HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-10-20, Page 1WHOLE SIJR[JIIS, VOL 82
PhOlie 84
Elmer Bell,QC
On Wednesday, October 26th,
starting at 10 a.m., the annual
meeting of the agricultural soci-
eties of District 8 (Huron -Perth)
will he held in Seaforth. The
meeting will repreeent 10 societ-
ies of the two counties.
Under the convenorship of Mrs,
J. Grnmmett, lady director, the
ladies' meeting will be field in the
Legion hall, when, reports from
the different societies of the 1960
1a11 fairs, including all junior
work, will be heard, Highlights of
the last convention held in Tor-
onto will be reviewed briefly by
Mre. Lorne Scrimgeour, Blyth,
district secretary; Mrs, Roy Coul-
ter, Milverton, associate director,
and Mre. J. Grtunmett.
Mrs. George Ironside, George-
town, secretary of the Women's
Division of Ontario, will be in
charge of a question box.
Chaired by John Siemon, Mitch-
ell, director of District 8, the
men's meeting will be held in the
library, where reports of their
agricultural societies' activities
will be reviewed.
Dinner will be served in the
Legion hall by the Legion Auxil-
iary at 12,30 p.m., followed by a
brief business period, including
the election of officers.' Mr. F. A.
Lashley, superintendent of Agri-
gricultural Societies, is to show
slides, with comments, of Ontario
The groups will re -convene with
the Home Economists reviewing
junior club work in the two
counties at the women's after-
noon session. W, Stafford John-
ston of the Beacon -herald, Strat-
ford, is to address the men's aft-
ernoon meeting, to be followed by
a panel discussion chaired by Jas.
Mair of Brussels, second vice-pre-
sident of the Ontario Association
of Agricultural Societies. John
Ritter, Atwood, is district secre-
tary. Any exhibitor or anyone in-
terested in fall fair work, is in-
vited to attend all or any 8e8-
aions. If any one wishes to attend
the dinner, contact R. James Wal-
lace, Seaforth, immediately.
Erecting Steel
At Liquor Store
Steel arrived on Wednesday
for the Seaforth liquor store on
North Main Street, and work has
started setting it in place. No
opening date has been set yet,
but if all goes well it is expected
to be open before Christmas.
The October meeting of the
Seaforth Home and School Asso-
ciation was held in the school au-
ditorium on Oct, 18th, 1960 with
Mrs. W. Hodgert presiding. The
meeting opened with "0 Canada"
and repeating "The Lord's Payer"
in unison. Mrs. Hodgert welcom-
ed all present. Mrs. C. Coombs
entertained with several mono-
logues which were enjoyed by all.
Mrs. Coombs was accompanied by -
Mrs. E. Cameron at the piano.
Mrs, A. MacLean read a clipping
contributed by Mrs, E. Malkus,
from a Toronto paper entitled
"Teen Ager Go Home",
Mr. Talbot in his remarks men-
tioned the sports day being held
at the RCAF Station, Clinton, on
Saturday, Oct. 22. This sports day
is for Public School children.
Mrs, J. Stevens introduced the
guest speaker, Mr, Berbridge of
the National Film Board, who
showed the film "A Day in the
Night of Jonathan Mole". Two
lively discussion sessions follow-
ed. Mrs. A. Y. McLean thanked
Mr. Berbridge, The meeting clos-
ed with singing "God save the
Queen". Lunch was served,
Wong's grill and restaurant on
Main Street is closed this week,
Extensive redecorating is being
done. New tables and seats are
being installed. Mr. Wong said he
would reopen on Monday. Estima-
ted cost is $700.00.
Mrs. John Cummings who re-
turned recently to her home on
,James Street from the hospital,
was found on the floor early Wed-
nesday morning by neighbors, It
was feared she had fallen the
previous evening. Mrs. Cummings
who is 80, gets around with the
assistance of two canes, Her son
Harold of Stratford, wee notified,
The October meeting of the W,
A. was opened by the president,
Mrs. E. Cameron with the theme
song, Ladies were reminded of
the bazaar to be held on Nov: 25,
Plans were made to attend the
Semi -Annual Convention of the
W,A, at Blyth on Oct. 26,
Miss F, Houston opened the W.
