HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-11-03, Page 5TI -II SIuAFORTI't NEWS -- Thursday, November 3, 1050
1FOl'1d Market
COCKTAIL 20-oztinss 59c
MACARONI pkgs. 33c
R I 2 16 -oz
3 pkgs. �uc
CANNED HAMS 11/2 lb. tin 1.35
CAT FOOD 2 15 -oz tins
large 24 oz tins 35c
48 oz tinJC
Bazaar and Draw
at St. Patrick's Parish Hall in Dublin on
Thursday, Nov. 10•. Bazaar at 3 o'clock,
Bingo at 9
3 Door Prizes and the Draw at the Bingo
Friday, Nov. 4
Auspices Orange Hall
Property Committee
AT 8.30
Admission 40e. Lunch served
The November Session of Hur-
on County Council will be held
in the Court House, Goderich,
commencing Tuesday, Novem-
ber 22nd..
Any communications in connec-
tion therewith, should be in
the hands of the Clerk -Treasur-
er not later than Friday, Nov-
ember 18th.
Clerk -Treasurer
County of Huron
Court House
Goderich, Ontario
A Reception
Friday, Nov. 4
Norris Orchestra
Ladies please bring sandwiches
Mr. and Mre. Nelson Cerdno
and Mr, and Mrs. John Cardno
were in Georgetown last Saturday
attending the 'weeding of their
Mr. and Mrs, A. Hildebrand and
Ml'. and Mrs. Gordon Hildebrand
attended the wedding of their
niece in Waterloo on Saturday
Mrs. Sadie Hart, of Stratford
spent the weekend with Mrs, 3m-
'10. Ellis.
Mr: and Mrs. Frank Lamont
spent Sunday with Mrs. H. G.
Meir in Windsor, •
Mr. E. 0, Boswell was in Co-
bourg on Sunday and attended
the 141st anniyereary of St. Pet-
er's Anglican Church, when a
memorial plaque for his parents
and brothers was dedicated.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale and
Master Kevin Dale attended Con-
vocation in Thames Hall on Fri-
day when Mrs. Barbara Dale was
awarded the B. Sc. in Nursing
Mr. and Mrs. 5, P. Moylan, of
Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Jor-
dan, Toronto, were weekend
guests of Mrs, Jean Fortune and
attended the Dalton -Moylan 25th
wedding anniversary.
Mrs. H. V. Workman and Mrs, •
John Stevens and family spent
the weekend in Windsor.
Mrs. Fred Parsons of London
is visiting friends in town.
Mrs. Frank Kling and Mr. Fred
Willis were guest soloists at Win-
throp United Church Anniversary
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald MacDon-
ald and Bob spent the weekend at
Quite a number of ladies at-
tended the bazaar of the Varna
United Church.
Brucefield W. A. will hold their
annual bazaar on Sat. Nov. 5th at
2.80. Ladies of the congregation
and neighboring churches are
cordially invited to attend.
Mrs. Kruger is at present stay-
ing with her sister, Mrs. L. Ings.
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Moffatt
wore in St. Thomas on Sunday
visiting with Mr. Moffatt's aunt,
Mrs. S. McKenzie who is serious-
ly ill in Elgin St. Thomas Hos-
Mrs. B. Kenard, Exeter, form-
erly of Brucefield, while waiting
at the curb of a parking lot in
London on Saturday, fell and
fractured her arm.
Miss Marie Elliott is visiting
in Detroit at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Turner.
Rummage Sale
In the Parish Hall
Saturday, Nov. 5
Skating !
Friday, Nov. 4 8-10
ADM. 35c & 25c
Sat. 2 - 3.30 10c
Sat. Night
Goderich Sailors vs
Wed., Nov. 9
8 -10 35c & 25c
1956 CHEVROLET "8" Hdtop, A -T & R
Seaforth Motors
Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service
Phone G. Fawns 186 Phone 541
'Ars, Belle MGEwori of -liJxe ar
and Mrs, Morton McDougall visit-
ed ou Wednesday with Mrs. Sadie
Mr's. Jaynes Aikenhead of Eg.
mondylile was a guest of Mr, and
Mrs, T. Laing over the weekend.
Miss Brenda Homuth of Clinton
spent the weekend with Miss A,
Mr, and Mrs, 3. Wallace and
Debbie visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kerslake,
St. Marys.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Scott and
Dorothy accompanied by Mrs.
Eva Coiquhoun and daughter
Jean and Mrs. Hazel DeForge of
Winnipeg visited in Clinton on
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, M.
