HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-11-17, Page 7Iss How Long Can A Fish Live? • Two large carp which- were stolen from a lake in In Austrian public park were estinutted to . the so old that they had been registered under the Austrian t °Mee for the Preaervation .of Aneitint IVionuments. The thief was heavily fined. But experts who have bern I situdying stories about the great stg's to Whieli many of these 'freshwater fish are said to live are saying bluntly that the so-. • called longevity of 'arp is duel -- 011e "Carp certainly don't become centenarians nowitatityis and it's very doubtful if they .ever did,' slays one. "The greatest age for sa carp Tor which we- have reit- sable evidence. is forty years." Yet fantestic in or tea about tarp centenarians are likely to - linger in many parte ol the world. Strange. methods for recording : the age of a fish were once etiolated if the story about a carp found in a pond in Swabia ean early Duchy of Germtmyt in 1497 is true. The fish is said to have had in its gills a metal ring bearing the following inscription in La- tin: "I am the first fish that was ever put into this pond by the bend of Frederick II, Governor of the World, on the 5th clay of October, A.D. 1230." According to this the carp :must have been at least 2117 years old. Many years ago u giant carp weighing 281/2 lbs. taken to the aquarium at the London Zoo was nicknamed Methuselah be- cause it was believed to be very old. This gave rise to the story that it was 150 years old. One -writer hailed it as "the biggest fish in Europe." Carp in Britain are usually kept as interesting additions to ornamental waters. But in parts el Europe, particularly in Russia Sind Poland, the carp is a popu- iar food. Great farms, with acres et breeding, rearing and fatten- ing ponds, supply a ready mar- ket. An Egyptian King Tell His Story The young king's ;accession to pm throne came at a moment in Egyptian history' when, thanks to almost two centuries of un- paralleled achievement both at home and abroad, the country was at the pinnacle of its politi- eal power, economic prosperity, and cultural development. More- over, the world was at peace and there was leisure for the ruler and the people ol Egypt to en- joy the many pleasures and lux- uries which life now had to offer thein and to indulge to the full a truly oriental penchant for opulence and display. Typical in every respect of the brilliant setting over which he presided, Amunhotpe III con- trived throughout his long reign to combine the unwavering pur- ant of all manner of worldly pleasures with a program of self -glorification more elaborate and on a far grander scale than any previously undertaken. The king's desire that his every action be made known to the world is attested by the extraordinary series of large commemorative scarabs which he caused to be issued during his first twelve years on the throne and which, like modern var. ATOMIC SUB HITS THE WAVES — Queen Elizabeth pulls the lever to launch Britain's first nuclear submarine, the Dread- nought, at Barrow-in-Furness, newsletters, were distributed throughout the country and even dispatched to the more distant outposts of the empire, The first series of these scar- abs, carved at the very begin- ning of the reign, announces the pharaoh's marriage to Teye, a woman of non -royal birth; and with engaging frankness, which is repeated on many of the king's later monuments, gives the names of her untitled parents, Yuya and Tjuyu, adding, how- ever, that "she is (new) the wife of a mighty king" whose empire extends from Karoy in the northern Sudan to Naharin in western Asia. Three scarabs of this series, acquired by the Museum with the Ward, Murch, and Carnarvon collections, are made, as are most of their mates, of glazed steatite and measure between three and three and se half inches in length. Character- istically, the first five lines of the ten -line announcement in- scribed on their undersides are taken up witit the titulary of the king; "(Long) live the Hants, Strong -bull -appearing -in - truth, He of the Two Goddesses, Eetablisher-of-laws-(and-) Paci- fier - of - the - Two - Lands, the Horus of Gold, Great - of - valor - who - smites - the - Asi- atics, the King of Upper and. Lower Egypt, Neb-ma'et-Re', the Son of Re', Amunhotpe, Ruler