HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-11-03, Page 2apt He Could Ent Pens Off A Knife ill n. it t w:ls J:uiics \Vhit<., linuaty to his friends and hang et•: -on,• of wheat there were many. He was born in Rochdale, Lancashire, in 1878, of extreme- ly pear parents, As soon as Jimmy heft school he got a job as an errand boy and later became a bricklayer's labourer. Then be got ideas, ideas that were later to shoot him to the top like a rocket. - With no capital at all he set 1:inlserf up as a speculative (ladder; it was the heyday of the terry builder and 'flintily did not do badly. I•le was not yet twenty hut he began promoting loyal prizefights. Then caste his first piece Of sharp practise. A circus came to town and Jimmy chummed up With the boss, persuading hint to sell a three-quarter share in it. He had not got the money to pay for his share but he touted around and sold it at a profit. This gave him a liking for .how business so he started to run a theatre at 1lfatloek in Der- byshire. • Now he saw himself in the big money: he decided to launch himself itt London, To London he• went, in 1809, «only to find that the Boer War was just starting in South Africa. He joined up, went oversea, '.here he :served as a mounted pa:lamer_ Willer tate war was over. my Whit • ra:,,LnJd to Britain, tv 1` :not ono of the greatest it......:,.. of the time: Ernest es Te,..., H •,1'. who 'tater sonment. Whitg cc: n - r. esh- • options n s or. all rsold. BM Whtle r. i Jenns r o T o t :y .� B:... -, :a r a ,ietw'eC;i :1.d B"1r11.irc r Welis the heavy chitin:o;: )t Tl, a t'h was arranged to take piaiie at Earls Court, Lens t in, but. then h- foi:ttd he hadn't Suffie! r'.t mono: for the emir- antee, v: rite; Harr; J. Grtmnwalt in "Tit -Bits". 1,i h it r t t•i e):tra t the t ounce of pi:blioity out of itis failure. He beettr. secretly to ar- range apposition to the fight on . ! );I4 -t d of the undesirability a l a While 0 an fighting a Novo tr. Lordoe. lietrasnacaai to get questions laked in the Emaso or Commons rad, as a res' 1:e Home Sec. :elary forliaide ..:efight. Jimmy While WaA W.11y h3tv irera-page news all over l;:;rain. He pre- tended d 1 be disgusted wit., the htl.t.. S ,y . Bet :: tva? „ ..e, .po-t•eicirc:ee art s..1 ',5%13 Mlif, a ntember or the Nati.m S Club: It was at . a, -hat :r.n: - Met rite Is.10 Sir Jo;c`pla am; the t11 two men weht rat- , ar. nerskip to dea:in real estate. ,7L,e ! .:r-, was to buy Covent Garden "1.; roc. Ireia the Juke ofL tca.'t bo $3.0 HEAD SHRiNKER -- Hangover Hat is made of transparent plastic which contains tempera. ture'retalning fluid. The hat is kept in the freezer until a hangover .comes along. Then it's popped on the big head in place of the usual ice bag or wet towel. down the Market and replace it with colossal warehouses to be linked by subterranean roads to London's main line stations, but the Market tenants opposed the scheme so vigorously that it fell through. In 1918 there was talk of con- ferring a knighthood on Jimmy White, but he let it be known at a high level that he would be willing to forgo that if the war- time restrictions on company promotions were lifted, and, strange to relate, they were lifted: ;how White went full steam al. t td, forming company after c o l piny, He was always the chairman and his "share -push- ers" went Ont east and west and so'uh end nerth. Ituw the money flowed into 'hie ooffersi He• bought a large country house, a 8110,000 yacht; he t . d. horse-recing and at one titre iv,V d Seventy race- Jentay '.ad astralpttloUS suite of offiees in the Strand: London where his des'.. 1 is solid gold fittings. The effice .ed to a din- ing roam which was decorated• with famous s spear ting prints. One of London's most famous chefs was engaged to provide a magnificent lunch every day for Jimmy and his guests; if White was not there and if there were no guests. the lunch was pro- vided just the same. At this period his fortune was estimated at 80,000,000. He used to make the most fanta.tie bet;. One day he will: lunching with Hooley when he made a bet of $71 that he would put thirty peas on the blade of his knife and -swallow then without spill- ing one. Jimmy won his bet: He also gave immense suns to Roman Catholic charities: nems who called at his Strand offices oftca went away with cheque.