The Seaforth News, 1960-12-08, Page 84. y�4ic ,cat „dee • tii,a.r•':a c't for the Women on your List Cheek thio list of smart Practical suggestions for her. Then come to Stewart Bros, for the largest choice and best values SLIPS 3.98 to 4;95 PANTIES 1.00 to 2.25 GLOVES 1.00 to 4.50 PURSES 2.95 to 4.95 SCARFS .. , , 1.00 to 2.95 SHOE BAGS 1.95 to 2.95 LUNCH SETS 2.95 to 4.95 PLACE MATS 2.95 to 3.95 S S PULLOVERS 4.95 APRONS 1.00 to 1.95 TOWELS 1.00 to 2.95 TEA TOWELS 490 to 79c BOXED TOWEL SETS 1.95 to 4.95 TABLE CLOTHS .. . , 2.95 to 4.95 PILLOW CASES 1.50 to 3.95 pr COLORED SHEETS 4.95 ea FANCY GARMENT BAGS .. 2.59 to 3.98 QUILTED HOSIERY BAGS 89c NYLON HOSE 98c to 1.65 PUSSY -PAW SLIPPERS ... 2.95 to 3.95 FLANNELETTE PAJAMAS 2.98 to 4.95 FLANNELETTE GOWNS 2.98 - 3.98 TAILORED SHIRTS 2.98' to 4.98 BLOUSES 2.98 - 4.98 BATHROOM SETS 3.98 UMBRELLAS 4.95 GIRLS' LEOTARDS 2.25 - 2.95 LADIES LEOTARDS 3.50 CORDUROY SLIMS 3.98 DUSTER COATS 3.98 to 4.95 VISCOSE MATS 2.98 to 4.95 NYLON GOWNS & NIGHTIES 2.98 - 3.98 BED JACKETS 4.95 HANDKERCHIEFS 50c to 1.00 ALL GIFT ITEMS GIFT BOXED FREE STIW! IRs Se VlA1 ' W ��4IMOAO, e e_pt2e, t e� e. 5 c lenc m THE GREAT CHRISTMAS STORE MRS. JOHN DIEGEL Mrs. John Diegel, 35,- of 153 Elizabeth St. died Monday in the Stratford General Hospital after R. short illness. The former Alvina Rose. she was born July 19, 1875, in Logan Twp., daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Rose, Atter her marriage Oct. 15, 1898 she moved to Brodhagen, where she lived until conning to Strat- ford 12 years age. Her husband died in 1944. She was a member of St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Brodhagen, and of the United Lie theran Church Women at the church. She is survived by three sons, Harold, Mitchell; John, of North Bay, and Martin, McKillop Twp., two daughters, Mrs. Edwin (Martha) Kressler, 153 Elizabeth SL, and Mrs, William ('Elizabeth Querengesser, Brodhagen, a bro. ther, Charles, Bellflower, Calif., two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Wolfe and Mrs. Louisa Wolfe, both of Mitchell, 17 grandchildren, 44 great-grandchildren and 1 great great-grandchild, born last week, A sou, Henry, died in 1953, and three brothers and a sister also died before her. 1 New 19 E 1 General Freezers t Come and sec these wonderful all new factory - fresh Freezers. They come to you in the original crate and delivered to you at these cash prices, and service thereafter if necessary COMPARE THESE FEATURES AND PRICES Model • 12 10, feet: 4iee" wide, 1 basket., 1 divider, 425 Ib. capacity, 14 h,p, -- Price $235.00 Model • 17 en, freit; 58%" wide, 2 baskets, 2 dividers, 576 Ib, capacity, 14 h.p.-Price $250.00 Model - 22 e'u, feet: 721z" wide, 3 baskets, 3 dividers, 740 lb. capacity; 14 h,p.-Price $285.00 Model - 211 cu. feet Id doors): 891,x" wide, 4 baskets. 4 dividers, 1300 lb. capacity, 1/0 h.p. * Price $345.00 All models are 06" high; 2714" deep. Now Plastic Vacuum -Formed Liner ."'w Lid Gasketwith moulded corners :.,•w 'Baskets and Dividers New Combination of Ivlushreon, Pink with matching Beige Interim. and lid liner All Welded 5tet4 Construction vomiter llatum:eft Litt ,\ 01.011111 I, lee -Hoy Light Automatic Warning Light Adjustable Temperature Control 4 Inches of Genuine Fiberglas insulation Cornpreseed to 31/5" World Famous Tecumseh relit Low Tempera tare Freon Refrigerant. Locking Handle with 2 Keys Food Insurance Unit Insurance Lifetime Warranty (see our llrint.r'.d Warranty) Phone collect Clinton Hunter 2-9574 O. STANLEI 11 Clinton, Ilex n , Ont. 202 Rattenhury st. Fust GROUP 4 W. A. Croup d W. A. of Northside United Church hold their meeting at the lioino of Mrs. L. 