HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-01-12, Page 4KIPPEN The first meeting of the Thrif- ty Rippenettes new prejeot "Cot- tons may be Smart" was held et home of Mrs. Alex, McGregor On Saturday, Jan. 7 at a AM, There were 18 members present and two leaders, Mrs. A, McGregor Mrs. Chas. Eyre. The meeting. was opened by repeating the 4-H pledge, The officers elected were Fres„ Kathryn McGregor; let See„ Margaret Jean Broadrloot; pianist, Sharon McBride; Press Reporter, Marilyn Tremeer. The leaders- gave the girls notes on cotton and patterns, They also demonstrated bow to alter a pat. tern, The next meeting is to be held at home of Mrs. Chas, Byre on Janr1.4 at •9 a,m, The meeting was closed by singing the Nation. al Anthem, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smithers of London spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Win, Bell and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Bell. Mr. Gerald Toonk, who was gored by a boar on his father's, farm Nov. 13th spent 22 days in Scott Memorial Hospital at Sea• forth, and we are happyto report t, is back to normal again. Holy Communion Service was one g C, Brodhagen Com. Centre Friday, January 13 Elgin Fisher & the Rhythmaires Admission 75c L. 0. B. A. EUCHRE In the Orange Hall Monday, Jan. 16 Everybody welcome Admission 40c Lunch served EUCHRE and Lost Heir in Walton Community Hall FRIDAY, JAN. 13 AT 8.30 P.M. Sponsored by the Walton Institute Admission 50c, Ladies bring lunch administered Sunday morning in. $1, Andrew's United Church with the minister, Rev. A. H. To}tnstou in Charge. Brain 13i1Mendyk COW Muted a solo, "From the Man- ger to the Cross" which was lunch enjoyed by the congrega- tion. Recent visitors with • Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnson were Mr. and Mrs, G. Ingrain' of HensaU; Mr, and Mrs, E, Johnson, Gary, Ran- dy and Tom, also Miss Lois Rathwell of Varna, .Neighbours and friends sur-' prised Mr, and Mrs. Allan Sohn - son Christmas week to honour them on their 25th wedding an- niversary. Six tables 'of euchre were played and the couple pre- sented With a lamp and' an anni- versary cup and saucer. Lunch was served later. Dear Gladys and Allan: • We, Year friends and neighbours have gathered here this evening to surprise you on this the occasion of you 25th wedding anniver- sary. ar- sary. No doubt in the past 25 years you have been happy, de- spite the ups and downs of every- day living. We could not let the occasion pass without showing our heartfelt wishes to such a line couple, We hope the future will hold many years of healtli and happiness, and may some of your fondest wishes come true. Please accept this gift and as you look at it,. you will always remember us. Your friends and neighbors. Skating! SEAFORTH ARENA Friday Skating 8-10 ADM. 350 &,25c Hall— Seaforth W.I. Euchre and Dance SAT. SKATING 2 - 3.30 lac and 25c SAT. NIGHT — Mitchell vs _Seaforth Bantams 7 P.M. Mitchell vs Seaforth Midget 8,30 Adm, 25c Hall — Teen Town TUBS., JAN„ 17 — Seafoi•th vs Winthrop, 8.30 25c & 50c Tex You! We express thanks to our customers for their patronage during our fire sale. After the last of our stock is cleared out in several days the store will be closed for about two weeks during renovations. Opening date will be announced later. MeGonigIes Grocery EGMONOVILLE The regular Meeting of the W. A, and WMS was held in the Sunday School room of the church on. Jan, 4th with a good attendance. With Mrs, Elmer Cameron, W.A., President in tits chair the meeting opened with the theme song. The Minutes of last meeting were read and adopt- ed after which the secretary gaye boy •report for the year. Miss Mao Smith then ,gave . the treasurer's report Which showed a very good year. The meeting was then op- ened for business. A banquet was discussed and the annual meet- ing. Mr, Vardy then conducted the installation of ' officers. Past Pres., Mrs. E, Cameron; Pres„ Mrs, A, Chesney; 1st Vice, Mrs. L, Strong; 2nd Vice, Mrs. D, Wallace; Rec. Sec.. Mrs, Bruce McGregor; Tress„ Miss Mae Smith; Corr, Sec., Mrs. A. Broad - foot; Red, Cross: Convener, Mrs, Harold Jackson; 'Pianist, Mrs. E. Papple; Group Leaders No. 1, Mrs. A, Forbes; 2nd, Mre, ' H. Weiland; 3rd, Mrs., Wtn. Forrest; 4th, Mrs. E. ,Cameron, Kitchen Committee, Mrs. E, Durst; Manse Committee, Mrs. M. Haney, Mrs. A. Houston, Mrs. N. McLean. No - initiating