HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-02-23, Page 4lALTON conrpanied by Mrs. D. Watson, STAFFA
▪ The Feb rneeting of the Walton T. Wn Tulnbuii received the l
h h f tri ,p 1) Mr, Jennings most
to offerirrd. Rev. Thoutae thanked
Group was bold; Wednesday wren, for
ing at the home a rs, T. Dim,
the yiee Bros., Mrs E, his his talk and then gave the Ben-'
- dna withIP•••••••••••••••
Mitchelle i h The opening edlotion.
hymn 9d n Was 4
a span the weekend with M d
m Tne
.c ergs, se Miss Ruth Walters of Loudon
Lord", Mrs. Gordon Murray led in
r; an
Gordon Miller, young eon of
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller is a
patient in Seaforth Hospital.
Ronnie Miller has been con-
fined to his home with the red
measles. r
The school children of Ribbed
ad Mrs. Frank Walters. I and ,their teachers `enjoyed 'an -
prayer and fare, •A, McCall re. Mr. Wayne memichaei of Galt otheskating party` in Mitchell
the sisdlrtnre irons Luke 8: 1-14 spent the weekend at, his home arena on Friday afternoon.
(the parable of the sower). The
meditation Was a paragraph ilius.
trating.` the need of all working
together in harmony. The topic in
charge of Mrs, H. Travis stressed
hero: Douglas Evans from. S, S,'No, 3
Mr. Charles Shannon and t Hibbert competed in the spelling
friend of Toronto visited with
Mr. and Mrs. John Shannon on
that we, not be too busy to use Sunday,
the weapon of prayer, a very A representative of the Camp-
bell Soup Company, Listowel will
real help in time of lor►eliuess' be guest speaker, and shoal slides
sickness and difficulty. The roll at the monthly- meeting' of the
call was answered by 26 ladies W I. on Thursday evening Feb.
naming a New Testament Book.
28. Mrs. Herb Williamson and
The Secretary, Mrs, Travis, gave Mrs, Geo, Williamson_will be co,
her report and read thankyod conveners for Canadian Indust -
notes. The treasurers gave their ries,
reports, Mrs. Pete McDonald an- Miss Marion Turnbull of Lon-
nounced that flannelette blankets don visited with her parents, Mr.
had been purchased for the June and Mrs. Win, Turnbull over the
bale, It was agreed that money weekend. •
for two pair of blankets for refu- Ken Ryan of Walton was win -
gees be given to the WMS. The ner of the awards offered to the
leader reminded the members of
the World Day of Prayer on Fri-
day Feb, 17, also of a social even-
ing in the church on Friday even-
ing, Feb. 24. Practice for the so-
cial was held after the meeting,
Mrs. W. 0. Rockwell, convener
of the bazaar committee an-
nounced the various committees
as follows: Fancy work convener,
Mrs. Allan McCall; helpers, Mrs,
Harvey Brown and Mrs. Alf An,
match in Exeter public school
last week, Those attending from
Staffs were Mr, and Mrs, Arthur
Kemp, Mrs. Evans and Douglas,
Edna Miller, Gerald. Scott and
Bobby Templeman,
Mrs. Ross Smale has her leg in
a cast due to an injury she re-
ceived while toboganning.
The February meeting of the
W. A. of E.U.B.C. was held .at.
the home of Mrs. Orville Beuer-
man with Mrs. Fred Rose and
Mrs. Wm. Koehler in charge of
devotions. Rev, and Mrs. Much -
top students iu Agricultural En• er rendered a duet, Mrs. Rose
gineering and Farm Accounting gave a reading on deaconess in
and Farm Management at the other lands, Roll call was answer -
Western Ontario Agricultural ed to a verse from the bible in
School, Ridgetown. John Bean, which the word promise was
also of Walton, a first year stud- found. Mrs, H. Smyth read a let-
ent at the school was winner of
the Huron County award for 1961..
