The Seaforth News, 1960-10-13, Page 8NEW .1
Low Priced at $27.80
The new sport Jackets are darker in
tone, /looked patterned ant' feature
the newest forest shades of brown,
olive and gl'ey. They're distinctively
new and smart at this low price, and
all wool too
34 to ':4
We Have a Wide Choice of
All wool worst, d flannels, worsteds,
veuetians, wash and wear fabrics and
wool blends in a wide raugt' of Char-
coal. grey, brown, and olive.
Pleated stylus, plata styles or new
contii:'ntuls in plains, checks, cords
and stripes. Sizes 30 to 501 waist
5.95 tri 19.95
T P .A(
Choose from smooth cash -
mores, tweeds, velours and
Harris tweeds In convention -
;11 lengths or new knee
length stypes. Colors include
Glia rcual. trey, brown. Olive
and gold.
Velours brush finish or plain
felts In the now centre dent
or septi -flat top styles in
grey, charcoal. brown and
6.50 to 8.95
SAT., OCT. 22
The W. A, hold their monthly
meeting in the Sunday School-
room of Duff's United Church
last Thursday with Mrs. Ken
McDonald presiding and Mrs. D.
Watson at the piano. Hymn 380
"Where Cross the Crowded Ways
of life". Mrs. Walter Bowley read
the scripture taken from Phil. 2:
followed by comments by Mrs,
McDonald on the thought, full
heart of love for Christ, and
prayer. Hymn 383 "Lord speak to
ale to may aped
that I k" was sung
slit and progressive euchre will
bo played. Ladles are asked to
bring S a n d. w i c ll a s, tarts or
Thanksgiving holiday visitors
at the W. L. Whyte home wore
Mr, and Mrs. John Whyte and
Jeffery of Oshawa; Mr. and Mr's.
Frank Van•doi'-Moran, Guelph, and
Mrs. Watson and four daughters
of. Stratford.
Run Mr, and Mrs, James Attwood
Secretary's enreport was given b Bennett and Mrs, A.
and family of WIudsor spent the
Mrs. nnholiday weekend with Mr. and
Coutts, the financial statement,
of the #no Mrs, Raiff. Grimoldby,
Solei annual convention
W.A. will be held Oct. 28 at Blyth .Mr. Charles MacGregor of O.A.
commencing at 9.45Mrs. G. Mc• 0., Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Gavin will be a delegate. Huth and Mr. John Ferguson of
Tho fowl supper of Duff's fruit. Clifford spent the' Thanksgiving
ed Church will be held Nov. 2nd, holiday with Mr. and Mr's. Ross
Program committee, Mrs. H. Tra- MacGregor and girls.
via Mrs. Jack Bryans, Mrs, Mei
ton Rockwell and Mrs. Roy Wil-
liamson. Doorkeepers, Wni. Ben•
nett, John Melon; number call.
err, Jack Bryans, Walter Dew1e7;
bake counter, Mrs. Wilbur Turn.
bull, Mrs. 11. Craig, Mrs, A. Mc
Donald; tickets at door, Mrs. K.
McDonald, Mrs. Maud Leeming.
Mrs. Ken McDonald will see to
purchasing the turkeys. Any per-
son bringing putnpkin pies is to
put whipped cream on them. The
menu for weddings after the new
year will be set by the ladies,
The November WA meeting will
be held Nov, 10 instead of the
usual date commencing at 1 pm.
This will be before the thankoff-
ering meeting,
Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull presided
for the WMS meeting and roll
call was answered by naming a
man of the Bible. Minutes were
read by Mrs, Robert McMichael
and Mrs. H. Craig gave the trea-
surer's report. Anyone wishing to
renew or subscribe to the Mis-
sionary Monthly contact Mrs. T.
Dundas before the and of Octo-
ber. It was decided to order the
World Friends for six months.
Mrs. H. Donaldson of Seaforth
will be guest speaker for the
thankoffering meeting Nov. 10th
at 2 pm. Invitations are to bo
sent to Moncrief, Blyth, Burns
and Londesboro church groups
Walton will serve and the 8th
and 10th clean up.
