HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-12-08, Page 4St. James' Church rch Holy Name Sunday 1?EGEMBER 11 Holy Colunlunion 1150 A,M. lit ly Name Meeting Tnt stay, Doveluber 13 8,20 P.M. St. ,lilies' School ORDELI YOUR TURKEY FOR CHRISTMAS fill:\1)Y Suppers or any occasion KEN BEATTiE "lr11, G,afurth NORTH MCKLLLOP The Bethel WAIS and W.A. meetings were held at the home of -Mrs, Charles Boyd ost Dee,i. The thenar for the worship ser- vice was "Advent". Tlu' opening itytnn G4 was sung followed with the Wriptul0 reading by Mrs, R. 110. iichcl and prayer by Teratic Dennis. Mrs. L. Godkin then fa• vored us with a piano solo "The Wayside Chapel". A -poem "la My heart Prepared for Christ• Dano''" -was rend by Tonnie Dennis.' An article from the Missionary Monthly "linve Your Children Done Their Christmas Shopping Yet?" was read by Mrs. C. Boyd. 11Yuut 50 was sung, Mrs, Wm. Roe read the story "Tire Gift of thl mad" and IStitel Dennis read two stories entitled "Peace and (loud Will" and "Love came down tit Christmas", the latter one written by Evelyn (Craw) Mathews. Tenuie Dennis conducted the \VMS business which consisted of the \VMS report, The alloca- tion has been more than reached, Myrna 51 was suns: and the meet- ing was closed with prayer. Mrs. Win. Dennis presided for the R".A, meeting which followed. The minutes of the last meeting were read and the roll call was re- sponded to by 21 members. Mrs. COME IN ANI) SEE OUR SPECIAL ON C. C. M. SKATES ANI EQUIPMENT GLOVES, PADS, SKATES Electrical Gifts Galore TOYS AND MORE TOYS Take a Tip from Santa GIFTS For all members oi' the Family and for all occasions XMAS DECORATIONS Xmas Li?_hulls_ Set + and Lights Table Decorations Xmas t;''2'vit'1tti 6.7 Tah1,' C'or,'rs VEREMNAS CARDS 1'o1• everyone in the family STATIONERY GIFTS Lace Table Cloths Gift Boxed sets Boxed Bridge Sets Towels and Towel Sets BOOKS STO.TUES ANI) PAINT Lingerie Hosiery Scarves 'WRAPPING ANI) RII3I3ON Toys, Dolls and Doll Carriages Games and Paint by Numbers LA ONE'S �a yrs, SEAQ' u i° 1' t3c, 21':;3 $1„05 131.1.tE STA ° aME Y 4 GOTS S Nil ltot ere gave the Friendship report and Mrs, ,Norval titiutore the treasurer's report, also the manse report. pollutions of 11ton' cy ore to be sent to the Victor Monte, Tnntpel'anee Federation, Unitarian Servive Fund and the United Chureh Building Fund In London. The offering was reeeiv ed told the holiday bags culieetod ily'nnt 53 was sung followed by tite closing prayer. BRODHAOEN Airs. John C. Diegel wito has been with her daughter Mrs. W. I,. Querellgesset' for the past two weeks. suffered 11 stroke and was taken to Stratford General lloap- ital. She passed away early Mot. day morning. Mrs. John Hinz Sr, of Sebt'ittg- viUe is visiting her daughter Mr. and Airs, Lavern Wolfe, • Mr. and Mrs, George Young of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Joe smith of Stratford, :lad Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Swint of Milverton with Mr. and Airs. Win, Diegel ort Sunday; also Air. and Mrs. Clar- ence Brunner of Seebaclt's hili. Air, and Airs. Donald Stuuck and family of Kitchener. Mt'. and Mrs. Ivan Quereugesser of Sea - forth with Mrs, Albert Quet'f'u- ge,,BO' on Sullliily.• Alr. and Sirs. Carl Mutinies suet Mt', and Mrs. Stanley Much and family of Tavistoel; with lit'. unand Mrs. Chris W. Leonhal11. Mrs. ICeuneth h;llig:+eu and baby soli canto Millie from Sea - forth hospital. (:\ number of relatives and triru;1, from here attended the funeral of Arthur Glick 111 stra- tum On Saturday,.13n is the ia- t1.,t' of Rev. Calvin Gilek of I7es- hor0, husband of the former Rose Sehet'bt 11lt. Member's and friends of the Dublin howling club held a social evening in rho-' coututttuity ititll here on Saturday evening. Members of the Stewards of 'the Christian Florae met. in the church basement with AIr. and Mrs, Ilcigar Elligsen. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elligsen and Air. and Mrs. Ralph Fischer in charge. The topic they chose was "Thanksgiving". The next meet- ing is to beheld on Dec. 27 with concocted by the president Mrs. W, Bradshaw. She reminded the members of the general W. A. meeting being held on Wednes- day. Dee, 14. A Christmas pro - grain followed in charge of Mrs, A. Matheson who read a poem, "Stier Its the EaBt", also the scrip- ture taken from itt, Matthew 2: Mrs. F. Hoegy led in prayer, A piano duet "Christmas Festival" was played by Mrs. C. 13t'oadfoot and Ml's. P. Dunlop, Mrs. RoogY gave a reading "Neighbor's", Mrs. E. Fischer played a medley of Christmas antes on the piano, Mrs, M. Berger and Mrs, Hoegy sang a lovely duet, Carols were sung throughout. the meeting. A deliolotts lunch and all exchange of gifts brought the meeting to a elose. Mrs. Matheson thanked the hostess and all those taking pati in the meeting. Officers for 1951 are: Pres., Mrs, W, Bradshaw; Vice Pres„ Mts. 0, Steffen; Sec., Abbio Seip; l'i'ens., Mrs. N. Schneider; Social Com, Mr's. N. Knight [tact Mrs. P. Hoegy; Card Sec., Mrs, M, Berger; Pianist, Mrs, A, Mathews; Press Sec., Thelma Elgte; Social Rep. to General \\', A„ Alt's, C. Broad - foot, exchange of gifts, Mr, and Mrs, Louis H. 13enne- wies who reside in the village ob- served their 45th wedding anniv- ersary on Dec. 1st, The occasion was celebrated with a fancily din- ner at the home of their son Ed- ward and Mrs, Benttewies, and they were presented with a "Plat- form Rocker"". The anniversary carte was baked and decorated by their granddaughter Mrs, John Moore. The evening was spent in Playing progressive euchre with the prizes going to Mrs. John Moore, Ezra Seebaek. Mrs. Ed- ward L',')n'wies and Dave Eick- nieir, • AIr. avec Mrs. 13ennewies (Lil- lian Koehler) have 11. family of two slaughters anti one sort; Mrs. C;onion 1'Verna 1 Miller, Ii it 2 bit; Mrs. Theodore 1Mildred1 Nowack, Ellice, and Edward on the Monte farm, R R 1 Bornholm, and eight grandchildren. Those attending were Ma', attd Mrs, Norman Bemtewies, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eicknteir, Mr, and Mrs. Gen. Eickmeir of Mitchell. Alr. and Mrs. Ezra Seebach and Lawrence of Seebaeh's Hall, Mr, and Airs. \fiat. Koehler and Man- ny and Mervin Beuerman, Mc- Killop, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Nowacic. Joan and Orlyn. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and Lin- da and Mr..and Alrs. John Moore and Mr. and Mrs, Edward Benne- wies, John, Lyle and Gary. The sympathy- of the conlmun- Martin Diegel and other relatives Querengesser and Mr. and Mrs, ity is extended to Mrs. W. L, in the death of their mother Mrs. John C. Diegel, GROUP 3 W. A. Christmas was the theme of the December meeting of Group of the W. A, of Northside, at their monthly' meeting held at the home of Miss Thelma Elgie. There were 18 members present. Abbie Seip opened the meeting with a poem "The Christmas Spirit". Routine business was Bill Strong Wins Citizenship Trophy Aeedaitned as Huron County's all-round '1.11 member, 20 year-old 13i11 Strong, RR 2, Dublin, Waa preaetttod With 1110 lit• stolt Cardiff citizenship trophy at the 13th annual Huron County Aeltleventent Night held tit South Huron District high School. The son of Mr, and Mrs. Leon- ard Strong', he received the award for not only his outstanding 4.51 contribution, but also for home and cottlltlttnity activities, with a total score Of 032 out of a pus, Bible 1000, 13111 captured the C, S. MacNattghton trophy for hav- ing the Highest 441 score in the county, He also won for the third trate in his VII oatoat', the Senator Golding showman's tro- phy as the el)atttpion 4.11 beef showman. About 302 members of 21 clubs received a total of 92,285 in prise money, as well as trophies, awards, crests, certificates, wrist watches, pen and pencil sets and leather show halters, Iioward Pym, RR 1, C'euttralia, president of the 4-I3 Cittb Lead. es' Association for Huron Coen ty, Was chairman. I'le thanked THE SEAFUIITII NEWS (Phone 841 ----Thursday, December 0. the department of agriculture for the leadership its officials havo given, and to the '1.11 01111 lead' ors, Larry, Snyder, chairman of the South litirott District high School board, exleuISOd 11 wel- come to the 4.15 members and their parents and friends. Guest speaker was Jaulos 1D. Kinkead, Clodericlt, pttbtic school inspect. 01' f01' North Huron. 10110 Xmas Concert at ,<a S '' .l. MULLET' TUESDAY, DEC, 13 AT 8 P,M. Seaforth Public School GRADIS 4 - 8 present "Christmas in Song" FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16th - 8 p.m. IN THE SCHOOL, AUDITORIUM ADMISSION IOc tiwaseltftseMIMMIAPAYWwowtstiWWWWWWWWWIMMItSbAStMeh9e4StitatastseRMWWW~Ber4,5�?d9ttSr,S%�a' , t IIUND ,C,Y t+'eiiis gal ire and more in store S Smokers Bon Bon Stands Tri -Lights Table Lamps ON E Fg L ITS Bed Lamps Boudoir Lamps Pin -Up Lamps Pictures REFRIGERATORS PHONE 43 ELECTRIC STOVES Rest Rocker Occasional Chairs Hassock Hamper Electric Blankets Bed Spreads Lamp Tables Coffee Tables Cocktail Tables End Tables Mirrors Lanip Shades 1111 rmminu,10n,e,m,nu„umuu,m,immttit u,,,,u„ u11uu,,,m,m11f11,,„ion, u,auuu,uuu CI'iairs Top Santa.s Gift LisT, n111111nw11nun11n1111m11u11n,nn,1111111111”,i,il,i,liim1111111111u111111111u11n111111,m11nn11n1111111 Waffle Irons Electric Clocks Irons Grills Heating Pads Electric Coffee Makers u111111,111111n11n111110u111111111111,,,,111110111111111111n,n11011111111u11,,,1.111111111 t11n111111111111111mt USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN A small deposit holds any article until Xmas „111„i, i i,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 tn 111111111111111111111111111111 tttttt 11111111111111 T -V & RADIOS FREEZERS Fasuasa9s1- SEAFORTH