HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1961-01-12, Page 1WJOlal! 0I11BIIQI3, VOL, 82.
The Seafortli
Phone 84 Seaforth, Ontario, Thursday, January 12, 1961
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STORAGE I3'_JII_AIiIJ44I. Tue tfornth naugIduniural Sessions
til met for the Inaugural
en -
of 1961 in the Town Hall, Sea -
forth, on Monday, Jan, 9th at 11
am, The Council composed of Iv-
an Forsyth, Reeve and Council -
lore Frank Falconer, 1Vietor Lee,
Elgin Thompson and Arthur Var.
ley subscribed to the Declaration
of Office before the Clerk: The
Rev, Mr. Vardy of legmondville`
United Church conducted a short
devotional period. Town of Sea-
forth Council attended in a body
with the hope that `continued cur
dial relations would exist between
the two bodies. Reeve Forsyth
thanked the Council for their
good wishes and concurred in the
expressed :hope. Grants were
made as follows:
Salvation Army $25; St. Johns
Ambulance, $10.00; . • Canadian
Mental Health Association, $10.;
Scott Memorial Hospital Member-
ship, $25.00; Huron Plowmen As
sudation, $25.00,
The clerk was instructed to
subscribe to 8 copies of the Mun-
operations in a broad way, espec- icipal World for use of the noun-
sally business affairs, cil and officials of the township,
The property committee, the .
mayorsuggested, could include Council adjourned to re -con
the building bylaw in its work vene at 1 pin. Road Supt. Andrew
this year. Much had been done Houston hosted the council and
during the past year in dealing Mr, Vardy to luncheon.
with building permits, and he The Reeve and Clerk were ap
thought this would be a further
step forward. pointed as signing officers for
Another project the mayor pro- the township; Cora Chesney was
posed was a gravel loader which appointed clerical assistant to the
could be used with the tractor
Seaforth town council met on
Monday evening for its first
business of the year, following
the inaugural in' 1,iie':rlgorning., ix
',free•Wheeling Mood, council
had a number of lengthy discus -
Mons, Business included increas-
ed grant to fire brigade, appoint-
ment of town officials, and a
rebate on taxes to a local comp-
any. All members were present
and Mayor B, Daly presided,
Council considered a proposi-
tion mentioned. by the mayor at
the morning meeting to provide
morestorage space on Victoria
:street on the site of the old elec-
'tr'ic transformer building beside
the, water tower, There was lots
'of ,aboiand the building could be
built well back teem the street
Councillors wondered what the
shances would be of removing
the third floor from the town hall
' and using the material to build
the storage building,
Councillors said the building
would . need no heat. Electric
plugs could be put in to keep mo-
tors on the vehicles warm.
A communication from the fire
brigade said the number of mem-
bers had been increased to 15
from 12, The present grant was
$1000 and they asked for an al-
lowance of $100 a Year for each
Member, or $1500. The letter was
signed by William Wilbee, secre-
tary, Reeve Ball said it should
be referred to the fire and water
t., epmmittee and then to the bud
eget Council was sympathetic,
- 'Council was told by fire , chief
Jack- Scott that there was no con-
trol of the fire siren in the fire
hall, And fuses for the fire hall
were located'in the public utility
office, This was very inconven-
ient for the firemen when the
rest of the building was locked.'
On one occasion while washing a
truck water had short circuited
the siren and they, had had a lot
of trouble before it was shut off.
Council will look into this.
Town Clerk D. H. Wilson told
council the department of high-
ways was considering a new
system for allocating subsidies on
street work. The new regula-
tions may be .subject to some
Changes- before the town budget
is ready. Much closer estimates
will be required in future than
has been the case in the past..
Council approved a suction ap-
pointing the Bank of Commerce
as .the town bankers.
The mayor and clerk were au-
thorized to sign a deed for pro-
perty on. -Brantford street to be
transferred to Ray Squire as a
building lot where he will build.
a residence. This property came
into the town's hands many years
ago, for taxes. Price was $50.00.
Councillor C. Dalton reported
that William Hoegy was ill and
had asked to be relieved •of the
appointment of- fence viewer.
McSpadden was appointed.
James Aitcheson is the other
fence viewer in town.
