HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-12-08, Page 1The Seaforth News
vv Qui SERIES, VOL, 82
r liu11Ca l4
Council Elected
In Light Vote
The following are results of the vote Monday by polls:
Bell 145
Cardno 121
Dalton 107
Flannery 105
MacDonald , . , , 116
Rau 43
Rivers 130
Turnbull 148
3 & 4 5 & 6 Total
125 113 383
105 94 320
101 111 319
118 92 315
99 80 295
95 68 206
104 81 315
138 116 402
Elected to 1961 council: Turnbull, Beit, Cardno, Dalton,
Flannery, Rivers
In a comparatively light vote
estimated about 40%, Seaforth
ratepayers on Monday selected
the town council for 1961. Mayor
Daly and Reeve Ball were elected
by acclamation at the nomination
meeting last week, Councillors
elected on Monday were Dr, J, 0,
Turnbull, Neil Bell, Nelson C.
Cardno, Carl Dalton, John Flan-
nery, Thorpe Rivers,
Commenting on the result
Monday night, Dr. Turnbull, who
headed the poll, said it looks
like the ratepayers want sewers,
"I figured if they didn't want
sewers they would vote me out",
he said. Dr. Turnbull is chairman
of the sewer committee of coun-
Suggestions From
the Post Office
The Seaforth Post Office re -
guests that their patrons co-op-
erate with them in the following
ways to ensure delivery of mail
in time for Christmas.
Separate first class mail from
2 -cent cards, face them up and tie
in bundles. The two -cent cards
should be also sorted into "out of
town" and local bundles.
Hand in important first class
business mail, notices of meet-
ings, etc. to the wicket.
There will be an extra mail re-
ceptacle in the lobby for local
Christmas Cards, Local includes;
Seaforth town, Seaforth Rural
Routes, Dgutondville and 'Walton.
These cards sboeld be mailed by
Dec. 17th,
Parcels to U.S.A, should be
posted by Dec. 8, to British Co -
tumble, Newfoundland, by Dec,10,
to Alberta, Manitoba and Saska-
tchewan by Dec. 12, to the Mari-
times by Dee. 14, Ontario and
Quebec by Dec, 15th,
Mr. Hen Powell has volunteered
his services as an Assistant Scoa-
ter, and will be invested iuto the
Boy Scout movement on Tues-
day. There will also be an invest-
iture for several boys who have
completed and passed the Tend-
erfoot tests.
On Tuesday evening instruction
will be continued with "Tender-
foot" work, Second Class first
aid, signalling, lashings and hit-
ches. All Scouts should be pre-
sent to keep their work and in-
struction up to date.
The Cub Pack, presently num-
bering about 60 boys, is making
steady progress. That the boys
are enthusiastic is evidenced by
the almost 100% attendance each
week. Mrs, Carnochan and Jack
Stevens are to be commended for
their good work with these boys.
We aro still looking for Wren
willing to help as Scooters with
either Scouts or Cubs. Will any-
one who may be interested please
contact J. R, Spittal for informa-
Mrs. Robert W. Campbell, a
resident of the seventh conces-
sion of McKillop, died suddenly
Monday at Scott Memorial Hos-
pital here, Mrs. Campbell was in
her 64th year, She was born in
McKillop, and received her early
education at SS 5 McKillop, and
later attended Seaforth high
school. In 'March 1926 she was
married to Robert W. Campbell,
She was the former Lillian C.
Gordon, and was a member of
Duff's Church, McKillop, and a
life member of the WMS and WA
of the church. Besides her hus-
band, she is survived by two
daughters, Beth, Mrs. Leslie
Pryco of McKillop, and Gather=
ine, Mrs. Douglas Keyes of Cha-
tham; and two sons, Kenneth
and William, at home; one sister
Miss Annie Gordon of Seaforth.
The funeral service was held
at the G. A. Whitney funeral
home on Wednesday at 2 p.m.
Rev, W. H, Smnmerell of the Mo-
Killop charge, officiated. Bur-
ial was in Maitland Bank Ceme-
MRS. 0. I. HiLL
The death occurred on Mon-
day of Mrs, D. Ivan II111, 09, of
1,18 Colborne St., Simcoe, Ont„
whore she had lived for 14 years.