M. S. thankoffering meeting with
a reading entitled "Saying Thank -
you", The WMS rally will bo
held on Oct, 18 at Duff's Church,
McKillop, The worship service
was taken by Mrs. 11 Boyce with
Miss Mae Smith reading the
scripture. Mrs. Ivan Forsyth and
Mrs. Bruce MacGregor favoured
with two vocal duets, Rev. J. II,
Vardy gave an interesting talk on
"The Vital Need of the W. A,"
Lunch Was served by group 3
'with Mrs, 'Warden Haney and
Mrs. A, Broadfoet as hosteeses.
Anniversary At
Northside Church
Northside 'United Church's 83rd
anniversary was an inspiring suc-
oeas both in attendance and wor-
ship, It was a pleasure to wel-
come back a former member of
the arch, the Rev. Ernest
Clarke, M.A., I3.D., now of Queen'e
Theological College, Kingston, as
guest speaker for the day. His
discourses were on "God's Forgot-
ten Man" and "Win or Lose,"
From the Old Testament history
to the modern 20th century, God
has the answer to the world's
The music of the day under the
capable leadership of Mr. and
Mrs. J, A. Stewart was of the
highest quality, In the morning
the senior choir sang "Open Our
Eyes" (MacFarlane) while the
junior choir with their sweet mel-
odious voices trained by Miss M.
Turnbull sang "The Lord Is My
Shepherd." A duet long to be re-
membered "My Faith Looks Up
to Thee" was sung by Miss Ruth
Cluff and Mrs. Neil Bell. In the
evening the senior choir rendered
three anthems, "A Song in the
Night" (Smith), "Bless Thou the
Lord, 0 My Soul" (Ivanoff) un-
accompanied, and "0 Worship the
King" (Maunder), Solos in the
anthem were taken by Mr, Sam
Scott and Mr, J. A. Stewart. Un-
fortunately the pastor of the
church, the Rev. J, C. Britton, was
i11 and unable to attend the ser-
Lady Bowlers
Honor Mrs. Hart
The ladies Bowling and Bridge
Club opened the season on Wed-
nesday last with a pot -luck sup-
per at the home of Miss Dorothy
Parke, followed by euchre. A
guest was Mrs Sadie Hart, who
is now residing in Stratford, and
was specially honored. The prize
winners were Mrs, Alvin Sillery
and Mrs, Tony Phillips,
The bridge convenor for this
year is Mrs, Lloyd Hoggarth, with
Miss Janet Cluff, assistant.
The convener for euchres is
Mrs. C. J. Walden and assistant,
Mrs. T, Phillips,
The November meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. L. S.
Trinity Anglican Church, Bay -
Reid, decorated with white mums
and anenome on the altar, and
baskets of white mums, highlight-
ed with pink gladiolii in the sanc-
tuary, was the setting for a quiet
wedding on Saturday, October 15,
1960, at five o'clock.
The rector, the Reverend D. J.
B. Harrison, conducted the marr-
iage ceremony for Miss Lucy Ros-
amond Woods, Bayfield, and Carl
Elwood Diehl, R.R. 5, Clinton,
The bride is the elder daughter
of the late Dr. and Mrs. Ninian
Wildridge Woods, Bayfield, and
the groom is the only son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Diehl,
fifth concession, Stanley town-
The bride was attired in a
French wool suit dress in Avoca-
do green and wore a matching
feather head band. Her corsage
was of pink rose buds. Her only
ornament was a sunburst of
pearls, a family heirloom which
had also been worn -by her sister
on her bridal gown. She carried
her mother's prayer book.
There were no attendants. The
bride's nephew, Robert W. Mid-
dleton, Hensall, ushered and Mrs,
F. H. Paull, Listowel, played
traditional wedding music.
For the wedding dinner served
to fourteen in the gold room of
the Little Inn, the table was done
in white linen, It was centred by
the wedding cake, white net and
silver lace being caught artistic-
ally with sweetheart rosebuds
and sprigs of fern around the
base. It was flanked by lighted
tapers in tall antique silver hold-
ers. The candle bouquets were of
white and. pink anenome and a
large bouquet of various colored
garden roses graced the room.
For travelling the bride added
a Kolinsky cape to her costume
and Carried a tapestry handbag,
After a short honeymoon they
will reside in Bayfield,
The ice machine at Seaforth
arena started on Monday and it
the weather is not too mild, ice
is expected by the weekend.