Councillor Cardno in 'review-
ing the town's finances during
the past year said the town had
bought a tractor during 1960 and
the street expenditures had been
lower than estimated. It might
be said .the town finances had
" broken even, which he considered
pretty good. There was discus-
sion about getting the town bud-
get ready in February and strik-
lug the rate , in March- The school
boards always' hold -us up, re-
marked Councillor Cardno,
Council went- over the tax sit-
uation, Of the total 1960 taxes of
'a x%;000. by Dec.• 31st, 1134,000
had been paid leaving $27,000 in
arrears on 1960 taxes. When past
due taxes for other years were
added the total was. $59,000 in un-
npaid taxes. Councillors thought
there should be stiffer penalties
and a tax sale held every pear,
Business taxes posed a special
problem of collection,
Councillor Rivers said he was
getting Elliott to clear Main St.,
Tuesday morning. Mayor Daly
suggested making a decision a-
bout a snow blower, Councillors
agreed a heavy duty blower was
needed for the fan to break up
the ice on the street. A narrow
one was needed for the walks.
A loader was worth $300 to
$400 said Councillor, Rivers, We
might get a Second hand ono,
lViayor Daly said calcium had
proved a washout where there
Seaforth Town Council
.�T n olds` Inaugural tirol Meetig
All members of the 1961 Sea -
forth town council were present
at the "inaegitral meeting held in
the town hall at 11 o'clock Mon-
day morning, The following were
sworn in by Town Clerk D. H
Wilson: Mayor Edmund Daly,
Reeve, Wm. N. Ball. Councillors;
John Flannery, John ' Turnbull,
Thorpe Rivers, Carl Dalton, Neil
Bell, Nelson Cardno.
Mayor Daly asked Rev. Cliff.
Britton who was present, to ad-
dress the meeting.
Mr. Britton saidthe opportuni-
ty to address the council was of
special interest to him as he had
long known Seaforth as his home
"We are humans first, politic-
ians second, and other areas
which are of interest, they come
third,' Mr, Britton told council.
We are close enough to the
old year to still have an eye on
1960 which is past, It takes some
little time to break away from the
hold that the old has on us as in-
The year just past, Mr. Britton.
told council, on the front of
world diplomacy had been a heart-
break. There had been warfare,
revolution and violence, and loss
over wide physical areas. Sea -
forth could count itself fortun-
Committees Named
By Town'' Council
The following are the standing
committees for 1961 of Seaforth
town council. •
Finance and Administration—
Cardno, Ball. Turnbull.
Property and Building Bylaws,'
Bell, Rivers, Dalton,
Streets—Rivers, Bell, Flannery.
Relief—Ball, Flannery, Dalton,
Fire and Water—Flannery, Dal-
ton, Bell,
Court of Revision—Daly, Ball,
Cardno, Rivers, Turnbull.
Industrial-Cardno, Daly, Ball.
'Police—Daly, Cardno, Bell.
Sewage—Turnbull, Ball, Rivers,
Park—Dalton, Turnbull, Flan-
51.10 a roar
Ant},oriasd ,e. 355054 Glees mail,.
Poet Office Dept„ Ottawa
Snowdon Brea.. Peelheters
ate as it was far from the scenesRoad Supt., and was empowered
of actual struggle. the town had got in the fall. The
A well known hymn, quoteded town was trying out snow blow --to employ clerical assistance
Mr. Britton, says 'Time like era but . so far had not purchased when necessary.
ever rolling stream bears all its one. A digger for the tractor The clerk was instructed to
should be considered, he said:
sons away,'. This gives us some- Mayor Daly said council should prepare borrowing by-law with
thing to think of. We are affect -consider more storage space in the Canadian Bank of Commerce
ed on the moral front by glib the town's planning for the fu -'to be considered at the February
moral standards in the world to- tura. The Public Utilities and the meeting; also to apply to the
day. There was no time. to cry fire brigade had been provided
over the past which carried itswith adequate storage, but the Dept, of Highways for the bal-
own mark of` irretrievability. town had not enough. It was sue. ance of 1960 Road Subsidy and
We lost during the year, said gested "the old power house be- for permission to transfer ex -
Mr. Britton, our Mayor Beverley side the water tower should be pause free Construction to Main
Christie, and other business lead- removed and storage space built
ere have passed away also. Theirtenance on the Road 121xpendi-'i
work is done and they are gone. there. tures made in 1960.
