HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-11-24, Page 7Selfish Duke is Moro Than Shto xxlcrn • Those people who dismiss John Robert Russell, lith .Duke of Bedford, as just a showman, couldn't be more wrong. lie is a man of taste, culture acid (lir'.- I:ernment, and an extremely shrewd businessman. It's true that at his home, Woburn Abbey, the Duke puts on one of the greatest shows on earth. It grosses more than £100,000 annually and is grows trig all the time, Last year there were 402,000 satisfied customers; this year he hopes to top the half -million mark. But the Duke is not ashamed of capitalizing on his aerostats. It's the only way he can keep Woburn running and in good order. H 1 s forbears weren't above marrying for money arid ,Tohn, the 13th Duke, is quite ;realistic about using every le- gitimate device to keep the 23,- 000 -acre Woburn estate intact. "They did what they had to do," says the Duke in a quiet but forthright fashion. "And I do what I've got to do. This is the age of the ordinary man. Everybody's got a car or motor- bike and he wants to use it to go somewhere and see some- thing. He wants entertainment and I give it to him -- with a little instruction thrown in -- 1st half a crown a time, and a shilling for children. Call it escapism if you like. 1 call it show business." The Duke, tall, elegant in wells out dark -grey worsted, moves smoothly about his library as be speaks. It's built on the same heroic scale as the rest of the house. You can pack a fair-sized block of modern flats in the apace it occupies. His Grace waves a well -tended Rand in the air in a gesture em - ;bracing the walls, furniture and drapings. "This is show business. No doubt about it. Being a Duke today means you're in show biz up to the' neck, otherwise you elmply can't exist, let alone live In the manner in which the pub - fie thinks you should live." The old masters framed above the leather -lined books look down from the walls. Could it be with approval? There's some- thing approaching half a million pounds' worth of paintings in this roots alone. A Rembrandt self-portrait, a Hogarth self- portrait, a Hals, a Cuyp. And a dozen other selected master-. pieces. "It was the fourth or filth Duke who was responsible for most of those," says the 13th Duke casually. "He thought the walls looked a bit bare, so he sent his steward to buy some paintings. Fortunately he came back with mostly Dutch pic- tures." He nods towards the Rembrandt: "That self portrait there, for example, cost L' 16. it's probably worth anything up to .1:100,000 today. Makes yelp think, doesn't it?" These astronomic sums mean very little to a man who, when he inherited Woburn and the Dukedom, also found himself saddled with a -15,000,000 hill for death duties. That was six years ago, since when he has paid off all but a million and a half, which he confidently ex- pects to settle within three es four years. When he took eve: Woburn. the Abbey was iu an appalling condition. It hadn't been decor- ated for close on a hundred years. Half of it had been knock- ed down by his father, the 12th Duke, who was interested oniy in birds, animals and fish. What was left was Jam-packed with furniture. china and pictures piled higgledy-piggledly all over the place. Within six months, working eighteen hours a day most of the time the 13th Duke HE MADE THE SAVE - His eyes glued on the ball, Spanish goalkeeper Rcsmoletto heads far the turf at a London, England, soccer practice. lead everything ready for visit- ors. Queen Elizabeth didn't sleep here, But Charles I did, several times. So dict Queen Victoria. And the magnificent State Bed- room with its fabulous tapestries (newly restored by a secret pro- cess) is one of the most popular sights in the entire Abbey. His forbears had the knack of adroit fence -squatting. They fought on both sides during the civil war, as Roundheads and Cavaliers. Hence they managed to preserve the Abbey intact --- until the 12th Duke's bulldozers got to work on it. The. Great Park -- 3,000 beau - UM green acres of it -- is alive with rare birds, bison and herds of deer. That, and the house, should have been sufficient to draw the world to Woburn. But the 13th Duke decided it wasn't enough. He installed a children's zoo, a maze, swings, roundabouts and all the fun of the 'fair. At odd times he has