HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-11-17, Page 4WALTON
T1te Su erameut of llnptisni
was conducted by 11ov, W. M.
Thomas last Sunday morning in
Duff's Pulled Chetah when twot
infauits were huptized, \vitiator
1)on gats sots of Mr. and Airs.
Muer on. Mitchell, Barbara least,
daneht, r of Mr. and Mrs. Doug.
las !testae cloderich,
M s stark! Si lathe \\'inglnun,
was :t weekend guest with her
parents. M1'. and All.'. N. ,�•'l'11a1111'
\1r. and Mrs, 'Wilmer ('uthi11
of Seaforth visited out Sunday
with \lr. and :tit:. Emerson
Mr. turd Ml's. Olen Fraser a ud
family of Stratford spent Sunday
with Mr. Alalcolnl Fraser.
Mission Band
The Mission Band of Duff's
United Chaise!. held their Nov.
meethei la the c 1111(11 basement
last Sunday tuoriting with Auti.-
rey ll t'\lk'hael presiding. The
Meeting opened with the hymn
'Al"ay in a Meager" with Care -
line Fraser- at the photo. For Clod
so loved the world that Ile gave
his only Son was taken for the
cull to worship followed by hymn
"Hark the Herald \tack Sing".
\\'0ndstirk vs Seaforth
s p.m. 25e t 5U('
Friday Skating 8.10
AD.II, 35'c & 25c
;iferth Women's hnstitnte
Enc hre and Dance
Sat. 2 - 3.30 10c
Sat. Night
Thompson Caine;-alidgets of
Detroit vs Seaforth Midgets
!isle - 25c
5 - 10 35e & 25c
Annual Meeting
of the \tKili1p School Fair
wit: be heli in -11e 'Winthrop
School on
AT 5 to P.M.
Eve yi' dy welcome
Wee Dennis. Sec.-Treas.
1 - r :,,n Dapple. Pres,
C.O.F. Hall. Constance
FRIDAY, NOV. 18 & 25
- AT see, 1';11. '
Admission :See 1,un Qa provided
Door Prize
Brodhagen Coin.
Elgin Fisher el the Rhythmair'e
Everyone welcome. Admission 75e
Don't forget the Monster
Cash Bingo & Turkey
at the lrodhagen Cont. Centre
Bonnie Uhler recd the scripture gave a full report on the after -
taken from Luke. 2: 10.11. Airs. noon session, the highlight being
lsetvley, the leader, told the story the address by Mrs. Steven:Ma, a
about children of the world fol• missionary on furlough.
hosing it fi\-e•pointed Mar to the Mrs. A. McDonald presided. for
1.c'utre of 1ho world where they tlo \V. A. which followed, Mrs.
:01111d It dark ('hrlsonas tree ULI- Alvin Mellona10 attd Mrs. Mae.
lit and no gifts. The Angel of Gregor gave excellent reports on
Love 1lppeared. When the child- the sessions of the Presbytery
ram risked why the tree had held recently at Blyth. The min,
no gifts nod no lights, site am tttes were adopLeit sly Pesti by the
swered that she could not do it secretary and Mrs, A. Coutts re-
alities. They 111111t help her. She ported 111111 the Pose' €upper was
w't•ote: Igor ----children, then it decided success, 11 was decided
she said they must supply the to pat 0200 la the Manse I''ttnd at
'present and then litter figure out
what the remainder will be used
for. Mrs. - H. Sntalldon, Mrs. hi.
Battu and Mrs. Roy Williams will
look after the plants In the
('hareh for the winter,
The Auttttnn thankoffering
meeting of Duff's United Church
was held in the tttditoriam of
the ehurt'h on Thursday after -
110111t, Nov: 10, Ladies of Blyth.
Londesboro, Moicrief and Brus-
sels and Walton Anglican were
invited guests for the occasion.
