The Seaforth News, 1960-10-20, Page 4BRODHAGEI
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Binz of
St. Catharines visited his par•
arta Mr, awl Mrs, Dalton Binz
Mr. Gerald Hinz was an usher
at the Sippol-Lalonde wedding lu
Mr. and Mrs, 16d Scherbarth
with their daughter, Mr, and Mrs,
Mao 'rowneend near Tavistock,
Mrs, John L. Bennewies has re-
turned to her home here after vis-
iting in Detroit, Windsor and
Mr. tura Mrs, Douglas Alhe-
son of Niagara Falls with her par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock
for the weekend,
Mr, and Mrs. Saar Clark of Mit-
chell with Mr. and Mrs. 1, She'd.
Mr, and Mrs, John Mueller and
Ruth Ann of Hamilton with Mr's.
Aug. I-Iillebreoht.
Mr. Ford Dickison attended the
International Ploughing Match at
Springfield last '(Peek showing his
balers and ventilating fans. He
won first pries for his invention
for his grain conversion kit for a
hay and straw baler.
Gary Louis Bennewies, infant
son of NIr. and Mrs. Edward Ben -
of Brucefield.
newies was baptized during the } During the business period it
Sunday Morning service at St. Mrs. Jas. Nolan and Mrs. F. was decided to invite Mrs. Wil -
Peter's Lutheran Church by Rev.Walters attended the District' son of Shakespeare to be guest
Erich Schultz. The sponsors along Huron Rally of the W. I. at Au-' speaker at the thankoffering Incee
with the parents were Mr, and burn on Monday, I ting to be held in the near future,
Mrs. John Moore and Mr, and A reception in honour of Mr. The secretary read a letter aok-
and Mrs. Ronald Smith (newly nowledging the bale of clothing
weds) was held in the Walton. which had been sent to the Uni-
Conununity Hall last Friday even- tarian Service committee,
Ing. Mr, Donald McDonald ad- Mrs, G, Carey and Mrs, T. L.
dressed the couple and Mr. C,' Scott favored with a duet, Ivory
Turnbull presented them with Palaces, with Mrs. Will Miller at
a purse of money during the the Plano, Lunch was served and
lunch hour, Music was supplied a social hour' enjoyed,
by 11'ilhee's Orchestra, The October meeting of the
Miss Jean Mills of Toronto Vis -1 WMS and WA of Roy's United
itett with her father Mr, Earl Church was held at the hone of
Mills recently. Mrs. 0, Neil with Mrs, Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Sholdiee Christie presiding. The worship
011d family of Cookeville spent the service in the Missionary Month -
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dave ly was followed. Mrs, Fred Johns
Sitoldice, read the scripture passage and
Family Night will be held in Mrs. H, Pridham and Mrs, Norm -
the Community Hall Friday even- an Dow took other parts, Mrs.
ing commencing at 5.30 p.m. Mr, Andrew Christie gave a reading.
Gordon McGavin will show slides The topic was given by Mrs. Gor-
en Russia and other places visit- don Parsons, The November nlee-
ed during his recent trip. Pro- ting will be held at the home of
gressive euchre will be played.
Institute ladies are reminded to
bring sandwiches, tarts or squares
for the family.
Miss Donna Smith of Stratford
Teachers' College visited with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Smith, KiPPEN
A large number from this vicin-
ity attended the International
Plowing Match and farm machin-
ery demonstration at Springfield
in Elgin County last week. Mrs,
T. Dundas was the winner of the
Grand Prize at the Electric Cook-
ing and Appliance Show which
consisted of Electric Range, Wa-
ter Heater, Washer, Dryer, and
Refrigerator Freezer,
Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Pollard and
family were recent visitors with
Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Hollinger, in
Hamilton, and while there visited
with Mr. and Mrs, C. Hollinger,
17th and Boundary Group
The regular monthly meeting
of the 17th and Boundary Group
of Duff's United Church, Walton
was held at the home of Mrs. A.
Clarke with 15 members and the
ladies of Bethel Church present,
Mrs, Harold Smalldon presided
over the meeting which was op-
ened with hymn 679 and prayer,
Tho scripture reading taken from
Psalm 116 was read by Mrs. D.