By J. C. Hemingway
On February. 14th the County
Directors and Affiliated Organiz-
confined to itis home suffering
from pneumonia.
The Ladies Guild of Trinity
Anglican- Church held their Feb.
Meeting at tile house of Mrs. Fred
Weston, Rev. E. J. Harrison op-
ened the meeting with a prayer
followed by the secretary and
treasurer's reports. 12 members
answered the roll call. Court
Whist was played with the Win-
ners being Mrs, R, 3, Larson and
Miss Elaine Weston, A delicious
lunch was served by the hostess,
The W,A. of Trinity Church
.held a successful pancake sup-
per on Shrove Tuesday, The ta-
bles were beautifully decorated
with spring flowers arranged by
Mrs, T. W, Castle Jr.
Mrs, P. Weston, Mrs. E, Heard
and Mrs, . L. W. Scotchmer were
in the kitchen.
Brian Grimes, C.W.O., London,
'is at. his home this week while
studying for Easter examinations.
Charles' McGregor of O.A.C.,
Guelph, spent the weekend with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ross
Douglas Riley of Scarborough
spent the weekend with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Riley.
William Jewitt is spending
most of the week in Toronto.
ter she received from Mohammed Mrs, Lorne Lawson' is visiting
Hassan, a 16 -year-old Arabian with Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Clark
from the Kingdom of Jordan, and family of London, and Mr.
Jericho, thanking her for some and Mrs. J. Busby of Chatham,
used clothing he received, During Mr. and Mrs. James Medd, and-
derson; Aprons convener— this past month 235 lbs of used Mr, and Mrs. Jack Medd and Ker -
P. McDonald; helpers, Mrs. Ethel clothing was gathered and sent pie visited last Thursday with
Hackwell, Mrs. Jack Gordon, ation Representatives of the Fed- to Mennonite centre at Kitchener. m-iMr.and Mr's. Geo, Layton, of Ex.
Mrs. Luella Marshall; cashier, aratiou of Agriculture met in the Another box is being prepared eters
Mrs. Ron Bennett. Baking conven- Agricultural Board. Rooms, Clin- to be sent shortly. A thankyou World Day of Prayer
-11 bel ere torrletter was read from a missionary The World's Day of Prayer was
in China fol• used Christmas cards held Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock
at Constance United Church. Mrs.
W, L. Whyte presided and Mrs,
Fr•adk Riley was pianist through-
out the service. Others taking
part were Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt,
Mrs. Don Buchanan, Mrs. Mc-
cGregor, Mrs. Millson, Mrs. Lorne
Lawson, Mrs. Reg. Lawson, Mrs.
Verne Dale. Mrs. Borden Brown
gave the topic for the afternoon.
Constance . Foresters
The C.O.F. members had a Val-
entine dance and box social on
Friday evening. The hall was
beautifully decorated with hearts
and cupids. Music was supplied
by Norris Orchestra. Borden
Brown auctioned the boxes and
everyone had an enjoyable even-
er—Mrs, R. Achr es, p In the absence of Pres, Warren
Mrs. Herb Travis,d aMts, Allan Zurbrigg, the 1st, Vice -Pres. Gor-
GordonGMrs. Gerald Watson, Wil, . don Greig presided, Mrs. John
shiMuers,. Mrs.rFyson Wad Elliott, County Chairman of the
tens; cashiers,.Mrs. Nelson Reid . Cancer Fund, outlined the pro -
Jim Airs Dour , Stevens.Mrs, ' rani of the Organization and re -
cell Clark, Mrs, E, Steens, Mrs- quested the co-operation of the
cellaneoas—AIrs, A. McCall, Mrs. � q
L. Porter. White Elephant—Mrs. • Federation in this important
E. Watson, Mrs. Ed Miller. Hitch- work. Since there was some con -
en Committee—Mrs. Ralph Tra- fusion in previous years it was
vis, Mrs. T. Dundas, Mrs. J. His-' suggested that the rural canvass
lop, Mrs. J. Storey, Mrs. G. Rib- be conducted on a township basis
bert, Mrs. Geo. McArthur, Mrs. `rather than on the basis of the
Harvey McClure and Miss Bessie 1 cancer units working out around
Davidson. Everyone is asked to the urban unit area.
