HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1960-10-13, Page 1WHOLE SJIIUI4S, VOL. 82
Phone 84
Miss Donna Harrison, RCAF 19, Kitchener, and Robert Robin- out to pass two other cars, and
when the driver saw an oncom-
ing car, turned back.
Clinton, cried in .Westminster
Hospital, London, early Tuesday,
following a car accident half a
Milo west of Seaforth,
Injured in the Sartre accident
late Monday afternoon, Miss
Marion I3ittman, 19, of RCAF
Clinton, is reported in Satisfac-
tory condition in Westminster
Hospital, also Reginald Smith,
19, of Clinton; Clarence McGraw,
son, 19, Kitchener, who aro in
Seaforth hospital,
The yellow convertible was
coming east and when the driver
lost control the machine ran off
the shoulder of the. road, leaping
into the deep ditch.
The two girls were catapulted
30 feet, landing by the fence in
the top of the above picture.
It is said the car had pulled
Provincial Constable Ilotvei•ing
said on Wednesday there likely
will not be an inquest, DO, Smith
of Dorchester, is coroner,
Miss Harrison was a daughter
of Mrs. Violet Harrison, of Drum-
heller, Alberta, where she. will
be buried.
Population and
Assessment Increase
Assessor W. E. Southgate told
Seaforth Council Monday that
1960 town assessment had in- d
creased $21,456 over last year. He
expected further 915,000 increase 1)
by end of year.
Population increased from 2228
to 2260, Dogs•133.
Comparative Assessments:
1959 1960
P.S. 91,322,519 1,360,985
S.S. $ 198,149 181,133 f
The Ladies hospital Auxiliary
nlet in the Nurses' Residence, on
Tuesday evening, Oct. llth, The
Lord's Prayer led by the Presi-
ent, Mrs, Larone, opened the
meeting and the minutes of the
revious meeting were read by
Mrs. Gus Bonssey. Miss Gladys
Thompson reported ou the
group's finances and a healthy al
bance of 91,081,26 was noted.
A letter from the Chamber of
Commerce was read regarding a
loat for the Santa Claus parade
n December. It was agreed that
the group should provide a float
and plans for it were discussed.
The Tuck Cart was on display
to the members and will be iu op-
eration for the first time Friday,
Oct. 1411i, Mr's. Stapleton and Mrs.
Cosford will be the first operat-
Feb. 10th 1961 was the date ag-
reed upon for the annual Ging-
ham Dance.
The mystery prize was won by
Miss Bess Grieve.
Seaforth town council will take
no official action in connection
with Sunday bowling, it was de-
cided at the regular October
meeting held Monday evening.
Council may buy a tractor. All
members were present, Mayor E.
Daly presiding.
Council agreed to a Legion re-
quest for an all -day holiday on
Nov. 11th. An appplication by
Canada Bread of Stratford for
permission to peddle bread from
door to door was refused. Coun-
cillors said company could sell
cakes, pastry, besides bread.
Councillor Brady explained
financial position in relation to
loans at bank. Tax sale will be
held in February with 11. proper-
ties 011 the list at present.
Reeve Wm. Ball asked about
collecting past due business tax.
Councillor Brady mentioned situ-
ation at foundry. Councillor Riv-
ers predicted it would soon be
taken over by Martin Bros.
Mayor Daly told council he had
discussed plans for sidewalks at
the new separate school now un-
der construction. Council was ag-
reeable. Next year when the pre-
sent building is removed, a new
cement sidewalk will be laid on
Chalk st. north to the highway.
The board prefers cement walks
to asphalt.
Councillor Nelson Cardna re-
ported F. & W. had bought 9200
in hose and some chemicals,
Councillor Thorpe Rivers re-
ported 9400 spent on drains and
9300 still to do.
Councillor Neil Bell reported
a new tire tor grader.
Councillor Bell asked council
for advice on old truck. Council
decided to look around for a good
tractor, and perhaps settle for
old truck to carry tools, etc.
Extra funds had been provided
this year to repair the streets if
sewer work was started, This
might finance purchase of need-
ed vehicles, councillors said.
Mayor Daly suggested stock
piling crushed gravel this fall, to
have a supply on hand for next
spring. This year it had been
necessary to get 100 loads from
Holmesville, and put 3000 miles
on truck before local pits opened.