of Thebes, given life!" — From "The Scepter of Egypt," by Wil- liam C. Hayes. The Mall in the neighborhood who exchanged his car for a bi- cycle saves his money in a dis- carded automobile gas tank. The device is neatly fitted with a slot for depositing money. When questioned, our ingenious friend confided he was following the habit of his motoring days—put- ting all his money in the gas lank. ISSUE 46 — 1960 s� PIRATES MARKSMAN — Harvey Haddix, oce Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher, proves he is as accurate with a shotgun cis he is with at baseball, He poses with two Canadian geese he brought down al his farm, Bow To The Prince Or Land In Jail On a recent visit to his native India, Dom Moraes, poet and youngest Hawthornden Prize- winner, etayed at the palace of a Rana, one of the feudal lords who had life -and -death power over their subjects until 1951. "All the corridors," he writes, "were hung with framed illus- trations from magazines, alter- nating with the heads of assail- sinated tigers, and photographs of dead Ranas, tiger -whiskered,, soulful -eyed and clutching jewel- led swords." On one occasion Moraes was sitting with a friend waiting to be received by his host. An en- ormous Himalayan bear crouch- ed next to the sofa, He assumed it was stuffed — until it snarled et him, rose and shambled out through the door? All over Khatmandu, he says, Ranas, originally Indian prince- lings, built fantastic palaces where they lived surrounded by women they had abducted from their families. When a Rana passed, any citizen who failed to do obeisance till he was out of sight was flung into jail. As late as 1942 the chief Rana would ride an elephant through the streets every month, while the women stood outside their houses. Whichever of them took his fancy were at once seized by soldiers and taken to his harem. Any husbands or fathers who protested were jailed, Halembu, a mountain village renowned for its beautiful women, was raided and every woman taken off to the harems, One of the Rana's suns told Moraes that his father wanted to send him to Eton. To finance the trip they had to go to the family had, the grandfather, who flew into a rage and said: "No grandson of mine will be permitted to defile himself by crossing the black waters to England. But I will be reason- able. if you like, you may hire all the masters from Eton and bring them here." Later, the grandfather fell ill. A British surgeon was fetched from India, He found that the palace was on top of an unroad- ed hill and wondered how on earth he could get his equip- ment up. That night he slept in a tent at the foot of the hill — and awoke next morning to find o road leading from his tent door to the palace gate. It had been built in six hours by slave- gangrelaya working through the night! Moms gii,c, a In illilint ae.- e0tillt of his tiwee months' tour in "Gone Away," It included talks with Nehru mid the exiled Dalai Lame. SAtty 1 SAILISI • • .1 A ,,s -Dowt tall me you've been eanying lumbar on top of your heatil" CLASSIFiED ADVERTISING EASY CHICKS IMAYpullets. It -22 week old, able ' rt ,foed Chicks, prompt shipment, 1,212 dayoldc to order tibial purpose and„ stseielts 1)10 Pr:Ancor:0, all at append low pi, season prices. Book lochritary- Mprel, W11111..114 I/11W. Con( :tot weal se, et, or write Bray Hatchery, 110 John North, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE GIFT shop ano eonrectionery, altuated 10 tioeen St . Nlagarison.the.Lake. Morse SIOIN. Further information eon. tact trl. Pacel, Box 392 Niagarsonthe- 14.er, Pole ode, $15,90o SETS* each B.A. Ser, -u,' station, lunch counter garage. Highway 19, 0 miles trom Tillsonburg. Apply Mary (124,, 11, Slraffordville. P.O. or phone Straffotdville 1114. HARDWARE STORE UPPER Oltav,a valley; this is a real Isto i or anyone interi,stell in the hard. oar' business in an area of over %iota people. This le the only full equipped I hardware business. This business has a turnover of $1511,2010 for the 4221112 year, is of modern design. 3 years old, paved entrance, good location. Douo payment ti29,000. Ties includes $18.0101 stock on hand. Stewart C. Dee - lin, Realtor, Box 971, Deep River, eheoe 4-241111. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT , GROUND floor offices. Corner Wets Tien; business block; suitable for den. fel (lintel or other Professional offiees• Reasonable rent. Alterations to suit. Most progressive town In Western On. 01.010. Write P.O. Box 600, Petrolia. Ont, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TAXI BUSINESS OAKVILLE t Alt taxi service. Excellent turnover. circle Taxi, 4 Cowan Ave ordnilie vr easel _ — CHRISTMAS TREES CHRISTMAS trees: Pruned Scoteh pine Christmas trees, several thousand ready for market, approximately 10,000 in one block, will sell complete block Mending as is, Will also consider small contracts. Angus Cameron, R.R.I, Norland, Ont. COINS COINS wanted, pay highest prices. 1961 eoln catalogue 21e. Gary's Oh 9910 Jas- per Ave., Edmonton, Alta. Paying SOO each for 1912, 1923, 1924, 1925 Canadian small pennies. Mrs. Mon gan, 767 Wilson St., Victoria, B,C, WE pay 93 for 1925 Canadian nickels complete buying list 10 cents. Crown Stamp & Coln, 61 Queen St. E.. Tor. onto FARMS FOR SALE FOR Sale: two one-hundred-aere farms, five miles from Clinton. Each with house, barn and driveshed. One with hydro and considerable bush. Carl Diehl, R. 8, Cliuton, 100 ACRES rolling clay loam, excellent buildings, completely decorated, briek house, Ml, modern convenience, sepa- rate hen house, pig pen; thriving tra- inee 3 miles, 4 miles Hwy. 9, high school bus. Harold Pratt, Grand Val, ley, Ont. FOR SALE — MISCELLANEOUS PORTABLE HEATERS Heats farm, buildings, preheats equip. ment, thaws out pumps, pipes, frozen ground. Safe, clean, economical. 4 Mod. els 78,000-450,000 B.T.T.L's/hour, Roe Tractor & Equipment Ltd., CoOksville, Ont. AT. 94161. SHREDDED Foam Rubber. Stuff your own pillows and toys. 6 lb. bag 92.39, postpaid. Mail money order to Allied Products, Box 62, Port Credit, Ontario. PAL -PLUG COMBINED shot gun plUg and match container, $1 each. Box 63, Poeta' Ste - Non D, Hamilton, Ont. GIVE health and beauty for Chris -Mute OM jewelled magnetic bracelets are health restoring and beautiful to wear. Priced only at 912.50, National Products, 346 Sabiston St. Nanaimo, B.0, Agents wanted. HELP WANTED MALE ELECTRICIANS OTTAWA WE require immediateLv qualified electricians for major construction and housing projects in Ottawa. Current rate 92.60 per hour. Contact us ins mediately. FEDERAL ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS LTD. 994 RIDDELL AVENUE OTTAWA PA. 2.3953 • HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES FOR SALE WATERLESS COOKWARE. 17 -piece Triple Gauge Heavy Stainless Steeel. New low price In Canada of 469.90. Fully guaranteed, Write for further de. tails. Diner Sales Co., Box 215. !sling, ton, Ontario. INSTRUCTION EARN Morel Bookkeeping, Salesman. ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les. sons 505. Ask for free circular No. 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. LIVESTOCK 41112 910045S beet breed of the future. Choice Charolais Hereford Cross Calves for sale. Bulls $185.00. Heifers 0300.00. Write for free booklet, Robin Hahn, Durham. Ont foRESH and springer Holsteins, grades and purebreds. Area accredited, cows. vaccinated or blood tested. Your pick of a quantity. We will deliver. Jos, W Cochrane & Sons, R.R. No. 5. Barrie, Ontario. Phone: 14R21 Stroud, LIVESTOCK „-- 33 PURE,BITED Holstein Harem opem, Vaceinoted, itemptville unit,. 4 Pure, bred COM; due in January: a grade eows dee in November. all covet:lilted, am:re:Med arm 1 team of black Per- e -heron Maros outer, Tienie McConnell. CHESTERVILI.E. °Merle, Illnerest a 34021. MEDICAL. . . . HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIXON'S NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAIN REMEDY? IT GIVES YOU GOOD RESULTS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 339 EiGiN OTTAWA 01.28 Express Collect. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salie will not disappoint you Itching, ieiihfing and berninti cese. ma, acne, ringuoini, pimples and foot eCZMNIO, 0111 11,sp0nti 1.001111.0 1', the stainless odorless ointment, regardless ot how stubborn or hopelesK they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 93.