HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-11-24, Page 1The
eaforth N
Phone 84
51.50 a Year
Eastern Star
Instals Officers
Thursday evening of last week
Mrs. Ella Middleton, Exeter, in-
stalled the Officers of Seaforth
Chapter No. 233 Order of the
Eastern Star, assisted by Mrs,
Ella Blair, Strathroy, Mrs, Edith
Phillips, Blyth, Mrs. Barbara
Sperling, St. Marys, Mrs, Ada
Love, Exeter, Mrs, Ina Wolfe, of
Stratford, Mr. E, Campbell, Exet-
er, Mr. S. Love, Exeter, and Mr,
5, Thompson, Wingham, Mrs,
Anna Kling acted as pianist for
the evening.
Tho officers installed were:
Worthy Matron, Mrs. Dorothy
Doig, Worthy P Mr, James Doig;
Associate Matron, Mrs. Dolena
MoQuaig; Associate Patron, Mr,
David McLean; Secretary, Mrs,
Anona Crozier; Treas., Mrs, Hel-
en Reeves; Chaplain, Mrs, Flora
Dalrymple; Marshal, Mrs. Edna
Hutchinson; Pianist, Mrs. Helen
McClure; Ada, Miss Jeanette Wil-
son; Ruth, Miss Jean Scott; Esth-
er, Mrs. Dave McLean; Martha,
Mrs. Florence McGavin; Elects,
Mrs, Mae Waterworth; Warder,
Mrs. Eva Clarke; Sentinel, Mr,
Chas, Reeves.
A delicious lunch and social
hour convened by Mrs, Helen Mc-
Clure and Mrs, Helen Reeves was
held after the meeting.
Three lucky draws were donat-
ed by Mrs. Eva Clarke and won
by Mrs. E. Campbell, Exeter, Mrs.
Ada Love, Exeter, and Mrs. Arn-
old Wescott, Seaforth,
Visitors were present from
Strathroy, St. 'Marys, Stratford,
Mitchell, Clinton, Blyth, Wing -
The law office of McConnell
-and Stewart will move to the
premises in the Learn Block va-
cated by the Toronto -Dominion
Bank, The move will take place
as soon atter Dec. 1 as the new
offices are ready.
It is understood that a local
store will move to the present Mc-
Connell and Stewart location af-
ter the first of the year. How-
ever the proprietor stated on
Tuesday that there is nothing to
announce until the end of the
The committee appointed by
Huron County Council to award
scholarships and bursaries at the
University of Western Ontario
announces the following select-
ions for 1900:
\\'illiam Ethevington, RR 1,
'lensed; Edward Norminton, of
Honsall; Richard Stewart, Dun-
gannon; Donald Taylor, Exeter;
Piet Van der Meer, Goderich.
The scholarships to the boy and
girl from Huron County who at-
tained the highest standing were
awarded to John Runstedtler, of
Wingham; Linda Blake, Goder-
The Seaforth W. L held their
first euchre and dance of the Sea-
son last Friday evening. Nov. 18,
Music was supplied by Pierce's
Orchestra 00 Blyth. Prize win-
ners for the euchre were ladies
first, Mrs. Walter McClure, sec-
ond, Mrs, I•Iarold Pethick, con.,
Mis. C. McClinchey. Men's first,
Wally Crich, second, Jas. Keyes,
con„ Gordon Elliott. Birthday in
November, Mrs, Gordon McKen-
zie, Mrs. Gordon Elliott.
The first meeting of the Short
Course "The Third Meal" will be
held "Thursday evening, Nov, 24
at 8 p.nr. at the home of Mrs. G.
Kerr. Supper dishes will be dem-
onstrated. Anyone wishing to
take this course is welcome, .
By Jack Holland
Well folks, there is not a great
deal of news this week but hero
we go with what we have.
