HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-02-16, Page 4CON$TANCE The W. A. and WMS. of Con• stance. United Cllureh met for their regular meeting last Wed- ixesday atterneon in the base- ment of the Church. Mrs. L, Law- son presided over the W,A.,and ,opened with a hymn followed by prayer. Tho minutes were read by Mrs, D. Buchanan, assistant Mr. and Mi's, Robert Parker sec, in absence of Mrs, Riley. The and family of London, spent the roll call was. well anewered and Weekend with the former"s par The L. A. and Girl Gnidea held euehre party on Friday even- , ing jn the Parish Hell, The prizes were ladies first, Mrs. R, Mc Michael,Clinteill Sud Bonnie Johneton. Men's first, R,'McMich- ael and 2nd Michael Sootehmer. The ladies served refreshments„ Miss Berthenia Sturgeon spent the weekend at Clinton. next month the roll call will be anewered by a verse of scripture Pertaining to. Easter. Mrs, Law- son gave a report on the Parson- age Board. A bake sale was de- cided upon for April 1st. Collec- tion was taken and the meeting turned over to the WMS. Mrs. W. L. Whyte presided over the WMS and opened the meeting by all singing hymn 187. Scrip- ture lesson was read by Mrs, E.: Nott. Prayer by Mrs. R. Mae- • Gregor. Minutes were read and roll call taken, Study Book on the i Turning World, by Mrs, Reg. Lawson, gave the Author's exper- ience on "Into all the World To- gether", Witnessing together and the meaning of Ecumenical, A motion was made to send money for four blankets to be sent to, Pakistan. It was decided to alter- nate the meetings with the W.A. with the next meeting beginning with the WMS service. The World Day of Prayer will, be held Friday afternoon at 3 o',elock in the basement of the Church. Everyone is 'welcome to attend, Hymn 568 was the closing hymn. Collection was taken and Mizpah Benediction closed the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley spent the weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Woods and Debbie of Ajax. Mr. Lawrence Taylor et the O.A.C,, Guelph, was a weekend visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Taylor. Mr. Bill Millson of Wyoming spent the weekend with his mo- ther, Mrs. Millson and brother Ross Millson. The Canadian Order of Forest- ers held a benefit euchre in their hall. Friday evening in favour of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holmes of Sea - forth, who recently had a heavy loss by fire. Progressive euchre was enjoyed and ,prizes went to ladies: let Mre, Robt, Dalton; Men, Mr, Robt. Smith Ladies: Lone Hands, Mrs. Hill; men, Mr. Sam McClure. Low prize for lad- ies to Mrs, Don Buchanan; for men, Mr. Frank Riley. Mrs. M. Stephenson. and Mr. Fred Cooper of Seaforth visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and sons visited Sunday with the latter's brother, Mr, and Mrs. E. Hart of Brussels. eats, Mr, and Kra, Wni, Parker. HULLETT FIRESIDE FARM FORUM On Feb, 13 eleven adults of the of Mrs. Ed Ltiyton the evening Fireside Farm Forum met at the of Feb, 1, Mrs, Vie theSytnick, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver An- derson, Topic "Farm Organza- pres., was in the, chair and 12 Friday night, Tile crowd Was not as large as usual owing to the Weather and road conditions. The following were prize avliinere; Ladies first, Mrs, Mel Graham; low, Mrs, Baffin; Gent's'tirst, Mr. Itobt. Dalrymple; low, Mr. Gordon Richardson, Lunch was served by the members of the society, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Neale, of London, spent Sunday with Mre. Stackhouse, and Mr, and Mrs. M, 'Wilson, TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersmith,Ladies Club held their meeting at the home Wrennb err and -one nevisitor answer- tion nswer-tion Membership". We think that ed the roll call by giving a valen- tine verse, Reports were read and a thankyou card from Mrs, Er- allowing ne Crieh for gifts and cards sent 16 to 21who are , while she was in the hospital. any children Mrs. Win, Pepper thanked the living and working on the farm • ladies for gifts and cards sent to vote. Any over 21 working on during her illness, $5 was voted the farm should be encouraged to to be sent to the March of; Dimes join separately. In this way we Fund, The money to the imagin- would have more members and alt's Bake gaze donated le was cobyllected. Mrs,o more interest, Watson was won by Mrs, O'Brien. 