HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-12-01, Page 4I ad uarters Est\wingHammer 6.95 Water Warmer 9.25 trio\res & Mitts 70c up Bag Cart 7.96 Elec. Drill See Us Before You Make Any Selections Barometer 5.99 ()11Plane .,,,,. 4.95 Vise 13.99 18.95 Sander, Jigsaw, Portable Sa\v and Grinder Attachments 19.95 ea. FO MOTHER 1, ti Grill5 95 an(l\�>i(+1� 1 . 1loover vacuum 79.95 Fancy Tea. Pots 2.50 (rake Savers 2.10 up Elec. Iron 13.95 Toaster 19.95 Bun Dish 1.45 Elec. fry pan 1995up FO YOUNGSTERS TOYS - TOYS - TOYS C.C.M. SKATES and Equipment 'EE AFTER THE PARADE SATUR. `�`tiv�''c" ice"`; ee teviree � al_./g�t^rYb DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH WE CAN KEEP YOU IN OT r f .4 TER ROUND THE CLOCK WITH FLAT - RATE ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS OWN YOUR OWN TANK OR RENT A P,I .C. TANK We pay for the Installation Inspect New Tanks available for purchase TELEPHONE 472 SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION LIL'e better electrically beelful e� ~ SEAFORTH NOMINATION Continued from Page 1 work with Which tie was collet+et cd. Ile said an effort is being made to have the road froth kNa forth to Brussels built els a dev- elopment ewelopement road. Frank Kling P,U,C. chairman solid it had been a satisfactory year tulaler Manager 13 )USsey. Ile explained the building program of 11 loop around the town to give balanced volt ago. New street lighting on (lodoricli street is most complete and it is hoped to extend it to Main street, Five transformers had been added to the town system in 1860, A water heater program has been started. The revised water rates will enable the commission to rebuild galvanized lines, tidd plains and hydrants. Approximately 28 cost- ly leaps had to be repaired this year. Also several three-quarter inch pipers are tuisatisfactore'. no water tank was painted and CI new services added. new Dh•, llrad? said ho had not been able to do justice to the council work owing to business pressure. lie alight be Happy to return in u few years. The council had umaninlonsty offered the chair to ltir, Daly, who had infused new ideas c1 spirit into the eatuleil. Seaforths assessment is $1,692,- See. 1,662;S`e, The budget receipts for 1860 v 'r1. 9211,14", De which 89,689 is unspent as of Oct. 81, e predict- ed (c t;I I 1 c f 98 00 for the t' asurplus uo e ed 1 l t t year 1 v r Y because the new sewers had not been laid yet, reducing expected street. Lost s. The tiro lee velum tee ha 0 op reed to nee mo me of the sttrpltts to buy the tractor end replace Dm town truck. roughly 92,000. \ lot was to be desired in tax arrears, but 32'e,000 had been collected in 19110. At the start of the year thele was 817,205 un- paid taxes At Oct. 31, 332,974. The tax sale on property 3 yelp's in arrears will take place early I11 1901, There are five outstanding de- ' bentures in Seaforth, totalling a612,leld, I'at't of this is High 'tiehool debentures, Actual Sere forth debentures stand at 9366,- 111l1, equal to 21.6 per cent of oar assessment. The Municipal Board places a ceiling of 25 per cent on ' borrow tugs. Councillor N. C. Carduo said the tire and water committee had • operated within its budget of 61.501. The industrial commit- tee had followed up a few in- quiries but there was nothing yet. Ile had not nmatle up his mind whether to stand again. Councillor John Turnbull re- ported 011 sewer work. Pernmis- siou had been obtained during the year to put more sewage through the existing plant to take • care of the elhoe factory and the hospital and the northwest part of town. He espeeled the project co proceed in the new year. The Water Resources Commission of Ontario installs. supervises and operates the system. Asa