HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-12-08, Page 7Mistake That Led
To The Gallows
in London many of the name
innate -women who lose their
lives by murder used to the
known as street women. In spite
of their profession some of them
ewe Bind and generous,' with a
it overbill sort of gaiety which
go frequently part of that lite.
On the other hand, most ,lf
lee men who kill them are ut-
terly loathsome objects sunk ip
the depths of depravity. The
t!ooner such men are removed
from the public view the belle'
for all concerned.
Throughout the years these
monsters appear on the scene,
leaving a trail of death, destruc-
tion and misery, Frederick Field
was such a man.
In October, 1931, a small shop
stood vacant in Shaftesbury
Avenue, not far front Piccadilly
Circus. . A possible new tenant had
been making inquiries with re-
gard to fitting new signs on the
chop front.
On the morning of October 2nd
the sign maker's manager went
to the empty shop with one of
his workmen. Some days previ-
ously the workman had had the
key, but he appeared to have
mislaid it and another was used
so that the two men could enter
the premises.
It was gloomy inside but on
the floor at the back they could
nee a figure sprawled out. As
the manager passed he pointed
to it and remarked that he
"wished people wouldn't leave
these wax models lying about ail
over the place."
The workman, Frederick Fielcl,
knew that it wasn't a dummy.
He knew the figure lying on the
floor was the murdered body of
st young street woman, Nora Up-
church, She had been strangled
and had been dead for same
Nora was only twenty. She
was described as a dancer, but
actually she was an entertainer
of men clients at a small flat in
Shaftesbury Avenue, Her home
was in Victoria.
In view of the tact that Fred-
erick Field had had the key to
the shop it was not surprising.
.Field, however, was nothing if
slot resourceful and among many
of his more unpleasant charac-
teristics was an ability to lay the
blame for his misdeeds on other
He said that when he had
been in the shop a day or so
earlier a man had come to him
end told him that he was a pros-
'pective tenant. Field said he had
pm the key to thio man, of
wvhoin he gave the pollee a de-
tailed description.
He spent several days walk-
ing about the West End with a
koliee officer trying to find the
(prospective tenant. H o w e v e r,
they didn't find him, because
such a man never existed except
in the evil, fertile imagination
el Frederick Field, writes David
i✓rnsor in "Tit -Bits."
Nevertheless, as the result of
h'ield's behaviour several per-
fectly respectable citizens found
How Can 1?
By Roberta Lee
Q. Is there any way to remove
scorch stains from garments?
A. If the material is white
cotton or linen, moistening it
end exposing it to direct sun-
11i!tht may take the discoloration
out -- provided the scorch is a
light one. Unfr,rtunateiy, scorch
wan seldom he removed from col -
cored articles.
FOGGY DAY — Ping pang ball
sliced in half is placed over
the eyes of University of
Michigan graduate student
Janice Erskine. The effect is
fog. University psychologists
were testing her visual per-
ception. She saw no outlines,
just color and brightness,
themselves in the unpleasant po-
sition of having to account for
their movements on the night a
street woman had been murder-
Unfortunately, the police had
very little evidence, but Freder-
ick Field was taking no chances.
He made preparations for his de-
fence, in the event of being
charged, by selling his story to
a newspaper in return for fin•
anelal assistance,
No such charge was made and
Clearly two years had gone by
when Frederick Field walked in-
to the same newspaper office and
confessed to the murder of Nora.
The newspaper promptly con-
tacted Scotland Yard and a little
later Field repeated his story to
the police. He was then charged
with murder.
Where Frederick Field had
been extremely cunning was the
fact that his confession contain-
ed several glaring inaccuracies.
For instance, he said he had
killed the girl with his hands,
whereas she had in fact been
strangled with her belt,
At his trial at the Old Bailey
he was therefore able to point
to these inaccuracies, which, lie
said, only confirmed that his
confession was bogus.
He withdrew it, saying he had
never killed the girl. He had only
trade the statement so that he
could appear before a jury and
be acquitted. He was tired, he
said, of having the finger of sus-
picion continually pointed at
Whatever the judge, the police
and the jury thought, there could
be no other result but the ace
guittal of Frederick Field for
the murder of Nora Upchurch.
Field, now a free man, prompt-
ly joined the R.A.F. — and then
committed the supreme blunder.
Having got away with murder
once, he did it again three years
later, and attempted to work the
same trick with his defence.
This time his fatal mistake
I was in describing the murder of
' another street woman. Beatrice
Sutton, in too much detail. He
described the situation of the
body and the flat in a way that
could only have been done by
the man who was there at the
time the crime was committed.
Nobody but the murderer could
have known such details,
When Frederick Field tried to
withdraw- his confession for 1
' second time it just didn't work.