The Order of the Eastern Star
held a euchre on Thursday even-
ing. Winners were; Ladies first,
Mrs, J. E. Daley; lone hands, Mrs.
Verdun Rau; con„ Mrs, Stanley
Dorrance, Men, first, John Tre-
meer; lone hands, Robert Snaith;
con,, Seeord McBrien.
!sticky winner on the draw for
a cake, Mrs. Verdun Rau,
Lack of soil moisture is making
fall ploughing difficult, some have
had to stop. Wells are low and
drawing of water for livestock is
not uncommon. Fall wheat stands
are spotty with indications of
lack of growth to go into winter.
Pasture fields are mainly exorcise
yards for cattle ---extra feeding is
taking place,
80th Birthday of
Mrs. F. Dungey
A reception ivas held in the
diningroom of the Commercial
Hotel on the afternoon of Sun-
day, Oct, 16th by the family of
Mrs. F, Dungey in honor of her
80th birthday, About 175 friends
palled on her to mark the occa-
sion and were served a delicious
Mrs, Dungey and family moved
to Seaforth from Mitchell in 1921
and purchased the Commercial
Hotel, which the family has since
operated. Her husband, Charles
Dungey, passed away 24 years
ago. Three children, Aldeen, Roy
and Sidney also have passed on.
The tea table was centred with
a 3 -layer cake and bouquet of
mums and red roses. Two nieces,
Mrs, Chas, Tubb of Mitchell and
Mrs. Norman Scoins of Seaforth
poured tea. Serving were Mrs. R.
Doig and daughters of Seaforth,
Mrs. Maurice Verhoeve and daug-
hters of Tillsonburg and Miss
Ann Heskitt of London.
At 6,30 a buffet snivel upas
served to many of the immediate
Mrs. Dungey wore a gown of
rose lace for the occasion and was
presented with an orchid and
many lovely gifts.
Guests were from. Toronto, Lon-
don, Stratford, Tillsonburg, Ham-
ilton, Mitchell, Ilensall, Zurich
and surrounding district.
McKillop Couple
Wed 25 Years
Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred O'Rourke
were honoured recently at it sur-
prise party given by their friends
and neighbours at their home in
Mcl(illop Township, on the occa-
sion of their 25th wedding anni-
versary. Mr, and Mrs, O'Rourke
were married in St. Columba.
Church on September 0th, 1935
by the late Father Dantzer, Their
bridesmaid was Mrs, Joseph Mel-
ady, of Hibbert Township, and
the groomsman was Father Jos-
eph O'Rourke now of St. Joseph's
Parish in Stratford, A social even-
ing which included cards and
dancing was enjoyed by all. A
lunch was served by a volunteer
group, after which the couplej
were presented with a kitchen 1
suite, and an occasional chair by ,
their fancily. The bride and I
groom of 25 years each thanked
all for the sociable gathering and
for their gifts.
The celebrants have 3 daugh-
ters. Margaret (Mrs. Edward
Rowland, teacher at St. Colum-
, ban School; Louise, Nurse -in -
Training at St. Mary's Hospital,
Kitchener and Eileen at home,
Prospects Bright
For C Hockey
Hockey practicebegin will be in on
Sunday in Seaforth arena, accord-
ing to plans on Wednesday.
Local hockey supporters are en-
thusiastic about the prospects
for a Junior C team this coming
winter. I
While one of last year's play-
ers.will be at Woodbridge and an-
other at Woodstock this year,I
there is quite a long list of sear
coned players to try out for a
place again.
The group with eight towns,
will be one of the largest to draw ,
up a schedule, Teams are expect-
ed from Georgetown, Woodstock,
Lucan, Stratford, Preston, New
Hamburg. Elmira and Seaforth.
The convener is Jack Pierce of
New Hamburg and it is intended
to have a meeting there in the
near future to draw up a sched-
ule. A split schedule might be
drawn up, but local supporters do
not favor it.
Among players expected ' on
hand again are Ray Scoins, Paul
McMaster, Doug. Rowcliffe, Bob
Elliott, Rae Goutreau, Livermore
from Clinton, Gary Stoddart, Pau-
li from Mitchell, Jack Bedard, Bin
Pinder, Tom Dick, Jim Dick, W.
Between 40 to 46 prospects will
likely be on hand Sunday for try-
outs, including a number of boys
from Clinton and Goderieh.