Born in Hibbert, site was foriner-
ly Reta Ann Kerslake, and had
lived in Seaforth and Listowel.
Survivors, husband, sons, David
W„ Portage La Prairie, Man,;
Elmore J„ London; daughter,
Barbara, Mrs, Murray McBride,
Hartford, Conn, Funeral service
2 pin, Thursday at St, Paul's
Presbyterian Chercb, Simcoe,
R. T. Bolton Named
Returning Officer
Announcement was made this
week that Russell T. Bolton of
McKillop has been appointed Re-
turning Officer for the Federal
Riding of Huron. He succeeds
1, K. Hunter of Goderich.
Mr. Bolton was Returning O6Ri-
oer for Huron riding in the past
two provincial elections.
Mr, Joseph A.. Storey of Prest-
on died on Tuesday, Dec, 6, at
South Waterloo Hospital, Galt,
following a week's illness, at the
age of 88. Joseph Alexander Stor-
ey was born in McKillop, On Nov.
30, 1898, he was married at Duff's
Church, McKillop, manse to Eliz-
abeth G. Coombs. In his earlier
years Mr. Storey was a teamster
and lived in Seaforth until mov-
ing to Preston in 1949. Mrs. Stor-
ey predeceased him on March 27
of this year. He is survived by
three daughters, Mrs. Harry
Hart (Jeanette) of Preston; Mrs,
James Dunlop (Roby) of Galt,
and Mrs. Cecil Colclough (Edna)
of Niagara Falls, Ont.; also by
six grandchildren and 7 great-
g1'andchildren, Mr. Storey was a
member of the Presbyterian
Church and of the Canadian. Or-
der of Foresters, The funeral
will take place on Friday, Dec, 9
at 2 p.m, from the Box Funeral
Chapel, Seaforth, Rev. D. L. Eld-
er of First Presbyterian Church
officiating. Interment will be in
Maitlandbauk Cemetery.
The Ladies' Aid of First Pres-
byterian Chu r ch held their
Christmas sleeting Tuesday aft-
ernoon with Miss Joan Scott pre-
siding. Mrs, Reg. Kerslake open-
ed the meeting with a poem "The
Peace of Bethlehem". The hymn
"0 Little Town of Bethlehem"
was sung. Mrs. H. Whyte read
the minutes of the Nov, meeting
and Mrs. Ivy Butt gave the Treas-
urer's report which showed a
very successful year. During the
business discussion it was decid-
ed to serve a supper to the Sun-
day School children Dec. 10611.
Mrs. J. F. Scott told a beautiful
floristic a s Story "The Holy
Night" which was much enJoyed.
"Joy to tiro World" was snug fol-
lowed by the Lord's Prayer in
unison, A social time followed,
Mrs, D. L. Elder installed the
following officers for 1961: Pres.,
Miss Jean Scott; 1st Vice Pres„
Mrs. W. A. Wright; 2nd Vice
Pres., Mrs. E. Geddes, Sec., Mrs.
14. Whyte; Treas„ Mrs. Ivy Butt;
Pianist, Mrs. J. McGregor; Flow-
er Convenor, 11Irs, H. E. Smith;
Flower and Gift Sea, Mrs, S.
Pullman; Press Sec„ Mrs. Reg.
Kerslake; Group Leaders, South,
Miss J. Fraser, Mrs. T. Appleby;
North, Mrs. E. Andrews, Mrs. W.
Ross; East, Mrs. 0, Reeves, Mrs.
R. Townsend; Country Group,
Mrs. W. Coleman, Mrs, Messen-
ger and Mrs. T. W. McMillan,
The monthly Meeting of St,
James' parish council of CWL
was held in the school of Dec.
Gth and opened with prayer by
Rev. C. E. Sullivan and the sing-
ing of a Christmas hymn. The
financial report showed a very
successful bazaar, The social ac-
tion convener's report showed
that approximately 27 bags and 2
cartons of clothing bad been sent
to the St. Vincent de Paul Soc-
iety in London, Donations were
voted to the Veterans' Christmas
Fund and Christ the King Cult-
ural Fund,
The sick and 0.0 shut -his are
to be remembered at Christmas.