Committee, Mrs, M. Haney, Mrs. E. Stephenson. Mr, Vardy then closed with prayer after which our new Pres:, Mrs. A. Chesney conducted the meet- ing and brought up new business, Mr, Vardy was then called on to conduct the installation of offi- cers for the WMS. Past Pres„ Mrs, A, Pepper; Pres„ Miss Fran- ces Houston; 1st Vice, Mrs; Ed Boyes; 2nd; Miss Rena McKen- zie; 3rd Mrs. L. Strong; Treas., Mr's, Roy McGonigle; Rec. Sec;, Mrs. E. Papple; Corr. Sec., Mrs. VT Haney; Christian Citizenship, Mrs.,Win, Forrest; Stewardship, Mrs, M, Haney; Christian Friend- ship, Mrs, Harold Jackson; Visit- ing Com., Mrs. A. Houston, Mrs. Stephenson, Mrs. R. Boyes; As- sociate members, Mrs. E. Ste- phenson; Literature, Mrs. L. Strong; Press, Mrs, E, Papple; Supply, Mrs. A. Routledge; Mis- sionary Monthly, Mrs. M. Nott; Mission Band Leader, Mrs. N. McLean; Baby. Band Leader, Mrs. P, Dallas; Pianist, Mrs. E. Cam- eron. Mr, Vardy then closed the meeting with a story followed by prayer, Reports of the following, secretaries were given: Mrs. M. Haney, Mrs. Wni, Forrest, Mrs. E. Stephenson, Mrs. A, Rout- ledge, Mrs, L. Strong. The treas- urer's .report was given by Mrs. Roy McGonigle showing a bal- ance of $431,21, Mrs. D. Stephen- son seconded the report. The of- fering was then taken by Miss. Mae Smith and Mrs. Roy McGoo igle, Hymn 588 was then sung followed by prayer by Miss Hou- ston. A social half hour was spent with lunch served by Group 2, HULLETT The Fireside Farm Forum met on Jan, 9th with 15 adults pres- ent at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Jamieson. The questions were on further developmentof co-operatives and marketing boards. We believe the co-ops in our community have not been gi- ven a fair chance to prove their worth as the majority of farmers deal with the nearest stores or where they can buy cheapest. We think a delegation to for- eign countries should have auth- ority uthority to promote several farm products; usually they go to pro- mote just one. Mrs. Jim Howatt invited . the group for next week. Prize winners in euchre were most games, Mrs. Bob Dalton, George Carter. Lone hands, Mrs. Jim Howatt, Hugh Flynn, Con., Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan. Our January Sale Special CLEARANCE From 10%, to 20% D LARONE!S SEAFORTH 5c to $1.00 STORE STATIONERY = GIFTS atot VARNA The members .of 140,4 1035 held a bee cast Friday afternoon to flood the skating rink and with good weather it should soon be ready for • skating, A season's ticket may be purchased from the committee at $1 Per person. Mrs,. Wilfred Chuter and Mrs. Lyle Hill are both on the, sick list, their many friends wish them a Speedy recovery, Mrs, Fred McClyinont is visit- ing friends at King City and Tor- onto, CROMARTY Mr, and Mrs. Laverne Wallace and children spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, James Ram- sey at Listowel. Mr, and Mrs, Ray Davis and family of Thorndale visited with Mn and Mrs. Hugh Norris and family. Mrs. Carl Walker and . baby daughter have returned _ home from Seaforth hospital. Many relatives and friends at- tended the 'funeral of the late Mr. William Parker at Heiman on Monday. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller on Wednesday evening were Mr. and Mrs, John Hoggarth and Arlene, Miss Olive SPear'e, Mr. and Mrs. Ken. McKellar and Mr. James Barbour. Mrs. Sadie Scott was hostess and presided at the January mee- ting of the WMS of Crome,rty Church, She opened the meeting with a New -Year poem and also led in 'devotions. Fifteen members were present and roll call was answered with a New Year reso- lution. The new study book, "Into All' The World Together," was. introduced by Mrs. Calder Mc- Naig who has as her assistants Mrs. T. L, Scott, Mrs. W. Harp- er and Mrs, M. Lomond. Mrs. F. Allen led in the GladTidings prayer. Mrs, W. Harper used as her topic a New Year's message, "A Challenge for the New Year," written by Rev, W, A, Young and she also read an article, "The. Worth of ;a Woman." A Bible quiz prepared by Mrs, Lloyd Sorsdahl concluded the program. Meeting closed with prayer by Miss Olive Spears, A social hour with lunch served by hostess and committee was enjoyed. NORTH McKILLOP The January meeting of the Bethel WMS' and W.A, was held at the home of Ethel and Tennie Dennis, The theme for the day's meeting was "The Unchanging Glory or God". The devotional ex- ercises from the Missionary Monthly were conducted by Ten- nie Dennis and Mrs, Murray Deo nisi Mrs. Leonard Leeming gave - a Christian Stewardship reading. A hymn used in connection with the Study Book was sung. Mrs, John Burch gave the chapter from the Study Book dealing with the volunteer work that is done by young people in many work camps in Europe. A letter an• pouncing the community friend- ship work chop to be held in Blyth on Jan. 21 was read by Mrs,. 