The Walton group will carry on
as two groups for the remainder
of year and then a delegation will
meet with the presidents and vice
presidents of W. A, and WMS to
decide what they will be,
Invitation was accepted from
Constance to their thankoffering
and bazaar to be held Oct. 'a6 at
2 p,m. with Miss Jennie Hogg as
their speaker.
h1 koflering0Oci 2, hold
ing as their speaker Mies Jean
Austin, speaking oil a recent trip
from India and showing slides,
Mrs. D. Watson and Mrs. C.
Ritchie were appointed delegates
to attend the sectional meeting at
Duff's. McKillop, Oct. 18, cam.
mowing at 9:30 a.m.
The topic for this month was
given by Mrs, C. Ritchie from the
new Study Book" Turning World,'
reading the first chapter "Wit
nessing together" Mrs. Turnbull
closed the meeting with prayer.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Kirkby.
newlyweds were guests of honor
on Friday night at a reception
held in Walton Community Hall,
The evening was spent dancing
to the music of Ian Wilboe's Or-
chestra. During the lunch nour
they were presented with a sum
of money by Mr. Barry Marshall
with Mr, Ron Ennis reading the
address. Mr. Kirkby expressed
their thanks to the community
for putting on this social even-
ing. Mr, and Mrs. Kirkby are now
residing in Port Credit.
A successful bazaar was held
in the churh basement last Fri•
day evening under the auspices
of the 16th and 8th group. A short
program was presented with Mrs
A. McDonald presiding. Rev. W
M. Thomas opened the bazaar.
Homemade baking, aprons and
fancy work, candy, white ele
phant and a notion counter made
up the displays. Lunch was serv-
ed by the ladies of the group.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Dundas
and family Of Toronto wore week
end guests with the former's par
ent, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Dundas.
Mrs. S. Cook and friends Of
Toronto visited on Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. John Shannon.
Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Reek and
family of Goderich were holiday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. And
row Turnbull.
Mr. and Mrs, Ken Rutledge of
Toronto were weekend guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Mr, and Mrs. J. Lamont and
family of London spent the week•
end with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Porter.
Mr. Kenneth Ryan of Toronto
visited with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Joseph Ryan over the week
Mr. David Kirkby of Ottawa
and Mr. Dob Kirkby of Cargill
visited in the village over tho
Mrs. Fred Ennis spent the pass
week with her daughter, Mrs
Ross Cunningham, Ethel.
Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Stutz of Kit-
chener were weekend visitors
with Mr. and Mrs, T. Dundas.
Mr, Charles Shannon of Tor-
onto spent the weekend with hili
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. Ti, Ennis of T,ondou spent
a few days with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, D. Ennis.
Mrs, Ed Miler visited in God
oriel over the weekend at the
home of Mr. pnd Mrs. Win. Me.
Taggart and Scott.
Mr. 19d Dougan returned home
nen Friday after being confined
to Stratford General Hospital for
the past month,
Members of the W. I. are re'
minded that family night will bo
held Friday evening Oct 21 com-
The Kippen East W. I. will
meet at No. 10 School, Tucker•
smith on Wed. Oct. 19 at 8.30 p.m.
This is the grandmothers meet-
ing. Hostesses, Mrs, Campbell
Eyre and Mrs, Ken Mackay, Roll
call, bring a grandmother and in-
troduce her. "Live a borrowed
Life" will be put on by Institute
grandmothers; a poem by Mrs. C,
Eyre; current eventsMrs. Arth•
ur Parley; music, lire. A. Mc-
Gregor. Lunch Committee, Mrs.
A. McGregor, Mrs, Ross Broad -
foot, Mrs, W. Workman, Mrs. R.
Gemmell, Mrs. R. Upshot, Mrs. A.
Finlayson, Mrs. J. Sinclair.
I would like to express nay lenneeia-
lion and Thanks to relatives and friends
for cards treats andvisitswhile In the.
hospital Also many thanks to Do St,k
pletna turd the nurses who were so kind
to me. Jim 1000.0st.