The goal position is well pro-
tected by Carrick, with Sack Bed-
ard as assistant.
Mrs, C. Rowcliffe presided at
the October meeting of the La-
dies' Guild, St. Thomas Church.
After the bible reading and open-
ing prayers, the secretary's and
treasurer's reports were heard.
The most welcome gift of a fine
coffee -maker was received from
Mrs, Angus MacLean and was on
display at the meeting. The new
floor in the ladies' choir room
was to be installed as soon as
Possible. Our ladies won first
prize` at the Fall Fair for their
display of bazaar items, Due to
the absence of the president on
the previously planned date for
the bazaar, it was decided to hold
it on November 23rd. There was a
considerable sum collected for
the pudding booth. Following the
dedication of the offering, the
president closed with the bene-
Thee LORA held a successful
euchre on Monday evening in the
Orange Ball Winners were; Ila -
dies first, Mrs, Ab, Harrison; la-
dies lone, Mrs. Cairns; col,, Mos.
Charlotte Woods; gent's first, Sid
Gemmel; gent's lone, Bert Mc-
Clnro; con„ .Albert O'Reilly. A
draw for a oroehoted doliio don-
ated by Mrs, Mel Clarke was Won
by Mos. J. Flanagan Sr.
Trip To Ireland
Told To Institute
Members of the-Seaforth W. I.
met at the home of Mrs. R. J.
Doig for their October meeting
last Tuesday evening. The presi-
dent, Mrs. H. Hugill resided for
g p
the business. The roll call was
answered with "What annoys nue
most at a public meeting.' The
minutes were read by the score
tary, Mrs. Leonard Strong, and
the treasurer's report given by
Mrs. Ross Gordon, Thankyou
notes were read from S. H. Whit-
more and Anne Cameron,
The Huron County Rally of W,
Institutes was held in Auburn last
Monday with two members at
tending. The short course "Sand-
wiches for all occasions" will be
held on Thurs. Jan. 26, and 1VIrs.
Ross Gordon and Mr's. Gordan
Papple were appointed leaders to
attend. Members were reminded
of our invitation from Staffa W.
I. to meet with them on Wednes
day evening Oct. 26th. A float
will be entered in the Santa Claus
parade with Mrs. R. J. Doig, Mrs.
Gordan Papple, Mrs. G. Elliott,
Mrs. E. Whitmore,' a committee
for decorating it. Two delegates
were appointed to attend the
London Area Convention In Lon-
don, Nov. lst and 2nd.
Mrs. R. M. Scott presided for
the program. "0 Canada" was
sung with Mrs. J. McGregor at
the piano. Rev. and Mrs. D. L
Elder of the Seaforth Presbyter
can Church showed slides of their
trip to Ireland this summer, It is
12 years since they left Ireland
and they found many changes in.
that time, Mre. John Kerr intro'
duced the speakers and gave the
courtesy remarks. Lunch was
served by the hostess and the
October lunch committee, Mrs,
R. M. Scott, Mrs, Lorne Carter,
Mrs, Ross Gordon, Mrs. G. Elliott
and Mrs, 0, MacKenzie,
Mr. E. H. Close has received
word of the death on Sunday of
his sister, Mrs, William Duperow,
of Winnipeg, Man, Mr. Close is
now the last of a family of ten
who grew up at Stratford. Nlrs
Duperow is survived by one son,
Gordon, and one daughter, Mrs.
Bruce Boreham, with whom she
made her home. Her husband,
who predeceased her a number of
years ago, had been in charge of
traffic on the C.N.R. between
Winnipeg and the coast, The ftun•
eral took place on Wednesday at
The Helping Hand Mission
Band will meet on Sats Oct, 22 at
2 p,rn.
Tho C,G,LT, Girls of Winthrop
Cavan Church will he out collect-
ing for UNICEF, Friday, October
28th at 7:30 p.m. This is for our
Hallowe'en outing and instead of
everyone giving soap, washcloths,
needles, etc, as you have done in
tbo past yeal's, we would like to
collect money from yon for
President of
Ontario PCs
At a general meeting of the On-
tario Progressive Conservative
Association at Toronto on Mon-
day, Elmer Bell, Q.C., of Exeter,
was elected president by acclam-
ation, succeeding the late A. D,
McKenzie, association president,'
who died last May,
Mr, Bell, 51. is a former Sea-
forth lawyer and has business in-!
terests here, being vice president!
of Seaforth Sewer Tile Limited. I
I -Ie had practised law at Brussels
before coming to Seaforth, and
served overseas during the Sec-
ond World War.
