HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-02-16, Page 8BIG BARGAINS THAT SELL, OUT FAST SHOP EARLY FOR THESE ALTERATION SPECIALS FOR R 'THURS., FRI. & SAT., FEB. 16 - 18 MEN'S REG. 79c Heather Shade WORK SOX 3 only per customer 3 pair for 1.00 SPECIAL I TWO DOLLAR TABLE This table includes Men's 'Pants, Jeans, Hobby Jeans, Dress Shirts, Sport Shirts, Boys Sweaters, Jeans, and many other articles Regular 2.95 3.95 4,95 5.95 ANY ARTICLE EC 2.00 MEN'S PLAID DOESKIN reg. 2.95 & 3.95 WORK SHIRTS The last of our Winter Stock sizes 15, 16, 16%, 17 only - To clear at 2.00 BABIES, REG. 7.95 to 11.95 SNOW SUITS Pink or Blue Shade Babies S, M, L sizes HALF PRICE CLEARANCE 4.00 to 6.00 CHILDREN'S & GIRLS Hosiery Clearance These include anklets, children's [[[ie� long hose, girls knee-highs � ALTERATION CLEARANCE pr. SPECIAL ! DOLLAR TABLE T Shirts, Jeans, Ski Pants, Brassieres, Plastic Curtains, etc. ANY ARTICLE X1,00 Boys 1.50 1,95 2.25 • -DRESS SHIRTS Plain Shade & Striped Sizes 4 to 16 years ea to clear 50c 10 ONLY, MEN'S„ SUEDE JACKETS Charcoal, navy, olive and brown. First, quality, dry -cleanable, suede windbreak ers. Regular $17,95-$19,95 sellers. 2Sizes 38-40-42 only. Alteration Sale, each1 � REG. 00- 69c -- 18" x 36" KITCHEN TOWELS Natural Color with assorted stripes ALTERATION SALE ea 39c Reg. 12.95 to 29.95 Girls 3 -pc Coat Sets Girls Coats Car Coats HALF PRICE SALE 6.50 to 15.00 REGULAR 3.95, GIRLS Pullovers & Cardigans Sizes 2 to 6X 8 to 14 Assorted Colors Alteration Sale $L99 SPECIAL I HALF PRICE TABLE Ski Pants, Ladies' Sweaters Carpet Warp, Girdles, Ladies T Shirts Aprons, Girls Skirts All at HALF PRICE LAST WEEK'S SPECIALS WERE A SELL-OUT -- SHOP EARLY FOR THESE STEWART BROS. 4 County of Huron Tenders for Supplies Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 7th, 1961 for the supply of 1961 requirements tor: Tender No. 61-104 Tires & Tubes Tender No. 61-105 Wire Fence (Type 842) & Steel Posts Tender No. 61-106 Cedar Fence Posts Tender No. 61-107 Pressure Treated 2x4's Tender No. 61-108 h" Fir Plywood GIS Tender must be submitted on County forms available at the office of the undersigned, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. W. Britnell County Engineer County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ontario 11111111"111,111111111111111"111111"1"1111,111111,1,1"1,,,1,111,111111,11,11111111,111111111111111"1110,111,"IOIII"I„llllllllll HURON COUNTY WHEAT PRODUCERS ASSOC'N ANNUAL MEETING WILL BE HELD IN THE AGRICULTURAL BOARD ROOMS, CLINTON Tuesday, Feb. 21st, at 2 p.m. Guest Speaker --Reg. Myers, Past Pres. Ont. Wheat Prod. Assoc. This organization has done a good job. It will do better with your suggestions at the Annual Meeting RUSSELL BOLTON 1, C. HEMINGWAY Chairman Sec.-Treas. 91111111,11111111111111111111,11/11111"1"1111111111111111101,1"111111111111111111111111111111e"1111111111111"11111"11111, Ill,1111, ,11111110,111,11111111,0111111111111111111111011111"1"1111111,1111111111111111110101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. Annual Meeting HURON CO. BEEF PRODUCERS AGRICULTURAL BOARD ROOM, CLINTON Wednesday, Feb. 22, at 2 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER: J. D. BAIRD Production and Marketing Division Canada Department of Agriculture ROBERT McGREGOR J, C. HEMINGWAY Secretary President 1,11111, 1,1111111111111111111111111111111"11110111111111101111111111111111111111111,111111111111111111111,11111111111111111,111111111• BRODHAGEN A surprise party sponsored by the friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Eckert on the occasion of their 26th wedding anniversary was held Friday night at the Community Centre in Brodhagen. Seven games of progressive euchre were played. First prizes were won by Mrs. Vincent Lane and Maurice Dalton. Consolation prizes went to Mrs. Joe Eckert and Jim Sloan. An hour of old time waltzses and square dances followed. Music was supplied by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Ryan. Following