He envied Up on the Wallow: as
he so richly deserved.
LIGHT PLANE ALIGHTS — Crane crew gently eases a light piano
Out of c tree in Peoria, III. Pilot John Zimmerman climbed
down unhurt after the craft landed in the branches 40 feet
fibs've the g,cund.
StTh Seeking That
Hidden Treasure
Once again they're seeking the
treasure hoard that hes hidden
in the forbidding Superstition
lelountains of Arizona. A new
expedition is being planned to
unearth the fabulous goldmule
believed to exist some thirty-five
mikes east of the city of Phoelex.
Ever since the clay, seventy-six
years ago, when Jacob Wolz con-
fessed to a nciehbutu' the loca-
tion of the mine, thousands of
prospectors have tried to find P,
hut all have failed.
It is claimed that a thwarted
love affair uncovered the mile in
the beginning, A young Mexican
peasant dared to lay seige to
t•he heart of a lovely senorita
who was the daughter of a
wealthy Mexican landowner. But
though his seige brought about
her complete surrender, he
overlooked the father's rage ai
this young man's arrogance in
supposing he would be accept-
able as a son-in-law.
The young Mexican fled, tak-
ing refuge in the Superstition
Mountains, then Mexican terri-
tory. And there by chance, be
stumbled across the goldmine.
Seeing a way in which ne
could still win the girl, the young
man hurried south and told
some of his friends. It would
have been easy enough for them
to return but a complication had
arisen meanwhile,
The U.S. government, wanting
to build a transcontinental rail-
way to the Pacific, was about
to complete what has since be-
come known as the Gadsen Pur-
chase. This was the purchase of
many millions of acres of semi-
arid land which included the
Superstition Mountains — and
the goldmine. It me -ant, too,
that the mine would then be in
U.S, territory and no longer in
The young Mexican quickly
organized an expedition and led
it to the mine. There they' dug
all the gold their horses could
carry and jubilantly set off
As they were passing through
a rocky defile, disaster struck the
two -hundred -strong party. They
were encircled and massacred
by a horde of Apache Indians.
Except for two young lads who -
had ridden behind a bush mune
escaped, The Indians scalped
their victims and went off with
the gold, unaware that the two
boys were alive. These two made
for home, determined that one
day they would return,
Some years later they did go
back, taking a third young man
with them as a partner. -Without
difficulty they found the mine,
and began to dig.
It Was at this stage that Jacob
Wolz appeared on the scene.
Wolz was a Dutchman, big, lusty,
with a white beard. But his
noble -looking face hid an evil
heart, Looking for gold in the
Superstition Mountains, he had
been attacked by Apaches and
driven into a region into which
he had never before penetrated.
It was there he came across the
camp of the three Mexicans. Fall-
ing for his noble looks, they told
him about their mine. -
"Let me help you." Wolz plead --
ed. "I won't ask for any wages "
They led him to the imine and
Wolz quickly realized its fabul-
ous worth.
That night he shot the three
young Mexicans as they lay
asleep. So Wolz carte into sole
possession of the mine.
it wasn't lane before etley
prospectors heard rmnout- abs an
WOle,s goldmine. ..'any tried to
buy shares in it. but Wolz re
fused. Others. trailed him,. but
he outwitted them. Those he
couldn't shake ori' he killed,
Some years later, in 1884, Wale
on his death bed confessed that
he had killed his own nephew as
well as seven other men, each of
whom had :sought to wrest the
mine from him.
When he confided -•the secret of
the mine's location to the friend-
ly neighbour, the latter quickly
equipped - himself to make a
search. Everything went accord-
ing to Wolz's directions until he
came to the piece where a tree
with a peculiar pointing branch
should have been.
It had vanished without trace!
in the years that followed all
attempts to discover the mine
nave failed, many of the search-
ers dying of thirst and starve -
tion, •It seemed that the Supersti-
tion Mountains had become ac-
Ironically, that friendly neigh—
bour who was in such a hurry to
find the aline never thought to
look under the bed on which
Walz was dying,
11 he had, he would have found •
indisputable evidence of the
mine's existence, end a small for-
tune as well, in a shochox. It was
full of gold ore!
A lady was mailing the old
family Bible to her brother at
Christmas. The harassed postal
clerk examined the heavy pack-
age carefully and inquired if it
contained anything breakable.
"Nothing but the Ten Command -
wilts," she replied stexply.
SALESMAN Appliance dealers to sell
finest pulp, expelling Juicers, stainless
steel cookware, literature direct Jetts.
matte ell.suahutor, 11324 SOth aut. E4•
Jobbers -Wholesalers
MADE In C anal a, First quality e.
tracto Hens, $2. 0 grosst Minimupll S
gins,. Refills, standard, $9.00 thousand:
minhmtm 10 thousand.