Till's h 4AFOlt'LU NIMIVS (]'lion
Auction Sate
02 household 0ffeets, West William
Seaforth, Saturday, Oct. 19141 at 1
4 piece chesterfield suite, Ottoman,.. a
(A11.1) ()I+ TtlAltil:�
T e I number of small tables, occasional
chairs. rocking chairs, studio couch, oak
I wish 20 express my ahlc¢10 thttnlca,dinhig room Sults, Cl1ina cabinet, buffet
to all mY 401110)1 Pala, friends midtable and 6 and
epr 2 11cdlnut suitor,
burs for (tants mol elude 1101)110 I wss oluglo bell ,11,11 springs, walnut dressing
a patient in Stratford hospital, Gordon table and bench, bedding pillows, table
Ryan. linen, electric lamps, clock, hall miner,
mirrors, MofraNegro's4-11arner gas stove, hot
plate with oven, electric iron, toaster,
kitchen utensils, honing board, dishes,
I wouldlike to express my sincere enamel ton table, stools, lawrt mower,
thanl10 to all, who hi any way, helped garden hose, scatter mats, fruit 3ars,.
to make my long stay In the hospital Brooks, garden tools. Easy washing mu,
more pkuesant, Special thnnk0 to Dr. shine, toilet set,. garbage can, linoleum,
Newland and the staff of Clinton 110401- runner, pictures, goilt box', Old Oolong
tel, 24 was all very much appreciated. silverware, tray, dinner set,
Mrs, 1011101 Sparks, Property -8 -room brick cottage, bath, '
011 furnace, hydro, good garage, immedd-
CARD OF THANKS ate possession. Sold sullied to reserve
bid. 10 per eat down belan0e 30 days,
1 would like to thank our Mends and Ohnttets--gash•
neighbors for the lovely floral tributes. Prop,. Mrs. Jnmea A: Broadfoot..
expressions of sympathy and acts of Auet,,, Harold Jackson,
kindness shown )ne in the dentis of my
Mother._ Mrs. P11dir) Kerr,
4) •-- T
rsday, October 13, 1900
visitors with Mr, and AUC'ti0n
Mrs. Frank Itiley were Mr. and COMII'#G EVEN'TS �Jaie iS
Mrs. Robs. Woods and Debbie of Annual Christmne bazaar sponsored by Estate Auction Sale of farm Stock,
Ajax and Mr. Douglas Riley of at
tho St.
St. from
OWL on Saturday, Dec. machine ry rnid ome household
8ffe Islet
COMING EVENT Sovth o£ Varna on Tuesday. Oct. 18th
Reoervo Friday, Dec, flth tot• St. Col- lit 1 p.m,
vmbnn turkey Bingo. Oattle-ierHereford cow; 7
Duand irham and letefeford cows supposed to •
Mr. Bill Mills= of Wyoming
spent the Thanksgiving holiday
with his mother, Mrs, D. Millson. COMING EVENT be re -Urea; 10 ]Hereford calves from 800
Rummage sada under auspices of rho
Mr. Laurence Taylor Of O,A.C,+ Vromons' Iiaspital Auxiliary at the Sen- of 600 lbs. G Durham TIor and Herefordys.
Guelph, anent his holiday }Peek- forth Librmy' Sat,, Cat. 22. steers; S registered Ilorefotd hull 3 yrs.
end with his parents, Mr. and ata.
Clearing Auction Sale 1 Machinery -3 M.P, Woods electric
M Harvey Taylor, gShort-
grain grinder; Vtkhrg o ea n
Joyce and Elaine attended the Zt-14 11, 11't miJ58 541st oir iOAPkStntt nh reek, £alining mill, bag tnwit, droP-
'• trey<1 hay Tonder; 2 0 -ft. mowers; spring
56th wedding anniversary Of Mrs• Clinton, and half mile south on tooth aultivator ; harrows; disk harrow 1 ,
Brown's aunt and uncia, MI, and SATURDAY, OOTQBER 22, 1,00 P•M• sulky rake, 13 run fertilizer drill, bean
Mrs. Ernest Reaeborottgh of Dur- 'Cattle --2 registered Holstein cows, scutfier and puller; cora binder; grain
ham on Tuesday evening. heed in August; 1 Holstein cow; 1 Shot's- binder• 2 sets sleighs; plows; manure
ee s
Now is the time to do those odd jobs.