The devotional period was con-
ducted by the President, Mrs,
W. Turnbull. 1st Vice Pres. hire.
D. Watson, 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs.
E. 'Mitchell and 3rd. Alt's. G. Alc-
tial•in. The thankoffering medita-
tion was based on the 'Break-
" and Mrs. W. Turn-
bullof ]'read .n h . 1 l
!lull opened the meeting with the
caul to worship "clod is always
with us let us steep silent, Illessed
is he 111111 shall eat bread in 1110
Kingdom of (hod", followed by
hymn 579 "We ploatgll the fields"
with Mrs. It. Brown us 0000mp-
anis . The visitors were welcom-
ed by Aire, \W. Turnbull. Num-
bers were given by Mrs. II, Tin -
tis , of and \Lt's. 11 E. 51cLa-
gun 11,11111(1 Soh) 1. .alts (1, hlc(la-
1h1 inu'edltecd the guest speaker,
Jars. I1. Donaldson of Seaforth
Anglican Church. Mrs, Donaldson
spoke on ('hili in South Ameri-
ea, this being her old home to
leer early childhood, In her re-
1110r'ks she described Chili as
a very beautiful country with the
background consisting of the
white mountains of the Andes.
Because of its narrowness to the
sea it ranges in width from 50
miles to 150 miles, The ruling
class are chiefly Spaniels descent
and Indians Who are natives.
These people do not know much
about the love of Christ, and
missionaries are in great de-
mand. The means of travel for
their work is by horseback.
Mrs. Donaldson intends to vis-
it her homeland in the very
nem' future. still Having brothers
and sisters, also other relatives
there. I11 concluding her address
she dressed a lady in the dress
of that country which made it
really interesting,
- 'Mrs, N. Schade thanked the
guest speaker for her very in-
spiring address and the meet-
ing closed with hymn 5138.
A social tithe was held in the
basement when 1111)011 was eery -
ed to the ladies.
right word before they coma
light the lights and plat gifte on
the tree, After 11list1)" guesses one
boy wrote the wort! "all" 1111dthe
tice lights came on and gifts ale
in our Mission Band, Tom
Leeming thought of the word
"all" and putt it Au our sigtl "For
All t'ltildreti". The lights came
011 shell e11e11 class brought their
gifts and laid theta at the tree
so more children in Korea will
have gifts o11 Chlristen's morning.
Glenna ]loaston led in prayer
asking God to bless these gifts
end to help 1111 boys and girls to
anderstanct that God loves theta
tl. \Wenda Humphries and Carol
R'lthee took up the offering The
business wilts trains t.ted, Mary
Bess will read the scripts re,
Ism Leeming will lead in pray.
,'r and Mary Deeming play the
piano. We were asked to send
it, 0 111 to cover cost of mailing
White Gifte. :airs, 11, Dlc(as in
volunteered to donate the sum
eeeessa1'y. 'text 1111)11131 the mem-
bers are TO 10(110 their mite box-
('las11 Teachers were .alrs. (l,
011 110in, firs. A. 111'11, hire. N.
Marks alai Miss Slone Clark.
'rho c me, t iug /posed with "Sil-
, m Night. holy Night".
hiss Anlyr Love 0i Toronto
visited Wit 11 .Alt'. 1111(1 3h's. \Wai-
r lit'oadfoot on Saturday.
Airs. Andrew Court-. Mr, and
Mrs. Ed AleCreath visited with
:lir. and Mrs. Earl Coutts and
other relatives its Victoria Hos-
pital. London.
The monthly meeting of the
W. I. will be held in the Com-
munity Hall on Thursday even-
ing, Nov. 24th with firs. Donald
11111hanan and Mrs, Alvin Mc-
Donald as Education Conveners.
Roll call, If you would like a
trip to anywhere in Canada
where would you go?'
