The Seaforth News, 1960-09-29, Page 8Great Clearance
Men's Rayon Lined
Regular 9,113 to 12.9L;
Reduced to Clear
7,r; only chino, eoall gvah'u•d-
dine and nevi lay heave,
rayent lined c nt, n tcind-
1 r,mke•rs we must ileal' outs
Choose from, seal, M'ry. e'll;n'-
r•enl .;ti 11: k. 34 to
le. Just the jaeltet for cool -
fail days.
Rolm -eel far below cos at
New Stock
Men's Wash 'n Wear
White Shrials
8 ONI.
Boys Lined
W 1tdb Bakers
\:-iltles to 7,93
Itetlueetl to Clear
Thee,- odds ted ends of hoys
jneke';.e urns he cleared 001.
-- We've rut meet of them to
less then ht If price. -
Don't miss this thence to
pick up a rent bargain,
Sires e to 16 years - all
rulers. Speelal
Pine eemit 1•:neliell bfoad-
eletlt et•ip-elry duality with
f.ternl ehort polar rollers and
wo-at ty clip's. you'll h the
lighted with thie line quality
WVarr a ndale shut Sizes 14 to
17. Sleeve length- to :14.
New Store Hours
Saturday Night
Closing 9 P.M.
701 Jackets
for Boys
Newest "banana" cellar and
knit cuff. insulated, heavy
cord winter jeekets in two
popular shades of ()live and
antelope. Sizes e to 18 years.
Famous-"Tetex" make that
will give exeelleinl wear.
Suppers or any occasion
634r0, Seaforth
Mrs. Mae Adams of Londesboro
spent last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Dexter.
Mr. Glenn Montgomery, son of
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Montgom-
ery, who is working at North Bay
spent the past week end at his
parental home.
All the major prizes at the
Western Counties Regional Guer-
nsey Show held this year in con-
nection with Blyth fall fair were
won by Mr, Wm. Dale with his
Guernsey cattle.
The T. Eaton trophy for the
best 4-H Guernsey Club calf at
the regional show was won by
Miss Wilma Dale.
Mr. and Mrs. David Dollimore
of Ajax spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buchanan
and family. Mrs, Dollimore Sr.,
who had spent the past two and
a half months with her daughter
1957 FO1ti) COACH
1.95() Ford Pickup
Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Sales & Service
Phone Cr. Fa;wm 18(3 Phone 541
and, returned home bylerian men for the Stratford
with thein.
Mr. and Airs, Howard Proszea-
ter and family visited Saturday
with Mr. land Mrs, 0. Glanville of
Visitors Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Robert Grlinolclby were Mr.
and Mr:;, Ross Mann and fancily
of Wlughan, Mr. and Aire. Neu
Bellies teal soils stud Mr, and
Mrs. Bob Bottles of Winthrop.
Mr, and Mrs. rte;;, Lawson vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Law•
son of Clinton and attended the
Ontario street Church minivers-
ary services.
Mr. mid Mrs. Howard Johns of
Tuckersmith visited Sunday with
1•li'. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson.
Mr. and Mrs, W. Parker of Ex-
eter visited with Air. and Mrs.
Iloward Preszcator and fancily on
C.O.F. Church Parade
Fifty nieittbers of the Canadian
Order of Foresters of Constance
and Ilenntiller paraded to Cons-
tance United Church and heard
a very impressive sermon con-
ducted by the Rev. Su ninerell of
Winthrop and left au impression
that time democracy and Christ -
lenity t;o haud in hand and 1.1 we
fail in one we would lose both.