Buchanan followed by a poem by
Mrs, C. Ritchie. Readings were
given by Mrs, H. Smalldon and
Mrs, M. Baan and a poem read by
Mrs, Albert Clarke,
Business was attended to and
the meeting was closed with the
singing of hymn 370. A success-
ful bazaar was then held and a
Oct. 10 at 1.30 p.m.. The meeting lunch was served by the hostess
was opened with the 4-H pledge and the lunch committee. An en -
followed by the secretary's re- joyable half hour was spent.
port. The roll call, "One duty of a
hostess toward her guest" was
answered by nine members.
Mrs, Gerald Ryan discussed
formal and informal teas. Mrs,
Nelson Reid demonstrated mak-
aking fancy sandwiches. Group work
consisted of making fancy sand-
wiches following with the serv-
ing of tea.
The home assignment was:
Make sandwiches and serve at
home and write results in record
hook. Work on record book and
reference file.
The Oet, sheeting of the Mission
Band of Duff's United Church
was held last Sunday morning in
the church basement. Audrey Mc-
Miehael, Vine Pres., opened the
meeting with hymn 609 "Mothers
of Salem" accompanied by Linda
TIryans et the piano. The Mission Margaret and Debbie spent the
Band Purpose was repeated lid weekend in Niagara Fails, N.Y.
rinison followed by hymn 584 with Mr. and Mrs, C, J, Weitz -
"ran a little Child like me Car- man.
aline Fraser read the seripthtre Miss Annie Hoggarth of Lon-
tnken from Penin 101: 1. Leader don visited on Saturday with Mr,
Mrs. Bewley eommented on the and Mrs. Keith, visiting
passar'e and explained how this at the same home this week are
year the Mission Band's offerings their daughter Mrs. Kendrick and
will no to help write, print Sun- sons of London.
day Sehonl lessons for children Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig
of other lands and why they do visited on Sunday with Mr, and
not understand our lessons. Helen Mrs Ken Davey, London,
Searle led in prayer. Alexin Wil- Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Cockwell
liamsnn end Irene Johnston re- and family, Exeter, were Sunday
calved the offering and Audrey visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Otto
McMichael dedicated the offering Walker,
with prayer. Sherrill Craig read Mr. and Mrs, Frank Cadick,
the minutes of last meeting. Sharon and Donald of Sarnia, vis -
Next month a White Gift ser- ited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,
vice will he held and gifts will be Donald Scott,
sent to children in Korea. Lists Mr. Frank Stagg and Mrs. M.
of suitable gifts were distributed Houghton attended anniversary
to the members of the Mission service in Cavan Presbyterian
Band. The Mite Boxes will not he Churcb, Exeter, on Sunday,
collected until December this also visited with Mr. and Mrs,
year. Reg Stagg and family of Exeter.
Caroline Fraser will play the
Bonnie TM, and family, Mr. Andrew Mel acMr. and Mrs, Carter Kerslake
piano Inc next month. Boni
or will read the scripture and h-
Cllenna Moneran seed in prayer. lan and Mrs, Grace Scott visited
Classes were taken with the on Sunday with friends in Galt,
following teachers in rhargc, Mr. and Mrs, Cordon Laing,
Mrs, N. Marks, Mrs, S. McCall, Lorraine and David returned
Eileen Williamson and Mrs.G home from visiting with ber aro-
McGavin, After erases Mrs.slew MNther and Jeff Jefferson
aurMr. and
ley told a short story and showed Mie John Jefferson at Sault, Ste
pictures on 011 African Sunday Marie,
School, The Mission Band hymn Mrs, T. L, Scott was guest
was sung and tiro mooting closed speaker at the Thankoftering
Pres -
with the Mizpah Benediction, mreting of the WNIS of the Pres -
Visitors at the home or Mr, and byterlan Church at Shakespeare
on Wednesday..
Mr. and Mr's. Dool of Sebring,
villa visited roeontly at the home
of Mr. end Mrs. Goo. Wallace,
On Monday evening the girls
of the ('GST with their leaders,
Mrs. M. Lamella gild Mrs, G.
Laing, entertained the CGIT from
Listowel Presbyterian Church at
a pot luck supper in the church
basement, A sing Bong, contests
and games followed and the girls
report an enjoyable evening.
Mr. and Mrs, Rabei't Laing,
Marilyn, Margaret end Andrew,
d Ali', acid Mrs. Gordon Laing.