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES was se Clair Avenue East Toronto NURSES AND NURSING ASSISTANTS NURSES and eertifled nursing assist, ants required for a new hospital open, ing in December in Kawartha-lialibur. ton resort area. Good personnel poll. cies. ODA pension plan. Director of Nursing ROSS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL LIND5AY, ONTARIO NI:HISES WANTED REGISTERED NURSES rent general ditty nUrsing In modern hospital in progressive community east of Port Arthur, Ontario. Starting sal- ery mem per month. Room and hoard Provided at no cost In modern nurses* residence. Excellent employee benefits and year-roued recreational facilities avaifible, Apply stating full particts lars of age. experience, availability, etc to Box No. 226, 113.16th Street, New Toronto, Ont. NUTRIA ATTENTION PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA When purchasing Nutria, consider the following points, which this organisa- tion offers: L The best available stock, no moss. bred or standard. types recommended. 2. The reputation of a plan which is proving itself substantiated by files of satisfied ranchers. 3. Ptill insurance against replacement, should they not live or In the event of sterility fall fully explained in our certificate of merit.) 4. We give you only mutations which are in demand for for garments. 8. You receive irons this organization a guaranteed pelt market, in writing. 4. Membership In our exclusive breed- ers' association, whereby only purchas- ers of this stock may participate in the benefits so offered. 7. Prices for Breeding Stock start at 9200. a pair. Special offer to those who qualify: earn your Nutria on our cooperative basis. Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd., R.R. No. 2, Stouftville, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES f) () I C: OPHERNGS FOR STEADY AMBITIOUS YOUNG MEN FOR THE POSITION OF Constables —AND— Cadets Age for Constables — 21 to under 30 Age for Cadets — 18 to under 21 Must Have GRADE 10 Education Minimum lierght 5'9" . . Good Working Conditions • 5 -Day Week ... Vacation With Pay • . Pension Plan APPLY IN PERSON TO Capt. D. A. Hogg Personnel Officer LONDON CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT London, Ontario OPPORTUNITIES FOIL MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JoIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good "ages. Thousands of successful :Marvel Gradual es America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Moor St W., Toronto Branches: 14 Xing St. W.. Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa. Sometimes Crime Hardly Pays Breaking into a Texas wine and spirit store the other night. a thirsty thief made oef with what he thought wee a perfectly good bottle of whisky. It had been. But root particu- lae bottle had been eondonned. the store MU! :Old the pu. lice, becausr it 110,12 ,u on • •,21- I i limed by rat poison. Burglars arc not always 11.10.!' LIOO h lei p11 2,500,1 with 14 1.20(1d 1.1V1.11 when tint hii.VC.- el'alAti.d 1 crib" - stetteaarelly. They are constantly melting mis- takes. A shee ahop owner kluge - el when e thief ,itelt. sem pie esca of shoes all for •I he AO toot. AnOther hti,7,tar broke into fr British south coast linsinseismares office and was delighted to Sind a led I -ton there. Atter two hotter' 112212221' 0)2' labourhe managed te lures: lock. Instead of wads 3.1 tienitnotea and piles -of coins he found a .4olitary threepenny ;nese inside the sate. 10 a Cornish police court it is, evraded 4 hat 8 man arrPsted tor stCalinp beer had tientorod the stoppers with his teeth. He was caught because the marks of his teeth on another stoppar matched those on the stolen bot- tles, A burglar got into a dentist', house but, without knowing it, eel off an alarm which disturb- fP: 11:,-)1 1w .(Mncnitd elr. With 145eat e1,2 P11.11:: Red his hand to hie check and said: "Ern look •for t, den - the here." He plaeed the - prised Man in the chair, hint (1 1) 11 1 1 MI 4 1.4.trOt•Ird • i 112,1 11 W hot: I an trilest he I i• '11111 11 he 'phoned Eqhlii 117' urauelo 11121 1 it f• who got 11Wily Iront it letve- ,cr's shop With a buglul of rin is 'a:11111es oriel bracelets. He started off for th, (132222 era 'Ahem he (Wended to pel rid of his loot, 142,1 zu- he wig boarding the ,'t',,,-Clmtirtel Viler he slipped and the Nit' With it: precious tionlvitt,, 111111 111C1.1 1111(1 111,1111.. ilivfiwoy re poled 11111 Para n, North way: "Watch (lin 'ty School C112411'1'11 —111112,11111l7 11 Thes leriviegr O 0 if ' PERSONAL FREE Booklets: On bite, 492404, Siete mitie seaward, taloa eeere Philadelphia 46, Pennsylvania. SHY Avoid drugstore etabarrwirten - Order per,.