A graduate of the University of
Toronto and Osgoode Hall, Mr.
Bell was appointed a King's Coun-
sel in 1948. He is an active curler
and golfer and a former baseball
George Mogan, Jr„ 82, of Toren-,
to, was elected secretary, also by
John Trimble, of Hamilton, I
president of the Ontario Young I
Progressive Conservative Assoc..;
lotion, and J. M. (Mac) Pratt, of
Listowel, were elected vine pies- ,
idents to fill the offices vacated
by Mr. Bell and Mr. Hogan.
Nearly all members of the On-
tario legislature attended the spe-
cial meeting, along with several
federal cabinet ministers, inelud-,
ing Public Works Minister Walk-
er; Health and Welfare Minister
Monteith; Finance Minister Mem-,
ing and Trade Minister Hees.
Following the elections, Prem-'
ler and Mrs. Frost held a recap-:
tion for Prime Minister and Mrs. j
Diefenbaker. The Prime Minister
later [few to Ottawa.
In an interview following his'
election, Mr. Bell said it would,
be extraordinary if the New Par-,
ty backed by the CCF and the
Canadian Labor Congress gets off
the ground under present cireum
Recent byelections in Simcoe !
Centre and Timiskaming iudicat-I
ed the Conservative Party was in
excellent shape in Ontario. Mr.
Bell did not anticipate any basic
change in the Progressive Conser-
vative approach to the electorate.
Mr. Bell is a past president of
the Huron and Western Ontario
Conservative Associations and
has been active in the party since
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Leonard
and family, Willlowdale, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Featherston.
Miss Mary Hovey, London,
spent from Friday to Monday
with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hovey.
Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon
and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Sturgeon and daughter and Mr.
and Mrs. Frances Anderson and
family, Science Hill, were with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Sturgeon over the holiday week-
Dr, and Mrs. R, G. Hunter, and
Sally Beth and Mrs. Chas. Rogers
of Toronto, spent from Friday to
Tuesday at their hone,
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Dodge. De-
troit, are at their cottage for a
few days.
Misses Alice and Anne Drouin
and Adele Fernette left on Fri-
day for their homes at Detroit
after spending six months at their
Mrs, Glen Brandon and fancily
spent last week at Teeswater.
Misses Jackie and Judy Craff,
London, spent the holiday week-
end with their mother, Mrs, Helen
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Scotchmer, Mr.
and Mrs, G. D. Scotchmer and
Brown Lindsay spent four days at
Midland and points north. They
enjoyed the beautiful scenery and
surroundings of the country.
The Trinity Club held their Oc-
tober meeting at the home of
Mrs. Le Roy Poth. 12 members
answered the roll call. The presi-
dent, Mrs. Fred Arkell opened
the meeting with prayer and the
secretary's and treasurer's re-
ports were read, Following the
business the meeting closed with
prayer and Mr, and Mrs. Poth
showed pictures on their recent
trip to the west coast.
Lunch was served by the host-
ess. The November meeting is to
be held at the home of Mrs, G.
Donald Kingsbury, Hamilton
spent the weekend with his wife
and sons.
Mr. and Mrs, A. Flowers and
family of Toronto were with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. A, Flowers
over the weekend.
Mr, and Mrs. D. W. Oddieifson
of London were at their hone
over the weekend, Mrs. Oddleif-
son remained for this week,
Mrs, Edward Tozer and child -
rem Detroit, with Mr, and Mrs,
Pat Ryan,
A reception honoring Mr. and
Mrs, Steve Maloney, newlyweds,
was held at the llrodhagen Com-
munity Hall on Saturday evening.
Music was supplied by a local
Orehestrn., A purse of money was
presented to Mr. and Mrs, Malon-
ey. Mrs, Maloney was the former
Cecelia Feeney of Dublin,
i1,00 a Sear
Authorized ss Seextnd Claus frail,
Pout Orrice De11t., Ottawa
Snowdon Brun., 1'ubhtiite s
11111111111iIIIIIIIIIIIl111111111111111111111111.Il,lll I lllllllll 111111111111I1t1111111110,111,411111111111,1111111.111111111111111111,
.Yl_.: di 31 1 E
See our sllla.rt new Scottish Jewellery. in-
cluding Brooches, Curling Brooches, Ear-
rings and Grouse Claw !Brooches.