Mrs. Nelson Reid for Thanksgiv
ing were Robert Meehan and Wnl.
Griffin of Sarnia and Mrs. Win.
Patterson and daughter Alma of
Ail'. Norman Alexander of Lon-
desboro wee guest speaker at the
service int Duff's United Church
last Sunday, Aesisttng in the ser-
vice were Rey. W, M. Thomas,
Donald McDonald, Douglas Pra-
iser and Jas. Snttth,
Mrs. Ray Nelson and son Re -
bort of Vancouver, 11,0., returned
hone last week after visiting with
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Watsoit,
Mr. and Mrs, .Harry Baan Of Lorraine and David visited Sun-
Tunnichy, Sask., visited with Mr. day at the horse. of Mr, and Mrs.
and Mrs. Martin Baan recently, John Jefferson, Munro,
Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Lyddiatt The ThauksgIving meeting of
and 101011y of Barrie are holiday' the WAIS of Cromarty Presbyter-
Mg with Mr. and Mrs, 0. Ritobie. ran Ciluroll was held on Thursday
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Taylor evening in the 501(001 room with
and family of Ottawa were guests the president, Mrs, T. Laing, gre-
at the home of MI'. and Mrs. Alf siding, The worship service in
Anderson last week. the .01ad Tidings was followed
Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Coutts Mrs, Grace Scott read the
visited over the weekend with Glad Tidings prayer, The topic
Mr. and Mrs, Adrian Hogg, Col- entitled "To God be the Glory,"
!ragweed. was given by Mrs: T. L. Scott,
Mrs, Harvey Craig left Thus- Mrs, 13. Galbraith of Stratford
day for a two-week visit to Reg- as Presbyterial visitor was guest
Ma, Sask, She was accompanied speaker using as her theme, "The
by her sister Ml'S. Norris Sillery Great Commission,"
Mrs, Walter Gordner•,
A shower was held Inc All', and
Mrs. Charles Scherbarth (Bar -
barn Jackson) to the Community
Hall here on Friday evening. Air,
Ivan Bennewies rend the address
and the presentation of a chester-
field and chair was made by Mer-
vyn Hodgert and Earl Bennewies.
An Exeter Orchestra provided
music for dancing.
On Saturday evening there was
a shower for Mr. and Mrs, Steven
Maloney, A shower was also held
recently for Mr. and Mrs, J. Lyn-
ett (Jerene Regan),
Rev. Erich Schultz and Mrs.
Martha Schultz of Waterloo were
guests of Mr, and Mrs, Chris. W.
Leonhardt on Sunday.
Miss Julie Jackson and Mr.
Glen Jackson of Stratford with
their sister, Mrs. Charles Scher-
barth and Mr. Scherbarth for the
Mr, and Mrs. August Scher -
berth have moved to their house
across the road from their farm
and the homestead has been tak-
en over by their son Charles
Scherbarth and Mrs, Scherbarth.
Mr. and Mrs, Jonas Dittmer oh•
served their 48th wedding anni•
versary on Sunday and the follow-
ing were present to celebrate the
occasion: Mr. and Mrs, A. Schen
berth, Mr, and Mrs. H. Elligsen,
Mr. and Mrs. Johnliogk, Mitch-
ell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van He.
vat, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligsen,
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Scherbarth,
Miss Diane Rock, Mrs. Wnt, Hop-
penroth, The couple were present-
ed with an African Violet stand.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith
and family and Mr. Edward Smith
visited Mr, and Mrs. Wm. 'lessen
er in Kitchener on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Taylor, Low
don, Mr. Ray Taylor, Seaforth,
Miss June Wolfe, Detroit with
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wolfe.
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Sho'treed of
Walton announce the engagement
of their daughter Joan to Ray
mond Emmanuel Beuermann, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuer-
mann, Brodhagen, The marriage
will take place Oct. 29th.
