HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-01-12, Page 6They Refused To
Be Photographed
Long before I came to the Mid
die.Elast the City Of Aleppo ex-
pressed too me a sense of .mystery
and romance, Its very name.
rolled on the tongue, connoted
the soft red leather and. aroma
of spices for which Aleppo's
miles of covered markets are
Now that. I have learned the
city somewhat, its fascination re-
mains, To me it seems more pure.
ly Arab and Eastern than either
Damascus or. Cairo, and certainly
.Aleppo is far 'more attractive
than mud -built Baghdad, capital
of Iraq.'
For one thing, Aleppo is off
the beaten track, It takes a major
effort to reach it. From Dames-
sus, straight north, it is an all-
day drive through the plains of
Syria, pausing long enough to
stand in wonder before the giant
Water wheels of Hama, lifting
water with a majestic rush of
sound from river to high aque-
duct, and thence to the fields.
Shortly before dusk, with the
mountains of southern Turkey in
plain view to the north, Aleppo
spreads gray -white before the
eye in a shallow bowl of land,
dominated, as for centuries past,
by the towering Citadel in the
center of the city.
Having driven so far north, the
weather is cold. When we left
Beirut just before Thanksgiving, -
the weather was almost warm
enough for swimming. In Aleppo
the Arabs walked about muffled,
and in the souk Shepherds from
the desert haggled over heavy
coats of sheep's wool, worn skin -
side -out, to protect them from
the icy blasts that sweep across
the north Syrian plains.
Aleppo is cold in another way,
for its people tend to be suspi-
cious of foreigners. For many
miles around the city is sur-
rounded by "beehive" villages,
whose mud houses spiral upward
in tall, conical shapes, wondrous-
ly harmonious, rising from the
Yet each time I asked to re-
cord these villages on color film,
the answer was no. Smiles faded
and hostility appeared at sight
of my camera. For years.I have
photographed throughout the.
Middle East and am well aware
of the ordinary taboos. I wished
merely to record a sense•of archi-
tectural beauty and simplicity
unusual in 'the West.
But in vain, as also in the dim,
covered souks of Aleppo. We en-
tered a caravanserai, above
whose cobblestoned square ani-
mal skins dyed bright red hung
to dry on ancient latticework be-
neath a cloudless blue sky. What
a picture! But I could not take
it. Courteous faces of workers in
the khan darkened at the sug-
Officialdom in Aleppo is
scarcely more reassuring. A jour-
nalist colleague of mine, who
writes for one of the most re-
sponsible papers in Britain, was
expelled from Aleppo a few
weeks ago for reasons undis-
This did not happen to me, but,
as a journalist, I was required by
the Aleppo security police to fur-
nish, not only full particulars of
myself, but the first names of
my mother and father, and first
names of my wife's mother and
father. Not maiden names of the
mothers concerned; just first
names. If there is system and
method in this, it eludes me,
writes Harry B. Ellis in the
Christian Science Monitor.
AIeppo is work to visit, but
the rewards are great. There is a
saying in Persia: "See Isfahan
and die," meaning that once the
beauties of that lovely city have
been viewed, mortal existence
has little left to offer. I would
'STREET SCENE IN STRIFE -TORN ALGIERS — A building burns in the background as frightened
Moslem children rush for shelter during an outbreak of violence in Algiers. French gendarmes
opened fire on a mob of thousands of Moslems gathered inthe centre of the city where they
shouted slogans of the rebels who have bottled French troops for six years. Five previous days
of bloodshed left 122 persons dead and 2,000 injured. '
IN THE MOOD — Sophia Loren
proves she's one of the last big
spenders by carrying wish her
from Rome to Madrid an en-
tourage of people to satisfy her
every whim. Included is a mu-
sician to provide her with mood
music. She's in Madrid to star.
with Charleton Heston in "Eli
agree that Isfahan is perhaps the
most beautiful single place of
human habitation I have seen:
But it might be said with
equal meaning: "Whoso would
understand Syria, must know Al-.
eppo." In thatknowing, the trav-
eler becomes aware of the vast-
ness of the Syrian 'plains, and
glimpses what is means to the
farmers of northern Syria when
rain' fails to fall in sufficient
quantity on those dusty lands,
as it has failed to fall for: the
past three years.
The traveler sees also in Alep-
po's covered markets perhaps the
Middle East's most variegated,
complex, and marvelous souks,
in which he may wander a full
day, as we did, without seeing
another Westerner. And the trav-
eler learns also why the citizens
of Aleppo — rugged, shrewd, in-
sular, suspicious — traditionally
have been tough nuts for Syrian
governments in Damascus to
Perhaps the biggest advantage
to the metallic type of Christmas
tree is that you will not find
hundreds of them discarded in
the streets during the six
months following the holiday
ROONEY AND SON Mickey Rooney and his son, Timmy, 13,
appeartogether' in "The Big Bankroll," being filmed in,Holly-
Holly'wood, They play a split role Timmy takes the boy's part and
Mickey the grown-up part. Mickey is made up,
Gaaed.ol[n¢D. Claeke
How do you feel about neigh-
bours dropping in unexpected-
ly? Do you take it as a friendly
gesture or as interferences'? And
what is your attitude. towards
newcomers? If strangers move
into your district are you con-
cerned about their comings and
goings - and let them know it?.
I am asking these questions be-
cause of a letter thatappeared
in a Toronto paper just recently
that illustrates so vividly similar
situations that ' I have come
across by living in different dis-
tricts, some by personal experi-
ence, othersby observation. It
concerns people who move to the
country to "get away from it
all" only to find themselves more
involved with others than they
ever were before. It all 'arises..
from a misconception of country
living. I sin going to quote parts
of the letter because I know it
will be of interest to urban and •
rural folk alike. Here is the .
letter — in part.
"I am a retired single woman,
in good health with a pension
that lives me enough to -live on.
I bought a house and garden on
the outskirts of a village a
dream come true. I love to gar-
den and with my cat and dog'
for compan,y it should be an
ideal existence. But my neigh-
bours make -it impossible. Every-
one knows everyone else's busi-
ness. I like to keep my business
to myself. I don't wish to be
pried and spied upon. One morn-
ing I did not open my drapes as
usual. At noon a' neighbour came
over to' see if 'I wgs 'all right.
Said • she was worried because
my,`'' curtains were drawn but I
know it was 'just an excuse to
Come to the door,, hoping to be
invited. in so she :could see the
inside of my house. How can I
keep my. neighbours at a 'dis-
tance? I don't want to quarrel
but I don't want them spying on.
me or interefering with my life."
"Miss. S. H."
Well . what do you know!
How would you like her for a
It so 'happens we have net
that type, no doubt you .have too,
but thank goodness, they are few
and far between. Can't you just
imagine the set-up . • . , a friend-
ly little village ... and, as the
letterwriter says, "everybody
knowing everyone else's bus-
iness", And pray, what's wrong
with that? Have normal folk
so much to hide they •need
resent neighbourly interest? 01
course they haven't but that's
something city folk have to
learn. Friends living in a city
apartment or a rented house
have often told me they have
never so much as spoken to the
people next door. Obviously that
also applies to "Miss. S. FI
Then, without knowing anything
about country living conditions
She moves to a small village.
The lady -editor, in reply to her
letter, told "Miss S. H." she
shouldbe glad of neighbour's
interest; that she was taking the
wrong attitude; that sometime,
in the case of illness or accident,
she might appreciate their inter-
est, How -true.
' Now for a: few personal ob-
servations that might come un-
der the heading of "neighbours l
have known".
When we first came to this
district a retired' couple were
living on the property backing'
our own. One day Mrs. said
to me, "I almost phoned you this
morning I noticed your light
on in the middle of the night
and wondered if anyone were
sick." Did I feel spied upon?
Indeed not. I felt that our wel-
fare was of some concern to at
least one neighbour. It was a
comforting thought to a new-
comer' in a strange -district.
Later that same couple • moved
away as their property was tak-
en over for industrial purposes.
Although our 'acquaintance was
so recent we felt as if we had
lost new-found, friends.
Of course there is another type
of interest — neighbours who
watch tosee what goes into the
house up the street from deliv-
ery vans. Even that I don't
classify as snooping. If you like
your neighbour you take an in-
terest in his .or her belongings.
If a new washing machine goes
to Mrs. B. you are glad You
knew she had been having trou-
ble with her old one. In the
case of a car, interest runs sky-
high. Every. one wants to know
the make and the model. All
such acquisitions eventually be-
come topics of neighbourly dis-
cussion. Even of greaterconcern.
is the doctor's car. If:a doctor is
seen going into a neighbour's
driveway it' isn't long", before
there are inquiries as to who is
sick — and of course, an offer
to help.
M4ylje' I am wrong but I feel
the•:! iy„kind of "interest” that
shot fl be; resented is 'when a
pertctn'de'liberately keepi tab on
a rieaghbour for the purpose 'of
spreading. ' ill- natured • gossip.
That is unforgivable. Or when
a neighbour Com es•too often and
stays too long. That, too, is an
infringement on one's privacy.