bring candy and white gifts. Ush- This is a worthy cause which
ars—Mrs. Ian Wilbee and Mrs, has received strong support from
Walter Bewley. Welcoming com- Feleration members in the past
mittee, Mrs. W. Broadfoot and and it is expected that this year
Mrs. Emerson Mitchell. Offering, will be no exception.
Mrs. Ron Bennett, Mrs. E. Wat- After some discussion it was
son, Any article ready for bazaar agreed that the County should
will be brought to the March send a delegate to the 25th. An
meeting, Lunch will be sandwich- nual meeting of the Canadian Fed -
es, squares and tarts, eration of Agriculture in Ottawa.
Mrs. Arthur McCall conducted Pres, Warren Zurbrigg was sp-
an oral quiz on Paul's Epistle to Pointed with the privilege of ap-
Ephesians. The meeting closed pointing an alternate if he was
with hymn 474 "I've wandered unable to go.
far away from God" and all re- Reports were given by Elmer
peating the Lord's Prayer. Host- Ireland and Mrs. M. Lobb on the
esses were Mrs. T. Dundas, Mrs.
Leadership Forum at Goderich
Jack Gordon and Mrs. Alf Ander• with recommendations that a
son, similar school be held next year
Euchre Party
As a result of this course Mrs,
The Walton W. L sponsored a
progressive euchre party and pen-
ny auction in the Community Hall
on Friday evening, euchre prize
winners were ladies high, Mrs. A.
Coutts; lone hands, Mrs. D. En-
nis: gent's high, Mrs. Ernie Ste-
vens: lone hands, Jack Bosman;
low, Herb Shannon.
Two Choruses were contributed
by children from Leadbury school
including Linda Somerville, Ter-
esa Ryan, Tim Bosman, Jack
McCall, Herb and Bob Shannon
with Mrs. Jack Bryans accomp-
anying. A piano instrumental was
played by Linda Somerville.
Mrs, Roy Williamson, Mrs. H.
Williamson and Mrs. Alf Ander-
son conducted the penny auction
with the following as prize win-
ners: Lawrence Ryan, . Wilfred
Shortreed, June Hillen, Brenda
Bewley, Mrs. Ken McDonald, Mrs.
Allan McCall, Gary Bennett„ No-
ra Anderson, Mrs. T. Dundas„
Gary Bennett, Mrs. S. Humphries,
Lawrence Ryan, Don Achilles,
Brenda Bewley, Don Achilles,
Mrs. N. Reid, Mrs. Doug. Ennis,
Sherill Craig, Mrs. C. Martin, C.
Ryan, Mrs. H. Craig, Mrs. W.
Turnbull, Mrs. N. Reid, Neil Wil -
Operative 1 delegate was elected Wayne of Varna.
]iamaon, Mrs. Ron Bennett, Mrs. from each township and in order Miss Kathryn Feltzer of Grand
A. Turnbull, Alex Gulutzen, Mrs. to make up the required 19, 8 del da s In Mich., is spending a few
Les Oliver, Mrs. A. Coutts, Wil•days in Kippen and Iiensall, and
fred Shortreed, Mrs. T. Dundas, agates were elected at large Clinton, and is visiting Mrs' Doig
Mrs. W. Turnbull, Mrs. Ron Ben- Since this is the same number re- at the Queensway Nursing Home,
quired for the Marketing Board Hensen and Mr. and Mrs. Long
and asking for more so it was de-
cided to bring used cards to the
next meeting to be held at the
home of Mrs. Alvin Beuerman
with Mrs, Elmer Koehler and
Mrs. Beuerman in charge of de.