the dancing, Mr. and Mrs. Eckert were called to the stage where the following ad- dress was read by Mervin Dietz: Dear Mary and Joe, 'Tis February the 11th In the year of '61 And here we're all assembled For an anniversary of fun. A few ambitious neighbours On us, they did call The news that they told us 'Come to this very lovely hall. Let's turn back the hands of time Twenty-five years ago When Mary was a pretty maid Very prim, we very well know, North of her home, lived a youth Who toiled on a big, big farm, Says he, I'm tired of simple bliss I must find myself a pretty miss? Hitching up his dapple gray Out the south road he did roam And where do you suppose he wandered, Why right to Mary's home. - Round and round the block they went, And thus the romance started; Oh so calmly, Joe did whisper Now Mary, we'll not be parted. Away to town Joe did go To Seaforth, I do understand; And there he bought a lovely ring Said Mary, "Why that's just grand". Soon the wedding day was set 'Tway February they were wed So cold and blustery blew the wind. That they jourikeyed on a sled, When the wedding knot was tied They quietly settled down, A happy wedded life began A few miles north of Iriebtown Time passed on, the good Lord sent A family of two, They are accomplished farmers That, we know, is so true, Thus twenty-five years have gone by, Years of toiling, happiness find cheer, Our sincerest wish is that On the fiftieth, we'll be here, As a very small remembauee Of. your silver wedding day, Here's our gift to you To make you feel so gay. Good luck, good health and hap- piness Are the wishes we express; future the hold good d for tune And heaps of good success. Your friends, and neighbour's. Mrs. Steve Murray ' and Mrs,. Fergus Horan presented Mrs. Eckert with a china closet;. Mer- vin Dietz and Norman Beuerman presented Mr, Eckert with a Gru- en wrist watch, Steve Murray then presented thecouple with a purse. Mary expressed her grati- tude to all for their many acts of kindness in the past and for the enjoyable evening. She also said, that they could never have managed in the past without their neighbors who have made this world such a wonderful place in which to live. Joe expressed his thanks and stated that there was nothing more he could add to what Mary had already said. A delicious lunch was served and all left wishing the couple health, success and happiness. Relatives and friends were pre- sent from Rochester, New York; Kitchener, Waterloo, St. Agatha, Seaforth. Egmondville and Mitch - James Eckert and Danny of Rochester, New York, spent the weekend with Mrs. Teresa Eck- ert and Mr. and Mrs. George Co- ville. TUCKERSMITH ANNUAL MEETING Turners' United Church held their annual congregational meet- ing on Thursday, Feb. 9 at 8.30 in the basement of the church with a good attendance, Rev. Mills opened the meeting with prayer and the minutes of the last annual meeting were read. It was moved that Ernie Crich be the secretary for 1961. The re- ports had previously been presen- ted, and Frank Falconer and How- ard Johns were put in as elders for three years. George Turner, Elmer Townsend and Bob- Law- son replaced the retiring Stew- ards for 3 years. A good financial report was indicated by the treas- urer, Jack Turner. Turner's Church are planning their 100th anniversary in 1962. On motion of Jack Turner, Rev. Mills was tendered a vote of thanks for his splendid work. The meeting Was turned over to the Superintendent of the Sun- day School, Frank Falconer for the election of teachers and offi- cers. Rev. Mills pronounced the benediction and a social hour spent, with the ladies serving lunch. EUCHRE In Walton Community Hall Friday, Feb. 17 AT 8.30 -P.M. Admission 50c Institute ladies please bring lunch Euchre - Dance In Seaforth Community Centre sponsored by Seaforth Women's Institute Friday, Feb. 24 Euchre 8.30 p.m. Norris Orchestra Lunch provided. Admission 75c Everyone Welcome Announcement Current