As a result of the recent nom-
ination meeting here is a list of
the candidates for the coming
Past Pres„ Archie Dobson. For
President, Allan Nicholson, D-
'Orlean Sills, John Longstaff;
First Vice Pres., Clair Raney,
Barry Marshall, Gus Boussey;
Second Vice Pres„ Cleve Coombs,
acclamation; Treas„ Ron Mac-
Donald, acclamation; Sec„ Llyod
Rowat, acclamation; Sports Of-
ficer, Jack Eisler, acclamation;
Membership Com„ Ken Betties,
Tofu Wilbee; Ente rt a i n m e n t
Chairman. Geo. Hays, accl.; Sgt. -
At -Arms, Bill Wilbee, accl.; Wel-
faro Officer, Jake Cornish, acol.;
Special Events, Charlie Woods,
acct,; Public Relations Officer,
Jack Holland, accl,; Property
Committee, Dick Box, .L Matson,
D. Sills; Sick and Visiting, Alex
Irwin, J. Watson, Glen Smith;
House Committee, Les Beattie, -13.
Marshall, T. Wilbee; Trustees,
H. Huisser, 2. Wood, C. Haney
(One to be elected); Chaplain and
Padre, Father Sullivan and Rev,
Polder; Auditors, R. Spittal, F.
Willis, A, Y. McLean,
So there you are comrades, I
don't caro how you vote, the im-
portant point is to come out and
As usual om' Saturday night
bingo will be held at the regular
time and of course our annual
turkey bingo is being hold on
Nov, 30, a date to keels in mind,
Our Grey Cup tickets aro going
fast, have yea got yours? So this
winds it up for now and will close
with a, thought for oar fallen
comrades, "At the going down of
the sun and in the morning we
shall remember them",
Liquor Store
'Nears Completion
Construction of the Seaforth
liquor store on North Main St,
will be completed by this week.
The building will then be taken
over by the Liquor Control Board
and it is expected will be ready
to open in about two weeks.
It is stated that the new store
will sell liquor only and not be
a combination store with beer,
Cub Registrations Closed
Up to the present time 00 boys
have presented themselves for
Wolf Cub training and it is very
much regretted that, due to a die::
tubing shortage of Scouters, no
more boys can be accepted for
the time being,
Wanted—Used Cub uniforms,
jerseys or caps. Please contact
Mrs, John Carnochan,
Wanted, Wanted Wanted —
Volunteer assistant Scout and
Cub leaders, usually referred to
as Scouters, Previous experience
not required as instruction will
be given. At the moment we have
approximately 90 Scouts and
Cubs to supervise and to train,
and only 4 Scouters to do it,
Come and help us with this great
work, Fathers of Scouts or Cubs
are particularly welcome, Any-
one interested please contact 3,
R. Spittal.
Scout Promise. "On Tay honour
I promise, that I will do my best
to do my duty to God and the
Queen, to help other people at all
tithes, and to obey the Scout Law.
The marriage is announced of
Miss Alfreda Doucet, Rog. N., of
Dartmouth, N.S., to Petty Offi-
cer Lorne Robert Goudie, R,C.N„
Halifax, N,S„ son of Mr. and Mrs.
E, B. Goudie, Seaforth, The cere-
mony took place in Dartmouth
on Nov. 5th. The couple are re-
siding at 7 Dahlia St, Dart-
mouth, N. S.
Ryerson Building
Honors H. H. Kerr
The naming of Kerr Hall in
Toronto after a graduate of the
old Seaforth Collegiate is referr;
ed to as follows in the Globe and
The former Working Boys'
Home, a Toronto landmark once
ravaged by time and tenants, has
become the new student union
building for the Ryerson Institute
of Technology,
The building, constructed in
1850 as the home of an English
architect and renovated at a cost
of $100,000, will be officially op.
ened Monday by Education Min-
ister John P. Roberts,
To be known as Kerr Hall in
honor of Ryerson Principal H. H.
Kerr, the rehabilitated building
was paid for entirely by the stu-
dents through profits gleaned
from all branches of the student
talion corporation.
