HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-12-15, Page 8FOR 6z,7®f i®®®o®®,�.�ie,,f,f THE MEN ON YOUR LIST GIFTS UNDER 5.00 No -Iron SPORT SHIRTS SKI PAJAMAS BROADCLOTH Arrow WHITE SHIRTS Orlon Lined FINE GLOVES Sleeveless PULLOVERS 4,95 PLAID VESTS 4.95 CUFF LINK TIE BAR SETS 4.95 FLANELETTE PAJAMAS 4.95 1 Dozen Hand Rolled LINEN HANKIES „ 4.95 PAJ. 4,95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 GIFTS UNDER 4.00 Wool -lined Capeskin Gloves 3.95 Drip-dry Suedella Shirts 3.95 No -Iron White Shirts 3.95 Sox & Tie Seta 3.50 Men's Silk Scarfs 3.95 High Quality Work Shirts 3.95 Flannelette Pajamas 3.95 Wallets 3,95 GIFTS UNDER 3.00 All colors Lined Gloves 2,95 Scotch Import Wool Scarfs 2.95 Cuff Links 2.50 6 Monogram Handkerchiefs 2.95 Leather Faced Wool Gloves 2.95 Monogrammed White Scarfs 2.95 Slipper Sox 2.95 GIFTS UNDER 2.00 Kroy Wool Argyle Sox 1.95 Fine patterned Kroy Sox 1.50 Quality Neckwear 1.50 • 2.00 Hickok Leather Belts 1.50 - 2,00 Men's Wallets Tie Bars Cuff Links GIFTS FOR 1.00 New hook -on Ties Regular Ties Fine Sox Happy -foot Sox 3 In a box Handkerchiefs Nylon & Wool Stretch Sox s 2.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 sr se aleft 1.00 .,. GIFTS FOR BOYS Orlon Bulky Sweaters 3.954.95 Doeskin Shirts 129-1.95 Como Style Doeskin Shirts 2.95 White Shirts 225.2.95 Boys' Ties Boys' Sox Boys' Pyjamas Hockey Sweaters Hockey Sox 1.50 Earmuffs 68c -89c Boys' Mitts & Gloves„ 69c-2,95 Boys' Hook -on Ties 95c Lined Jeans 2,95 to 5.50 d_ 1l►(? ft Mrs, iV, L. Querengesser is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdiee, London, this Week. Baskets of flowers were in the 011500el of St. Peter's Lutheran Cllurell on Sunday from. the fun• eral pt Mrs. John C. Diegel, The Annual Sunday School Christmas program will be held at St. Peter's Lutheran Charon on Christmas eve at 8 o'clock, The Christmas Day Church Service with communion will begin at 10 o'clock with Rev. Erich Schultz in charge. Mr, Larry Muegge who has been employed with Ford Dioki- son is confined to Seaforth Hos- pital with a leg injury. Mr, Wilfred Wicks of Boness, Alberta, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe. Mr,. and Mrs; Michael Connelly of Sebringville at the same home, Members of the 'United Luther- an Church Women held a Christ- mas Social evening on Tuesday evening with their husbands as guests. A supper in charge of the McKillop group was enjoyed fol- lowed by a program presented by the Brodhagen Group, and games were played. The evening closed with the gift exchange. VARNA The United Church Sunday School are having their annual entertainment and Chrismas tree on Monday evening Dec. 19 at 8 p.m. A number of slides will also be shown including several of the 1960 Vacation School. Miss Effie Plumsteel of Clinton spent the weekend at the home of Miss Joan McClymont, A large number of parents at- tended the commencement exer- cises at the Clinton Collegiate last Friday evening. BLAKE Mr. Robert Manson, who has spent a few weeks at Midland with his aunt and uncle, has re- turned home, Mr, Archie Mustard of Sarnia spent the weekend in Blake, HULLETT On Dec. 12th 12 adults of the Fireside Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Car- ter, The topic for broadcast and discussion was "Wanted: A Food Thruway". We agree that it is not right for many people to be starving and millions constantly ttie hungry. While some countries have large surpluses of food and talk of decreasing production. This is not an individual ques- tion, but one for all governments of the world to consider. We think there should be a world 500-950 50c -95c 2,95-3.75 3.50 Dress Pants 3.95-5.95 Suburban Coats , , , , 12.95-14.95 d%nl STKWA1T BRS. THE STORE FOR MEN CROMARTY m'. Henry Eggert of Rostock visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Storey, Lau - rine and Mariene of London vis- ited over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Dow and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and girls. Mr. and Mrs, Herman Hostie and daughter are spending the winter months with relatives in Belgium. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing, Lorraine and David visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Mr. and Mrs. Norman Harburn, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Dick and Mrs, Geo, Boa of Chiselhurst were in Kiehl of Sebringville. Simcoe on Thursday attending the funeral of a cousin, Mrs. Iv- an Hill, Mr, Norman Jefferson of Munro and Miss Barbara Bearss of Lon- don were Saturday evening visit- ors with Mr, and Mrs. G. Laing, Mr, and Mrs, H. R. Currie and Linda of Dorchester spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ramsey, Ste- phen and Vickie of Listowel were weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Alex Ramsey, Tenders for Furnishings and Equipment Sealed tenders for the supplying of furn- ishings and equipment at the Huron Coun- ty Home, Clinton, will be received by the undersigned until Wednesday, January 4, 1961, at 5.00 P.M, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Details and specifications must be secured from the undersigned. J. G. )BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ontario Miss Alice Sorsdahl, London, was home for the weekend. The Christmas concert at S. S. 6, Ribbert will be held on Tues- day evening Dec. 20. The CGIT Vesper Service was held in the S. School room of the church on Sunday evening with the leader Mrs. M. Lomond in charge and Mrs. G. Laing at the piano, The prepared program was followed and scripture passages were read by Anna Scott and Barbara Gardiner, The candle - lighting service was conducted by Joyce Kerslake, Dorothy Scott and Laura Chappel. A Christmas Story was read by Joyce Dow, Al- ice Walker, Shirley Gardiner and Marlene Dow. The girls repeated their CGIT Purpose. After hymns were sung and the benediction pronounced light refreshments were served by Mrs, Lamond and the girls, The Ladies' Aid Society met for the December meeting at the home of Mrs. 3. M. Scott with the president, Mrs. Will Miller pre- siding. She opened the meeting with a poem "A cup of Tea" which was followed with a Christ- mas carol, Mrs, J. M. Scott read the scripture lesson and Miss Ol- ive Spear° led in prayer. The re- gular reports were given by the secretary and the treasurer, and a short business period followed. This being the annual meeting Mrs. T. L. Scott was appointed to the chair for the election of officers, The secretary's annual report was read by Mrs. John Wallace and Mrs, K. McKellar gave the treasurer's annual re- port, Mrs. Sadie Scott gave the report of cards sent to the sick and shutins, and Mrs. Houghton gave a report of the work com- mittee. Officers elected are: 1st Vice Pres„ Mrs, 3.M. Scott; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. 0, Carey; Soc., Mrs, John Wallace; Ass't, Sec,, Mrs. J. M. Scott; Treas., Mrs. K. McKellar; Asst. Treas., Mrs, T. L. Scott; Card Com„ Mrs, Sadie Scott and Mrs. T. Laing; Work Com., Mrs, M. Houghton, Ars, 'I'. Laing, Miss Olive Speare, Mrs, Grace Scott, Mrs, L. Sors- dahl. Mrs, W. Harper. The meet- ing closed with "Blest be the tie that Blade". A lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. M. Dow and Mrs, G. Carey, BRODHAGEN Mrs, Aug, Hillehrecht le at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Mueller and Mr. Mueller, Hamil- ton, food bank, operated, by honest loadere of all countries who would decide On transportation and distribution of the surplus. There always have been people. who are willing to accept some- thing for nothing. We believe the hungry must be fed, but we pre- fer sending machinery and tech - Meal leaders to teach and train nations to produce their own food. In many eases this is being done successfully. We believe in joint action in the international field, Canada cannot afford to give all her surplus foods free. In tho international plan, countries with no food surplus but with large income from manufactured goods, could help pay for farm produce, In that way they could do their share in feeding the hungry. When asked for original ideas, we suggest that the goy- ernment of India exchange their holy cows for Holsteins, Then their children would have much needed milk, Euchre winners — Most games, Mrs, Bob Dalton, Watson Reid. Lone hands, Mrs. J. Howatt, ]Eric Anderson. Cone„ Mrs, Oliver Anderson, Harvey Taylor, GEORGE D. THOMPSON George D. Thompson of St, Marys, died Sunday at the St, Marys Memorial Hospital, A prominent St. Marys businese- man. Mr, Thompson was presi- dent of Thompson Confections Ltd., St. Marys. He was well known in Sea, forth in connection with the Sutherland Regent Theatre, Surviving are his wife, the for• neer Jean Sutherland, St, Marys; three children, Sandra, Tanya and Susan, at home; and one' brother, William Thompson, St. ' Marys. HENSALL Mr.' and Mrs, Howard Love of Toronto visited over the weekend with the former's father, Mr. Mil- ton Love. TOWN TOPICS