year taxes may be prepaid at any time at a saving of up to 5%. Certificates are available in $10 and $50 denominations. For further particulars apply at the Town Clerk's Office CARD OF TI3ANKS I wish to express sincere thanks to all who so kindly re- membered me during my stay in Scott Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to Dr, COMM, Dr, Staple - toll and Rev. W. II, Suminerell, —Ross Driscoll, CAPD QF THANKS We wish to thank everyone for their many kindnesses following the recent fire which destroyed Mir residence and belongings. Special thanks to members of the Seaforth Fire Brigade, members of the town council, the Red Cross Society, the staff and stud- ents of, Seaforth Public School, and our friends and neighbors, The thoughtfulness and generos- ity shown to us 1s deeply apprec- iated, and will always be remem- bered in our hearts.—Marie and Tack, Barbara and Danny Muir, CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to all who remembered me with get -well cards, flowers and treats while I was a patient in the Toronto hospital and since I came, home, also my neighbors who helped in any way. It was greatly appreciated,—Jim Keyes, CARD OF THANKS The family of the ' late Mrs. Mary C. Pollard wish to express theirsincere thanks to her friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness at the time of the loss of a dear mother. Special thanks to Rev, J. C. Brit- ton, Dr. M, W. Stapleton and the Whitney Funeral Home. Every- thing is gratefully acknowledged and deeply appreciated, Auction. Sale Auction sale, Feb. 25th at 1.30 p.m. of 1/ storey red brick house, 8 rooms, hot and cold wa- ter, 3 piece bath, hot air furnace, and one acre of land in the town of Mitchell on 23 highway, corner of Clayton, street. Full list of household furniture and garden- er's equipment. Prop., Chris Leonhardt; auc- tioneer, J. L. Ryan, phone 40-5, Dublin. Application will be received until March 10th, 1961, for the position of Assessor and Tax Collector for the town of Sea forth. Salary commensurate with dkperience and ability. Apply in writing to the under- signed, stating age, qualifications and experience D. H.. Wilson, Clerk. • NOTICE Hand made coffee tables, corn- er brackets, utensil stands, kit- chen cupboards, etc., all made to your specifications at a. very rea- sonable price. Phone 238W FOR SALE Used basin, 17x19, with taps and trap, for $10. Geo. A. Sills and Sons. TENDER Tenders for Duff's United Church, Walton, for 15 cords of hard body wood and 5 cords of cedar. Tenders to be in by March - 1st. Wood to be delivered by June 30th. Tenders to be sent to W. J. Turnbull, Brussels, Ont. THE SEAFORTH NEWS (Phone Auction Sale Clearing Auction Sale of "farm Machinery and household effects at Lot 5, con. 9, Tuckersmith, twp, 5 miles south and 1% East of Seafortb, on Wednesday, Feb, 22 at 1 p.m. Machinery—MQC0rinick Deer- ing W 30 tractor on rubber; Mc- Cormick 'Deering 8/ ft, stiff tooth cultivator (2 yrs. old); 20A M, H, 15 disk power fertilizer drill; M. H. 3 -furrow plow; 4 sec- tion Diamond harrows; 3 section levelling harrows; Cockshut 8 -ft. tractor disk; International side rake; M. H, 7 -ft binder (good. condition); M. H, manure spread- er; New Holland Iranuner Mill; 100 ft. endless belt (new); fan- ning mill, 2000 lb scales; Viking electric cream separator; stone boat; 6 -ft. mower; 3 -drum land roller; 150 ft, hay rope; 2 chicken shelters; 30" ,circular saw; 2 steel water troughs, farm wagon; colony house 10x12; Jamesway brooder stove; 2-14 h.p. motors; electric pail; rubber -tired wheel barrow; set double harness; alu- minum scoop; forks, shovels: and chains, Syrup pan and buckets, Allis Chalmers forage blower, complete with power takeoff, also inside pipes. Household Effects—Kitchen ta- bleay and chairs, day bed, Quebec heater, antique pine writing desk, roll top office desk, , diningroom table and chair s, occasional chairs, small tables, fernery, pedestals, •,5 -piece upholstered parlor suite, Heintzman flat piano, hall rack, sewing machine, hot plate, lard press, 2 furnished bed- rooms, chest of drawers, mirrors, lamps, dishes, glassware, kitchen utensils, sealers, crocks, 2 lawn urns. Other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve. Farm sold. ' Terms—Cash Prop. Hugh McMillan Auct., Harold Jackson Clerk, Geo. Powell. 