Ail Eric Anderson, Chaplain of
Court Constance read the scrip-
tnrc lesson followed with prayer
by :Mrs. B, Brown, Miss Joan
Proszcator rendered a beautiful
solo "Jesus Cares" accompanied
by Miss Joyce Brown. After the
closing hymn the National An-
them was sung and Rev, Sum-
merell closed the service with
the Benediction, after which the
members paraded to the CAF;
I-Iall where lunch was served to
all, and Sister Jane Case thank-
ed all for making a successful
dfr, and Mrs, Wm, Jewitt and
Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Lawson at-
tended the eveniug service of the
Varna Anniversary Service Sun -1
Mr. and AIrs. Borden Brown
and girls visited Sunday after- 1
noon with Mr. and Mrs, Ernest
Brigham and family and Mr,
Thomas Brigham of Hanover,'
and also attended the Harvest
Home Services Sunday evening
at t'lu•ist Church, Allan Park.
Several of the ladies of Con,
stance WMS attended the Thank-
offerinc meeting of First Presby -
torten Church, Seaforth, Tuesday
afternoon and hoard the Rev.
Chambers, on furlough from the
Congo, speak.
The W.A. and \VMS of Con-
stance United Church held their
regular meeting Sept. 14 in the
basement of the church. Airs. L.
Lawson, president, of the \V.A.
presided and opened by all sing-
ing hymn 259 followed with
prayer by Mrs. Lawson, Tile min-
utes and correspondence was
read and roll call was answered
by tea towels for the kitchen.
Business matters were discuss-
ed and the roll eall for Oct. 12
will he 35c for cups and saucers
for the kitchen. A hymn book
valued at $3.25 is to be donated
in memoriam for deceased mem-
bers. The Oct. meeting will be
held in the afternoon,
The W.M.S. was conducted by
Mrs. B. Brown, and called to wor-
ship using the 27th verse of St.
Matthew. Hymn 268 was sung
followed with prayer by Mrs.
Brown. Mrs. F, Riley read the
scripture from Matthew 10: 16-39
Minutes were read and letters of
thanks. Business matters, arising
were dealt with and the Thank -
offering meeting will be held on
Oct. 26 instead of Oct. 19 as
formerly planned on account of
the Sectional meeting being held
on Oct. 18, with Miss J. Hogg as
speaker. Walton and Winthrop
ladies are invited to be with us
as well as an invited guest. The
Sectional meeting delegates are
Mrs. Reg. Lawson and Mrs. Wil-
bur Jewitt. A special collection
at next meeting for the Expense
Fund will be for roll call for the
WMS to cover expenses occurred.
Hymn 394 was sung and Mizpah
Benediction closed the meeting.
I'1'esbytel'y teas held in Ct'olner-
ty Presbyterian Chu,'elt on Mon-
day evening, Sept. 20th. The
meeting began with ar delicious
supper served by the ladies' of
Cromarty. There were Wren pre-
sent from most of the churches
in the Presbytery numbering
around 40. The president of the
association, Lloyd Sorsdahl of
Cromarty was In the chair, A de-
votional period was conducted
by Mervin Dow of Cromarty and
Rev. Robert Bissett of Ayonton,
Tom Dickson of Atwood gave a
challenging report of the recent
Provincial Conference held at
Keswick, Muskoka, IIe wee fol-
lowed by Walter Oldham of Paris
Presbytery, who also reported on
f the recent men's weekend eon-
ference. He pin pointed our lack
of •effort. Also present from Paris
Presbytery were Art Williams of
Emhro, and Calvin Melanie of.
Ingersoll. Tent Dickson in a per-
iod of Bible Study based on 1st
Peter 5: 1.11, Four groups were
fornletl with a secretary for each
group who reported the most in-
teresting whole
gathering. A roll call of congre-
gations represented showed that
men were present from Avonton,
Motherwell, Avonbank, Cromarty.
Exeter, Listowel, Milverton and
The business period was con-
cluetod with Rev, S. Herr in the
chair. A nominating committee
composed of Lloyd Sorsdahl,
Malcohu Davidson and Tom Dick-
son were appointed, The next
meeting will be held in Listowel,
The meeting closed with tate ben-
ediction by Rev. Bruce Miles of
Mrs, G. Carey and Mrs. P.