winter works program a 75 Per cent 're- fund would be received on labor. It was important to have an over all plan on paper for 111e town and it could serve as a guide for future councils to avoid a hodge podge of hook-ups like our drain , lige. He had intended to retire - bite felt obligated to complete the • present phase of sewer work. '• Councillor Thorpe Rivers re- ' ported on streets committee eel- ` ivity. Calcium had been used instead of oil this year and there were only a few complaints about dust. Dur new mayor is a credit to the town, he said. Councillor John C. Flannery said he had learned a lot in his first year in council, Three new bleachers and a water tap were • placed at the recreation ground by the parks committee. He sup ?ested greater use of Victoria Park for parking to ease 3Iaiu street crowding. Councillor Neil C. Bell said he was the greenhorn on council. having been appointed to take Mayor Daly's place. 8400,00e in building' permits had been issued in the 11 months. - D'Orieau Sills• P.V.C. commis - stoner, said the loop system is a leu:; range project. also plans are beim: made to get away from ice storm troubles as mueli as poss- ible. 3t Mabel Turnbull. iibr, - • 1 chairmutl there' l wc•re not so nt:iny ladles , • . rc • r r. E7 - GIFTS - CHINA LACE TABLE CLOTHS Boxed Gift Sets BOOKS ,... DOLLS KIDDIE CARS AND WAGONS SNOW SUITS GLOVES AND MITTS SWEATERS AND HO,S.'IERY WOOL HEAL) SCARVES UNDERWEAR Paint by Number Sets Xmas Cards, Wrappings and Ribbon I. 1ROR' F;'S SEA/FORTH ' AIR• �QTH 5c pyo' $1.00 ST RE a° E S a ATgONEfl - Q, f;F A ti! or Daly was following the policy started by the late klayor Gliris, tie of atteadizig board meetings. Library IllelIIhel'a111p 111111 inel•0116' 210 i 1 year. 10W Kt l to 823 this t1 A 1 >y of • ) C 00 t.lst.yc 1 I c dill had. replaced laced he year old set Jolla Card110, council 1'ep1'es011• Wive on the high school board, said it was hoped to have two 1'1)01116 in the new addition ready in six oe eight weeks. The lag- oon is working well and locks like a little lake, Mrs,. .1. 1'. Cai'duo, public school board c11ah'mtul, said she had en- joyed the position work for two years and intended to step down but Would remain on the board another two years. She praised the teaching staff and said the good work oil 118r. Joynt in maintaining the school had reduced repair costs. There had been some vandalism. Blinds are being replaced. Mrs. Bons- sey's square dance class had won at the Western fair, Many hours of work had devoted to bo 101the e Christmas parade, She expected an adjustment of teachers' salar- ies, but did not know of any other new expenditures coining up. TUCKERS-MITH NOMINATION Continued fronit Page 1 Reeve Forsyth reported that the director of the Children's Ald Society in Huron County has re- tired this year after- plant years devoted of ' a •o ted serylcle The society had been fortunate in securing the services of the Re\, R. Cl, MacMillan as the new director. In closing his address the reeve extended season's greeting to all. Councillor V'l'ank Falco 11 e r ,thanked the meeting for his nomination. The biggest com- plaint he heard in his section was high taxes, where the high school rate Ilacl jumped 5,7 mills, He eonlpared the old system of send- ing the children to toll -11 when they went to high school and the Present system of providing transportation. His own family expect to start to high school next year, likely the school bus would be stopping at his gate for the next ten years or so. Mr, Fal- coner said that some think that the towns were not paying their share, but looking over their tax rates showed they were about half as much again; higher, Mr. Falconer eoneluded. Councillor