Councillor John Turnbull said
$2000 was being paid to the eng-
ineers on sewer survey. At pre-
sent Ontario Water Resources
Commission is getting a Layout
of storm sewers and water mains
to make up a map for contract-
ors who may be working on the
Councillors said they did not
favor winter work on sewer.
Council discussed the situation
of bowling alleys being open on
Sunday. Discussion brought out
that a plebiscite could be hold on
petition, or that interested part-
ies oould make complaint. Coun-
cillors said this was not their re-
sponsibility, Councillor Rivere
said poolroom would likely open,
Council accepted assessment
roll and ordered payment ofas-
sessor's account,
C ntncillor John Flannery re-
pos ad that bleachers from roc -
'minion field stored for winter,
Reeve Ball reported one case
on town relief (frons Clinton).
An executive meeting of the
ladies division of the Curling
Club was held at. the hone of
their president, Mrs. 0, Rowcliffo
last Thursday afternoon, Atte'
discussing plans for the coming
season tea Was served.
Town Council on Monday ag-
reed to pay 12%% of 9750 cost of
installing a modern flasher at
C.N.R. crossing on Main St., re-
placing old-fashioned wigwag.
$600 will be paid from crossing
protection fund, about 9100 from
town (some paid by county) and
74% by railway. Town will as-
sume half maintenance cost.
Changeover was made couple of
months ago.
Town Council on Monday ap-
pointed Mrs. Wm. N. Ball to lib-
rary hoard to fill vacancy caused
by resignation of Mrs. C. 11].
Smith who is now teaching in
Listowel. Appointment is to end
of 1981.
Fire Put Out Diamond Jubilee of
By Sprinkler
The sprinkler system on one of ; Impressive ceremonies celebrat•
Ontex factory extinguished a j y
Dublin Church
the upper
floors of the former ing the Goth annivorsnrof St.
blaze which. broke out in a cabin- Patrick's C..hnreli, I.>ubiin, were
Sports Events
Winners of the boys' champion-
ships at the annual field day at
Seaforth District high school on
Thursday afternoon were; Senior,
Gordon Ross; intermediate, John
Patterson; junior, Bruce Whit-
Girls champions were; Senior,
Pam Stapleton; intermediate,
Nancy Dale; junior, D, Engel,
Junior Boys Events -
100 yd.—B. Whitmore, G. Hall
and D, Nolan, P. Siliery.
220 yd.—B. Whitmore, G. Hall,
et near the
at 1 p.m. Neighbors whohheard SolentnnThanksgiving a RequiemMala forall de -
the alarm bell attached to the ceased members of the parish
sprinkler phoned the fire bre- was offered at 9 am. with Rev. R.
gado who brought out two trucks. 1 Durand as celebrant, assisted by
The fire was out when firemen I Rev, I)r. Ffoulkes and Rev. A. R. •
l.: r You,
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"GS H LVAN A" pA k. l' EiU -!:,
I Cia,B„ Ottatt
The huge building is used for At 4 p.m, a Pontifical Mass of featuring blue and grey floral cit_•sWi:;; ltilti;
platinum edges.
Here are some of the low 10.4.0; 111 gree,e
attractive semi-poreelaili tiin;lc'l liar l'o
arrived. Looby, , a.
storage and is unoccupied. Fire- Thanksgiving was held with
men said they did not know how I Monsignor A. C. Mahoney, Loa-
the fire started, 1 don, as celebrant; Rev. II. P,
The owner is IIrnd Smith, man-
ager of Bell Industries, who
bought rile building earlier this
Cranbrook Presbyterian Church
was the scene of a pretty wed-
ding on Saturday, Oct. 8 at 3 o'-
clock when Miss Barbara Gayle
Evans was married to Harold
Thomas Webster Cansitt, son of
Mrs, Russell Consitt, Zurich, Ont.
and the late Mr. Caneitt, The
bride is the daughter of Mrs,
Stuart Evans and the late Mr.