Magazine subscriptions and
calendars were sold and a raffle
featuring a free trip to Europe
was conducted. Hydrogen -filled
balloons bearing the motto "I,
John Doe, have contributed to the
student union fund," were sold,
Even bids were accepted at a
radio auction to hear Principal
Kerr's wobbly tenor over CJRT,
the Ryerson radio station,
Mrs. D. L, Elder was hostess at
the Manse when the McKillop
WMS of First Presbyterian
Church held their Nov. meeting
on Thursday. A good attendance
of members and friends were pre-
sent. Mrs. R. E, McMillan presid-
ed and opened the program with
the poem "He Does Care". writ-
ten by the late John Beattie.
The minutes of last meeting were
read and roll call taken. During
business period it was decided
to have a special offering at the
Dec, meeting for buildings on the
Bhil Field. A nominating com-
mittee composed of Mrs. Frances
Coleman, Con„ Mrs. James Keyes
and Mrs. Albert Harrison was ap-
pointed to bring in a new slate of
officers to the next meeting
which will be held Dec, 15th. The
scripture lesson was read by Mrs.
WM. Drover followed with pray -
et' by Mrs. James Aitclteson, Mrs.
N, R. Dorrance sang a lovely solo
"Have Thine Own Way Lord" ac-
companied by Miss Jessie Praiser,
The topic, Women of the Bible
who were close to Jesus was tak-
en by Jean Scott reading the
story of Mary, the mother of Je-
sus, Mrs. Albert Harrison about
Elizabeth and the story of Anna
by Mrs, R. D. McMillan, The
tweeting was then closed with a
hymn and prayer,
Mr, and Mrs, John Mustard and
faintly of Brucefield visited with
relatives in Varna and Parr Line
on Sunday last,
Word was received of the
death of Lillian Dunkin, wife of
the late Harry Thompson in her
77th. year. The late Mr's. Thomp-
son was a former resident of
Stanley. Four sons survive: Clar•
ems of Vancouver; Geo, end Wil-
liam 00 Saskatchewan; John of
Whitefish, Ont,, a sister (Pearl)
Mrs, Albeit Ross of Florida. The
funeral was held from the Box
Funeral Home, Parkhill on Mons
day of this week. Interment in
Parkhill Cemetery.
.A large number of parents at-
tended the opening of the addi-
tion of the Clinton Collegiate last
Friday evening,
The many friends of Mrs. An-
son Coleman who is a patient in
Seek to Maintain
Locker Service
At a meeting of creditors in
London on Thursday afternoon,
Mr. Charles A. Barber of Sea -
forth was appointed to represent
the interests of the lockor ]folders
in the Seaforth Creamery locker
Mr. P, D, McConnell represent-
ed the interests of the P,U,C. and
the town council at this meeting,
Mr, Kime, the receiver, stated
that the buildings will be return-
ed to the mortgagee, Mrs. Fisher,
Mr. Barber met with Mr. Kime
on Monday of this week when the
interests of the locker holders
were discussed. All steps possible
will be taken to try to maintain
Che locker in operation in Sea,
Bridge and Euchre
Mrs, L, Ford of the Seaforth
Lawn Bowling Club was hostess
last Friday evening to the ladies
for their bridge and euchre par-
ties, Prizes donated by Mrs, Alice
Stiles and Mrs, 5, Gray were won
by Miss Dorothy Parke and Mrs.
Alice Stiles.
The hostess was assisted in
serving the refreshments by Miss
Rena Fennell, Mrs. K. Etue, Mrs,
A. Sillery and Mrs. F. C. J. Sills,
Miss Florence Laidlaw express-
ed thanks to Mrs. Ford and the
The next meeting will be held
in January.