staged parachute ,jumps, traction en - g i n e rallies (this drew 20,000 visitors), horse shows, a nudist convention (a washout owing to rain), scooter rallies and politi- cal rallies (Selwyn Lloyd drew a 37,000 Conservative attend- ance). "Anybody can hold a rail y here," says this most democratic of Dukes. "Even the Communist party. Provided they behave themselves, pay the bills and clear up the mess." In the planning -stage are razz festivals, bowling alleys, fish- ing and boating lakes, swimming pools and tennis courts. Any thing, in fact, in the entertain- ment line that will tickle the mid -20th Century palate, writes Sidney Vauncey in "Tit -Bits." These ventures need consider - al -be staff. Apart from the Duke's administrative personnel. he em- ploys 250 people. There are six night watchmen. And fourteen Mrs. Mopps come to clean up the Abbey every day. Not excessive, really when one considers that the 11th- Duke never had fewer than fifty indoor servants alone. • All this is tremendously exact- ing work, but the Duke has come up the hard way. He, used to having it rough. At sixteen. talon Lord Howland. he was pitch- - forked into London to fend for . himself on a pittance of , L98 : per annum. Then he aecame a - reporter ' 00 0 national dully and tante when he inherited some money, he started a fruit farm in South Is fries. These. day: the 'Duke regards himself primarily as a show- man. He is always around et Woburn on visiting days, sign- ing autographs and keeping 4 very sharp eye on things. He is propelled by a tircles6 NO GUNS ALLOWED — Jaime Cruz, 23, is jammed to the pave- ment by a police officer Another policeman took from him xl .25 caliber automatic carried by Cruz at Sen. John Kennedy's torchlight parade in Chicago. Cruz denied he intended violence, claimed,in fact, he was voting for Kennedy, MERRY MENAGERIE "Junior! You ere not old enough to smoke— -much lase M bed!" determination to keep Woburn on the map. This will take him lecturing to Women's Clubs in America during October and November: in 1961 he goes to Vancouver 055 another lecture tour, and the year after he is booked for Australia, In between times, both here and in America, he will appear frequently on T.V. But, basic- ally, this is not for self -adver- tisement. He does it because his name has become. synonymous with Woburn Abbey. The more people talk about hint, the more they'll come to see his stately home. After work, the Duke occa- sionally drives up to town, Lon- don is less than fifty miles away and his huge American car tone of three In his stable) eats up the distance comfortably in about forty minutes. He bought it second-hand for about £3,000. Originally it cost £8,500 and was a present from the owner to jockey Lester Piggott when he rode Sir Victor Sassoon's first Derby winner. The Duke drives very fast. He cruises down the M,1 motorway so smoothly that one seems to be floating on air. When you. ask him what speed he's travel- ling, it turns out he's touching ninety-seven miles an hour. The Duke is a happy man, He accounts for his current content- ed outlook on life thus: "Making people hrppy is the greatest happiness in the world." he says, "An artist creates hap- piness with_ his talent, I strive to do it through the medium of icy wonderful inheritance and thereby to preserve ii for my .ton and the ,1Onei'at5(515' :hot will. fr.11ow." The Bedford motto is Che Sara, Sara , "What will he, I will be," John Robert Russell, the 13th Duke, is making sure that whatever else won't., Wo- burn Abbey always will be. Lester Ditches That Bow Tie! Does a jaunty bow tie repel the voters? In the ease of Michi- gan's Gov. G. Mennen (Soapy) Williams, most famous bow -tis man in LIS. politics, the answer is apparently no, But the backs room boys of Canada's Liberal Party have decided differently, So Liberal leader Lester B. Pear- son, at their request, no longer wears the ties that were his trademark in his days as Ex ternal Affairs Minister, "It makes the people think of bow -tie diplomacy," said one of his colleagues, who went on to explain how -tie diplomacy: An informal, free -and -easy ap- proach to problems of interna- , tional relations, characterized by friendly, first - name contacts, short -cutting red tape and proto- col. "It's a term of ridicule," he added, "like striped pants, or iv or y