79, Beuerman, It was suggested that the 17th and the boundary groups be invited to the May meeting. Mrs..Stimore informed us that the supply work for this year is to be two sweaters, age 12 to 15 yrs„ scarfs, toys and mitts. A letter was read from Norway House expressing their thanks for the White Gift parcels which we sent at Christmas time. Hymn 427 was sung, and the meeting closed with prayer by Tennie Dennis. Mrs. Wm,, Dennis presided for the W. A. meeting, The minutes of the lash� meeting were read and the roll call' was responded to by 18 members. Some methods of raising money for 1961 were die• cussed and several of the usual ones will be -v -carried on again Plans were made for a social ev ening to be held in No. 9 school on Jan. 20th. Old Christmas cards are to be taken to the next meet- ing. Several, "thankyou". notes were acknowledged. Hymn 262. was sung, followed by the closing prayer. HENSALL Miss Beth Goddard returned to MacDonald College, Guelph, this week after holidaying with her parents, Dr. J. C. Goddard, Mrs. Goddard and family. Mr. Tom Fisher of. Toronto vis - Northside United Church Worship 11 Jr. Church - School will meet during worship service. Sr. Church School 10 aim. Organist, Mrs. J. A, Stewart, Choirmaster, Mr. J. A. Stewart, Minister, Rev. J. C. Britton, B.A. First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Leslie Eider Minister H. A. Kempster, Organist & Choir Leader 10 A.M. Church School & Youth Fellowship Class 11 aim,' 'The hey, W. XL Moore Mt. Moore will be-tveeponslbie for a message on the work of the Bible Society. A retiring offering Will be taken on behalf of the work of the Societal 7 p.m, Sermon "Hae the Bible a Message for Today ? " • Mr. Eider' will conduct the servide and preach WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18. Annual Congregation Meeting and Supper commencing at 0,30 p.m, iced Over the weekend with his I parents, Mt'. and Mr's, W. Fisltei and family, Mr, Tom. Lavender of Waterloo was a weekend visitor with his parents, Mi'. and Mrs, Thomas Lavender, , Mr. Ron Broderick of the local stuff of the Bank of Montreal is attending banners' school in ;Tor- onto. Mr and Mrs, Fred G. Bonthron left by meter on Tuesday for Daytona Beach, Florida, where they ' will spend the w int e r Months, Miss Bernice Billing of London visited over the weekend with het' Parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wilbert Billing, FORTY YEARS AGO THE Sl9AIi°ORTH :NEWS (Phone 84)---S'hersilaY, JanuaiY 12, 1051 view the crystal ,writer ,for the first time as it issued from Mo- ther Barth, forming the source of the Sauble 12ivet, It is in a farm lane of Geo, Vipond near Staffs, nearby is an old-time snake sail fence". Country roads are blocked by deep snow. Ross Murdie was appointed telephone commissioner and see - rotary -tress,;, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of ` A, A. Cuthill. MILp. EPIDEMIC As is common at this time of From The Seaforth 'brews, year, an increase in gestro.in- January 1921 testinal disorders has been noted. Horticultural Society Officers; Two infant deaths were reported John Grieve, W. Hnetry, Foster Fowler, A, D, Sutherland, J. A. Stewart, W. D. Hogg, R. F. Jones, Mrs. J. S, Smith, Mrs. S. Somers, W. J. Duncan, A. Scott, Rev, Capt,, Edwards, William x De veroatt Sr,S was thrown out of his buggy when the hub caps of his buggy and Joe, Eckert's buggy collided. He es- caped with a severe shaking up,. J. J. Morrison, U.F.O. secretary, addressed a big crowd at the Farmers' Club at Seaforth, Huron County stands in first place in Ontario in production of horses, flax, mangolds; second in barley, oats, beans, pasture, orch- ard and small fruits, cattle, Miss Mary Walker left for Winnipeg, Frank Horton was killed when thrown from a load of gravel, ' when he made a short turn on the cemetery road near Hensel'. Rev, Fred Harburn of New York visited his mother at Cron1- Miss Fair of Clinton is teach -1 arty, ing at S. S. No. 10, Tuckersmith,) Morris Township