HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-11-17, Page 6& lei The
to 'l:nlltK that the
viti,tt„ e last was one day
be ante a figure of dosing?
It ,, ,s true the boy was a iit-
t',, wild. Some said he was too
bort of ;.teeing the girls. Well,
what eotwtry boy wasn't when
eovereci the Russian
neeecs w'th greenery and the
see:rmeivans wandered am -
the valleys?
There were rumours that the
led had magic powers, evil pews
re. Others told how he cured a
;,ill of fever; or of the old-
ldt, . �ntan who, bedridden for
:tis, had though hie prayers
n .sliced to clutr'n onEaster Day
mi blessed him as a messenger
rem God.
- What was it that made hint
saint to some, a devil incar-
ate t,) others': Was he a vil-
.ege tool or an inspired diplo-
n: t who almost • saved Russia
it'onn revolution?
(1,e ori Yefinovitch --- later to
become notorious as Rasputin,
"the orad monk" --• was born
e :mall village in the Tartar
tiSedl.et of Russia in the middle
ear,: of the nineteenth century.
He t. as a lot brighter than his
fe;lew:, and had le:.;rned to read
ed nr te, an achievement for
v.,rr!tln clAss bey in those
11Clrigeri was only
1:1 , father died and
he 1.c.: cane a carrier, driving the
m :i! vars. Iii, was twice charged
c. °t; • minor crime,: but was never
,_,.,nrr,•tad, and eventually, after
,tin: a w•andoring holy man
reals, went to live in a
lery tucked away in the
. ,': Yefinovitch entered the
. riotous ne'er-do-well
nosy ri a miracle -worker
he soon became the storm
cennv 0 hatred end of ectian
in his native vile tge.
Tare were tales of miracu-
lous core; there were also ru-
e OLIN ,;f drunken orgies and
t' ...'ni'I in;! psrtie.a.
Me-eawhile, hundreds of miles
away, in the gay rend turbulent
eity (d St. Petersburg (now Len-
ingrad e the Tear of all the Rus-
siae r. _ living surrounded by
a scheming and plotting and de -
A. dent court.
The Tsar was well intentioned
his wife, a hysterical
tt omen, surrounded herself by
:fortune tellers and charlatans
who traded on her possessive love
tor „er son, the Tsarewiteh, who
eeee!red from an incurable dis-
u into this situation, al-
rea,, fraught with danger, that
l sari was thrust when one
of schemers seeking to
,"her brought him to St.
Super -.iffy Knit
t, .oras., handsome for school or
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part,, n to LAURA WHEELER,
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rims for our exciting, new 1961
fie:edle•eraft Catalog. Over 125
dredges to crochet, knit, sew, ern -
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taza,ar hit:-, Plus FREE ...- in-
elrce tx,n> for •.ie smart veil caps.
hove y, s nd 'i;it ne,u1
Petersburg l l rsb urg to be, or eo they
thought, their willing tool, ,•
The blood disease from which
the young Crown Prince suf-
fered was haemophilia. The.kast
s:'r:itch could bring death since
00 way had been found to -stop
the bleeding.
One Slay the worst happened.
A fall in the royal gardens led
to internal bleeding and within
a few hours the boy was dying,
The doctors could do nothing.
The miracle worker's at the
Court had failed. Then Anne, the
Grand Duchess, whispered the
magic name of Grigori into the
Tsarina's ear.
"Let him be fetched at once,"
the Tsarina demanded. They.
'found the man a little drunk
and certainly very hilaxious, in
the midst of an orgy. In the holy
name of the Tsar they ordered
that he accompany them to the
bedside of the dying Prince.
A startling change came over
the company. The gypsy violins
became -silent; the dancers ceas-
ed their wild gyrations; the mad
monk, as he is now known star-
ed with dark luminous eyes into
the faces of his visitors.
"The boj' will live. I, Ras-
putin, have willed it!" With
these words he followed them to
the royal palave.
No one knows whether Ras-
putin was a hypnotist, a holy
ratan, or an unscrupulous black-
guard seeking a n d findit:g
strange power. All that is re-
eerded is that from the mo-
ment he uttered these words,
the boy rallied and soon recov-
ered from an illness his doc-
tors had diagnosed as fatal.
This incident set the pattern
for all that was to follow. Mir-
acle .ollowed miracle and the
peasant boy from Siberia soon
became the virtual ruler of Rus-
Many sought to overthrow
him, in fact twice they succeed-
ed in persuading the Tsar to ex-
pel him from the Court, but
each time the sudden illness of
the Crown Prince led to panic,
Rasputin's immediate recall and
the Crown Prince's immediate
recovery. •
Another illustration of Raspu-
tin's strange powers occurred
when Anna, the Grand Duchesee
who had plotted against him, was
badly injured in a train smash.
She lay unconscious, life was
slowly ebbing away, as Rasputin
gazed at her and commanded
her recovery. Once more, in spite
of doctors predicting death, site
The Tsarina stood by her
friend's bedside and saw this
happen, Seizing Rasputin's hand
she covered it with kisses. He
looked at her, then called out in
a loud voice for all to hear:
"While I ant alive and with you,
all is well, but if I die your son
will die. your throne will totter
and Russia as we know it will
cease to be".