All Merchandises Guaranteed
SPECIALS on Bray 18-20 week old gul.
lets, and started ehieks prompt ship.
mans, Dual purpose and specialty egg
producer dayolds lunched to order. Or.
dor now March -April broilers. Contact
local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120
John North Hamilton, Ont.
DEALERS, Salesmen & Farmers to sell
ehieks and turkey poults for one of
the oldest and well established Hatch.
cries In Canada Offering the best
franchised layer and all other pope.
lar breeds of ehieks and turkeys. Lib.
erat commleslons paid. Apply Box Num-
ber 224. 123.18th Street New Toronto,
THAT was my profit on 1 order 1 sold
In 1 day. I will show you how to start
this big profitable business from your
home in spare thea. No merchandise
investment needed. Write today for
free details and information on im-
ports, Frank Clark Co., 2787 at, Clair
Ave. E., Toronto 16.-
Unique Opportunity
MANUFACTURER of sensational in.
vention is opening exclusive territories
end offers franchise to serious person
who has $1,100, to Invest. Complete
training and publicity at our expense.
Mhlmliln revenue $10,000 Those with
capital only need apply. Write with
references to: C.S,D,L. Co., Post Office
Box 601. Station SL Laurent, Montreal
COINS wanted, pay, highest prices. 1961
coin catalogue 25e, Gary's 1111 9010 las--
per Ave., Edmonton, Alta,
CASH paid promptly for old Canadian-
Newfoundland and American coins.
Tokens, medal collections and ell gold
eohns. Booklet of prices paid, 20e. S.
Bendier, 1165 Lepine St„ Montreal 9.
FOR Sale or Rent; Kt -mile east of Mad.
oc, 18 -room double house with oil fur-
nace hot and cold water on tap. fifty
acres of land, 12 acres of orchard,
Mackintosh,. Tolman Sweets, Northern
Spy and Delicious, Good berry padelh
Handy barn with 50 -ft. stable. Ideal l0.
cation, Terms arranged, Walter Pigden,
11ladoc, Ont., R R. No. 2,
200 -ACRE farm, stock, machinery and
trop; 01,000 monthly milk cheque; full
price, $35.000, cash. James Campbell,
Broker, Hastings, Ont.
L. 5, Snelgrove Co. Ltd.
142 Kent 5t. W., Lindsay Ont.
Phone FA, 4-3239
We have FARMS of all sizes, very best
of farm land within 20 miles radius of
Lindsay. Priced to sell. Write, phone or
call us.
SHREDDED Foam Rubber. Stuff your
own pillows and toys. 5 lb. bag $2.39,
postpaid, Mall money order to Allied
Products, Box 82, Port Credit, Ontario.
PRESERVE flowers without spraying,
dipping, brushing, Instructions 91,00,
Morley Stephenson, 174 Euston Road,
Burlington, Ontario.
ENTIRE breeding flock of 80 geese,
Toulouse and Embden 3.4 yrs. old, me
tra large birds. Heavy producer
Arthur Chip s, Mount Elgin. Phone
Ingersoll 696-W-2.
WANTED Flockowners to supply
one of the largest, registered Hatch
titles in Canada with hatching eggs.
All breeds required - egg breeds.
dual purpose breeds, broiler breeds.
Extremely large premium paid. Apply
Box Number 225. 123 -18th Street. New
Toronto Ont..
ISSUE 19 — 1960
190.mm 1wspitel with active PllysiGGal
Therapy Department. Apply to St. ,Yb-
seph Hospital, Mt. Clemens. Michigan,
Triple Gauge Heavy Stainless Steel.
New Low prlee in Canada of 968.90.
Fully guaranteed, Write for further tie.
tails Diner Soles Co„ Box 215, Isling-
ton. Ontario.
EARN More! Bookkeeping, Salesman.
ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, et0. Lee -
sons NO. Ask for tree t'irculor No. 83.
Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1295
Hay Street, Toronto.
--- $1.25 Express Celled<
BANISH the torment 01 dry mezzo
rashes and weeping skin troubles,
Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint
you. itching, scalding and burning ecze-
ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot
eczema, will respond readily to the
stainless odorless ointment, regardless
of Trow stubborn or hopeless they seem.
Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
1065 St. Clair Avenue East
_ Toronto
COMFORTABLE accommodation for
elderly people, 24.hour supervision,
registered nurse, tray service. Syming-
ton Nursing Home, OHIlla, FA. 0.1111,
When purchasing Nutria, consider the
following points, which this organize•
tion offers:
1 The best available stock, nu cross-
bred or standard types recommended,
2. The reputation of a plan which 10
tef substantiated by files of
3. Full insurance against replacement,
should they not live - or in the event
of sterility tall fully explained in our
certificate of merit.)