Mrs, James Devereaux read an
article from the League magazine
of Advent customs.
The Christmas Mass will be of -
feted for deceased pastors of the
Rev. Fr, C, D. Sullivan read the
Christmas story and explained
the meaning of charity and kind -
Alice Stiles introduced 11/11', Ger-
ry McCourt who showed slides of
scenes in the northern country,
and the Santa Clans parade last
Saturday. Mrs. Joseph McConn-
ell thanked him on behalf of the
members present. The mystery
prize was won by Mrs. 3. Nash.
Lunch was served by Mrs, Cor-
don Reynolds, Mrs, Sum Bates
and Mrs, Michael Williams,
The poolroom has joined the
ranks of local reerention centres
open 011 Sunday,
Seatorth, Ontario, Thursday, December 8, 1960
J. Keys Heads
McKillop F. of A.
McKillop Federation of Agri -
11,50 a Year
Auntnrisod ns Slrmld Ciaaa mail,
Post Offir4' i)ept., Ottawa
Snowdon Bras.. Publiehera
culture held a very successful
banquet and annual meeting in
the basement of Winthrop Church
on Wednesday evening Nov. 30th.
President K. Stewart was chair-
man for the evening, The ban-
quet was followed by comic songs
by F, Sills which were enjoyed
by all.
K. Stewart told what had been
done in the pact year in regard
to the workshop and public
speaking contest,
Murray Dennis thanked the
ladies for the bountiful supper,
Mrs. L. Bolton responded o11 be-
half of the ladies.
Gordon Greig, first vice pros,
for the county, told about prob-
lems helped solve by the Federa-
tion of Agr(cultere such as hydro
and pipe lines, highways, taxa -
Lion and assessment. He dealt
briefly with poultry marketing,
He felt land is being overtaxed
for education and hoped the
twps. would bring in more resolu-
tions to the county. He dealt
briefly with the new set up of
farm forums.
Miss Bette Tillman, home econ-
omist for Huron, brought greet-
ings from, the county office of
the Dept. of Agri.
Mr. Lloyd Rowat of Seaforth
Co -Op brought greetings from the
Seaforth Co -Op and board of di-
Mr. Gordon Elliott introduced
the guest, Mr. Gordon McGavin
who showed pictures of his re-
cent trip to Russia with com-
G. Papple thanked Mr. McGavin
201' his pictures, F. Sills led in
community singing.
The minutes of the previous
annual meeting and the financial
report were read by the secretary
and adopted.
Carl Hemingway, Huron Coun-
ty fieldman, spoke on marketing
of eggs, the advantages in rates
and coverage of Co -Op car insur
surance, hospitalization insurance
and what has been done to com-
pensate 2or hydro lines passing
throngh farms, and mentioned
selling of shares such as FAME.
I -Ie conducted the election of
officers. Results: James Keys,
Pres, for 1961; 0. Elliott, 1st Vice
Pres,; 0. Pryco, 2nd Vice Pres.;
CI. Smith, delegate to Hog Pro-
ducers; G, Elliott, alternate.
After a few words by James
Keys, G. Smith and Reeve Dan
Beuermanu, K, Stewart thanked
the directors and members for
their fine co-operation during the
past year. The meeting was
brought to a close by singing 0
Picture in Magazine
Of Rev. D. Stewart
The current issue of Chate-
laine magazine contains a beau-
tiful color photo by harsh of Rev.
Douglas Stewart, son of Mrs.
Harry Stewart of 50 a f or t h.
preaching from the pulpit of his
church, Knox Presbyterian
Church, Ottawa.
The Seaforth W. I. will enter-
tain their families at their Christ-
mas meeting on Tuesday even-
ing Dec. 13th in the LOBA Hall.
Hostesses: Mrs. E. Whitmore,
Mrs, W. Coleman. Program con-
veners, Mrs. 0, Papple, Mrs. 3.
Doig, Rev. 0, Britton of North-
side United Church will bring the
Christmas message. Each mem-
her is asked to bring sandwiches
unless otherwise contacted.