Taylor spent a few days in New
York last week•
Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing return-
ed home an Saturday after spend-
ing a few weeks with their clang.
liter at Moosejaw, Sask.
Misses Marian and Barbara
Dunnelt of Kirkton spent the
weekend with Mies Alice Walker.
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl,
Alice and Connie were in attend-
ance at the christening of their
grandson, Robert John Cheasell
at the Rally Day service in Knox
Presbyterian Church, Mitchell,
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. I1. R. Currie and
Linda of Dorchester, visited dur-
ing the weekend with her parents
Mr, and Mrs, Otto Walker,
Rev. J. Green of Brussels con-
dncted the service in Cromarty
Church in the absence of Mr.
Kerr who was conducting service
In Brussels,
On Sunday, Oct. 2, the 400th
anniversnry of the Scottish Re-
formation will he commemorated
at the morning service,
The Marian Ritchie Evening
Auxiliary held their September
meriting in the form of a gttilt-
ing at the home of Mrs. Gordon
Scott. Mrs. Scott presided and
opened the meeting with the
singing of Psalm 19, The seen -
torn lesson "The Parable of the
Vineyard" Was read by Mrs. Ro-
bert Gardiner and Mrs, Scott led
in prayer. Tile roll call "A Book
of the Bible" Was answered by
13 members, The secretary react
the ininutos of the last meeting
and the treasurer gave her re-
port. During the business period
the thankoffering was discussed
and committees appointed, The
secretary was instructed to order
the now Study Boort, The meet-
ing closed with a hymn and the
T,nrd's Prayer in unison, A deli-
cious lunch was served,
The opening meeting of Pres -
Mrs. Wm, Smith of Exeter
spent a few days with her sister,
Mrs. A. Rohner.
Mrs. Ivan Whiteman of Bel -
grave visited with friends in the
village on Sunday,
Airs. D. Welsh spent a few
days with her friend, Mrs, Geo,
Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft
and family of Belgrave spent
Sunday with her father, Mr, R.
P. Watson, Janet and Robert.
Ahs. Dr. Wm, Swan of Hamil-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Ham of
Fergus, visited for a few days
with Mrs. Ham and Miss E.
Mr, and Airs. Don McKenzie
and family of St. Thomas spout
Sunday with Mrs. S, McT{enzie,
Mrs, A. Ings visited a few days
with. friends in Varna.
Mrs. Roy Leppington is suffer-
ing from blood poison in her
Rev. and Airs. H. Johnston at-
tended and took part in the wed-
ding ceremony of Mr. Johnston's
niece in Toronto on Saturday.
Please keep in mind the Mis-
sion Baud tea in the school room
of the church, home baking and
tea served from 3 to 5 on Satur-
day, Oct, lst.
Congratulations to Miss M.
Papple and her pupils of SS No.
3, Tuckersmith on obtaining first
prize at Seaforth fair,
The airport committee told
county council at its meeting this
week that it recommended ac-
ceptance of a tender from Keith
Hopkinson for $25,000. 'Phis is
for the purchase of the balance
of the Sky Harbor property at
Goderich owned by the county.
A cheque for $6.250 accompan-
ied the tender, as required.
The tender from Mr. Hopkin-
son was the only one received.
The following requirements
have been agreed to by Mr. Hop-
He will take over the water
agreement with Goderich Manu-
facturing Co.
He will take over the agree-
ment with the Canadian Pacific
Railway regarding sewage dis-
posal system.
He agrees to operate the air
port for 25 years, as required by
the department of transport:
Amber Rebekah Lodge
Airs, Glenn Bell, N. G. presided
at the regular meeting of Amber
Rebekah Lodge Wednesday even-
ing. The Charter was draped in
loving memory of Sister Sadie
Estherbrooke, Past President of
the Rebekah Assembly of Ont-
ario. Mrs. Inez McEwen Jr., P.