2. The individual ni e m b e r Mrs, Ken Rogerson and Mrs. Nor- should or should have full voting power at ris .Sillery conducted contests and the local organization and dale- a few games of bingo were en - gates to the higher organization joyed after which the hostess and have voting power there, group 2 served a delicious lunch; 3. We think in our municipality 11 is best that the farm organize- EGMONDVILLE tion be financed by a grant with The regular meeting of big-' commodity group and Co -Op. mondville United Church was This is a method of indirect tax -,held in the Sunday School room ation and all other groups bene- of the church on Feb. 1st with a fit from the top organization. ( good attendance. Our new. presi- 4. Membership in a farm organ- dent, Mrs, Alex Chesney presided ization should encourage all to and the meeting was_ opened with depend equally and learn about the theme song after which Mrs. marketing and other problems. Ken Carnoohan took the devotion - We believe all who have been ac- al. Hymn 376 was sung. Scripture tive fanners for one year in the lesson was taken by Mrs. Wm. community should have a 'vote • Forrest followed by prayer ;' by on agricultural questions in the Mrs, Ken Carno,chan. Th'e meet - township regardless of their cult- ing was then opened for business. zenship. !The banquet to be held on Feb. It does not seem fair that good 15 was discussed."Roll call and farmers who have not their nat.., minutes were read. Mrs. Alex uralization papers should not:Chesney Chesney then read a poem fol - have this privilege. When their :lowed by hymn 873. Mrs. Ed five-year term has expired and Boyes our 1st vice, presided for they desire to become Canadian I the' WMS in the absence, of Miss, citizens they should then have Houston. She opened the meeting full franchise. I with a reading followed by Prizes at euchre were: most hymn 247 after which a prayer games, Mrs. Jim Howatt. George was taken by Mrs. Boyce. The Carter. Lone hands, Mr. and Mrs. roll call was then answered fol- lowed by the minutes which were read and adopted. The World Day of Prayer is• to be held on Feb. 17th. Collection at the March meeting to go to the supply sec. HIBBERT Mrs, Wm. Forrest then gave a Several schools in Hibbert twp. reading. Mrs. E. Boyes then- in- the membership of farm organiza- tions should be on a family basis the man his wife and • BAYFIELD Mrs. D. Dewar returned home on Saturday after spending a week at Clinton and Varna. F/O and Mrs. M. Barber, Bag- otville, Que, are spending a va- The Stafta W. I. held a valen- cation with her parents, F/O and • tine card party in Stafta hall on Friday evening, Feb. 10. There was a good crowd with 19 tables i of euchre in play. Prizes were won by, high, Mrs. B. Riley and' Corporal and Mrs. Lloyd West- Mrs. Dodds, Cromarty. Low, Bill lake and three children, Kitchen- Worden and Hughle McCaughey,' Staffa; lone hands, Mr. Ed But- son, Staffa; lucky chair, Mr. Phil-' ip James, Staffs. Mr. Eric Norris from O.A.C., Guelph, spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan, Exeter, visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman and family. The teacher and pupils of S.S. Milk Report To Be Made Public. A illeancement was $ladeon lilanday by Wilton E. Honey,, vice president Of the Qnterie Milk Producers Marketing Board, while speaking 'at the, McKillop Feder- ation Workshop .it Brodhagen, that the report of the , team of agricultural and dairy marketing specialists is now practically completed and will be made pub- lic early in March. . The contents of the report are being kept secret until announc- ed„ he explained, because last year the conflicting interests 'of the Our branches of the industry were 150 great as to prevent un- animity in an attempt to produce a formula satisfactory to the whole milk, the concentrated milk, cream. and cheese produc- ers of Ontario. A publie meeting will be called as•soon as the report is ready and the contents will, be made available to everybody, Harvey Taylor, Consolation, Mrs. Geo. Carter, Mrs. Robert Dalton. Mrs. Dalton invited the group for next week, were broken into last Tuesday night with radios, record players etc. being stolen. Provincial pol- ice from Sebringville investigated and have a trio of youths in cust- ody. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Norris Miss Thompson had visited, from visited over the weekend with Istanbul in Turkey to Brazil, Mr. and Mrs, James Norris and and who are very badly in need family of Brampton and attended of help, Hymn 376 was sung fol - the christening of Mr. and Mrs. lowed by ,closing prayer after James Norris' young son, Garry which a delicious lunch was eery - James, on Sunday, ed by Mrs. Wm. Forrest's group. The annual meeting of Staffa troduced the new Study Book "Home for the Homeless" and Mrs. Elmer Cameron then took the first chapter, "This Turning World" by Miss Thompson, tell- ing of the refugee camps which United Church was held on Tues- day afternoon, Feb 7. Mrs. R. Simons. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thain and family, London, were at their cottage over the weekend. er, spent the weekend with her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. M, L. Toms. The Bayfield Fire Department were again called to two fires this week. Both were chimney fires at the homes of Ken Bran- don and Peter Cottle. At the Brandon home there was some damage from smoke and soot and no serious damage at the Cottle home. Lac, and Mrs. A. Graham and 3, Hibbert held a valentine party four children are occupying J. E. at the school Friday afternoon. Howard's house on Louisa Street, I There were 10 pre-schoolers pre - They had been in Germany for sent. four years and motored here from Winnipeg. F/O and Mrs. D. Battge and KIPPEN Miss Joanne Robinson of Wood- stock spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Robinson. Residents of this area may be interested to know a "play" on the CBC's General Motors pro- gram to be broadcast on Sunday evening Feb. 19th was written by Mr. Ron Sproat of New York and Cincinatti, whose father was Mr. James M. Sproat, a native of Kippen, and who was raised on the farm where Mr. Rae Consitt now resides. Mr. Stanley Jackson owner of J. B. Hereford Farms, Kippen, re- cently sold his Belgian team of horses to Mr, W, J. Hopewell of St, George, Ont, Mr. Edgar McBride visited a few days in Brantford. Mr, and Mrs, Robert Stokes and Larry of London were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kemp and guests of the latter's father Mr. Eleanor visited over the weekend ' Robert Thomson, with Mrs. Pearl Francis and Jane The flowers at the church on baby son and Miss Brenda Blair in. Scarborough, Sunday were placed in memory of Ori1Ha spent the weekend with •Congratulations to Joanne Wor- , of the late Albert R. Mitchell of their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert den, a grade 8 student at S. S. 3, Clinton. Blair. Hibbert, who was one of the win -1 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wahl of List- Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Oddleifson ners at the public speaking con- owel visited Sunday with Mr. and of London, are at their home for test which was held in Fullerton Mrs. Norman Dickert. a few days. hall on Feb. 10, Joanne chose as Mr, Emerson Mitchell of Wind - The February meeting of Trill- her topic " How to keep fit". This eor, and Mr, Albert R. Mitchell of ity Club was held on Tuesday contest is organized by the Pop- London, visited during the week evening at the home of Mrs, R, py committee of the Canadian with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kyle and Simons. The meeting opened with Legion Branch 128 Mitchell. The family, the pledge followed by prayer. finalists will compete in Mitchell Mr. and Mrs, James Armstrong Ted Davies then showed very in- town hall on Feb, 17. of Staffa visited a day last week teresting pictures on his recent with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. training overeeas. He and his family bad spent four years there and enjoyed it very much, Mre, A. Flowers voted a few words of thanks to Mr. Davies for his kindness,A draw was made on a Valentino cake, the winner being Mrs, Fred Arkell, The hostess served a delicious lunch, Miss Jackie Cluff, London, Was at her home over the weekend, FEDERATION NEWS - By J. C, Hemingway Thursday evening, Feb, 9, an information meeting on "Fame" (Farmer's Allied Meat Enterpris- es) was held in the •Agricultural Board Rooms, Clinton. Compara- tively, it was well attended and was particularly suocessfull, Hoyt - ever in the light of the number of livestock producers in Huron County and the importance of this enterprise to their income there isn't a meeting plane avail- able in the county large enough to hold- the numbers that should have been out. As a result it was suggested that I try to give some of the more basic facts about this pro- ject in this column. 