Farmers Union Open House
Hold Banquet Here Held at Bank
Two hundred members and r The Open house held at the
new building T the Seaforth
guests sat down to the first an-
branch of the or•ontn•Dnnunion
Bank was a gala affair on hater -
day afternoon,
The opening ceremony of rut• I
Ing the ribbon was perforated bye
Mayor Ed Daly. Manager W. C.
Moore, manager of the branch
here, and Mrs, Moore, and they
staff, welcomed the visitors who
toured the new premises. People
admired design of the new build-
iug and the appointments and'
equipment. The counters and the,
desks had lovely bouquets of au -1
tunm flowers.
Construction started early in
the spring when the old build-
ing Was demolished. The last de•
tails and polishing up were coni- 1
pleted Saturday morning in time
for the opening. The bank started
regular business on Monday in
the new premises.
Among the bank officials from
out of town who attended the
opening were G. E, Mines, assist-
ant general manager, and Mrs.
Hines, D, Chivers, supervisor of
premises in Ontario, and Mrs.
Chivers, E, C. Gibbs, supervisor
of public relations and advertis-
ing, and John Parsonage, all of
Toronto. Also the branch mana-
gers and their wives from nearby
towns, Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Echlin
from Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
McKay from Stratford, and Mr,
and Mrs, Wilfred Douglas from
nual banquet sponsored by the
Huron Farmers' Union Tuesday
night at the Legion Hall, Sea -
forth, Robt. Taylor, director, was
chairman for the evening.
Vaughn Douglas was the guest
speaker, Ile told of his recent
trip to Russia and showed a film
taken during the tour,
Mi', Douglas compared his 15
days in Soviet Russia to drop-
ping off the edge 00 a cliff, "We
were out off from the rest of the
world," he said,
He referred to crop yields On
collective farms as being on a
par with ours. The land, in spite
of being very flat does not pre-
sent a drainage problem and is
very productive,
"The Russian farmers make
good use of fertilizer, the weeds
are controlled, and they have ex-
cellent agricultural schools", Air,
Douglas said, "As far as produc-
tion goes they have not reached
the surplus stage".
Mr. Gordon Hill, past O.P.U.
president, said the Farmers' Un-
ion continues to support the idea
of one general farm organization
with marketing done by commit-
tees representing each of the
commodities, Ile condemned the
existing practice where each pro-
duct is represented by a com-
pletely independent organization,
with its own board of directors,
a compulsory means of finance,
which makes its own policy, oft-
en to the detriment of other
ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT groups of producers,
VISITS DISTRICT "We must bring some co-ordin-
Mrs. Louise Clarke, Toronto, ation out 00 the chaos that exists
President of the Rebekah Assent• in farm organization to -day." he
bly of Ontario, last week official-
ly visited Huron District No. 23.
On Monday evening members
of Morning Star Lodge, Brussels,
met with Edelweiss Lodge and
took part in the meeting, Prior to that 0111' economy requires a coiri-
the meeting a banquet was ser
ed in the L.O.L. hall by the LOBA bination of co-operatives and pri-
organization in honor of Mrs, cote enterprise", he said.
Clarke and Mrs. Jos. Grummett, "The co-op principle must be
D.D.P. of Huron district. Cor-
sages were presented to the hon-
ored guests by Mrs, Margaret
Messenger, N. G. of Edelweiss
Lodge, and who was mistress of
ceremonies at the banquet. Mrs.
John Lowe, N. G. of Morning Star
Lodge proposed a toast to the
Assembly to which Mrs. Clarke
replied. In charge of the banquet
arrangements were Mrs, Messen-
ger, Mrs. Charles Reeves, Mrs.
Ed Andrews, Mrs, Keith Sharp
and Mrs. Scott Habkirk. Tlie ta-
bles were beautifully appointed
with pink and green candlelight-
ing and matching containers of
The officers of Morning Star
I:edge opened the meeting with
the hostess lodge conducting the
During the meeting a donation
was made to the War Memorial
Children's Hospital at London.