tower, ar egghead. It's bad." -- from NEWSW'EEK, Turkey's common names are gobbler, wild turkey, and bronze turkey. Description: Largest of American upland game birds, A streamlined, bronze -cohered bird that cannot possibly be mistaken for any other species, Distribu• Bern From Maryland south to Florida and west to Texas and New Mexico. It feeds on various plants, nuts, acorns, fruits, ber- ries, grasshoppers, and insects. AGENTS SALESMAN. Appliance dealers to sell i £inert pulp, expellingju(eers stainless steel cookware. literature direct Jeto- inatle distributor, 11324 Well Sts., Ed - moisten. • BABY CHICKS SPE( ( IAL prices on Bray 18.20 weak old pullets, and started chicks, prompt shipment; clayotds, hatched to order (dual purpose and speeia1te egg ere• i ducers). Order February-Mureh broilers 1 Hatchery, 120tact Johnent North, wHlte amilltot Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DEALERS, Salesmen & Farmers to sell Chicks oldest and Ewell pendia thliehed ilateg cries in Canada. offering the best franchised layer and ell other point - lar breeds ommionpd.ACII bNum. ber 224. 123.1510 Street. New Toronto; Ont BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE HARDWARE corner stare with S-ranirt apt. Long established town and farm business in growing community 40 miles potefrom , no o wtt Toronto. didtialcompetition for15 miles! Only $30,000 plus stock at cost, terms provided. Mr. Grose, BA. 6.7711, ,1. bl Farquharson Real Estate, 4909A Vonge Street, Wtllowdale, Ontario. COINS COINS wanted, pay highest prices. 1981 coin Catalogue 255 Gary's (01 0910 Jas. per Ave„ Edmonton. Alta. Paying 500 each tor 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925 Canadian small pennies. Mrs, Sion gen, 787 Wilson St., Victoria, 14.C, EYE GLASSES EYE GLASSES Slipping Use Dorsay's Ear•Loks, years supply glass cleunor, both 01.05. Meldle Sales, P.O. Roe 207, Warwick. Rhode Island. FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACRES rolling etas, loam, excellent house,tgoil,am completely aonve fence, brick rate hen house, p15 pen• thriving 515. lage 3 miles, 4 miles FTwvy9, high school bus. Herold Pratt, Grand Val. ley, Ont. FARM, 190 acres, A-1 clay loatn, good barn, hydro end water, silo 13 x 45, home,Llbasement ! hoter and cold wader. Fall line of machinery, milking ma. ebine, milk cooler. 22 Holstein cows, 4 heifers 5 yearlings, 10 calves. For the right family a down payment of 90,000 Brokers 59 Victt. oria Avan e., tjhxlliatn. 55. 2-9055. . FOR SALE CHICKEN FARM & HATCHERY In Aurora, six acres, four large hattd- legs, automatic equipment, many' ex. eras. Ideal for two partners or large fancily. Twelve thousand cosh gives Possession, balance :arranged. Phone PA, 7.9701, PA. 7.4840 ar R & M Chick Ranch, Box 1151 Aurora, FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS GIVE health and beauty for Christmas' our jewelled magnetic bracelets are Priced restoring 1and 50. Natobeautiful to j 398 Sabiaton St.. Nanaimo, B.C. Agents wanted. SIIREDDED Foam Rubber. Stuff your own pillows and toys. 5 111. bag $2.38. Prot) act Mai, Box 02, oPort credit, to order Ontarted le. PAL -PLUG COMBINED shot gun plug and match container, $1 each. Box 83, Postal Sta- tion 1) Hamilton, Ont, HATCHING EGGS WANTED- Ftockowners to supply one of the largest, registered Hata. Aesaelhatching eggs. bredrequired ggreed dual purpose breeds, broiler breeds. Extremely large premium pale. Apply Box Number 225. 123.18th Street. New Toronto. Ont. HELP WANTED_ Occupational Therapist 190 -BED hospital with active Physical Therapy sptal51). Ct mrtyons. t ephoiMichigan. I S.A. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES FOR SALE Wlecr Tr plc Gauge HeavLESS Cy{ Sttainless17Steel. New low price in Canada of 850.90. Fully guaranteed. write for further de. )nils Oiner Sales Co., Box 215. )sling. tun. Ontario. A Letter We'd Al Just Love To Write The following letter, quoted In "Taxation" tor April 30th, 1960, comes from a report of ter Commissioner of Taxes for Rho- desia and Nyasaland. It was written by an African on re- ceipt of an income tax rehire, and expresses with beautiful simplicity exactly what we have felt about the things for years. "1 have to refere to the attach- ed form dated July 19th, 1956. I regret to state 1 am unable to complete the form as I do not know what is meant by filling