•e1114 Me& b Lanig. 4;) (fennel, poinipt aervice,. 4(erfor,a1 if.sc 0t101004 ft, Traverto. FIGUHE SliliNrl $100. RefuntialiM tett days. 4C2 00011 Weed, (,,,1. ADULTS: V'rec saittplm, 11.4 0311 210101)11*! 112152111111' 01*0(411' ' AorclW. Assortment 51 01). plant, sealed env, lope. trotter i'mutiaar. ROV 10129. Station ',C.', 'forell WANTEDWin paY c1,141 024 5)1(40 OtgI 5959 tel directory M• vonr or, community, 07111( 01 r.4.,11 to W. Alger 34il St„ Nveaii‘im, 10(13 UNWANTED HAIR VA 45114111') :may with Seco4 1,10. 411,0e. NM, 1:4 ,litierellt, ft does GM. etissollf or 02i1e111; hair from the sufface, 411449 penetrates and retards grw,i`) ulic 1 women hair 1.or41eer Lab I IA. 9, 40 ‘',,neotti,er : . PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, oNt. Films deieloned aud 11 fi11eM11 er1 41k 17 imam, !whit, an.. Reprints 5, each KODACOLOR Developing 9 42 tla, mot including mina, Color prints 305 rain, extr5 Anse. and Egmehrome 35 RM. 20 tea, posurea annulled In slides 41.50 Coles' prints front slater 321 each. iMhee re- funded in full for 021print014 negatives. PROPERTIES FOR SALE 415,500 PULL price. In loveli town os. Meaford. 11.00002 fahlentl, ,01/- veniences, 22 acres orchard pod lawns. Bargain for milek 5,1e, Mime cosh re. quired. H. D. Powell 21ee1 14,1,22', 24011 Yonge St., Toronto, SALESMEN WANTED COMMISSION Salesmen Washed. To. Sell Chemicals for Septic ▪ Cess- pools'Toilets, Sewers ete.. Protected territories. L. G S. 00. vigne, Ontario. SALES HELP WANTED PULL OR SPARE TIME SALES WO101' ARE you the man we require to sell our plan in rural areas? It 210. here le a chance, at no cest to you, te aug- ment your present income, ur. prove to be to your henefit on a fed time basis Interested? Please %%Tile. giving TO represent us in your own divrieC, to Epwarth Realty Limited. Owed Sound Ontario. large commission paid on every sale. You ean earn good commisselon fit your spare time, Write for perrieulare STAMPS 1 details as 10 age, schooling, sales ex. perience etc., to ALLIED FARM SERV 50E0 '045141341, P.O. Box 11,29, 34l'17'4.DON Ontario. SALESMAN WANTED REAL ESTATE I HONDURAS; 33 different mints pfisti 16 different values on cover, $1. 18. Busson, tW). Apartado 544, Tegneli, alpa, Honduras. U.S. PROPERTIES FLORIDA MOTELS, homes, citrus, pasture and development acreages in Desoto cows. ty. Only 411 miles to Florida's famotTe west coast, J. HAMILTON, SALESMAN SANE WHIODER, REALTOR 22 MAGNOLIA ST. ARCADIA, FLORIDA, U.S.A. U.S. VACATION RESORTS PLORIDA Low summer rates to Dea. 1, Special December and January rates. Write for brochure. Lillian MO - Man, 538 Bayshore Dr.. Coloin• Apts., Fort Lauderdale. Florida. CHO L AT HOME IN SPARE TIME LOW monthly payments meanie r standard text books and incluse. tion, Credit for subjects already comMeted. Progress 1,0 rapidly SS Your time and abilities ommit. DIPLOMA AWARDED. THIS IS A CANADIAN HIGH SCHOoL COURSE AND WILL PRE, PARE YOU FOR COLLEGE OUR 62RD YEAR AMERICAN SCHOOL, 106 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. Ont, Please send FREE 1117.4i tiookiet. NAME ADDIM:S. Latest Word In Keeping Time Falit11; Ii11.111 1'11. 113 11,21 1:tt.est, but not the 11,5.. tirne-Istiepnie 4101.1]e ''"2. 1)01,1- 050c1 by the: Amerieriii linsigni of Stentlai ds 121 Lttutth r. the clocl; Mils 1., 1.;•,•111'.:0'y of one rnillimith 111:11 11.110. III; 11,N, 11 lit-) 111111. 1111. 1,0111; tuft its tioicit +Jock "Hake"' e. ilea 0111111! 1,21111 es-au:It eietris. Thio ‘itirat, -.len it 11 1111.1 y ,p,i1 250 c12,111,3 into, 11,210,11M) r.c.1•11" ntr.1,1s ;1 I 1. 1 ‘it,,..;; I1:1111111,. ‘V.111 1 13l, It; : 111 ;IV '2 1 1(1;1 ;.; 1111;;20ii. ▪ Ilt. ;1;1;1' .1.121;;, 11,1,2 11.01; :11'11,0 2,11 T:ti e el is., I.1.1 11;111Y II -y111.: 211 1111111,1,1' 40;1 111 H;11.13'0 :11.; '4 1;;;;;I'Z.111('( CI. As III; '‚411 '3' eettei tint. 111 till:, 1.1 111)1011111 ;Ind (i)11111i1i 1.i;10, 141).; .11.011;;,111 1110 1/I' Sitf)ciline 2.11 1 ,I,1.1/11:11 1101 111 j4,120 1t1 250, 111111 1 ;111 11/1 1/11,1 111111. -1 Ileng •11, 1,12111 ,.leek, ,:et to ,.1.11 1,1,2 time antl nod, 1 111212 1101 anti ,lor.ckliroot Al , 'Tor ,1 2111' 171111i11111 (1 )1.0.11 ;11 1`0;1111 1 1'11;11 t1oVo1- 10, 1210. 1 1 1 9