See us for your needs
Angle Aluminum Door Set
0 • •
("aoey Rifle 22 eaL 11.95
.303 Rifle 17.95
Shooting Vests, Cartridge Belts
Hunting Knives, Ammunition
See xis For all yow' Hunting Needs
PLUM1ING 11 .t ;R Dl W<.A F
. Y - , means separator,
M1•, and Mrs, Borden Brown, Cleating Auction Sale for Herman rubber -tired farm wagon with flat hey
horn cow; 1 Shorthorn cow with rale at spieador; 2 -wheel trailer and stook
The Sunday School of Con- foot; 1 heifer with calf at foot; 2 year. rack (good) 1 32 -ft, extension lumberlader;
stance United Church will Lave ling Shorthorn heifers;
1 yearling Hol- 1000 4 -inch rue; quantity ofr
arltng atcets • 2 spring e) pan and bnaltets • quantity bus. bask -
stein heifer; Y sap
Friday and Saturday
October 14 and 15
-- Double Feature --
The FBI Story
James Stewart -- Vera Milos
The Amazon
(Featurette) John Sutton
One Cartoon
Funeral Service
Prompt and Careful Attention
Hospital Bed
Flowers for all occasions
Phones: Day 43 Night 696W
calves; 4 summer calves. rets; bench vise; electric fencer; barb
"On his visit to Russia" On Tues.' Pigs -1 Yorkshire sow duo by• Oslo wire and woven wire; 2 iron kettles; MARTIN W. STAPLETON
day evening Oct. 18 in the base- date; 8 Yorkohho chunks.
ment of the Church.. Everyone is l Implements; 1061 Ferguson tractor;
quantity of wood. 1960 Dodg
44,000 miles.e sedan ear
aro i, 'Very a I Physician and Surgeon
2 furrow Ferguson plow; Massey Harris
welcome, rubber tired wagon 1 ft. ay grass Grain-send,Ruantity mixed grain, oats and Phone 96 Seaforth
( aG hrack 1 ' I
Mies Santee JewItt spent McCormick Deering side rape 1 Ooekshutt Household effects - Hointzman Up-
i d with her slater, hay loader; 11 tun Massey Barris for- right piano; 2 coal and wood heaters, JOHN A. GORWILL, BA., M.D
and brother-in-law,
gtv ng ay wl 1 Miser drill 1 Massey Harris 6 ft binder' tabled couches chairs sealers, other
and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, culttvnton, corn souRlor, G ft. McOorm articles too numerous M
civ , , , ,
• .. � mention. Physician and Surgeon
Bill Dowson of Varna. lok Deering mower, 4 sectio„ drag ha., .TERMS --CASH Phone 6-W Seaforth
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dale and rows; bean Puller for Ford or Ferguson I Prop., Estate of late Herbert Stephen-
Deanna attended the Western On_ tractor • fanning mill Conn planter;
foot 01 7/8 inch rope; 110 ft. 'of 7/5 Avet., Harold Jackson.
tario G u e r n s e y Championship tech rope ; DeLnval cream separator 1 Clerk, Geo. Powell.
Show held at SinlcOe last week., 0 80-1b. milk eons and strainer 1. cyclone ,a,�. ;
and Reserve Jr, grass seeder; lawn mower. 1 T;O RENT
Deanna wen first t Gran: 1200 hales of bay; I apart -
with her 4-11 Jr. Rel. 000 buahe,a o£ mixed grata, Self contained boated lip
ter calf in a class of 18 entries. I Furniture; Bridgewall cook stove; 1 went on Wilson street. Apply ,
Mr. Wm. Dale was judging hors•, Quebec heater; bedroom suite; cupboard; Secretary, Scott Memorial Hos-:
it las u • I • rs lantern • couch • ice cream freezes.; pital
t ver
and at Rockton on Monday.
Mrs. Thelma Bromley of Kit-
chener spent the weekend with
her father, Mr, Tames Dale and
also visited with Mr. and Mr's. D. Cows and Hclfers, - at
es at Palmerston Fa t Th glia a
curtain stye a t ble.
Terme Coob, Prop. Herman Crich
Auctioneer, Bert Pepper,
Auction Sale.