\]r, and .Mrs. Doug Ennis spent
Sunday with Mr. Ronald Ennis,
fpr. end 'Mrs. Geo. Dundas. DIr,
and Mrs. T. Dundas, and Mr.
and Mrs. \Willis Dundas called on
Mr. Armour Dundas on Sunday,
who is a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital, Loudon.
Mrs. Andrew Coutts laid the
wreath for 111e Walton W. I, and
Walter Bewley for Duff's',atted
church at the Brussels Remem-
brance Day Service at the Cen-
otaph on Friday 0(0rning Nov. 11
at 11 a.n1,
Mr. and .SD's. Doug Heske and
family of (;oderich spent the
weekend with the latter's par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turn-
Mr. Gerald Dressel of Toronto
.spent the weekend at his home
Thirty-seven interested farm-
ers enjoyed the bus trip on Fri-
d•iy past to the Shur -Gain Exper-
imental Farms at Maple. Ont.
The \\'MS of Duff's United
church was Held in the Sunday
School 00 Thursday. Nov. 10 with
the Vice President. Mrs. G. Me-
IGGavin in charge. The secretary's
report was read by Mrs, Ron Ben-
nett and Mrs. H. Craig, the trea-
surer, gave the financial state-
ment. Al's. C. Martin, Supply
Sec.. told us of the allocation of
supplies for the Indian School
at Edmonton. Alta. It is to consist
of 5 gifts for boys 12.1; yrs:
socks, sweater's size S.
Nominating committee for the
slate of officers for the coming
rear were appointed namely Mrs,
Wilbur Turnbull. Mrs. Ken Aie-
DANCING TO FOLLOW DiNGO Donald, -airs. G. aleGavin. Mrs.
- Torrance Dundas and Airs. Cliff made a pile member. He pioneer-
- Plan now -11) 811.0114 the 110, -bit'. Mrs. Watson gave a de
tial,=d ed in a number of new phases of
a0count of the morning
session of the Sectional meeting medicine. and was working on a
e. the .ncilme.-r, r'00:. Centre , , h was held in Duffs Church, 140146 (if his memoirs.
FRIDAY. DECEMBER ". T> !lop. Mrs.C. Ritchie also Pe Sfatthse Baillie who con.
Idtutcd the services held from
the Gardiner funeral home to the
' United . Churrh said evidence of
® , his uns.=3tieh service. to his many
patients was manifested through-
• Io11t hie frill praet;ce.
Lr. Eberhart was active in the
€kern/reality. He was a charter
member :nd past president of
the Me ford Rotary Club and was
t chairman r of the :Seaford
euhiie school board, the 'Meaford
i is c%: s^I1o01 board and a member
the library hoard. He was a
1 member of Pythagoras Lodge.
i.F.e A 11. No. 1 37 and served
en the board of trustees of the
Meafe.rd United Church of which
Fiat -Rate Electric Water HeateI' - i i.e was II member.
Dern at Seaforth. -he was a 00n
1 of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles
1 Eberhart. Following graduation
- 1 from Fniversity of Toronto. he
+-erne to Meaf' rd in 1'+10 to take
i over the practice of the late Tir.
Tos'•ph Jordan. Ile was married
to the former Elsie Patton who
;snrvirrs with one daughter Fran-
! ses, Mrs. Andrew Gardner of Ag•
in, aur t and four grendchlidren.
Atm. Bobby. Frankie and Janie.
Me0lbere of Pythagoras Lodge
A.F. es A.M. No. 171 held a mem-
orial service in the funeral chap-
el on Sunday eremite. \Wor. Bro.
X. 11• Macke officiated.Flat r w-111• f;.:1.* I p.•r nl1aaii Fellow Rotarians were bearers
5 war h-;,r.•o per mean11 -• for the profusion of floral tribe
,1 waft beater ':n per month - tiles. They were Mejor Gordon
Pratt, George Stafford, Stanley
Abercrombie, - William Ahern:
Thep('( -t 11E'\\- tanks available 101' purchase f'al'l C'• Manure. Mel Peacock,.