= for 81,000. - Once again White trent into show ht i re. s. He bought Da,y's Theatre in Leicester Square and pet on n:t:e:,tal - comedies. He n eh: have been a success but he refused al: professional as- sistance and even insister on pr•ducing his own snows. He lost thousands n pounds. Now tx.rumours Lgan to fly: bankers who had been his close fri.:nds Shentlderod. Lim. What w -.r tt do? he up his mind to Make a corner in petroleum but he could not obtain any finan- cial backing. In 1927 he had to face demands for cash payments of $2,000,000. He had no money; his Lancashire cotton "boom" had burst and thousands of small investors were ruined. On Tuesday, June 28th, 1927, Jhlimy White left London for his country house called Foxhill. He said to Williams, his butler: "Don't worry about Ise; every- thing will be all right." tie then told all the other servants to take the evening off and go to the theatre at Swin- don, and he gave instructions that he was not to be called un- til noon the next day. Next day at noon, one of the servants went to call White; there was no answer. Climbing through a window into the room, the butler found White lying on his side with a sponge soaked in chloroform pressed closely to his mouth. There was a note say- ing: "Go easy with me, old man: I'm dead from prussic acid." The truth, however, was that the tycoon had taken too little prussic acid to kill him, so lie had fetched some chloroform from a medicine chest and had killed himself with that. After the suicide a, Receiver was appointed on belief the Beecham Trust and it was re- vealed that White owed his bank $1,500,000. Six years before his death. Jimmy White was divorced from his wife by whom he had two daughters. While he was in the money he set aside $180,000 to provide his wife with an annuity of $9.000 for life. MERRY MENAGERIE "Getting a little prartiee, pet?" Skin Divers Make War On Starfish Skin divers armed with knives and other weapons have been attacking the great numbers of starfish which prey on oyster beds in the North Atlantic, caus- ing serious losses to fishermen. This is the newest way of fighting the starfish menace which has increased since the end of the last world war. The starfish is a highwayman, not of the open roads, but along the world's seaways where it ruth- lessly attacks mussels as well as oysters. "Devil's fingers," `cro :fish,,, 'cramps' these are some of the names the oyster dredgers give this strange. voracious crea- ture, Atter a rough autumn tide you can generally find some of these five -fingered creatures ly- ing on tite beach Stirfish are of::n found huntine oysters in the mouth_ of creeks on 'British south and easS coasts - The underside of a starrbM is mea,,, covered with little pint: of tubes and when these are filled with water it is able •by their aid to crawl about. There are suci::r..; di::._=, on the ends of these tubes which can cling to ail; =oi.d , nt tee sad the creature isabbe to pati .;se•'.f ale: _ 11 'a starfish loses an a t t of fimi,or it begins at since to gore an'oti:er, W!:e=: fishermen en- ra>. d because cf starfish attacks 01) i. y'sters. tried to destroy. the pes'.s by tearing them in half, the••. ,ere a!amd t•i see tn::y of :1:e fragments nrewimi frseh When a n:ass of starfish in- vaded the coast of Deal, hint, some y'e'ars ago, thousarl C'- wt•re stra::a.d aS the tide went down aleee a stretch of ten. miles. 11102.77„! the : t:,rfirh .rye taker , .est.. ttOd hel to to •.ran- ' n:'•:' tl 2 A ..1st, S. .12`. Tl en t 00,00- 101 t ':1',.. ('. 11: reerea;0:r efficiamiry h' bland. I: at}; is n1(1 it can.the slightest ,.;:t r.. w et it I y� t r thr l:c F,ta • e t : 1 - o t. i' t t 1rer. draws - u '.07 i sesster irsel. into :t ',. '.'... it can .... st iis pt'eey 0 MOON SUIT . 101710 nou,e with leg; woe designed far the mean. Republic Aviation designed the suit to provide tIi moon- exaketar with o livable atmosphere. Demonstrator puts down t"i }lu:i ,.Vitlydr0.,s legs ,ltd' al's On n : itwll $11?0 70 rest. Whites 7i+- n expo ring iia' - a dr i ) 3v 1 Lie ,cmm> funs:.