On Friday afternoon a number
of our group attended World Day
of Prayer services at Brodhagen
Church. Mrs, Alvin Beuerman,
Mrs. Fred Rose, and Mrs. Irvin
Rock taking a part in the service,
The fifth meeting of the Kip-
penettes was held at the home
of Sharon McBride on Feb. 18 at
1 p.m. The meeting opened by re.
peating the 4-H pledge. After the
minutes of the last meeting were
read Jean McNaughton was el-
ected secretary for the next meet-
ing. The roll call was answered
by 16 members. Achievement Day
is on April 29th and the record
books and dresses have to be sent
in by April 15th. There was a dis-
cussion on the record book cov-
ers. The roll call and home as-
signments were then given out.
The next meeting is to be held
at the home of Gail Finlayson on
March 18 at 1 p.m. The girls were
Lobb has organized the ladies of then given notes on the bodice,
Goderich Township Federation the skirt and the buttonholes. The
and they are conducting a meet' leaders demonstrated how to set
ing on education at the Holmes- in sleeve, how to cover a buckle
ville United Church on Feb. 24th and how to cover a button. Grace
Riley thanked Sharon for the use
of her home and Helms Van
Loon seconded it, The meeting
closed with the National Anthem,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Love and Wayne
Love spent a day in Michiganlast
Marian Roberts, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Roberts of RR 2,
Kippen, is a proud owner of a
Bonny Best ripe Tomato of which
she planted the seed in Decem-
ber. There are green tomatoes
and blossoms on the plant also.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle
and Jim returned home Friday
evening from a delightful three
weeks trip to St. Petersburg and
Miami, Florida,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and
boys visited Friday evening with
a.m. to 11 a.m. and voting will be Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride of the
from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
On Feb, 9 at the annual meet,
ing of the Hog Producers Associ•
ation and the Hog Producers Co -
at 5.15 p.m. There will be a panel
discussion on methods of educe
tion chaired by Mr. Coulter, local
Inspector, with two parents and
two teachers as panel members.
Films will also be shown for fur-
urther information and entertain'
The Secretary was instructed
to order copies of the History of
the C.F.A. for each of the town
ships and also each of the local
Mr. Ab. Bacon, newly elected
county Pres. of the Hog Produc
era Association, outlined the pro-
cedure on the vote to elect county
delegates for the Hog Producers
Marketing Board to be held under
regulations of the Farm Products
Marketing Board on March 6th. in
the Legion Hall, Clinton. Nomin
ations will be accepted from 10
Miss Rose Marie Feeney and
Catherine, Kitchener, with Mrs.
Catherine Feeney,
Mr. Allan Butters, Parry Sound
and Mr, and Mrs, John Morris, of
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Miss Mary and James Morri
son, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Morrison.
Mr, Pat McGrath of:Parry
Sound with Mrs. McGrath and
Goshen Line. Visitors Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Jones were Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Love and Elaine of
Zurich and Mrs. Pearl Love and
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Grosech and
family, London, with Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Costello.
Mrs Lane of Seaforth with Mrs.
William Lane.
Mrs. Tom Butters in St, Thom-
as with. Mr. and Mrs, Ron But-
Mr. James Gilfillan of Alberta
was a recent visitor at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gardiner.
Mr; and Mrs. Keith McLaren
are spending a few days with
their daughter. Mrs. Stephen Ken-
drick and Mr. Kendrick at Wind-
Mrs. F, Taylor is visiting with
relatives in Toronto.
Mr; 'and Mrs. Robert Gardiner
and family visited on Saturday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Scott and family of Carlingford.
Mr. Barry McKinnon of the
Bank of Commerce at Oakville
spent the weekend with his par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKin-
Mr, and Mrs. K, McKellar at-
tended the funeral of the late
Mr. Norman Binning of Listowel
at the Harrison -Gibson funeral
home in Listowel on Wednesday.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Carey re-
ceived word of the sudden pass-
ing of their son-in-law Mr. L. B.