Evans, Rev. W, J. S, McClure
of Molesworth, performed
the double ring ceremony before
a setting of white candelabra and
white and yellow Chrysanthe-
mums, Mr. Graeme McDonald, the
guest soloist sang "The Wedding
Prayer", "Lord's Prayer" and dur-
ing the signing of the register
"O Perfect Love" accompanied by
Feeney, 0,R., as Deacon and Rev,
A. R. Looby, C.S.13., as sub -Dea-
The first pastor of St. Patrick's
Church was Rev. Wm, Fogarty,
who died of pneumonia in Novem-
ber 1901. He was succeeded by
Rev. Thos. Noonan, who spent 25
years as parish priest, During the
later years of his life he had an
assistant, Rev. F. McCardie. Ilev. i
F. White, Rev. F. O'Drowski were
followed by Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes in
1934, who was pastor until June
1959. The present pastor is Rev, '
R. Durand.
During the 60 years the follow-
ing priests celebrated their first
Solemn Masses at St, Patrick's
Church: Rev. Wm. Michell, C.P.,
• General f Pati-
naSuperior enc al o the
list Fathers with headquarters in
New York; Rev, John McConnell,
M.M., Professor of Philosophy
and Languages at a Chicago M.M.
College; Rt, Rev. Joseph A. Feen-
AIr. Donald Dunbar at the organ. ey, St. Peter's Cathedral, London;
Rov, Edward Webber, who died
Given in marriage by her grand -
in Seaforth in 1958; Rev. Joseph
worn a floor -length gown of silk e, St Joseph
s Church,
organza over bridal taffeta, was Stratford; Rev. Harry F. Feen-
graced with appliques of guipure ey, CA., St. Jerome's
lace. The bodice was styled with chener; Rev. Arthur R. Looby,
short sleeves and matching C.S.B., Ottawa; Rev, Gordon T.
gloves. A scoop neckline featur_ Dill, London; Rev. F. IIricklin,
ed an empire band of softly Liman.•
pleated organza held ut the back At the Pontifical Mass the
by two Plying panels to a brush
speaker was Rt. Rev. J. A.
train. A double french illusion F00ney, London, who reviewed
veil lyse held in Place by a dainty the history of St. Patrick's
crown of pearls and crystals. The Church, paying a special tribute
bride wore a cultured Pearl and to the first pastor, Rev. Thomas
matching earrings, the groom's 1 Noonan, also the succeeding par -
gift to the bride. She carried a tart priests, also the continued ef-
whito IIlble crested with red forts of the Ursuline Sisters. He
roses and trailing rose buds. She said that it was the community
D. Nolan, R. Muegge, was attended by her sister Bever -
High jump -13111 Rowat, P. Sill- ley Evans as maid of honor. The
ery, G. Hall, B. Whitmore. bridesmaids were Mrs. Campbell
Broad jump—B. Whitmore, D. Grant, Brussels, and Patsy Evans
a sister of the bride. All were
dressed identically in purple
street -length dresses of pure silk
organza over taffeta featuring a
lace bodice and front bows with
matching headdresses, gloves
and shoes. They carried bouquets
of white and yellow baby mums.
Miss Cheryl McCutcheon, Brus-
sels, was flower girl wearing a
gown of yellow pure silk organza
over taffeta with scalloped neck-
line with bow at back, matching
headdress, gloves and shoes and
carried a bouquet of white and
yellow baby mums.
Blaine McCutcheon, Brussels,
carried the rings on a white vel-
vet pillow trimmed with red satin.
William Consitt, Zurich, broth-
er of the bridegroom was grooms-
man, Ushers were Gary Evans
a brother of the bride, and John
Consitt, brother of the groom.
.A. reception was held in Cran-
brook Community Centre. The
bride's mother received the
guests wearing a red velvet dress
with black accessories and a cor-
sage of white carnations. The
bridegroom's mother assisted
wearing an ice green dress of
Loden brocade with matching ac-
cessories and a corsage of bronze
chalice roses.
A wedding dinner arranged by
the Ladies' Aid of the church was
served by Misses Patsy and Car-
ol Bryans, Linda Dunn, Marion,
Ruth and Jean Turner.
For a wedding trip to Eastern
Ontario the bride chose a beige
walking suit with dark brown and
green accessories and a corsage
of bronze chalice roses. On their
return they will take up residence
in Varna, Ont.
Guests attended from London,
Ingersoll, Dorchester, Goderich,
Clinton, Milverton, Kippen, Bruce -
field, Zurich, Toronto, Atwood,
Ethel and Brussels.
Nolan, 11, Muegge, Bob Plnmsteel,
Hop, step, jump—J. Sills, B.
Rowat, A. Patterson, B. Whit
; 100 yard—T. Phillips, J. Patter-
' son, B. Papple, D. Dick.
220 yd.—T. Phillips, J. Patter-
son, D. Dick, B. Papple.