- 100nio ... .. will be }. c;cl cn the ,e ?rr ; mono noon. Te111 ,ttr; r e�,_.',,11 .be taken are tail Sul on the How Can 1? By Roberta Lee • Q. (low can 1 rope with some wallpaper in one of my 1'ootn4, withal has last its ;,rip and formed art unsightly bulge on the wall?. A. 11, re's t«ue 4uud w I of "ha11` tilt, le10,t' -!t the bit -e v,1101 a ri. t.t (ir ani, u19i1.,T, .r l:n ,rr:: « 11 library pest* thinned to a creamy corn-. je CLASSIFIED VE ACCOMMODA T1ON A WARM WELCOME( - - SENIUR C1112ENS IN RE'liltLMEN'1 Preston Springs Gardens is an address of distinction a haven of comfort and content. Private bathrooms; luxurious sitting rooms 011 bedroom moors, spa- cious• well.furntslled lobby Abent two ed comlietent terraced ilunder the super, vision of registered nurses Is cap. able Of serving all but those requiring hospital or tnstltutlonal care. Monthly rate for single rooms 5150.00 to 5200,00 meals included, Write for further Information and illustrated pamphlet. Preston Springs Gardens, Preston, Ontario, -. - - AGENTS ATTENTION greeting card cosmetic and other sales people. NEW presonal- ized picture lamp, Slade Cram any size negative. Idealgift for Christmas. Birthday, Wedding, Mother's Day, any occasion. Tasteful design, hand rubbed wooden base. For bedroom living romp, TV, etc. Easy to sell, 40% cern. mission. Free details. Write Skyline, 4630, St. Catharine W., Montreal, Que. WE have a few territories sttn open for agents to sell our Premium Quill- Ity Farm Seeds. Complete line of all Farni to Martin Linieed, 30Pitp Street, Waterloo, Ontario. Phone SHem wood 5.0103. - AGENCIES WANTED ATTENTION GROCERIES WHOLESALERS CANADIAN manufacturer offering seamless Silcro-Mesh hosiery, speolally packed for grocery store in beautiful polyethelene bags, Guaranteed first quality. Only $6.65 dos, plus tax. Sant - Street on request. nto BOnt.2a2 123 -18th BABY CHICKS PROMPT shipment on 16-22 week pal- lets, also some started chicks. Day - olds, dual purpose, specialty egg pro• ducers, to order. FebruaryMarch broil- ers should be ordered now. Coated local agent, er write Bray Hatchery, 820 John North, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 37,000 CASH, small balance owner forced to sell. Consisting of building, snack bar, 2 billiard tables, 2 bedroom apt. All -year-round business, In small town, George Bailey Realtor, R.R. 1, 1Vasaga Beach. TAXi BUSINESS OAKVILLE 6 CAR taxi service, Excellent turnover. Circle Taxi, 4 Cowan Ave., Oakville. VI, 4.3241. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE SMIIER resort nn (Tay Bay, known as Blakewood Lodge, accommodates 40 guests ti lning haln; 2•acre site with 300' waterfrontage. RI health forces sale of this popular resort. Bruce J. Wager. Realtor Napanee MOTEL, 9 units plus 3 -bedroom Living quarters, well located on No. 2 High- way neer Napanee; nicely furnished, broadloom. TV, Grossing $6,000.010,000,' year t Realtor, business, Bruce J. Wegar. DRY cleaning plant, with cold storage Unit, in Napanee; 2 apartments and store for extra revenue; thriving bust. ness. Bruce J Wager, Realtor Napa. nee. - BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT GROUND floor offices, Corner Irma. tion, business block; suitable for den• tel clinic or other professional offices. Reasonable rent. Alterations to suit. Most progressive town in Western On- tario. Write P.O. Sox 500, Petrone, Ont_ COINS - 'NE pay 03 for 1925 Canadian nickel; complete buying list 10 cents. Crown Stamp & - Coln, 81 Queen St. E., Tor. onto Paying See each for 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925 Canadian small pennies: Mrs. Mor- gan, 767 Wilson St., Victoria, B.C. FARMS FOR SALE FARM for sale, 100 acres, good build• ings. all workable land, 20 acres newly seeded pasture 25 acres fall wheat. Will sell withcrop, implements and tivestoek. Write Peter Van Wvehen R.P. 1 Southwola Ont, FARMS _ GUELPH AND DISTRICT IF Sat are interested in a farm in the Guelph area write or call us. We have a wide selection. Forsythe and Gerrie, Real Estate Brokers, 100 Woolwich SL, Guelph T.1-2.0420. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CIVE health and beauty for Christmas our jewelled magneticbracelets are healthrestoring and beautiful to [rear. Priced only at 512.50. National Products, 34a Sabtston Or., Nanelno, B.C. Agents wanted. HELP WANTED MALE ELECTRICIANS OTTAWA WE requite immediately qualified electricians for major construction and housing proiecls in Ottawa. Current rate S2.80 per hour. Contact us tm• medist ely, FEDERAL ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS LTD, 994 RIDDELL AVENUE OTTAWA PA. 2.3953 INSTRUCTION EAR\ More. Bookkeeping. Salesman. ship. Shorthand, Typewriting. ore. Les. sans 60c Ask lot free circular No 33, Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. MONEY 10 LOAN WE have money available for first and second mortgage loans 'en farm and town property current rote, of Inter. est Payments arranged to suit your income. Joe Markle Ltd„ Broker, 2 trctteoley St - tv., Toronto Bax 244. Sudbury sisters•}'. Smooth tile whole thing out with a stiff bru,h, and the appearance of your wall should be much improved. Q. (tow can I remove tar spots from washable fabrics", A. Rub some laud over the spot and scrape it orf so it chs-• cr'e1S, Add more lard, and keep serr.Ding Until the ter is out. After r tats. wash the fabric in heavy suds t3 .cleanse it -of the lard. Q. How can I renew the sparkle in some of my rhinestone jewelry? A. Soak in gasriline for a few minutes. then p lll;h with a dry cloth. WARNING: 13a sure you're awev frott any lighted cigarettes or ti00,0:-! ISSUE #'i — 1960 MEDICAL A'S IMPORTANT -- EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS 011 NEU1IT10 SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 333 ELGIN OTTAWA $1,25 Express Collect WANTED: 5,000 MEN AND WOMEN suffering from ell muscular pains at, thrills, 110ervous 1711 QUICK tBELIEF! Write for Free Salonpaa Sample today NATIONAL 3405bon PRODUCTS Street Nanatmo, E.C. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE (BANISH the torment of dry eczema rasltes and weeping skin troubles, Post's • Itching seeldingwendnburning eeze. ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and tool eczema will respond readily to the stainless • hew stubborn or hopeless they seem Sent Pest Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1769 St, Clair AYenue East. TORONTO NURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSES FOR general duty nursing in modern hospital in progressive community east of Port Arthur,- Ontario, Starting sal- ary 7259.00 per month. Room and board Provided at no cost in modern nurses" residence. Excellent employee benefits and year•round recreational facilities available, Apply stating full perticu• lar: of age, experience, a0allabllity. etc. to Box No. 226, 12318th Street, New Toronto, Ont, NUTRIA WILL NUTRIA BE YOUR FUTURE? All the signs point to a bright and Orn. tient market for this luxury furflat success will came only through proper breeding methods, gttanty foundation stook, methodo, program offerdailnof this to you as a rancher, "sing our elicits, sive breeders plait Special o9'er to those who qualitfy, "ears 50111 nutria under our eo•operatite ranchers plan". Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd RR - 1. Richmond UM. Ontario, OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES unlimited available through The Franchise Bulletin Can- ada's only traehise magazine. Write today, Box 223 123 tttlr Street. New Toronto, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN - BE A HAIRDRESSER J0IN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 Ling St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street Ottawa. PERSONAL FREE Booklets; On Life, Death, Soul, Hell, Bible Standard, 2105 South 11th, Philadelphia 48, Pennsylvania. WANTED! 1Vi11 pay cash for your old 1969 telephone directory of your town or community. Write or man to W. E. Alger, 346 Sabtston. St., Nanatmo B,C. ADULTS: Free samples, prlce histon ssHygienic sS Special 1 mldin an sealed envelope, Cotter Company, Box 1009, Station "C", Toronto 3, UNWANTED HAIR VANISHED away with Sara -Pero. Sava. Pelo is different, It does not dissolve or remove hair from the surface bat penetrates Lab growth un- wanted79 Granville Vancouver 2, S.C. ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods; 38 assortment for 92.88. Finest quality, tested, guaranteed, Mailed in plain sealed package piuus tree Birth Control booklet a n d catalogue of supplies. Western Distributors. Box•24TF Re- gina, Sasit, PERSONAL • Flt UItt SEh1' '10 0) 1 1t'ItL i*• len dare„ OU71)OOB lN'1'1 tit tilS- Good' 0)111, Sill AVoid clru tore eulh rt seienL 01dt r pet•sunal needs by mall C'ou0- dentf.tl, prompt servlee, Personal Phar- macy, Box 93, Station D, Toronto, PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLU BOX 31, GALT. 0141 Films developed ;uul 12 r11151:5e pile e 400 Reprints 50 each. KODACOLOR printst. DeivelnpifSColor r 01,1111019090 30toot0each)exlnetudttrna,g An000 and ltktochrome 35 ram 20 ex. posures 300011100 in slides 51.21) Color prints from slides 320 each. money re. funded In Rill for ,,sprinted nee/linen, PET STOCK SIAMrSE kittens, Pedigreed champion stock. 1Iouse broken. Lilaes and blues. Very affectionate, Reasonably. priced. A. S, Stewart. Phone 462 Si Marys, Ont. POULTRY WHEN you purchase Cashman III.Caslr Production pullets, you can be sure that you are g0tag to secure the mast - mum in egg production and the mast - mum profits. popnlnritytttall i overtets are Canadaand the United States. There is only ono reason - they are making more money for poultrymen. Cesium's pullets aro not only winning new friends, but they are winning Contests. The latest win was the Missouri Random Sample fest With 57 entries in the Vest anti win- ning the Florida Standard Test. Tltey also stood higher that any other large franchised hnleheev in the Penusl. vanta Test with 40 entries in the 'rest. Send for folder on this famous money- maker, Cashman Ht•Cas o Prorluettoe Pullet. Also evallable., all other poen- lar white egg, dual purpose end broil- er breeds. Turkey poulls, Pullets. all ages. lots save up to 72.0)) per hundred on your chicks and turkey le order received before December 101. Catalogue. TWEDDLE C111CK I1A'rCIIERIE.; t.TI). FERC 1 S ONTARIO PROPERTIES FOR SALE FLORIDA ST. Petersburg, Fla.. lntlr Groep Spanish house, turn., 2.c ,r garage, lm• dry facilities. patine end fruit trete, P13 00)). J. Miller. 4010 .ort .iv'.• ._ _--._- SALESMEN WANTED COMMISSION Salecmen Ratted. '1'o sell Chemicals for Septic Iatks. Cess- pools, toilets, Server= etc. Proleeled territories, T-. 0. Dnntart & Cr, La- vigne. Ontario. SALESMAN WANTED REAL ESTATE TO represent us in ynur own dlstrlet. urge cnmmission paid nn ever' sale. Yon can earn good commission ht Your spare tune. Write for pertieelars to Epworth Realty Limited. Owen Sound Ontario. U.S. VACATION RESORTS FLORIDA Low summer rates to Dec. 1, Special December and January rates. Write for brochure. Lillian Mc- Millan, 030 Boysllore Dr., Colony ApIS, Fort Lauderdale. Florida. AT HOME IN SPARE TIME6 1 Low monthly payments Include 7 standard text books and tnsstruc• Non. Credit for subjects already 1 completed. Progress as rapidly ax your thine and abilities permit. DIPLOMA AWARDED, THIS IS A CANADIAN RIGH SCHOOL COURSE AND WILL PRE, PARE YOU FOR COT,LEGE, OUR 63RD YEAR AMERICAN SCHOOL, 1 106 Adelaide 5t. W., Toronto, Ont. Please send FREIE Hight School IBooklet. NAME 1 ADDRES 11 1 1 1 d TO EUROPE at Low Thrift .Season Rates bloke this the most memorable Christmas of your life! For more than a century Cunard has carried Canadians to joyful reunions with loved ones in the Old Country. A Cunard crossing is a holiday in itself ...gala Christmas parties . , first -run movies .. , (lancing superb food ... Faultless service! BRITANNIC -CHRISTMAS SAILINGS 'Christmas ill 1r ]and 101. is i (ler. 0,- by e-,- Lal T011e to Cobh aC1T0,an' Nee. 1"ark!0 front Hex Liverpool ork eh r ifictpoo in F;rreri- 1'tEn:\Lt. R I.i,rupool '�ov. 26 -- front lrolnfral 1110,:1•:. :c �)uebce r0), \ Mali d Southampton Irnrro lal•k 0, from ]4111• tinnf11a1111r1(,n 11'i•h Oar,^, d (? L'1 Ir.r!,•tn1111 tteitrn,11 fr ire Der. It 16frou Neu 1r,• 13 , 1•_,Nem. 8.1NDNIt Southampton York t0 f111'1l>rng .k Irk 8,,1i from t t" Seayour taco1 o7nt,----------,--------. -----' ,- 1.e lint rt. 5otiil�ninto n no one can servo YOU lielrer --- "" ',,,e•�/ �p �7 (p ,•�' '�J tt Corner nay & Wellington Sts., i't 3.'rY lt•%I r� • lit �_.`'� 7oicnEMit0lrat 2.291t