HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-12-15, Page 5TIm Sl)AFO1tTII NEWS---Tlutrsday, December 1G, 000 SMITTS SUPERIOR Food Market GREEN OiANT._..X'EA.S.._.ti..��.....,.,._,.,.," 2 15 -oz tins RICK'S SWEET MIXED C PICKLES 32 oz. barrel HEINZ TOMATO JUICE ci ,,. . 48 oz tin 7C LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS A•//,6�(..� 3 pkgs. �7a�tPC SHREDDIES large 121- oz pkg. 25e 2 � g HENLEYS FRUIT �� COCKTAIL 2 15 -oz tins MIXED XMAS NUTS �, 45c 1b. 21b. _______ — GOOD ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS CANDIES AND FRUIT FOR CHRISTMAS BAKING PHONE 12��� -� WE DELIVER Christmas Services SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17 First Presbyterian Church REV. D. LESLIE ELDER, MINISTER 11 A.M. Sermon: "The Christmas Message in An Atonic Age" Quartet: "0 Night Divine" (Adams Quartet: D. Stewart, F. Willis, J. Cardno, H. McLeod .Anthem: "Christians Awake" (Rathbone) Senior Choir r P.M. JUNIOR CHOIR CAROL SERVICE Solos, Trios, Anthems, Carols syr wi The Minister will bring aybbrriic1 Christmas message ti - suc_ES11 SMYTH'S SIIOE STORE have a grand sel- ection of up-to-date styles in SHOES SNOW BOOTS SLIPPERS SKATES LUGGAGE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY All merchandise cheerfully exchanged after Christmas for correct size or color. SMYTH'S Shoe Store The Home of Better Shoes �y/2 V�y W27-0'45020 SEAFORTH y� 4a" 1957 1957 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1957 PONTIAC "8" SEDAN A.T. 1957 VAUXHALL SEDAN 1957 DODGE PICKUP lh ton 1957 .CHEVROLET PICKUP % ton. 1947 DESOTO COUPE NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service MITCHELL Phone G. Fawm 186 Phone 541 SEAFORTH i JOSEPH A. STORMY A funeral scrvlee for Joseph A, Storey, 88, was held friday after, noon at tate Box funeral chapel, with Rev. D. Leslie Elder, First Presbyterian Church, in charge, Pallbearers were Bert Broome, Cleave Coombs, Layton Cole - lough, Wayne Dunlop, Norman Nicholson and Ken Hart. Flower - bearers were Wes and Ferg Coombs, Sid Pullman and Ron Broome. GROUP 1 W. A, Group 1 W. A, of Northside Un' ited Church met at the home of Mrs, J. C, Britton on Tuesday evening with an attendance of 29 members and 1 vieitor. The Pres!. dent Mrs, W. Cuthill opened the meeting reading a Christmas carol and prayer. The bueiuess was then conducted. Mrs. Ross Murdie read the scripture and prayer, Chriatmas carols were sung during the meeting, Miss Fennell gave a talk on Christmas cards and Christmas trees, Mrs. E. Williams invited the group to her home for the January meet. ing to be held on the 10th. The lunch committee served delicious refreshments. Mrs, R. Murdie thanked all those taking part. GROUP 2 W. A. The December meeting which was held at the hone of Mrs, W, Looming was preceded by a most enjoyable pot luck supper. Mrs, J, Michels had charge of the meeting. Mrs, P, Moffat opened the meeting with the reading of LORA EUCHRE In the Orange Hall, Seaforth MONDAY, DEC. 19 Admission 40c Tickets for the turkey draw will be drawn at this euchre EVERYONE WELCOME Christmas Concert at SS 4 McKillop WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21 at 8 o'clock Everyone Welcome a Christmas poem. After the sinF;' Jag of a Christmas hymn, Mrs. Michele read the Christmas story for the scripture lesson. Follow, ing Ude Mrs. Michele led in pray lu dll took1 er. Mrs. Il. J 1, charge for the business soeeion. Mre. Moffat reported on the work of the nominating committee and the slate of officers as suggested was accepted. The roll call was answered by white gifts for the 1111881011 in Africa.. The treasurer reported a very substantial am ount had been given to the gem eral treasurer, Mrs, W, Dundee gave a very interesting reading taken from Peter Marshall's book "Meet Mr. Jones". The meeting closed with a singsong of Christ mas hymns. Officers. for 1961: Pres„ Mrs. J. M, Scott; Vice Pres„ Mrs, J. Kellar; Treas., Mrs. F. Storey; Seo„ Mrs, B, Walters; Soc. Oen., Mrs. P. Mob fat; Card Con., Mrs. W, Learning; Pianist, Mrs, 0, Addison. EGMONDVILLS