N.G. reported for the finance
committee. Mrs. A. Orr reported
Inc the property connnittee, stat-
ing the dishes had been purchas-
ed and placed in the kitchen.
Mrs. E. Chipchase, V.G. reported
visits and cards sent, Mrs. Inez
MCEwen and Mrs. Leona Park
also reported visits. Thank you
notes were read from metnbors.
The Installation of Officers will
take place on Wednesday, Oct.
5th when Mrs. Lillian Grummett
D.D.P. of Seaforth and her in-
stalling team will be present, A11
members are requested to at-
tend this meeting.
Mrs, Wes. Venner was taken
to Victoria, Hospital, London,
this week where she is undergo-
ing treatment.
The 'Helping IIand Mission
Band will meet on Sat. Oct, 1st at
2 p.m,
By J, C, Ilemingway
As the month of September
draws to a close no doubt many
poultry producers are wondering
if there will be another deficien-
cy payment coining to them
sometime in the next six months,
In fact until just the other day
at least ono poultry producer
was wondering whether he was
going to get a deficiency payment
for last Jan: Mar, period. How-
ever rho payment finally arrived
and the secretary at the egg -
grading station is now In the
Prospects for the deficiency
1 wish 10 express lily eineet'e
thanks to till my friends, neigh -
hors and relatives, and Bev. 11.
Donaldson, for all the flower's,
fruit, etude and visits while I was
a patient in Stratford Oeuvre'
lioxp'ilal, George 1VIeGavin
I wish to express nly sinctere
Ululate :out apprcollllton to neigh-
bors and friends for 1he11' kind-
ness and messages of syntpittltY
and floral tributes during my r'e-
celtt sad bereavement in the loss
of Wry, clear brother. I also wish
to thank -tlioso whoremembered
him while in hospital, and these
who helped in any way. Rehm
The family al the late Mrs,
Role, Watson of Brueellold wish
to thank their Rind Mende, neigh-
bors and relatives for the beauti-
ful floral tributes, expressions of
sympathy and acts of kindness
shown to them in their recent be-
reavemont Special thanks to ltov,
H, Johnston, the ladies of Bructel
field choir, Dr. Malkus, the staff
of Scott Memorial Hospital, and
the Whitney fltuet'al home..
I2oOL P. \Vttson and family
Reception Inc Mr, and Mrs:
Jack Hagerty (Joan Maloney), 10
Ih•otlllagell Hall Friday, Sept. 30.
Everyone welcome
Reserve Nov, 2nd for the baz-
aar and bingo at St. Patrick's
Parish Hall in Dublin
ilibbert township farm, 1 mile
from paved highway, 100 acres
land, barn 40x60, very modern
brick ltottse, furnace, new bath-
room, pressure system, all rooms
papered & painted, floor cover-
ings throughout, Full price $10,-
000, very reasonable terms. Own-
er in ill health, possession in 30
clays, Apply to John Bosveld, Jos.
McConnell, salesman
Blue suit with extra pair pants,
size 12-15. Lined parka coat, sante
size. Red coat, sante size, White
jacket size 16. Navy blue jacket,
Phone 27911 Seaforth
Almost new electric Frigidaire
stove 25"x22", four but'Ilers, good
sized oven, with all newest im-
provements, $125. Average Kele.-
Mater refrigerator with 2 boxes,
2 shelves & vegetable bin, double
freezing compartment, $50. Phone
794 Seaforth
10 Poll Ilereford heifers 70t1 to
8011 lbs. Harvey Taylor, - RR 1
Londeshoro. Phone Seaforth
757 J1
175 Red Sussex pullets ready to
lay: also a McCrary Royal Escort
kitchen range, white enamel; 2
John Deere narrow plow bottoms,
complete with points, like new.
Robert Wallace, 655r11 Seaforth
A quantity of good clean baled
bean straw in field; also a num-
ber of good, dry cedar posts.