Mrs. Raymond Nott spent the weekend in Kitchener with her daughter Nancy. CARD OF THANKS To the Ratepayers of Seaforth: Many thanks and apprecia- tion to those who helped elect me to council, JOHN FLANNERY CARD OF THANKS To the Ratepayers of Seaforth: I wish to extend my thanks for your support in the elec- tion for Council. NEIL BELL TURKEY BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth SATURDAY DEMI ER 17th By popular demand your Branch of the Canadian Legion will sponsor another turkey bingo on Saturday night, Dec. 17, at 9 o'clock 15 regular games for a turkey each 3 chances at Jackpot of $59 in 59 numbers called 1 Special at $25.00 Admission 91.00. Extra cards 25c or 5 for $1 Games on jackpot will he sold at 15c, or 2 for 25c, or 5 for SOc; and 100 a card thereafter DOORS OPEN AT 8.15 P.M. R CLAMATION TOWN OF SEAFORTH BOXING DAY BY RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL I HEREBY PROCLAIM TUESDAY, DEC. 27th (BOXING DAY) a Holiday for the Town. of Seaforth, and respectfully request the citizens and busi- ness )nen to observe salve EDMUND DALY, Mayor "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" THIO SI'JAFOIITiI NIIWS (Phone )"-Thursday, December I5,. 064 BORN Dangey -- At Scott Memorial Hospital, on December 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dungey, Sea - forth, a son IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of John A. Dec, McNa15, ughton1056, who passed away They say time heals all sorrows and helpe us to forget, But time so far has only proved how much we miss him yet. Fondly remembered by his wife and family and sisters. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank my friends and neighbors who re- membered me with cards, letters, flowers and visits while I was a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital in London and also sines coming home. Many thanks for all the help given to nay family at home. Everything was appreciated. Mrs. James Drummond. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs, Ro. bort W. Campbell wish to express their sincere thanks to their neighbours and friends for the many acts of kindness, and mes- sages of sympathy received in their recent sad bereavement. It was deeply appreciated. FOR SALE 2 snowsuits with snow pante and detachable hoods for sale, including one blue with red trim, size 8; one green with gray trim, size 10. 95 for each suit, Also light blue winter coat size 8, good as new, Phone 672 r 5, Sea - forth. FOR SALE Beatty litter carrier with switch and approximately 180 ft. of track. In good shape. Will be sold with guy rode. Priced for quick sale. Merton Keyes, Sea - forth, 656 r 11. FOR SALE Table turnips 75c a bus. Ken Hulley, Phone 75733. FOR SALE Practically new violin. Apply at News Office. FOR SALE 160 Honniger Leghorn pullets starting to lay. Also dressed ducks. Clarence Maloney, 46 r 20, Dublin. FOR SALE Special Christmas sale of Ba- by Budgies all colors. Mrs. C. Dalton. Phone 62W. WANTED Day work of any kind. See Jack Ilolland, Seaforth. WANTED Used lumber or building to wreck. Phone 182, Seaforth. MALE HELP WANTED „ Large United States and Can- adian Manufacturing Company requires district managers in var- ious townships in Huron Count- ty. Exceptionally high earnings, guaranteed repeat business, auto- mobile essential, agricultural or farming background most im- portant. Sales training given. Re- ply to P. 0. Box 84, Loudon, Ont. FOR SALE Ebersol 1 -ton mixer and 10 - inch hammermill, 3 years old, operating as unit from one source of power. Mixer or hammermill will be sold separately if desir- ed. Milton J. Dietz, Purina Chows, Sanitation Products, Ventilation Equipment, wholesale - retail. Phone 600r21 Seaforth R R3 FOR SALE Christmas trees. Norway spruce and Scotch pine. Gordon Nobel, 71 w, Seaforth NOTICE Barns cleaned, whitewashed and disinfected for Brucellosis; also spray for lice. Jim Leishman, phone 555r2 Seaforth HOUSE FOR SALE In Seaforth, live rooms, white frame, 2 piece bath, oil heated, good corner lot, immediate pos- session to settle estate. Contact Edwin Bennewies , Louisa St., Seaforth FOR SALE Good assortment of Christmas trees, at Dublin Electric, Dublin TO RENT 65 acres land, fall ploughed and 6 acres hay. 3 years if desired. 