The Seaforth News, 1960-12-22, Page 4WALTON NIr. Dot+. t'ruloishanks of Wing- hant was the speclitl guest at the Christmas meeting 01 the WaItou \\t.I, 'I9tursauy evening laze. 10•in the Community Ilan, (htistmas- deeorot ions ithc indtng a lighted C11rieintas tree, a Creche and the Many gifts displayed on the plat- form gave a festive air to the Meet ung. Airs, Nelson Marks in- treeecae the guest speaker ler. Cruiekshauks who slam 0(1 tailor- ed slides 'mantling bent western and Florida seems. Mrs George Blake thanked the speaker and presented hint with a gift on be- half -of the Institute. The president, Mrs. Jas.. Nolan presided for the business portion Christmas Dance BRODIIAGEN ANI) DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE FRIDAY, DEC. 23 Elgin Fisher and the Rilythmail'es Spot dunces Admission 1,00 New Yeark Dame Fri., Doe. ;a Desjardintaf Orchestra when plans were matte for a pro- gl'esstve. ouehre party to be held in the hall Jan. 13 with the fol- lowing committee in chargee Mrs. Stewart llnmphries, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet Sr., Mrs, (leo, LYillialn- son, Mrs, T. Dundas and Mrs, G, Lore, Mrs. C. Martin and Idi's. Frank .Walters were appointed to buy gifts for stinting. The reports were heard and eor)'esporidonoe react. It was announced that Mrs. 11tu•gavet liunrplirles would bo termer for the gide course "Cot. tans may be smart" with Mrs, 1 arvey Craig lig as assistant leader, (hI'istlmas Carols were sung with Sirs. herb Travis at the piano after which a singing contest was held by Mrs, Blake, Mrs, Joe Ry- an received a lirize for having a birthday nearest Dec. 25tH. The to were distributed according to nuubers .and after opening them each member showed their gift. A lovely Christmas lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs, k, Stevens, Mrs. N. Reid, Mrs. L, Marshal} Mrs. lion Bennett, and ales. 0. Mc(lavin. Mr, Hugh Campbell is a patient at the Timmer Nursing Home, Sear orth, • Miss Bessie Davidson has re- turned hone from Victoria Hos- pital, London, Mr, and :lira, W, Stutz spent the weekend at the latter's pat - 11)58 CHEVROLET 'SEDAN, Radio 1958 CHEVROLET '8' SEDAN, A. T, 1957 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1957 VAUXHALL SEDAN 1957 DODGE PICKUP 1,;i ton 1957 CHEVROLET PICKUP 3.:t ton NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Chevrolet - Oldsmobile MITCHELL Phone G. Fawn 186 Motors Sales & Service SEAFORTH Phone 541 mar' 'Gt t �aL/RLC'�e' . not W AT ERLO ail CATTLE REEDING ASSOCIATION —Where better Bulls are used" Our Directors and staff want to extend to one and all their best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous Year in 1961 First dry 4 year old 1960 C.N.E. A sample daughter of one of our Holstein Sires Maplewanna Tradition Canary V.G. This cow was 2nd prize 2 year old at the Waterloo County Black and White Show in 1958. 2nd prize 3 year old 1959 C.N.E. First Prize 4 year old 1950 C.N.E. and Waterloo County Black and White Show, and also a member of the winning county herd at the 1960 C.N.E. As a 2 year old in 305d -2X, she produced • 15288 lbs. of milk, 528 lbs. of fat 3.45;;,. Breed Class Average 160 milk 150 fat. As a 3 year old she had calving complications but still produced in 305d 1:2455 milk 445 fat 3.57"i,. For the third year in a row, she calved in September and has averaged 75 lbs. per day since then. Several top breeders have offered to purchase this cow. Other 1950 winners by our bulls included; Friedview Benefactor Ex, now in service in our unit, Grand Champion C.N,E. 1060', ISbydale Retainer Jennie, Jr. Champion Royal and Waterloo Black & White Show sold in Sale of Stars, $2200.00. (let of King Spring Farm Rag Apple V. G. First at Western Fair, London. Ileckhaven Souvenir Milestone, Jr. Champion C,N. F)„ Reserve Royal 1950, 3 crosses to Unit Bulls. Myrtle H, Grand Champion, Ayrshire, 1950 C.N.E. Fairmount Belinda Generation, I*irst