Corliss and Mr, and Mrs. Elmer
Mr. Reheat Gardiner returned
home on Sunday after spending
three weeks in. the West,
Mr. and Mrs, Carter Kerslake,
Joyce, Brenda and Craig, Mr, An-
drew McLachlan and Mrs; Grace
Scott visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Will McLachlan, Bruce -
Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Allen, Nan-
cy and Frank visited on Sunday
afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. An-
thony Allen in Stratford and with
their daughter Janet who is a pa-
tient in Stratford Hospital.
Mr, Frank Stagg and Mrs. M,
Houghton were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rose, of
The school pupils with their
teacher Miss Wanda McLaren
enjoyed a hallowe'en party at the
school on Saturday evening.
Guest speakers at the Lay-
men's service which was observ-
ed at Cronnarty Church on Sun-
day, were Mr. Tom Dickson of
Listowel, who gave a report of
the Men's Conference which was
held at Keswick in Muskoka in
September, and Mr, Hally Nickel
also of Listowel, who gave a stir-
ring address. The service was
conducted by Mr. Lloyd Sorsdahl.
Next Sunday the church ser-
vice will be held at 2.30 in the
afternoon and will continue at the
swine time through the winter
The turkey supper and enter-
tainment which was held on Tues-
day night drew a good crowd and
was quite successful financially.
Tho boys' choir under the leader-
ship of Mr. Polley of Stratford,
delighted the audience with their
program of choir .numbers, solos
and duets.
The annual bazaar, sponsored
by the Marian Ritchie Auxiliary
and the Ladies' Aid is set for
the afternoon of Nov. 24th,
The Thankoffering service of
the WMS will be held next Sun-
day with Mrs. Wilson oe Shakes-
peare as guest speaker.
Montgomery At Clinton Hos-
pital, Oct. 21st to Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Montgomery of Holmesville,
a daughter, Fay Irene.
Guichelaar — At Scott Memorial
Hospital on Oct. 27, to Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Guichelaar, RR4
Seatorth, a daughter
Dolnrnge — At Scott Memorial
Hospital on October 30, to Mr.'
and Mrs. Ronald Dolmage, Sea -
forth, a daughter
Hartwick — At Scott Memorial
Hospital on October 31, to Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Hartwick, Sea -
forth, a son
The Seaforth Willing Workers
held their third meeting on Oet.
29th at the home of Mrs, Elliott,
The meeting opened with 4-1-1
Pledge. The roll call was answer-
ed by 17 girls telling what type
of reference file they had chosen.
The next meeting is to be on
Nov, 5 at Marjorie Papple's.
A discussion took place on
Meal Planning. Antonette and
Anne van den Henget and
Marjorie Agar demonstrated and
told us about table setting and
service. We then talked about
table manners and conversation
at the table. Roll call; One duty
of a hostess towards her guest,
Memorize Food Guide to Health
on Milk and Fruit.
home Assignment: Plan the
meals for your family for one day
and include in record book. Prac-
tise table setting and service.
Read something interesting to
talk about at the next meeting
and put in record book. Bring
Record Book up to date. Continue
collecting material for reference
file. We then had a buffet supper.
Northside United Church
Worship at 11 a.m.
Sacrament of Infant Baptism
will be observed.
Jr. School during worship hour,
Sr. School at 10 a.m.
Youth Fellowship at 8 p.m.
Rev. J. C. Britton, B.A., Minist-
er. Mrs. Jas. A. Stewart, Organist,
Mr, Jas. A. Stewart, Choirmaster.
ing closed with hymn 41 "0 For
a Thousand Tongues to Sing" and
prayer. Lunch was served by the
hostess, Mrs. Merton Blackwell,
Mrs, A. Coutts, Mrs. 32. McCreath,
and Mrs. Geo. Love.
institute meunbers taking the
course "The 'third Meal" will
meet at the home of Mrs. Herb
Travis next Monday evening Nov.
'7 at 8.30. p.m.
Visitors at the borne of Mr. and
Mrs.George Dundee over the
weekend were Mr. and Mrs, Dav-
id Andrews, Toronto, and Mr, and
Mrs, Woodrow Mercer and family,
Miss Ruth Ennis of Kitchener
spent several days with her per-
orate Mr, and Mrs. D. Ennis.
Mr: and Mrs. Geo. Hudgins of
Liman visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Johnston and Mr, and Mrs.
T. Dundas.
Miscellaneous Shower
A. miscellaneous shower was
meld in the Walton Community
Hall last Tuesday evening in hon-
or of Miss Joan Shortreed, bride -
sleet. Mrs. Emerson Mitchell was
mistress of ceremonies for the
following program: Duet by Carol
Shortreed and Mary Bewley ac-
companied by Ann Shortreed;
Mrs. Gordon MoGavin, a reading;
a duet by Wire. H. Smalidou and
Mrs. Harold McCallum, accompan-
ied by Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. Solo
by Mrs. Louise Smith accompan-
ied by Mrs, H. Brown; a reading
by Mrs, Emerson Mitchell.