440 yard—P. Rau, B. Papple, J.
Patterson, R. Dinsmore.
880 yard—P. Rau, K. Storey,
B. Dinsmore, B. Papple.
High jump—Ben Akker, T.
Dick, J. Patterson, D. Schneider.
Broad jump—T. Dick, J. Pat-
terson, T. Phillips, K. Storey.
Hop, step, jump, J. Patterson,
T. Dick, B. Papple, B. Dinsmore.
Shot put, J. Patterson, B. Dins-
more, B. Papple, K. Storey.
1 Senior Events -
1.00 yard—B. Campbell, G. Ross,
N. Dolmage, L. Pethick.
220 yard—B. Campbell, G. Ross,
N. Dolmage, L. Pethick.
High jump—G. Ross, N. Dol -
mage, P. Willumsen, L. Pethick.
Broad jump—G. Ross, Bill Men-
heer•e, T. Love, P. Willumsen.
it Doln
High jump — Ne nage,
SEAFORTH LEGION B. Reith, G. Ross, P. Willumsen.
LADIES AUXILIARY Shot put—B. Campbell, G. Ross,
The October meeting of the Le -N. Dolmage, A, Murray.
Bion Ladies' Auxiliary to Branch Ross, B. Campbell, N. Dolmage.
Hop, step, jump, B. Reith, G.
156 was held in the Legion Hall Shot put, G. Ross, B. Elliott, B.
with 22 ladies present. President Uhler, B. Binnendyk.
Mrs. E. Jessome was in the chair.
The minutes of the last meeting Girls Events—
were read by Mrs. E. Edgar. The Junior Girls—
accounts were read by Mrs. J. ; 100 yards, D. Engel, B. Nott, S.
McGregor in the absence of the Henderson, P. Thamer.
treasurer, Miss T. Forbes. Three 76 yard—D. Engel, B. Nett, S.
new members were installed, Mrs. Henderson, Meta Reeves.
Dillon and Mrs, S. Garnham and Basketball throw—C. Britton,
Mrs. R. Miller. Correspondence I. Johnson, K. Moore, L. Powell.
was read by Mrs, E. Edgar, in-, Softball throw, B. Ross, 5, Stor-
eluding thankyou notes from Sea-' ey, E. Eckert, C. Britton.
forth District High School Tram- High jump—S. Henderson, N.
pet Band and Mrs. Ryan. Mrs. J, Reeves, Tie: 13. Nott, 1). Dale.
McGregor gave the financialRunning broad, I. Riley, D. Lin -
statement and auditor's report, A gel, K. Doerr, D. Dale.
very interesting and informative j Standing broad—D. Dale, M.
report on the ry Conventionegion01LadiiesA.ua. Boshart, D. Engel, Carol Hall,
sot was given by Mrs, C, Coombs I Wind -
Intermediate Girls—
and Mrs. J, Watson. i 100 yards, N. Dale, M. Staple -
Miss Vera Hudson was the win- ton, E. Dolmage, G. McTaggart.
ner of the Mystery Prize, and the' 76 yard—N. Dale, E. Dolmage,
monthly door prize was won by M. Stapleton, G. McTaggart.
Mrs. J. Watson. An invitation to ' Basketball throw—N. Dale, C.
Clinton Auxiliary was accepted, Hammond, M. Stapleton, D. Boyes.
Arrangements were made to Softball throw—C, Hammond,
hold an afternoon tea and bake M. Stapleton, G. McTaggart, M,
sale the latter part of October ' Boa, R. Ritchie.
Committees gave their reports High jump—E. Dolmage, N.
and the mooting was brought to Dale, M. Stapleton, Joan Reyn-
a close in the usual manner. Bin- olds.
go was played and lunch served MRunning
bo d l8, Dolmage,
by by the committee,Stapleton,
Standing broad—J. Reynolds,
N. Dale, M. Stapleton, M. Crich,
Senior girls -
100 yards—P. Stapleton, M. La-
liott, P. Bryans, C. Eckert,
73 yard ---P., Stapleton, M. El-
liott, P. I3ryans, (1, Storey,
Basketball throw --M. Elliott, J.
Crich, A. Achilles, P. Stapleton
and P. Bryans,
Softball throw -M, Elliott, 13.
Bates, P. Stapleton, A. Achilles,
'High jump—P, Stapleton, M.