Abbiss of Georgetown. They left
on .Monday afternoon to be with
their daughter and to attend the
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gardiner
and faintly were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan of Win-
chelsea ou Friday evening.
4)—Thursday, February
Mrs. M, Moughton visited on
Wednesday-, with ltD', and Mrs.
Ross Houghton and family, of
The ladies or. Staffs. United.
Church and Cromarty Presbyter*
tan Church joined in observing
World's. Day of Prayer in Staffs
Church with the WMS presidents,
Mrs, G. Agar and Mrs, Calder
MCRaig as leaders, Mrs. W. O'-
Brien and Miss Vera Hambly
were leaders in the roll call of
nations and prayers were offered
by Mi.'s, Grace Scott, Mrs. Mervin
Dow, Mrs. C. Kerslake, Mrs. G,
Agar, A brief address on the sub-
ject "God does not leave Himself
without a witness" was given by
Mrs, T. L. Scott, Mrs, R, D. Sad-
ler sang a solo, "Somebody's
Praying for You", accompanied
by Mrs. H. Harburn who presided
at the organ for the hymns, The
offering was received by Mrs. W.
Friday Skating 8-10
ADM. 35c & 25c
Seaforth Women's Institute
Euchre & Dance
2 - 3.30 10e and Sca
9 P.M, Teen Town
Monday, Listowel vs Seaforth
8.80 Mc & 50c
Tues., Atwood vs St. Columban
8.30 25c & 50e
Wed., Monkton vs Winthrop
8.30 25c & 50c
nett, Mrs. E. Miller, Mary Helen
Buchanan, Alex Gulutzen, Mrs. H.
Craig, Mrs. Les Oliver, Eric Wil-
liamson, Doug Ennis,
The committee in charge of
the euchre and lunch were Mrs.
L. Ryan, Mrs, G. McGavin, Mrs.
Don Buchanan, Mrs. J. Bryans.
and Mrs. R, Travis.
World Day of Prayer
on Mar, 6th it would seem much la Kippen.
simpler to let these same daleI
BORN—Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mc-
gates who are well distributed Kay, Kippen are happy to an -
over the county, be our delegates nounce the birth of their son Jef-
for the Marketing Board as well.:trey Wayne on Sunday, Feb. 19
In order to have a reasonable in Clinton Public Hospital. A wee
vote on Mar. 6th there should be -brother for Diane, Douglas and
five carloads from each township. r` Darlene.
Even this number would only be {
About 28 ladies, members of ,about 10% of the Hog Producers r BLAKE
both Anglican and United Church- but will mean something like
4,000 miles of driving. Hardly l Mr. and Mrs. Roy Erb and the
es attended the service of the
seems sensible when the job family of Zurich, visited with
World Day of Prayer, which was
could already have been done, i Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oeeen and
held in Duff's Church on Friday
at 3 p.m.
The President, Mrs. Watson
presided. She was assisted in the
program by the Vice Pres., Mrs.
E. Mitchell, Mrs. G. McGavin,
Mrs. Norman Schade. Mrs. S.
Humphries representing the Ang-
licans, also took part. Prayers
were offered by Mrs. N. Reid,
Mrs. W. Turnbull, Mrs. C. Mart-
in, Mrs, R, McMichael, Mrs. A.
Rev, H. L. Jennings of St.
John's Anglican Church, Brus-
sels, was guest speaker and was
introduced by Mrs. Watson. Mr.
Jennings opened his talk with,
prayer. His theme, as throughout
the world was "Forward through
the Ages in Unbroken Line". He
gave a brief story of God's word
in prayer, referring as he did so
to several' passages of scripture.
He mentioned that this is the
75th Anniversary of World Day
of Prayer.
As a challenge he wondered
how many of the ladies present
would be present 40 years from
now, His idea being that we
must train our young people in
prayer so that they may be able
to carry on. Mr. Jennings brought.
his very inspiring address to a
close with prayer.