'nacho, with 18 Irieinbere and 2 visitors present. Following a dollelous pot-luelt supper we opened the meeting with singing several Christmas, Carols, Mies. Terubull had charge of the devotional part of the pro• gram, and road a poem "There will Always Tie Christmas". Mrs. Westcott gave a Christmas read- ing. Ml's. Hudson read the scrip- ture, and led us in prayer. Mrs. J, 13011 read a Christmas Story, "One 'Wild and Stormy Christmas Eve". Our president, Mrs, Howard Wilson had charge of the busi- ness meeting, after which we sang "Silent Night". Miss Anna Marle Wilson and Miss Christine Turnbull enter- tained us with a few tap dance numbers. Mrs, Hay thanked those who took part in the program for the evening, the hostess and to those who so kindly bring our members to our meetings. The officers for 1961 arra as follows: Pres., Mrs, John Turn- bull; Sec„ Mrs. Elmer Hutchin- son; Tress„ Mrs, J. A, Westcott; Treas, for Penny Fund, Mrs. Had - son; Pianists, Miss N. Pryce, Mrs. Brady; Card Convenor, Miss Pryce; S. Con., Mrs. J. Bach; Kitchen Helper, Annie McNichol; Telephoning Committee, Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Hudson, Mrs, Dalton; Press Reporter, Mrs. R, Bowie. WALTON Mrs, W. Turnbull opened the WMS meeting with prayer and reports were read and adopted. Mrs, C. Ritchie Community Friendship Secretary read two readings pertaining to Christmas. Mrs. W. Bewley told us about the Mission Band bale of used cloth- ing sent to Korea, It was decided to have a dinner for the CGIT 1Girls on Dec. 29th when the girls will learn who their mystery mo- thers have been for the past year. Church calendars will be sant for as usual. The officers for the corning year were brought in. the Meeting closed with Benedic- tion. WMS Officers for 1961: Hon. Pres., Mrs, A. McDonald; Past Pres., Mrs. Wilbur Turn- bull; Pres., Mrs. David Watson; let Vice Pres., Mrs. E, Mitchell; 2nd Vice Fres., Mrs. G. McGavin; 3rd Vice Pres., Mrs. N. Schade; Sec., Mrs. T. Dundas; Treas., Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull; Press Se- cretary, Mrs. H. Craig; Supply Sec., Mrs. C. Martin; Community Friendship Sec., Mrs. Ethel Hack - well; Community Fellowship Sec. Mrs. C. Ritchie; Missionary Mon- thly Sec., Mrs, Maud Leeming; Associate Helpers Sec., Mrs. E. McCreath; Stewardship Sec,, Mrs, Jno. McDonald; Literature Sec., Mrs. Jas. McDonald; Mis- sion Band Supt., Mrs. W. Bewley; assistant, Mrs. N: Marks; Baby Band Stipt., Mrs. H. Travis, Mrs, Ron Bennett; CGIT, Mrs, E. Mc- Creath, assistant, Miss Shirley Bolger; Pianist, Mrs. M. Baan, Mrs. J. Bryans; Auditors, Mrs, H, Travis, Mrs. L. Oliver. Anglican Ladles Entertain A social evening sponsored by the Anglican Ladies of St. Geor- ge's Church, Walton, was held in the Community Hall Thursday evening with a large number at- tending from Brussels and IIen- fryn Anglican Church and Wal- ton United Church. Mrs. Margar- et Humphries presided for the devotional period. Numbers were given by Brussels: Mrs. J, Smith a solo, accompanied by 11Irs, Win. Humphries. Mrs. Tom Kerr of Henfryn, a reading; 17th and Boundary, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet, a solo accompanied by Mrs. M. Baan; 16th and 8th, Mrs. J. Dry- NTED 6 or 8 young cattle to feed for the whiter. Russell Miller, 662 1' 38 Seaforth The Clu•lstmes meeting of Ole WMS of the United Church was held Thursday afternoon last with Mrs, ,Geo. Armstrong and her 51005 in charge, Mies Iris Castle, missionary from St, Lucia Island, in native costume addressed the gathering and showed slides of the people and eustoms of the Island, Mrs, Robin McAllister fend scripture passages and Mrs, Hugh McMul'trie gave a prayer. MI's, George Hees rendered two solos, "Was That ,Somebody You'" and "How Groat Thou Art". and Miss Greta Laramie, violin num- bers, Mrs. Sproat gave a Christ - 111a5 reading, Daring the business period it was decided that WMS will look after the flowers for the Church for the year. MULLETT On Dec, 5th Mr, and Mrs, Erie Anderson entertained 18 mem- hers of the Fireside Farm Forum. Topic was consumer protection. We believe thele is a certain amount of misrepresentation and trickery in many lines of busi- ness, We do not approve of food being packaged in containers of 11.16 oz, and sold at so much per pound, Many purchasers do not notice the small print and believe they are receiving a pound. It is poor policy to purchase from un- known, high pressure salesmen who go from house to house offer- ing products, Afterwards it has been found many of their state- ments untrue and products ex. pensive, Druga are one article of which there is too much profit, Prices