W.A. &, W.M.S. Miss Rena McKenzie and Mrs, E. Stephenson were hostesses for the Christmas meeting of the W. A. and WMS. After opening the W. A. meeting with the sing• ing of tate theme song Mrs. E. Cameron read the Christmas story frons. Matthew, chapter 1 and led in prayer. Mrs. Stephen- son presented tate new slate of officers for 1901, and the ladies were reminded to have their an- nual reports ready for the Jam nary meeting. Hiss F. Houston presided for the WMS and open. ed it by reading a Christmas story and leading in prayer. Mrs. Forrest also read a story about Christmas in a home for ehlldren. It was repotted that five boxes have been sent to the Fred Viet. or Mission in Toronto. A paper est Christian Stewardship was given by Mrs, M. Haney, The worship entitled "Advent" was opened by reading hymn 132 in unison. Mrs. A. Chesney gave the scripture reading and Miss Houston led in prayer. Mrs. Ed Boyes read a Christmas story written by Rev. Malcolm, a form• er minister of Egmondville Church, Mrs. 3, McIntosh then took the chair and asked for the new slate of officers which was presented by Miss R, McKenzie, Appreciation was expresses to Miss F. Houston, president of the WMS and Mrs, E. Cameron, Pres' ident of the W. A, for their lead- ership throughout the year. Bev- eral Christmas hymns were sung during the meeting, Lunch was served by Group 1. DUBLIN Mrs. Vincent 'Morrison, 27, pas' sed away on Saturday after be. ing ill eines Wednesday when s11c suffered a heart attack. For- inerly Mary Itonnenberg, she was the daughter of Mi'. and Aire. ltunnenherg, 145 Spadina Road Wost, Kitebunor. She was marri- ed to Juue 1059 to Vineent Mor. risen of Dublin, and is survived by her husband, her parents, and two brothers, (Jerald and Wil- liam. all of Kitchener. The fun- eral was held on Tuesday with berlat at Kitchener, The regular meeting of the Dublin W. I, was held on Tues. day evening at the home of Mrs. Douglas Raeho, The meeting op- ened with the W.I. Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Roll call was answered with a "Christmas Custom" and gifts for retarded school children. Mrs. Elsie Jordi - son told of Christmas customs of het' childhood in Omaha, In the late 19th Century, amongst the (lerman settlers there. Mrs. Dale Anderson described Christmas and New Year's celebrations in Jamaica. Mrs. John Nagle gave Household Hints. Mrs. Charles Friend gave a paper on Direct Artificial Respiration with a demonstration of use of the Brook Airway and mouth to mouth respiration. It was suggested we obtain UNICEF Christmas earls to sell next year. Mrs. Tom But- ters repotted on the south Perth executive banquet held in Mitch- ell. Mrs. Stan Reilly gave n re- port on Extension ('nurse "Eat to Live" which was held in Staf- fa on Dec, 2 and was assisted by Mrs. Anderson, A contest was played using information given at course on "Nutrition", Mrs. ,J, Burchill wou the prize. The next meeting will be held on ,fan. 24 at the home of Mrs. John Nagle, A bake sale has been planned for the occasion. The meeting was closed with the National Anthem and lunch served, On Wednesday a short course in "Catering for. Crowds" spon- sored by the Dublin W. I. was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Friend, The course was very in- teresting and informative, the speaker was Miss Merry, home Economist sent out by Extension Branch of Home Economics Ser- vice of Dept. of Agriculture, Miss Merry outlined the aims and or- ganization of catering and sug- gested committee and menus, The plans for an ideal serving kitchen were shown and various aids. Miss Merry then demonstrated ways of making meals more at -1 tractive by means of relishes and ci s cit'ptng cakes, as well as at- tractive linens and dishes and color scheme. Miss Mary Sullivan, Kitchener with Mlss Margaret Flanagan. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nagle and Linda with Mr. and Mrs. M. Nagle. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Evans in Londou with Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary. Miss Ilene Whetham, Kitchen- er w'tt Mr. and Mrs. Andrew WJlethaut. Mr, and Mrs. Pat McGrath in (lodericit with Mrs. Agnes For- ester, BRUCEFIELD Mr. Douglas Mcl3eth, Windsor, visited with itis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mcl3eth recently. Mr. Bert McKay, of London. spent Sunday with friends in the village, Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Wilson and Brian, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne'Wil- son spent Monday in Stratford. 11r. Don McKenzie, St. Thomas and Mrs. McKenzie were at Mrs. McKenzie's home for a short time on Sunday. We are glad to report Mrs. McKenzie bus im- proved in health. DANCING! IIILODIIAOIIN & DISRICT COMM ITNITY CFi'3TRl4 FRIDAY, DEC. 16th D•'r:jardines Orchestra Admission 75e Platt to attend tate dances during the holiday season, Dee. 23, Ac 30 & 31 A NEW YEAR'S DANCE ht Seaforth C',tnmuni:y (',lore sponsored by tile Seafcrtlt V. 1. SATURDAY, DEC. u1 Norris Orchestra Hats, horns, novelties and lucky dances. Dancing 11 to 11.4i IdVERYONI4 WELCOME Euchre • Dance KIPPEN EAST W.I. FRIDAY, DEC. 16 Community Centre, Henault Norris Orchestra Lunch Prize Euchre at 8,86 YOU ARE MORALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR SAFE ORIVII40 WATCH HOLIDAY ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Sleighs and Toboggans Mastereraft Steering Sleigh — Hard maple construction. Natural finish. Steel runners. Safety turned 3°69 ends, 36" size 43" size .... 4,39 47" size ...... 5.19 "Convertible" Baby Sleigh — Natural hard- wood, Steel runners. Removable handle,rail- ings, make it a flexible steering sleigh, a 79 33" long ° Mastereraft Toboggan — Clear grained hardwood . . , flexible, speedy. S°29 3 -ft. size 4 -ft. — 5.19 5 -ft. — 6.75 6 -ft. — 7.98 "Eight -Footer" Toboggan—Superior construction. 1165 Varnished ° Toboggan Cushions — Sturdy drill material. Plaid pattern on each side Well padded. 4' to fit 5' toboggan 249 Similar savings on other sizes New Aluminum Toboggan — Light - weight . . for extra speed, thrills. 7 i9 4 -ft. size ...... ° Similar savings on other sizes FOR THE SIDEWALK "HOT-RODDCR" WAGONS "GREYHOUND" Deluxe Coaster WAGON A tough "boy -resistant" wagon with lifetime bearings. 7" rust resistant wheels, PA" treaded car -type tires. Bright red enamel steel box 261/4 x 12 x 31/2" 6° 9 deep ° "Greyhound" Coaster Wagon — As above but smaller in Rr9 size. Red enamel finish " OTHER WAGONS available — 9.98 to 14.95 1 3.99 SUPER -CYCLE TRICYCLE • Streamlined Auto Styling • Many safety features For 3-5 year olds. Strong tubular steel frame .. bright red, ivory trim. Passenger standing plate. Ball-bearing 16" front, 10" rear wheels. 1" rubber tires s °� Choose from our large selection 4.691°1S°95 HAND MIXER Multi - speed, port- able — lightweight, Powerful 3 - speed motor, pop - out beater ejectors. Stands up by itself. Gleaming 13.8Q9 white, Mary Proctor Auto, TOASTER A slim -line beauty in sparkling chrome a n d rich stay -cool trim. Jet speed elements, with silent "color -selector" controls pops up toast and shuts off automati- cally. 5 -yr. Gusrraantee. Cord and 19.95 plug. ms SPECIAL! Heat Controlled Fry Pan — Complete with lid. Fingertip temperature control from sim- mer to 420°. Square design gives maximum cooking area. Signal light. Water sealed ele- ment. Easy -to -see cooking guide. With cord and plug. Limited Quantity 11 °9$ Special CANADIAO TIRE G. S. & W. V. SMITH Phone 792 Seaforth ELECTRIC Corn Popper Heaps of fluffy, mouth watering popcorn in minutes. Polished al- uminum bowl, dur- able glass cover, wal- nut handle. 550 -watt sieve base 49 (less cord) .... ° 36-Pc.1DRILL KIT 1/a" ELECTRIC DRILL COMPLETE — with tool box and many needed ac- cessories. Geared -chuck drill has up to 30% more working torque than compar- able models, No-load speed 2000, full -load speed 1400 rpm. 2 -amp. universal motor. LUSTRE CHROME ELEC. KETTLE Chrome on copper, heat - resistant bakelite base, 1500 -watt G.E. element. No -scald spout 11 °9Ti protector. Not Shown — 2 -qt. Elect Kettle. Chrome on copper, Value g°��