Wilber Reyes, 656x11 Seaforth
1 large heated apartment avail-
able Oct. 20. On Goderich St.
West. Frank Hunt
Auction Sale
On OCTOBER 3rd at School
Section No, 8, McKillop (Manley
School), at 3.30 P.M.
The used classroom seats,
around 45 seats.
Further information can be
obtained from
Dominic Murray, Sec,
paytuent after the year end of
Sept. 30 are becoming quite dim.
As of Sept. 3rd, the estimated
weighted average price for A
large was 29.7e. With the sup-
port price at 33c this would seem
to indicate a deficiency payment
of 3.3c. However whether you un-
derstood it or not the Govern-
ment stated that the Jan. -Mar.
payment was an interim pay-
ment and would be used to equa-
lize any further payment for the
rest of the year.
The payment of eight cents at
that time equals 2c for the whole
year therefore the support price
now is really 31c. This still
leaves a possible payment of 1.3c
but with prices continuing well
above the support price through-
out Sept. the weighted average
price is expected to be only a
small fraction of a cent below
the support price if any.
In any case the cost of sending
out cheques would he too great
and it is expected that any de-
ficiency payment will simply be
hold as a credit until a future
payment is justified.
I was interested to see in the
Ottawa report a statement to the
effect that Mr. Harkness' defi-
ciency payment plan had proved
quite sut>cessfull in increasing
price and reducing surpluses.
This is true but there aro other
results to be considered,
The reason that prices are up
and surpluses aro down is be-
cause of reduced production. This
simply means that sono produc-
ers of eggs and hogs have been
killed off. The method is effect-
ive but I still have grave doubt
that this cure was desirable or
Our manufacturing industry,
With apparent approval of Gov-
ernment, ltas tried this method
through tariff restrictions and
the result has been the importa-
tion of a great many articles
that could very well be manufac-
tured in Canada,
If too many poultry and hog
producer's are killed off we can
look forward to eating imported
eggs and pork, In many eases
this will also mean a poor quali-
ty product. In reply to a letter to
one of the county papers regard-
ing the colouring of margarine
my answer is still the same, Let
it be colored any color except to
imitate butter. Tlton We will
know when we are eating it and
enjoy it accordingly,
Clearing Auction Sale
84) --Thursday, September 29, 11)
Clearing Auetiot Site for Art Colson,
lot 11, con.. 13, Hallett twit„ 114 miles
north ,l' Lom whore, and 0t1)2 east 01• 6
mtlei eeoy Ridel i,eudbury en MONDAY,
0t 1( at 1
Cattle.•. -2 Holstein cows, 0 years old;:
2 Hereford sows, 4 years old with calves
at foot; 6Polled Angus vows, 4 years
v1,1 wins calves at fool; 4 yearling roll.,
ed Angus steers; 1 yearling Potted
epees heifer; 2 Hereford steers, 000 lb,;
2 Holstein spring calves.
Pigs -2 sows with litters, 10 chunks
100 lb,
ImpT, rents -•-Model 1) Case tractor,
1002 bbrtl tractor; Freeman manure
fader, McCormick tractor manure sprea-
dle; Massey ilarris 19 ft. power binder;
Stratford 3149 threshing machine with
new Ebersel feeder and cutter, neer drive
belt, 100 ft.; 7 0. McCormick power
mower; ;!.furrow Oi oleibutt plow; 4 -fur-
row Massey disc, plow ; 17 -tooth Massey
Harris cultivator; chimp rake; harrows;
wagon; hay rant; huyleader, sleighs;
flat rack with sides for grain; 19 ft,
roller; spray tank with hand pump,
largo set ..grain rollers; circular saw ;
new Titan chain saw ; pig crate; steel
pig feeder; 2000 Ib scales; fanning mill;
bag truck; wtsih,ge cart; blacksmith
forge; anvil; blacksmitl, vice; quantity
of rods; flat iron and angle iron; binek-
smith press drill; 20 Cher truck with
0 by 0 stake rack; Woods 2-mttt•milk-
bns machine with pipeline for 14 cows;
half horse Lelund motor; 6 mils eons;
by 14 colony house; brooder stove: i
cord stove and furnace wood; 4 rolls
snow fence; set of team harness; 42 ft,
extension ladder ; tattoo set; quantity of
lumber and plonks; 100
ft. of cable.
