The Seaforth News, 1961-01-26, Page 4Euchre . Dance. Seaforth Oom, Centre Sponsored by Seaforth W.I. FRIDAY, FEB, 3 Norris Orchestra Euchre 8.30 P,M, Aim.10c,z? Lurch provided . EVERYONE WELCOME BRUCEFIKt, Brueefield's grand old lady,' Mrs. Thos. Baird Sr., will cele, brace her 101st birthday on Jan, 30th, Mrs. Baird is confined to. the Queensway Nursing Home in Hensall, She enjoys good health, In spite of her hearing and poor eye sight, tells visitors that she has neither pain or ache, Mrs. Bruce Menerey, Bayfield, SPRING SEWING NEW PATTERNS IN (Drip Dry and Glazed) Lingerie Prints, Ginghams, Cotton Sateen.s, Broadcloth, Chino Cloth, Bedford Cords THREADS, ZIPPERS, TAPES, BINDINGS AND SEWING ACCESSORIES BUTTERICK PATTERNS visited with relatives in the vil- lage for a few, days, also visited with her sister.lnlaw Mrs. Ada Reid • in Seaforth Hospital, Mrs, A. Ings spent a few days with friends in Varna over the weekend, Mrs. Victor Hargreaves and Miss Marion Turner, Varma, left by plane for 2 -week vacation in Florida. , i tis Complete Assortment Valentines and Valentine Cards ► i r • • I-. • • • • r ARONE'S SEAFORT Sc to $11.00 STORE STATIONERY GIFTS NEW SHUR-GAIN FERTILIZER SERVICE PLANT NOW IN MITCHELl ( One Mile East of Mitchell on Y 8 Highway) 0W - more than ever before service as you want it SERVICE . providing Shur -Gain "Select- ed -Granulated" Fertilizer with the analysis. you want, when you want it . . early in the season or throughout seeding time. SERVICE . . . supplying Shur -Gain "Select- ed -Granulated" Fertilizer on a local basis without delay . . . in bags, or in bulk to give you additional cash savings. SHUR-GAIN . . . "Selected Granulated" Fer- tilizer is an up-to-date, quality fertilizer. It's not simply a mixture of granular fertilizer ma- terials as so many fertilizers on the market are. "Selected - Granulated" Shur -Gain is made by carefully blending the different fer- tilizer materials and THEN granulating the mixture. You get ALL the different plant nut- rients combined in EACH particle. Plan to use Shur -Gain in '61 call your local dealer now Mitchell Service Plant Tel. 348 - 9012 SHUR-GAIN SHUR GAINi; proven--:%k'r Canadian conditions A, $ FERTILIZERS, FERTILIZERS The Finest Fertilizers For Your Good Earth CANADA PACKERS LIMITED WELLAND • TORONTO • CHATHAM Arn Mrs, Jas. Reid aid infant daug- hter retnrned home from the hos- pital on Thursday last week, The I.0,0,F. of Brucefleld exit- ertained the members from the surrounding area at a euchre party on Friday evening. Mrs. Gordon Elliott add son Lawrence spent a few days with her sister, Mrs, 'Geo, Griffith, in Stratford We are sorry, to report that Mrs, Hohner and Mrs, Dawson are confined to the nursing Koine and hospital in Seaforth, The annual meeting of 13ruee- field United Church Was held on Monday evening Jan. 23, preceded by it pot -luck supper. The meet- ing with the Rev, Harold John- ston as chairman, was opened by singing a 'hymn followed by the scripture reading and, prayer. Mrs. Edgar Allan was appointed secretary, The financial state- ments connected' with the differ- ent organizations were received. The encouraging treasurer's re- port showed that faithful work had been done and that p credit- able balance is on hand. A special committee was ap- pointed to assist the treasurer to prepare the different reports for, the annual meeting, Reports are as follows:' WA., Mrs. Seldon Roes; Session, Walter Moffatt; Manager, Mel, Graham. The three managers, Mr, Vic Hargreaves, Mr. M. Mustard, Mr. Mel Graham were re -appointed for three years, To appoint two new Elders was left in the hands of the Session. Mr. Robt. P. Watson, who has. been clerk of. the Session for.over as years has resigned on account of ill health. It was moved by. Mrs. W. Scott, seconded by Mrs,, Lorne Wilson, that we send a card of good wishes on her 101st birthday, to Mrs. T. Baird Sr„ Jan. 30th, Moved by Elgin Thomson and seconded by John Broadfoot, that 'Mrs. Mao Wilson be reappointed as treasurer. it was decided that a loud speaker be installed in the basement for the benefit of those who are unable to climb the stairs. Owing to unfavorable weather the meeting was not as large as usual. Rev. Harold Johnston clos- ed the meeting with prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay, Lon- don, called