Walton Party Maidens
The fourth meeting of the Wal-
ton Party Maidens was held on
Mrs. Cliff Dow with Mrs. Fred
Johns and Mrs, H. Pridhan in
charge, Mrs, Christie closed the
sleeting with prayer,
W.M.S. Meeting
The W.M.S, of St. Andrew's
United Church, Kippen, met for
the October meeting, Tuesday ev-
ening, Oct. llth iu the school
roost of the church. Mrs. Emmer-
son Anderson was in charge of
the worship period using a
Thanksgiving theme, Hymn 41
was sung and the general Thanks-
giving repeated in unison, follow-
ed by scripture and prayer. The
President, Mrs. John Anderson
chaired the business meeting. The
roll call was answered with a
verse from 2nd Thessalonians,
Delegates were appointed to the
presbyterial to be held at Thames
Road Church, Oct. 20th. A nom-
inating six program committee
were selected to prepare for 1961
meetings, Plans were made for
the birthday party to be held on
Wednesday evening Nov. 2nd.
Mrs. John Sinclair reported for
the visiting committee. After
singing hymn 347 the offering was
taken by the hostesses, Mrs, Wil-
mer Jones and Mrs. A. Parsons,
The first chapter of the study
book "The Turning World" entit-
led "Witnessing Together" was
presented by Mrs. R. Elgie. The
members were reminded of the
bale to be packed the latter part
of October. Mrs. A. MOMurtrie
gave the courtesy remarks. Hymn
550 was sung and the meeting
closed with the Benediction. A
social hour followed when lunch
was served by Group 1.
CROMARTYMr. and Mrs, R. Verbeek and
family spent Thanksgiving week -
Air, George Miller and his son end with friends in St. Cathar-
Sydney of Moosejaw, Sask., visit- roes.
ed with friends in and aroundSunday School at St: Andrew's
the village on Friday, I United Church will begin at 10 a,
m. next Sunday, Oct. 23rd.
Mr, Henry Eggert of Rostock Sunday visitors with Mr. and
spent a few days last week with Mrs, Ross Love included Mr. and
his daughter and son-in-law, Mr, Mrs. Ross Richmond, Miss Annie
and Mrs, .Alex Gardiner. Randall, Mrs. Beth Milan of
Miss Barbara Dunnell of Kirk- Plattsville, and Mrs, Mae Hall,
ton spent the weekend with Miss of Galt.
Alice Walker. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Faber acconi-
Mrs. Mae Lamont and Mrs, T. panied by Mr. and Mrs. Edmund
L. Scott attended the Fall execu- Oesch of Zurich spent Sunday at
tive meeting of Stratford Presby- Tavistock.
teriat in Knox Presbyterian Mr. and Mrs. James Drummond
Church, Stratford, on Thursday, of Toronto spent Thanksgiving
Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Jas.
Drummond and family of Kippen.
Sunday guests with Mr, and
Mrs, Norman Dickert included
Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Wahl of List-
owel, Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Dick-
ert, Murray and Karen of Clif-
ford, Mr. and Mrs. R. McGregor
and Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKellar.
Mrs. Lou Clark has sold her
faun to Mr. Louis D. Clark Jr.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Stogdill of
Toronto visited a few days svith
the latter's brother and sister-in-
law, Mr, and Mrs, Elston 17owson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love, Mr.
and Mrs, Kenneth MacKay, Doug-
las and Diane, Mr, and Mrs. Keith
Love attended the Love -Conway
wedding at Ottawa,
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Wren
spent the weekend with their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Smith and family of
Mr, Harvey Turner, who has
been a patient in Clinton Hospit-
al, returned to his home Thurs-
Mrs, Russell Consitt was unfor-
tunate in having a fall at the
barn when some steps gave way
causing injuries to her back, She
was taken to Clinton Public Hos-
pital. A speedy recovery is hoped
Mr, and Mrs. Andy Fisher of
Brantford were Sunday guests
with Mr, and Mrs. Edgar McBride
and Sharon.
Anniversary Services et St. An-
drew's United Church were well
attended et both services. In
ehiu'ge 01 the Morning service
was Rev, H. M, hunter, M.A. of
Mltchell, and in the evening Rev.
E. Roulst011 ui Clinton, Miss Dor-
othy Parker 01 Chiselhuret was
guest soloist at both eervices,
By J, C. 1•leluingtvay
Did you Bear the story about
the young graduating College stu'
dent who rushed out with his dip-
loma shouting ''Look world I have
my Ali," and the World replied
"Sit down son and we will teach
you the rest of the alphabet"
A couple of items in tile Otte.
we report leaves me in about the
same state of frustration as this
story must have left the young
College Graduate,
For the past 20 years I have
been fairly active In Farm Organ.
ization, the last four" of which has
been intensive activity. During
this time 1 thought I had gained
a wide understanding of farm
Problems and was beginning to
think that I was gaining some un,
dorstanding of manufacturing in.
dustries related to farming.