The bride-to-be, her another,
Mrs, James Shortreed and Mrs,
M, Beuermann of Brodhagen, the
groom-to-be's mother were seated
on the decorated platform and
Mrs, Wm. Hoff addreseed Miss
Shortreed and the gifts were pre-
sented by a number of young la-
dies. Joan thanked the ladies in
a very capable manner, Lunch
was served at the close of the
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Watson en-
tertained at a dinner on Monday
evening when Mrs. Sadie McDon-
ald and Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Dun-
das were guests. The occasion be-
ing a birthday celebration for
Mrs. Geo. Dundee and Mrs. Da-
vid Watson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Culbert vis-
ited in Goderich on Sunday with
their son Mr, Melvin Culbert.
Mr. Lou Culbert of Stratford
was a recent guest at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. F. Culbert,
A successful masquerade party
was held in the Community Hall
on Friday evening with Garnet
Farrier's Orchestra in attendance,
Prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Templeton of Wingham—the
best dressed couple. Mr. Emerson
Mitchell—gent's comic costume.
Mrs. Ross McCall ladies' comic
Mrs. Harvey Craig returned
home after visiting with relatives
in Saskatchewan for the past two
The October meeting of the Mc-
Killop group was held at home of
Mrs. David Watson last Wednes-
day evening with 15 ladies pre-
sent. Mrs. Russell Barrows presid-
ed, opening with hymn "When
All Thy Mercies 0 my God", with
Mrs. Merton Hackwell at the pi-
ano. Prayer was offered by the
ileader and the scripture passage
was read by Mrs. Wm. J. Leem-
ing from Luke 17: 1-19. Mrs. A.
Coutts gave a reading. Reports
were read and business discussed.
Plans were made for a shower
and the Thankoffering meeting
on Nov. 10th. Tickets were distri-
buted for the fowl supper on Nov.
2nd and plans completed. Christ-
mas cards were offered for sale.
The members were reminded
about white cotton for bandages
3" x 5" to 10 yds. long. Coppers
for contest are to be brought in
to next meeting, also more holi-
day money to come in.
The members of Dublin W. I.
enjoyed a bus trip to Kitchener
on Tuesday, Oct. 25. The trip
included an interesting and edu-
cational tour of Weston's Plant
where each member received a
loaf of bread. The home of Mc-
Kenzie King at Westwood was
visited. Then all the members
went to the television program,
"Bazaar", where several won
prizes on 'Charades'. The Presi
dent, Mrs. H. Pethick was pre-
sented with a hassock. The next
visit was 'The National Institute
of the Blind'. Huronic Hall was
toured and an interesting talk
given by the Assistant Superin-
tendent, on the wonderful work
done by the Institute. From there
the party went to the Shopping
Plaza and dinner was served for
the group at Welper's Hotel. Mrs
R. Aikens led in a sing -song on
the return bus trip. It proved a
Mrs. Geo. Love chose as her thoroughly satisfying day.
topic "Defeat may be the Door- Mr. and Mrs. H. Pugh, Clair -
way to Final Victory". The meet- mont, with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Evans and
Ray Maloney at Chippewa,
Mrs, Catherine Feeney is spend -
lug a few days in Kitchener.
High School Newe
(Rita Kennedy)
Well, Ocbtober is over, and No-
vember, our examination month
has arrived. "Have you begun
studying for exams yet?" 10 a
common of ton questtun those days.
Recently we had the pleasure
of a visit from two Y,C.S, lead-
ers from Chatham, who have de-
voted a year of their time to
projects, They spoke to
the students of the increasing.
need of prayer and good Christ-
ian example among fellow stu-
dents in all student and adult
activities, A community does,
look to its youth, really, for pre -
On Monday, Oct. 2411, Grade 10
diplomas were given out to the
present Grade 11 students, by
Father Durand. On this occasion
Father Durand stressed the need
of educated adults in the world
to -day. Speaking of the dislike of t
many, for school Father said,
"Every school day can be, and
should be a holiday, if we snake
it so" He stated that everyone
on earth, including the student,
has a place to fill, and if be does
am fill it, it will remain unfilled.
In closing, Father expressed his
wish that these students would
continue their education,
That same clay, the Medical
Missionaries of Mary visited our
school and showed us a very
worth -while movie of their work
and duties in foreign countries.
We recognized Sister Aloysious,
who showed the film, . changing
the bandage on a badly infested
foot of a leper. Sister said that
there really is no danger of infec-
ttun for the muse if she has the
right attitude and takes the nec-
essary precautions, A donation,
given by the students, was grate-
fully accepted by the Missionary
The immediate families of Mrs.