The task has been given to us,Some of the neighboring towns
said. Mr. Britton, for shaping the hada system of rebuilding a lam- Council decided to issue Tax
destiny of 1961. So in 1961 deter- ited amount of streets every year. Pre -Payment "Certificates in 1961
mine to act with int1961 This was something Seaforth allowing interest at the rate. of.
y .and
fortitude. Changes will come but could try, Mayor Daly said. Itwas expensive but gave good re, 6% per annum. Certificates to be
this day is yours. Today there is sults. Goderich street soon would «issued by the clerk on the 15th
no place for dilly-dallying, we be' a problem with the sewage of the month from June to Octo-
need to go ahead with courage work - bar inclusive.
and honesty. Mayor Daly reported that the
Mr. Britton closed his addressThe clerk was instructed to
with prayers. public utilities commission was
Mayor Daly thanked Mr. Brit- making plans to alter the street prepare a list.of properties liable
ton for his address. lights, planning to follow some- for tax sale and prepare a bylaw
what the system laid out in Mit- covering' those properties with
shell for lights.
Mayor Outlines A proposal to bring in the 1967 taxes outstanding.
town's budget in February was It was decided to read the En -
Year's Plans.not practical in his view Mayor gineer's Report on the Elgie Mun-
Dalyayor Daly in summing up said. He thought council icipal'Drain and the clerk was to
said two 'new councillors should discuss the budget at the notify the assessed parties. Read-
1960,February meeting and then Itti-
had joined council, since a yearally bring in the budget in March. ing is called for Feb. 7th at 1.30
ago, Neil Bell and Carl Dalton. This would give more time to plan p.m. '
He welcomed and assured them expenditures for the coming year
councillors would give them ev- Council decided tojointhe
more carefully. Good Roads Association
on and the
ery assistance.
The finance committee, said. Mayor Daly said that the fire Ontario Association of Rural Mu
Mayor Daly, should become the brigade had only one mask to en -
finance and administration corn- ter smoke-filled buildings such nicipalities and fee of $15 each
mittee. They should broaden the as the McGonigle fire last week- was ordered paid,
field to include all the council's He pointed out that if a man Following accounts were pass -
were disabled inside a building
the brigade had no way of send-
ing a rescuer to bring out a vict-
Is Appointed
In` Winnipeg
Thomas D. Murphy has been
appointed Winnipeg Technical Re-
presentative for Naugatuck Che-
micals, division of Dominion Rub-
ber Company, accordingto an an-
nouncement by. J. A. Cruickshank,
Naugatuck's General Sales Man-
A graduate of the Ontario Agri- tax, $15.90; Seaforth Post Office,
cultural College in chemistry, Mr. unemploy., $5.28; Cora Chesney,
Murphy joined Naugatuck Chemi-
cals in May 1957 as a chemist in By-law McKenzie Drain, $30.00:
was much traffic. Councillor Dal-
ton said there had: been a lot of
traffic on Railway street.
Councillor Daly 'said Clinton
had rebuilt two streets last year
and made a good job. Councillor
Cardno said St. Marys had done
a lot of street work. They had no
sewers there. Councillor Turnbull
remarked he could not see pav-
ing any street until the sewer
was put in.
Councillor Neil Bell' reported
that there had been a water leak
in the basement of the old Shoe
factory. A motor had burned out
on the sprinkler. Councillor Bell.
wanted to know how many build-
ings came under the property
Reeve Ball reported one family
on relief.
Councillor Turnbull reported
nothing new about the sewer,
Councillor Daly read the police
report. Council held a lengthy
discussion on police matters,
Mayor Daly said a delegation
from the management of Bell' In
,dustries had offered to appear
before council. He outlined the He is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
company's proposal for removing John F. Murphy, Kitchener, for -
the firm's name from the coming manly of Hibbert Township. He
(received his early education at
tax sale. It was reported the firm Separate School, St. Columban
had been able to reduce its mort. and graduated from Seaforth
gage indebtedness substantially High School in 1953.,
'during the past year. When the Road Foreman, H. Maloney, $78, -
company Was sufficiently clear of 78; Caretaker and Street Supt.,
past obligations it was expected H. Maloney, 9157,56 a month;
it would be taken ever by an' Town Solicitors, ,McConnell and
other firm, perhaps in a Year's Stewart,' $150; Town, Auditors,
time, Davis,. Dunn and Broughton $750;
Municipal Appointments: ' Tax Collector, II, Maloney; Fence
Town Clerk, D. H. Wilson, Viewers, Sack' McSpadden, James
$1850 Town Treas., D. H. Wil- Aitcheson; Library Board, Mabel
son, $1250; assessor, W, 1i1, South- Turnbull; Community Centre ors from the board's staff inter-
gate, $900; Eire Brigade Chief, Board, Edmund Daly, N. C. Card- viewed quite a number of eandi-
dates F. Scott; $300; Ween .Control no; Scott Memorial Hospital ,dates for the two positions in the
Iiia eotor H, Maloney,tore. No announcement' of ' ap-
p $7 month; Board, It, :B,, MacMillan,. : I pointmontswas made,
ed: Grants, $95.00; . Membership
fees, $30.00; Fire Protection, $64;
County of Huron portion of RCAF
Clinton grant in lieu of taxes,
$5071.55; Ontario Hydro, Eg-
mondville and Brucefield Street
Lights $189.01; Clerical assist-
ance, $16.00; Unemploy. Ina. Com-
mission, $3.84; ,Adv. and supplies
$81.07; Town of Clinton, High
School Deb. $583.74; S'uppl. Al-
lowance, $30.00; Nursing Home
Care, $92.75; salary and allow.,
$241.46; Receiver -General, income
the Development Department, El-
mira, Ontario; subsequently, he
became technical representative
for agricultural chemicals in the
Province of Ontario. He is a
member of both the Chemical In-
stitute of Canada and the Agricul-
tural Institute of Canada, and is
currently secretary of the techni-
cal section, Ontario and Quebec
Division, of the Canadian Agri-
cultural Chemicals Association.