4.. We give you only mutations which
are ht demand for fur garments,
5. You receive iron this organization
a guaranteed pelt market, 1n writing.
6. Membership In our exclusive, breed.
ers' association, whereby only purcitas-
ers of this stock may participate in the
benefits so offered,
7. Prices for Breeding Stock start at
$200. a pair,
Special offer to those who qualify:
earn your Nutria on our cooperative
basis Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd..
R.R. No. 2, Stouffville, Ontario.
Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing
Pleasant dignified profession; good
wages. Thousands of successful
Marvel Graduates
America's Greatest System
Illustrated Catalogue Free.
Write or 00.11
358 Bleier 5t. W., Toronto
44 King St. W., Hamilton
72 Rideau Street, Ottawa.
Films developed and
8 magna prints 401
12 magna prints 805
Reprints 5C each
Developing so I 1 90, (not including
prints). Color prints 300 each extra
Ausco and Egtachrome 35 mm, 20 ex-
posures mounted in slides $1.20 Color
prints from slides 325 each. Money re•
funded in null for nnpriuled negatives.
TESTED, guaranteed, wallet: in plat t
parcel, mt hiding e t Iu} ue and so
hook 1ree with trial .(•)unset, 18 f*,f
$1.00 tFhsest qualify.. Western Distrlbta
tors, Box 24 -TPF, Regina, Sask.
1l' you ate not interested in mows
money, don't read thriller. But if. you
want to make more t,cnca t1115 o1' your
layers, read on, ('au In , oe Hi -Cash I'ro•
duction pullets are making extra
money for poultrymen 011 ever the
Ameritlat Cuntlntmt. we have rho
proof kraut letters received from Satter
tied customers Here is mere concha.
sive proof! Cashman won lm' Missuurt
1959.1980 Random Semple Tea, 57 ent-
ries in the Test - 14 pe. r hire1 mere
profit than the next pith sl and $2.05
more profit than the lawn t entry. Ir?
the 3 oral aver age of the .ane Jest,
Coalmen had a profit per lard n $3,3P•
The next . (en polestar breeds solei in
Canada haft the t',!l,o 1,0 profits $3.09
9397 $3 tet. 0297, s21i9$2.111. $2,55.
!here 1,- a difference, rent there le
the kind of chicken you raise? Also
available, 011 other popular fee, dual:
purpose and broiler breeds, turkey
pOelts, laying pullets Catalogue.
LARGE house basement hydro, phone.
running water. furnace 9e, acres land.
Near village. Information, spell:: Alvin.
Young. Utterson, Ont.
LAND is your best investment.
BUY now cud mace
SUBSTANTIAL prollt in spring
LOTS on registered lered pl ,ns un
GEORGIAN Bay mainland development
ROADS complete Hydro errant'ed
DISCOUNTS out all lots with
SPECIAL dist-mans to en bine par
eh se.rs.
HU, 3.3597 or wilt, 1 A. Balmy Ltd.
727 23a .viois' An,'. Toronto,
PUREBRED Flemish Giant Rabbits
Bred Dee. 9.00, Senior Burks $0,00,
Young stock on !rand Information, J.
Cottle, 273 Humboldt Street, Port Col-
borne, .Ont.
READY to roll south for winter, 1950
Shasta travel trailer. IS flet deluxe.
looks like new, sleeps six, shower and
toilet, 20 gallon septic tank, 2,1 gallon
pressure water system, refrigerator
combination electric and gas, bot 'Wa-
ter heater, space heater, deluxe range
with oven control • nd !miler. Wal.
doff Astoria convenience. awning, TV
aerial. "Drop Anchor" anywhere with
all the eomfo•ts of home, S. R. North.
wood, 135 Grand Ave, E., C'hathem,
WANTED old Military or Naval Medals
prior to 1914 to complete my collection,
also any decorations to the Air Force.
Will pay fair prlee for some. Write,
Geo. W Middleton. 3238 Yomee St„ Tor.
onto 12. Ontario.
et this-. JiLei. .124Y9
• slat play "'lits 0
When Lidneye tell
t0 remove. ssee4,
acids nml yVnstfln,
barkaehe, tfrod
con ,fa.a1 a
n dd E I ln'y
Pills tin„late
kidneys to normal
duty. 1 ou 4ea•I
l etaer--�L%p Let-
ter. ,cnrk hath: r.
0 C
Let the engineer do your driving!
car free and carefree!
by train and arrive relaxed,