Elliott, P. Bryans, ,T. Crich,
Running broad—P, Stapleton,
M. Elliott, P. Bryans, G, Storey,
Standing broad—C. Eckert, P,
Stapleton, P. Bryans, M. Elliott,
Relay for seniors --White, yet•
low, black, rod,
Funeral services were held on
Saturday, Oct. 811, from Evans
funeral home, London, for the
late Florence Brooks, widow of
the late Edward J. Dawson, Sur-
viving are one daughter, Mrs. El -
din Kerr, Seaforth, and two sons,
Bert of London, 0110 Theodoreof
Woodville, Interment was in
Maitlandbalnk cemetery,
Some fall wheat fields are
showing spotty growth, 'I'11ere are
few silos yet to fill. Fal1 plow-
ing is difficult due to lack of
moisltu'e, says D. TT, Miles, agri-
c:nitural represent atIvo for Huron
Orval Cooper, store front $700;
Leo Ragan, alterations 9200;
Dale Hartwick, t r a i l e r home
92700; Mrs, Sykes, porch $200;
Ron Dolmage, repairs 92000; Rev.
Chas. Sullivan rectory repairs
9500; Harold Jackson, liquor
store 917,500; Wong's Grill, neon
sign 9400; Enos Boshart, siding
9600; Eldon Hulley, utility room
On Thursday, Oct, 20th, Mr
Fred Breithup, 2nd Vice Presi-
dent of Midwestern Ontario De.
velopment Association will ap-
pear with Mr. 1ilner Goebel., the
General Manager, on CKCO-TV,
Kitchener, Channel 13 on the
Elaine Cole show, starting at
12,45 noon, Seaforth has been a
member of MODA since it was
started 6 yeah ago.
spirit of the pioneers that built
the church. They lived in the day
of the building bee, and even the
stones for the foundation came
from nearby fields."
Following the anniversary Mass
the new Separate School was con-
secrated by Rt. Rev. A. C. Mah-
oney, Vicar General of the Dio-
cese, assisted by approximately
40 visiting clergy.
A turkey dinner was served in
the parish hall by the executive
officers of the CWL and Altar
A small group of senior citiz-
ens were also guests with the
clergy and the oldest parishioner,
Mr. Patrick O'Rourke was re-
quested to cut the jubilee cake.
A former parishioner, Mr. John
Kenny, rang the bell before Mass
as he had tolled it for the first
time for the funeral of Father
Fogarty in 1901.
A social evening was held in
the hall later. The awards for the
high score at progressive euchre
were won by RI. J. Nagle and Mrs,
Wn1. Manley. Other prizes were
given to John Kenny, Mr, and
Mrs. Wm. Manley, Mrs. Catherine
Krauskopf, Mrs. Dan Costello and
John E. Murray.
The following clergy attended
the Jubilee: Monsignor Mahoney,
Monsignor Roney, Monsignor For
vestal, Monsignor J. Feeney, I
Monsignor W. Bourdeau, Rev. Fa-
ther Wemple, Rev. A. Durand,
Rev, Jos. O'Rourke, Rev. A. R.
Looby, CSB, Rev. D. Benninger,
0513, Rev. Gordon Dill, Rev. El-
wyn Morris, Rev. Wm. Morris,
Rev. F. Costello, Rev. A, M. Czap,
Rev. T. P. Donellan, Rev. J. Mc-
Dowell, Rev. J. W. Farrell, Rev.
Father Harrigan, Rev. J. W. Gra-
ham, RevFather Hermans, Rev.
F. Laverty, Rev. J. F. Lynch, Rev,
J. Mariani, Rt. Rev. W. Morrison,
Rev. P, E. McKeon, Rev, D. Mc-
Master, Rev. Thos. McQuaid, Rev.
W. T. O'Rourke, Rev. L. J. Phel-
an, Rt. Rev. G. J, Zinnoy, Rev.
M. J. Wildgen, Rev. A, M. Wil-
liams, Rev, S. White, Rev. V.
Anniversary Services at St.
Andrews United Church will be
Observed Sunday, Oct. 16 at 11
8.m, and 7,30 p.m. Rev. H. M.
Hunter of Mitchell Wili be the
guest 031(21101' in the nun'n111g 111111
11ov, E. Roulstou of Clinton in
the evening,
Mrs. dinar Mousseati and Mrs.