Miss Faye Love sang a solo ac.
Mr. Clemente Jeffrey has re-
turned home after spending sev-
eral days visiting with friends and
relatives in Detroit and Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oesch and
family visited Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ging•
erich and family.
Rev, Albert Martin and Rev,
Ephriam Gingerich of the Bible
Institute, Indiana, spent the week-
end at their homes.
Mrs. Keith Gingerich and infant
daughter have returned home
from the hospital.
The Blake School pupils held
their Valentine Party on Tues-
f On Feb. 20th the Fireside Farm
Forum met at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Robs, Dalton to listen to
the farm broadcast on review
night, 14 adults were present.
The result of the progressive
euchre: Games—Mrs. Geo. Cart,
er, Harvey Taylor; lone hands,
Jim Howatt, Ken Thompson; con,
solation, Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Ol-
iver Anderson, Mrs. Don Buchan -
en invited the group for next
• Town Dwellings
o All Classes of Farm Property
• Summer Cottages
• Churches, Schools, Halls
Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water
damage, falling objects, etc.) is also
Agents: Jas- Keyes, R R 1 Seaforth; V. J. Lane, R R 5
Seaforth; Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker,
Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton
Office — Main St., Seaforth
Harper And Miss Olive Speare,
The Junior Fled Cross of S.S. 5,
Hibbert,. held a euch'r'e and orok-
inole party at the schoolhouse on
Feb, 10, ',here were 13 tables in
play. A delicious lunch termin-
Med a very .enjoyable evening,
High prises for euchre were won.
by Mrs. Murray Christie and Mr,
Harry Norris Sr'. High prizes for
c oHo-
were won by Mrs. Gardiner and Bryan Find.
• On Valentine's Day the pupils
held a box social as part of the
annual celebration, These two
functions. netted $10.18 to the
Red Cross Fund.
Beth 'Christie Was,welcomed ,
back to school 'bila week, after
a tonsilectonry but we regret that
Joyce Norris is still absent, hav-
ing undergone the ,same,, opera•
Jackson Heat Reclaimer
ON YOUR FURNACE NOW only $84.50 complete
Absolutely no extras. You cannot afford to miss this offer.
Jackson Heat reclaimers pay for themselves, If you are
interested in putting waste chimney heat to good use — call
Jackson Aluminum Limited NOW !
Tested and proved by hundreds of homeowners across
Phone Seaforth 74
Be A Blood Donor
Come to the Red Cross
Blood Clinic
Northside United Church
Wed., March lst
5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The Life you save may be
your own
r . T
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore sac f
and family of Zurich and Mr. and i
Mrs, Pat Oesch and family visit-
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Bosnian, of Walton.
Miss Pearl Ann Erb spent an
evening with her girl friends
Judy Faye and Susan Oesch-
A few ladies of this vicinity at-
tended a quilting at the home of
Mrs. Roy McBride on Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. T, M. Leckie, of
London, spent the weekend with
Mr, and Mrs. E. MacLaren.
Tom Bauer, Waterloo, was at
his parent's cottage' over the
Master George Lindsay, 14 -
year -old son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Lindsay had the misfortune to
break his right arm while tobog-
ganing. He is able to attend
school while wearing it in a cast.
The Bayfield Public, School
teachers, Mr. W. Frolick and Mrs,
Wm. Parker with their pupils en-
joyed a Valentine party on Times
day afternoon. Valentines were
distributed to each one followed.
by candy and lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Dan Wigfield
Spent the Weekend at Wheatley,
Master Douglas Dawbrough is
"It's all right,
over at Mary's"
Children stray. Or a husband is late get-
ting home. Or you are worried about
someone who is ill. 'So often a simple
telephone call — from you or to you —
quickly sets' fears at rest. Any time of
day or night the telephone can suddenly
_ become one of the most important things
in your life!