Addressing the joint meeting,
Mrs. Clarke asked the members
to be sincere in their work and in
their living,
On behalf of the district lodges
the president was presented with
an oil painting of a scene in Hu-
ron County, and the work of a
Rebekah, by Miss Jessie Little of
Morning Star Lodge and Mrs. J.
Grummett of Edelweiss Lodge,
Following the meeting a suc-
cessful Penny Sale was held fol-
lowed by a dainty lunch served
by Mrs. 3, Ilillebrecht and Com-
On successive evenings similar
joint meetings were held at God-
erich with Amber Lodge of Hen-
sel] as guests, and at Exeter with
Iluronic Lodge of Clinton as
Mr. Hill upheld the principle of
co-operatives and said any lack of
success they have experienced in
the past could be attributed to
human failure, "It 1s my belief
The Turners' Church W. A. filet
in the church basement at 8,30
p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 17 with
13 members and two visitors pre-
sent. The roll call was answered
by one of the "Ten Command-
ments". The vice-pres„ Mrs. Er -
lin Whitmore, conducted the
meeting. The scripture was read
by Mrs, Wni, Rogerson. The
Prayer by Mrs. Elmer Townsend,
devotions by Mrs, H. Johns, Mrs.
Stanley Johns took the topic.
During the business meeting do-
nations of $25 each wore given to
C1ONX Sing time, to the London
Western University Residence
Fund, and to the Fred Victor
Mission, Toronto. The baying
committee to use the mission
money to purchase a wool blank-
et aucl children's clothing to be
sent with the bale of used cloth-
ing to be brought to the church
at 1,30 p,nf, Thurs. Dec. 1, where
a quilt will be tied, This quilt and
two wool blankets are to be don-
nated to the Overseas Relief Com-
mittee, Toronto, to be sent to the
Arabian Refugees in Tunisia and
Morocco. Lunch was served by
Mrs. W. P, Roberts and Mrs.
Leslie Lawson,
Mr, and Mrs, Toni Smith and
children of Grimsby visited re-
cently with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Messrs Rome Love; Edison Mc-
Lean, Lloyd Lovell, John Sinclair
and'Ilaelt I3innendyk assisted in
Sing Time at CKNX-TV Sunday
Mrs, Torn Bourke of Wroxeter
called during the week at the
hone of tier sister and brother-
itelaw, Mr, and Mrs. W. Mellis,
C1inCot Hospital wish her a
speedy recovery.
carried into the food processing
field, Farmers must follow their
merchandise closer to the con-
sumer in order to counteract :he
buying pressures of chain super
markets. Our existence, as fancily
farmers depends on our ability to
market as efficiently as we have
learned to produce," Mr, Hill
"The wheat problem in West-
ern Canada is the problem of ev-
ery farmer here to -night," Mr.
Hill continued. He spoke of being
in Manitoba reeently where farm-
ers being unable to sell their
grain are going into livestock,
"This will increase livestock
numbers and have a direct beer
ing on Ontario farmers", Mr. Hill
Little Diane Henderson delight-
ed the audience with two vocal
Mrs, Emerson Mitchell was the
hostess to thirty ladies of the
Walton Group for their Nevem
ber meeting when Mrs. Wm, Tha
mer presided, opening with the
hymn 259 "We have heard a joy
ful Sound", Mrs, Cecil Lyddiatt
read the scripture passage from
Galatians 4: 1-7 with comments
by the leader on "God having
sent His Son" and prayer was
offered. The topic was taken from
two articles "More Haste Less
Speed" and "Progress arises from
Discontent" and given by Mrs.
W. C. Haekwell. The roll call was
responded to by naming a Mis-
sionary. Secretary and Treasurer
reports were given; also an invi-
tation extended from the Angli-
can ladies to attend a social even-
ing in the Walton Hall on the
evening of Dec, 1,
Mrs, W. 0, I-Iackwell's side
were winners of the copper con-
test and will be entertained on
Dec, 12 by the losers. Boxes will
be packed for shut-ins the same
evening. Slate of officers for 19111
are as follows:
Pi'es., Mrs, Wm. Thamer; Vice
Pres., Mrs, Emerson -Mitchell; Pi-
anist, Mrs, I). Ennis, Miss Deseie
Davidson; WMS Treas., Mrs. E.