this form — moreover I am not interest •in this income services, Couldyou please cancel out my name in your hooks as this sys- tem has upeetcd my mind and 1 00 not know who register mo as one of ...our customers in this lilac tor." How Can 1? By Roberta Lee Q, flow ran I shorten 0 piaster' aincoat? • A, One .very good way to ac- c•omplith this is to •tut'n up. the hens and stick it into place with some adhesive tape. Q. What can I do about the dents in carpeting, caused by heavy articles of furniture which have been moved to other spots? A. You can fluff these dents in your carpeting hack to shape by covering thein with a- damp cloth, then .applying a trot iron, following this with a brushing with a stiff brush. tSSIII3 47 -- I9Bi TISING INSTRUCTION EARN More Beukkeepittg, Sate:intim whip, Shorthand Typewriting, eta Lest sons BOO. Ask for tree circular No 33. Canadian Corr& u"cutence Courses, 5290 Bay Street, Toronto. LIVESTOCK ... (IOA1tOLAIS belt breed of the future. t moire Chaoluts Hereford Cross Calves for sale, Belle $105.00, Heifers 5300.00. Write lar free booklet Robin Hahn, Durham, Otnt • FREeli end springer liolsteins, grades and Purebreds Area. accredited, euws, vaeclnated or blood tested Your pick of s quantity. We will deliver. .700. W. Ceclnano & Sons ILII. No. 5, Barrie, Ontario. Phone: 1'iR21 Stroud. 12 PURE•BIIED holstein heifers open, vaccinated, Kempt01e unit; 4 Pure. bred cows due in dunuoryl 0 .grade aoWs due in November, ail vaccinated, accredited area, 1 team of black Per• sHumeMcConnell, CI Sr10VIL11Ont,ilereet0. 2400, MAGAZINES HPECIAL Christmas rates. Your choice of - magozine gift subscriptions. Your own lneluded. Write Morley, Stephen- son. 174 Euston Road. Burlington, On- tario. MEDICAL IT'S EXCELLENT. REAL RESULTS AFTER TAKING DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEURITIS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 33$ ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect _-. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Serve will not disappoint you. itching scalding and burning 00ze. ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema, will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Posl Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POS'T'S REMEDIES 1065 Si Clair Avenue East Toronto NURSESANDNURSING ASSISTANTS NURSES and certified nursing assist- ants required for a new hospital open. Ing In December in Kawartha-Halibur• ton resort area. Good personnel poll, cies. 0114 pension plan. Director of Nursing ROSS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL LINDSAY, ONTARIO NURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSES FOR general duty nursing 10 modern hospital in progressive community east of Port Arthur, Ontario. Starting sal ary 0259.00 per month. Room and board provided at no cost tit modern nurses° residence. Excellent employee benefits end yearrouad recreational facilities available, Apply stating full particu• Jars of age. experience, availability, New TarBbs No. 226, 123-TSth Street, NURSING HOMES COMFORTABLE accommodation for elderly people, 24-hour supervision, registered nurse, tray service. Syming• till Nursing Home Orillia FA 5.1111, NUTRIA ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA When purchasing Nutria. consider the following points, whieh this organtue tion offers: 1. The best available stock, no cross- bred or standard types recommended. 2. The reputation of a plan wide!, Ls proving itself substantiated by files or satisfied ranchers. PuLt should they insurance against tort l nc• theeevent of sterility tall redly explained in our c,ertlfieate of merit.) 4 We give you only mutations which are in demand for fur garments'. 5, You receive from this organization a guaranteed pelt market, in writing. 0. Membership in our exclusive breed- ers' association, whereby' only purchas- ers of this stock may participate In the benefits so offered, Prices for Breeding Stock start at 8200, a pair. Special offer to those who quality: earn your Nutria on our cooperative basis. Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd.. R.R. No. 2, Stuutfellle, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN 13E A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Greet Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, Thousands of Successful Marvel Graduate's America's Greatest System nhlatrated Catalogue Free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 ;Door St W, Toronto Branches: 44 Xing St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PERSONAL nava?: S18liNG 81.80 It fund i h too date!. Ot1TIXIOR 1(llltt ,STS Coed Wood., (lilt 651X. Avoid dr eestore (-moor isment, Order pct on I needs u wait Conf. d"nllo1, Cir n) t serves 1 ,•send thee slimy, Ler 93, station D hitt. LOOK! Let o c o. huh ,':lilt on housewares Tools; . :lifts, etc,I15 soy. Ings, gtu r ten ed products, C f Logue tree. Vallee Sakes C o , 518 hill 14510. National City Calif. _.... HYGIENIC RUBBER 00005 TES'r1;11. ta;renteed mailed rn plaht pjiurest, iniludhv7 catalogue and sex bnolt 1're;e with trial assortment. IS for 161.011 !Finest quality) Western Distribu- tors, Box 24 TPP, Regina, Sask. PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB Box 31, GALT, ONT. F!lrrie developed • nd 11 magna prints 4)0 12 magna primne tin,' Itcprints rll KODACOLOR Developing roll 1501 a ,not intending prints). Calor prints 3n each extra Ansco and Egtecitrome 35 nun 20 tee prints fros m sliidesl32slidesS,, 35 Molloy Calor' funded in full for unprinted negatives. PHOT05 WALLET PIiOTOS! 40 for 81.60, Top quality photo r,phs of rnb.ht service, send arty picture or loci dire. A0. Box 18, New York 34, New 'York. �.. POU LARV ._— EXTRA profit Is What everyone wants today, but it le harder to secure lit any huslue s We can help you [Hoke mare profit 001 of your laying hens. Others are doing it with Cashman Hf- Cash production pullets. Results on your ow0 farts are what count, but we can also give you some of the offi- cial results of the Cashman pullets in Saying contests. At M1ssnur( Random was high pen wiin":3t 1059.100 , Cashman 2nd Clare in 1958.1959 and 4th place in 1957.581 perthree year bird less than than ll`,ice with 25 t place pen. Other 1959.1065 results -- winner in the Florida Malone' 'rest, 3rd place in the Minnesota Random highest profit of any of the franchised breeders In Penn- sylvanla. Also among the top Pens in other tests. You will matte extra profit with Cashman Hl -Cash layers. Free Cashman folder. Also avatlable, other popular egg, dual-purpose and broiler breeds. Turkey points. laying pellets. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD FERGUS ONTARIO STAMPS HONDURAS; 33 different mints plus 18 different values on enver, $1. Fl, Bassett, ttiv), Apartado 594, Tegnate- alpa, Honduras. U.S. PROPERTIES PLORIDA MOTELS, homes, citrus, pasture and 05. Only 405 miles to in Desoto £amp west coast. J. HAMILTON, SALESMAN JANE WHIDDEN, REALTOR 22 MAGNOLIA 5T. ARCADIA, FLORIDA, U.S.A. 1,i' 4wfF ttntzt AT HOME iN SPARE TIME t Low monthly payments include r f standard text books and instrue• tion. Credit for subjects already completed. Pratress as rapidly as 1 your time and • ('(15)ies permit. DIPLOMA All ABIDED. THIS IS A CANADL4IN 861001 SCHOOL COURSE AND WILL PRE• PARE YOU FOR COLLEGE. OUR 63RD YEAR AMERICAN SCHOOL, 106 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont Please send FREE MO School ('Booklet. 1 NAME ADDRESS Tou'rialRED ALL THE il� dE Now and then everybody gets a "tired -out" feeling, and may he bothered by backaches. Perhaps cosh- ing; seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Piss, Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may after rause back- ache, and tired feeling. Then you feel better, real better, work better. Get MAWS' Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box whit the red hand at all drug counters, You can depend en Uodd'..co :4116—$32 Billion.. Sales Or Turnover Te )96--57 billion Social insurance Po) meets/ , 351i%'b---$29 Billion'.' Profits of industries Owned, Run by Kremlin 9"0--$7 Billion Income Tux 2' Z"0---$2 billion • Collective Fane Tax Tax Sources for 1960 Soviet budget of 77 Billion Dollars TAX HOCUS-POCUS — Trick bookkeeping helps fool the Russian people into believing that taxes are being abolished but hard facts prove otherwise. Soviet 1960 revenue will total 77 billion dollars of which only seven billion comes from income taxes. All the rest ore "hidden" taxes reflected in consumer prices: Em- ployer-paid social security, soles or "turnover" tax, collective forms levy and profits front government-owned industries. Source: Northwestern National Lite Insurance Co, bulletin.