All are .lade in non -tarnishing sterling
silver, with amethystor topaz stones, most-
ly Scotch Thistle designs,
Priced from $2.50 to $8.50
Layaway For Christmas !
A small deposit will keep any articles for you till Christmas.
Do your Christmas shopping NOW !
,11t111111111111111,111111111111.1„1,1„1111111110001,11lllll111111111111111...11,1111,111,II1111111111111111100ll11,11.11,' 0.
Winners of S ports Ken McLaughlin; 15 yrs., Don
p Coyne, Jahn Van Bakal, Jack
At Dublin C. S. Costello; 13-14 yrs„ Michael Rus-
sell, Jerry Cronin, Adrien Lans-
High School News bergen.
(R. Iiennedy) Running; Hop, Step, Jump, 11
When school opened on Sept. 3'r's., Harry Ryan, Richard Staple.
6th, we found a beautifully redec- ton, Stephen Cronin: 16 yrs., Jim
orated school waiting for us. A Cronin, Ted Feeney, Joe Maloney,
thankyou to the Dublin Continu 15 yrs., Don Coyne, John Van Be -
Board for the new comfort- kel, Jack Costello; 13-14 yrs., An-
nthony Visser, Michael Russell,
Jerry Cronin.
able desks, the ruscou windows,
the bright cheery walls, and the
handy cupboards. We appreciate
your interest in us.
In this our first edition of the
school news I would like to wel-
come our Grade nines to our
school and hope they will enjoy
their four years with us. Also a
special welcome to Mother St.
Pole Vault: 17 yrs., Harry Ry-
an, Stephen Cronin, Richard Sta•
pleton; 16 yrs., ,line Cronin. Ken
McLaughlin, Joe Maloney; 15
yz's., John Van llakel, Jack Cost-
ello, Don Coyne; 13-14 yrs„ Mich-
ael Russell, Anthony Visser, hilly
Peter, Relay: 440 yds., 1st. Jack Doyle,
With graduation of 13 grade Don Coyne, Joe Maloney, Harry
twelves behind us we turned our Ryan, 2nd, Michael Russell, John
Van Bakel, Jim Cronin, Teddy
Feeney, 3rd, Jerry Cronin, Jack
Costello, Ken McLaughlin, Rich-
ard Stapleton.
interests to our field day. On Fri-
day, Oct. 14th we were favoured
with bright warm weather. St.
Patrick's Separate School pupils
left their classes to share the
sports with us. There are really
some wonderful runners in that
group. (The girls' gold and pur-
ple le un
iPornis res added colour
to the day!) The results are:
Junior Girls
Standing Broad: Joanne Staple-
ton, Pauline Stapleton, Mary Lou
Three-legged Race: Marie Cro-
nin, Dorothy Dalton; Joanne Sta-
pleton, Pauline Stapleton; Betty
Anne Butters, Mary Ellen Doyle.
Tape Running Race: Pauline
Stapleton, Helen Bruxer, Dorothy
Softball Speed Throw: Pauline
Stapleton, Mary Lou Coyne; Dor-
othy Dalton, Joanne Stapleton;
Mary Ellen Doyle, Betty Anne
Walking Race: Pauline Staple-
ton, Joanne Stapleton, Irene Shea.
100 -yard Dash: Pauline Staple-
ton, Betty Anne Butters, Helen
60 -yard Dash: Pauline Staple-
ton, Mary Lou Coyne, Joyce Ryan
Running Broad: Pauline Staple-
ton, Irene Shea, Betty Anne But-
Senior Girls:
Standing Broad: Jean Maloney,
Rose Mary Ryan, Ann Dalton.
Three-legged Race; Jean Mal-
oney, Rosemary Ryan; Rita Ken-
nedy, Ann Dalton; Jean Moylan,
Luella Moylan.
Softball Base Running Relay:
Tean II (Juniors), Team I (Sen-
Potato Race: Team I (Seniors)
Team II (Juniors).
Tape Running (Hurdle) Race:
Rose Mary Ryan, Jean Moylan,
Jean Maloney, Jeanne Melady.
Softball Speed Throw: Rita
Iiennedy, Rose Mary Ryan; Jean
Maloney, Sean Moylan; Anne Dal-
ton, Luella Moylan.