There is a 'happy medium that
can be determined by all parties
concerned. A little tact, ' a• bit
more. give .and take, an accept-
ance of the true meaning of
neighbourliness should make . for
better relationship all round.
'Bye . must go, the doorbell
is ringing probably a neigh-
bour! That's right, I can. hear
Partner saying - "Well, come
on in!"
Modern Etiquette
By Anne Ashley
Q. How many vegetables is
it necessary to serve at a well
prepared dinner?
A. Two vegetables, usually.
Q. My husband and I have
been invited to a wedding, but
I shall be unable to attend,
Would it be prover for my bus.
band to go alone?
A. There is no reason in the
world why your husbandshould
not attend the wedding alone, if
you find it impossible to<accom-
pany him,
Q. Are all the plates supposed
to be remove( from the dinner
table before serving the dessert?
A. Yes. The salt cellars, pep'
per -pots, unused flat, silver, are
taken off on the serving tray,
and the crumbs brushed off each
place with a folded napkin onto
a. tray held under the table's
H05 600 Wives
And Wants Moro 1
A ruler who has a harem of
000 wives is so happy with his
lot that he Is willing to accept
still more brides, provided they
are young and pretty,
This modern Salomon is the
Joon of Bikom, in the British
Cameroons, who, although age-
ing is so popular with his wives
that they were recently up in
arms when the United. Nations
sought to restrict the size of the
black monarch's harem.
Revolt in the harem took the
form of a petition, stained by
the thunabmarks of 200..of the
Eon's' principal wives, in which'
they described the U,N, Trustee-
ship Council as a pack of inter-
fering busybodies,
"Why do you want to interface.
with such marital bliss as we
enjoy?" they demanded. "We
protest most strongly about the
false news being spread around
about our husband, He is a good
man and faithful to all of us.
We don't grudge sharing h
among ourselves and welive
very happily with him accord-
ing to our native laws and etas -
Faced with this unexpected
opposition from the Fon's wives,
the United Nations decided they
might be wrong to regard the
matter / from a purely Western
standpoint. Instead of improving
conditions, they foresaw that any
interference in the tribal cus-
toms of the Bikonas could only
result in discord, if not open
rebellion, against the trusteeship
So the matter stands, except
for the fact that recruits for the
Fon's harem are being actively
sought in order to keep the har-
em up to strength.
Girls considered eligible for
entry into the harem are usu-
ally picked by headmen of the
Fon's entourage who scour the
territory, selecting a girl here
and another there, In theory, a
father's consent must be obtain,
ed before the girl is taken off,
but in practice parents hesitate
about opposing the decision of
the ruler's henchmen.
Tribal custom permits the Fors
to claim as wivesthe first-born
daughters and all female twins
within the tribe.
Another method employed .by
the harem's recruiting agents, is
to scour around the mud-hut'.vil-
iages, making a marls on certain
houses to inform the occupants
that an 'unsullied daughter of
the family must be delivered to
the palace- before daybreak next
At dawn, the father turns_ up
with the chosen virgin. If the
parent is reluctant to part "with
his offspring, he can lodge an
appeal. This is studiedby the
king's fetish priests and if they
agree to the father's. plea the
girl is allowedto return home
against a paymentin money or
goods by the family.
Very often payment takes the
form of delivery of two or more
cows which are the usual "nur-
rency," employed throughout
Africa in computing what is
known as the "bride price.".. Fin-
der the terms of the unwritten
"bride price" laws of African
tribes, the cost of a marriages
able girl used to be two cows;
the cost ofliving has 'forced the
price today to three cows at
almost $100. '
The Pon claims that he is en-
titled to have a well -stocked
harem according to laws made
by his ancestors, "It is ordained
that I must have plenty of wives
in the compound, otherwise the
tribe 'will fall upon evil days."
he says, '
It is not known how may
children the Fon has fatheredd,
But they are numbered in hun-
dreds. — From "Tit -Bits."
Chicago has launched what Is
believed North America's second
civic -supported heart, disease
prevention program, It is' based
on clearing . up abnormalities
!mown• to predispose to heart
What's the best time to phi the
children to bed? To many par-
ents it was in the era before
Divided Skirt
Sias Gets,
From skipping rope to running
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Printed Pattern 4510: Chil-
dren's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10; Size 6
divided skirt takes lye yards 30 -
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Send FORTY CENTS, (stamps
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Please print plainly SIZE, NAME,
Send order to ANNE 'ADAMS.
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Toronto, Ont. '
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Pattern Catalog .has over 100
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WIRE TAPPING? .: Many a telephone lineman has probably
thought he, was turning to ice while working in the winter.
This it not the case here, however it's on example of itnagin...
alivesnow sculpture in Quebec City,