on relatives in the village on the weekend. Miss Dorothy Allan of Toronto is visiting with her cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wilson and Mrs Stackhouse visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell, Au- burn, on Sunday. VARNA The annual meeting of the Un- ited Church Sunday School was held on Wednesday evening last with the pastor Rev. T. J. Pitt in charge. The officers and teachers elected are as follows: Superin- tendents, W. T. McAsh, A. J. Mus- tard; Sec:, Mrs. Wm. McAsh; Treas., Ivan McClymont; Organ- ists, Carol Taylor, Shirley Must; ard, Shirley hohnston; • Auditors, Mervyn Johnston, Gordon John- ston; ohnston; Kindergarten Class, Joan McClymont.is Rathwell; Pri- mary Girls, s Mervyn Hayter, Mrs. Gordon 11; Primary Boys, Mrs. Ronald Taylor, Mrs. Wayne Taylor; Junior Girls, Mrs. Fred McClymont, Mrs. Win, Taylor; Junior Boys, Mr. Wm. Clarke, Mr. Robt, Taylor; Senior Girls, Mrs. Robt. Taylor, Mrs. Wat. . Web- ster; Bible Class, Mrs. Gordon Coleman, Mrs. T. 5, Pitt, Mr. F. McClymont. TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club met at the home of. Mrs. Wm, Ro- gerson, on Wed. Jan, 18th, The President, Mrel John Turner and all other officers were appointed in 1960 for a two-year term, 12 members and 1 visitor were pre - The addresses on each letter and parcel should show ■ the full name of the person who Is to get It. • the correct apart- ment number, street address,' rural route number or poet office box number, • city, town or vil• Inge, and --postal zone number where necessary • your name and complete return address In the upper left-hand corner. A correct postal address speeds accurate delivery. P0-d0.10C. CANADA POST OFFICE spas The roll call was answered with the payment of fees for 1901. The scripture was read by Mrs. E. Whitmore. The prayer by Mrs. G, McGregor, devotions by Mrs. L. Lawson, and the topic, was ta- ken by Mrs. Turner. During the business session it was voted• that a donation of $5 be sent to the London Confer - mice W.A., to help ' ith,,thel pur- chase of a • Hammond 'electric ol'- •gau, for the :United 'Church West- minster College. The remainder of the afternoon was spent at quilting. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs, W, P, Roberts. Skating!' BEAFORTN ARENA Friday Skating 8-10 ADM. 35c & .25c Reception in the Hall for Warden Ivan Forsyth and Mrs. Forsyth SAT, SKATING 2 3,30' 10c and 26c Hockey-- Hensall Bantams vs Seaforth 7 P.M. Milverton Midgets vs Seaforth 8.30 25c Teen Town MOND— ListAYowel vs Seaforth 8.30 260 & 50c WED,— - Blyth vs St. Columban 8.30 He & 5.0e THE SEAT' OR'I`H NEWS — Thursday, January 20, 1901 • BAYFIBLD Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penhale visited their daughter Mrs, Mel - *win Bennett and family in pod. erich one day list week, Immumnimmuesmenarir 1959 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1958 OLDS 4 -DOOR HDTOP a:t, & r. 1958 CHEVROLET '8' SEDAN, A. T. 1957 VAUXHALL SEDAN 1957 DODGE PICKUP 1/2 ton 1957 CHEVROLET PICKUP % ton 1955 . BUICK 4 -DOOR HDTP, A,T. & R. NO RI;+IASONABLD OFFER REFUSED Sealorth - Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL - SEAFORTH Phone 0, Fawm 186 Phone 541 He's DOING IT NOW through a 'T -D' home improvement loan We'd like you to meet an opportunist. The man you see in this picture is taking advantage of the slack season in the building trades, to re -model his kitchen with a "T -D" HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN A "T -D" HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN, ; especially at this time of year, is downright good business. It provides you with the necessary funds to increase the value of your home at a time when workmen= and materials are readily available. A Home Improvement Loan is good business from another angle too. You can borrow at low interest rates and remarkably easy re -payment terms. Visit your local Toronto -Dominion Mapger so' n He'U•id furnish you' with complete details and t'o sl bw yod how easily a HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN can be arranged. Drop in and see him soon. You'll really appreciate our kind of "interested" service. PEOPLE MAKE THE DIFFERENCE AT TORONTO -DOMINION THa MANX THAT t.00KA AHF.'AO W. C. MOORE, Manager Seaforth Branch IK