Sr, Yearling Jersey, CNE, London, Royal, and Chicago. Tannery Hill Champion's Roger, newly purchased Guernsey bull, first Jr, calf Royal, Kingfield Braggart another newly purchased Guern- sey bull, second Sr. calf Royal. Donald Crow showed the Grand Champion Short- horn Queen's Guinea steer who was also Re- serve Grand Champion over all by our Killearn Howard. There are many other winners at Major Shows and I+"all Fairs that should be listed but space does not permit. Use Waterloo Bulls and ilreed your own Winners For service or more information call: ---- canton HU 24441 or for long ritstinrc•„ C!lintort Zenith 9.5660, or Collect swifnrib 96 13ttl.er Cattle For Better Living, e. . e e 9 evjo eine, Mr, Ron Funis of Western Uni- versity, London, and Miss Ruth Ennis of Kitchener, spent a few days at their home here. SRQDHAGEN The annual Sunday seism Christmas program of St. Peter's Lutheran Church will be present- ed on Christmas eve, Dee.. 24, at 8 o'clock, Mrs, Norman Ahrens under wenttau operation hz Stratftnxi hospital, Mr, and Mrs, Donald MrLaugh lin and c babyson of Kincardine 1 visited ]tet' father Wm, Diego stere, and her mother Mrs. \\'tris Diego! at Stratford Hospital of Sunday, Mr, anti airs, Lavern Wolfe spent the week end in Kitchens% with their son Lorne Wolfe and Mrs, Wolfe. The Mechanical Rubber Co., of Mitchell, held their Christmas dinner and social evening in the community hall here on Satur duty, Mr. and Mrs, Louie Bennewies and Mr', and Mr. and Mrs. Norm- an Bennewtes attended the 40th wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Eieltmeil' in Mitchell Saturday evening, Tho azimut' Nursery Party of St, Peter's Lutheran Church, sponsored by the married couples group of the church, was !held last. Wednesday afternoon, A pro- gram was presented and games played, with Mrs. Edgar Illlligsen, Mrs Martin Riegel. airs. Ralph Fist -her. Mrs. Harold Mogk and :lir.. Harvey Ahrens in c'har'ge, and Mr's. Russell Flw[diee at the pillet,. Mrs. Reuben Muck and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens were in charge of the lunch. MU. Ivan baelunan is cottoned to \'ietut'ia Hospital. London, CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley and Mr. and -llrs. Frank Riley spent last Wednesday evening with Mr. and .firs. Tom Riley of Clinton who celebrated their wedding anniver- sary and all enjoyed a bountiful dinner to mark the occasion, Last Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glousher of Blyth were surprised guests at a dinner held at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, MI'. and Mrs, W. Glousher on the occasion of their 35th wedding anniversary. It also was the birthday of their son, Mr. Wilmer Glousher, The faintly all attended. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCiinehey and family of Auburn and Stanley, Lloyd, Jack and Thelma and Marjory, all of Blyth, and Miss Edith Walker and Miss Shirley Dodson of Wingham. The dinner table was beauti- fully decorated suitable for the occasion. The guests of honor were presented with a large mir- ror from the family after which/ all enjoyed the evening. AIr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Landsborough and Bert Gihbings of Clinton, School Section No. 3 and Con- stance United Church Sunday School will hold their annual Christmas tree concert this Thursday evening in the base- ment of the Church, Dec, 22. Ev- eryone welcome. W. A. and W.M.S. Constance W. A, and WMS held their Christmas and regular meet- ing in the basement of the church Wed, at 2 p,01. 