Stanley 31chibllon, Dick White,
CALL AT THiS OFFICE Leslie Kershaw, Frank Gower,
Jim 17raves. Harold Solomon,
TELEPHONE 472 . Jack Butler. Alex. Taylor, Larry
1'a1lbrrarers were A. W. Bright,
111 John C Finley, ,Tudge Colin
Bennett. 1'. (. ,Iohneton, Laverne
Douglas and Dave Mitten. Inter -
1107'111 '•1111 at Lakeview cemetery.
7411101M33111I4MiersellenedefeateillatengteenaireeltelerefeetelanteegnafaIMene The Wilford paper also reprin-
Meaford Honors
Memory of the Late
Dr. F. L. Eberhart-
The heatord Express refers as
follows to the death of Dr. F. L.
Aleafot'd United Church was
tilled on 'Monday afternoon when
friends paid tribute to a beloved
physician and highly esteemed
citizen. Dr, Francis Louis Eber-
hart, who died Friday evening.
November 4111 at the Meaford
General Hospital, a few hours
after being stricken at his home.
Dr. Eberhart, who had devoted
more than 40 years to serving the
people of Meaford and district.
11110 been in declining health for
over a year.
In December of 1958 citizens of
Meaford and area. in recognition
of his outstanding services. had
honored him with a testimonial
dinner and gift. At the same time
he was also honored by the On-
tario Aledical Association and
't invite you to enquire about our plans to
_ive you adequate hot water service at low
i»o t..Perhpaj>s we can save you money with
o1.11' flat -rate service.. You can l'ellt a 411
gallon tank for: $2.0 1101' month gross -
plus flat -rate energy c harae .-
ted the story and tribute given
to 111111 on the occasletl of his
42nd 'anniversary in Meaford, hr
Dec, 1151. Part is quoted below:
Repreeentuttree front 00ery
group in Meaford and area gatlt-
ored at the l'aud's hotel out Tates -
day evening, Dee. 2, 1938, to pity
signal tribute to Dr, Francis L.
Eberhart, one 02 Ontario's better
known emintry physiciatls.
Dr. Eberhart came to Meaford
in 1910 after he was refused e11'
try illt,i the Canadian Array and
then the British Medical c'or'ps
following n serious appendeet'
only. Ile took over the practice
of Dt', Joseph Jordan who se110
overseas until 1919, On 1115 r'etur'n
Dr,-Jordtut eleoteti to practice
elsewhere. -
Talking about the horse and
buggy days, the doctor told sever-
al imecdotes of home births und-
er gritty eit'cunlstailees consider-
ed by present day standards, In
one case all the plaster came off
the ceiling, crowning the doctor
with debris and wall paper and
almost covering the newborn boy
who wallas the streets of Meaford
today. The mother had assured
hint that the ceiling was o.k. but
the lusty squalls of the newborn
babe must have set it in motion,
On another occasion a grand-
mother was holding the lamp and
Just at the critical !Moment she
fainted, setting the surroundings
on tire, covering baby, mother
and doctor with a thick. black
smudge from a smouldering blan-
ket thrown quickly over the
dames by the doctor. "That fin-
ished me on mother assistance,"
Dr. Eberhart said,
It was not uncommon, the doe -
tor said, to have to harness your
own horse if the livery 1111)14 had
gone home and on some oven -
skins if your own horse was done
in, you had to pick the next best,
He told of one horse supposed to
be un outlaw which gave him
Many wars of faithful service,
He always looked for a carrot,.
apple or piece of sugar but he
00011 almost Immo 11 in his under-
standing, 'luny n night after a
long case I went to sleep on the
way borate. The gifted horse
would let out 0 snort to wake me
up when we got to the barn.