on the same article vary greatly from different stores. The purchaser seldom reports any serious misrepresentation be- cause he hates to admit he has been taken in or swindled. People should be more careful in buying, refrain from dealing with fly-by- night lybynight strangers who make mis- leading statements. Any sbady deal should be reported to the better business bureau, Deal with a well known honest salesman, rather than looking for bargains from strangers. Most games -Mr, and Mrs. Ol- iver Anderson; lone hands, Mrs. Alex Riley, Don Buchanan; con., Mrs. Buchanan, Geo. Carter. Mrs. Carter invited them for next Monday. FEDERATION NEWS By. J. Carl Hemingway Egg Price dives again! From time to tune we hear much about the need for "orderly marketing", This 18 something that the Gov- ernment has expressed a real de- sire for and some of our Market- ing Agencies have been criticized as not being in the best inter. ests of this much desired orderly marketing. I wonder what it is7 Hogs have been one product that has receiv- ed this criticism yet " farmers must take their hogs to market within very narrow weight lim- its. This means that once a farm- er puts the little pigs in a pen their market date is fairly defin- itely set. As far as the producer is eoncer'rred there has to be "or- derly marketing" from that point Again in the case of eggs if a farmer wishes to obtain a satis- factory grade he must got them out regulary and quickly. Hero I feel that as far as the produ- cer is concerned we have "order- ly marketing." From this I feel that it must be on the basis of price fluctuation that "orderly marketing" seems wanting. But is it "orderly mark- eting" on the part of the producer that is at fault or is it the "or- derly marketing" on the part of the processors and packers that ans, a piano instrumental; Mc- is open to g068510n. Kiliop, Mrs. Geo, Fox, a reading; In a very so theprice L jumped Walton, Mrs, Alf Anderson, solo, of hogs has umped cl overr $3,00 with Mrs. H. Brown at the piano, Per hundred and in a space of and readings by Mrs. Mao Mille' five days Grade A large eggs have dropped 9c a dozen. As far as marketing of the pro- duct on the part of producers there can have been no such drastic change, Neither has there been any re -action on the part of the consumer to warrant these price differences. Co -Operative Meat Packers in Quebec have been able to estale liah a price on livestock for a week at a time. And since they are able to increase their busi- ness so rapidly the price must be satisfactory and their business operation must be sound as they were able to return a good pat- ronage dividend to their mem• hers. It would seem logical that "Fame" would be able to do the same for Ontario farmers, These Frenchmen are a few miles ahead of us but perhaps we can catch 05. Or perhaps we could lead the way in the marketing of eggs. The Ontario Poultry Producers have developed what they be- lieve to he a better way of ing your eggs. Wi- rer the 110100se of giving in formation on this subject a meet lug of Huron County Poultry Producers has been arranged for Tuesday evening at 8,30 pan. on December 6th in the Agricultural Board Rooms, Clinton. I doubt if any of us wish to be in the de- ficiency payment bracket again this year so lets see if we can do something about it. On December 14th a meeting of provincial Poultry Producers will be held in the King Edward Ho. tel, Toronto to find out what On t.ario Poultry Producers want to do. The executive have done all they can, now it is up to yeti, brecht of Seaforth. Rev. Jennings of Brussels showed slides of a former mission charge at Fort Norman, Athabasca, North West Territories where he was station- ed for five years. These pictures reminded us of the hardships suf- fered by young ministers, also of the importance of Missions in our own country. A very tasty lunch was served by the Anglican la- dies of Walton, Mrs. Hilda Sellers of Lucan spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Herb Travis. Mr. Russell Barrows has re- turned home after being confined to Victoria Hospital, London. Ron Ennis of Western Univer- sity, London, and