ticles, Terms -Cash ' No reserve, as farm- has been sold. Charles R. Cooper, P,rop. Bert Pepper, Auctioneer. Frank Falconer, Clerk. TOWN OF SEAFORTH TENDER WANTED. Tenders will be received by the undersigned until March 3, 1961, for the following equipment: i One heavy duty front end load- er with hydraulic bucket. Loader suitable for mounting on a Massey model 60 tractor NEIL C. BELL Chairman Property Committee Town of Seaforth..:_ Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS FOR WARBLE FLY SPRAYING Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for spraying cattle for Warble Fly in 1961. Tender to state price per head per spray; work to be done under the direction of the Inspector in accordance with the regulations of the Warble Fly Act. Tender to be clearly marked "Tender - Warble Fly Spraying", to be in the clerk's hands by 6 p.m., Monday, March 6th, 1961, to be opened and considered on March 7, 1981, at 3,30 p.m. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted, Cora Chesney, Clerk, R.R. 4, Seaforth Township of McKillop Applications Applications wanted for War- ble Fly Inspector for the Town- ship of McKillop, for the year 1961. Applications to be marked and in the Clerk's office by March 4, 1961. J. M. Plekert, Clerk R Ii 1 Seaforth, Ont, NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH PARKING To facilitate snow plowing and snow removal operations, park- ing on the streets of this munici- pality is . prohibited between the *hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. This order will be strictly en- forced in accordance with the Highway Traffic act, Section 43, Subsection 9. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, the Municipality will not be responsible for any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow plowing or snow removal operations. BOX Funeral i'al Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Carefgl Attention Hospital Had Elowece for ell occasions phones: Day 43 Night 696W MARTIN' W. STAPLETON Phyllloian and. Surgeon Phone 90 • Seaforth. 4OHN A. GORWILL, B.A,, M.D. Physician Dion ¢a s d Bur Don y 'Phone 9-W Seaforth wwwwwewwww SEAFORTH CLINIC P. L. Brady, M.D.,Surgeon Dr, 5, Bellies 0ifice Hours,. 1 p.m. to G -p.m. chair except Wednesday and •Sunday. Evenings: '1iesday, There.' "Mo Appointments made in advance eve desirable . TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M,, V.S. W. G. DRENNAN,, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth John E. Lopgstaff •.Optometrist Goderich •St. W., Seaforth • Phone' 7911 - Hoere-Seaforth daily except Moir.. C to 6.80; Wed, 0 AM to 12.80 PM. Then •e• by apilelutmsht only, Clinton 11U -2.701L above Nankin' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 15.1O '"•' INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident ' • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate • Phone 334 Rear' 640 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDA6• CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE „ $$oil, PhU(l oi oA678 'or 832 -St - AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M1 HART Office Phone 784 _- Res. 284 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Anth Wind Liability & Life - JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth Hudson Sterling -Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. READ OFFICE-SEA•'OIYTN, ONT. Officers - President, John L. Malone.' Seaforth ; Vice Pres.. John H. NeEwig„ Myth ; Sec, -Trete., W. E. Southante. Seaforth, Directors, Norman Trewartha, Cliat.n. J. Ln.. Melon*, Seaforth i Chris Leonhiiit,. BJohne 81 Meaning. Myth: W . S��t ander, Walton: Narver Fuller, Gododah J. E. Pepper,- Brueeddd ; Allleter- Bead- foot, Seaforth. Agenta - William Laver. Jr.. Locales- lore"-' ; V. J. Lane, RES 5.aiorth ; Adorn Baker. Eraeeele; Harold llmnires. Olio.. ton; James leers, ,SesSoati. '. NOTICE Does any of your furniture need REUPHOLSTERING, refinishing or repairing. If so, please call Kitchener Upholstery, Seaforth 585 for prompt service NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Township of Tuckersmith are requested by the council, to not park cars on township roads and streets during the Winter months. in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. Council will not be responsible for damages to any vehicles park- ed on roads or streets. Cora Chesney, Clerk PROBLEMS ? Money to Loan on any property Don't Delay Anywhere. Delray The secret of sir ease.... - i. Seavlea DELRAY INVESTMENTS Oso -A Wilsonova}� yiew. out Real Estate WILFRED McINTF•F. BROKER Listings wanted on farms, homes, businesses and summer properties, Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth ' Phone 698 M Local representative for ' WILFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. 8 elm and 2s seleanou 90 KIM .70i4