Members of Seaforth W, I, are
invited to be guests of Huron.
dale W,I. at their Christmas meet-
ing on Friday evening,' Dec, 9th
at 8:30 p.ni. in Exeter Legion
A funeral service for Harvey
M. Mason, who died suddenly
last week was held at Box Fun
oral Chapel, Friday afternoon.
with Rev, D. Leslie Elder offictet•
ing. Burial was made in Malt
landbank cemetery. Pallbearers
were Frank Rainton, M. E
Clarke, Carmen Rowcliffe, Willie
Dundee, Bert Gray, Howard
Bruusdou. Flowerbearers were
Thorpe Rovers, Geo. Brightrall,
Robert Spittal and David Wilson
Mr, Mason, 60, died after he re
turned from seeking help when
his car became stuck near the
farm of Zack Ryan in McKillop
Twp., last Wednesday,
Mr. Mason had walked to the
Ryan home, and asked for assist.
ince. Mr. Ryan's brother, Joseph,
took his tractor and returned
with him to the road, After pull
ing the car to get it started, Ile
walked back to find Mr. Mason
collapsed behind the wheel of
the ear,
Mr. Mason was born in Londes
boyo, and received his education
in Blyth. A hanker by profeealon,
he was with a Detroit bank for
many years, retiring to Seafortb
in 1941. He was interested in 1nu•
sic and had composed a number
of songs. An enthusiast of sports,
particularly of hockey, he had
Meet a loyal supporter of a long
series of Senforth teams,
He was married April 3, 1025
in Detroit, to Agnes McIKay, who
stlrvil'cs, along with a daughter,
Marion end a son Ronald. One
sister, Mrs, 'William Watson and
one brother, Edmund of Goderich.
predeceased hies, Mr. Mason was
a member of Illyth United Mural)
and n Mason, a past worthy pat
fou of the OES.
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You don't have to
etin' the
to play Santa!
E. Dawson Reid, retiring Customs Appraiser at Guelph, was
presented with at scroll Friday in recognition of his long and
valuable serviee. Left to right are J. C. Sanders, Collector; Mr.
Reid and J. N. Agnew, Chief Clerk, in this photo by the Guelph
Customs Officer
Retires at Guelph
The following is from The
Guelph Guardian and refers to
the retirement of Mr, Dawson
Reid, a brother of Mr, Dalton
Reid and Miss Hazel Reid of Sea -
Custom -Excise Officers of the
Port of Guelph Ontario, met at
the home of Harold Lane, 30)
Kathleen Street, on Friday even-
ing to honor 19, D, Reid, Customs
Appraiser, who is retiring at the
close of business Monday, Decem-
ber 5, after over 34 years service.
On behalf of Minister of Na-
tional Revenue 0. C. Nowlan and
the Deputy Minister, D. Sini, Col-
lector J. C. Sanders presented
Mr. Reid with a scroll in recog-
nition of his long and valuable
service in the Department.
On behalf of the Staff J. N. Ag-
new, Chief Clerk, presented him
with a bridge table and chair set,
with the wish that he and Mrs,
Reid enjoy many happy years of
Mr, Reid entered the Customs
Service as Sub -Collector of Cust-
oms and Excise, at Seaforth, Ont-
ario, September 26, 1920, As re-
sult of the closing of the Outpost
aC Seaforth; he was transferred
to Guelph March 1, 1829, as Cust-
oms -Excise Clerk. February 1,
1943 he was promoted to Customs
Appraiser, which position he held
00 retirement.
Married to the former Grace
Barber on October 14, 1939, he
has one daughter, Sharon, Nurse -
in -Training at Western Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Reid are members,
of Westminster St. Paul's Pres-'
byterian Church,
Mr, Reid's position will be tak-
en over by Henry (Hank) Slee-
man, promoted to Customs Ap-
praiser, effective Dec. 5, 1980.
Mr. Sleeman entered the ser-
vice on August 8, 1048, was pro-
moted to Computing Clerk Dec.
22, 1959, and subsequently to
Customs Appraiser to fill the Va-
cancy created by Mr. Reid's re-
Liquor Store To
Open In January
According to information froni
the Liquor Control Board of 011-1
tarin on Tuesday, the liquor stole l
in Seaforth will not be opened
1.111 after the first of the year.
Appointments will likely be
announced this month.