10 acres permanent pasture, water, use of barn. Lot 25, Con. 13, Hibbert. Ron Pullman. NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH PARKING To facilitate snow plowing and snow removal operations, park- ing on the streets of this munici- pality unicipality is prohibited between the hours of 2 a,m, and 8 a.m. This order will be strictly en- forced in accordance with the Highway Traffic act, Section 43, Subsection 9. NOTICIO IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Municipality will not he responsible for any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow plowing or snow removal operations, grolisisoesvremosmammeneamessa SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE SEAFORTH -- PHONE 182 Window Washing Wall Washing Small Repairs Floor Maintenance Changing Storms and Screens Gen oral Janitor Work Housecleaning Brick and Plastering Repairing RUPEItJ0i4 Our Name 9101llVICI71 054' A4m RAY SQUIRE BOX 335 SEAFORTH BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt end Careful Attention Hospital Hod Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 696W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and. Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. QORWiLL, B.A., M.�. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6.W Seater* SEAFORTH CLINIC P. L. Brady, N1.19.,. Surgeon Dr. E. Malkus Office Hours, 1 p,m. to 6 p,m, dally except Wednesday and Sunday. Evenings; Tuesday 8e. Thurs. 7-9 p.m, Appointments made In advance aye desirable TURNBULL B BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC 3, 0, TURNBtJLL, D.V,M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D,V.M., V.S. W. G. DRENNA'N, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth John E. Langstaff - Optometrist Goderich St, W, Seaforth Phone 791 Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 0 to. 5.00 ; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. eye by appointment only, Clinton HU -2-7010. shove Hawkins' Iidwe, Mon. 9 to 5,80 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res, 540 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS' CHAMPION STOOaVV L ANDpgFURNACE PhoneA57 al 332-Ry AND FUEL OIL. WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 286, We write all lilies of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers — President, John L. Malone,. Seaforth; Vice Pres., John H. McEwing,. Blyth ; Sec.-Treas., W. E. Southgate, Seaforth. Directors, Norman Trewartha, Clinton, J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Ohrie Leonhardt.. Bornholm; Robert Arehlbald, Seafortb;, Alm 11. McEwing, Blyth; Wm. 5, Alex- ander, Walton ; Harvey Fuller, Goderiab ;. J. E. Pepper, Bruceaeld; Allister Broad - foot, Seaforth. Agents — William Leiner. Jr., tondos - bore ; V. J. Lane, RR 5 Seaforth ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squlree, Clin- ton ; James ,toys, Seaforth. WATERLOO CATTLE BRI`1i FDING ASSOCIATION Where Better Buns Are Used ArtfficlaI Insemination Servios is provided from bulls of all breeds Farmer owned and controlled and operate at poet Summer calling hours: Between 7:80 and 9:30 a.m, week days. 6;00 and 8:00 p.m, Saturday evenings For service or more information call Clinton HU 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5660 • PROBLEMS ? Money to Loan on any uremia/ — Anywhere. Don't Delay — Write Delray The secret of our euecees — is Service DELRAY INVESTMENTS 460-A Wilson Ave„ Downeviow, Ont. ME. 8-2808 Real Estate WILFRED McINTEE BROKER Listings wanted on farms, homes, businesses and summer properties, Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 M Local representative for WILFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Ont. 0. offices and 25 salesmen to serve you. $4,000, to 96,000. AND MORE That is what a large number of our Dealers are Makin in their Districts. If you are interested in starting with an arginnrtion where you can work full time the year-round, writo us immediate - 19. Your axe must be between 26 and 65, no experience or onpita needed. Prefer- ably married, Rawtcizh's, Dept. L-104. SA, 4005 Vaha leu, Montreal, h w G tS a tl rr yr be to ti kl al e a u a w h th a. TO Si en 411n - "a bi ne m; jo c P fort VII Ac Sta Mr. and T Quc Mr. S "0tt son Rut We An Glo rest 0S, Jo, Ros Sha Wa, 5, 7 Ada lot Fry 'wl • de like Gor Hort part the Cla be solo) you lish She Wal ton. l i•. Mar City, lett), uel"I Tow Colo Win s n l .. ii Fore Tor< Frer Brat Brc Kne Duet Jules (Pre Divi "I IN chin) "Thi "Din, (Arb Bells 01i C11e5 ford) Blain Kin Len Te, ,.I V7Y-1 Mrs,; M. It T. K E, E' M. IN) H,3 son;) Boers Thi fol Oran, Ladiy Mrs,' old 1 Mich] Con.,, rand of L. for tt Duni) Ever) Sid I Deev` Thl pure', moat