I Now I read two items from this
Ottawa report, quote "Canada's
markets in New Zealand may be
expanded by that country's liber•
alization of quotas beginning Jan,
1, 1961, Increased quotas were
Provided for Agricultural machin•
ery, canned fish, nails, spirits and
other products."
. I turned the page over and 1
road "Nail Manufacturers in Cam
ads have in recommoncled sharp
creases the tariff on wire
nails". The increase 55115 request-
ed to be free from the present
5% advalorem to 15% or 20% in
the British preferential section
and from the present 7% to 27%
or 27,5% 10 the most favoured na-
tion section,
Reading these two items so
close together immediately rais-
es the question as to how a Can-
adian Manufacturer ran profit
from an increased export outlet
when he is demanding more pro-
tection in order to compete with
foreign imports on the Canadian
market e
It would lead ns to believe that
somehow by keeping the domestic
prtee extremely high the Caned -
ran manufacturer is able to sub-
sidize an export of surplus, In the
case of farm machinery the farm-
er is being forced by tariffs to
subsidize the manufactured preci-
nct and thereby increase his own
costs of operation.
Farm products too are being
subsidized into export, (e.g. On-
tario wheat and white beaus) but
the cost of the subsidy'is borne
by the producer through an equal-
ization fund deduction, If farm
surpluses exports are subsidized
by deduction from the sale of the
product with only token protec-
tion through tariffs then let man-
ufacturers subsidize the export of
their product by a deduction from
proflts and payroll.
In closing let rile remind you
that the Farm Forum season lie -
gins October 31st, Thews rneetings
would provide a good opportunity
to have discussion of problems,
such as We above and Also pro-
vide the oppertanity to do eons°•
thing about them.
Woman's Association
13rucefield Woman's Association
met in the church on Tuesday at-
ternoon, October 4, Mrs. John Ai-
ltenhead and Mrs, Harvey Taylor
had charge of the .devotional per-
iod. Mrs, Geo. Henderson was at
the piano in the absence of Mise
Margaret McQueen,
Mrs. Aikenhead read from Phil.
2: 1.10 while Mrs, Taylor gave
the topic "The Spirit of Man is
the Candle of the Lord" and led
in prayer.
The president, Mrs. W. Broad -
foot conducted the business ses-
sion. Mrs. Elgin Thomson resew
ed the offering. A committee to
look after the church for Thanks-
giving is made up of Mr's. L, Wil-
son, Mrs. D. Triebner, Miss M,
Swan. Flowers will be purchased
for the anniversary. Thankyou
notes were read from George
Baird, George McCartney and
Plans were macre for the ba-
zaar to be held on November 6,
and committees aro as follows:
music, Mrs. G, Henderson; ap-
rons, Mrs, Calvin Morton and
Mrs, John Moor°gar; baking,
Mrs. H. Berry Mrs, E, Thomp-
son, Mrs, E. Allan, Mrs. Alice
Hamm, Mrs, John Aikenhead;
touch and take, Mrs. YSrilson, Mrs.
0, Armstrong; snaking tea, Mr's,
Thomas Caldwell and Mrs, D.
Forrest: lunch, Mrs, G. Richard-
son, Mrs. Geo, Clifton, Mrs, S,
Ross and Mr's. L, Eyre,
Candy, Mrs, W, Scott, Mrs. J.
Broadfoot; cards, Mrs, Taylor and
Mrs. IIelmner; vegetables and
fruit, Mrs. George ShBery,Martha
McDonald, Mrs. John Henderson,
Mrs, M. Swan; fishpond, Mrs, N.
Baird and Mrs. 'W, Moffat; wel-
come, Mrs. A. H. Johnston, Mr's,
W. Broadfoot; fancy work, Mrs.
R. Scott, Mrs, D. Triebner.
Group 4 had charge of the
program, Mrs, John McGregor
conducted a contest, Mrs, W.
Scott gave a fall poem and Mrs.