Watson; W. A, Treas., Mrs. Ron
Bennett; Sec., Mrs, Herb Travis;
Supper Committee, Mrs. Ralph
Travis, .Mrs. T. Dundas, Mrs, N,
Marks, and Mrs, C. Lyddiatt;
DUBLIN Press Reporter, Airs. Ethel Haek-
The November meeting of St. well; Program Committee, Mrs,
Mary's Anglican Guild was held Nelson Reid and Mrs, Alf. Ander-
at the home of Ml's, Govier with a son; Shutin Boxes, Mrs, D. Ennis,
good attendance, The meeting
Mrs. W. Broadfoot, Mrs. R. Ach-
was otiened by singing of a hymn, ; tiles; Quilt Committee, Mrs, Geo.
Mrs. Friend read the scriptureDundas, Mrs. Lloyd Porter, Mrs.lesson followed by the Lord's I W. Broadfoot; Copper Contest
Prayer in unison. Moved- and leaders, Mrs, R. Achilles. Mrs.
seconded that the Guild pay the I Geo. Thibbert, The meeting closed
Church Budget. A ciuiit was quilt- with hymn 53 "Silent Night" Pol-
ed during the afternoon. It was I lowed by the Benediction
decided that the December meet- • Hostesses were Mrs, Emerson
ing be held at the home of Rev. f Mitchell, Mrs. Gordon Murray and
and Mrs, Donaldson. Each meat- I Mrs. Ed Miller.
ber is requested to bring a gift 17th And Boundary Group
for Christmas giving, Lunch was The regular monthly meeting
served. of the 17th and Boundary group
- A Holy Name Society Commun. of Duff's United Church was held
ion breakfast was held In the at the home of .A'l'e. Clifford
parish hall on Sunday morning Hooey with 14 members and one
attended by approximately 100
members, Rev, Dr, Wemple, Rec•
for of Christ the King College,
London, gave a very interesting
and informative address. The el-
ection of officers followed with
President: Earl Healey, Vice
Pres., Frank Bruxer and Sec.
Treas., Geo. Coyne.
The fourth regular meeting of .
the Dublin Colleens was held at
the horse of Nliss Patricia Ben-
ninger, Miss Betty Ann Butters
was in charge 00 the club routine
of business. The secretary read
the minutes of the previous
meeting and the treasurer gave
the financial report. The roll call
was answered by tips on the care
of the face.
The meeting was then turned
over to the leaders who demon-
strated how to cut their slips
properly. The members learned
110W to do bias binding and some
stay stitching. They chose their
record covers, The next meeting
will be held at the home et Miss
,Toanne Stapleton, Lunch was
Robert Byrne, Hamilton, with
Miss Monica Byrne,
Mr. and 14Irs. P, Grosch and the
children, London, with 141r, and
Mrs, Dan Costello,
Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Looby at
Pat McGrath, Parry Sound, at.
his Homo,
visitor present. The meeting was
opened with hymn 502 "What a
Friend We have in Jesus" and
prayer. Mrs. Clifford Ritchie took
the scripture reading from Psalm
i 40 followed by a poem. Minutes
were read and approved. Busi-
ness ivas attended to and the
meeting closed with the singing
of hymn "Work for the Night
is Coming" and the Mizpah Ben-
ediction. Lunch was served by
the hostess, Mrs, C. Ritchie, Mrs,
H. Smalldon, Mrs. E, 'Uhler and
Mrs. J. Van Vliet and a social
half hour spent,
McKillop Group
The November meeting of the
McKillop group was held at the
home of 'Mrs, Russell Barrows
with 12 ladies present, Mrs, Jack
Bosman presided opening with
hymn 399 "Faith of our Father's
Living Stilt", Prayer was offered
by the leader after which Mrs,
Merton Haekwell read the scrip-
ture front Psaln 40, Mrs. Wm.