Ross Farber spent tt. row (11170 tri
Pert 360000.
Syiv.:nia Crr'.,-1 Sorry
Ci'11 AXi) SA1'1'ER
-3'r. PLAC'h SETTING ;u
9.1-)'1', SET (t'omph•le slating for 12) 46.!i5
These sets are just 2 of over 125 open stock
Dinnerware Sets constantly on display.
UUu,u,u11d,1nn,1,110,11"g11, 111n11n"1111111„n"”111,,,1u1n11,,,,1n1,1111,,,,,,',,,.. u,."nn, i:a,,,,,,""",
Joseph Carpenter, Mrs. Joseph
Carpenter, Sr., Chatham; :firs.
Margaret Kelly, Blyth: and Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Byrne, Detroit.
with Miss Monica Byrne.
Mrs. Tom Butters and Mrs.
Chas. Friend attended the 4H
Homemaking Club in Stratford.
llr. and Mrs. John Kenny, Det-
roit, with Mrs. Mary Kistner.
'Air. and Mrs. Maurice Dillon
and family, St. Thomas. also Mr.
and Arra Wilfred Duffy, Wood-
stock, and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Sylvester Ryan and family, Seb-
ringville, Mr. and Mrs. James
Kelly and daughter, Seaforth,
with Mrs. Louis Dillon and Dor-
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson.
and Mrs, Mary Krauskopf, Lon-
don, with Mr, and Mrs. Sas, P.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Batters
spent the week end in Detroit.
Dr. Frank Stapleton, Galt, Mrs.
Jim Newcombe, Port Credit, with
Mr, and Mrs. William Stapleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Grosch and
children, London, with Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Costello.
Mrs, Catherine Ryan, Stratford,
Mr. Joe Maloney, London. with
Mr, Pat Maloney and Mrs, Schel-
1 man.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Maloney,
Kitchener, with Airs. Mary Fee-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowland
and children, Oakville, with Mr.
Louis McGrath.
Mr, and Mrs. Pat Woods and
children, Georgetown, with Mr,
and Mrs. Fergus Horan.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vincent,
Brantford, Mr, and Mrs. Lee
Jones and family, MacTier; Mt'.
and Mrs. Allen Shade, Cleveland,
Ohio; Ross Vincent, Miss Cora
Jamieson, Dorion, attended the
Vincent -Jordan wedding in Sea-
Harvest Home Services will be
held at McKillop E. V. B. Church
on Sunday, Oct. 16tH of 2.30 p.m.
Rev. Howard Brox of Kitchener,
former pastor of this church, will
be guest speaker, also special
music is to be provided.
Mr. and Mrs. Con. Moore • and
Ian of Toronto spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry'
Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Rock, Paul
and Karen visited with Mr. and
lIrs. Emmerson Rock at Moukton.
Jir, and Mrs. Lavern IIoegy
and family spent Sunday with Mr.
Foster Smith at Muucrief.
Mr. and lira Dwane Rose of
Stratford spent Monday with Mt.
and Mrs. Jerry Doerr.
Alts, Toledo Ileuerman of Kit-
chener and daughter's visited at
their house Isere anti also with
relatives. •
Air. and Mrs. Fred Rose and
family attended the funeral of
Mrs. Rose's brother, Ralph Mohr,
New Hamburg on Saturday.
-lir. and Mrs. Elmer Koehler
and family spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Moore at Egmondville.
.lir. and Mrs. Cecil Franks and
Gail of Preston spent. the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koeh-
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Eggert
and girls visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart Pepper of Kippen.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moore of
Seaforth and Miss Ann Moore of
Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Koehler.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock and
Karen visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Atcheson at Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reggie and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hoegy of Sea -
forth visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Ferdinand Hoegy at Kincardine.
Mrs. Henry Hoegy of Walton
is visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. \Vat. Koehler.
Miss Ruth Ann Kleber and Mr.
Roy Kleher of Kitchener spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs;
Lavern Hoegy.
Mr. Geo. Balers is a patient at
the Thinner Nursing home, Sea -
Lime oitangiiena at SIMS field .div. left 10 right: •11 Am.,
Pamela Stapleton; junior. 1). Engel; ioterluedl•it Net.r 1>.i11
iloys cluunPiotts al. SIMS field day, left to
right: Junior, Brnoe Whitmore; intermediate,
.]nein Patterson; senior, Gordon Ross