In his new assignment Mr.'
Murphy will handle sales of all
Naugatuck products, including
agricultural chemicals, general,
industrial chemicals and- plastic
Roads, Accounts, $2811.08.
John Earle was appointed, Tru-
ant Officer for 1961. Council ad-
djourned to meet Feb. 7th at 1 p.m.
Cora Chesney, ,Clerk.
The Orange Hall property com-
mittee held a very successful eu-
chre in the Orange Hall on Fri-
day, Jan, 6, with prizes going to
the following:
Ladies high, Mrs. Bill Austin;
lone hands, Mrs, ;Barney Hilde-
brand; 'con„ Mrs, H. Dolmage,
Men's high, Harvey Dolmage;
lone hands, Bob Smith;. con., Syd,
A lucky draw was held which
Mrs. John Oldfield won first prize
and Mrs. Hildebrand second. A
lunch was served and the meeting
closed with singing the national
anthem "God save the Queen".
Will Stock
Liquor. Store
According to present plans the
new liquor control board store on
North Main Street is scheduled
to open on Friday, Jan, 20th. The
building is now ready. The stock
will arrive here next Tuesday,
Last Thursday store supervis-
Week of Prayer
Services Held
As is often the case out' Week
of Prayer services began with the
elements against us. It was a
stormy night for the first service
at Egmondville but the weather
cleared for the remaining ser-
vices. However the attendance
at alle i
s ry ccs was much below
normal. It appears that apathy is
a greater deterrent than the
weather as far as the church
members are concerned.Each
year we have an opportunity to
express our desire for 'Oneness'
in our Churches and from the at-
tendance it 'would seem that this
was the farthest thing from our
minds and hearts, The Week of
Prayer provides a splendid oppor-
tunity for Christian people to be
prayerfully concerned in the ar-
eas where our politician and
diplomats have proven inade-
quate, namely, a better under-
standing between the peoples of
the world. If in the Church we,
fail to achieve a spirit of unanim-
ity, whereby we seek to further
God's work in our world, then we
can very well write off many of
the efforts being advanced today
for the cause of peace.
From the expressions of the lo-
cal ministers there is a common
agreement that prayer is the
Christian's stronghold for the
promotion of peace and a better
understanding amongst men:
When Christians throughout the
world unite for prayer there is
established a real power for good
will and a stronger witness to the
things in which we all believe.
There will no doubt be other
'Weeks of Prayer' but our world,
moves so quickly that a crisis
could well develop before that
opportunity presents itself again
in 1962.
MacNaughton To
Speak at Banquet
Chas. S. MacNaughton, M.P.P.,
will be guest speaker at the an-
nual meeting and banquet•of Sea -
forth Agricultural Society next
Thursday, Jan. 19th in Egmond-
villa United. Church.
Mr. MacNaughton will , speak
on aspects of 'his recent trip to
Europe as a member of the trade
mission from Ontario.
Presentation of trophies and
election of directors will also
take place.
Rebekahs Plan
Winter Events
With the noble grand, Mrs.
Margaret Messenger, presiding,
members of Edelweiss Rebekah
Lodge meeting Monday evening,
planned a euchre to follow the
next regular meeting Jan. 23rd.
The meeting• will commence at
7.30 p.m.
Other winter events planned
are a dessert euchre slated for
February and a variety night in
March. Named in charge of the
latter event 'were Mrs. E. And-
rews, Mrs. J. Hillebrecht and
Mrs. William Dalrymple.