Falconer told the meeting about the •fire protec- tion provided by the township. They had various agreements with Hensall, Brucefield, Sea - forth and Clinton, and any rate- payer could call on any of these brigades when needed, But do not call on more than one. During the year both Seafortll and Clin- ton had been called to the saute fire, Clinton was changing their y-steln of charging for protection next year, Councillor Victor Lee extended thanks to the meeting, and said he hoped Reeve Ivan Forsyth was seccessftt In his bid for warden. He went over the road expendi- ture. This year they had bought a tractor and mower. Councillor Elgin Thompson said it had been a privilege to serve for four years. He said there had been a steady increase in the use of the Ole drain act. which provided money at 4e' and 'en years to pay. Stanley tw'p. had also started using it. Work had been done on the road at Wil- fred Coleman's. MIr. Thompson told about work of the ,losable River. They were trying •10 get a charcoal plant to use their surplus wood. They had visited the Breslau dam and seen work of filling galleys at Oneida and getting grass to grow on the reclaimed land, Councillor Arthur Varley told about the warble fly spraying. He thought council Should get start- ed on a road construction pro- gram, "If we don't get started on a program some future council is going to be in trouble for gravel," he predicted. They were getting gravel from the Chiselhurst, Fowler and Jaekson pits. and there was not much more _ravel heft. We can build up roads for Seeeeetc 8leeiel a mile. This will save '-r; vel- in the future and a :nt start.r snowplowing. We should :1~tie south end of the .1' ,, ran pet 'grave, *Ton-. •iiFii: - - will be hard ti,pired. .,_.-. logy. ---. - . . the n,eet- fSe.,, Lorne l y FI He r -. tc titer to rat ti Aits1t, :e_..0 ;o• i Achievement Night County 4-H Club The Huron ('ovnty 4-H C'itib Aeltevetnent Night will be held th, South Huron District High Exeter on Friday even- it1. 1+01..1. tenttnencing at 8 p.m. LARGE SELECTION I Program -•Addresses by ±Ho w- O9 LATE RECORDS ld Iym, fres. 4.1I Club Lead. der AssociationMlrLarry SK�( -4"�� "�! :��� f .•��}cr, Chairman of' the S. H. 17. H, S. 1301114; D. II, Miles. Age•, Itep.,. Iluron County; 1vir, J. 11, Iiiu- kead, Godorietz, Public School In- spector for North Huron, Awards to 4.11 znetIlbers--Winners of Live- stock ll cial ,Awards, Trophies 'ues i stock Judging and Cash Awards to 4411 Members completing their projects, Mr, 1), G. Grieve, Asso- ciate Agr. Rep,, will be in Charge of these presentations, assisted by 4 -Ii Club Loaders, All members are requested to kindly bring sufficient lunch (sandwiches or 00olti08) for themselves and their friends, Chocolate milk will be provided, Old time and modern dancing will follow hunch. HULLETT On Nov, 28 the Fireside Farm Forum Held review night at the Moine of Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Taylor' with 17 adults present, A geography match and contests were held, Winters of 1110 con - est were Mrs, 11011 Buchanan ant Mrs. Geo, Carter. Dors, Brie An- derson n derson offered her home for next Monday Winners for progressive euchre were, most games, Mrs, Jos. Babcock anti Don Buchanan. Lone hands, Mrs. Bob Dalton and J. C, Babcock, Cott., Mrs, George Carter and Airs, Priv Anderson, ACCLAMATION IN HULLETT Tllotttas Leiper was ret timed its Hallett reeve by aceliunatiou. Hugh Flynn Was nominated but did not stand. Cotulcil was also put into or - lie, by acclamation. Members arc Hugh Flynn, James Dlcl:wiug and Clare Vincent, all members of Ole 108+) council, and 1) newcomer Don Buchanan, 1'11H S1;A10OIt'fli N1'1WS (Phone 84) Tlwrs+luy, Hecember 1, 1900 WI NTH ROP The