The climax came swifter titan
any had anticipated. Rasputin's
power exceeded that of any
statesman in Europe or Asia.
His word was law and the Tsar-
ina saw him as almost the em-
bodiment off divinity itself. His
enemies grew in numbers ar.d
strength and then •came the fetal
night in December, 11115.
Army leaders, diplomat; and
members of the Russian aristoc-
racy worked out a skilful plot to
poison Ilssputin. Prince Yns:a-
poy, scion of the Royal House,
posing a Rasputiti's friend, was
to he the assassin, But, atter
drinking •enough poison to kill
ten then, Resputin w•as .,till
alive!. His assassin thert felled•tho
monk with a round of revolver
Half an' hour dater, Rasputin
rose to his feet and struggled
to escape from the basement
room in the Princes palace to
which he had been lured.
At sight of the man he had be-
lieved to be dead, the Prince
panicked and, after further
shots, finished off his victim with
a rubber truncheon. He then
pushed the body through a hole
en the ice -covered river.
Tint the scheme failed. Ras-
putin's body n^t: found a few
days lel r His n •,sin was ben-
hed from court and kept a
prisoner on his country estate.
ilasputin was given a state fun-
eral by the Tsar that was the
last word in magnificence.
Rasputin was dead and soon
the Crown Prince was to die and
ills parents, the Tsar and Tsarina,
were• to he tnct.<sacred by the
butchers of the Revolution, He,
Rasputin, had foretold it all.
Was he a madman pursuing
power, or a man of wisdom who
tried to save Russia from the
Revolution that engulfed her?
Today's inventive pace has
linked up with history. Experts
and collectors of Civil War relics
insist there is an increasing flow
of Civil War "souvenirs" coming
from hurnpe.
• ISS D E 46 •-• 1960
tittle girl, left, carries the Winkie Doll by its handy loving -cup ears. Mother and daughter,
right, are caught in the craze. Dolls cling to anything; eyes "wink" es light strikes them.
The doll delirium is spreading to other products. One of them
is this blanket, decorated with o likeness of the Winkie Doll,
Latest Fad
From Japan
Spreads East
Japan's latest fad took over that
country faster than Asian flu.
The subject: An inflated black
plastic "dakkochan" (embrace-
able( doll that clings to its owner
with stubby little arms. Now the
"dakkochan" or Winkle Doll is
being copied over here. Likened
to a baby Martian, the doll itis
loving -cup eats, a red '0" of
a mouth and a little plastic skirt.
Its wink is an illusion that oc-
curs with every change in the
angle at which light hits its plas-
tic and cardboard eyes.
� s�►� a1I��,,.s
; .d oL-f ' e P. C t t'k
A familiar figure is lost to the
rural section of Ontario - Mr.
Moses Zeller, of Toronto. Even
as far back as 30 years ago. far-
mers living within a radius of
50 miles of Toronto, and who
kept poultry as a sideline. would
think something was amiss if
they did not get a call front
Moses Zener several times •dur-
ing the year. Mr. Zener was a
gentleman of the Jewish Faith
who binr,ht end sold live pool-
tt-y - and I do mean g ntieman.
He was a shrewd businessman
always ccur-u2ou,4 lid oblig-
ing - even if he did try to make
you hcliore he was lowing money
by cfTerira to bur her, at the
price he otTered. Hnv::ever. when
he made you an offer you could
either take it nr Ictve without
giving offence. And another
thing in his favour - if Moses
promised to come on• Tuesday-
-he came, If not lie would phone
and let you know. •And he cer-
tainly knee; hot- to judge and
'handle poultry. Many a deal we
had with- Mose Zeuer this -melt
the years and we were always
more or less satisfied. We could
hardly blame him for low prices
if the market was giut.ted with
poultry nr if we happened to be
selling at the wrong time.
• And now poor old Mose is
dead, killed in an accident last
week on Highway 27, involving
a car and the pick-up truck he
was driving. We were truly
sorry to hear it We lilted Mose
Zener and we foturd hint inter-
esting and well-informed. He
told us many things about Jew-
ish customs and gave us a first-
hand account of the wedding
when one of his daughters got
married, If I remember rightly
it was a three-day celebration.
If it was cold waren Mose called
he would 'often come into the
kitchen to get warm and have a
cup of tea. In summer he would
stand around in the barn and
talk as long as we were willing.
I em sure many farmers besides
ourselves will feel badly that Mr.
Zener met death in such a tragic
way, When he used to come to
our faint he sometimes had an
oldish man helping him - an
Englishman whom he called
"Happy" but radio' reports did
not mention anyone being with
hint at the time of the accident.