71irs, L. Lawson presided over the W. A. and op- ened with a poem "Christmas Tide". Hymn 62 was sung follow- ed with prayer by Mrs, Lawson. Minutes were read as well as cor- respondence. Roll call was an- swered with a verse of scripture pertaining to Christmas. Business platters were discussed and de- cided to buy a gas stove for the kitchen, Hymn 57 was sung and collection taken and the meeting was turned over to WMS. W. A, Officers for 1961 are: Pres., Mrs, L. Lawson; Tice Pres., Mrs, Geo. Mutlwain; Sec., Mrs. Frank Riley; Vice Sec., Mrs, Don Buchanan; Pianist, Mrs. Wm, Jewitt; Treas., Mrs. Ross MacGregor. Card Sec„ Mrs, Wm. Jewitt, Mrs. Borden Brown presided over the WMS and conducted the worship service on Advent as in the Missionary Monthly with Mrs, Earl Nott reading the Scrip- ture from Matt. 25:1-18. The roll call was well answered, Business matters were discussed and the Christmas boxes are to be given to shut-ins and will be made up by the CGIT girls Money from the birthday tin amounted t0 $4,33 for the expense fund. The program consisted of a worship service conducted by airs. Brown and all participating in the chorale and the lighting of the candles on the star with Mrs. Wnt. Jewitt as pianist throughout the service. A reading was given by Mrs. MacGregor, "One Small Child." Mrs. W, L, Whyte prepar- ed a paper on Christmas thoughts taking Scripture Luke 2:11 as the basis for her paper, Mrs. Mcll- wain sang "Christmas Means Thinking of Jesus," accompanied by Mrs. F. Riley, Before the clos- ing hymn Mrs. Brown thanked all the members for their help and co-operation during the past three years of her office as press - dent and expressed her wish for this continued support to be ex- tended to the new president, Mrs. Whyte, and wished everyone a Merry Christmas. Officers for 1961: President, Mrs. W, L. Whyte; vice Pres., Mrs. Don Buchanan; secretary, Mrs, Frank Riley; treas., Mrs, Verne Dale; study book, Mrs, Reginald Lawson; CGIT leader, Mrs, Borden Brown; Mission Band, Mtge Wilma Dale; asstet- ant, Mrs, Earl Nett; temperance convener, Mrs, Wm, ,lewitt; stew- ardship, Mrs, 13, Brown; litera- ture, Mrs Ken Miley; Mission- ary Monthly, Mrs, (loo. Leitch;. pianist, Mrs, Wm. Jowitt; asset, members, Mrs. Cl, Mollwatu; (:1u'Istilu citizenship and visiting, Mrs. It. SlacGregor; cradle 1'011, Mrs, Wm. Jowitt; sura secretary, Mrs. Win. Jewitt; expellee fund see,, lis. Wilbur Jewitt, C,01T. The 0. (1, I. T, held their Christ - nuts meeting and party at the hone of their loader Mrs. B, ltruwe, Saturday evening. Mise Mary AlueOregor, the presttleut, conducted the meeting, opouing with the C,0,1,T. purpose and hymn. After the minutes were read by Many Bnchauan the Sec., btlslness matters were con- ducted, The programme =Meted ted or carol singing with Miss Olen- yce Jowitt at the piano. The scripture lesson on the Christmas stor' Luke 2,Was read by Glen- i, yee Jewitt and Mary MacGregor gave a very interesting paper on "The Ono Forgotten Child" stet- ing the views or Matthew, I.ulte and John, on. the Birth of Jesus, stating we conte back each Christmas to try to capture tete spirit of childhood and the Christmas meaning is to receive Christ in our heat'te, Joyce Brown offered prayer, Away in the man- ger was sung by all. After a Christmas exchange of gifts all enjoyed lunch, a social hour was spent, Young People of Constance U.C. `.I'he young people of Constance United Church held their Christ- mas meeting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Dale Sunday even- ing. 9llss Wilma Dale, president, presided over the meeting. The minutes were read and business matters conducted. Moll call woes well answered. lender a vote of aeclauttttlon the officers are the same as last year except the leaner of tine group for steward- ship which will be Deanna Dale Carol singing was indulged in, with Joyce 13rown 115 pianist. De- anna Dale read the scripture lesson from Luke 2, Mary Mac- Gregor took tate paper for the meeting on "The One Forgotten Child" and prayer followed by Joyce Brown, Lunch was served by the hostess and assistants, Officers are: President, Miss Wilma Dale; sec„ Miss Mary MacGregor; treas., Mr, Nickey White; pianist, Miss Joyce Brown, Leaders — Group 1, Dean- na Dale, stewardship; 2, Tom Whyte, citizenship; 3, Marjory