Wm. Leeiniug's side were Win-
ners in the eopper contest, it
was decided to• have a gift ex-
change at the December meet-
ing: The topic nn Armistice "No
Love Greater than that a men
lay down his life for his Friends"
was given by Mrs. Geo, Fox, The
meeting closed with hymn 406
and prayer was offered. Lunch
"Stand I'p, Stand tip for Jesus"
was served by the hostess, Mrs.
Gordon Mc(lavin, Mrs. D, Wat-
son, Mrs, C. Wey and Mrs.
The Ball Board held a Progres-
sive Euchre Party in the Cinn-
enmity Hall on Friday evening
with the following winning prizes.
Luchro - Ladies high, Mts. Wil- c
bur Turnbull; low, Mrs. William
Coutts. (lent's high, Mr. A. Den -
low, Brian Travis, T,ost Heir,
high, Graeme Craig; low, Gary 1
Miss Carrie lanitzer and Miss
Jennie Van Vlict of Stratford
spent the weekend with Air, and
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E, Murray
of Exeter spent Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs, Edward Regele,
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Burns of
Dublin spent Monday evening
with Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Thornton.
Miss Norma Looming spent
the weekend with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming,
Congrtttalattois to Mr, and
Mrs, Lloyd Regele of Woodstock
on the arrival of their dattglrter
of Nov, 21.st.
1a1"0,1"1",,,,1141.,01.1",1111I111.111111111111.111I llllll„,,,Lnp..Ul,,,lr,r” U",,
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Mrs. Jau Van Vliet,
Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Shannon
and Rattly of Sarnia were week-
end guests at the house 00 Mr,
and Mrs, John Shannon.
A neighbourly act which was
much appreciated was perforated
hist Wednesday and Thursday
afternoon when 10 men ,gathered
at the farm of MIr, and Ml's, F.
Waiters which resulted in get-
ting the winter wood cut and
piled in their woodshed, Mr. Wal-
ters is oonvaleseing following a
serious operation in Victoria Hos-
pital, London,
The following farmers took
part: Wilfred Shortreed, Earl
Watson, Geo. McArthur, Geo, Mc-
Call, Chas. Murray, Allan Searle,
Walter Shortreed, Toni Short -
reed, Harvey .McClure, Waller
Bewley, Ian Wilbee. Cary Finlay-
son, Hank Dyke, Clarence Mar-
tin, James Shortreed, Emerson
Mr.. Wm. Grainger who was a
patient in Scott Miemo•ial Hospit-
al, Seaforth, for two weeks, has
been removed to the home of Mrs.
Anne Sundercock. Dlyih. MIrs,
Grainger is at present residing
with Mfr, and Ml's, Colin MIcDon-
Mrs. Gordon McGavif has re-
turned home after visiting with
her daughter, Mrs. Bill Dinsmore
in Iiitcheuer and relatives in
Mr. Russell Barrows is a pa-
tient in Victoria hospital. Lon-
Mrs. V. i3, Miller, Mr, and Mrs.'
D. Ennis attended the Golden
wedding of Mir. and Mrs. Fred
Scherharih at Brodhageu on Sun-
The second meeting of the
Cooking Coarse "The Third
Meal” was held at the borne of
31's, Wnf, Dennis with 20 mem-
bers present. Demonstrations by
Ml's. I1. Travis and Mrs. Wm.