'Fame" is a Co -Operative form- ed for the' -purpose of slaughter- ing, processing, packaging ' and wholesaling farm livestock, (at present, at Ieaat, there has been no interest shown in retailing), The Co -Operative Charter was taken out in Sept. 1960 listing a Board of Directors and all the shareholders. This Board of Dir- ectors, which was at first made up of the 11 man Board of Direc- tors of the Hog Producers Associ- ation, ssociation, is only a ,provisional Board and Is only in power until a meeting of all members of the Co -Operative can be organized. This meeting must be called be- fore March 31st. To have member voting privil- eges at this meeting the member must own one or more paid up shares. Each member will have only one vote regardless of the number of shares purchased. A share sales campaign is pre- sently being'conducted and a ,can vasser will be calling, on you shortly. And just a word of warn- ing, arning, just in case some fast oper- ator should decide to take advan- tage ofthesituation, ask the can- vasser for his credentials unless you know him ,personally, The minimum objective is 2 million dollars. The money so raised will build two reasonably large processing plants. ed at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mre. Lloyd Seredehl on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs; Mex,. Gardiner attended the funeral service of a cousin, Mr. Aimee Mowbray, at the Box funeral home in Seaforth on Tiitlrsday, The ladies of State United Church and Cromarty PresbYter- lan will. Join in the World's Day of Prayer service in Stpga church on Friday 17th, Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Dolmage and their daughter, Mrs. Turn- bull of Kitchener were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dodds on Saturday, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Ri- ley of St. Thomas spent the week end at the same home, S.S. No, 6, Hibbert, was one of five schools broken into Tuesday night, A few dollars of student council money was taken from the teacher's. desk. Two doors were damaged, A window was broken_ and locks had been tam- pered with. 'Constables from Seb• ringville investigated. A number of members of the Perth, Hog Producers Associa- tion from this district attended their annual banquet and meet- ing which was held in Brodhagen community centre on Thursday.. Dupuis from several' public schools in Hibbert township took part in the public speaking con- test at Fullerton township hall on Friday night, The contests were sponsored by the Mitchell branch 128 in charge of this dis- trict, Among the winners were Margaret Worden, SS 3, Hibbert, speaking on Traffic Safety (Mrs. Arthur Kemp, teacher); and Pet- er Zankowski of No, 6, speaking on Automation (Miss Wanda Mc- Laren, teacher). Other contest- ants were Joanne Worden, SS 3, and Carol Anne Dow, SS 6, 1VIr. and Mrs,. Donald Wallace, Carlingford, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, George Wal- lace, • Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Allen and sons of Stratford were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Allen. BRUCEFIELD Group 4 W. A, held a quilting party at the home of Mrs. John Alkenhead last week, Mrs, A. Paterson and Mrs. Sholdice of Exeter visited with relatives in Toronto over the weekend and attended the Ice Follies, The 1,0.0,F, of Brueefleld held a ,progressive euchre party on Mr, and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau. visited Sunday evening with Mrs. Mousseau's father, Mr. Dean Brown of Greenway, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Caldwell of Hensen, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Kyle, Bonnie and Al attended the funeral of their uncle the late Mr, Albert Mitchell, at the Ball and Match funeral home, Clinton, on Saturday. • BRUCEFIELD Group 2 held a Dutch Auction at the home of Mrs. W. Haugh on Friday evening, about 45 attend- ed. Group 1 were invited, Mrs. Haugh conducted a humorous contest, Mrs. Jno. Cairns of Sea- forth sang two very lovely solos accompanied by Mrs. R. Scott. Mrs. A. Paterson and Miss Martha McDonald acted as