Hoggart, m10810Ls. VARNA The treasurer of the Varna - Goshen Bible Society, Mr, Ern- est Pollock, has reported having received $111.00 from the recent canvass of the community, The executive of the society wishes to thank all who have contributed to the fund. Christmas service in the Unit- ed Church will be held at 10.15 a.m. next Sunday horning with the pastor, Rev. T. J. Pitt in charge. The annual United Church Christmas entertainment was held on Monday evening of this ween: when a large crowd attend- ed. After e',prograui of choruses, pageants, recitations and songs, also a number of slides depicting the nativity scenes Santa Claus arrived and distributed presents to the children from a well laden tree, HENSALL The Sunday School rooms of the United Church, lovely with Christmas emblems was the set- ting Tuesday evening the 13th for the annual Sunday School Christmas concert with a large attendance. Rev. C. R. Winlaw was chairman for the evening and gave the 'chairman's address. Miss Greta Lammie directed car- ol singing. Following is the pro- gram as presented. Santa Clans—Nursery Class— Teacher's: Mrs. W. C. Smith and Mrs. Wm. Mickle; Dialogue— the Kindergarten class, Mrs. J. Tay- lor; Christmas Long Ago—Junior Class, Mrs. Pearl Passmore; Boy's Wish and Merry Christmas Everybody—Intermediate Class, Mrs. Verne Alderdice; The Grand- mas—Intermediate Class, Miss Pat Rowe; Christmas Pageant— Interutediate Class, Mrs. Don Joyni and Mrs. Robt. Cook; Dia- logue—Intermediate Class, Geo. Parker; plane duet, Miss Louise Jones and Miss Marlene Dignan; Carol songs, Seniors, Miss Greta Lammie and Mrs. Walter Spen- cer. Mr, Clendon Christie, super- intendent of the Sunday School introduced Santa Claus who dis- tributed gifts and treats to the children, Mrs. James A. Patterson Mrs. James A. Patterson passed away Thursday in Clinton Hos. pital in her 74th year. She was the former Lilly Dora Ortwein, and spent most of her life in Hansall. She was a member or Carmel Presbyterian Church, served for many years in the choir, WMS and Ladies' Aid, FORTY YEARS AGO From The Seaforth News December 1920 A presentation was made to Mr. John Scott of Roxboro before leaving for Regina to visit his daughter, Mrs. Novak, by the choir of First Presbyterten Church, of which he has been a 01011)1)01' for almost half a cen- tury, The choir gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. D, Suth- erland to say farewell, Mr. De - Lacey read the address and the presentation was made by Mr, Mullen, A NEW Yi9AIt'S DANCE In Seaforth Community Centre sponsored by the •Soalortlt W. 1, SATURDAY, DEC. 31 Norris Orchestra Irate, horns, novelties and lucky stances. Dancing 9 to 11.45 Surviving is her husband, one brother, Alonzo Ortwein, Cross• well, Mich„ and cue sister, Mrs, Ella Drysdale, Iliiasnll. Funeral service was eor.ducted Sunday tram the Boutlhrun funeral Chau - el by 1110 Rev. Geo. C. Vats of Galt, Interment in Homan Union Cemetery. Pallbearers were Clar- ence Reid, (leo. Bess, Walter Silences', froward Scene, Norman Jones sled Jas. A. Foster, TOWN TOPICS Miss Marlene Carter of Exeter spent a few days last weak with telparents,M1and Mrs, Tonini Carter and family. Mr. Peter McCowan is spending this week in Toronto with r'el- tttives and also attended the fun- eral on Tuesday of his aunt, the late Mrs, Bertha Sullivan of Toronto. Mr. Andrew Crozier is in Scott Memorial Hospital after being gored by it bull on Monday even- ing. It is believed thele are no serious injuries. t HOCKEY On Saturday Seaforth Midgets lost 6-5 to Clinton. Scorers were Paul Rau 2, Tom Phillips, Benny Akker, Peter Slllery 1 goal each. The same night Seaforth Ban- tams won 10.3 over Clinton. FIRST CHURCH WMS Miss Campbell presided at the anneal meeting of WMS of First Presbyterian Church held on the afternoon of 'Tuesday, Dec. '13 in the Church Hall, After opening exercises the minutes of Novem- ber meeting were read and