84)—T FOR SALE Cheap work mare, good single or double. Ambrose Addley, 3rd house east.ofIiinburn on south side, Phone 833r4 FOR SALE Used leg bath tub, 4/ ft., with taps, overflow and waste, for $20. Geo. A. Sills and Sons. HOME FREEZER OWNERS A complete one stop Service for your cattle and hogs. We. specialize in custom slaughtering, cutting, wrapping and quick freezing. We guarantee complete, satisfaction. Hickory Smoked hams and bacon. Arrange for our complete One Stop service by calling us today. Exeter Frozen Foods, Exeter. Phone 70. FOR SALE 12 good Durham calves, 450 to 500 lbs. One 1950 pickup truck. Apply to Vivan Cooper,653r21, Seaforth. FOR SALE Bunch of good rugged York chunks. A. R. Dodds, Seaforth central. HELP WANTED Free rent of a farm house for looking after poultry and live stock. Must pay your own hydro. Apply to News office. FOR SALE Maple syrup equipment, evap- orator and equipment for 1000 trees. Also Diston 9 hp. two-man chain saw, nearly new. Char-lynn hydraulic pump. Apply C. J. Wal- ker, phone 12r13, Dublin. Will the LOST person to whom the late Harvey Mason loaned his book of songs, or anyone knowing its whereabouts, PLEASE get in touch with Mrs. Mason at 137, Seaforth or Box 53. It is a much treasured keepsake. Private Sale At Apartment 3, McMaster Ap- artments, West William St., Sea - forth, on Saturday, Feb. 18th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.: Occasional chair, rocker, cabin- et, pedestal, magazine stand, fern stand, trilite, couch day bed, cof- fee table, end table, 3 -piece bed- room suite, mattress and springs, kitchen set (chairs and table), buffet, sewing machine, lamps, rugs, mats, mirror, vacuum clean- er, electric clocks, heating pad, dishes. Terms—Cash. Property of the Estate of the late Mrs. Mary C. Pollard. NOTICE - TOWN OF SEAFORTH PARKING To facilitate snow plowing and snow removal. operations, park- ing on the streets of this munici- pality is prohibited between the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 am. This order will be strictly en- forced in accordance with the Highway Traffic act, Section 43, Subsection 9, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Municipality will not be responsible for any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow plowing or anew removal operations. Clearing Auction Sale Of farm, farm stock and ma chinery at lot 28 Con. 6, Hay twp. '/ mile South of Hillsgreen on Parr Line, Tuesday, Feb. 21st at 1 p.m. Cattle -18 Holstein cows and heifers, first and second calves, 4 fresh, remainder due in Feb and March. 1 -Jersey cow carrying 3rd calf. 2 year-old Holstein heifdrs, 4 young calves. All cattle blood tested. Horses—One Pinto Pony, Pigs -2 York sows with pigs. Poultry -500 Dekalb hens 1 yr. old; 800 Hybrid chickens, Red Sussex, Honegar, hatched Jan. 12, Machinery—Allis Chalmers D14 tractor with power take -off (new), 3 -furrow mounted plow; heavy duty 10 -ft. cultivator, chains and heat houser; McCormick power drill 15 -run; 66 Allis Chalmers combine, fully equipped, Front mounted 8 -ft, swather (like new) ; New Idea tractor manure -spread er (like new) ; 3 section drag harrows. Otaco rubber -tired wag- on; 16 -ft. combination grain box and hay rack, 2 -wheel trailer; Gehl hammer mill with endless belt (like new) ; 3 drum 'steel" rol- ler; 2 iron gates; 36.0t. Cardinal bale elevator; Bush Hog rotary hay or pasture ,cutter; Woods milking machine; 2 single units milk pails; Electric grain cooker; water tank; rubber -tired wheel barrow; large feed trough for hay or grain; 32 -ft extension ladder;, rubber -tired buggy, 1000lb scales; snow fence; 