auctioneers, realizing over $50. Mrs. Haugh donated ,prizes as follows: Lucky cup, Mrs, Ross Chapman; lucky chair, Mrs, A. Ings; lucky birth- day, Mrs. McNaughton; most grandchildren, Mrs. Alex. Must- ard; coming the longest distance, Mrs. Doucette, Clinton. Group 2 served a dainty lunch. Group 1 would like to thank Mrs. Haugh for a very wonderful evening. • Mrs. Walter Moffat entertained Group 4 on Wednesday, evening last week. Mrs. S, McKenzie is visiting with her nephew, Mr, Walter Moffat and Mrs. Moffat. We are glad to report that Mrs. McKen- zie is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Graham spent the week end in Toronto. Mrs. Victor Farrow, Wiarton, is visiting with her cousin, Mrs. Wm. Douglas. Rev. and Mrs. H. Johnston were delighted to have 12 young people from St. Thomas visiting them on Sunday and attending church: DUBLIN. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS (Rita Kennedy) On Tuesday evening we held our annual ;progressive euchre party in St. Patrick's Hall, with 35 tables playing euchre. Rev, R, Durand presented the prizea to the, lucky winners: Mrs. A, M. Looby, Mrs. Hugh Benniger, Mrs. C. Ryan, Mrs. Jim McQuaid, Mrs. John Murray and Mary Lou Coyne tied as the lady winners. Mrs. John E. Murray drew the prize. Jerry Cronin was the sole winner of the gentleman's prize. Tickets were sold on a Valentine Surprise Box. Miss Mary Con- nors of Sarnia was the lucky win- ner. Lunch was served by the students. On behalf of the teachers and students of D.C.S. I would like to thank Rev. Father Durand for the use of the hall and his co-op- eration, the C.W.L. and Altar So- ciety for their help and equip- ment, the chaperones for giving us a hand, our parents for so generously supplying us "gratis" with whatever we needed, "John", ever ready to help us out, and our friends for coming and making it a really "grand" and "glorious" evening. It is because of the loy- alty of all who supported us that we rejoice in our great sucpeesi TH10. SEAFQR`l'H NEW'S (Phone ten", The Home Assignment is to begin your record book,' check your figure for defects and choose what lines snit you best, Tho first and second meetings were held in the form of a double meeting, 84) ----Thursday, Feilraary 16, L811 Williainson, Gleinie IIousten, Mr, and Mrs, W. A, Hogg, of Collingwood visited at the hong of Nor and Mrs, Andrew Potato, While thorn Mr. and Mi's. W, A, Hogg and 'Mr, and Mrs, A. Cottte attended the 401,11 wedding anal- veraary of Mi'. and Mre, Aden Forbes in ICitehenoi•, The, second meeting of the Mc- Mrs, Margaret Humphries and Ki11o0.Busy Beavers was also cMi's. IlarveY Craig^ recently at - held at. the home 08 Mrs, Scott en tended atwo-day course in BFUs Feb, 11, The singing of the W, 1, sale for the 4.31 Club girls' ourse "Cottons may bo Smart", Ode and repeating the 4.11 Pledge ` The Feb, meeting of the Mis- opened the meeting, The minutes ll[u •elII was held ulast Sunday of the last meeting were read and morning when Gary Bonnett, vice th roll call answered The next d th t' j} with Henderson's hone on Feb. 18th. e d at thep' iib Sher - We were divided into two groups. Come let ua,._worship and bow e Pres„ opens a meeting with meeting will , be held at Shirley hymn 609 "Mothers of a em" ac- oompanue nano 'y ill Craig.. The call to worship was Onplaie. group alearned howlap to make down and let us kneel before the a n sem and seam while Lord our Maker". The '" leader, the others learned how to alter a Mrs, W. Bewley talked about stor pattern. The roll call for the next lea we find' in the bible and how meeting is ,,A line in clothes that e got the'bible. The scripture, how we can help others to• get it, suits me". The home assignment ken from 1st Kings 8; 12-13' is buy your pattern and material, was read- by Neil Williamson fol study your pattern construction lowed by prayer by John Muir,! sheet and prepare your inaterfal. Offering was taken by. Bruce Clark and Larry Walters with for cutting, A delicious lunch was the offertory prayer by Gary Ben - served, nett. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Jack-Me- Call. ack.Mc-Call. The following will take part WALTON in the March meeting: at the The regular monthly meeting piano, Mary Helen Buchanan; a of the 17th and. boundary group 'prayer, Carol Fraser; scripture, of Duff's United Church, Walton, Mary Leeming, was held at the home of Mrs, Class teachers were Mrs. A. VARNA The World Day of Prayer will be held in the United Church on Friday afternoon of this week. The congregation of the United Church held their annual meet- ing last Tuesday evening. It was preceded by a supper served in the basement of the church. Af- ter the supper the members as- sembled upstairs with the pastor, Rev. T. J. Pitt in the chair. Ex- cellent reports were heard from the WA, WMS, YPU, Sunday school and other organizations. The officials of the ,church for 1961 are as follows: Elders, John T. McAsh, Sherlock Keyes, Fred McClymont, Alfred Johnston, An- son Coleman. Stewards, Wayne Taylor, Mervin Johnston, A. J. Mustard, Wm. Taylor, Robert Stirling, Wm. McAsh, Louis Tay- lor, George Stephenson, Grant Webster, George Dawson. True - tees, Wm. Clarke, John Ostrom, Anson Coleman, Alfred Johnston, Ralph Stephenson. A group of young people from the YPU attended a YPU rally at CROMARTY Mr, Henry Eggert of Rostock is visiting at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Alex, Gardiner, Mr, and Mrs. T. Laing visited on Thursday with Dr, and Mrs. Lance Norris and Mr, Williatd Patrick at Wyoming. Mr. and Mre. Wm, Smith, Bob, by and Phyllis of London were Sunday Visitors with Mr, and MIS, Otto Walker. Mlzs Ina Scott, London, spent the week end with her parents, 1 Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Scott. Mr. and Mrs, John Ohessell and son Robert of Mitchell visit - Donald Buchanan with 16 mem- Clark, Mrs, N. Marks, Mrs ,• Gond- Donald present, Mrs, Wm, Coutts, on McGavin, Mrs. MoMichae ' , was in charge of the meeting, with• an attendance oP 58 men- Scripture reading was taken by berg•Hymn 812 closed the meet Mrs. Clifford Hoegy. Mrs, Coutts ing followed by the Mispah Ben - took the topic. Business was die-The cussed and the afternoon was Phe committee in charge of the pent quilting, social evening to be held in the p United Church basement Friday Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McCall evening, Feb. 24 are busy ,pre - and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Travis paring numbers for the program. returned home on Friday after a The CGIT sponsored a'crokin- two weeks' vacation to Florida, ole party in the church school - Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Dinsmore of room. Monday evening, prize win- Kitchener visited with Mr. and ners were ladies high, Mrs. R. Mrs, Gordon McGavin over the Achilles; gent's high, Mr. R. week end. ' Achilles; ladies' low, Mrs. Geo. Mr, and' Mrs. Graham Sholdice, Dundee; gent's low, Gordon Mit- Butch and Rickey of Cookeville obeli. Program consisted of ac - spent the weekendwith Mr. and cordion•" solo; Geraldine ,Dennis; Mrs. David Sholdice. duet by Linda Bryans and Mary McKillop Group • . Helen Buchanan with Mrs. Jack The February meeting • of the Bryans accompanying. Piano trio McKillop group was held at the by Nellie Baan, Sherrill Craig home of Mrs. Andrew Coutts on and Glenna Houston, , Lunch was Feb. 8th with 13 members presc? served 'by the CGIT Girls..G+Or 'Zr ' ent, Mrs. Jack Bosnian opened;- • '' DUBLIN The death occurred suddenly at Hove, England, of Mrs. John C. Friend,'on Feb.' 4. Mrs. Friend was the ;mother of Charles Friend, Dublin, Also surviving are her husband J. C. Friend, of Hove, Superintendent; J. C. Friend, 01 London, - England; Mrs, Cedric Stackwell of Hove, 6 grandchild- ren and 2' great grandchildren. The funeral was held Feb. 9th at Hove Mr. and, Mre. Fred Overdulve and children of Metcalfe, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Feeney, Tilsonburg; Mr. and Mrs. Steve Maloney, of Kitchener with Mrs. Mary 'Feen- ey. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Butters and children, St. Thomas, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butters. Mr. and Mrs. George Coville, Tommy and Pete Eckert, Vincent Maloney' and Ken Murray attend- ed the hockey game in Guelph on Friday- night. Guelph Royals vs Peterboro. fetes. Rickey is the son of Mr. and: Mrs. Peter Eck- ert, Timmins, and: plays left wing for Peterboro Minor A League which is a farm team for the Montreal Canadiens Crediton on Sunday evening last. Twelve teachers from the Un ited Church Sunday school at- tended a workshop at Main street United Church in Exeter Thurs- day evening of last week, A meeting of Stanley District LOL was held in the Orange hall last Friday evening. Visitors were present from. Clinton, Seaforth, Woodham and Greenway. meeting, Prayer was offered by Mrs, Robt. McMichael after which Mrs. Wm. 3. Leeming read the Scripture lesson. Plans were ar, ranged for the social evening to be held in the church Feb. 24811, lunch to be sandwiches and squares. It was decuded to bring Christmas cards to next meeting.' $3.16 was realized in a collection for a refugee blanket. We will have a Bible quiz and Missionary Monthly highlights alternative meetings beginning at the. March. Meeting. We plan to rearrange the order of our meetings and have the topic after devotions, then :the report and business. The topic was given by Mrs. Gordon McGavin, who conducted a Bible quiz, Lunch was served by the hostess. and Mrs. Dave Watson, Mrs. Lorne Roe, Mrs. Geo. Fox and Mrs. Dave Sholdice. The Feb. meeting of Walton WI will be held in the hall on Thursday evening, Feb. 23 with Mrs. Herb Williamson and Mrs: Geo. Williamson as conveners for Canadian Industries. Roll call an Ontario county and county town. Hostesses, Mrs. J. Ryan, Mrs. R. Barrows, Mrs. Geo. Fox, Mrs. F. McKay and Mrs, L. Ryan, The following committee will be, in charge of the euchre party Friday evening, Mrs. L. Ryan, Mrs. R. Travis, Mre. G. McGavid,. Mrs, D. Buchanan, Mrs. J. Bryans. The penny abction will be pon- ducted by Mrs. Roy Williamson and Mrs. Herb Williamson. Insti- tute ladies are reminded to bring lunch. The hall board sponsored a progressive euchre party and lost heir in community hall Friday evening. Euchre winners were: ladies high, Mrs, Frank Walters; low, Mrs. R. Houston; gents high,. R. Houston; low, Doug Fraser,, Lost heir winners: high, Barry Nolan; low, Larry Bolger. Music for dancing was supplied by Fer- rier orchestra. Miss Ione Watson of London spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, D. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor and. Ricky of Staffs were week end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. R. Achilles. Miss Betty Hoegy of Listowel visited over the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hoegy., Mr. Wayne McMichael of Galt visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McMichael, over the. week end. Martin Baan, shpt. and Mrs. Nelson Reid, secretary of the Sunday school, presented attend- ance awards for 1960 on Feb. 6th, Those having perfect attendance for the year were: Tom Leeming,' John Leeming, Ruth Ritchie, Au- drey McMichael, Nellie Baan„ Sherrill Craig, Keith Wilbee, Wayne Williamson; diplomas:. Jean Bolger, Shirley Bolger, Ri- ckey McDonald, Ross Mitchell, Sharon Marks, Brian Wilbee, Keith Clark; fourth year seals: Bruce Clark, Gerald Baan, Eric Williamson,. Graeme Craig, Caro- lyn Fraser, Mary Leeming, Larry Walters, Tom Leeming, Gerald Smith, Nellie "Baan, Ruth Ritchie, Eileen Williamson, Wayne Wil- liamson, Neil. Williamson, Carol Wilbee, Sherrill Craig, Mary Bewley, David Baan. Third Year Seals, Jobb Leeming, Mary Helen. Buchanan, Helen Searle, Keith Wilbee, Lois Williamson, Brenda Houston, Gale Searle,' Audrey McMichael, Donna Smith, Shirley Williamson, Gordon Mitchell, Brenda Bewley, Second Year Seals: Beverley McCall, Dianne Fraser, Clayton Fraser, Tommy McKILLOP BUSY BEAVERS The first meeting of the Mc- Killop Busy Beavers was held at the home of Mrs. Scott and Mar- guerite on Feb. 11. The election of officers . for the new club "Cottons may be Smart", Were as follows: Pres„ Janet Mcltercher; Vice Pres„ Shirley Henderson; Sec., Robe Doig; Treas., Donna Gordon; Preas Reporter, Amy Stewart, Pianist, Linda Popple. Lunch committee: Joan Coyne, Eleanor Keys, Elsie Doig. Ali the members voted to keep the same name "McKillop Busy Beavers". Planning the dress and good Pos- ture were discuseed, The roll call for the next meeting is "One point to confider when buying cot- Egmondville United Church Sunday School at 10 a.m. Worship Service 11 a.m. Theme "Our Temptations". A. Communicants Class will be held at 7.30 Sunday evening. Rev. J. H, Vardy, Minister Everyone welcome. First `. Presbyterian Church BEV. D. LESLIE BIAER Minister 10 A.M.-- Church School and Youth FeIlowahip Clave 11 A.M. ' Morning Worship "Profitable Pestering" 4.30 P.M. Vesper Service Sermon, `Tranquilizers" SPRING IS COMING We are into the Lenten Season. Don't forget Blaster is coming FLANNERY CLEANERS Phone 87 ru