A lunch of Christmas cake,
short bread and other dainties
was served following the meeting
by Miss Mae Smith and commit-
The death occurred on Tues-
day, Jan. 10 in Victoria Hospital,
London, where he had been a pa-
tient for two weeks, of Joseph R.
Burns, well known resident of
Seaforth. He was in his 44th
year, Surviving are his wife, the
former Phyllis Barry of Seaforth,
and children, Robert, Larry, Car-
ol, Kenneth and Dianne, at home,
also his father, John Burns, Sea -
forth and two sisters, Estelle,
Mrs. Harold Caldwell of London,
Rosa, Mrs. Bert Phillips of Lon-
don, three brothers, Gerald and
Lorne of Vancouver, and John of
Winnipeg, The remains are rest-
ing at the Box Funeral Home,
High Street,' Seaforth until 9:45
Friday morning, thence to St.
James' Church, Seaforth, for Re-
quiem High Mass at 10 a.m. Rev,
C. E. Sullivan will officiate. In-
terment will be in St. James'
Cemetery, Seaforth.
The sale of smoke damaged
stock at MuGonigle's store at-
tracted large crowds on Monday
and following days. "The re-
sponse has really been wonder-
ful", Mrs, McGonigle said on
Wednesday. "There is still some
stock on the shelves and we will
be open for. a few days yet",
Joseph Philip Uttley, 77, Paris,
died Friday in Wallet Hospital,
Parris. Survivors: Wife, former
Maude Hulley; daughters, Ger-
aldine.Buckley, at home; Mr's.:
Glen (Eileen) Greer, . St. Marys,
Requiem High Mass was sting at
Sacred Heart Roman Catholic
Church, Paris, Monday at 9 am,
Burial was in Seaforth Cemetery.
Two Melmac Patterns
"SPRING MORN ING,r —Oneida Deluxe Mehuac Dinnerware
43 -pc set, including 8 cups, 8 saucers, 8' dinner plates, 8 bread
& butter plates, 8 cereals, 1 cream & 1 sugar & cover,
"Spring Morning" design with snatching pieces in. turquoise
colors. Reg. Open Stock value $49,15
Clearance Special $2995
'(3 sets only)
"SPRING MORNING"—Oneida DeLuxe.Melina° Dinnerware
19 -pc. set including 4 cups, 4 saucers, 4 dinner plates, 4 Bread
& butter plates, cream & sugar with cover, "Spring Morn-
ing" design with matching pieces in flamingo color,
Reg. Open Stock value $23.15
Clearance Special $13,95 •
(1 set only)
"CALAIS PATTERN"—Westinghous Melmae,
20 -pc set including 4 cups, 4 saucers, 4 dinner plates, 4 B&B
plates and 4 fruit nappies. (4 sets only)
Reg. Open Stock Value 918,95
Clearance Special 512,95
These Clearance Specials apply only to goods now in stock,
Buy your set to -day !
McKillop Council
Appoints Officials
The McKillop Township Coun-
cil held their first meeting of the
year on Monday at 11 a,m, in the
Carnegie library ball with Reeve
Dan Beuermann, The councillors,
all of whom were sitting for their
first year at the council board,
were sworn in: William Dennis,
Kenneth Stewart, Allan Camp-
bell, Ralph. McNichol.
The following appointments
were made: Clerk and treasurer,
J. M. Eckert; assessor, Jas. Mc-
Quaid; School attendance officer,
John Leeming; drainage inspect-
or. Clarence Regale; auditors,
Monteith & Monteith, for town-
ship, schools and telephone, Main-
tainer Operator, Ken Battles, sec-
ond operator, Leslie Dolmage.
Poundkeepers. C. Iirauskopf,
Clar•enceeRegele, Percy Taylor,
Peter McCowan, Charles Kleber,
McSpadden, Fence Viewers,
Jos. F. Ryan, William Boyd, Jos.
McLaughlin, Win, Shannon, Robt.
Campbell, Boyd Driscoll, Thos.
McMillan, Robt. McClure. Live-
stock and poultry valuators, Alex
Smith, Clement Krauskopf, Har-
old Dodds, Antons Siemon, Build-
ing Inspectors, Archie Somerville,
Robt. M. Scott. McConnell . &
Stewart, township solicitors.
Road superintendent, William
Council set a rate of $6 per
hour for private use of the town-
ship maintainer, this rate for rate-
payers only, and only when not
in use by the township.