Speaking of tete evolution of
medicine the doctor told of the
first use of the forerunner 0f 10-
8111111 on a local woman, who
made a miraculous recovery. He
also told of the wonder of sulpha
drugs in the curing of pneumon-
ia and the succeeding medicines
such as peni(illin. ere. He told of
feeding 11 man steel big portions
of liver to cure pernicious alnenl-
ia that the Inas rebelled and said
he would rather die than keep
up treatment. Then he and his
devoted wife Elsie, a trained
nurse, made up more palatable
nlixtnres. Now, he said, the lite-
saving; liver ethics in all easily
assinllatcd 1)111 or injection form.
The many Mende of Diss, Ar-
thur se0 t
1!11111 Aftdersoat will be ala c o
learn she 111 mustering 'from an
htjnt'y slue sustained mime time
Miss :t'tebelle Whiteman return -
cd home from visiting friends in
Mrs, Brownlee who has been
spending a few days in London
with her sister, Mrs, Barnby, re-
turned to her 1101110,
Miss Jean 101800 visited a few
days in Guelph with her aunts,
Mrs. (lattld and Mrs, Iltllfout',
- Sunday service at St, And-
rew's United (:']torch, Ihif>pen,
was assisted by one of the lay-
men of the United Church, Mr,
Martin Baan of Walton. The
choir was an till male one and
under the leadership of Dries J.
Deer hunters lotting Kippen
last Thursday were Elzar Mout
mean, John Robinson, Jack Ban-
nister, Herb Alonsseau, J1111 Park-
ins, Keith Lovell. George Hess,
Arnold Desjardine and Roland
Mr, N. Long and Dir. Robert
Tilotusm visited Sunday after -
1 ' n
and noon with Mr. as .11s James
Armstrong of StatIa.
Mrs. \\'m. Gntenhy from Scep-
tre, Sask„ who has been visiting
her 001asi115, lit', and Mrs, Robert
McLean, the past month, return-
ed to her home recently,
.Airs, Lydia Dole lit deed word
her son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Ait's. ,Tolm Doig of Grand Ra-
nkle. !Mich.. left Sunday by plane
for a vacation Mn Mexico.
alr, and airs, George Woodenek
and Ann and Jilunte of Dearborn,
Mich., spent the week end with
Mr, and :tars. Wm. Kyle and fa-
intly. Mrs. Woodcock's either,
311, Norman M1•l.eod, w'l10 1)1111
spelt the suutnlcr visiting in
Canada, returned home with
Mrs. Harold Caldwell of Hens -
all, Mrs, Wm. Kyle and 13ontrie
visited relatives in Parkhill on
1'llJl SIOAFU111'll NEWS (1 holes
The W. A. of McKillop I' 1' 13
Church held their Nov. sleeting
at the home of Mrs. Irvin Rocic.
Mrs, Win. Koehler and Mrs. A.
Nichols were in charge of the de-
votion period based on Remem-
brance Day, Following a discus-
sion on plans for the bazaar to be
held Nov 19 at 3 p.m. at the
Brodhagen Community ('entre,
contests we're conducted. Lunc11
was served by the hostess. The
next meeting is to he held at the
house of Mrs, Norman .Eggert
with everyone contributing some-
thing to the program. (lifts are to
89) 'l'lutr,,illy, November 17, 19110
be exchanged at the (311r1$l ntie
Airs. A. J. Huetho1', Mot'1'istot1,
sirs, A, lianugel of Halt, and 1)1'(1.
Jolla Foreman, Billy and Santa
of Sheffield) visited Ahs. (•, Legu.c'1'L
tit the hospital, also, Mt'. 1111)1
Mrs, Irvin Bock and Atr. orad 1-Irs,
Norman 1':,1;ett.
Mr, and Airs. W. Koehler and
Mr. and MIs. I):111 13cutOrma11 vis-
ited rvitlt Mr. and Mrs, Lottie
I3ennewios at 1300dh11ge11.