The store was taken over Dec,
Ist from the builder, Mr. Harold
Mr's, J. A. Jackson, widow of
the late Judge Jackson of Leth-
bridge. Alta„ died there early
Thursday morning, Dec. 1, ae
cording to word received by her
brother-in-law, Mr. Thos. Jack-
son, Egntondville, Mrs, Jackson
was Sadie Emigh of Blyth, prior
to her marriage.
The annual meeting of Si,
Thomas' Church W. A. was hold
Tuesday evening at the home of
Mrs, CIeave Coombs with a good
attendance. After prayers and the
December Litany were said, Mrs.
Donaldson read the scripture
from the first chapter of John,
Mrs. Harvey very ably gave the
study book showing the struggles
of the Christian Church and Mis-
sionaries through the years. At
tet' the roll call and Nov. minutes
correspondence was read. This
included thankyou notes from
Doug. Rowcliffe, Mr. and Airs,
Earle, Norah and Betty Brown,
Mrs, Ault, and the family of the
late Raymond Nott, It was decid-
ed to send a Christmas parcel to
our Prayer Partner, Rev. George
Morrow, Hornepayne.
Committee reports for the year
were given. Mr. Donaldson presid-
ed for the election of officers for
1901 as follows: Icon, Pres„ Miss
Holmes and Mrs, Donaldson; Pre-
sident, Mrs. Goo. McGavin; Vico
Pres„ Mrs. Wnt. Oldfield; Sec„
Mrs, Cleave Coombs; Treas„
Miss Dorothy Parke; Dorcas
Work, Mrs. Bruce McLean; So-
cial Service, Mrs. D. C. Case;
Living Message, Mrs- D. Netake;
Prayer Partner, Mrs, W. 16. South-
gate Sr., Little Ilolpers, Mrs, 0,
Kruse; Junior Auxiliary, Mrs, 1ii11
Brown and Mrs. Cleave Coombs;
Historian, Miss C. Holmes,
The January meeting will bo
held at the home of Mrs, Earl
Canadian girl
A high fashion watch set
in a beautiful bracelet.
17 Jewels, 540.50
December Meeting
Tuckersmith Council
Tuckersmith Municipal Coun-
cil held their regular meeting in
the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Dec.
0th, at 1 p.m, All members were
present and the Reeve presided.
On motion of Councillors Lee
and Falconer the minutes of the
previous regular meeting were
adopted as read.
By-law 16, 1960, setting the
rates of Remuneration (Reeve,
9300.00, Councillors $200 each,
Truant Officer, $15,60) for 1960
was given its required readings
and passed:
Grants were made to the Sea -
forth Lions Club, $50.; Seaforth i
and Hensall Branches of the Can-;
adieu Legion for the purchase d-
o Wreath, $14.25 each.
Wm. Lawrence, Contractor on
the McKenzie Drain, was paid
80%Q of the contract on the Mc-
Kenzie Drain for work completed
to date,
Tuckersmith Municipal Dump,1
as advertised in the local papers,
will be closed after Dec, 5th until
furthernotice in the spring of
1961. Itwas decided to rescind
by-law 16, 1958, re mutual agree-
ment with Twp. of Stanley in
connection with the Brucefield
Fire Dept„ as the Twp, of Stan•
ley dad not pass a similar cover-
ing by-law, The clerk was in-
structed to prepare such by-law
for Dec. 15th, 1900, meeting.
The following accounts were
passed for payment: Frank
Tiling, Egolondville Water Re-
pair, $1,25; Thamer Nursing
Home, $85.25; Seaforth Legion,
$14,26; Hensen Legion, $14.25;
Paterson's Grocery, Brucefield St.
Light, supplies, $15,00; J. W.
McBeth, Brucefield St. Lights
Maintenance, $25.00; County of
Huron Leafy Spurge spraying,
$28.33; Town of Exeter, High
School Deb, 9398.55: John Earle,
Truant Officer, $15.60; Judge F.
Fingland, Court of Revision on
VotersList, 911,60; V. P. Rob-
erts, Cir Voters' Lists, $5.88; C.