Well, I've got Olte more room
redecorated since I last wrote
. , the den. It is finished all ex-
cept the deep, wide cupboard -
which is first cousin to Fibber
McGee's hall closet. It will have
to he clone but I quail at the
thought! 'Null said at the pres-
ent. -
What you should find more in-
teresting to read comes from the
pen of Vance Packard, in his
latest book, The Waste Mak-
ers." So far I have read only the
review. Actually he doesn't tell
us anything we don't already
know - if we stop to think
about it. What he does do is
point out the foolishness of :d-
iming ourselves to be influenced
by advertising, to the extent. of
buying new gimmicks when
what we already have are prob-
ablyfar more satisfactory. Mr.
Packard says manufactured
goods today are not meant to
last. Potato peelers to refrigera-
tors are put on the market in
new styles- just to induce peo-
ple to buy - to keep up with the
Joneses. Don't we know it? Keep.
in fashion or you night as well
be dead, sort of thing.
I find there is another way in
which everyday living is more
or less governed by advertisiteg
-that •is, by supermarket week-
end specials. What I would like
to know is why all chain stores
offer the same "specials" on the
seine days. What one has to offer
the others have too, whether it's
beef, lamb, or .poultry. So your
week -end roast isn't always what
you choose but what the stores
want .you to buy, Housewives
with a deep freeze don't have to
worry but for small families
without that luxury it's a case of
take what's offered,• If you have
a freezing unit in your "frig" you
can get around it keeping more
than one kind of meat on hand
- but there is a limit to what a
freezing trait will hold,
What I would like to know is
how this saneness in "specials"
comes about. You find the same
thing in department stores. Does
each store and supermarket
have its own secret agents or is
it a combine where each store
agrees on what shall be put on
special for that day or week? It
all savours a little ton much of
the custom of holding a carrot
before the donkey. And of course
it is the public - you and I -
who are the donkeys. We are los-
ing our independence to the
supermarkets. It is different on
a farm - or it used to be. When
visitors were expected it just
meant killing a couple of chick-
ens and enjoying their savoriness
without regard to week -end spe-
Well, what do you know , . .
there is white stub falling out-
side. Our first snowflurry of the
season, Got your car winterized?
I just got under the line.
Surveys have indicated the In-
terest in television viewing
dropped sharply during the de-
bates between the presidential
candidates. There is a solution -
the campaign managers should
insist the rival candidates wear
cowboy outfits.
her time with a big bouquet
of roses, 7 -year-old Felicity
Leybourne waits patiently for
Sen. John Kennedy to appear
for a campaign address in
Cheyenne, Wyo. He arrived,
and Felicity had her big mo-
S't at'lan s To Blaam.
For Tragedy ?
hinrtbu and Ida Abate e1 Quin-
rcy, filar a filth. tier cw1-
eiknlr1. 'I'hc'y wire the ()illy par-
uts who wont to Boston's Logan,
.airport a few weeks ago to ac a
their 18 -year -gild eon I u'deriek
off to Ms.rine Corp:- recruit
trebling in Parris I.dand, S C.
"We joked about it with Fred," •
Aare. Abate recalled later,
"laughed about babying Iun1,"
Fred and fourteen more r.!.
(emits, Chong with 52 other pas`--
•: ngors and 0 crew of five,
i:eardtd ),astern Airlines Fligiet
a sleek friar -ergine prop-
jet Lockheed Electra bound for
Philadelphia, • Charlotte, N.C.,
1rccuville, S.C., and All::note
111e airplane taxied out to Una -
way 9 and, as the Abates wae'l-
ed from the airport observatient
deck, took. off over Boston I-lrr-
hout• at 5:48 p.m. Moments l:uer,-
ilame erupted itt the port in-
board engine and the plane slow-
ed sharply to the left, nosed
over and plummeted into 8 it -t
of cold and choppy water to
Pleasant Park Channel.
Rescuers swarmed to 1 h rr
scene 111 small boats from rivet
yacht clubs that line the shore.
Skin divers plunged into lee
muddy water, fast deepening
with the incoming tide. They
picked up oil -drenched end chill-
ed survivors, some of them st,it
strapped in their floating se,t:e.
Others they plucked trona the
sunken wreckage, burst to htts
by the impact. The work con-
tinued htto the night under
searchlights mounted on tate
beach. •
Later, the rescuers ran ttp the
sad toll: Sixty-two dead and ten
living. Fred Abate was not one
of the three surviving Marines.
Nor was there a surviving pilot
to talk to Gen. Elwood R. Que-
sada, the Federal Aviation Ad-
ministrator, who arrived. early
the next morning to see what
had caused this fifth major crash
involving the ill-starred Electra.
The first discovery •by FAA
investigators was a number ;,f
dead starlings littering the sur -
lace of Runway 9. Then ere -w3
lifting the wreckage out of the
muck found bits of feathers stilt
sticking to parts of the plane.
The bodies of the" birds were
dispatched to Harvard, where
pathologists examined them to
learn the cause of death. But
even before their findings were
reported, Quesada believed he
knew the cause of the crash:
The Electra had flown. directly
into a flock of starlings, and the
birds had been sucked into the
Electra's turbine engines, caus-
ing the plane to lose power just
as it took flight.
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