Ruth Ennis of Kitchener spent the weekend at their home. Mrs. Herb Williamson returned home after spending three weeks in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. W. C. Ennis of London spent Sunday with his mother Mrs. E. Ennis. Rally Day was observed Sun- day morning in Duff's United Church when the Sunday School Pupils and teachers joined with the congregation in the service. The 5, 5, Superintendent, Mr. Martin Baan and Gerald Snaith assisted Rev. W, M. Thomas. Miss Brenda Houston read the scripture lesson and a story was told by Mrs. Walter Bewley in a very entertaining way, entitled "The Bible in a Pickle Jar". The Sunday School sang a few num bars with Miss Aileen Williamson at the piano. HENSALL Five Brownlee became mem- bers of the let Ilonsall Brownie Pack last Tuesday at a special enrolment ceremony. The new Brownies are: Christine McRae, Mary Mock, Pam Sangster, Pam Taylor and heather 'Watson, Mo - there of the girls enjoyed the program presented for them, The Brown Owl, Mrs. 17 T. Rowe en- roied the Brownies, gestated by MM. ll, Cook, Tawny Owl, IIIBBERT Por Reeve -Earl Dick 308; Merlin Feeney, 29.6. For Council, four elected, Chas, Roney, y 322; Harr Norris 806; Sohn Drake, 292; August6 The eharme, 267; Calvin Christie 264; Gerald II. Carey, 223; Jos. 'Feeney, 192. TI1113 SEAFORTH NEWS (Phone 84) •--'i'hursday, December 8, 1060, Card of Thanks TO TIIE ELECTORS 51IB11i,5T TOWNSHIP I wish to thank all those Who placed their trust in me at the polls, and will endeavor to prove worthy of that treat, Thank You %Auguste Ducharkme CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank lay kind friends and neighbors for the cards, 110w - ars and gifts sent me and those who visited me while I was a pa- tient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Malkus and Brady and the nursing staff of the hospital Mrs. John W. Mocleland CARD OF THANKS I wish to drank friends who 'visited me in Seaiortit Hospital, for the thoughtfulness of 111050 who sent cards while I was a pa- tient in. St. Joseph's hospital, London, I also wish to thank all those who added to my comfort and the comfort of my family at Monne for the past two weeps. Mrs. Stanley Jackson CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my neigh - bore and friends who helped me when my barn was destroyed by fire, and also for their help in erecting my new barn, Mr. and Mrs, 7. L. Ryan and family CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my appreci- ation to all those who rememb- ered me with cads, flowers, gifts and visits while I was rl pa- tient in Victoria Hospital. Also I wish to thank friends and neigh- bors who sent in baking to my family at home. Mrs. Helen Williamson FOR SALE Good assortment of Christmas trees, at Dublin Electric, Dublin FOR SALE Heavy duty 3 burner rangette, natural color broom closet with red trim, office desk, cash regis- ter, dresser and wash stand. Mrs. Orville Dale, N. Main -St. FOR SALE Christmas trees. Norway spruce anti Scotch pine. Gordon Nobel, 71 w, Seaforth NOTICE Barns cleaned, whitewashed and disinfected for Brucellosis; also spray for lice. Jim Leishman, phone 655r2 Seaforth FARM FOR SALE Eight acre farm, close to town and school, seven room house, hot and cold water, new oil fur - pace, Hank Van Rooijen, RR 1 Seaforth. Phone 886r13 HOUSE FOR SALE In Seaforth, five rooms, white frame, 2 piece bath, oil heated good corner lot, immediate pos- session to settle estate. Contact Edwin Bennewies Louisa St„ Seaforth FOR SALE Several open Holstein heifers. Also a yearling Holstein bull from Butterboy out of a Lochin- Var dans, Gordon Reynolds. phone 66774 Seaforth FOR SALE Bulbs for sale, Hyacinth, Nar- cissus and Daffodil. Baker's Greenhouse, Your Garden Centre HONEY FOR SALE Clover honey, 30 lb. pail $7. 8 lb pails $2.25. 4 lbs $1.15. Comb honey, 1 lb section 50c. Wallace Ross, Seaforth FOR SALE A number of Collie pups, 2 months old, hales $5, females $2, Fred Buchanan, phone Sea - forth 860r4, FOR SALE Ebersol 1 -ton mixer and 10 - inch hannnernrill, 3 years oicl, operating as unit from one source of power. Mixer or hammermill will he sold separately if desir- ed. Milton J. Dietz, Purina Chows, Sanitation Products, Ventilation Equipment, wholesale - retail, Phone 0001.21 Seaforth R R3 TO RENT 66 acres land, fall ploughed and 6 acres hay, 3 years if desired. 