Chesney. CJC Veters Lists, $-1.-
21:57; Clinton News Record, Adver-
tising, $15,60; Carol Baker, Cleri-
cal assistance, 7.50; Pearl Mc-
Farlane. clerical assistance, $2;
Huron Expositor, Printing and
Advert. $237.85; Seaforth News,
$57,75; Suppl. and Allowance,
930.00; 0, Chesney, sal. and al-
lowance, $216.35; Rec.-General
Income Tax, $15.90; Seaforth
Post Office, unemploy. stamps,
$2,64; Equitable Life Pension.
$13.50; Wm, Lawrence, Melton.
zie Drain, $799,20; Seaforth Lions
Club, Grant, $50.00; Town of Sea -
forth, Rent, 955,00. Roads Ac-
count, $1.109,57.
Council adjourned. The final
sleeting of the year will be held
in the Town Ilnll, Seaforth, on
Thursday, Dee. 15th at 1 p.m,
The death occurred in St.
centers Hospital. Hospital. Toronto, Tues-
day, Dec. (i following a month's
illness. of Murray Stollery Sav-
auge, of 77 Fallinghrook Dr., 'Tor-
onto, in his 52nd year. He is sur-
vived by his wife, formerly Har-
riet Dalton, form erly of Sea -
forth, and a daughter, Judy, in
high school; also by a brother,
Ross, of Seaforth, and a sister,
Mrs. A, W, :Mooney (Winnifredl
of Massey, The renfains rested at
the Sherrie Funeral Home, Tor-
onto, until Wednesday evening.
A funeral service will be held on
Thursday afteruooe from the
Whitney Funeral Home, Seaforth,
to Mait.landbank Cemetery.
The sten held an Invitation
13onspiel on Saturday, Dec. 1
Rinks were present from Centra-
lia, Winghonn, Listowel, Exeter,
Hensall, Guelph and Thedfo'd,
mine local rinks also took part in
the event.
The winners were; 9 a.m. draw,
first, II. Thomas, Winghain, 8',V
phis 18; second, G. L. Robertson,
Centralia, 3W puts 16; third, J.
Kees°, Listowel, 3W plus 10,
11 a,m. draw: first W. Camp-
bell, Seaforth, 3%'t' plus 13; sec-
ond, 7), Niles, Seaforth, 2W plus
11; third, M, Stapleton, Seaforth,
2W p05 9.
Due to the popularity of mixed
eluding, it has been decided to
set aside Thursday and 1'"riday
nights for this event, eommenc-
tug the first: of the year. Mont -
hos are requested to place their
names on the entry form provid-
ed on the bulletin hoard,
sea King
A shadow slim water -
91001..17 Jewels, shock•
resistant, antimagnetic,
handsome straight link
expansion band, $54.75
Bulova Diamond
La Petite
The radiance of 2
tlasbing diamonds
highlights this stun-
ning 23 Jewel Watch
Fashion: 519,50
Get the JUMP
Bulova 23
The watch that has
everything. 23 Jewels,
self winding, water-
proof* shock -resistant,
anti -magnetic. .$95.0e
on Christmas!
your Bulova NOW!
11111111n11n U",un,nnVnl"nn
Bazaar Held
agpleasant. but the auditorium was
filled to capacity, so thanks
By C. Yv . L. It will not be long before out
fatln council of the Catho- sports officer, ,lack Eisler, will
Sea - be forming up the different teams
sic Women'storthLeague held the ho
nual Christmas bazaar on Satur• among the younger let's' frs in the
day. The president, Mrs. John yo ng la y, soAs see your
Maloney, and Mrs. Gordon Rey- young lad there. nis our usual
nolds. welcomed the guests, The ing ftom ood
Legion will the dandy
tea tables had Christmas centre Jag baskets to heady
pieces made by the decorating families in the local area and
committee. Mrs, Samuel Bates nil e not want any one to n.