M. Dickert, mother of Mr. Nor-
man Dickert, held a birthday ga-
thering Sunday at the hone of
Mr. Jack Diekert, Harriston. The
occasion was Mrs. Dickert's
90th birthday. The table was cen-
tred with a birthday cake in the
shape of au open bible, Some
very nice gifts were presented
by her families.
Mr. R. Verbeek of RR 3, Kippen
was taken by ambulance on Sun-
day to South Huron Hospital,
Exeter, He received injuries to
his back while working at W. G.
Thompson's elevator in Hensall.
Mrs. Verbeek suffered 2nd degree
burns to a portion of ber body on
Saturday while she was carrying
boiling water to the bath tub to
bathe her children. She slipped on
the floor causing the water to go
over her body. Dr. Gans of Exeter
had her taken to South Huron
Hospital, Exeter, for treatment.
She was able to go home in a
short time.
Mrs. Schorrel Boskoop of Hol-
land who has been visiting at the
horse of Mr. and Mrs. H. Van
Wierren for one week. returned
to her daughter's hone in Lon-
don on Sunday.
Weekend guests with Mr. and
Mrs. John Pepper were Mr. and
kers. Wesley Pepper and family
of Niagara Falls and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Walter of Benmiller.
Mr, and Mrs. James Armstrong
of Staffa called on friends in the
village on Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. John Doig of
Grand Rapids, Mich., spent the
weekend with Mrs. Lydia Doig
and Janet.
Mr. and Mrs. John Long of
Owen Sound visited over the
with Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
Women Teachers
Complete Course
The Women Teachers' Federa-
tion of North Huron has been
sponsoring an Arts and Crafts
Course in Blyth. A large and en'
thusiastic group of Public School
t e a c he r s participated in this
course which was conducted by
Mr. Sherman Miller, of the Strat-
ford Teachers' College. It began
on September 29 in the Memorial
Ball and continued on Thursday
evenings, from 7 to 9, throughout
October, in the Hall and in the
Pub'lio School,
A very responsive group of al-
most 100 teachers benefited great-
ly from the excellent lectures de-
liveredeach night by Mr. Miller
wh9 is an expert in this field,
Some practicalwork was done
and. invalua.•ble ' 110111 was gained
from the many files of art ideas,
as well as from the countless
number of examples of all kinds
of art and crafts displayed each
night. The sheaf of printed notes
prepared by Mr. Miller and pre-
sented to every teacher will be
of lasting benefit.
Both men and women partici-
pated and came from such centres
as: Clifford, Fordwich, Gerrie,
Wroxeter, Bluevale, Wingham,
Lucknow, Dungannon, Nile, Au-
burn, Kippen, Seaforth, Walton,
Brussels, Ethel, Molesworth, Bel -
grave and Blyth.
At the last class thanks were
expressed to all those who helped
make the course a success, to the
Blyth Public School board for the
use of the school, and to the Jack
Hood Company for donating post-
er paint and newsprint for the
course. Certificates were present-
ed to all who had shared in this
In Service Training Mr, Miller
was the recipient of an engraved
Sheaffer's Statesman pen and pen-
cil set from the group in appreci-
ation of his inspiring instruction.
Those in charge of this course
were the members of the execu-
tive of the Women Teachers' Fed-
eration of North Huron. They
are: President, Mrs. Mary Wight -
man, Blyth; Treas., Mrs. Myrtle
Munro, Auburn; Assistant Treas.,
Mrs, Luella Hall, Blyth.
The ladies of the WMS of the
United Church are entertaining
the ladies of Constance, Egmond-
vtille and Kippen on Thursday af-
ternoon of this week. Several
from here attended the open
house at 'Westminster College,
London University on Sunday at
ternoon and evening last.
The ladies of the W.A. of the
United Church held a successful
bazaar and tea last Saturday aft-
The members of L.O.L. 1035 are
holding their annual supper on
Friday, Nov. llth.
Friday, Nov. 11
Seaforth Community Centre
Norris Orchestra
Ladies please bring sandwiches
Londesboro Community
For Mr. and Mrs. Hank Middegaal
(Mary Ann Reynolds) newly-weds
Friday, Nov. 4
Jim Scott Orchestra
Everyone Welcome
I've made myself
at home .. .
with Hope Garber, Paul Soles and their guests.
1 join them every morning for an hour of entertain-
ment. 1 learn a lot, too."
For a meaningful morningful of top television fare
switch to Channel 10. The whole morning is
designed for you, Mrs. Housewife, to help lighten
your work. That's why we call it
You'll like the whole program:
9-10 a.m,—Romper Room 11-12 noon—"At Home" Show
.10-11 a.m.—Hour of Stars 12- 1 p.m,—Noon Hour Club
Also from 8-9 a.m.—Hour of Music