sign- ed, Treasurer, -Mrs. McGregor in her annual report reported a very gratifying suns had been raised for the yeah', Reports were also given by Secretary, Mrs, Russell, Glad Tidings, -Welcome and Wel- fare, Literature and Press Secre- tariee each one showing results of a faithful year's work. Devo- tions were taken by Miss M. Gray doing the scripture reading, Mrs. Thompson, the meditation, and Mrs. Butt, the prayer. A beau- tiful Christmas Story was read by Mrs. Russell which truly typified the real Christmas spirit, After the offering Miss J, Fraser gave the findings of the nominating committee and Mrs. EIder duly installed the following officers for 1961, Pres., Miss B. Campbell; Sec., Alt's. J. B. Russell; lst Vice Pres., Miss J, Fraser; Treas., Mrs, J. McGregor; Glad Tidings Sec„ Mrs. Butt; Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. Elder; Supply, Mrs. Sclater; Houle Helpers, 14liss I. Gray and Mrs. McGregor; Press Sec„ Mrs. Gordon; Literature, Mrs. Thomp- son; Social Convener, Mrs. Drov- er; Group Leaders: Miss M. Gray, Mrs, Butt and Mrs, Thomp- son, Pianist, Mrs. E. Geddes, Northside United Church Christmas Services at 11 a,m. and 7 p.m. Special Christmas music by both Sr. and Jr, Choirs at morn- ing worship, Jr. Church School during the worship service. Sr, Church School at 10 a,m, Organist, Mrs. Jas. A, Stewart; Choirmaster, Mr. Jas. A. Stew- art, Minister, Rev. J. Cliff. Brit- ton, B.A. St. Thomas' Anglican Church Special Christmas Services Christmas Eve: 11.30 p,m., Short Carol Service, 12:00 mid- night Holy Communion. Christmas Day, 11 a.m., Holy Communion. The congregation of St. Thom- as', Seaforth, and St, Marys, Dub- lin will combine for these ser- vices. First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Leslie Elder Minister H. A. Kempster, Organist & Choir Leader CHRISTMAS DAY 1960 11 a.m. Christmas Family Service The Church School will worship with the congregation. All classes will meet in the Church Hall at 10.45 a.m. Sermon: "A MOUSE, AN ORGAN AND A CAROL" Anthem: "A Joyous Christmas Song"' (Gevaert) Senior Choir Friends will please note that there will be no evening service Skating! SEAFORTH ARENA Friday Skating 840 ADM, 35c & 25c SAT. SKATING 2 - 3.30 10c Sat, Night Skating 8. - 10 25c & 35c Mon,, Dec. 26, Skating 8 - 10 25c & 35c TCIFIS, DLOO, 27, Young Liberals Dance. Wed,, Dec. 28, Skating 2 • 3.20 10c WED„ DEC. 28, Hockey Lucknow vs St. Collo/11m 8,30 25c & 10c onvivton4www 'i'1Ui HIl0A1+'O10'1I NEWS (Phone 84) ---Thursday, December 22, '1900 s; c=(e Wen c' '1lY. "a4Mal! l' t 1TH, :n. — SUPFRL 1 1 1 ROSE BRAND SWEET MIXED PICKLES 16 oz jar STOKELEY'S HONEY POD��,�11 PEAS 2 Y5 -oz tins MAPLE LEAF 28 oz tin 41c MINCEMEAT MAXWELL HOUSE 6 oz ar 93c INSTANT COFFEEjar STOKELEY'S �� TOMATO JUICE 48 oz tin ` OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE 25c 15 OZ TIN GOLDEN MIXED NUTS enc, I lb -- 45c 2 lb. PHONE .,�-Sly12q Vn WE DELIVER L+ T -t\ '�-c�1.�-a � t Vic -L UR U7'e. Attention Farmers A Farmers Curling Group has been organized Galles are played at Seaforth Curling Chub every Friday at 1,30 P.M. Schedule starting Jan. 6th, 1961, includes six teams plus spares We welcome to this group any farmer interested in curling Kindly contact a committee member: Bob Gemmell, William Campbell, William Leyburn, Bev. Thomson Membership fee $10.00 for the season For all members of the Family and for all occasions XMAS DECORATIONS Xmas Lighting Sets and Lights Table Decorations Xmas Serviettes & Table Covers CHRISTMAS CARDS for everyone in the family STATIONERY GIFTS Lace Table Cloths Gift Boxed Sets Boxed Bridge Sets Towels and Towel Sets BOOKS. STORIES AND PAINT Lingerie Hosiery Scarves WRAPPING AND RIBBON Toys, Dolls and Doll Carriages Garnes and Paint by Numbers sets RECORDS at our Record Bar STORE HOURS—Open Thurs., Fri., and Sat. to 9 P.M. LARONE'S SEAFORTH sc to Moo STORE STATIONERY - GIFTS avorOorarovrowei4onotnioAomo4