Council fora 1921: Wm. Elston, reeve; R.' Shortreed, H. Fear, A. Proctor, J. Johnston, Residents of Dublin for nearly 50 years, Mr. and Mrs. Long- worth celebrated their golden wedding in Detroit, The service , was attended by their seven daughters and five sons. Wilbert Free, of Dungannon, I who has returned from the West visited his brother, J. W. Free. Euchre winners: Mrs. W. Dev- ereaux, Mrs. W. Govenlock, Mrs, W. Cole. Stratford wants an electrified railway from Goderich to Strat- ford, but oppose one from Strat- ford to London, A. R. Box was appointed fire chief. The County Council is going to keep the tomb of Dr. Dunlop in fitting condition, Dr. Dunlop was commissioned by Queen Vic- toria in 1841 as first Warden of Huron District, which included the counties of Huron, Bruce and Perth. Attending the funeral of the late Lieut. Russell Scott were Mrs. R. A. Scott and Lieut. Frank Scott, Toronto; Bruce Scott, Windsor; Mr. Johnston, Mr. Reid and Mrs. Frank. Scott, Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Gales iss of Bluevale. Mr. Allan Fisher of Kippen is teaching. Bayfield Continuation School. The sum of $2,500 has been subscribed towards bringing Hy- dro to Londesboro. S. Carter is resuming his busi- ness at Brussels, Mr. R. M. Jones is supplying at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. A. Box, Mr. A. .Mackay and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wil• Hs were in Cranbrook'attending the funeral of Mrs. Box's mother, the late Mrs. Mackay. Last week the young people of Duff's Church, Walton, captained by the pastor, Rev- R. A, Lundy, repainted and redecorated the church, inside and out, County Council discussed dam- age to roads caused by heavy trucks, when roads are soft. Some argued that wagon wheels mut the roads more than wide truck tires do. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From, The Seaforth News, January 1936 Miss Annie Consitt of Hensel' is visiting in Kentucky and Ten- nessee. Geo. Fee was appointed village constable At Hensall, McKillop patrolmen for 1936: Louis McGrath, Henry Kleber, John Shea, James McNichol, Jos- eph Murray, Calvin lillen, Thos, Scott, Roy Patrick, Alf Brown, John Powell, Vincent Lane, A. Harrison, J. L. Malone, P. Sthith, F. McKercher, W. Kerr, P. Mc- Laughlin, Watson, Sholdice, Rd. Davidson, W. Somerville, 3, a. Leeming, Joseph Campbell. Twenty-five inquiries were re- ceived by The Seaforth News in one day about an ad offering two colony houses for sale, the de- mand is emand-is so great. The Town bell was tolled on Monday evening upon 'word that King George V had died, John MacTavish writes about the Bauble River, He says; "Last summer after a lapse of more than two adore years, did we i in the pati: month from -this cause says Dr, H. M. Aldir, Medical Of. fiver of Health, Although often blamed on rich holiday diet, many of these Ill- nesses are actually 'infections, The common symptoms are ma- laise, nausea, vomiting and usual• ly some diarrhea, As manly of ' these eases are viral in origin, usu theyal do fonot ms resof pond rtreatmeeadilynt, to the If the Rhyme strikes the very young or the aged, it is most im- portant to get early medical at- tention. Adults with any degree of intestinal complaint may act as carriers and should avoid vie, Rg m.iwhih terare younginho ' childrenern: or any cIndividual in weakened health, Under no circumstances, should such a per- son visit a Patient in hospital. 80th ANNIVERSARY Mattress Sale so:wo Df le/issue,a elGuaranteed by , Good Housekeeping o-''' jeitanseuemeor Smooth bdlton-free top! I Tru -balance construction for firm support! • Smart wovon stripe ticking! • Tested for 10 years' Wel • Matching box spring, lust $39.95 Full or twin size ANNIVERSARY DELUXE 273 Coil A REAL BUY $49.95 Save $3.90 to $10.90 • SIMMONS • MARSHALL • SLE7PMASTER And all the Better Known Names of Bedding Regular $39 to $109 10% off DISCONTINUED, TICKINGS On Box Springs and Mattresses 20 off Box Furniture Phone 43 Seaforth 1959 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1958 OLDS 4 -DOOR HDTOP a.t, & r. 1958 CHEVROLET '8' SEDAN,' A. T. 1957 CHEVROLET SEDAN . 1957 "`VAT ICTIATrjT4 "S" l5 Vta1gm1 1957 Db1SCTD+ kditti • z Afobii 1957 CHEVROLET PICKUP / ton NO REASONABLE Olrr'ER REFUSED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet -" Oldsmobile Saler & Service MITcHIDLL . SEAFORTH Phone G. Fawm 186 . Phone 641 I