Hay and Grain -1900 lades hay, 1400
bushels mixed grain.
Some household effects,
'rims cash. No reserve. Farm sold.
ART COLSON, Prop.; Herold Jack-
son, Auctioneer; George Powell, Clerk.
The order of the Eastern Star will
hold a Euchre on Thurs., Oct. 13, in the
IOC)•' Hall, and a Bake Salo on Sat.,
Oct. 16, in the former Daly garage
Auction Sale
Of Household Effects, In the
Seafortli Arent, SAT., OCT, 8111,
at 1 P.111,
2 Piece chesterfield suile, 1
green occasional chair. 21" RCA
I September 211 and 30 •
-- Double Feature --
Alan Ladd -- Jeanne Crain
Mamie Van Doran • Jeff Richards
O)ne Cartoon,
October 1 and a
-- Double Feature --
Clint Walker -- 'Virginia Mayo
Robin Hughes
One Cartoon
October 4 and 5
(Adult Entertainment)
Color Cinenulscope
Ava Gardner - Anthony Franciosa.
One Cartoon
Fill the car on Tuesday Night
Bring the Whole Family
television set. Ileitlzman piano. I"
Funeral Service
mantel radio, General) AMBULANCE
Electric refrigeratorie, large size, • Prompt and Careful Attention
\Vestinghousn oloctrstoves, Itis- Hospital Bed
chen range, A-1 condition. Karo- Flowers for all eceasiens
seno 2 burner stove, kitchen ex-
' Phones: Day 43 Night 895W
tension table & chairs, foot stool,
steel utility table. Connor tinro
theme washing machine, ironing
board, clothes rack, clothes horse,
tub stand, tubs, large space heat-
er with electric fan, )tot plate,
sandwich toaster, medicine cabi-
net, end tables, magazine rack,
2 trilight lumps, desk lamp, bed
lamps, pictures, books, combine,
tion desk & book case, coffee
table, 2 boort cases, 9 piece (lining
room suite. 4 piece bedroom suite,
3 bells & dressers, 48" bed with
new mattress, chest of drawers,
Singer sewing machine & stool.
Davenport (like new). Electrolux
floor polisher, rug 9x10, Cotigol-
eunt rug 10x12. Baby bed, play
pen, pots, pans, dishes, quantity
outside paint, extension ladder,
step ladder, milk strainer, press-
ure cooker, rubber tired alnn>in-
nuc wheel barrow. Fencing block
& wire stretcher, steel post driv-
er, post maul, garden tools, 100
ft. garden hose, 3 metal feeders
for small pigs, 3 plastic egg bas-
kets. Chick water cans, 500 cap-
acity electric brooder, Winchester
22 long rifle (good). Stewart cat-
tle clippers (like new).
Other articles too numerous to
mention. Terns cash.
Prop. Neil Hillman
Auct., Harold Jackson
No reserve
Pink kitchen set. Kitchen
chairs and boy's bed, Phone 139-J
Custom combining, flax, beans, clover
seeds. Apply Carl J. Walker, Cromarty.
Phone 12r18, Dublin.>
Lightning evaporator and equipment;
2 furrow Ferguson plow; upright piano;
also Chyrlin hydraulic pump. Apply to
C. 3, Walker, Cromarty. Phone 1211.3,
Yellow brick house on Mtge la on the
Main street of Egmondville. Reasonably
priced to settle estate. Contact R. 6.
Reyes, 2282 Hall Are., Windsor, Ont.