Walking Race: Jean Maloney,
Jean Moylan, Rose Mary Ryan;
100 yard Dash: Jean Maloney,
Rose Mary Ryan, Jean Moylan.
60 yard Dash: Jean Maloney,
Rose Mary Ryan, Jean Moylan,
Running Broad; Ann Dalton,
Rose Mary Ryan, Rita Kennedy.
220 yard Dash, 17 yrs., Harry
Ryan, Richard Stapleton, Stephen
Cronin. 16 yrs., Joe Maloney, Ken
McLaughlin, Jim Melady; 15 yrs.,
Jack Costello, Don Coyne, John
Van Bake]; 13.14 yrs., Jack Doyle,
Michael Russell, Jerry Cronin.
100 yard Dash, 17 yrs., harry
Ryan, Richard Stapleton, Stephen
Cronin; 16 yrs., Joe Maloney, Ken
McLaughin, Jim Cronin. 15 yrs„
,Tack Costello, Dan Coyne, John
Van ila.kel; 13-14 yrs., Jack Doyle,
Michael Russell, Jerry Cronin,.
Running High: 17 yrs., harry
Ryan, Richard Stapleton, Stephen
Cronin; 16 yrs., Joe Maloney, Ken
McLaughlin, Jim Cronin; 15 yrs.,
,Toitu Van Bake], Jack Costello,
Don Coyne; 13.14 yrs., Michael
Russell, Adrian Lansbet'gen, Jerry
Running Broad: 17 yrs., Harry
Ryan, Stephen Cronin, Richard
Soccer: Gr. XI and X1I vs Gr.
IX and X-6 to 3.
With Mother Berehmana and
1 the
r Yvonne back withus once
more we hope they will help us
get over our weak spots and come
to the end of a successful year.
The ladies of St. Marys Guild,
Dublin, held their October meet-
ing at the home of Mrs. Charles
Friend, Mrs. Friend, the presi-
dent, opened the meeting with a
hymn followed by prayer. Mrs. D.
Racho gave the roll call and read
the minutes of the previous meet-
ing. The annual bazaar has been
postponed until Spring when it
will be held along with the bake
sale. A donation of $25 was voted.
toward the Chili Missions. Mrs.
Donaldson showed pictures of the
destruction and gave an informa-
tive talk on the damages these
cause to the people and country.
The meeting was adjourned and
lunch served by the committee.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Flanagan
celebrated. their 45th wedding an-
niversary an Saturday. Oct, 8. A
High Mass of thanksgiving was
held in St. Patrick's Church, Dub-
lin, when they renewed their
vows. A dinner at Mitchell was
held for the members of their re-
spective families. Mrs. Flarle ne
was formerly Catherine Burns;
Mrs. Chas. Strub, Kitchener (for-
mer bridesmaid) and Dan Flan-
agan, best man, also attendee.
A. social gathering was held at
their home in the evening, and
they were presented with a bed-
room suite from their fatuity.
They have three daughters and
three sons; Helen, Mrs, James P.
Krauskopf; Bernice, Mrs. Louis
J. Looby, and Margaret Flanagan,
Kitchener; Lorne, William R, of
Dublin, and Toni, St. Agatha.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Feeney, Til-
sonburg, with Mrs, Mary Feeney.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans in
London with Mr, and Mrs. J,,1rn
Rev. Dr, Ffoulkes spent a few
days in Montreal
Tam Feeney and sen Joseph
with Louis and Elmer Feeney:
Mrs. Elsie Wells is taking a
special hair -dressing course In
Detroit this week.
Mrs. Charles I(istner in Monk -
Mr, and Mre. Ron Buttons and
children, St. Thomas, with Mr.
and Mrs, Toni Butters.
Loris McGrath in Oakville with
Mr, and Mrs Frank Rowland.
Mr, and Mrs. Iien Steinbach
and Rita, London, with Mrs.
Kathleen Poem,.
Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Malone
and family, Kitchener, with bin.
and Mrs. lean Costello.
Misses liebbie Dean, Helena
Loomans, Rosalie Ducharnw., Jo-
sephine Van Doha!, Patricia 130/I-
llinoisPatricia McLaughlin seep1
the weekend at the Pines" in
Stapleton; 10 yrs„ Joe Maloney, Chatham.