200 -gal, gas tank; quantity 4 -inch tile; 3 colony houses; 2 oil heaters; chicken shelters; egg washer, other poul- try equipment, quantity of lum- ber; 8 Ten Test, Hay and Grain—Quantity mix- ed baled hay; 800 bus. mixed grain. Farm—At the same place at 3 p.m. the 100 -acre farm will be of- fered for sale, good clay loam, all workable land, L shaped barn. House with ell modernconven iences, on county road. Immediate possession. One of the better farms in Hay twp also in bean area. 10% -down, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. Chattels—Cash Prop., Gordon Coleman Auct., Harold Jackson . Clerk, Geo, Powell NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and inhabitants of .the Township of Tuckersmith are requested, by the council, to not park cars on township roads and streets during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing' operations, Council will not be responsible for damages to any vehicles park- ed on roads or streets. Cora Chesney, Clerk MAN WANTED Good opportunity to build up a profitable Rawleigli Business in part of Huron County. No Capital nor experience needed, Dealers selling in adjoining localities do- ing, quite well, For full informa- tion write Rawleigh, Dept. B•364 - rsday, February 10, 1901 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and. Careful Attention Hospital Hod Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 696WW MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.C. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6-'vW, Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC 1?, L. Brady,. M.D., Surgeon Dr. E. Kellam Olfico Hours, 1 p.m to 5 p.m. deli/ except Wednesday need ay an d Sunday. Evenings; 'rueaday & Thum, 7-9 pan, Appointments , made in advance no desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V,M., V.$. W. R. BRYANS, W. G. DRENNA'N, D.V.M., V.S, Phone 106 Seaforth John E. Longetaff Optometrist Goderioh 4Jt, W„ gee ortii Phone 79.1 Hours—Seaforth daily except Moa,; 8 to 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Them eve by appeinttent only. Clinton- HU -2-7010, ab.ve Nankin' Move, Mon. 9 ' to 5.80 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res.' 540 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE QU BOIL p►yg Phonee873 or 332-K AND FUEL. OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 . Res. 28€ We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Atito - Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDN° Phone 214 Seaford Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. ' MEAD OFFICE--SEAFORTH. ONT. Oa'ic.re - President, Join L. Malone,. Seaforth ; Vie* Pres., Jahn H. MoEwing, Binh ; Sec. -Trees., W. E. Southold*, Seafert . Directors. Norman Trewartha, Cli.ton, J. L. Malone, Ssaforth ; Chris Leonl,ifdt, Jar H� Mo ing, Myth; ; Robert Wm.S9 �- Alen - ander, Welton; Harvey Adler, GedemB)h J. M. Pepper. Broomfield; A11laGr Breed - .foot, Seaforth. Agents - William Leiper Jr., Lomita Moro ; V. J. Lana, RA 8 lierforth C 9 Baker, Brussel' ; Harold &amires, Olin. ton ; Jean's Key., Eeetotth. .. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION .Whore Setter )u:He Are Use! Farmer owned and controlled' Service at coat Choice of bull and breed Our artificial breeding service . will help you to a more efficient livestock operation For service or more informat�o>m spil Clanton MU I -Mu or 4ai long diliinc. Clinton Zenith 0-0860 w or Collect Seaforth 96 Better Cattle For Better Living PROBLEMS? Money to L on any property! — Anywhere. 'Don't .Delay — Write Delray -The secret of oar success — i. Servile DELRAY INVESTMENTS' 456-A Wilson Ave., Downsview, ..Ont rf.I-U24S Real Estate. WILFRED McINTEE BROKER Listings wanted on farms, homes, businesses' and summer properties. Apply to Amos Corby, Seafortb Phone 598M Local representative for WILFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton Ont. IA, 1005 Richelieu, Montreal, 6 °RFiot and 26 sSlewmon to terra yes: