HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-02-09, Page 7African Version Of Psychiatry The emotionally disturbed no - five of Nigeria and the equally upset New York executive often unwittingly take the same course --and the same cure, The New Yorker hies himself to a reputable Park Avenue psy- chiatrist, where the doctor ens. ploys talk and tranquilizers to treat his patient. In Nigeria, the unfortunate native goes to a community Witch doctor, whose mud -hut office is marked with a white flag. 'There, resting on a grass mat instead of a leather couch, the patient is put into deep coma with a draught of mysterious yellow liquid. This is the "tran- quilizer. Later the patient is given a cake of black soap, which' the brightly robed witch doctor persuades him will "wash away the evil spirits." This, of course, is the "talk." This interesting parallel he- tween the practices in the prim Park Avenue office and the primitive African mud hut was made recently by Dr, Raymond Prince, 35, a soft-spoken psy- chiatrist of McGill University, who recently spent eighteen months in Nigeria, practicing in the British -built Aro Hospital. Now, with a Society for .the Investigation of Human Ecology grant, Dr. Prince returned last month to the bush country of western Nigeria, where, he will continue his investigations into witch doctoring in the sprawling, populous (45,000 natives and Europeans) community of Abe- okuta. "A mentally disturbed native of the Yoruba tribe may stay under the witch doctor's care as long as two years," Prince said. "And he is required to pay a stiff fee. If he is wealthy, he will pay the doctor in goats; or he may work off the debt in the doctor's fields." The high cost of being witch -doctored, in fact, was what drove some natives to Dr. Prince at the hospital. On Dr. Prince's last visit to Nigeria, a highly regarded witch doctor named Adetona permitted him to watch a treatment. After- ward, Prince persuaded him to give him some of the potent yel- low liquid which he then had analyzed in London, r "The herb distillation turned out to be chemically similar to a tranquilizing drug known to us for just fifteen years," Dr. Prince maid. It is made by boiling a root from the tree Rauwolfia tat grows nears the- village an• its active agent, reserpine, is used in most modern tranqui- lizers. "I would guess they have been using this drug for hundreds of years," he added. "And there are others—perhaps some we don't know yet—that might be invalu- able to Western medicine. "On this trip, I'm going to look for other drugs, and also probe Into the question of how much of the cure depends on the magic el 'talk,' and how much on phar- macologically active drugs. This question is pertinent to Western psychiatry, too." NOW IN LIQUIDATION In Milan, Italy, a sustained outbreak of car stealing came to an abrupt halt with the arrest of Giancarlo Monti. He confessed to the police that he was forced to steal, and sell, two cars daily to keep up with his thirst. His daily drinking needs were 30 glasses of brandy, plus 4 pints of wine with each of his meals. INET PROFIT A real catch for any lucky fisherman, Kathy t ,braze° drops info, Vise net dt Sliver Springs. Kathy, 17, is a Iaigh school senior. ISSUE a — 1961 llama ���9�Ii11�''Ii,I I,I�III glpllllpgl.. ,q lilfl iIeei q ! IImIII IIII pu!Iglll pIIIII VIII IIIIIIIV lh 1 till II IIS liIf r SK -HIGH FLIER •- See 'n act on is Toni Sa er wor d only 3 Gold Medals 0 ympics W nner, (Cortina, Italy, 1956), and who ploy host to one of Lufthansa german Airlines famous Euro- pean ski tours, Photo courtesy of Lufthansa German Airlines Future Of Oil In The U.S. And Canada The National Planning Assn. has made a study ' of North America's industrial raw mater- ials — petroleum, iron, coal, tim- ber and so on — for the next 20 years, It has come up with some conclusions which are good, and some which (in the words of our favorite historian) need put- ting in perspective. First it finds that by 1980 the U.S. and Canada — which al- ready use half the world produc- tion of crude petroleum, a third of its iron ere, and copper and four-fifths of its natural gas — will need twice the amount of industrial raw ' materials they now consume. This is based on the expected rise in the Gross National Products of the two countries. Second, it finds that the U.S. will have to rely much more heavily on Canada for petroleum, natural gas, iron ore and num- erous other raw materials. Can- ada in turn will become more dependent on the U.S. for coal, molybdenum and phosphate. All this will be to the mutual bene- fit of U.S.:Canada trade, Third, both countries will be- come increasingly dependent upon sources of supply outside the North American continent. It is this last finding that concerns us, with particular re- ference to oil. History has shown and is showing now in Cuba and the Middle East, that we cannot rely too heavily on foreign re- sources. One day they are here, the nextday they are ex- propriated. The question then arises, how are the U.S. and Canada to be sure they can meet the demands of 1980, when all the oil produc- ed in the entire world as of the present day would only just meet North American demands then? How, especially, in the face of the burgeoning needs and growth of the rest of other nations of. the globe? There are some obvious, limit- ed -term answers. Conservation is currently holding oil produc- tion in Oklahoma and other states well below capacity in anticipation of these growing demands; new exploration tech- niques have revealed unsuspect- ed oil reserves both here and a b r o a d; and new drilling methods have put us within reach of oil once thought to be inaccessible. It is not 'disloyal to the oil industry, however, to foresee, as does the National. Planning Assn., the day when the graph of the nation's demand for ener- gy rises more steeply than the graph of the American oil in- dustry's potential.. It is no secret that new energy sources, notably atomic energy are being readied to fill that diverging gap, The oil industry itself has recognized this through its own dramatic diversification in re- cent years, And in that recogni- tion lies not a symptom of weak- ness in the industry, but one of its great strengths. Phillips Petroleum Co. has launched into the mining and processing of uranium for the Atomic Energy' Commission, and is now reportedly running six nuclear, reactors, Kerr-McGee Oil Co, Is developing new bran - num fields. Research into other energy forms is under way with- out fanfare in several companies. This, of course, is only part of the diversification story. From the petrochemicals of the new Sunray Chemical Co, to the production or odorants for natur- al gas by Helmerich and Payne of Tulsa, to the voting machines of Seiscor and the electronic and laboratory equipment of the Crescent Petroleum Corp., the oil industry is demonstrating its versatility in the face of new challenge and new opportunity. It is a most logical develop- ment that the oil industry should put its established technical. know-how, research facilities, and organization to work in these new fields. Who better to do it? We suggested some time ago, when Phillips was first expand- ing into the uranium business, that the company better rename itself the Phillips Propulsion Co. Humble Oil Co., we note, is referring to itself these days as an "energy company." The evidence of the passing years is showing that every other oil company might consider the same role, It should be the pur- pose of the oil industry that, whatever may make the wheels turn in the future, the oil in- dustry will be the one that sup- plies the raw materials. This is the sort of enterprise to keep the oil industry from ever becoming bearish; to make it instead thriving and bullish.— Tulsa (Okla.) Tribune. MERRY MENAGERIE "Of comae X love you, dear -- Pee never seem you look more gruesome!" Duke Still Trying To Pay His Taxes Six years ago, England's un- conventional Duke of Bedford opened his 335 -year-old Woburn Abbey estate to sight -seers -- and to such other paying visit- ors as a convention of nudists, To raise still more tax money, Bed- ford is showing off part of Wo - burn's $4 million art collection in the U.S, and Canada. Last month, the exhibit opened in Portland, Ore. —. where Bedford and his bride (former French TV producer Nicole Milinair) were drawing even more comment than were the Woburn treasures. First they frustrated a welcom- ing committee by bumbling into town on the wrong plane, and checking into the wrong hotel. Next, they snubbed a reception .awaiting them outside Portland's Art Museum. Then, at a lunch counter, Nicole tried her best to explain — to a distracted wait- ress — that the Duke's honest efforts to make ends meet have caused much misunderstanding. "People over in England think my husband is mad," said the Duchess, between puffs on her cigar. DAM GOOD IDEA Some nineteen _years ago, when water supplies virtually dried up at David Monteith's farm, near Prince Albert, Sas- katchewan, he decided to "en- courage" beavers to build a dam for him. After getting the consent of Government officials for con; structing a dam across the Shell River to raise water levels, Mon- teith arranged for two lorry loads of poplar trunks to be/ dropped into the river close by his farm. This was done and immediately beavers took over. Working industriously with the logs and mud the energetic little animals soon built up a strong barrier and conserved the water. To -day, two main dams assure a plentiful supply of water, and farmer Monteith has no anxiety for a; water supply for his large herd of cattle. CLASSIFIED ADVER I MEDICAL AGENTS AGENTS WANTED MALE or Female; Would yeti 00 Inter•; osted to Sell Ban Lon Sweaters street to wearer? Full or part time. High. quality and exclusive styles. High esrn- misslone and bonus mild For Free. working Kit write to; JAY DISTRIBUTORS P.0. Box 135 outremonf, Montreal 8, P.Q. BABY CHICKS BRAY !latching Ames In -Cross pullets, dual purpose, dayolds, to order. Sew eral varieties sttarted pullets aYailable, prompt shipment. Book April May broilers now. See local agent, or Write. Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hem- llton, Ontario. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GAME BIRDS OFFER excellent investment posslbllt. ties. Guaranteed ugPea for appointment. Gameland Sales company, Mezzanine Floor, King Ed. ward Hotel, Toronto, FOR THE MAN WHO IS LOOKING FOR ' OPPORTUNITY Get in on the top new offers in frau• chises, new products, new services, mall nesse op ortunities and Box 228, 123 .18th St., New Toronto, Ont. BE A TOWN HERO1 and INCREASE YOUR EARNINGS UP TO $5,000 A YEAR Many of your neighbouring communi• ties are now enjoying the luxury pro- ylded by a Coln -operated laundry,, You will be loved by every housewife in your locality. COINWASH will provide ybu with the finest coin operated laundry equip• ment featuring SPEED QUEEN com. mercial washers, and will completely plan snd supervise the construction of yoA complete package deal will Include special Promotional Assistance. Opera tional Guidance, Merchandising AA Be the first and the only member of your community to own a protected fully licensed and exclusive COIN - WASH STORE. Call collect or write. Coinwash (Eastern) Ltd, 126 The Queensway, Toronto, 15, Ont. CL. 9.6633. COINS "THE old Canadian and U.S. coins you have been saving are worth money". We will pay cash for wanted coins. Premiumrice list 206, shows the coins desired. International Coin Company, 227 Victoria Street, Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE ha ee,alll� convefor niences,.acre good barn, river running across property. J. B. Johnson, R.R. 1, Stouffville. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS CHEQUE Protectors: Reconditioned and guaranteed. Several models, Very Tea. sonable. Information; Torn H. Gra a 296A Glenforest Rd., eOnt. HELP WANTED MALE BEEKEEPER. Position open April 17, 1961, in one of Canada's largest bee- keeping businesses for experienced beekeeper with chauffeur's license. Write to Rideau Honey - Co. Ltd., -Kenrptville, Ontario, stating age, experi- ence, height and weight, references, and any other helpful information, en- close photograph. INSTRUCTION EARN Morel Bookkeeping, Salesman. ship. Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les. sons 506. Ask for free circular No, 53. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street. Toronto.. INFORMATION BOOKLET THE FLORIDA DIGEST, treasury of information for retirees and vacation- ists on employment wages, small busi- ness opportunities, City descriptions, 92, Karls. Box 2262, Lansing, 11, MEDICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles.. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching scalding and burning emu ma acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond -readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless , of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent. Post 'Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 93.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St Ciaa Avenue East. TORONTO How Can t? By Roberta Lee Q. Dow can I easily remove paper that has become stuck to a freshly -varnished surface? A, If you'll soak it thoroughly with olive oil, it should peel off very easily. Q. What is a good substitute "white ink" for writing on the black pages of a snapshot or scrapbook album? A, White liquid shoe polish makes a good ink for this pur- pose. TRY 17 I' EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1,25 Express Collect NUTRIA. ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA When purohasing Nutria consider, the, following points which. this ,rre,intze tion oilers: 1 Pile best available stoup, his. cruse bred or standard types recommended. 2. The reputation of a plan which Is proving itself substantiated by riles of satisfied. ranchers 3. Full insurance against replacement, should they not live or in the event of sterility tall full explained in .our certificate of merit, - 4. We give you on y mutations «bleb are In demand for fur garments. 5. You receive from this orgonlowon a guaranteed pelt markethl writing 6, Membership In our exclusive -breed- ers' association, whereby only purchas- ers of this stock may partiripete In the benefits so offered. 7 Prices tor Breeding Stunk atoll at 9200. a pair, Special offer to those who quality: earn your Nutria on our cooperative basis Write: Canadian Nutria l.td.. R.R. No. 2 Stuutyvllle Ontario OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Greet Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages Thousands of surr<gsful. Marvel Graduates America's Greatest systrm Illustrated Cal.slogue Praa Write at Call MAR8LoRSRTorontoSCHOOL col 3SlartW. Branches: 44 King St. W. Hamutun 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa PERSONAL GOOD rOOca Luck!Success! each Witch Doc: Guaranteed. Send 3 dollar notes to: Iran Goma, Box 23, Overport, Durban, South A£rlca. HYGIENIC RUBBER GOODS TESTED, guaranteed,, mailed in plain parcel, Including Catalogue and sex book free with .trial assortment. 18 for, $1.00 (Finest quality). Western Dlstrlbu• tors, Box 24•TPF, .Regina, Sask, PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT ONT. Flims developed end 8 magna prints 406 12 Repagrints na 5d each06 KODACOLOR Developing roil 906 (not including prints). Color prints 306 each extra. Ansco and Ektachrome 35 um 20 ex- posures mounted In slides 91,20. Color prints from slides 326 each. Money re- funded in full for unprinted negatives. POULTRY TRUE -LINE No. 365 (white egg -layers§) R.I. Red crossed Columbia Rock - R,I. Avallableeno egatrAustin's way • 3692 Arkona, Ont. PROPERTY FOR SALE IDEAL location, Western Ontario; about 8 acres with large winterized residence, 2 large spring -fed ponds — room for another, stocked 3 years ago' fishing river 100 yards away; several more springs available. Government parkland or fishings club, motelted orcot- tages; less than 100 miles from Toronto. Total price 916,000, reasonable terms. 43 Vl Victoria, Toronto. for Fred H. 8.6302 coker, SEWING- MACHINES SAVE ON SEWING MACHINES Must clear 700 machines! 25?.. lower than elsewhere. Standard Model Dec trio Portable - reverse and drop feed, o ue rt M.O. Shst ippedyPreppaid.SFor C.0 D send 20%, deposit. 51mcoe Importers Distributing Co., Box 315, Barrie, Ont. STAMPS 1 WISH TO BUY old stamps and envel- opes, prefer material pre 19015. Write A. D: Day, 17 Laui•alvnn Cres.. Agincourt, Ont. AM breaking up accumulation of stamps of 30 years Brttie1, Colonies and uSAonly. 25 different 11. 50.fif- ferent 256. 100 different 50. 0" 510- ferent 91. No junk. Add p0 ;, -0 Set- ter grades and cover onr•pinval. 'T H. Graham, 296A Glenfor• .( Rd.. Toronto 12. Ontario. Muni 1:•sg. Backache is oiten Gated 1'i hay kidney action. Witco lnuncl1 cel t.i ! ni order, excess acids and wader. a G" 'n in the system. Then backache, (ns - (tubed rest or Ihet tired -rat end heavy- headed evy- headed feeling may 0000 helmv. -i flat's the time to take Dedris liidoe). Doild's stimulate the in e)•:. to t nl action. Then you feel lett•r—r''ep better—work better. Gel Dodd's Kidney Pills now. ±0 BOO Saii early and save i% on round-trip to Europe -dam Jae Europe in .Spring is at its blossom best ... Cunard gets you there relaxed, refreshed and ready to enjoy the pleosures ahead. Round-trip reductions until April 14th • Flawless British service • Cuisine' to delight all tastes • -Dancing, parties, movies • Duty-free shopping • Stabilizers for smooth sailing • 275 lbs, free baggage allowance • All Included in your Cunard ticket SEE YOUR LOCAL. AGENT. Enquire about the new Cunard Pay -Later Plan — the budget way to make your travel dreams come true. Corner Bay & Wellington Sts., Toronto, Ont. Tel EMpire, 2-2911 FAST, FREQUENT SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK TO ENGLISH, SCOTTISH, IRISH & FRENCH PORTS QUEEN MARY Feb. 3,111 Mar. 4, 22 QUEEN ELIZABETH Mar. 15, 29 PARTHIA Feb. 17, Mar. 17 MEDIA Mar. 3, 31 *SYLVANIA Jan. 27, Feh. 24, Mar. 22 *SAXUr:tA Feb. 2, Mar. 2, 30 *CARINTN,IA Feb, 10, Mar. 10 *IVERt:IA Feb. 16, Mar. 16 *saes following day from Halifax THEREAFTER REGULAR SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL & NEW YORK CUN ti ( 1) (4) Offices at: Halifax • Saint John • Quebec Montreal • Toronto • Winnipeg • E"'monten • Vancouver