Two bridges are planned for
this summer. One is at Lot 16.16,
Con. 6, and the other at Lot 20-21,
Con. 7,
Council set the monthly meet-
ing for the first Monday of each
month and in case of a holiday
the next day after the holiday.
Winthrop Warriors defeated
Listowel 10-1 in an Intermediate
"D" game at Seaforth on Tues-
day night, Bill Kerr led the Win-
throp attack with 4 goals; Don
McClure scored 3 times; Winston
Powell had 2 goals. and Ray Pow-
ell scored one.
Murray Bender scored the lone
Listowel goal.
Winthrop Warriors were de-
feated 7-3 by Atwood, in a game
played in Monkton. Gary Bund -
echo led the Atwood scoring with
3 goals; singles were counted by
Chapman, Newbigging, Hewitt,
and Wagner, Winthrop goals
were scored by Tom Love, Art
Strong, and Ken McClure. There
were 14 minor penalties; • 2 ma-
jors and one misconduct penalty
called in the rough contest.
Winthrop's. next home game is
on Tuesday, Jan. 17, with Sea -
forth supplying the opposition.
Town To Get
Another Mask
Monday evening the . Seaforth
town council agreed with fire
chief Jack Scott that the fire bri-
gade needed another .smoke
The fire chief told council
about the ,situation which arose
at the McGonigle basement fire
when a married man with a fam-
ily had donned the brigade's one
and only mask and entered the
smoke-filled basement, Some
trouble had developed, said Mr.
Scott, and it was realized that,
the fire brigade would be unable
to go to the rescue of a stricken.
comrade as they had no second
Mr, Scott brought the apparab
us known as a Scott Pack into
the council ohamber,I-Ie explain
ed it was very much like a skin
diver's equipment but it has one
large tank instead of two smaller
tanks. A man could sit under
water with it for more than an
hour if not too active; activity
uses more air and shortens the
Mr. Scott said the brigade had
been very fortunate at this par-
ticular fire and the man had been
able to get out. safely. But the
point was, said the fire chief, no
other mask was. available if the
first man was ' incapacitated
through any sort of an accident
while in the basement. The bri-
gade had raised the money them-
selves to buy the Scott Pack they
Councillor Rivers asked how
much it cost. The fire chief said
the one they have cost -about $550
but prices had come down since
then. One with a half hour tank
would Cost less. The tank carries
air at a pressure of 800 to 900
pounds. They have two tanks and
one of them now is at MacDon-
aid Electric in Goderieh to be re-
filled with air—he is a skin diver,
Mr. Scott said,
Reeve Ball suggested getting
latest prices, Mr. Scott said the
mask and resuscitator (for oxy-•
gen) were always on the town
truck, 1 .
Councillor Turnbull wanted 1.o
know about the rural truck, Mr.
Scott said that by the time the
truck could reach the average
farm fire that it was unlikely
there would be need for either a
mask or a resuscitator,
Mayor Daly said that the fire
and water committee could look
into the matter.
The death occurred at his resi-
dence, on Monday, January 9th
1961, Henry Edward Fowler of
620 Talbot St., London; in his
68th year. He was the husband of
the' late Helen (Fitzgerald) Fow-
ler, dear father of Mrs. Fred
(Hilda) Dale, Toronto; Joseph, of
St. Thomas; Francis, St. Margar-
et's, New Brunswick; Burk, Ken -
ora, Ont., and brother of Elmer
Fowler, Seaforth, Resting at the
Needham Memorial Chapel, 520
Dundee St., where the funeral
Service will be conducted on
Thursday, San, 12, at 1 p.m. Inter-
ment in Harpurhey Cemetery, at
Seaforth Ladies' Curling Club
was represented in the district
playdowns of the Ontario Ladies
Curling Association at Fergus for
two days last week. The rink was
Mrs. John Langstaff, skip; Miss
Alice Reid, vice skip; Mrs. Nor-
man Steins, second; Mrs. Scott
Habkirk, lead,
Funeral service for Mr's, Jessie
McGregor, 39, . of Hensall, who
died Saturday at the Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital, was held at the Bon-
thron funeral home, , Hensall, at
3,90 p.m. Monday,' Mrs, McGreg-
or was the widow of Hugh Mc.
Gregor and had beet a resident
of Iiippen most of her life. She
resided in Hensall for the past
few years. Surviving are ohe
daughter, Mrs, Joe (Edna) Mc-,
Lellan of Hensall, and one bro-
thel', I, W. McLean, Seaforth.
Burial was in Hensall Union