10 acres permanent pasture, water, use of barn, Lot 28, Con. 13, Hibbert, Ron Pullman TO Six -room house with RENT bedrooms. Oil heat. Immediate possession. Apply to Doug Whyte. NOTICE See your authorized dealer for district of Seaforth, Dublin and Clinton for Viking Cream Sepal, ators and Vining Milking Mach- ines. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefleld. NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH PARKING To facilitate snow plowing and snow removal operations, park- ing on the streets of this munici- pality is prohibited between the hour's of 2 0,01, and 8 11,11. This order will be strictly en forced in accordance with the Highway Traffic act, Section 43, Subsection 9. NOTICE IS 151615E137 GIVEN that the Municipality will not be responsible for any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow plowing or snow removal operations, RAWLETOII Dustell es NOW OPEN IN Huron County. trade well establish. id, Excellent opportunity, I.'u11 time. Write at once. Itawleigh's, Dept. 1-104- 189, .1005 Richelieu, Montreal BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt end Careful Attention: Hospital Bed Flowers for ail occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M -D Physician and Surgeon ,Phone 5-W Seatorbh RIONIMINIONIORINWWIO SEAFORTH CLINIC P. 0, Brady, M.D., Surgeon BY. E. binikus Olt'ise Hours, 1 Pan. to 5 p,w. daily except Wednesday and Sunday. Evenings: Tuesday & Thurs. 7-0 p.m, Appointments made in advance ere desirable TURNBULL & BRYANS VETERINARY CLINIC J.O. TURNBULL, D.Y.M., V.S, W. R. BRYANS. V.S.D.V,M„' W. G, DRENNAN, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 Seaforth IMINOMINNIM John E. Longstaff - Optometrist Goderich '64, W., Seaforth Phone 791 Hours-Seafortie daily except Mon.. 9 to 5.80; Wed. 0 AM to 1080 PM. Thur. evp by appointment only, Clinton FIC -2-7010. above Hawkins' Edwe. Mon. 9 to 6.80 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVEANDPUINACS oeAg3rpryPhn57o332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM it HART Office Phone 784 • 2tes, 2416 We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind Liability & Life JOHN A. CARDNO Phone 214 Seaforth Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD 01 PICS-SEAFO4TH, ONT. Officers -- President. John L. binlene, Seaforth ; Vice Pres., John H. McEwing. Blyth; Sec.-Treas., W. E. Southgate, Seaforth. Directors. Norman T1ewa,'tha, Clinton, J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Clods Leonherdt, Bornbohn; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. MaEwing, Blyth; Wm. S. Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Puller, Goderich ; 1'.10, Pepper, Brucefiold; Allister Broad - foot, Seaforth. Agents - William Leiper Jr., Londes- boro ; V. J. Lane, RR 6 Seaforth ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harald Squires, Clin- ton ; Janes ICeys, Seaforth. NOTICE Brick work and plastering, windows cleaned, small jobs of tree trimming, house cleaning, floor washing. Superior Maintenance, Ray Squires, Phone 182, Box 386, Seaforth. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Where Bette- Bulls Are Used Artificial Insemination Service is provided from bulls of all breeds Farmer owned and controlled and operate at cost Summer calling hours: Between 7:80 and 9:80 a.m, week days. 6:00 and 8:00 p.m, Saturday evenings For service or more information call Clinton HU 2-3441 or for long distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 PROBLEMS? Money to Loan on any property - Anywhere. Don't Delay - Write Delray The secret of our 51150105 is Service DELRA.Y INVESTMENTS 460-A. Wilson Ave., Downeview, Ont. ME. 5-2258 Real Estate WILFRED McINTEE BROKER Listings Wanted on farms, homes, businesses and summt,r properties. Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth Phone 598 M Local representative for WILFRED MiINTEF_, Realtor Walkerton, Ont, 6 offices and 25 salesmen to Sanwa you.