Auction Sale of Dairy Cattle, Holstein
Fresh picked green corn from new TURNBULL & BRYANS
Patch. Carrots, winner cabbage and mel-' VE- CLINIC
one. AMBROSE ADDLEY. Third house
East of Milburn on the south aide, � 3, 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M, V.S.
Phone 838 - 4. i W. R. BRYANS. D.V.M., V.S.
111 A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist
P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon
Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., daily
except Wednesday and Sunday
Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-
erday only 4-0 p.m.
Appointments made In advance aro
Cllousher of Blyth. Stanley twp., 14/ west and half mile FOR SALE
Mrs. Wm. Dale and girls visit• south oI Bruceilecld on WEDNESDAY, Imported Dutch bulbs for fall plant-
lit 1 pm, ing. Twelve colors of tulips, three colors
ed Sunday with ItIrs. T. MOM'ch- 96 first calf Holstein heifer; 18 Hol- of hyacinths. Dntfodils and Paper White
eel and Evelyn of Goderich. steHolstein cfers ows cows recently
in Oct,aandl0 Nov.;t 18 bnlbsNarcissus.
and will give 7010 all
to largo
Young Hereford and Annus calves ; 2 proud of in the spring. We are open
Members of the United Luther-
an Church Women held their
monthly meeting last Wednesday
evening with Mrs. Lew Hicks, 1G0 Red Snssox year aid hens. Apply Tenders are invited by the Township
h dt d Mrs Fergna Kelly 83r12, Dublin. of Tuckersmith for the construction of
Hereford buns, 'lTs Years old.
All cattle vaccinated and of excellent
quality. Truck available for delivery.
Terms cash Prop. D'Arcy Rathwell
& Sons; Auctioneer, Harold Jackson..,
avert' day�,....,,,
house, you;' garden centre, Setsfo th. Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to
• 5.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. est
TENDER 1 by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010,
above Hawkins' Ildwe, Mon. 9 't,r-5•.30
Township of Tuckersmith
Phone 105 Seaforth
John E. Longstaff - Optometrist
Goderich St. W., Seaforth
Phone 791
Mae O W. Leon ar an WANTED rho McI{enrie Municipal Drains Improve-
ment in the Township of Tuckersmith un-
der authority of By-law 11. 1960.
The work consists of;
7341 feet of open work (1700 cu. yds)
tions, and lunch. Mrs. Donaldson
of Seaforth, former missionary in
Chile, was the guest speaker and
spoke on her mission work in
Chile. Mrs. Lew Hicks presided
for the business. It was decided to
have a guest speaker and invite
three neighboring church organ-
izations to be our guests on Oct.
19th. A wedding anniversary din-
ner is to be served on Nov. 4th,
committees were chosen for this.
Mrs. Fred Young was appointed
as a delegate to attend the Bi An-
nual U.L.C.W. Convention at Kit-
chener on October 26 and 26, oth-
er members can also attend. The
thankyou cards were read by the
secretary. Birthdays were report-
ed by Mrs. Lew Hicks, Mrs, Har-
old Elligsen and. Mrs. Dan Beuer-
man. Lunch was then served with
special birthday cake for Mrs.
Lew Hicks, the president, whose
birthday was on that day, it was
baked and decorated by Mrs, C.
W. Leonhardt.
Stewards of the Christian
Home (married couples) met last
Tuesday evening with Mr. and
Mrs, Lavern' Wolfe and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Beuerman and Mrs.
Wilfred Ahrens in charge of de-
votions and lunch. Films were
shown and contests conducted. A
hallowe'en social is to be held in
the church basement for the
members and families on Oct. 31.
Those who attended Edgwood
Camp during the summer are to
receive 95.00 each from this
The NIcKiilop fair Board held a
draw for 20 turkeys and a dance
at the Community Hall here on
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs, Dalton Hinz at-
tended the wedding of their nep-
hew, Farrel Sippel in Stratford
on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. Ken Newton and
family with Mr. and Mrs, Lew
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Leonhardt,
Kim and Kathy are spending
three weeks in Texas.
Mrs, Donald McLaughlin of
Kincardine with her parents Mr,
and Mrs. Win, Diegel last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice
and Beverley spent the weekend
in Toronto visiting relatives and
the former's brother Earl Shold-
ice at Thornhill.
Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and
Mr, and Mrs. John R. Siemon at -
toned the shower for Mr. and Mrs,
Glen Erwin at Moncrief Hall.
Mr, and Mrs. Donald Ahrens of
Hamilton with Mrs. Charles
Mr. Ray Benewtes of London
with Mr. and Mrs, Norman Bon-
Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller and
Ruth Ann. 0f Hamilton with Mrs.
Aug, Tlillebrocht.
Mr, and Mrs. Edwin hock and
Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Boris Bruder
with Mr, and Mrs. Doug Altche-
son in Niagara Falls,
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Hinz, Mr.
and Mrs, Laverne Wolfe, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Prueter with Mr. and
Mrs, Wm, Hinz, Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Jacob, Kitch-
ener with Mr, and Mrs, O. W.
I. want to buy a two -wheel trailer.
Apply to William Hoegy, phone 588W,
15 IlerefordAOR steers,SALE 600 to 800 lbs,
Harvey Taylor, Londesboro,
Now pouring the honey with all the
fall vitamins, Also recommended for bay
fever. Light and dark amber 20c ib. in
your own container, I will be in short
sunnily for this grade of honey this sea-
son. Place your orders immediately.
Wallace Ross Apiaries.
DeKalb Hybrid pullets. These birds
have been vaccinated for Newcastle and
bronchitis, de -beaked, de -wormed and
starting to. lay. For further information
call Moore's Poultry, Farm, 600r81, Sea -
Number of choice York chunks, extra
strong for winter. A. R. Dodds, Seaforth
I have purchased a Registered Tam
Boar from Dona Farm, Harrlston, to
breed ono cross to York sows. I am still
keeping the York hoar. $2 at time of
service. James Sloan, Lot 10, Con. 7,
1,...9444{00 n,
abasing lit 8.30 pan. Mr, Gordon Mrs, Robert Gibbs and girls
lvToGevin will show elides on .Rua- with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smyth.
Money to Loan on any property
Don't Delay - Write Delray
The secret of our success -
is Service
450-A Wilson Ave., Downsview, Ont.
ME. 8-2353
Tender to cover completion of the
whole work ; all requirements to be furn-
ished by the contractor. Work to com-
mence as soon as possible after letting of
contract - starting date to be specified
In tender; work to be completed lir Fall
of 1000.
Marked cheque for 10 per cent of ten-
der to accompany tender or tender will
not be considered.
Tenders to be plainly marked "Drain
TIt.der" and he 2, Kippen. nt.)hb eReeve's
1960. R. I
Tenders will be considered Oct. 13, 1960. '
in the Town Hall, Seaforth, Ont. at 9
seen at either the Clerk's officeons r at
the Reeve's. i
Lowest or any tender not necessarily
Cora Chesney, Clerk.
10,R. 4, Seaforth, Ont.
Township of Tuckersmith
Tenders are invited by the Township
of Tuckersmith for snowplowing town-
ship roads in the winter of 1960-61 under
the supervision and direction of the Road
Superintendent. i AND FUEL OIL
Two outfits required V -type, 8 -foot
olow (plow and wing to te hydraulically WILLIAM M oHART
operated), mounted on at least a 6 -ton ,
truck. All requirements to be supplied by I
the Contractor, he to carry public liabil- ,
ity in0Uranee and Workman's Compenea- Office Phone 784 • Res. 28d'
Hon Insurance. Tender to state a flat
rate per hour (no standing time allowed).
Tenders plainly marked 'Snowplowing"' I
to be in the Road Superintendent's ,
• Fire
• Auto
• Accident
• Liability
• Weather
Complete Coverages
W. E. Southgate
Phone 334 Res. 640
'bine coal'
Phone o 0 or 332-RY
Tenders will be Considered on Oct. 16,
At the Thanksgiving service on 1960, in the Town Hall, Seaforth, at 9.30
Sunday the Sacrament of Baptism
tender subject to approval of the
was administered to the follow- . Dept. of Highways of Ontario. Lowest
inig: Janet Louise, daughter of or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Haney; Rich -1 Cora Chesney, Clerk.
and Douglas, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Douglas Wallace; Catherine Eliz-
abeth, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Bruce Coleman; Larry Gordon,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Murray Dal-
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be observed at the morning
service Oct. 16th.