and Mrs. Alvin Smale, missed, so ifyou know o£ a with
The tea-room conveners were thyitcase leave the tame with
Mrs, James Devereaux and Mrs. tur either Jake Cornish so at Box Furan
Michael Williams. Pouring tea bale an Dave Legion wat lht town
were Mrs. P. J. Johnson, Mrs, ball and the Alsosoi°u will time
John Devereaux, Mrs. Gerald Van from there, this time
den Henget and Mrs, Charles year often finds wanting quite
Lane. Serving were Mrs. William slippery and painful accidents
Box, airs. Mel Acheson, hiss often occur, If such misfortune
Tina Mrs. k, Mrs, John MoOne, shanld come your way and re -
Miss Rita Duncan, AIrs, Ken Etue, attire help by the aid wheel aa hospit-
AIrs, J. J. Lane, sirs. Peter Ban-
:- al bed, crutches, chair or
onand firs. John Leger. Assist- a (ane get in contact with Jake
ing in the kitchen were Jire..Jnl- Cornish and he will see that the
is Flanagan, Mrs. Theresa Mal -
necessary help is provided. This
oney, .sirs. ,Tames Nash, Mrs.
,Jolla Nigh, Mrs, Alvin Iloff and
Airs. Con Eckert. By the way comrades our relzu-
At the baking booth were Mrs. lasnmontltly meeting falls on
Joseph Devereaux, ;Mrs. Loretta'Thursday evening and since it is
Hewitt, assisted by Mrs, Regis election night let's see a real
Aubin and Mrs. Alvin Smale, Mrs.
John Flannery and Mrs. James
Kelly were in charge of the candy
booth. Mystery prizes were con-
vened by Mrs. Mel Cooper and
Mrs. Frank Reynolds, Mrs. Wm,
Hart and Mrs, Clarence Malone,
assisted by Mrs. Lester Leon-
hardt., Miss Mae Pargeter and
Mrs, 3, Lansink were in charge
of the sewing booth.
Mrs. John Meagher sold tickets
oe a quilt which was won by Mrs.
Jack Devereaux. Mrs. Alice Stiles
sold 'tickets on a bassinette and
doll, won by :hiss Jean Dever -
is another of your Legion ser-
vices for the good and welfare of
the Community.
Al the close of 1110 bazaar, 17el'.
C'.. E. Sullivan drew lucky tickets.
Frank Jordan Seaforth, won the
bridge set: "led Melody, St. Col-
umban, a steam iron, and ,Joseph
McConnell, Seaforth, a lamp, The
Christmas cake. in charge of Mrs,
Lou Stile and Mrs, ,lames Slott -
cry, wee won by Mrs. John Old-
field, RR 4. Seaforth. The winner
at the door Ariz wav :MISS Manie
swan, itrucr'lield. St. James'
Youth Club sponsored - a white
elephant. booth, convened by the
president Michael .Malone.
By ,lack Holland
Well comrades and friends
here we are bock again with a
bit of news for you. First of all
00 behalf of the Legion I wish
to drank one and all for the (Inge
termini at. our (011107 bingo.
large crowd on hand.
The huge Santa Claus parade
deserves a big ]rand and the C.
of C. deserves a bouquet for
their effort and work that went
into Making it a real success. So
will close with a thought for our
fallen comrades, at the going
down of the sun, and in the
morning we shall rememberthem.
See you at the sleeting.
The annual turkey bingo spine
saved by the ladies of the, CWL,
Dublin, was hold Tuesday even-
ing in the parish hall with a gond
attenden cc. Gerald Holland and
Dan O'Rourke called the num-
hers. Winners of the special bin-
go prises were 925, Walter Car-
penter; $15 to POle Jordan, .lb's.
11i11 Austin. Turkey winners were
Airs. lien Beattie, Mrs. Alex, isle-
tfich, Mrs, Arthur Sanger, Mrs.
0 eo•ge Rnck, Belittle Cronin, Ms's,
Norman Kramers, Mrs, Auguste
Dueharme, 11`md Heckman, Shar-
on 1011, Wilber holey, Double
Cronin. Mrs Ken McCrae, Mrs,
Boyce, Bili Auxiin (2), Jimmie
Mr. and Mrs. ,Tcronto Nicholson,
Alt's, Mary Krauskopf, l,nncl°n,
Mr, and Mrs, Robert McCormick,
Detroit, with Ila, and Mr•s. Jim
JB'. and Mrs. nuance Trutt,
('liiOon, with Airs, A. M. Looby,
Mr. end Mrs, Stephen Maloney
Driving etnndilii1118 were trencher- nt Kitchener with Mrs. Mary
ons 01151 the w, ntber far h'oui Feeney,