Dennis consisted of Chocolate
Bread Pudding, Fruit. Cups, Pota-
to Salad, Vegetable Plate, Pizza
Pies were sampled by the ladies,
:lis. Tt'nvis and Mrs. Dennis
were presented with gifts in ap-
preciation of the way the:cotu'se
was conducted by then and the
Ijnfe spent. in preparation of food
Visitors at the home of Mr, and
Mis, T. Dundas on Sunday were
Ml's, 11. Renciutan of Stratford,
Mr. and Ml's W, Stutz of Kitch-
ener and Mrs. C. Stutz of Welles-
The Cons) ace W.A. and WMS
met in the school room of the
Church on Wed. afternoon, Nov,
12 with Mrs. 1.. Lawson presid-
ing over the W.A. Opening with
1 poem "How 10 Speak", Hymn
420 Was sung accompanied by
Mrs. W. L. Whyte on the Dien),
followed with prayer, Minutes of
est meeting wore reed and adept -
ed, tinsilteSS Matters were deatit
with and Mrs, Is La WA= and
Ml's, Ross MacGregor were ap-
pointed to buy raps and saucers,
Roll call for Dec. meeting was a
verse of scripture pertaining to
Christ mas. Letters of thanks
were read and Tieas, report giv-
en• The slate of officers for 1901
were brought in by the commit-
tee. .\Ire. Don Buchanan was ap-
pointed Assist. Sec. The W. A.
Bells are to be in at the next.
meeting. Mrs. L. - Lawson and
Mrs. Reg. Lawson were appoint-
ed to see about a gas stove for
the kitchen. Collection was taken
and the meeting turned over to
the WMS.
Mrs, Brown presided over the
WMS meeting and carried out
the Worship Service as printed
in 1f'c Missionary -Monthly assist-
ed by Mrs. Ross MacGregor and
Mfrs. M ellwain,-Tlte minutes were
read and adopted, The Treas. re-
port was given. The slate 00 offi-
cers for 1901 were brougln in by
the committee. Report of the Seo.
donut meeting at Duff's, MIc•Kil-
lop was well presented by Mrs,
Reg. Lawson on the morning and
afternoon activities as well as
the address of the. speaker. Miss
1 Frances Stephenson, ludic, Mis-
sionary on Furlough. Mrs. Wi1his"
Jewitt reported on the Pee;
dent's me.ssaee, .Airs. Tiffin
\\Ingham. Mrs. I1i'own read 1 -
Deems on World Peace eonfla,. t
orating the day of Nov. 11th
Ar+uistice Day.
Closing hymn was 401, acconlp•
allied by .Alts. Whyte. Miizpah
I3enedic'tion closed the meeting.
Mrs. Lorne Lawson spent last
Thursday in London and visited
withal', and Mrs. Ellwood Clark,
Mr. and Mrs, Verne Pale visit-
ed with Mir, and Air's. Wm. 'Web-
ster of Luc.know on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, Ken Preszcator
and fancily visited Sunday with
(M'r.reditoandrt. Al's. Lnwrenc'e 1101, of
MIr. and Ml's. E. Whitehouse
and Donna of Kippen visited On
itchy, with Mr. and Mrs, Geo.
Mir. and Mrs. Bili Dowson, or
Varna. Air, and Mrs, John ,Tewiti
and Carol Amt of Londeshoro
and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jewitt ant
Stephen spent. Sunday nate-nom
and evening with Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Dexter.
miss Boris Schwartz of Exet-
er visited during the weekend
with Mr, and ABs. Alex Gardiner
Mr, and Mrs Jack McLeod an
children of Mitchell visited o
Sunday with Ml'. and Airs. Jac
Mr, and Mrs Jack Ccickwel
and daughter Neva of Dashwood
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Al's, Otto Walker. ATto. Gar-
net 1'uokwcll of Dashwood 30811.
ed on friday at the same home,
Mr, and Mrs, Kett Hogg 00
'j'horndelc visited on Sunday
wlth Mut and Mrs, Carter Kers-
laite and I':nuily,
Conan) Mations to Mr. and
Mrs. ,las, Miller on the arrival of
their baby dntghter in S11111Oord
General Hospital last Week,