alltlutll meeting 00 the vm'atd W.A. f Caazz, ` r Wile o and tl1r'op will be hold on \1.odizesday Dee 7, Ci1'ele 1 will look after the baulk, Circle 2 the program. Will the secretary of each depart- ment - please bring her report. The ladies aro asked to make candy for the Christmas 00110011, and to Urine;' it to this meeting' o1` leave it at the Winthrop store not later than Dec, 7, Cavan Sunday School are hav- ing laving their Christmas concert on Friday evening Dec. Rh and o11 the following Sunday, Dec. 11111 11101 are planning a white gift Service during the Sunday School hoar. Everyone is asked to bring their gifts wrapped in white and labelled, BORN Dale --- Al Scott Memorial hos- pital on Nov. 26, to Mr. and Vire. Ronaldounld Dale, Seaforlh, Lwin sous s Van Martel -- At Scott Mentor. Jai hospital on Nov, 26111, to Mr. tend Mrs. Theodore Van Bakal, St, Ccluutl a n daughter • cant hlet t stillborn) )t a ', Wilson -- At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov, 27th, to Mr, and Mrs. Ilon Wilson, Kitchener, a sort (stillborn) Chappel - At Seen Memorial Hospital on Noy. 271h, to Dir. and Mrs, Reg Chappel, Seaforth, ' de1 (taught hl 001196/1 At Scott Memorial Hospital an Nov, 29111, to Mr, and Mrs. hcuuelh Pllligsen, Intl Bornholm, a sou Stewart- It Scott Memorial i-lospital on Nov 21119, to Mr, and Mrs. Don Stewart, Sea fortit, is son POLICE REPORT Ontario Provltteittl Police Re- port for No. li district for Otto.. 1ei. Motorvehicle accidents 2311 •' ) fatal accidents 11, portions lulled 0, persons htJured 101, vehicles checked 11692, warning); lseeed 2040, charges laid 280. Most e11ar. get) ware, rate of speed 330. St, James Catholic Women's League BAZAAR! Tea and Home Baking Sat., Dec. 3rd 3 TO G SkatIn! SEAFORTH ARENA Friday Skating 8-10 AI)M. 35c & 25c Sat. 2 - Sat. Night Exeter Bantams \'s Searue'tlt Bantams 7,5n Admission 23,' Wednesday 8 - 10 35c & 25(' WELC INTO R w ' gal : a 'yL UTU E J!L THS MAN LIR e ®w1 3, Boos the Accredited FAME' Canvasser in your township will be knocking at your door. Welcome him into your home. This man may hold your future in his hands -your future as a farm producer now harassed by increasing costs, diminishing income and the growing threat of contract farming. This man represents FAME, Farmers' Allied Meat Enter- prises Co -Operative Limited, a powerful organization of farm producers dedicated to a better, more rewarding life for you and the community in which you live. FAME will place under the farmer's control a province -wide network of processing plants that will brand, merchandise, EESIT B FROilii YC warehouse, transport and sett fresh meat and processed meat products to the retail trade. FAME will devote its effort to Increasing your share of the consumer food dollar. FAME is now issuing debentures to initiate its program in Ontario. These debentures bear 6% interest. FAME Co -Operative Debentures are a first-rate investment, not only In terms of financial securi- ty, but in terms of the long-range economic future of every farm producer in Ontario. DEBENTURES R I,, • CAL CANVASSER GFtED��� Q' CA1IVASSER The Accredited FAME Canvasser ttaiust wear this Iden. ftfication badge, DEBENTURE ISSUE tel, cord td.mlfl., Mr or on otcreditsd canvoner for rb'mon' Allied Moot Enter., lobo, Co.oporadvo I1Mllad, Dots S -,.an nYdi..t 115 )4,$1I4$41.6) 54 .Alm 1.4;).Y,,W1. tv n. 1mlMl ..4IM 161110i .1 This is the Ac- credltatlon Card the FAME Canvass- er must show you to indicate that he has been accepted as a FAME Debep• tute Salesman In your township, Thlecard must be signed by the President and the Secretary of FAME. OR WRITE To; FARMERS' ALLIED MEAT ENTERPRISES CO-OPERATIVE LIMITED ROOM 304, 4198 DUNDAS ST. W., TORONTO18.