Guests with Mr, and Mrs. Stan-
ley Gray over the Thanksgiving
holiday were. Mr. and Mrs. Burt
Waters, Susan and Robbie of A-
jax; Mr. and Mrs. Don Gray, Ste-
phen and Mark of London, and
Miss Mildred Gray of Stratforl.
Miss Jean Watson R.N., of Tor-
onto spent the holiday weekend
with her mother Mrs. J. 5, Wat-
Mr, and Mrs, Marshall Buell of
London visited with Mr, and Mrs.
Johnnie Blue.
Mr, 3. R. Cross, B.A., and Mrs.
Cross, of London, Mr. Keith Cross
13,10.5.0,, Toronto, and Mrs, Ida
Jackson of Hensen spent Thanks•
giving with Mr. and Mrs. Idarold
Shera and Warren.
Mr, told Mrs. W. E. Coolce and
family of Kingston visited over
the holiday with Mrs, Cooke's
mother, Mr's, jean Weiland,
Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Allan and
Ml'. and Mrs, Andrew Houston
spent the holiday with relatives
in Detroit,
Miss Annie Meore of Toronto
was a holiday visitor with friends
and relatives here.
Mrs, David Ste)lhonson spent
tho weekend with her daughters
at Varna,
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Elmore Stephenson wore
her aunt, Mrs. Margaret ,Zahn of
Flint, Mich„ and her cousin, Mrs.
Grace Wlten:settler, Fort Wayne,
Seaforth plume 182, -- Window wash-
ing. Wall washing, Small repairs. Floor
maintenance. Changing storms : and
screens. General Janitor work. House-
cleaning. Brick and plastering repairing.
Superior our name. Service our aim
SAY SQUIRE, box 835, Seaforth
Where Better Bulls Are Used
Artificial Insemination Service
is provided from bulls of all breeds
Farmer owned and -controlled
and operate at cost
Summer calling hours: Between
7:30 and 9:30 a.m, week days.
6:00 and 8:00 p.m, Saturday
Por service or more information
call Clinton HU 2-3441. or for
long distance
Clinton zenith 9-5860
See your at+tltorized dealer for
district of Sclaforth, Dublin and
Clinton for Viking Cream Senor'
ators and Viking Milling Mach -
111136. Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmith
and Welding Shop, Brucelield,
Real Estate
Listings wanted 011 farms,
]homes, businomses and
sumni0r )n•opertioe.
Apply to Amos Corby, Seaforth
Phone 593 M
Local representrltive, for
Walkerton. Ont.
11 dikes and 26salesmen to save you.
We write all lines of
Fire Auto Wind
Liability & Life
Phone 214 Seaforth
Hudson Sterling
Phone 47
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.
Officers - President, John L. Malone.
Seaforth ; Vico Pres., John B. Ma0wing.
Blyth ; Sec.-Treas., W. E. Southgate.
Directors, Norman Trewartha, Clinton.
J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt,
Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth;
John H. McEwing, Blyth; Wm. S. Alex-
ander, Walton; Harvey Fuller. Goderich;
T. E. Pepper, Brucefleld ; Allister Bread -
foot, Soatorth,
Agents - William Leiper Jr„ Tondos.
bore ; V.3. Lane, RR 6 Sosforth ; Selwyn
Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Can-
ton ; James. I{eys, Seaforth.
Township of Tuckerslllith
The Township of Tnekersmith
will pay interest at the rate of
4% per annum from June 15th to
Dec. 15th on all Prepaid Taxes.
Certificates and full particulars
may be obtained at the Clerk's
Office, Tuckersmith, R 4 Seaforth
Cora Chesney, Ti•easttrer
Township of Tuckersmitb.
Tuckersmith Township Munici-
pal Dump will be open from 1
li•m. to 6 p.m., on Wednesday and
Saturday afternoons, until further
Cora Chesney
TN 'Huron County. Trade well establish..
cd. Excellent opportunity. 00111 time.
Write at once. Rawloigh's, Dept. 3.884•
080, 4005 RI:hellou, Montreal.