DeKalb Hybrid pullets 20 weeks old
Sept. 22. These birds have been vaccin-
ated for Newcastle & bronchitis, de -
beaked and ready to lay. For further
information call Moore's Poultry Farm,
900031 or 8113 Seaforth
Township of Tuckersmith
The Township of Tuckersmith
will pay interest at the rate of
4% per annum from June 15th to
Dec, 16th on all Prepaid Taxes.
Certificates and full particulars
may be obtained at the Clerk's
Office, Tuckersmith, R 4 Seaforth
Cora Chesney, Treasurer
Township of Tuckersmith
Tuckersmith Township Munici-
pal Dump will be open from 1
p.m. to 6 p.m., on Wednesday and
Saturday afternoons, until further
Cora Chesney
Where Better Buns Are Used
Artificial Ineeminat'ion Service
is provided from bulls of all breeds
Farmer owned and controlled
and operate at oost
Summer calling hours: Between
7:30 and 9:30 a.>n, week days.
6:00 and 3:00 p.m, Saturday
For service er more information
call Clinton HU 2-8441 or for
long distance
Clinton Zenith 9.5650
Physician and Surgeon
I Phone 9e Seaforth
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 5-W Seaforth
0..A, McMaster, B.A., M.D., laterals,
P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon.
Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., dally
ageept Wednesday and Sunday
Evenings: Tuesdn.y, Thursday and Sate
=day only 1-9 p.m.
Appointments made in advance aro
W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S.
Phony 106 Seaforth
John E. Longstaff - Optometrist
Goderich St. W., Seaforth
Phone 791
Hours-Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to
6.90; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM. Thur. eve
1 by appointment only. Clinton HU -2.7010•
above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 6.80
Fresh PicOR ked den produce
right from the patch. Green
beans, yellow beans, green corn
and etc. Ambrose Acldley, 3rd
house oast of Iiinhurn on the
sott111 side. Phone 838r4,
Imported Dutch bulbs for fall plant-
ing. Twelve cetera of tulips, three colors
of hyacinths,. Daffodils and Paper White
Narcissus. These are all extra large
bulbs and will give you blooms to be
proud et in the spring, We are open
, every day and evening. Baker's drew -
house, your garden centre, Seaforth,
• Fire
• Auto
• Accident
• Liability
• Weather
Complete Coverages
W. E. Southgate
Phone 334 Res. 540
'blue coal'
Phone 573 or 332-R
Office Phone 784 - Res. 2'88
We write all lines of
Fire Auto Wind
Liability & Life
Phone 214 Seaforth
IN OA 1. NMI metera•liaMISMONOMI
Hudson Sterling
Phone 47
The McKillop Mutual Fire
lIlsurance Co.
Officers -- President, ,john L. Malone,
Seaforth ; Vice Pres., John Ir. Mc5wing,
Blyth ; Sac.-Treas., W. E. Southgate.
Directors, Norman Trewarths, Clinton.
J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Chris Loonbardt,
Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth;
John H. MtEwing, Blyth ; Wm. 8. Alex-
ander, Walton ; Harvey Fuller, Galeria ;
J. E. Pepper, Bruoofleld; Allister Broad -
foot, Seaforth.
Agents - Wlllinm Leiper Jt•„ Londee-
boro ; V. J. Lane, nu 6 Seaforth l Selwyn
Baker. Brussels; Herold Squires, Clin-
ton ; James Keys, Seaforth.
Farms - Homes - Motels - Stores
Business . Chattels - Accounts
Receivable • Inventory -
Fast service anywhere in Canada
Valleyfield Placements Ltd.
450-A Wilson Ave., Downsview
Stnfo•th phoee
ing. Wail washing. Small repairs. Floor
mainteunnay. Chrtnging storms and
screens. General Janitor work. House-
' cleaning. Brick and plastering repairing.
Superior our name, Superior our aim
RAY SQUIRE, box 326, Seaforth