Douglas gave a reading, "How to
be Beautiful". A cup of tea, cake
and ice creams, and the WA hymn
and prayer closed the meeting.
The November meeting will be
in charge of Group 1. Roll call
will be answered by presenting
something for the bazaar and the
fish pond,
Miss M. Swan and Mrs. C. Ham
spent Thanksgiving with Mrs.
Ham's son, Mr. Wesley Ham and
family, Chatham,
Mrs. S. McKenzie is spending
some time with her son Mr. Don
McKenzie and family, St. Thomas
Mr, and Mrs. T. A. Anderson
THE S1 A11'O11TEI NNWS (P110110
..tlila spout a few
and daughter l
days with Mr, and A'il's, A. Pater-
Mrs. 11, Berry visited a low
days with friends at Winghaln,
131uovale, and Erin.
A large number from Brucefieid
'United Murat attended Anniver-
sary Services et IKippen on Sun-
day, Next Sunday anuiversarY
services will be )held in Bruoefieid
Church. Special nuisle b7 the
choir assisted by e, quartette from
Exeter at the morning service,
and soloist from St. Marys in the
evening, Services at 11:00 in the
morning and at 7:30 in the even -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Regerson re-
turned 1101)10 Friday from a
month's vacation in the Western
Province. While at the West
Coast they visited their daughter
Helen and son-in-law Gordon Bet-
ties and family at HaneY, 15.0.,
Moo other friends and relatives.
While away the Rogerson bad
Mr. and Mr's. Ceeil Oke of Lon-
don, Ont., taking care of their
farm )tome,
NIr, and Mrs, Oke were former
neighbors of the Rogersons, hay-
aying lived in the community for a
number of years, While at the
Rogerson home, the neighbors of
the community had a surprise
party for then, The evening was
spent playing progressive euchre
and other games, Prizes and the
lunch were provided by the
guests. Mn, and Mrs, Oke thanked
all for such an enjoyable evening
spent with their former friends
and invited them to their home'
in London,
84) Tl1li'sday, October 20, 1960
From The Soafortli News
Aetober 1936
Dr, Charles Mackay, well known
'arid popular physician, died at
his home from a stroke,.
W, 1T. Gotdiitg was re-elected
M. P. lar the new riding of 'Huron -
Perth, He was opposed by F.
Donnelly, Conservative, .and R. J.
McMillan, Reconstruction.
The wedding tools place in St.
Andrew's Church, Kippen, of 0,
R. Littlefod and Miss Halcyon
G, A, Ballantyne) principal of
file high school, was elected pre-
sident of the teachers federation
at a meeting held in No'tlrsido
Doris Madeline Crich and Ray
nlonChu(1 George Cartwright were
married in Clinton Mr, andMrs,
Cartwright will .residb , iii. Sea -
From The Seafo'th News
October 1.920
The winners of the annual field
day of collegiate students were,
girls, 17. Campbell; senior boys,
W. Greig; junior boys, H, Farn-
Mr, and Mrs. G. F. Rogers of
Toronto are spending a few days
at the Queens.
Mrs. Jessie McNaughton of
Dauphin, Manitoba, Is spending
two weeks with Dr, and Mrs.
Owing to the disagreeableness
of the weather arose who had
prepared to take in the motor
hike to Goderich were disap-
pointed as it was called off.
Under the auspices of the
SATs, �CT. 22r►
2 P.M. TO 5 P.M.
Collections will be made
Friday afternoon, Oct. 21
Phone 377-W or 471-R
'and more
in store!
Bon Bon Stands
Tri -Lights
Table Lamps
Bed Lamps
Boudoir Lamps
Pin -Up Lamps
Rest Rocker
Occasional Chairs
Electric Blankets
Bed Spreads
Lamp Tables
Coffee Tables
Cocktail Tables
End Tables
Lamp Shades
,111111"11 I I n""m"11,"1111 OI I 1111111111111111111111„1111111111"111111u,„11",,,,,,11,,,,,,„111 I11I 1111 „b 11,1111
Chairs Top Sa. ff.'s
Gift List
Waffle Irons
Electric Clocks
Heating Pads
Electric Coffee Makers
A small deposit holds any article
until Xmas
1111111111111111111111111,11111111111,1 I11111111111Y1111111111,111111111111 t 11111111111 111,1111111,