Mr, and Mrs. Cooil Franke and
Mt', and Hz's. Wilfred School) of
P011st011 recently visited with Air,
ztnd Mrs, Win. Koehler.
Mr, and Mrs. Edwin McKenzie
and 1:1011ily of Detroit visited with
111x. and Mrs. 1100r11 1Loegy,
Sunday visitors with kir, a1111
;Sirs. N. l'ggert were Miss ,Melo-
son. Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs, Ale
brey MaeNichol and family, of
Presbyterian Church
Jlev, U. Leslie Elder
11 11.111. S1.1111011
\\'lIlIN 1.11011: 'I'UMl3Li'1$ IN"
7 Ills Il
Ser , pm'. � I
-Th. Strength of Suttees"
N.Il, Snottily, Nuvouther 27111. 91r1
Anniversary Services, at 11 1, as
se 7 p.m. .lues) \lieisl r, the
Moderator of the teetotal rel .\:=-
He1t11a1y, the iii:Ili Itev. 111',
Robert Lennox. h col re.11.
Anniversary utast' by the , h',n'.
l0 Breach 160 near holding a
$AT., NOV- 19
A'1' '1'111] 1.1111IO,N HALL
from 2.30 .. 31 P.M.
hllytlt; Mr, and Hz's. 10, Whig
house and Donna of Kippon.
Northside United Ohuroh
\i'crship 1.1 a.m.
Jr. (hurell 801101)1 will be i>old
during the worehip period.
Sr, Chuecll School at 10 0,111,
Go Sunday afternoon our an-
nual Every nullity visitation will
taste place. lunch w111 1>e served
111 the Church School room atter
morning service for all canvas-
sers, Board Members and Can-
vassers please ttLtcnd to the
\ltltlslel': 1100..3, (MEC 131111014,
13.A Organist, Mrs, 311s, A, Stew-
art; Choirmaster, Alr, Jas. A,
St ewart.
'Th11'1 .ANNUAL
utul 'Tva .11 (413(30)1 fulled ('1111',11
Saturday, Nov. 19
31111;1111, 11S, Fist Pond
I'c a chiliinm
Admission 21.On, Extra cards 25c or B for Milo
Sponsored by C.W.L.
Bazaar and Tea
8 to 5 o'clock in the Parish Hall
Featuring Christmas Cakes and Puddings. Mincemeat.
Candies, Hontebaking. Aprons, Knitted Wear.
Children's Clothing, Produce, Novelties
e'/eu Gale erifwd
N 14®U
at the
Main St. and Gouinlock Branch
er 19th from 2:30 to 5:00 pans,
o.turd0Y. Noyetnb
Light Refreshments
Mn, W. C. Moornt
- Branch Manager
Proudly Announces the Opening
of our Modernized Seaforth Branch
November 19th is the day we, at "The hank", have all been waiting for. It's the
day we're holding our official "Open house" to show off our fine, new building in
Seaforth. Once you've had a chance to inspect our new quarters we're sure
you'll agree that any inconveniences encountered during renovations,
were well worth the end result.
Everything has been done to make your visits to "The Bank" just as pleasant
as possible. The premises have been beautifully furnished and 50% glass
construction provides a bright, cheerful attnosphere. There's ample parking space
for your convenience too.
Mr. W. C. Moore, Manager of our Seaforth branch, will be on hand to greet you
personally during "Open House". If you are unable to attend our party on
Saturday, make it a paint to drop in soon. You'll really appreciate the
"interested" service you'll receive from Mr. Moore and his staff.
Savings Accounts
Current Accounts
Joint Accounts
Bonk -by -Mall
Travellers' Cheques
Our Principal Services include:
Money Transfers
Safety Deposit Boxes
Personal and Business Loans
Home Improvement Loans
Farm Improvement Loans
Foreign Exchange
Securities Bought and Sold
Letters of Credit
Night Depository
a' j 4
A+i tpXlt Ii, ,